Congrats, mafia.
I personally think Sub made the right play, and results prove it was at least one that worked. End of the last day was excessive, but everything leading up to that was fine. Town already agreed Geo and timpa were mafia so not bussing them, knowing full well they are perceived as mafia, could be taken as a way to save scum. You also cannot have Geo and timpa help you out with voting on Cal (too soon), since that just makes it even more suspicious. As a minor flipside, Sub still being alive that long should also have been perceived with more suspicion.
For me, I saw no reason for kaempfer to continue tunneling Calindu after N2. I flipped town, Cal had adrenalined two town Shriekers. It wasn't until andre and Geo voting patterns that I felt Calindu become suspicious again, which was apparently just inactivity that Sub successfully turned against Calindu. Because mafia only bussing mafia after 4/7 or 3/5 votes were already in place? That's the most logical (but obvious and transparent) play.
Not interested in a full discussion on this, just felt the need to throw in my thoughts instead of having Sub feel bad over a successful mafia play.