[00:00:00] ‹Kuroaitou› Where am I?
[00:00:00] ‹skyironsword› Soul integration successful. Running command prompt.
[00:00:24] ‹Kuroaitou› Wait, what?
[00:00:24] ‹skyironsword› Subject prone to frequent inquiring. Noted.
[00:00:38] ‹Kuroaitou› ...
[00:03:40] ‹skyironsword› Soul network online.
[00:03:40] Kuroaitou joined.
[00:03:41] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I'm serious.
[00:03:45] ‹xray1324› I know, I know, I couldn't resist.
[00:03:55] ‹Kuroaitou› Uhhh... Where am I?!
[00:04:01] ‹Linkcat› Stop asking questions!
[00:04:02] ‹iancudorinmarian› I don't know, where are you?
[00:04:41] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Kuroaitou› Well I mean right now you're in blab
[00:04:55] ‹Kuroaitou› I cannot see ANYTHING.
[00:05:01] ‹Linkcat› Put your faith in the light!
[00:05:21] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Kuroaitou› Well you can see chat right?
[00:05:39] ‹Kuroaitou› I can hear you in my head, but no, I can't see chat.
[00:06:02] ‹iancudorinmarian› Um.
[00:07:24] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ...
[00:08:02] ‹Discord› Uh... Kuro?
[00:09:01] ‹Linkcat› Do you have the artifact?
[00:11:14] Kuroaitou left.
[00:11:14] ‹skyironsword› Subject deleted due to disruption of social activity.