I'm here a little late. The chances that I'll get voted for a speech in the middle of the fourth page doesn't seem that great, even when its as great as mine.
Which brings me to the problem... what speech?
I could write the best speech of my life, a masterpiece, and still probably be beated by someone who has a flashier forum title and 500 more posts than me, who didn't write anything. Would that make me a better candidate than him/her?
Quite frankly, I don't think I especially need a motivational speech here. There is no apocalypse, hovering inches away from our lives, only stoppable by the determination of the masses. All I need to do is prove, that I can do the job.
Here one could list one's achievements (wrote and rewrote Air's propaganda speech -with help- until it was argueably the best one, was appointed GS&F Moderator by the Original Elements council ect ect).
But, again, what is the point?
As far as I can tell, from my limited viewpoint of the elements council, I don't see things being done. They are chosen, because they are the ones who decide who can get things done.
And I promise you, I will look for the best damn candidate who can get things done, regardless of things such as forum titles, time spent on chat, high post counts if I am chosen.
And I will do the best damn job I can on anything else handed to me.
This isn't your typical "speech" as you've discovered by now. Don't like it? Don't vote for me.
Just make sure you vote for the ones who will be able to do a better job than me.