
Offline Kamietsu

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34878#msg34878
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2010, 12:53:05 am »
Round 2
Next move: Green

●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●

╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

Offline mafidufa

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34884#msg34884
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2010, 01:04:03 am »

Round 2
Next move: Orange

●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●

Ahh, I reread the rules and jumping makes sense now. Also you can get trapped by your own tail anywhere on the edge of the board. It takes determination though.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34886#msg34886
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2010, 01:08:08 am »
Round 3
Next Move: Blue

●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●

Actually you can't get trapped by yourself on the edge. You'll be surrounded by your tail, yes, but you can move to the location where the end of you tail is because the end of your tail must move too.


  • Guest
Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34888#msg34888
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2010, 01:09:35 am »
Round 3
Next Move: Yello

●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :life   ●

:) Fixed a small continued error.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34891#msg34891
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2010, 01:11:32 am »
What error was that? And interesting move, icy... I expected you to go up.

Offline Terroking

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34895#msg34895
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2010, 01:13:51 am »
I'll join is this one as well
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.


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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34897#msg34897
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2010, 01:14:26 am »
What error was that? And interesting move, icy... I expected you to go up.
Extra space near the end of the bottom row.

I can't go up because I would go off the edge of the board.
If you're referring to the :fire, I still can't because I'm blocked by my tail.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34903#msg34903
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2010, 01:19:38 am »
I'll join is this one as well
Which color do you want Terro? I don't mind if go with me, I'm studying right now so it will save me some time from having to go through the process of posting here...


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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34904#msg34904
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2010, 01:20:28 am »
you can still get locked in the corner by your tail...

Offline Kamietsu

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34906#msg34906
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2010, 01:22:51 am »
Round 3
Next Move: green

●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :life   ●

╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34907#msg34907
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2010, 01:25:33 am »
you can still get locked in the corner by your tail...
True, didn't think of that. Ok, if anyone somehow happens to get trapped by their tail in the corner, just decrease the length of your tail by 1 each turn until you can get out (you should be able to get out on your second turn, because the end of your tail will be next to you, so you can move there).

Offline mafidufa

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34909#msg34909
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2010, 01:27:51 am »
Round 3
Next Move: Orange

●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
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●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●


