At least I have achieved something of merit in the name of Justice, and permitting Sirenes' access stands as a testimony to that.Catyrael smiled inwardly briefly.
Until before him, Jonathan began to transform once more, calling in menacing tones to Emparael, while the latter accepted without hesitation.
"Emparael, enough conflict and antagonism on the Middle Plane has occurred today; reconsider your decision to fight, please."
"I recognise an ancient enemy from the First Golden Age when I behold him; stay out of this, Catyrael, for there shall be no Justice governing such encounters save for the principles of honour, and I am honourable. The fight that was begun ten thousand years ago shall be ended presently."
"He is of your power, Emparael; bear in mind that he is a Master."
"A Master? Maybe, but of what? Ultimately, he is but another pathetic creature of foul, vile and base Darkness."
And with that, he declared, "The Archangel of War accepts your little challenge,
Jonathan", deliberately not using the mentioned man's true name, and then, within the blink of eye, the Ancient Sword of War was in his hand, long, menacing, and yet elegant, glowing with a golden-red light, glinting off the Light of the Sun.
In the meantime, in the skies, Vaderael, hearing the half-Nymph's query, responded gravely, "This is an ancient duel between two great foes, dating from the First Golden Age, ten thousand years ago. Of its outcome, I cannot know, but where Emparael is concerned, know that it is extremely difficult to kill an Archangel."
Emparael demonstrates his xenophobia and prejudice against Darkness, but he remains an honourable character, or at least, honourable by his definition of the term: a compromise between the stances of Purity and Blood

Also, if Bloodshadow is approximately equivalent to Emparael's regular form presently, I do not think the true form of the Archangel will be warranted; I would rather use that when true warfare occurs.
Finally, Emparael has significant personal prejudices against Demons because his father was the Chief Guardian of the Peace before the First Golden Age, and was slain by Obyrinths during the titanic conflict in which Heaven, Hell loyalists and a few courageous heroes from the Middle Plane sealed the monstrosities away. Further, during the First Golden Age, when Heaven reigned supreme, Darkness in general was disdained and looked down upon; Emparael still possesses that antiquated attitude.
However, the War against the Obyrinths was pre-Utarius; Hell was invaded afterwards during a conflict between the two realms during the First Golden Age, and at that time, the strength of Heaven was so mighty that it was victorious, and a Protectorate of Heaven was actually established in Hell, lasting until the end of the Age. However, the conflict was more of Emparael's personal adventure than an official war fought with Heaven as a clearly indicated belligerent, mainly because Solraegiel would never have approved. However, with Emparael's decisive victory and establishment of a Protectorate in Hell, he simply presented the
fait accompli to Solraegiel, and there was very little the latter could do about it. Provided this historical background, I can understand why Bloodshadow would have grievances with Emparael.