This was easily the most difficult recruitment decision I've had to make so far. It was clear to me from the start that I would have to disappoint a lot of qualified people.
Main requirement was
veteran status, meaning a combination of join date and post count, with some emphasis on join date. This is because players who have been here since the beginning, are more likely to stick around until the end. Other requirements were staff titles, current activity, etc.
I removed a couple of applications because I felt that they would not be suitable for this job. Most of the applicants however were people that would make great Arena Moderators, but unfortunately I was cursed with only 6 available spots.
Other than removing a couple of applications, I tried to be as objective as possible with the remaining applications and mainly look at the facts, not my subjective opinions on who should get the job, although most of the time those two are in sync.
Here is the list:
New Arena Moderators(in alphabetical order)EssenceHigurashiKamietsupikachufan2164willng3ZbladerOne of the names on the list was suggested by Zanz, 4 names were picked using methods I described earlier, and one name was picked between two people by flipping a coin because I felt that both applicants were equal and I wanted RNG to decide rather than me. With equal candidates, it's more fair that way.
I am very happy with this lineup. Some reliable and hard-working people were left out, but with only 6 spots, that was unavoidable. Congratulations to all 6. You will be given the titles and passwords during the next few days.
Anyone who applied and thought they should have been picked instead, feel free to PM me and ask why you were not picked, although the most likely reason is join date and/or post count, or you were that very unlucky person who lost the coin flip.
I will keep all the applications in safe place, and if more Arena Moderators are needed, people who applied this time, will be looked at first.