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Messages - TheMadEvil (231)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 20
Religion / Re: Favorite Christian Musicians
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:33:21 pm »
Faith +1 google it. Not i'm not christian though
umm, yeah....with Token on bass :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Member Cards
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:27:35 pm »

Card Art / Re: Art request: Aether Sword
« on: March 15, 2010, 10:28:39 pm »
Check out Segals "Exit Wounds" for lame fighting with guillotine blades torn from cutting tables.
umm, sorry, I gave up on Segal a long time ago... I do know he now has his own t.v. show, he's fat, and acts like a cop

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Best weapon contest entry: atmosphere
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:47:16 pm »
wow...a double Thunderstorm every turn. IMO that's OP, even at a cost of 8. This thing could wipe most creatures in 2-3 turns. It's good if it attacks target creatures, but every creature is a bit much

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Best Weapon Idea Contest Entry - Boomerang
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:14:40 pm »
lol...i didn't realize that administrators use the tl;dr excuse :)
I've seen SG use the tl;dr excuse a couple of times, including one in one of my own threads :P
bah, tl;dr. Your post sucks anyways  :P

Card Art / Re: Art request: Aether Sword
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:13:35 pm »
Machine guns? Pah. REAL men use detached guillotine blades.
Why do I have flashes of Steven Segal here?

I get more Bleach than Steven Segal. Ikkaku's bankai is basically a giant guillotine :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Best Weapon Idea Contest Entry - Mind Spike
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:07:14 pm »
3 :darkness multi-cast would be fine.

This is not very effective against rainbows 'cuz rainbows use QP(/QT, same below). You need 9 :darkness each turn to nullify the quanta produced by 1 QP. And rainbow typically have >10QP, so you need 90 :darkness/turn to counter it, which is impossible.
Just because a deck runs 10-20 pillars/towers, doesn't mean the have them all out by turn 10. Also, QP/T generate random quanta, which means you can siphon small amounts and still possibly drain one or two pools. You don't have to drain all pools to keep rainbow from using certain cards.

As Puppy has said, PA'd Fahren is more powerful than this. Fahren is a rare, so would you feel better if this is a rare?
Umm, Fahren *can be* more powerful than this, that doesn't mean it always is. If you set up a deck to abuse Fahren, of course it's more powerful than pretty much any other weapon out there, especially when looking purely at damage dealt. However, if you don't have a "Red Deck Wins" type of deck (massive amounts of :fire generated), then your Fahren doesn't get all that powerful. It only does 15 damage when you have 50 :fire . This, however, doesn't require massive amounts of :aether, upped only requires 1 per turn, meaning all your other :aether is open to play other cards, unlike Fahren.

maybe put a turn count on reducing attack? say, reduce attack for 2 turns, to prevent locking down the opponent? I get the original idea of the card, siphoning life (attack) from a creature in order to create a shade, but it just seems too powerful to have both abilities come not only from the same card, but the same ability. IMO permanently reducing attack is something that should not come with a benefit for yourself. It is a very powerful ability, not yet reversible (most likely because its not implemented), and so needs a detriment instead of a benefit. High cost, reversibility, etc. Possibly make it go away over turns, suck 2 attack, they regain 1 per turn?
I've decided to remove the Vampire ability from the Shades. Tell me if it's still OP.

Really, with Shades being 2/0, even if you have an Eclipse out, all they'll be is 4/1. Elite Fireflies are 4/2, and they generate Fire.

Maybe I should apply a new status to creatures whose ATK had been reduced. Maybe it should become default game mechanic that when the ATK is reduced, it will recover by 1 per turn.
I think that would be a good idea as well :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Best Weapon Idea Contest Entry - Boomerang
« on: March 12, 2010, 07:46:36 pm »
lol...i didn't realize that administrators use the tl;dr excuse :)

Deck Help / Re: My random Deck
« on: March 12, 2010, 03:57:46 pm »
I would suggest a Green Shard or Hourglass

Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

If you are talking about Masters, they are not supposed to "work" that much because their role is a bit different and they are not part of the forum staff. However there is one "Big Job" in every 2 month period a Master holds his/her crown. The "Big Job" for the current Masters hasn't started yet. It's usually something that helps the community, like updating forums, wiki, etc. It's 100% volunteer work but finishing "Big Job" gives that Master extra points when it comes to defend the title.

If you are talking about Event Organizers, that's probably the second most time consuming title at the moment after Admin.
sorry, easy to be taken out of context...
I was just reading the thread about a new wiki editor, where BS was talking about feeling like he's being lazy...I was just jokingly alluding to that
I guess I also forgot to add the /sarcasm tag...

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