InC: Having overheard the conversation, or at least enough to understand the idea, Korugar walked up to the Captain and asked, "Where and what direction was he last seen going?"
InC: Yeah, sorry about that. I'm used to playing an old version of DnD and we mostly did the roleplay in first-person and not third-person.
That's fine, I'm sure you'll get used to it.
By the way, you have your "OOC" and "InC" backwards
Uhh, we left when he was rampaging the village.
"That man by definition is your hero, however it was only by shear luck he wasn't your enemy. That man is destroying everything in his path, had his path taken him through your lines you would not be standing here today. Count your blessings. We are currently on a mission to find out this mans history and we were on our way to the tree house to gather information on him and perhaps restock our supplies. Do you by chance have any elves that saw his attack first hand?"
"Zombified elves are killed instantly. Thankfully, none of the officers were hit"
"BULLSHIT!" shouts the soldier. "Listen man, you've got to help us. We've been lugging a wounded commander the whole way, and he's zombiefied alright. Bit his whole squad before the battle was over. We had to kill the squad, but does subject 0 get killed? No. And it's high time we dumped him."
"Colonel Gunnarr is a war hero and we WILL heal him."
"The medics are going to die if we keep this up!"
"Speaking of which," says the captain with a wry grin, "isn't it your turn on medic duty? Today is a day of victory."
"Victory indeed," says the insubordinate soldier, suddenly less eager to revolt.