Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Other Topics => Forum Games => Off-Topic Discussions => Forum Game Archive => Topic started by: Linkcat on May 12, 2020, 12:49:14 am

Title: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 12, 2020, 12:49:14 am
Elements Mafia

Started by Mastermind79, Continued by killsdazombies, Implosion, ddevans96, icecoldbro, Demagog, Purity_Riot, Dragoon1140, killsdazombies, 1world24, RavingRabbid, majofa, TStar, killsdazombies, mesaprotector, Regen2k9, Kuroaitou, whatifidogetcaught?, UnderneathTheLens, RootRanger, killsdazombies, Elbirn, ji412jo, dawn to dusk, eljoemo, Zawadx, killsdazombies, theelkspeaks, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Dm, Espithel, killsdazombies, skyironsword, Submachine, Coffeeditto, mathman101, Naesala, Ginyu, Linkcat, Solaris, Ryli, killsdazombies, Naii_the_Baf, and PlayerOa.

All of the players in the game are collectively referred to as the Town. The Town is split into two factions. There is a minority faction, the mafia (False Gods), and a majority faction, the innocents (Elementals). The False Gods start the game with the knowledge of who the other members are, and their goal is to kill all of the Elementals. The Elementals start the game not knowing who is a False God and who is a fellow Elemental, and their goal is to kill all of the False Gods.

The game is split into two phases. It generally starts with a Night Phase, in which the False Gods choose one member of the Town to kill. This is called the Nightkill. Also, players may use abilities given to them by their roles during this phase. Following each Night Phase is the Day Phase. During the day, the Town may choose to lynch one player through the use of votes. Each player gets one vote, and the person with the most votes at the end of the day is lynched and removed from the game. This cycle continues until either all of the False Gods are dead, or the number of False Gods is equal to or greater than the number of Elementals at the beginning of a Day Phase. This is called reaching parity.

How to determine who is mafia and who is innocent is entirely up to the players. As a False God your job is to blend into the Town and direct lynches onto Elementals without giving yourself away. As an Elemental your job is to use logic, reason, tells, intuition, and any abilities you may have to determine who the False Gods are and lynch them. An inactive town will easily fall prey to the mafia, so try to generate as much information as possible. In the game of mafia you have two main weapons; your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Village - Town
Villager - Innocent
Civ - Innocent
Wolf - Mafia
Scum - Mafia
Alignment - Primary Role
Rand/Roll - Having a role assigned to you
PR/Power Role - Roles that are very useful to the town - usually includes cop and medic
Cop - A role that has the ability to determine the alignment of another player
Medic - A role that has the ability to protect other players from the Nightkill
Shoot - To use an ability that would kill another player
Claim/Roleclaim - To say that you have a specific role
Civvy Central - A group of confirmed innocents
Scummy - Acting like a mafia
Towny - Acting like an innocent
Town-Cred/Town Points - Factors that make it more likely that a player is innocent
Read - How scummy or towny you think someone is
Tunnel - Having tunnel vision on a single player
Hammer - Casting the final vote needed for a lynch
Bus - To throw a fellow mafia member under the bus to get town-cred
Breadpost - Shitpost
EBWOP - Edit By Way Of Post - Making another post with changes instead of editing a previous one
RQS - Random Question Stage, a common way to start games where one player puts forth a survey of questions for every player to answer
OMGUS - Oh My God, U Suck - Voting on the person who voted on you
WIFOM - Wine In Front Of Me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9TRMQwMNnY) - The dilemma that arises from trying to predict whether someone has made an optimal but expected choice, or a suboptimal but unexpected one

General Mafia Rules

1. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from this mafia. You are allowed one death post that contains no information or commentary about the players.
2. You are not allowed to edit or remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means you must post again with the correct fixes.
3. Directly quoting or providing proof in any way of any PM sent by the host will result in an instant modkill and referral to the FGO.
4. You are not allowed to directly quote any PM sent by another player, unless you are quoting it to a fellow mafia member confirmed by the host.
5. You are not allowed to request to be modkilled in the thread. If you PM the host requesting to be modkilled, the host must find a substitute or modkill you at the end of the phase.
6. All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Throwing the game or outing your teammates for no strategic value is not allowed.
7. The host has the final say in any dispute. Do not impersonate the host.
8. Any flaming/trolling will not be tolerated.
9. Players' actions should be motivated by this game's events solely. You may look at past mafias to determine behaviors for better reads, but keep personal affairs out of the game.
10. Anything said within the context of the game, including promises, bets, etc, stays within the game. Players can lie, deceive, and manipulate, (but not cheat) in any way they like. Slander within the context of the game is usually not meant as a personal offense.
*Any use of the word PM by the host or FGO refers to any method of communication outside of the game thread and the blab chat.

Breaking any of the above rules may result in a modkill as determined by the host, or a ban from future mafias or forum games in general as determined by the Forum Game Organizer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 12, 2020, 05:51:44 am
Elements Mafia Reunion
Based on Mafia 34 by Elbirn. Heavily modified by Linkcat, Coffeeditto, and killsdazombies.

Phase Links

Night 0 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296852/#msg1296852)
Day 1 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296975/#msg1296975)
Night 1 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297657/#msg1297657)
Day 2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297831/#msg1297831)
Night 2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298273/#msg1298273)
Day 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298420/#msg1298420)
Night 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298764/#msg1298764)
Day 4 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298847/#msg1298847)
Night 4 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298984/#msg1298984)
Day 5 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1299065/#msg1299065)
Night 5 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1299118/#msg1299118)
Day 6 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1299152/#msg1299152)
Night 6 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1299221/#msg1299221)
Day 7 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1299277/#msg1299277)
End of Mafia 73 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1299335/#msg1299335)

1. iancudorinmarian False God - Arctic Squid - Lynched D3
2. TheonlyrealBeef Elemental - Graboid - Nightkilled N2
3. worldwideweb3 Elemental - Golden Nymph - Nightkilled N0
4. Annele Elemental - Otyugh - Nightkilled N5
5. kaempfer13 Elemental - Crusader
6. Calindu Elemental - Green Nymph - Lynched D7
7. Linkcat Elemental - Toadfish - Lynched D2
8. moehrpi Elemental - Deja Vu - Nightkilled N1
9. Submachine False God - Dragonfly
10. serprex Elemental - Deja Vu - Nightkilled N3
11. MasterWalks Elemental - Dragonfly - Nightkilled N6
12. andretimpa False God - Anubis - Lynched D5
13. rob77dp Elemental - Fate Egg - Lynched D4
14. shockcannon Elemental - Psion - Devoured N4
15. killsdazombies Elemental - Vulture - Nightkilled N4
16. DoubleCapitals Elemental - Mind Flayer - Died of poison N3
17. Coffeeditto Elemental - Seraph - Devoured N0
18. Ge0metry v1.2 False God - Ghost of the Past - Lynched D6

Game Rules

1. The game will start on Night 0, which will be followed by Day 1. You may post during the Night.
2. The Nightkill is factional and cannot be tracked or roleblocked, but still counts as an ability that targets.
3. If the lynch is tied, No Lynch will occur.
4. You are allowed to vote for No Lynch. You are also allowed to vote for a 1 hour or 24 hour extension. The votes are counted in a separate tally and you may only do one extension per phase.
5. Clearly declaring your intent to vote without using the proper format is a valid way to vote.
6. Town wins if all the Mafia are dead. Mafia wins if they achieve parity at the beginning of a Day.
7. The Day will not end until both the timer has ended and 5 minutes have passed since the last vote, or if 30 minutes have passed after the deadline. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any vote swapping trolling/juggling.
8. If you do not post for three consecutive phases, or for any 2 Day phases, you will be modkilled.
9. NO COMMUNICATION IS ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THIS THREAD, EXCEPT FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE MAFIA OR DEJA VU You may communicate in the official Elements blab chat, but all relevant messages MUST be posted in this thread immediately afterward. Not following this rule will result in the chat being restricted.
10. I reserve the right to make any changes to the ruleset in order to maintain the integrity and balance of the game.

Primary Roles

False Gods

The False Gods start the game as a team. Their goal is to kill all of the Elementals. Each Night, they perform a Nightkill on an Elemental of their choosing. The Nightkill interrupts lower priority targets.


The Elementals are the townsfolk of the game. Their goal is to kill all of the False Gods through lynching and the use of abilities.

Secondary Roles

All Secondary abilities are activated by PMing your action to the host during the Night Phase. You may not target yourself with any ability unless specified. If an EoR ability fails, you may use it again on the next Night. If an OU ability fails, you may use it again.

ER - Every Round.
EoR - Every Other Round.
OU - One Use.
Passive - Triggers Automatically.

Information Roles

Golden Nymph - EoR
Precognition - Target a player. Reveal their Primary role to you. You cannot be protected from the Nightkill. Exactly one Elemental and zero False Gods will start with this role.

Psion - ER
Psionic Link - Target a player. Their secondary abilities are revealed to you.

Dragonfly - ER
Fly on the Wall - Target a player. You see who they targeted and who targeted them this Night, regardless of priority.

Deja Vu - Passive
Deja Vu - You may communicate with your fellow Deja Vu by PM at any time, even if your ability is blocked. If Deja Vu is rolled by a player, there will be exactly one other player with the same role. They will both be Elementals. If any player gains the Deja Vu role, or loses it due to Hatch or Obsession, all surviving Deja Vu will receive a PM from the host to confirm this.

Firefly Queen - ER
Queen - Generate a firefly that follows target player. The fireflies will report back to you each Night with all abilities that they saw activated, but the cute little guys aren't smart enough to tell you whether an ability was used by your target or on your target. Fireflies are unaffected by all abilities that prevent targeting. If a firefly doesn't witness any abilities, it will wander near your target and be caught. The target will be notified if they catch a firefly. Fireflies cannot report higher priority activity and will act as not seeing an ability if that's the only thing they would see.

Iridium Warden - ER
Guard - Target a player. They can not be targeted by other players' secondary abilities, and you learn the names of any abilities blocked.

Offensive Roles

If two roleblocking roles with the same priority target each other, both abilities fail. If only one targets the other, the ability of the one that was targeted fails.

Toadfish - OU
Inflate - Target player is Poisoned.

Otyugh - OU
Devour - Target player dies and your role is revealed. If you eat a Toadfish or a player that was Poisoned, you become Poisoned.

Mind Flayer - ER
Psionic Wave - Target a player. They cannot use their ability this Night. Cannot disable Burrow.

Arctic Squid - EoR
Freeze - Target player is Frozen.

Ghost of the Past - ER
Obsession - Target a player. Only affects one player at a time. When you die, their secondary roles have their abilities replaced with Obsessed - ER - Activates automatically. You can't stop thinking about a dead man.

Defensive Roles

Guardian Angel - ER
Heal - Target any player including yourself. They are protected from the Nightkill and any further Offensive Roles that target them this Night. This ability fails if the target was Healed by a Guardian Angel on the previous Night.

Graboid - OU
Evolve - Become a Shrieker. You start the game Burrowed.

Shrieker - ER
Burrow/Unburrow - Switch between being Burrowed and unburrowed. You may not start the game with this role.

Seraph - EoR
Divine Shield - You cannot be targeted this Night.

Phoenix - OU
Ash - This role automatically activates during the phase you die. If this ability is successful, you can talk after your death.

Anubis - EoR
Immortality - Target any player including yourself. They become Immaterial.

Green Nymph - ER
Adrenaline - Target any player including yourself. They gain Adrenaline.

Amber Nymph - EoR
Unstoppable - Target any player including yourself. They gain Momentum.

Iridium Warden - ER
Guard - Target a player. They can not be targeted by other players' secondary abilities, and you learn the names of any abilities blocked.

Role Roles

These roles do not disappear when you use them. When you die these roles will be revealed along with any others.

Crusader - OU
Endow - Target a player. You gain their secondary ability. Passive abilities trigger immediately. Can be used again if the ability fails.

Vulture - OU
Scavenger - Gain target dead player's secondary role. Only Vultures can target dead players.

"Fun" Roles

Fate Egg - Passive
Hatch - Activates automatically at the start of each Night Phase. You receive a random secondary role other than Fate Egg, and you are disguised as that role if investigated or revealed. You can use your received role. The roles given by Fate Egg are replaced every time Hatch gives you a new role, but abilities given by Endow and Scavenger will stay.

Status Effects

You are notified when you gain a status effect, except for Poison which notifies you on the start of the Night that you would die. Status effects are permanent, unless it's mentioned otherwise.

Burrowed - You may not vote or be targeted by any ability. Burrowed players do not count towards parity. Voting while Burrowed without Adrenaline will result in a modkill.

Poisoned - You die at the end of the second Night Phase after you were poisoned.

Frozen - You may not vote or use any secondary ability. Wears off at the end of the Day Phase. Voting while Frozen will result in a modkill.

Adrenaline - You ignore the Frozen status, you may vote while Burrowed, and you die immediately when Poisoned. If you have an EoR ability other than Precognition, you may use it as if it was an [ER] ability.

Immaterial - You may not be targeted by any secondary ability. Wears off after death.

Momentum - The activations and effects of your abilities can not be prevented or redirected, unless the target is Burrowed. However, being Frozen or Guarded can still block your ability. Momentum does not help abilities that would normally fail (no consecutive Heals). Ignores Immaterial.

Role Priority

Hatch [Fate Egg]
Burrow/Unburrow [Graboid/Shrieker]
Psionic Wave [Mind Flayer]
Queen [Firefly Queen]
Divine Shield [Seraph]
Guard [Iridium Warden]
Freeze [Arctic Squid]
Unstoppable/Adrenaline [Amber Nymph/Green Nymph]
Immortality [Anubis]
Heal/Endow/Scavenger [Guardian Angel/Crusader/Vulture]
Obsession [Ghost of the Past]
Ash [Phoenix]
Inflate [Toadfish]
Devour [Otyugh]
Precognition/Psionic Link/Fly on the Wall/Deja Vu [Golden Nymph/Psion/Dragonfly/Deja Vu]

Signup List

1. iancudorinmarian
2. TheonlyrealBeef
3. worldwideweb3
4. Annele
5. kaempfer13
6. Calindu
7. Linkcat
8. moehrpi
9. Submachine
10. serprex
11. MasterWalks
12. andretimpa
13. rob77dp
14. shockcannon
15. killsdazombies
16. DoubleCapitals
17. Coffeeditto
18. Ge0metry v1.2

Signups have ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 12, 2020, 07:41:43 am
Inb4 Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 12, 2020, 07:59:04 am
Guess I'll join.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 12, 2020, 08:55:39 am

Hopefully it’s not too time consuming
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 12, 2020, 09:02:14 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 12, 2020, 09:15:14 am
my activity will be much lower than you know from me, but /in
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 12, 2020, 10:04:57 am
Why not, don't expect insane activity from me pls
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 12, 2020, 11:19:53 am

Taking player feedback into account, the main changes from last time are Warden not blocking the ability of the target, buff to Green Nymph, new Deja Vu Mason role, the option to vote for extending the phase, and stricter inactivity modkills.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 12, 2020, 11:28:10 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 12, 2020, 01:01:35 pm
Wait, this.. this is still here? O_O I haven't read the rules yet, but.. count me in, please.

Link! I know you will read this. It is kinda late, but congrats on Master of Games!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 12, 2020, 01:47:31 pm
take 2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 12, 2020, 06:07:29 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 12, 2020, 07:10:51 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 12, 2020, 07:46:07 pm
Game rule #9 eh? I'm in.  8-)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 12, 2020, 08:07:24 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 13, 2020, 12:31:15 pm
Game rule #9 eh? I'm in.  8-)

It has been for a while though hasn't it?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 16, 2020, 05:31:55 am
Somebody has to die first and im willing to make that me

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 16, 2020, 07:32:28 am
I can't run away from this shit tbh
Nobody can, actually.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Coffeeditto on May 17, 2020, 02:55:32 am
I'd like to participate
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 19, 2020, 08:20:16 am
Hello all, lots of familiar names here. Not sure if anyone remembers me but I played Elements way way back. Hosted and played a good amount of impromptu chat mafias in I think around 2014? Came back to the forums out of boredom a few days ago.

Count me in for this game of Mafia :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 19, 2020, 07:31:11 pm
A bit under one day left to join.~

I think we have enough players, so please don't extend the timer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 19, 2020, 08:15:30 pm
A bit under one day left to join.~

I think we have enough players, so please don't extend the timer.
Sub (1) - rob77dp

Edit not by way of post because. ��
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 19, 2020, 08:56:03 pm
Wait, one day now? Boy, time sure does fly, no wonder I couldn't keep the master title
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 20, 2020, 07:27:17 am
A bit under one day left to join.~

I think we have enough players, so please don't extend the timer.
Sub (1) - rob77dp

Edit not by way of post because. ��
...or do extend, ain't matter.
I am just a dinosaur, you don't have to listen to me. :silly:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 20, 2020, 07:00:32 pm
Signups have ended! I will now randomize roles. Night 0 will start once I have sent out all the PMs.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 20, 2020, 07:53:45 pm
Night 0

Men will fight. It is finally night.

There are 4 False Gods and 14 Elementals. You should all have received a PM with your roles, let me know if you haven't got one yet. Phases will be 48 hours long, and end at GMT 1900 unless otherwise stated. I reserve the right to extend phases if I'm not available to end the phase at time, but I'll post here if that becomes the case.

Best of luck to everybody!

Night 0 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 20, 2020, 07:56:28 pm
As per tradition, chat roll says the 4 mafia are: Annele, iancudorinmarian, Calindu, seprex

Feels wrong to me...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 20, 2020, 08:02:55 pm
I got kaemp, annele, sub and kdz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 20, 2020, 08:05:38 pm
Can't be right if I'm not in the list. Sure feels good getting into a game again... Been too long.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 20, 2020, 08:08:47 pm
Obv its us four. We really should just turn ourselves in. Save us all some trouble
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 20, 2020, 08:13:47 pm
As per tradition, chat roll says the 4 mafia are: Annele, iancudorinmarian, Calindu, seprex

Feels wrong to me...

I say we lynch this seprex character right away, they aren't even one of the listed players

seprex (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 20, 2020, 08:16:26 pm
Am I mafia? I don’t know. How long do you think I can resist checking my role? :D

(Don’t worry Oa, I will, eventually.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 20, 2020, 08:16:49 pm
As per tradition, chat roll says the 4 mafia are: Annele, iancudorinmarian, Calindu, seprex

Feels wrong to me...

Your chat rolls always finds me :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 20, 2020, 08:20:06 pm
Am I mafia? I don’t know. How long do you think I can resist checking my role? :D

(Don’t worry Oa, I will, eventually.)
I like that, I regret checking mine now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 20, 2020, 08:22:42 pm
Am I mafia? I don’t know. How long do you think I can resist checking my role? :D

(Don’t worry Oa, I will, eventually.)
I like that, I regret checking mine now
The inbox count is a spoiler. 1 is Town, 2 is Mafia, don't cha know?

Also, congrats, I'm not a Golden Nymph so, I won't be fucking Town's game anytime unlike the last time
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 20, 2020, 08:31:45 pm
Am I mafia? I don’t know. How long do you think I can resist checking my role? :D

(Don’t worry Oa, I will, eventually.)
I like that, I regret checking mine now
The inbox count is a spoiler. 1 is Town, 2 is Mafia, don't cha know?

Also, congrats, I'm not a Golden Nymph so, I won't be fucking Town's game anytime unlike the last time
I see only one way someone could know just how many inbox items a False God would receive...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 20, 2020, 08:32:47 pm
Or town would receive... For that matter.

Actually, only Oa knows for sure.  8-)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 20, 2020, 08:36:39 pm
Just played enough mafia to know this from experience~

/me whistles
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 20, 2020, 08:37:56 pm
EBWOP in case it isn't clear:
the 2nd inbox as mafia is usually a PM containing a link to a mafia titanpad or similar. Is titanpad still around? idk man
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 20, 2020, 09:15:56 pm
My inbox had 2 PMs in it and I'm not mafia.

I've tried not checking my role before. It's a ton of fun but not a good idea in practice. Read Mafia 69 to find out why. It's short for a reason.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 20, 2020, 11:27:49 pm
As per tradition, chat roll says the 4 mafia are: Annele, iancudorinmarian, Calindu, seprex

Feels wrong to me...

I feel like that was the mafia list the last time I played, so checks out
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 21, 2020, 02:47:46 am
If the info everyone has shared so far is truthful, then I'm pretty sure at least 4 players know I'm not the mafia.

Yet, this may not be enough to convince some of you thicker skulled common folk.

So I propose a game where I share a little bit about myself to gain trust.

Fact #1: Anyone who lacked the will power to dodge my bait and gave in to their lustful desire by clicking the spoiler will now know the truth. You are, in my eyes, a complete noob who lacks the patience, will power, and determination to ever achieve anything even remotely significant, let alone beating me in a game of mafia. And what I believe, is almost always correct. Which means, unfortunately, that you are doomed to lose this game if you are not on my side. Luckily, for those noobs that did click on this and happen to be a cursed common folk such as myself (temporarily in this game), then you are not doomed to die today. Cherish this moment, for you have been given a second chance. I will not offer a third. That is all.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 21, 2020, 03:07:20 am
In Discord call a conversation was had

shock: so... are you mafia?
serp: no
shock: no. so we're on the same team
serp: no, you're mafia
shock: guess there's only one way to find out
serp: just have to lynch
shock: so I'll have to go against you today
serp: aa no, go against me tomorrow
shock: huh, okay

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 06:05:13 am
I'm down to lynch either of you tbh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 21, 2020, 06:38:33 am
If the info everyone has shared so far is truthful, then I'm pretty sure at least 4 players know I'm not the mafia.
Well of course, because if you are truthful about "being town", then the 4 players who know you are not mafia is the mafia itself. :silly:

I don't think that helps you in any way, but I take it as a soft claim that you are not the Ally Mally (weird name for Deja Vu).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 21, 2020, 07:45:32 am
If the info everyone has shared so far is truthful, then I'm pretty sure at least 4 players know I'm not the mafia.
Well of course, because if you are truthful about "being town", then the 4 players who know you are not mafia is the mafia itself. :silly:

I don't think that helps you in any way, but I take it as a soft claim that you are not the Ally Mally (weird name for Deja Vu).
But shockcannon is also a player, I'd think one would also know of themselves whether they were mafia. Of course, he cannot be included into the count if he's already one of the mafia. ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 21, 2020, 02:06:07 pm
My inbox had 2 PMs in it and I'm not mafia.

I've tried not checking my role before. It's a ton of fun but not a good idea in practice. Read Mafia 69 to find out why. It's short for a reason.

Ah, I didn't read all the roles.
Silly me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 21, 2020, 02:06:58 pm
btw I'm Jailor, TP/LO on me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 02:15:35 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 02:43:00 pm
Ignoring my paranoia about it... Seems townie of you-- teammates would have likely thwarted the idea of it isn't some dastardly plot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 21, 2020, 03:02:51 pm
Shoulda have struck through my text lol... They're all Town of Salem roles (TP=Teleporter, LO=Lookout), none of which are here. I'm not that huge of an idiot to actually say things that I'll regret in the morning, right?

Well I may sink Town's game by accident, but I'm still not that big of a dumbdumb...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 21, 2020, 06:39:38 pm
Mafia List

1) Serprex
2) Shock
3) DoubleCaps
4) JCJ
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 07:16:39 pm
Inb4 shock is in every scumread list.

shock is such a magnet for attention in his personality that it seems a tough break for the team if he is mafia... But also bad for us as a ripe mislynch target if he's town. (If you're town please find ways to do town things ok? Alright, good talk)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 07:18:08 pm
Mafia List

1) Serprex
2) Shock
3) DoubleCaps
4) JCJ
but what is your read on each? Just picking four names? Do you have reasons? (JCJ I don't think has posted after joining\in??)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 07:39:19 pm
Inb4 shock is in every scumread list.

shock is such a magnet for attention in his personality that it seems a tough break for the team if he is mafia... But also bad for us as a ripe mislynch target if he's town. (If you're town please find ways to do town things ok? Alright, good talk)

Easy solution, just lynch him day 1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 07:47:20 pm
I'm reading his typical shock being shock as null toward alignment. Are you finding it scummy? Seems like anyone familiar with him at all would not see anything much yet.

(Don't you go taking some kind of "informational Lynch" angle either...)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 21, 2020, 07:58:35 pm
(If you're town please find ways to do town things ok? Alright, good talk)
Minor bounce here. I tried something similar last game, but inactive town needs a leader. Active town will find a way.~

@PlayerOa: It is not in the rules, but can I pick my target here for my ability? Heck, it might fail if I'm a Seraph or something, but at least I'm doing stuff. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 21, 2020, 08:06:53 pm
(If you're town please find ways to do town things ok? Alright, good talk)
Minor bounce here. I tried something similar last game, but inactive town needs a leader. Active town will find a way.~

@PlayerOa: It is not in the rules, but can I pick my target here for my ability? Heck, it might fail if I'm a Seraph or something, but at least I'm doing stuff. :)

No, I will need to receive a PM to make any ability uses legal. You are, however, of course free to post it here as well. You can always PM me via my profile if you don't want to go via your inbox.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 21, 2020, 08:19:09 pm
(If you're town please find ways to do town things ok? Alright, good talk)
Minor bounce here. I tried something similar last game, but inactive town needs a leader. Active town will find a way.~

@PlayerOa: It is not in the rules, but can I pick my target here for my ability? Heck, it might fail if I'm a Seraph or something, but at least I'm doing stuff. :)

Are u implying using your ability without knowing what it is?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 21, 2020, 08:20:09 pm
Mafia List

1) Serprex
2) Shock
3) DoubleCaps
4) JCJ
but what is your read on each? Just picking four names? Do you have reasons? (JCJ I don't think has posted after joining\in??)

Imagine, serp and shock being on mafia together. How would they act? They would totally try to work together and it looks like they are.

Doublecaps is just sketchy. He could easily come off the list.

JCJ is more or less a place holder. I just put him on there because hes usually lynched really early.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 08:26:53 pm
Mafia List

1) Serprex
2) Shock
3) DoubleCaps
4) JCJ
but what is your read on each? Just picking four names? Do you have reasons? (JCJ I don't think has posted after joining\in??)

Imagine, serp and shock being on mafia together. How would they act? They would totally try to work together and it looks like they are.

Doublecaps is just sketchy. He could easily come off the list.

JCJ is more or less a place holder. I just put him on there because hes usually lynched really early.
:'( \me squinting real hard at this

Say wot mate? Can anyone fact check for me because I've been gone a short bit... May have missed some things. But jcj was always a good town in my days usually ending up a nk when he's town (iirc).

Let me know a few more tidbits you might have behind your serp\shock take because right now that's the freshest thing in this game to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 08:30:12 pm
What's a bounce? (I'm simply giving some input to shock that if he's town... Well, be town and yet to solve and ease up the bravado and blustering.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 08:31:19 pm
I'm reading his typical shock being shock as null toward alignment. Are you finding it scummy? Seems like anyone familiar with him at all would not see anything much yet.

(Don't you go taking some kind of "informational Lynch" angle either...)

Rob, my friend, is it possible you are insinuating that pushes in the vein of Infolynch are somehow a bad idea? I'll have you know that Infolynch was recently ranked #8 on a top ten lynch list on Mafia Universe, right below two other amazing lynches that we know and love. I'm sure that if I lynched shock on Day 1, it would find it's way on a similar list if one was ever made for this community, and shame on you for suggesting that it could ever have a chance of going wrong.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 21, 2020, 08:34:43 pm
People trying to generate reads before the first night has happened is quite amusing to me. However, you all seem desperately hungry for your mind games and unfortunately, I am one to fuel the flame, even if the flame is on my own body.

There's a high probability kaempfer13 is involved with my plans for tonight. What does that mean? I won't say. Just a teaser. Enjoy!!!  :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 08:39:30 pm
Mafia List

1) Serprex
2) Shock
3) DoubleCaps
4) JCJ
but what is your read on each? Just picking four names? Do you have reasons? (JCJ I don't think has posted after joining\in??)

Imagine, serp and shock being on mafia together. How would they act? They would totally try to work together and it looks like they are.

Doublecaps is just sketchy. He could easily come off the list.

JCJ is more or less a place holder. I just put him on there because hes usually lynched really early.
:'( \me squinting real hard at this

Say wot mate? Can anyone fact check for me because I've been gone a short bit... May have missed some things. But jcj was always a good town in my days usually ending up a nk when he's town (iirc).

Let me know a few more tidbits you might have behind your serp\shock take because right now that's the freshest thing in this game to me.

I'm going to give MW the benefit of the doubt here, and say that what he means is he threw in JCJ to fill the last spot because he expects him to die anyway, and that he just mixed up NKs with lynching. Also there's no reason for JCJ to die early, the universe just hates him.

Of course, this is all putting aside the fact that JCJ DIDN'T EVEN SIGN UP FOR THIS DANG MAFIA, and someone is trying to kill him, again. (The first time being me)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 21, 2020, 08:47:33 pm
Are u implying using your ability without knowing what it is?
Yuuup! xD And if I am an Otyugh, it will be hilarious.

(I just want to avoid not using my role in case I am actually the Golden Nymph.)

What's a bounce? (I'm simply giving some input to shock that if he's town... Well, be town and yet to solve and ease up the bravado and blustering.)
Bouncing ideas off each other. You were not getting as many responses as the ideas you put out, so I chimed in.

On a different note, I am looking forward to the day shock reveals his mafia playstyle.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 08:49:25 pm
I'm reading his typical shock being shock as null toward alignment. Are you finding it scummy? Seems like anyone familiar with him at all would not see anything much yet.

(Don't you go taking some kind of "informational Lynch" angle either...)

Rob, my friend, is it possible you are insinuating that pushes in the vein of Infolynch are somehow a bad idea? I'll have you know that Infolynch was recently ranked #8 on a top ten lynch list on Mafia Universe, right below two other amazing lynches that we know and love. I'm sure that if I lynched shock on Day 1, it would find it's way on a similar list if one was ever made for this community, and shame on you for suggesting that it could ever have a chance of going wrong.

OT- this MU thread l\article just made my holiday weekend just by a quick scroll through. Will devour it's entirety next few days. \OT
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 08:53:24 pm
Are u implying using your ability without knowing what it is?
Yuuup! xD And if I am an Otyugh, it will be hilarious.

(I just want to avoid not using my role in case I am actually the Golden Nymph.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 08:55:10 pm
On a different note, I am looking forward to the day shock reveals his mafia playstyle.~

Shock's playstyle is to play like shock. There is nothing more to it. If you try to dig deeper than this, you will only descend into madness. Madness and mislynches.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 08:56:46 pm
Has shock ever been mafia? Is there a scum game of his available to read??

People trying to generate reads before the first night has happened is quite amusing to me. However, you all seem desperately hungry for your mind games and unfortunately, I am one to fuel the flame, even if the flame is on my own body.

There's a high probability kaempfer13 is involved with my plans for tonight. What does that mean? I won't say. Just a teaser. Enjoy!!!  :P
Town should ALWAYS be trying to advance and encourage alignment reads though...

I'm reading his typical shock being shock as null toward alignment. Are you finding it scummy? Seems like anyone familiar with him at all would not see anything much yet.

(Don't you go taking some kind of "informational Lynch" angle either...)

Rob, my friend, is it possible you are insinuating that pushes in the vein of Infolynch are somehow a bad idea? I'll have you know that Infolynch was recently ranked #8 on a top ten lynch list on Mafia Universe, right below two other amazing lynches that we know and love. I'm sure that if I lynched shock on Day 1, it would find it's way on a similar list if one was ever made for this community, and shame on you for suggesting that it could ever have a chance of going wrong.

We meet our ends much too soon there.

Infolynch so bad. So I will oppose it. This is not the same as "information that can be gleaned from a lunch" -rather I oppose the idea of a lynch target for no reason other than "well it gets us info _shrug_". Cheers!  :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 21, 2020, 08:58:49 pm
It could be madness and scum lynch possibly. You should mind your use of inadvertent use of alignment-knowledge cues.   ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 21, 2020, 09:02:23 pm
No, it doesn't matter what he flips, trying to understand him will lead to mislynches either way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 21, 2020, 11:44:47 pm
Are u implying using your ability without knowing what it is?
Yuuup! xD And if I am an Otyugh, it will be hilarious.

(I just want to avoid not using my role in case I am actually the Golden Nymph.)

What's a bounce? (I'm simply giving some input to shock that if he's town... Well, be town and yet to solve and ease up the bravado and blustering.)
Bouncing ideas off each other. You were not getting as many responses as the ideas you put out, so I chimed in.

On a different note, I am looking forward to the day shock reveals his mafia playstyle.~

I hope you targeting without knowing your role is a joke. If not, we’ve found day 1 lynch n lunch guys.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 12:07:23 am
What www3 said

Also imagine being so afraid of possibly losing to noobcannon that you have to lynch him day 1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 22, 2020, 01:34:54 am
Just remembered this is a thing. I will try to keep  :P

Are u implying using your ability without knowing what it is?
Yuuup! xD And if I am an Otyugh, it will be hilarious.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 22, 2020, 02:22:02 am
Sub's being a silly troll just like me, cut him some slack xD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 22, 2020, 02:26:01 am
I like how people like to scumread me all the time~

Or I die early, no biggie.

At least in the former my voice is heard, neh heh heh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 07:03:58 am
I hope you targeting without knowing your role is a joke. If not, we’ve found day 1 lynch n lunch guys.
Ah, but this is how mislynches start. I know what happened in Mafia 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), so I pick up my slack and actually read my role.

*after a role reading later*

I'll return to create some plans later today. The next 8 hours usually have low activity anyway.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 22, 2020, 07:16:15 am
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

Also, whoever is Anubis, please don't just immaterial anyone that asks for it.

And lastly, I don't want to see O R C H E S T R A T E D lynches. Give your own reasons before blindly jumping on the wagon.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 22, 2020, 09:28:09 am
I'm reading his typical shock being shock as null toward alignment. Are you finding it scummy? Seems like anyone familiar with him at all would not see anything much yet.

(Don't you go taking some kind of "informational Lynch" angle either...)

Rob, my friend, is it possible you are insinuating that pushes in the vein of Infolynch are somehow a bad idea? I'll have you know that Infolynch was recently ranked #8 on a top ten lynch list on Mafia Universe, right below two other amazing lynches that we know and love. I'm sure that if I lynched shock on Day 1, it would find it's way on a similar list if one was ever made for this community, and shame on you for suggesting that it could ever have a chance of going wrong.


That was a nice read, pretty funny how two of our players got lynched in such bad circumstances there.

Also, whoever is Anubis, please don't just immaterial anyone that asks for it.

Actually, don't immaterial anyone(not even yourself) unless they are confirmed. I hope everyone agrees using it is scummy as hell since it's just bad for the town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 22, 2020, 10:48:56 am
What www3 said

Also imagine being so afraid of possibly losing to noobcannon that you have to lynch him day 1

You still lose to dead people.

Rule questions:
Could you endow multiple times with Fate Egg and amass abilities?
While frozen / borrowed, can you place votes but remove them at the end of the day and not be modkilled?

I don't have anything substantial to add so here is the post count after game start:
rob 13
link 8 dc 8
sub 5
www 3 serp 3
cal 2 shock 2 mw 2 ian 2 kdz 2
andre 1 nelly 1 torb 1 moe 1
kae 0 coffee 0 ge0 0
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 22, 2020, 11:07:24 am
What www3 said

Also imagine being so afraid of possibly losing to noobcannon that you have to lynch him day 1

You still lose to dead people.

Rule questions:
Could you endow multiple times with Fate Egg and amass abilities?
While frozen / borrowed, can you place votes but remove them at the end of the day and not be modkilled?

Yes, if you roll crusader in distinct rounds. No, editing/removing posts is illegal.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 11:13:34 am
Rob, my friend, is it possible you are insinuating that pushes in the vein of Infolynch are somehow a bad idea? I'll have you know that Infolynch was recently ranked #8 on a top ten lynch list on Mafia Universe, right below two other amazing lynches that we know and love. I'm sure that if I lynched shock on Day 1, it would find it's way on a similar list if one was ever made for this community, and shame on you for suggesting that it could ever have a chance of going wrong.

That was a nice read, pretty funny how two of our players got lynched in such bad circumstances there.
Ikr. My mind was blown twice while reading that.

It also gave me some new insight of how I can approach reading other people.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 11:17:10 am
I'm reading his typical shock being shock as null toward alignment. Are you finding it scummy? Seems like anyone familiar with him at all would not see anything much yet.

(Don't you go taking some kind of "informational Lynch" angle either...)

Rob, my friend, is it possible you are insinuating that pushes in the vein of Infolynch are somehow a bad idea? I'll have you know that Infolynch was recently ranked #8 on a top ten lynch list on Mafia Universe, right below two other amazing lynches that we know and love. I'm sure that if I lynched shock on Day 1, it would find it's way on a similar list if one was ever made for this community, and shame on you for suggesting that it could ever have a chance of going wrong.


That was a nice read, pretty funny how two of our players got lynched in such bad circumstances there.

Also, whoever is Anubis, please don't just immaterial anyone that asks for it.

Actually, don't immaterial anyone(not even yourself) unless they are confirmed. I hope everyone agrees using it is scummy as hell since it's just bad for the town.

Right, I forgot about buffs. No need to give me Immaterial, but I'll happily take Momentum/Adrenaline from the Nymphs after they buff themselves, and also a Heal.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 22, 2020, 11:18:48 am
While frozen / borrowed, can you place votes but remove them at the end of the day and not be modkilled?

Yes, if you roll crusader in distinct rounds. No, editing/removing posts is illegal.

I meant removing your vote at the end of the day.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 22, 2020, 11:21:15 am
Nah, that’s also not cool.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 22, 2020, 11:23:09 am
I don't have anything to add discussion wise, just wanted to make a post so people know I'm active and reading everything.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 11:53:29 am
Hello, i've finally read up (damn you link, you distracted me with that link to mu).

As mentioned in my signup post, i have less time, so i will skip the chit-chat and focus solely on solving. as such I'm no longer an ideal target for your antics, shock, I will read what you say (except spoiler warnings that tell me not to read said spoiler, lol), but I dont guarantee that i will post more than once per (real life) day, so it wont be easy to interact with me in realtime.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 12:00:03 pm
Am I mafia? I don’t know. How long do you think I can resist checking my role? :D

(Don’t worry Oa, I will, eventually.)
I like that, I regret checking mine now
Not checking your role is strictly antitown. You could be deja-vu and already have a lock clear (obv do not claim if you do unless either of you is in imminent danger of getting lynched, as both deja vus would get nked asap) or some other pr that either should be targeting a scumread or a townread depending on what it is. not knowing your role yourself is never good if you're town.
As such regretting checking your role points towards being scum/not understanding the game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 22, 2020, 12:00:45 pm
Are Golden Nymph and Deja Vu the only town only roles? The descriptions seem to imply there may be multiple Guardian Angels, maf Guardian Angels or even no Guardian Angels at all.

As for the general consensus on role usage: I take it no one will mind free information role usage (with the exception of Warden?) and town will mind offensive role usage unless used to kill someone highly suspect, but what about the defensive roles?

All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

Also, whoever is Anubis, please don't just immaterial anyone that asks for it.

Actually, don't immaterial anyone(not even yourself) unless they are confirmed. I hope everyone agrees using it is scummy as hell since it's just bad for the town.
What about Burrow or Divine Shield? They protect from both the nightkill AND secondary abilities, but have similar drawbacks otherwise. I take it these are ok to protect yourself with?

Anubis, Green/Amber Nymph seem ok to use on yourself or confirmed town, but also only confirmed town? I know people tend to be eager to use their ability, so I'd like to reach a consensus on ability usage to ensure maf does not feign innocence and town does not inflict unintended harm.

Guardian Angel seems safe to use at random.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 22, 2020, 12:04:56 pm
Deja vu is town only, Angel can be both.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 22, 2020, 12:09:44 pm
EBWOP: I unintentionally lumped Anubis together in the no one minding to target yourself with. But the rest still stands, including the not minding to target confirmed town with.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 22, 2020, 12:25:33 pm
And to further clarify your example, TorB: there can be 0, 1, 2, ... , n Guardian Angels, as any other role (except Golden Nymph, which is 1, and Deja Vu, which is either 0 or 2).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 12:35:43 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 12:40:40 pm
In Discord call a conversation was had

shock: so... are you mafia?
serp: no
shock: no. so we're on the same team
serp: no, you're mafia
shock: guess there's only one way to find out
serp: just have to lynch
shock: so I'll have to go against you today
serp: aa no, go against me tomorrow
shock: huh, okay


shock, what made you assume serp was town here?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 12:41:25 pm
ah, nvm serp said 'no' before. Silly me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 12:53:39 pm
Anything at all going to come from Coffee? Coffee- do plan to just inactive three phases and be MK again? Like a bad lunch, inactive doesn't sit well with me. At least all others have "check-in posted" this phase.....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 22, 2020, 01:34:54 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Haha I also have no idea what DC said (which card is jailor here?) But in terms of role claiming immediately as town, idk if that's necessarily the worst idea. At least in my experience, mafia often want to start with a guaranteed kill. That said, I don't really see a benefit to claiming so soon (if town and claiming your actual role) and painting a great target on your back while the mafia have the least to go on. So as rob said - Why?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 01:46:20 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Pretty shit read, rob is perfectly capable of bantering with teammates like this.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 01:53:42 pm
Are Golden Nymph and Deja Vu the only town only roles? The descriptions seem to imply there may be multiple Guardian Angels, maf Guardian Angels or even no Guardian Angels at all.

As for the general consensus on role usage: I take it no one will mind free information role usage (with the exception of Warden?) and town will mind offensive role usage unless used to kill someone highly suspect, but what about the defensive roles?

All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

Also, whoever is Anubis, please don't just immaterial anyone that asks for it.

Actually, don't immaterial anyone(not even yourself) unless they are confirmed. I hope everyone agrees using it is scummy as hell since it's just bad for the town.
What about Burrow or Divine Shield? They protect from both the nightkill AND secondary abilities, but have similar drawbacks otherwise. I take it these are ok to protect yourself with?

Anubis, Green/Amber Nymph seem ok to use on yourself or confirmed town, but also only confirmed town? I know people tend to be eager to use their ability, so I'd like to reach a consensus on ability usage to ensure maf does not feign innocence and town does not inflict unintended harm.

Guardian Angel seems safe to use at random.

Warden doesn't roleblock anymore so it's fine to use on whoever you want. Burrow and Divine Shield are up to the user. Flayer, Ghost, and Squid shouldn't be used until you have a decent scumread. (Not Night 0)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 22, 2020, 02:01:33 pm
What about Burrow or Divine Shield? They protect from both the nightkill AND secondary abilities, but have similar drawbacks otherwise. I take it these are ok to protect yourself with?

Anubis, Green/Amber Nymph seem ok to use on yourself or confirmed town, but also only confirmed town? I know people tend to be eager to use their ability, so I'd like to reach a consensus on ability usage to ensure maf does not feign innocence and town does not inflict unintended harm.

Guardian Angel seems safe to use at random.

I haven't thought about that tbh, I think it should be fine, it still has the same downsides as Anubis, but it has a big upside in evading NK. Buffs should be fine to use more liberally, they are not that destructive if they land on mafia, and there's a higher chance they land on town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 02:26:58 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this
Haha I also have no idea what DC said (which card is jailor here?) But in terms of role claiming immediately as town, idk if that's necessarily the worst idea. At least in my experience, mafia often want to start with a guaranteed kill. That said, I don't really see a benefit to claiming so soon (if town and claiming your actual role) and painting a great target on your back while the mafia have the least to go on. So as rob said - Why?
As a man of culture myself (jokes), I understood that DC's comment was purely a comedic reference and not a real roleclaim. (He referred to Town of Salem.) He even admitted this.
To me, DC's claim is non-indicative of his alignment.

Warden doesn't roleblock anymore so it's fine to use on whoever you want. Burrow and Divine Shield are up to the user. Flayer, Ghost, and Squid shouldn't be used until you have a decent scumread. (Not Night 0)
Wait what? I need to check all roles again.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 22, 2020, 02:28:21 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Haha I also have no idea what DC said (which card is jailor here?) But in terms of role claiming immediately as town, idk if that's necessarily the worst idea. At least in my experience, mafia often want to start with a guaranteed kill. That said, I don't really see a benefit to claiming so soon (if town and claiming your actual role) and painting a great target on your back while the mafia have the least to go on. So as rob said - Why?

None of them - I was just fucking around as with MW who scumread JCJ. Just like how JCJ isn't playing, Jailor doesn't exist here.

/me whistles

TL;DR to answer why: I jokingly claimed something that doesn't exist
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 22, 2020, 02:30:27 pm
Ooh sub said it for me already

But thanks for for the real reactions to a fabricated role, it's some info to work off from.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 22, 2020, 02:40:31 pm
Warden doesn't roleblock anymore so it's fine to use on whoever you want. Burrow and Divine Shield are up to the user.
I haven't thought about that tbh, I think it should be fine, it still has the same downsides as Anubis, but it has a big upside in evading NK.
Would Warden then not fall under the same logic as Anubis? You are blocking all secondary abilities in both cases, even if Warden does it for only one turn, but with the added benefit of learning what roles you blocked. You can block Golden Nymph from investigating someone this way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 02:44:05 pm
I am reading the roles and trying to think of strategies that are not obvious.

More later, too many people are posting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 02:54:57 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Pretty shit read, rob is perfectly capable of bantering with teammates like this.
I guess that's a compliment to my scum-bility?

It feels like a rather loose reason to townread me, no? Hmm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 02:58:57 pm
Warden doesn't roleblock anymore so it's fine to use on whoever you want. Burrow and Divine Shield are up to the user.
I haven't thought about that tbh, I think it should be fine, it still has the same downsides as Anubis, but it has a big upside in evading NK.
Would Warden then not fall under the same logic as Anubis? You are blocking all secondary abilities in both cases, even if Warden does it for only one turn, but with the added benefit of learning what roles you blocked. You can block Golden Nymph from investigating someone this way.

No. There's not that high a chance you block a town Psion or Dragonfly, and if you do, you're just trading one piece of information for another. You can avoid blocking Heal by just not targeting the obvious Heal/NK targets. The only role you really have to worry about blocking is GN, but there's only one of those and you have a much higher chance of stopping a mafia member's ability as long as you target a strong townread.

DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Pretty shit read, rob is perfectly capable of bantering with teammates like this.
I guess that's a compliment to my scum-bility?

It feels like a rather loose reason to townread me, no? Hmm

A non w/w read is not a townread.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 22, 2020, 03:04:37 pm
I didn't even read the full warden text. It gives me PTSD from last mafia.

In that case, yeah, I agree it can be used for information.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 03:06:32 pm
Link- fair enough maybe not to you, but to me it is given my self perspective.

What is the prevailing thought on inactives? I tried to start up that discussion but it got no traction yet...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 22, 2020, 03:35:29 pm
Link- fair enough maybe not to you, but to me it is given my self perspective.

What is the prevailing thought on inactives? I tried to start up that discussion but it got no traction yet...

It’s N0, there is no inactives so soon. 10 pages on N0, when we have no information, imagine
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 03:40:11 pm
Disagree... You're meaning to argue the definition of inactive not to be able to blanket state there are no inactives on a N0. We have plenty of discussion happening about rule usage ideas so it seems pertinent to be interested in whether we expect all players are present and paying attention. No?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 22, 2020, 04:02:32 pm
Uh... where's "the last mafia"?
EM 72 doesn't seem to exist xD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 04:06:47 pm

It was not archived.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 22, 2020, 04:16:42 pm
I didn't even read the full warden text. It gives me PTSD from last mafia.

In that case, yeah, I agree it can be used for information.
Uh... where's "the last mafia"?
EM 72 doesn't seem to exist xD

It was not archived.
You should probably look to mafia 71 for ian's reference, though. He did not get targeted by any ability ever in 72. That, or even further back.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 22, 2020, 05:18:36 pm
I don't remember which mafia it was, but I remember being Fate Egg, rolling into Golden Nymph and being blocked by warden. And as fate would have it, I would've investigated a mafia member, I think it was Root.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 22, 2020, 06:26:17 pm
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 06:50:25 pm
Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>

Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. :(

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 22, 2020, 07:04:05 pm
Day 1

Time to play. It is day.

worldwideweb3 was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Golden Nymph.

Coffeeditto was devoured by rob77dp. He was an Elemental and a Seraph.

Day 1 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 22, 2020, 07:04:43 pm
WOOOOOOOOOW, this blows
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 07:05:51 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 22, 2020, 07:07:10 pm
Auch. I think rob just became our primary maf suspect, though. There was a clear agreement NOT to use offensive roles N0...

Not voting this day, though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 22, 2020, 07:14:15 pm
Can we talk about how maf knew to hit W3? he only said like 2 things and none of it implied anything
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 07:18:19 pm
Can we talk about how maf knew to hit W3? he only said like 2 things and none of it implied anything

I'd shoot worldwideqq on principle

Alternatively, typical www3 being a life story of why one must always pray to RNGesus before their bedtime snack
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 07:25:57 pm
Feels bad. But at least I feel like I have much better feel about how players think this time, so I'm somewhat confident we can still do this through legitimate solving.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 07:30:28 pm
I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 07:32:05 pm
If rob was maf here he made a terrible play. he killed an inactive player that couldnt even be arsed to protect himself with his role and dragged a lot of attention to himself while also reducing our PoE and losing his ability to make a more promaf kill later. My biggest townread actually now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 07:34:42 pm
What www3 said

Also imagine being so afraid of possibly losing to noobcannon that you have to lynch him day 1

You still lose to dead people.

Rule questions:
Could you endow multiple times with Fate Egg and amass abilities?
While frozen / borrowed, can you place votes but remove them at the end of the day and not be modkilled?

I don't have anything substantial to add so here is the post count after game start:
rob 13
link 8 dc 8
sub 5
www 3 serp 3
cal 2 shock 2 mw 2 ian 2 kdz 2
andre 1 nelly 1 torb 1 moe 1
kae 0 coffee 0 ge0 0

Funny, www3 wasn't inactive
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 07:37:15 pm
Oh coffee was target, silly me, got named mixed up since you were arguing with www3

Yeah, I'll change my vote eventually
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 22, 2020, 07:37:53 pm
I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)

Coffee played a huge part in the last 2 (?) mafia games. Id say that is poor reasoning, and thats coming from someone who is all for calling out inactives and low posters. Besides, its only Night 0-Day 1 you cant be all that active.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 07:42:55 pm
I guess i could have botched the ISO on coffee? I saw a year ago he past played\posted and he was three straight phases 0 post so received a modkill. ?? That's not a "huge part" in a mafia game in my book. Can someone not on their phone like I am check the coffee history? I still stand by action... Apology ONLY for him flipping town, not for being dead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 07:44:18 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Pretty shit read, rob is perfectly capable of bantering with teammates like this.
I guess that's a compliment to my scum-bility?

It feels like a rather loose reason to townread me, no? Hmm

A non w/w read is not a townread.

Link, you seem pretty concerned and knowledgeable about rob's ability for theater. Can you link me to a game where he did that earlier?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 07:45:21 pm

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 07:46:08 pm
Oh coffee was target, silly me, got named mixed up since you were arguing with www3

Yeah, I'll change my vote eventually

Either serp is really laying on thick or he wasnt involved in the nightkill decision.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 07:46:40 pm
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this

Pretty shit read, rob is perfectly capable of bantering with teammates like this.
I guess that's a compliment to my scum-bility?

It feels like a rather loose reason to townread me, no? Hmm

A non w/w read is not a townread.

Link, you seem pretty concerned and knowledgeable about rob's ability for theater. Can you link me to a game where he did that earlier?

Not worth the time, that statement applies to anyone that's good.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on May 22, 2020, 07:51:01 pm
Day 1

Time to play. It is day.

worldwideweb3 was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Golden Nymph.

Coffeeditto was devoured by rob77dp. He was an Elemental and a Seraph.

Day 1 has ended.

q.q RNG  >:(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 22, 2020, 07:52:14 pm
I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)

Coffee played a huge part in the last 2 (?) mafia games. Id say that is poor reasoning, and thats coming from someone who is all for calling out inactives and low posters. Besides, its only Night 0-Day 1 you cant be all that active.

My memories vary greatly from yours, tbh
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 07:54:07 pm
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

How to not have people think you're trying to lynch someone on a grudge.

Step 1: Give any kind of reasoning for your push.
Step 2: If your reasoning is solidly countered, withdraw your push.
Step 3: Don't use words like gaslighting incorrectly.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 07:54:40 pm
Quick takes-
kaempfer town lean a bit on his early D1 stuff.
MW felt like fake reaction but I reread and actually his line about "how'd they know" feels genuine to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 07:55:36 pm
Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>

Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. :(

  • Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
  • Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
  • Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.

Bad parts in yellow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 08:01:31 pm
inb4 3 vultures this game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 08:03:21 pm
oh, I should change my vote

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 22, 2020, 08:04:22 pm
Quick takes-
kaempfer town lean a bit on his early D1 stuff.
MW felt like fake reaction but I reread and actually his line about "how'd they know" feels genuine to me.

Okay so thinking about it, i think i would feel the same way no matter who you ate.

I fact checked myself and i apprently forgot about a whole mafia, Coffee was active in Mafia 70 and was mod killed day 3 in 71. Looks like he didnt play 72.

Really, such an early use of an offensive role is sketchy, then your reasoning of coffee not being a high active player on NIGHT 0 is even worse.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 08:05:13 pm
How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI? I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.

Serp why ian? And 3 vultures - what's the import?

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 22, 2020, 08:05:35 pm
oh, I should change my vote

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

Placeholder? or do you have reasoning?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 08:11:01 pm
I ate a ZERO poster. Not low activity, not annoying bravado poster, not joke poster, not power poster, you get the point maybe... Also, I tend to be a high profile personality in elements mafia games (or I guess used to be...) so I never presume to survive a night when I have no defensive assurances... As fate would have it it seems I had nothing to worry about (is it a BIT egotistical to snipe N0 - maybe, but it was not a YOLO and was not sketchy). Not to me at least.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 08:28:16 pm
Now I can get to the Devour. Now, when I saw this, I wasn't that surprised that rob went for it, but I still facepalmed because THIS IS NOT MU, ROB. PEOPLE HERE HAVE LIVES. Also, it was Night 0, the least important phase of the game to be active in. He's in college, he could be having finals or something. It's not that uncommon for people to be afk for a couple days here, that's why our modkill system is more lenient than some other places. And, by the way, we have that modkill system for a reason. If you had held off just one Night like a reasonable person, then there would've been no point in killing him Night 1, since he would die anyway, and you would save a powerful ability, unless he had just made like 1 post in which case Devouring him would be justified.

If rob is town, his reasoning is that he was very likely to be an early NK target, so he better use his ability while he can, and there was a reasonable enough target, not realizing that such a move on this forum would draw him a lot of shade and waste time on Day 1 we could be better using to find the mafia. Lucky for him, mafia was actually intelligent and chose a great NK target, going for the group of players right below the juiciest targets.

If rob is mafia, his reasoning is that there is a certain point in the game where vigging a scumread is reasonable enough to not be that sus, and he was very likely to be investigated early on and not get to use his ability, which is a very strong one to have as mafia and not usually one you want to waste early. He would also have to believe that Coffee would actually become active, otherwise his ability would be wasted.

Analysis: Killing inactives with roles is a generally good practice, but rob super jumped the gun on it and its kind of a bad play as either alignment, but worse as town and I expect better play from rob. Slight scum read.

I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 08:30:32 pm
Oh coffee was target, silly me, got named mixed up since you were arguing with www3

Yeah, I'll change my vote eventually

Either serp is really laying on thick or he wasnt involved in the nightkill decision.

Could be either, NAI
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 08:35:08 pm
How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI? I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.

Serp why ian? And 3 vultures - what's the import?

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

No, it's straight up bad advice, which you should have recognized. Stop trying to buddy me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 22, 2020, 08:43:29 pm
I doubt rob is mafia, but even so, that was a really bad ability use.

serp is probably voting for me because I forgot to do exquisite decks for war.

I don't scumread Sub personally, but that could obviously change. He seems like the usual silly Sub.

Not voting for now, waiting for more discussion to develop.

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 08:43:59 pm
I can buddy whoever I want, buddy (hint- I'm not buddying anyone). I think it reads like Sub could be trying to imitate his prior games where I've seen him do things like not read a role pm (seriously?) and make before-I-die town plans\please etc. But it seems either rushed (eh could be I suppose) or disingenuous that I currently read scummy enough to get a vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 08:49:46 pm
I can buddy whoever I want, buddy (hint- I'm not buddying anyone). I think it reads like Sub could be trying to imitate his prior games where I've seen him do things like not read a role pm (seriously?) and make before-I-die town plans\please etc. But it seems either rushed (eh could be I suppose) or disingenuous that I currently read scummy enough to get a vote.

Like iancu said, it's just normal Sub stuff, and it was rushed, he literally said he almost forgot the deadline.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 22, 2020, 08:55:49 pm
q.q RNG  >:(

story of your life  :(

I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)

Also, rob how is killing someone that early better than mislynching them later? We end up with one townie less anyway  :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 22, 2020, 09:18:55 pm
It's not like I had a decision between killing a town or not killing a town on my hands... If somehow I had KNOWN coffee was town before vigging him of course I just holster... As it was i had a choice with certain variables and constraints to consider and I made the choice to shoot and an left with a bit of egg on my face as it were...

andre - please know that inactives are distractions when mafia try to mislynch them or town argues over merits of lynching inactives during valuable day phases better spent elsewhere... Or inactive scum just typically get left alone.

Again, I regret coffee flipped town but I still believe in my decision process being fairly sound.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 22, 2020, 09:24:07 pm
It's not like I had a decision between killing a town or not killing a town on my hands...

?? you had a decision between killing & not killing
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 10:23:07 pm
A question came to my mind: Why haven't Coffee used Divine Shield on the first night?
I prepared a whole train of thought, collected a bunch of quotes, but then I realized the answer to my question is simple, so all that was for nothing.
Coffee did not use Divine Shield to protect himself, because he has not been online since signups. That is also why he hasn't posted.

I agree with promoting activity and discouraging inactivity, yet I cannot stop feeling conflicted. :-\ I would have waited at least until the next night.

Do I think rob is Mafia? For two reasons, no.

I clearly hinted at my pending action.
Just to save some page turning, I compiled what I found about the topic.

Anything at all going to come from Coffee? Coffee- do plan to just inactive three phases and be MK again? Like a bad lunch, inactive doesn't sit well with me. At least all others have "check-in posted" this phase.....
What is the prevailing thought on inactives? I tried to start up that discussion but it got no traction yet...
It’s N0, there is no inactives so soon. 10 pages on N0, when we have no information, imagine
Disagree... You're meaning to argue the definition of inactive not to be able to blanket state there are no inactives on a N0. We have plenty of discussion happening about rule usage ideas so it seems pertinent to be interested in whether we expect all players are present and paying attention. No?

Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>

Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. :(

  • Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
  • Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
  • Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.

Bad parts in yellow.
It is only appropriate that I don't ignore parts that relate to me.

Quote: "Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway."

To explain a little, I have memories of bad lynches that were based on outrage, and not on logic. I used invisi text, and they lynched me. *flips town* Link joked about being a cop while not being a cop, and they lynched him. *flips town* Shock tried valid strategies that involved lying to a few people, and they lynched him. *flips town*

This kind of mislynch was #10 on the MU list iirc, this is what I wanted to advise against. But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.

Quote: "or people with more posts in general."

I would also link this back to a memory. Mafia 50: One of two people was 100% mafia, but I was unsure which one of them. Rutarete was silent all game, then came out on the last day to say that Ginyu is mafia. Ginyu, on the other hand, has been contributing all game. Thanks to my quick thinking, I realized the chance that Ruta might be Mafia and lying. Ginyu's only redeeming quality was that he's been helping to create ideas and spark conversations all game, and at that point, the person with more posts was, in fact, the good guy. And this seems true for other games as well, but this is the one memory that sticks out to me, because I was heavily involved in it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 22, 2020, 10:27:15 pm
I see more people addressed me, but do excuse me if I only respond to them tomorrow. :-X
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 22, 2020, 10:48:58 pm
A question came to my mind: Why haven't Coffee used Divine Shield on the first night?
I prepared a whole train of thought, collected a bunch of quotes, but then I realized the answer to my question is simple, so all that was for nothing.
Coffee did not use Divine Shield to protect himself, because he has not been online since signups. That is also why he hasn't posted.

I agree with promoting activity and discouraging inactivity, yet I cannot stop feeling conflicted. :-\ I would have waited at least until the next night.

Do I think rob is Mafia? For two reasons, no.

  • I performed a Night 1 shot as Town in Mafia 50. I can relate.
  • This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.

1. To be fair, there was a mafia egging you on to make that kill.  ;)
2. He absolutely would, see my reasoning earlier. He won't get lynched for it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 01:43:33 am
To those wondering out loud or still to themselves... I think Link is right, I'm still probably within my range as either alignment so far this game. Also struggling to get in a mindset that seems to fit with role madness game type- I'm much more at home vanilla setups.

Need players to post more or have some sort of content to parse and try to read\analyze. Feels like plenty of straw grasping so far.

COULD REALLY USE MORE PLAYERS posting reads of my play so far... Other than www3 dying N0 as town cop it is there most eventful action so far...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 01:59:52 am
Waking up at 4 am to say:
I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 03:23:23 am
Waking up at 4 am to say:
I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town

Sorry, but Sub does the same shit when he's mafia. You're not going to get a concrete read on him this early. Besides, you don't have the best record on bets that involve eating things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 23, 2020, 04:01:57 am

Do I think rob is Mafia? For two reasons, no.

  • This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.


Care to elaborate? Finding it a bit difficult to imagine that scum would not have the balls to be innovative, not necessarily here but trying something unconventional in the hopes of relying on prior expectations of this forum to get away with it.

However, personally I can buy rob's explanation and he does lean town because from my understanding, scum would at least save Otyugh to try to snipe something powerful/surprise people to reach parity rather than burn it without taking a almost-blind shot.

Also wow why do we even have a GN if they keep dying early xD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 04:03:06 am
Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

Reasoning given in a previous post.

See, it's that easy. Now, I'm going to go to sleep soon, and I want to see a lot more than 3 votes when I wake up. Then I'll decide who we're lynching.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 23, 2020, 04:15:44 am
iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

throwing my vote here then until MW responds to him seemingly FoSing ian (the gaslight comment) for what I can tell was just N0 banter
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 23, 2020, 04:33:16 am
  • This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.
If a good player that does that seems too smart to do something so stupid, people end up misplaying in response. Like not lynching him. This can be taken advantage of by said player.

Seriously, I can almost not believe rob would be that stupid, he has at least one town tunneling him right now, whereas his expected scenario would simply have modkilled Coffee. Instead, we now have one dead town and people focussing on rob. This only benefits mafia right now, unless rob is mafia and ends up dead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 04:49:19 am
Mmmmm, there you go torb. Shade me hard there. Are you going to vote me though or just shade? Feels scummy to me. That's your second post shading without voting... I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.

I'm going to actually vote my scumread though.

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 23, 2020, 04:51:34 am
I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.
I shoot down anyone with logical fallacies. Your ability usage takes the cake so far.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 04:52:44 am
Torb - just noticed you stating d1 start you're not voting... Interesting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 04:54:17 am
I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.
I shoot down anyone with logical fallacies. Your ability usage takes the cake so far.
logical fallacy? If you mean a play choice with a negative outcome in hindsight then ok (but that isn't a logical fallacy).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 23, 2020, 05:01:14 am
I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.
I shoot down anyone with logical fallacies. Your ability usage takes the cake so far.
logical fallacy? If you mean a play choice with a negative outcome in hindsight then ok (but that isn't a logical fallacy).
No. People that come up with plans or explanations that do not add up as a benefit for town. For reasons I stated earlier, killing Coffee does not help town at all. The chances of someone inactive THAT early being mafia is not any higher than just shooting a random person. If you did not want town wasting time on him, why are we wasting time on you now? You just went ahead and killed someone only to shift the spotlight to yourself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 05:07:05 am
Yeah, because that's exactly what scum do is that last statement: kill someone knowing it will be revealed they did it just to pull the spotlight into myself. I think your case on me is bad at best and wolfy at worst.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 23, 2020, 05:09:36 am
Yeah, because that's exactly what scum do is that last statement: kill someone knowing it will be revealed they did it just to pull the spotlight into myself.
No, which is where that other previous statement of mine comes in that you were criticizing to begin with:
  • This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.
If a good player that does that seems too smart to do something so stupid, people end up misplaying in response. Like not lynching him. This can be taken advantage of by said player.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 05:15:36 am
Sooo, you're saying that you think I might be a wolf because I made a play with a negative town outcome to draw spotlight on myself expecting people here to think I'm too smart too be that dumb as a wolf and thereby townread a wolf--rob for it?

Lol there's no way that is a real thought? From my position, that feels quite fabricated... Keeping my vote where it is. Let's say you could vote - would you be voting me right now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 23, 2020, 05:18:51 am
I am quite certain kaempfer is town. However, it is very important to me that he does not know that I think this. DO NOT QUOTE THIS POST OR I WILL VOTE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 05:20:28 am
I am quite certain kaempfer is town. However, it is very important to me that he does not know that I think this. DO NOT QUOTE THIS POST OR I WILL VOTE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD.

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 23, 2020, 05:25:19 am
Sooo, you're saying that you think I might be a wolf because I made a play with a negative town outcome to draw spotlight on myself expecting people here to think I'm too smart too be that dumb as a wolf and thereby townread a wolf--rob for it?

Lol there's no way that is a real thought? From my position, that feels quite fabricated... Keeping my vote where it is. Let's say you could vote - would you be voting me right now
No, not a townread per se. Just being able to get away with it by people not sufficiently scumreading you for it. You don't need to get townread over it if you're mafia, just reducing town's numbers without concrete consequences is enough.

Regardless of whether I can or cannot vote, I am choosing not to. I will not be silently agreeing that I simply cannot vote. But yes, most definitely.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 05:41:36 am
iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

throwing my vote here then until MW responds to him seemingly FoSing ian (the gaslight comment) for what I can tell was just N0 banter
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

lol i dont have scum read on ian, just giving banter back.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 05:43:33 am
Also, i agree with shocks last message
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 06:06:39 am
Scum reading torb is wrong. His decision making here matches his deck picking style in matches: play standard & consistent, leaving it to his opponent to start making things weird & only outdoing them on that front if forced to. According to that line of reasoning rob brought unnecessary complication. Personally not a fan of how rob's handling the response to his response to the response to his devour

Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 06:21:57 am
This is descending into WIFOM. Rpb, just admit you wasted your shot so we can move on.

Serp, your logic is good, but in mafia it's far more valuable to have hard voting data with competing trains than to have some chance of mafia missing an ability.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 23, 2020, 07:04:11 am
None of them - I was just fucking around as with MW who scumread JCJ. Just like how JCJ isn't playing, Jailor doesn't exist here.

/me whistles

TL;DR to answer why: I jokingly claimed something that doesn't exist

Ah, I see. rob's reaction made me think it might have been an actual claim lol

Coffeeditto was devoured by rob77dp. He was an Elemental and a Seraph.

I understand wanting to get a OU ability out of the way in case you're killed early and it's wasted but coffeeditto was one of the worst choices possible?? Just by balance of probability, since we know nothing about ditto except that he hadn't logged in for a couple of days, rob was far more likely to hit a town. If rob is town too, then wtf.

If rob is mafia though, it's a great excuse to point at 'iNaCtIvItY' (on night 0!) rather than have to defend some botched scumread on someone who's already posted quite a bit and we can judge for ourselves, or on someone who hasn't posted enough to scumread but can't be called inactive just yet. (lol me)

It's outrageous enough that he might just get away with it, and if things go sour go him then it's easy enough for other mafia to throw him under the bus since him devouring coffeeditto isn't connected to anyone else. He'd also be the least useful mafia now since he has no ability.

I agree with the tally as it currently is.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 07:17:06 am
Link- I already admitted that in hindsight it is a negative result. Imagine the hard clear I get from hitting hiding scum. Inactive town is a dead town anyway as I see it, I've been around the block before and read many games where inactives suck up day energy. At least this had a chance to get scum or in the worse case scenario we seem to be in now from my shot the discussion is about a living player who is active to post, read, and be read.

(Also playing almost entirely by phone posting is driving me nuts \OT-rant)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 07:26:25 am
Also I forget what it's called but the syndrome of scumreading someone who scumreads me is a strong feeling right now. Like I don't even understand how a town player - if they're even here - can scumread my shot on the way being discussed. Link feels like probably just being Link so far could go either way on you right now. Scum link will be happy to let others pressure me if he doesn't have to do heavy lifting on me and town Link is wise enough to not slot me either way yet.

Annele, serp, torb are the strongest feel of that term (scumread vibes back on a scumread) right now. Their pushes don't feel genuine in meaning or tone to me. But I need to take some time to think through and not just feel it.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 23, 2020, 07:32:43 am
I'll eat my hat if there isn't AT LEAST 1 scum in the trio.
I feel pretty good right now that one or more of torb Annele serp are scum... Man, need to sleep- wake up fresh hopefully to give more\deeper thought on those. And get some more distance and ideally internal clarity about how to think about how I expect town or scum to react to my n0 shot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 23, 2020, 08:00:51 am
How about instead of continuing to (counter)attack me, you either reject or accept my counterarguments to your arguments for your N0 kill of inactive? If your arguments are not only invalid, but you purposefully avoid defending them, instead derailing the conversation by attacking me, that is suspicious to me. I will rest my case here until you do, since this is going nowhere.

Let me summarize:
I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation.
The conclusion of this story is that Coffee was likely genuinely inactive. If he were modkilled, everything would be fine. Given these facts, how is a completely random kill justified? To me, the most suspicious people had exactly one post. 0 likely just means total inactivity.
I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)
If you did not take it lightly, show your conviction. If you want to discuss it, start by what I just mentioned. You say you want to discuss it then attack me for wanting to discuss it. I did not even vote on you yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 23, 2020, 08:06:36 am
Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.

Sorry, work is keeping me busier than I would like but rest assured I am keeping an eye on the thread. I would have liked to ease myself into the game a bit slower as I have not played mafia in half a decade and I can't read people based on personalities. I will try my best to contribute as much as I can nevertheless. Apologies in advance if I sound a bit like an echo chamber.

On a shallow level of analysis, I agree with the current tally. I don't have anything to say that hasn't been said already regarding Rob's N0 actions and how it paint's him in negative light. That being said I can't help but think that there's no way Rob would draw so much attention to him right off the bat if he was scum.  Or maybe Rob is thinking on one level deeper, intentionally making a mistake he knows we wouldn't think he'd make.

Having read through all the posts a couple of times I can't seem to find any other conclusions. It's hard to make reads when posts that are suspicious to me, just get dismissed as banter or so-and-so being silly. If you're asking for my strongest scumread, it's Rob - but I'm not at all confident on it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 23, 2020, 08:37:39 am
Also I forget what it's called but the syndrome of scumreading someone who scumreads me is a strong feeling right now. Like I don't even understand how a town player - if they're even here - can scumread my shot on the way being discussed. Link feels like probably just being Link so far could go either way on you right now. Scum link will be happy to let others pressure me if he doesn't have to do heavy lifting on me and town Link is wise enough to not slot me either way yet.

Annele, serp, torb are the strongest feel of that term (scumread vibes back on a scumread) right now. Their pushes don't feel genuine in meaning or tone to me. But I need to take some time to think through and not just feel it.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

Ah, I forgot about fate egg. I was trying to rationalise why either town or mafia would use oty's ability immediately but I see now there are more possibilities. I'm less convinced, but I still think it's something the mafia might try to pull off. I'm keen to see what your answer to torb's question is.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 23, 2020, 09:29:17 am
Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.

Sorry, only had time to read last night, I'll formulate my post and vote now.

All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

Because last time you tunneled hard on someone we spent like 3 or 4 day phases in that thunderdome between you and that person if memory serves me right.

I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)

Tbh, with you mentioning the inactivity modkill in a game years ago, this seems like more of a grudge kill to me. Not sure how you decided that someone who sadly was inactive 1 day during N0 deserved this extreme action. Maybe he would have been modkilled eventually, but you can't spin this like a good action. If it were almost anyone else doing this, they would have been lynched out of principle, so now this action is possible even if you are mafia.

Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.

What? I agree that we should not punish activity, but in the same time, why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link? Are we really that useless without them that we are ok with losing on the spot if they are mafia? From this, all I get is that if you are mafia, they have a higher chance of being too, and same the other way around.

But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.

Again, activity good, inactivity bad, but this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?

Torb - just noticed you stating d1 start you're not voting... Interesting

Most likely he's burrowed and can't mechanically vote.

Sooo, you're saying that you think I might be a wolf because I made a play with a negative town outcome to draw spotlight on myself expecting people here to think I'm too smart too be that dumb as a wolf and thereby townread a wolf--rob for it?

Lol there's no way that is a real thought? From my position, that feels quite fabricated... Keeping my vote where it is. Let's say you could vote - would you be voting me right now

That's exactly how I feel too, like I said, anyone else shots N0 and they get lynched D1. I'm not scumreading you hard for it, but I can't townread you for it.

Voting for Sub for now, but the next person on my list would be rob.

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 11:27:45 am
This reads like a wikiHow, reaction included:
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

How to not have people think you're trying to lynch someone on a grudge.

Step 1: Give any kind of reasoning for your push.
Step 2: If your reasoning is solidly countered, withdraw your push.
Step 3: Don't use words like gaslighting incorrectly.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

Now I can get to the Devour. Now, when I saw this, I wasn't that surprised that rob went for it, but I still facepalmed because THIS IS NOT MU, ROB. PEOPLE HERE HAVE LIVES. Also, it was Night 0, the least important phase of the game to be active in. He's in college, he could be having finals or something. It's not that uncommon for people to be afk for a couple days here, that's why our modkill system is more lenient than some other places. And, by the way, we have that modkill system for a reason. If you had held off just one Night like a reasonable person, then there would've been no point in killing him Night 1, since he would die anyway, and you would save a powerful ability, unless he had just made like 1 post in which case Devouring him would be justified.

If rob is town, his reasoning is that he was very likely to be an early NK target, so he better use his ability while he can, and there was a reasonable enough target, not realizing that such a move on this forum would draw him a lot of shade and waste time on Day 1 we could be better using to find the mafia. Lucky for him, mafia was actually intelligent and chose a great NK target, going for the group of players right below the juiciest targets.

If rob is mafia, his reasoning is that there is a certain point in the game where vigging a scumread is reasonable enough to not be that sus, and he was very likely to be investigated early on and not get to use his ability, which is a very strong one to have as mafia and not usually one you want to waste early. He would also have to believe that Coffee would actually become active, otherwise his ability would be wasted.

Analysis: Killing inactives with roles is a generally good practice, but rob super jumped the gun on it and its kind of a bad play as either alignment, but worse as town and I expect better play from rob. Slight scum read.

I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)

How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI? I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.

Serp why ian? And 3 vultures - what's the import?

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

No, it's straight up bad advice, which you should have recognized. Stop trying to buddy me.

To those wondering out loud or still to themselves... I think Link is right, I'm still probably within my range as either alignment so far this game. Also struggling to get in a mindset that seems to fit with role madness game type- I'm much more at home vanilla setups.

Need players to post more or have some sort of content to parse and try to read\analyze. Feels like plenty of straw grasping so far.

COULD REALLY USE MORE PLAYERS posting reads of my play so far... Other than www3 dying N0 as town cop it is there most eventful action so far...

Also I think Linkcats conclusion doesnt really make sense. He talks about a certain point of the game when using devour is safe to do as scum (apparently that's immediately), while also giving an equally plausible scenario where rob is town. As mafia doesnt get nk'ed his entire argument hinges on rob being so afraid of being investigated that he expected to get lynched day 1 and thus used his ability on the least valuable target, simply because its the only he could justify (especially considering that these types of things probably are discussed in maf chat, at least one of which should recognize that coffee was likely to get mk'ed anyway thus making robs ability completely useless)?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 23, 2020, 12:02:27 pm
I feel like I have much better feel about how players think this time,
Help me out then. I am struggling to put a read on a few reactions.

Reaction 1


What the- I am not a big fan off www either, but between "LOL" and "F**K", my reaction was "F**K" when I first saw it. :-\

Reaction 2

inb4 3 vultures this game
But isn't that a good thing?

How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI?
Obviously if I die, then you two don't. That was the whole point of my message. (and I did not account to an Otyugh being used right away)

If you were allowed to ask what TP/LO means, I am allowed to ask what TMI means. ?_?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 23, 2020, 12:21:06 pm
I don't scumread Sub personally, but that could obviously change. He seems like the usual silly Sub.
I'm trying my best here, and people still shrug my plans off as silly. @_@ I keep getting this comment across games.

I think Link is right, I'm still probably within my range as either alignment so far this game. Also struggling to get in a mindset that seems to fit with role madness game type- I'm much more at home vanilla setups.
Is this a confession? This is mindgaming territory; you point out your potential guiltiness to counterpoint that a Mafia would never do that. But by doing this, you acknowledge that you would do things that would not make you seem like mafia if you were mafia, but you would not hesitate to point this out if you were town either, I just, I- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 23, 2020, 12:26:24 pm
Link- I already admitted that in hindsight it is a negative result. Imagine the hard clear I get from hitting hiding scum. Inactive town is a dead town anyway as I see it, I've been around the block before and read many games where inactives suck up day energy. At least this had a chance to get scum or in the worse case scenario we seem to be in now from my shot the discussion is about a living player who is active to post, read, and be read.

(Also playing almost entirely by phone posting is driving me nuts \OT-rant)

Imagine in a parallel universe where Scum!rob made the big brain play to eat his teammate to curry favour... xD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 23, 2020, 12:39:31 pm
Waking up at 4 am to say:
I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town

Not saying I am not, but I grew cautious in the last game of people townreading me without giving reason.

Sub does the same shit when he's mafia. You're not going to get a concrete read on him this early. Besides, you don't have the best record on bets that involve eating things.
More about this later. I have an RQS planned for a time where we won't have an active discusion.

When did kae bet on eating things? And did he commit to the eating part? xD

This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.
Care to elaborate? Finding it a bit difficult to imagine that scum would not have the balls to be innovative, not necessarily here but trying something unconventional in the hopes of relying on prior expectations of this forum to get away with it.
This stunt was such a YOLO move, and I do not know rob as the YOLO kind of person. The YOLO people are those who would do stupid stuff just because it is funny, and rob is not someone who's doing silly stuff. He was even upset about DC making a joke claim. Town-rob makes more sense to me to do this, even if that's something I did not expect either.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 23, 2020, 12:42:20 pm
While I am away, I leave a Substitute behind me who you can tell your comments to. :]

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 23, 2020, 01:47:11 pm
Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

Is this a Fate Egg claim?

rob, torb, serp and Anelle are coming of a bit suspicious, but I'll see where things go a bit longer before casting a vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 03:19:14 pm
Fate Egg would explain jumping the gun. & with GN dead killing off Fate Egg becomes much more valuable (potential vulture, potential GN, potential deja for 2 town checks)

I'm not committed to the rob lynch
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 23, 2020, 03:29:26 pm
Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>

Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. :(

  • Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
  • Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
  • Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.

Bad parts in yellow.

I agree with the bad classification. In addition both players are good enough to keep their post counts high enough as mafia. But generally we want activity as town. Although, I am not helping myself.

I ate a ZERO poster. Not low activity, not annoying bravado poster, not joke poster, not power poster, you get the point maybe... Also, I tend to be a high profile personality in elements mafia games (or I guess used to be...) so I never presume to survive a night when I have no defensive assurances... As fate would have it it seems I had nothing to worry about (is it a BIT egotistical to snipe N0 - maybe, but it was not a YOLO and was not sketchy). Not to me at least.

Well, yeah, I dislike the play a lot. After the initial annoyance now mainly because of the belief that 'inactive town = dead town'.

A question came to my mind: Why haven't Coffee used Divine Shield on the first night?
I prepared a whole train of thought, collected a bunch of quotes, but then I realized the answer to my question is simple, so all that was for nothing.
Coffee did not use Divine Shield to protect himself, because he has not been online since signups. That is also why he hasn't posted.

I agree with promoting activity and discouraging inactivity, yet I cannot stop feeling conflicted. :-\ I would have waited at least until the next night.

Do I think rob is Mafia? For two reasons, no.

  • I performed a Night 1 shot as Town in Mafia 50. I can relate.
  • This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.

1. To be fair, there was a mafia egging you on to make that kill.  ;)
2. He absolutely would, see my reasoning earlier. He won't get lynched for it.

At least not Day 1 or 2. Neither would he later on if he gets confirmed as Fate Egg. Nelly and Andre were a bit too quick for my liking with posting this theory publicly. :-X

Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

Reasoning given in a previous post.

See, it's that easy. Now, I'm going to go to sleep soon, and I want to see a lot more than 3 votes when I wake up. Then I'll decide who we're lynching.

I don't have any reads yet. I struggle to make uninformed decisions but understand the importance and also not to bandwagon other people's thoughts.

Also, that last sentence reads weirdly. Does this fall into the category of Link's humour? O R C H E S T R A T E ! :o

I am quite certain kaempfer is town. However, it is very important to me that he does not know that I think this. DO NOT QUOTE THIS POST OR I WILL VOTE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD.

Shock is playing as his own faction again...

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

throwing my vote here then until MW responds to him seemingly FoSing ian (the gaslight comment) for what I can tell was just N0 banter
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

lol i dont have scum read on ian, just giving banter back.

First reading this left me with a sketchy feeling. I feel much more ambiguous now but still don't like the fact it is a topic. Fortunately, this has dies down now.

Scum reading torb is wrong. His decision making here matches his deck picking style in matches: play standard & consistent, leaving it to his opponent to start making things weird & only outdoing them on that front if forced to. According to that line of reasoning rob brought unnecessary complication. Personally not a fan of how rob's handling the response to his response to the response to his devour

Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd

I do like this post, along with the latest withdrawal of serp's vote. I might agree with it too strongly and need to challenge my own thinking that maybe voting early in the day can stimulate discussion but it sums up my own perception.

Link- I already admitted that in hindsight it is a negative result. Imagine the hard clear I get from hitting hiding scum. Inactive town is a dead town anyway as I see it, I've been around the block before and read many games where inactives suck up day energy. At least this had a chance to get scum or in the worse case scenario we seem to be in now from my shot the discussion is about a living player who is active to post, read, and be read.

(Also playing almost entirely by phone posting is driving me nuts \OT-rant)

You're arguing for two different sides here ('Imagine the hard clear i get from hitting scum'). But you can't have it both ways. Admitting 'a negative result' is not admitting a misplay which Link asked for in order to get on with the game. But you also said that you were within range of either alignment which I consider a concession of faulty play and leaves me content.

Also I forget what it's called but the syndrome of scumreading someone who scumreads me is a strong feeling right now. Like I don't even understand how a town player - if they're even here - can scumread my shot on the way being discussed. Link feels like probably just being Link so far could go either way on you right now. Scum link will be happy to let others pressure me if he doesn't have to do heavy lifting on me and town Link is wise enough to not slot me either way yet.

Annele, serp, torb are the strongest feel of that term (scumread vibes back on a scumread) right now. Their pushes don't feel genuine in meaning or tone to me. But I need to take some time to think through and not just feel it.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

An easy explanation fro town to scumread you: It was a bad play from Oty, no one wanted offensive role usage, you still did it, people expected more from you. I also liked Link's pressure as I was not there to criticise you for it as well as potential others.

But what I want to point out is the different perception of voting. I don't do it light-heartedly and therefore wait until it is a lot closer to the deadline. I expect others feel similarly.

When is the best time to post read-lists? I have at least some ideas about townsfolk, www is definitely on it.
Will try to post more frequently in the future. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 23, 2020, 03:48:06 pm
When is the best time to post read-lists? I have at least some ideas about townsfolk, www is definitely on it.
Will try to post more frequently in the future. :P

Read lists are always good imo
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 23, 2020, 04:03:12 pm
Host note

A possible loophole has been observed regarding intentionally modkilling yourself for any reason. I want to emphasize that this is by no means legal, not to mention the obvious breaking of good sportsmanship, and if anyone does so, they can expect to face consequences.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 04:13:58 pm

But intentional modkill is my favorite play
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 05:35:42 pm
Calin, thank you. Moe, you're giving off strong town vibes. Give me your reads list right away. Andre, not good enough. Cast a vote if you are able. Geo, Annele, saying you're fine with the current tally and not voting is the scummiest stance you could take. Slight scum lean for both until you vote.

Rob, buddy, just claim Fate Egg so I don't have to lynch you today. I would really love to play with you some more.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 06:14:38 pm
Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.
Having read through all the posts a couple of times I can't seem to find any other conclusions. It's hard to make reads when posts that are suspicious to me, just get dismissed as banter or so-and-so being silly. If you're asking for my strongest scumread, it's Rob - but I'm not at all confident on it.

If you see something suspicious, say something. It doesn't matter if other people dismissed it, you should be giving your honest thoughts.

But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.

Again, activity good, inactivity bad, but this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?

It's not about volume, it's about content. After this post I feel that you've contributed a helpful amount. More than iancu and MW who have more posts than you.

Also I think Linkcats conclusion doesnt really make sense. He talks about a certain point of the game when using devour is safe to do as scum (apparently that's immediately), while also giving an equally plausible scenario where rob is town. As mafia doesnt get nk'ed his entire argument hinges on rob being so afraid of being investigated that he expected to get lynched day 1 and thus used his ability on the least valuable target, simply because its the only he could justify (especially considering that these types of things probably are discussed in maf chat, at least one of which should recognize that coffee was likely to get mk'ed anyway thus making robs ability completely useless)?

The point I was talking about is when there are multiple people generally suspected by town, and a maf vig can just kill one that's town and not be suspected that much.

I feel like I have much better feel about how players think this time,
Help me out then. I am struggling to put a read on a few reactions.

Reaction 1


What the- I am not a big fan off www either, but between "LOL" and "F**K", my reaction was "F**K" when I first saw it. :-\

Reaction 2

inb4 3 vultures this game
But isn't that a good thing?

How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI?
Obviously if I die, then you two don't. That was the whole point of my message. (and I did not account to an Otyugh being used right away)

If you were allowed to ask what TP/LO means, I am allowed to ask what TMI means. ?_?

Rude, I'm a huge w3 fan. :(

It is a good thing, but it would make the game too easy for town.

TMI is Too Much Information, in this case information that only mafia had.

I think Link is right, I'm still probably within my range as either alignment so far this game. Also struggling to get in a mindset that seems to fit with role madness game type- I'm much more at home vanilla setups.
Is this a confession? This is mindgaming territory; you point out your potential guiltiness to counterpoint that a Mafia would never do that. But by doing this, you acknowledge that you would do things that would not make you seem like mafia if you were mafia, but you would not hesitate to point this out if you were town either, I just, I- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

He's simply saying that from an objective standpoint on his own meta, he could still easily be either alignment, which is true. The same applies to me currently.

Scum reading torb is wrong. His decision making here matches his deck picking style in matches: play standard & consistent, leaving it to his opponent to start making things weird & only outdoing them on that front if forced to. According to that line of reasoning rob brought unnecessary complication. Personally not a fan of how rob's handling the response to his response to the response to his devour

Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd

I do like this post, along with the latest withdrawal of serp's vote. I might agree with it too strongly and need to challenge my own thinking that maybe voting early in the day can stimulate discussion but it sums up my own perception.

As I said before, good idea but voting is more valuable. Usually there's 1 or 2 people who like to hold on to votes, but if more people do it that's an easy way to mislynch.

Link- I already admitted that in hindsight it is a negative result. Imagine the hard clear I get from hitting hiding scum. Inactive town is a dead town anyway as I see it, I've been around the block before and read many games where inactives suck up day energy. At least this had a chance to get scum or in the worse case scenario we seem to be in now from my shot the discussion is about a living player who is active to post, read, and be read.

(Also playing almost entirely by phone posting is driving me nuts \OT-rant)

Admitting 'a negative result' is not admitting a misplay which Link asked for in order to get on with the game.

This is correct. I even gave you a second option now, see how nice I am?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 06:28:07 pm
What's the policy on posting sha512sum outputs for texts I might reveal later on?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 06:35:15 pm
Not allowed, tell us what that says.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 23, 2020, 06:36:14 pm
What's the policy on posting sha512sum outputs for texts I might reveal later on?


I'll follow Ginyu's example from last Mafia and disallow them. I'll let you off if you reveal the meaning of it now, though.

led to

> oh look, Link is a ninja
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 06:41:33 pm
Oh whoops I should've made it something random since moe would be able to prove it by knowing the random phrase

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"

So, uh, hi
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 06:43:28 pm
Good shit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 06:46:14 pm
I was pretty tempted to ragequit over no breadcrumbing, cryptography is a right, & let moe reveal it to prove he's town after I get modkilled
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 06:56:57 pm
I cant find anything uber damning in any of this and really seems like some shallow fingerpointing. Ill just give my full read list as of right now. It aint much.

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town
Kaempfer- see shockcannons reasoning
submachine- is doing submachine stuff. i expect him to be slightly more low key as scum.
Rob- Im on the rob wouldnt be that stupid as scum bandwagon
Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp

Somethings i would like to point out

Waking up at 4 am to say:
I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town

This comment is based solely on reading the thread. He did not gain any information from his role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 23, 2020, 06:59:28 pm
I'm sure breadcrumbing is alright but not using this sort of obfuscation

smh, should have asked if it's okay before posting the cryptographic message anyway

Now all of mafia knows who you are

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 07:01:19 pm
That's actually an epic reference.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 07:01:29 pm
Sorry, I'm in tech, we live by the motto "easier to ask forgiveness than permission"
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 07:03:08 pm
I cant find anything uber damning in any of this and really seems like some shallow fingerpointing. Ill just give my full read list as of right now. It aint much.

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town
Kaempfer- see shockcannons reasoning
submachine- is doing submachine stuff. i expect him to be slightly more low key as scum.
Rob- Im on the rob wouldnt be that stupid as scum bandwagon
Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp

Somethings i would like to point out

Waking up at 4 am to say:
I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town

This comment is based solely on reading the thread. He did not gain any information from his role.

This is not the time to be softing...

Sub is never low key as scum.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 23, 2020, 07:17:30 pm
Oh whoops I should've made it something random since moe would be able to prove it by knowing the random phrase

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"

So, uh, hi

Well, this is as close as mechanically confirmed for me, since there's no way mafia risks 2 of their players to hard claim DejaVu. Someone do check them with Psion or even Endow for that matter, but it is not urgent in my opinion.

shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town
Kaempfer- see shockcannons reasoning

I really think it's not a good idea to hard hint at roles this early, it puts people with power roles at risk way too early if mafia deduces out of random hints the roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 07:17:49 pm

All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

Because last time you tunneled hard on someone we spent like 3 or 4 day phases in that thunderdome between you and that person if memory serves me right.

Last time i tunneled hard on someone, i was a fcking GN and i hit a Mafia on the first night. It turned into a thunderdome because that mafia i hit was Espithel. It was like throwing water on a grease fire.

This is not the time to be softing...

Sub is never low key as scum.

Sure it is. I have a vote on me (probably more of a placeholder i know) and honestly, there is like nothing besides rob's move that has sparked any real scum reads. Serps claim only solidified more town and serp or moe very well may die tomorrow night. Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I do think your correct on sub tho, and i would like to remove him at this time from my town reads
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 23, 2020, 07:22:31 pm
Last time i tunneled hard on someone, i was a fcking GN and i hit a Mafia on the first night. It turned into a thunderdome because that mafia i hit was Espithel. It was like throwing water on a grease fire.

Ah, my bad, I forgot that detail to be honest. I remembered it as two civvies going hard at eachother and the orchestration squad(my fault here too) coming in hot at end of day to change the results.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 23, 2020, 08:01:10 pm
Just to clarify, Linkk does not think I am Mafia, he just knows you can never be too cautious with me. ;)

He watched the entirety of 60 as a host, and he got familiar with my train of thought. Though you can also never know with Link, and Link seems to believe you can also never know with rob. We are the trinity of indecipherables.

And yes, Link managed to shake my steady townread on rob, but it is still a townread.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 08:03:17 pm

All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

Because last time you tunneled hard on someone we spent like 3 or 4 day phases in that thunderdome between you and that person if memory serves me right.

Last time i tunneled hard on someone, i was a fcking GN and i hit a Mafia on the first night. It turned into a thunderdome because that mafia i hit was Espithel. It was like throwing water on a grease fire.

This is not the time to be softing...

Sub is never low key as scum.

Sure it is. I have a vote on me (probably more of a placeholder i know) and honestly, there is like nothing besides rob's move that has sparked any real scum reads. Serps claim only solidified more town and serp or moe very well may die tomorrow night. Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I do think your correct on sub tho, and i would like to remove him at this time from my town reads

No, it's not. If you have an information role then stay in the background and collect as much of it as possible, don't draw attention to yourself. You didn't even do anything helpful.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 23, 2020, 08:05:19 pm
A short clarification regarding Deja Vu:

If a mafia member would earn Deja Vu, due to for example Crusader, Fate Egg or Vulture, it would fail - at all stages of the game, only Elementals can receive this role. I'd also like to let you know that this is Linkcat's ruleset - I am simply the host. So @Linkcat, if this interpretation is horribly wrong, let me know ASAP :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 08:11:32 pm
Mafia can become Deja Vu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 23, 2020, 08:13:37 pm
Disregard the above post, then. Mafia can become Deja Vu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:14:37 pm
Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I've reread the op 4 times and arrive at the conclusion that there is a grand total of 1 type of (not confirmed dead) town roles that would allow you to mechanically discern shocks alignement while simultaneously not knowing but believing serps claim to be true on n1 .

Ugh, this whole thing is a trainwreck again. Nvm me saying that this could turn out to be easy earlier.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 08:16:48 pm
No, it's not. If you have an information role then stay in the background and collect as much of it as possible, don't draw attention to yourself. You didn't even do anything helpful.

How not? I guess i can run around in circles with rob, you, and sub but i would rather try to provide some hard evidence. My role is not a great one but there is no reason for me to hold any information. If i die then that information goes with me.

Normally im not killed early. People see me as too disruptive to town to kill me. But with rob running around munching everthing i do not know when ill die. Might as well get out what i can while i can. If it paints a target, then so be it. My role is not important enough that ill probably save the NK from someone more important if i do get hit with it.

Now, i want your full list of reads. Youve been highly active with an opinion on everything said (nothing out of the ordinary), so lets see your info in basic form.   
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 08:17:36 pm
Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I've reread the op 4 times and arrive at the conclusion that there is a grand total of 1 type of (not confirmed dead) town roles that would allow you to mechanically discern shocks alignement while simultaneously not knowing but believing serps claim to be true on n1 .

Ugh, this whole thing is a trainwreck again. Nvm me saying that this could turn out to be easy earlier.

My role has nothing to do with me believing serp or really my kaempfer read.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:20:38 pm
I'm talking about your shock read; fate egg rolling gn is the only option that actually allows you to discern his alignement. I f you didnt have that, there is no way your result directly reveals shocks alignement.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 23, 2020, 08:21:36 pm
Calin, thank you. Moe, you're giving off strong town vibes. Give me your reads list right away. Andre, not good enough. Cast a vote if you are able. Geo, Annele, saying you're fine with the current tally and not voting is the scummiest stance you could take. Slight scum lean for both until you vote.

Alright I'll vote. Voting rob not only because of misplay but also the post where he points fingers at annele, serp, and torb without any concrete evidence.

I also don't like the vibes off shock's messages but its strictly a gut feel.

Also strongest townreads for me:
Linkcat - actively trying to push discussion which is always good for town
serp - good logic, good reasoning
moe - follow up from serp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:21:54 pm
as you cant be deja vu with him and not question serps claim as there is only at most one group of deja vus (stated in op)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:26:45 pm
well, an angleshooting argument could be made that if you have a secondary result of deja vu prior to playerOa's announcement obv no mafia has gotten the deja vu role yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 08:29:41 pm
as you cant be deja vu with him and not question serps claim as there is only at most one group of deja vus (stated in op)

Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp

i simply have no reason not to believe him. And your role read on me tells me i did on okay job at my soft claim.

I also don't like the vibes off shock's messages but its strictly a gut feel.

This is a totally normal gut feeling with everything shock says both in and outside of mafia. Dont look into what he says too hard or youll descend in madness. I think i can speak for the majority when i say that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 08:31:22 pm
No, it's not. If you have an information role then stay in the background and collect as much of it as possible, don't draw attention to yourself. You didn't even do anything helpful.

How not? I guess i can run around in circles with rob, you, and sub but i would rather try to provide some hard evidence. My role is not a great one but there is no reason for me to hold any information. If i die then that information goes with me.

Normally im not killed early. People see me as too disruptive to town to kill me. But with rob running around munching everthing i do not know when ill die. Might as well get out what i can while i can. If it paints a target, then so be it. My role is not important enough that ill probably save the NK from someone more important if i do get hit with it.

Now, i want your full list of reads. Youve been highly active with an opinion on everything said (nothing out of the ordinary), so lets see your info in basic form.

There we go, now that's the play I want to see.


Torb - Super genuine approach so far

MW - Your play doesn't make much sense as mafia

Everyone else - they haven't given me enough to work with.

Annele - See my big post a couple pages back
Geo - Same as Annele He voted while I was typing this, moved to n
rob - You know why
kdz - Lurking, he does this more as mafia than town
shock - Too quiet
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:38:03 pm
as you cant be deja vu with him and not question serps claim as there is only at most one group of deja vus (stated in op)

Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp

i simply have no reason not to believe him. And your role read on me tells me i did on okay job at my soft claim.

I also don't like the vibes off shock's messages but its strictly a gut feel.

This is a totally normal gut feeling with everything shock says both in and outside of mafia. Dont look into what he says too hard or youll descend in madness. I think i can speak for the majority when i say that.

Just to be sure, I want you to know that a psion getting a guardian angel result doesnt mean anything about the targets alignement. I'm a little concerned this might be going on, as people wrongly assuming such let to mobian living as mafia much longer than he should've in the mafia game before I started playing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 08:45:44 pm
I am aware of what my role tells me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 08:48:05 pm
fyi shock went out of town for a couple days
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:51:58 pm
ok, I get whats going on then
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 08:55:35 pm
so basically we regard moe, shock, serp as confirmed and either watch in horror as the mafia kills them 1 by 1 or try to solve the game while they are still around. Pretty wastefull to make that public this early, but it does make our PoE a lot smaller.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 23, 2020, 08:55:59 pm
I kinda skimmed through posts. So I guess it's time to make up my own list.

vv - deja vu's. Impossible (?) to counterclaim

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.

TorB - similar playstyle as last time I played with him.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
Sub - Bad plans as usual.

shock - I agree, he's too quiet. Although he could just be bored. Out of town, apparently

Fixing vote count. Also, probably not voting today.

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 09:06:18 pm
so basically we regard moe, shock, serp as confirmed and either watch in horror as the mafia kills them 1 by 1 or try to solve the game while they are still around. Pretty wastefull to make that public this early, but it does make our PoE a lot smaller.

I will be very very surprised is mafia kills shock. Shock helps mafia more alive than dead.

Moe and serp while can be "considered as town confirmed" dont have ultra powerful roles and would be killed just beacuse they are our "confirmed" town, which honestly helps us since their roles werent going to and the NK is saved from more important people.

i dont think we should hard confirm anybody. We should just keep this information in mind when voting and discussing. serp could be lying, we havent even got confirmation from Moe and i dont think he should confirm.

My question is, is Lynching rob the best move (honest question)? If he flips town, almost all conversations this phase were a waste and we lose a powerful role, whether that be oty or egg.
If we dont lynch rob, who do we lynch? doing a no lynch is probably the worst thing we can do, and we need some pretty hard evidence to get everyone to jump on a different lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 23, 2020, 09:12:07 pm
Oty is one use btw
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 09:14:30 pm
Oh didnt realize that!

The hes not Oty.

If he wasted an OU on N0 then he is mafia or not Oty. And even as mafia, he coulda saved that for later unless their gameplan is to bumrush the game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 09:16:52 pm
Honestly I like Link the least right now. Feels to me like he's shooting down any semblance of a read that doesnt fit his narrative and tries to sow the seed of doubt wherever he can. also I'm getting the feeling that his amusement with every single important town power role being revealed before the game has even started properly is actually genuine (joy at how easy this was) rather than a vet who has given up hope on people handling power roles properly.
In the last mafia where he wasnt nearly as active he made a bunch of pretty confident townreads at this stage, rather than keeping all options open for a potential lynch later.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 23, 2020, 09:39:42 pm
I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.

I'll sit this phase out.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 09:44:08 pm
Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 09:47:23 pm
Honestly I like Link the least right now. Feels to me like he's shooting down any semblance of a read that doesnt fit his narrative and tries to sow the seed of doubt wherever he can. also I'm getting the feeling that his amusement with every single important town power role being revealed before the game has even started properly is actually genuine (joy at how easy this was) rather than a vet who has given up hope on people handling power roles properly.
In the last mafia where he wasnt nearly as active he made a bunch of pretty confident townreads at this stage, rather than keeping all options open for a potential lynch later.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 23, 2020, 09:59:41 pm
Alright time to explain my sub read:
- My confidence mostly came from him putting in way too much effort into investigating certain things. it kinda reminded me of that time that someone made sure to reverse google image search the photo of a keyboard of someone with a broken h key (I think) to make sure he wasnt lying about it and just grabbed a random image of the internet.
A mafia would know that a town player would never lie about this and thus not even bother with that kind of busy work, unless they were specifically aiming to be read that way. Looking back, Sub reported doing this moreso than actually post his full thought process, so I can't actually verify whether he really thought about all these things.
Still, on this forum its pretty much easier to just stay low and people usually dont pick up on these types of things anyway, so wasting precious time with these detailed examinations isn't really a viable strategy for scum to escape suspicion here (quite the opposite really) and leaves less time to communicate with team members, monitor how people view yourselves and who is easy to lynch right now and other stuff scum has to tend to.
In the same vein, his post panicking about dying n1 (which is sth scum doesnt have to worry about, so scum only ever does that speculating to be read that way)
I expect Sub (or rob for that matter) to be aware of that and not make some elaborate theater that drags a lot of attention to themselves as scum. I dont think that type of gambit has ever worked out in a forum mafia here, so i dont see why he would bother with acting. Occams rayzor says he's just town legitimately getting confused about some things and trying to look into everything he can.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 23, 2020, 10:02:30 pm
Honestly I like Link the least right now. Feels to me like he's shooting down any semblance of a read that doesnt fit his narrative and tries to sow the seed of doubt wherever he can. also I'm getting the feeling that his amusement with every single important town power role being revealed before the game has even started properly is actually genuine (joy at how easy this was) rather than a vet who has given up hope on people handling power roles properly.
In the last mafia where he wasnt nearly as active he made a bunch of pretty confident townreads at this stage, rather than keeping all options open for a potential lynch later.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 23, 2020, 10:13:33 pm
I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.

I'll sit this phase out.

why are you afraid?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 01:03:20 am
I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.

I'll sit this phase out.

why are you afraid?
I suspect people broke the rules of the game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 01:04:51 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 01:05:54 am
and some other, minor concerns too. It will take quite some text to break down everything that confuses me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 01:19:10 am
Is it serp and shock talking about mafia via discord call? Cuz I'm a little weirded out by that too
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 01:20:21 am
Is it serp and shock talking about mafia via discord call? Cuz I'm a little weirded out by that too
That is part of it, yes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 24, 2020, 01:20:39 am
Welp, I do hope you write that text sub.

I do think I was too hasty to scumread rob without considering all role possibilities. It was a bad move, but I'm not as worried it was mafia trying to pull a fast one on us anymore.

I agree that no lynch is a bad idea atm, since we're already two town down, but I don't think rob should be the target. I'm not sure what else to go on yet, so I'll read through the posts again and also wait for sub's 'quite some text', which may change things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 01:28:23 am
That was against the rules, but the thread is not the place to discuss it. Pm any concerns you may have to the host and they will take appropriate action.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 01:33:43 am
My wall of text will be more like a wall of questions, rather than a wall of answers. And I already regret that I started with the most damaging part that is not even relevant to solving.

I am not in the mind right now though, so do not stop the discussion until I get it together. I just need to finally stop playing Minecraft, go to sleep, and come back to this tomorrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 01:37:30 am
Just post what you have, Sub. I'm going into withdrawal, I need content.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 01:59:45 am
Here's more rule breaking, talking about the game with ghosts:

[01:28:01] ‹worldwideweb3› do i sense D R A M A
[01:33:46] ‹serprex› ‹@worldwideweb3› nope, you losing 0-6 to monofire is going to be more dramatic
[01:44:31] ‹worldwideweb3› uh thats not happening cause dawn doesnt play 6 monofires
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 02:15:23 am
I am finally done with the 'stop playing Minecraft' part, so initiate the part about sleeping. ^^
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 02:39:21 am
I am finally done with the 'stop playing Minecraft' part, so initiate the part about sleeping. ^^

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 03:32:11 am
24 hour extension- kaempfer13
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 04:03:52 am
FFS folks... I breadcrumbed my role in case I had to claim LATER, not because I wanted to do so D1. "Lunch" was a honest typo in N0, but having used fate and egg in subsequent posts whereas I pretty much NEVER use those words was on purpose. I am not going to be coming out here with any sort of admission of my shot being "wrong" or "bad" play because I don't think it was. It was an idea that didn't work out and that is as far as it should really go for now, given we have no idea in the long run how it may help / result in the game playing out.

If there are really some of you who just have to know what I was thinking, it is now easier for me to lay it out given I'm claiming Fate Egg. Read in bravado or self-importance or overthinking or egotistical or whatever you want, but the following is how I arrived at deciding to vig coffee N0. I get my role and am Oty N0 (great, what an awesome role that is even better the longer you hold it - but I have it _now_ and ONLY for N0 use or lose) from Fate Egg roll. Looking over the player list, I determine that there is a fair chance I may be a NK target N0 if certain other high profile or more active/"admired" (right word?) players are scum this game. Hence, I feel a fair chance that acting N0 is possibly one of my best chances to help town this game. It is not a secret nor a recent thing that I do not like low activity players. However, I know better than to snipe a player simply for LOW activity. So I start out thinking I want to snipe the scummiest poster N0 - problem quickly arises for me as I realize Elements mafia is not high activity in general, N0 is no real must to post a lot, and that in a role madness (not my favorite type...) game certain people might stay close to the vest N0 in order to avoid NK suspicion if they have a strong role (RIP www3). I then realize late-mid-ish N0 that coffee has not posted ANYTHING even once since signing up, is not signed in or active, was inactivity MK'd his previous mafia game a year ago, and from that I get a strong feeling that he is not going to be any kind of use this game if town and I have a chance N0 to bag a slacking scum. I am WELL AWARE that killing a town is not ideal but only HINDSIGHT tells me he was town - I saw it as a chance to be a benefit to town...

Whoever it was (Cal) that was scumreading me and made a statement about them seeing me as scummy for a "bad play" and "policy" is a duo of very bad terrible no good reasons to ever scumread or vote/lynch anyone. So that can just be knocked off now - the policy lynch, bad play lynch (in this case I will strongly argue - actually, I already have argued it this way - it was not a "bad play" but rather a bad result), info lynch, etc. is just so squarely a bad way to try to win if you're town and is a nice way to push mislynches if you're scum.

I believe the Deja claim. Serp- breadcrumbing is not using codes or invisitext etc... it is using regular language or aspects of regular posts than can be played by all players within the game to leave clues or hints or disguise info than can be further clarified later for it's additional meaning (but was understood and readable at the original time too).

This is a bit echoing a sentiment posted already - I think by kaempfer - but as I was going about my day today I was ruminating on this game... and having trouble figuring out what felt different about Link. I realized it seemed like he was a bit less concerned with what I _recall_ him liking to do which is find some town reads, find some scumreads, build a POE, and push around on the remaining set of players to get them to post and be active enough that he can read them into those three categories. However, this game it feels a lot more like he is simply moving around looking for who to lynch moreso than the above strategy. This latter is a scum-tactic more than not. A HUGE caveat here is that Link is a notoriously difficult read for me, and we have a fairly colorful history of interactions in games we both participate. When I saw kaempfer essentially have a similar read on Link I had a little bell ring in my head that maybe my thought was on to something. But even just typing through this I recall a few role madness or role-heavy setups I have played in with and read real-time on Link vacillating around in the POE while being town. This is probably my longest ever slight read on a player... but for now Link has a wolfy vibe for me so far but sadly I feel as several have stated (Sub, myself, Link?) already that Link is still in range of both his town and scum ranges.

A follow-up post will attempt to gather my thoughts on reads/slots so far this game...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 04:29:54 am
Switching my vote from rob to Sub until he can offer something more than a cliffhanger. Also makes it so the tally isn't so far back

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

Ultimately I'm going to vote for whomever moe votes for, since he has a better read on this than I do
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:31:09 am
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

Read below please. I fancy a vote on Sub or Ge0, but stronger read right now on Sub (again, read all below please)

Ge0 - you going to vote Sub? What's your read on him, and/or reaction to my read on Sub??


kae - he has had some takes that come across as real solving attempts that fit the stage of the game
shock - a few reasons... I'm a tad uncomfortable typing them directly here

MW - his posting today reads like a person really trying to think through the game... like he is typing in the thread without having had other conversations (as a scum would likely be doing in a scum chat). For example, I feel confident that the scum this game would not post in here without being up to speed on the rob-N0-coffee-shot and how Oty works etc (this post (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297108/#msg1297108) leans me a town direction from MW)

DC - basically only $#@!posting so far... which I recall from past DC/q games is NAI
kdz - not even enough content to remember he is playing unless I'm looking at the player list

timpa - very blaise posting so far, minimally at that. I know he has a mind and capability to exceed his input / solving so far and if town I expect to see it. scum timpa could be simply put off by not needing to solve so lacking WIM. These are VERY loose aspects to read from, hence some negative comments but just an n- read.

Link - see my prior wall post... seems a bit more likely to not be his more solve-y town Link. still miles to go to develop this though
iancu - the incomplete reads list, he did mention only skimming but the omission of a few players with plenty of posts and more than some he DID read pings my senses (he omitted kae and MW??)

Cal - I really don't like the way he goes to policy, and bad play lynch approach in order to vote me, but reading over the stuff in his posts so far it actually reads like he really just believes that is a fair set of reasons to lynch a player (they aren't by the way). Given his replies and vote/etc. with Sub I really don't see any w/w with Sub (who is a strong scumread for me right now).

Annele - the initial approach she took to scumread me for my N0 felt awkwardly aimed at me... however, the back-down after some explanations occurred felt a little more genuine. A bit "off" feeling to me that the backdown came so easy after so much shade (as a ratio of her total posts, to those shading me). It does though seem possible this is how she approaches reads, but need to see more to feel better/stronger about reading her play.

Torb - I find his initial push on me to be stronger than his reasons would/should normally portend, that is a bit like he set out wanting to scumread me and then filled in the take/read. looking forward to reading his posts/reads following some of the posting that has gone on today. from today and re-reading he and I's exchanges I could see this possibly being a v/v clash of style or misunderstood statements/actions (that is, he seemed in a re-read genuinely upset I had not fleshed out my reasoning or further detailed my N0 action process... I have since done that and look forward to seeing how he reacts to it, if he does) to say it a different way-- perhaps he is a very mechanical player who wants to be able to understand how other players make somewhat important game decisions and as of yet he hasn't arrived at that point with me+N0

Ge0 - talking about how caught up he is (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296938/#msg1296938); more talk about why he might appear to not be playing/solving much (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297048/#msg1297048) and a way wish-washy meandering around his read on me at a time when it felt in the thread (at least to me) like I might become a wagon - like he wants to hedge why he jumps on later should I become a good ML target; suddenly has townreads on the Deja-claiming duo (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297095/#msg1297095) and having gone from thinking my play is likely towny because he "can't help but think that there's no way Rob would draw so much attention to him right off the bat if he was scum" to voting me as scummy b/c of that same misplay and because I gave scumreads of Annele/Serp/TorB???
^-- I find all of these things at least a bit scummy or more.

Sub - reading the thread and Sub's posts I get a sense of wolf-losing-WIM due to 'reasons', whereas the last part of today I get a sense in the thread of things developing that might actually benefit town simultaneous with Sub losing his Want-It-More (WIM).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:32:23 am
D'oh, EBWOP:

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 05:34:07 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:36:04 am
Also, I find kae's "vote" for extension townie of him on the timing and approach of it... I don't think a scum!kae does that at a time where the thread feels to be flowing a bit toward town favor...?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 05:55:24 am
Alright, after reading some of 68, I realized that there was a distinct lack of shitposts in this thread. Now that I've gotten a little of that out of my system, let's go over some stuff.

Alright time to explain my sub read:
- My confidence mostly came from him putting in way too much effort into investigating certain things. it kinda reminded me of that time that someone made sure to reverse google image search the photo of a keyboard of someone with a broken h key (I think) to make sure he wasnt lying about it and just grabbed a random image of the internet.
A mafia would know that a town player would never lie about this and thus not even bother with that kind of busy work, unless they were specifically aiming to be read that way. Looking back, Sub reported doing this moreso than actually post his full thought process, so I can't actually verify whether he really thought about all these things.
Still, on this forum its pretty much easier to just stay low and people usually dont pick up on these types of things anyway, so wasting precious time with these detailed examinations isn't really a viable strategy for scum to escape suspicion here (quite the opposite really) and leaves less time to communicate with team members, monitor how people view yourselves and who is easy to lynch right now and other stuff scum has to tend to.
In the same vein, his post panicking about dying n1 (which is sth scum doesnt have to worry about, so scum only ever does that speculating to be read that way)
I expect Sub (or rob for that matter) to be aware of that and not make some elaborate theater that drags a lot of attention to themselves as scum. I dont think that type of gambit has ever worked out in a forum mafia here, so i dont see why he would bother with acting. Occams razor says he's just town legitimately getting confused about some things and trying to look into everything he can.

This reads like you've never played as mafia before. It doesn't take that much extra time.

24 hour extension- kaempfer13

Not really necessary right now, we'll see where we're at closer to deadline.

FFS folks... I breadcrumbed my role in case I had to claim LATER, not because I wanted to do so D1. "Lunch" was a honest typo in N0, but having used fate and egg in subsequent posts whereas I pretty much NEVER use those words was on purpose. I am not going to be coming out here with any sort of admission of my shot being "wrong" or "bad" play because I don't think it was. It was an idea that didn't work out and that is as far as it should really go for now, given we have no idea in the long run how it may help / result in the game playing out.

If there are really some of you who just have to know what I was thinking, it is now easier for me to lay it out given I'm claiming Fate Egg. Read in bravado or self-importance or overthinking or egotistical or whatever you want, but the following is how I arrived at deciding to vig coffee N0. I get my role and am Oty N0 (great, what an awesome role that is even better the longer you hold it - but I have it _now_ and ONLY for N0 use or lose) from Fate Egg roll. Looking over the player list, I determine that there is a fair chance I may be a NK target N0 if certain other high profile or more active/"admired" (right word?) players are scum this game. Hence, I feel a fair chance that acting N0 is possibly one of my best chances to help town this game. It is not a secret nor a recent thing that I do not like low activity players. However, I know better than to snipe a player simply for LOW activity. So I start out thinking I want to snipe the scummiest poster N0 - problem quickly arises for me as I realize Elements mafia is not high activity in general, N0 is no real must to post a lot, and that in a role madness (not my favorite type...) game certain people might stay close to the vest N0 in order to avoid NK suspicion if they have a strong role (RIP www3). I then realize late-mid-ish N0 that coffee has not posted ANYTHING even once since signing up, is not signed in or active, was inactivity MK'd his previous mafia game a year ago, and from that I get a strong feeling that he is not going to be any kind of use this game if town and I have a chance N0 to bag a slacking scum. I am WELL AWARE that killing a town is not ideal but only HINDSIGHT tells me he was town - I saw it as a chance to be a benefit to town...

Whoever it was (Cal) that was scumreading me and made a statement about them seeing me as scummy for a "bad play" and "policy" is a duo of very bad terrible no good reasons to ever scumread or vote/lynch anyone. So that can just be knocked off now - the policy lynch, bad play lynch (in this case I will strongly argue - actually, I already have argued it this way - it was not a "bad play" but rather a bad result), info lynch, etc. is just so squarely a bad way to try to win if you're town and is a nice way to push mislynches if you're scum.

I believe the Deja claim. Serp- breadcrumbing is not using codes or invisitext etc... it is using regular language or aspects of regular posts than can be played by all players within the game to leave clues or hints or disguise info than can be further clarified later for it's additional meaning (but was understood and readable at the original time too).

This is a bit echoing a sentiment posted already - I think by kaempfer - but as I was going about my day today I was ruminating on this game... and having trouble figuring out what felt different about Link. I realized it seemed like he was a bit less concerned with what I _recall_ him liking to do which is find some town reads, find some scumreads, build a POE, and push around on the remaining set of players to get them to post and be active enough that he can read them into those three categories. However, this game it feels a lot more like he is simply moving around looking for who to lynch moreso than the above strategy. This latter is a scum-tactic more than not. A HUGE caveat here is that Link is a notoriously difficult read for me, and we have a fairly colorful history of interactions in games we both participate. When I saw kaempfer essentially have a similar read on Link I had a little bell ring in my head that maybe my thought was on to something. But even just typing through this I recall a few role madness or role-heavy setups I have played in with and read real-time on Link vacillating around in the POE while being town. This is probably my longest ever slight read on a player... but for now Link has a wolfy vibe for me so far but sadly I feel as several have stated (Sub, myself, Link?) already that Link is still in range of both his town and scum ranges.

A follow-up post will attempt to gather my thoughts on reads/slots so far this game...

Great, it was a good play, and you should have expected you would have to claim, cause it wasn't a good play without the Fate Egg. Case closed, moving on.

You might want to take a look back at my ISO, buddy. I've been doing those things all game, and I haven't been moving around, I've only been on you up until now.

Your v reads are decent, but the rest of your readslist is mostly shit. It's very convenient that your top scumread is the guy who already had 2 votes on him, and someone that mafia wouldn't want sticking around. Tell me, rob, how do you feel about an Annele lynch today?

You guys left out Ge0's vote, btw.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 06:10:01 am
I'm fine with an Annele counter-wagon... or Ge0 counter wagon. Or a TorB counter - but I really prefer hold off much there until I get to read his reaction to recent developments. You don't seem to have any appetite for a Ge0 wagonlynch, how come?

ALso, what you mean my v-reads are decent (2/5 of them are the Deja claims)? If you think my scum leans are bad then why are you voting one and asking me about voting one?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:14:12 am
I changed my mind, Annele played way more confident when she was mafia last game. This game it appears that she had a natural development on a read, also I mixed up someone else's post as hers.

How do you feel about an andre lynch?

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 06:21:16 am
Feels like low-hanging fruit to me... but a very short / quick ISO he does try to shade awkwardly in one post - and sticks to a bit of a mechanical thing about my 'soft claim' and then a throw-away thing about reads list.

Nothing real substantive or towny there, but really feel stronger right now about my other scumreads.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 06:23:24 am
Torb - I find his initial push on me to be stronger than his reasons would/should normally portend, that is a bit like he set out wanting to scumread me and then filled in the take/read. looking forward to reading his posts/reads following some of the posting that has gone on today. from today and re-reading he and I's exchanges I could see this possibly being a v/v clash of style or misunderstood statements/actions (that is, he seemed in a re-read genuinely upset I had not fleshed out my reasoning or further detailed my N0 action process... I have since done that and look forward to seeing how he reacts to it, if he does) to say it a different way-- perhaps he is a very mechanical player who wants to be able to understand how other players make somewhat important game decisions and as of yet he hasn't arrived at that point with me+N0
Elementary, my dear rob. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

I could see no possible situation in which this is a good call for town, I could see a very unlikely situation where this would benefit mafia. Therefore, you must be mafia.

With that said, I will believe your own conviction of this being a good move (or at the very least acceptable), which is indeed more credible with Fate Egg. Even if I still disagree with this move.

Regretting a town died or being sorry about it is useless. The idea is that you regret the decision and would agree not to make the same decision again if faced with identical circumstances. Not doing so matches up nicely with the previous statement. If you were half-hearted about it, you should never have made a move like that to begin with.

Will look over all this juicy info and get my thoughts out on all the people now that I'm semi-done tunneling (in ~3 hours).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:39:47 am
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

Read below please. I fancy a vote on Sub or Ge0, but stronger read right now on Sub (again, read all below please)

Ge0 - you going to vote Sub? What's your read on him, and/or reaction to my read on Sub??


kae - he has had some takes that come across as real solving attempts that fit the stage of the game
shock - a few reasons... I'm a tad uncomfortable typing them directly here

MW - his posting today reads like a person really trying to think through the game... like he is typing in the thread without having had other conversations (as a scum would likely be doing in a scum chat). For example, I feel confident that the scum this game would not post in here without being up to speed on the rob-N0-coffee-shot and how Oty works etc (this post (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297108/#msg1297108) leans me a town direction from MW)

DC - basically only $#@!posting so far... which I recall from past DC/q games is NAI
kdz - not even enough content to remember he is playing unless I'm looking at the player list

timpa - very blaise posting so far, minimally at that. I know he has a mind and capability to exceed his input / solving so far and if town I expect to see it. scum timpa could be simply put off by not needing to solve so lacking WIM. These are VERY loose aspects to read from, hence some negative comments but just an n- read.

Link - see my prior wall post... seems a bit more likely to not be his more solve-y town Link. still miles to go to develop this though
iancu - the incomplete reads list, he did mention only skimming but the omission of a few players with plenty of posts and more than some he DID read pings my senses (he omitted kae and MW??)

Cal - I really don't like the way he goes to policy, and bad play lynch approach in order to vote me, but reading over the stuff in his posts so far it actually reads like he really just believes that is a fair set of reasons to lynch a player (they aren't by the way). Given his replies and vote/etc. with Sub I really don't see any w/w with Sub (who is a strong scumread for me right now).

Annele - the initial approach she took to scumread me for my N0 felt awkwardly aimed at me... however, the back-down after some explanations occurred felt a little more genuine. A bit "off" feeling to me that the backdown came so easy after so much shade (as a ratio of her total posts, to those shading me). It does though seem possible this is how she approaches reads, but need to see more to feel better/stronger about reading her play.

Torb - I find his initial push on me to be stronger than his reasons would/should normally portend, that is a bit like he set out wanting to scumread me and then filled in the take/read. looking forward to reading his posts/reads following some of the posting that has gone on today. from today and re-reading he and I's exchanges I could see this possibly being a v/v clash of style or misunderstood statements/actions (that is, he seemed in a re-read genuinely upset I had not fleshed out my reasoning or further detailed my N0 action process... I have since done that and look forward to seeing how he reacts to it, if he does) to say it a different way-- perhaps he is a very mechanical player who wants to be able to understand how other players make somewhat important game decisions and as of yet he hasn't arrived at that point with me+N0

Ge0 - talking about how caught up he is (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296938/#msg1296938); more talk about why he might appear to not be playing/solving much (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297048/#msg1297048) and a way wish-washy meandering around his read on me at a time when it felt in the thread (at least to me) like I might become a wagon - like he wants to hedge why he jumps on later should I become a good ML target; suddenly has townreads on the Deja-claiming duo (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297095/#msg1297095) and having gone from thinking my play is likely towny because he "can't help but think that there's no way Rob would draw so much attention to him right off the bat if he was scum" to voting me as scummy b/c of that same misplay and because I gave scumreads of Annele/Serp/TorB???
^-- I find all of these things at least a bit scummy or more.

Sub - reading the thread and Sub's posts I get a sense of wolf-losing-WIM due to 'reasons', whereas the last part of today I get a sense in the thread of things developing that might actually benefit town simultaneous with Sub losing his Want-It-More (WIM).

Why do you have DC and kdz in n+? Did you find a new religion that doesn't believe in straight n or what?

Your read on me is bad, I'm still solving.

Cal is not using a policy lynch argument against you. He didn't even vote you, he's voting on the same guy you are.

Torb's push was justified because there wasn't much else going on and he feels like the type of guy to always want to be pushing someone. He had a clear explanation and attempted to engage with you on his push.

You're way over-analyzing Ge0, he's playing exactly like someone dipping their toes back into mafia after a long time and what little content he had felt real. No reason to vote him right now.

Sub always wants it more, have you played with him before? And the thread is not developing in favor of town, we outed 3.5 roles after losing our GN. Also interesting how this is the least developed of your scumreads, yet it's also your strongest one.

Feels like low-hanging fruit to me... but a very short / quick ISO he does try to shade awkwardly in one post - and sticks to a bit of a mechanical thing about my 'soft claim' and then a throw-away thing about reads list.

Nothing real substantive or towny there, but really feel stronger right now about my other scumreads.

Thank you for this data, it may prove valuable depending on your flip.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:46:03 am






Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:56:56 am
I want a full readslist from the following players:


And I want literally anything from these players:


And rob, don't try to get back the top post count this game, it's mine.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 07:06:32 am
coming once I finish this excel sheet so I can ISO people without having to read back and forth
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 24, 2020, 07:11:32 am
For context, I haven't played a text based mafia game since the last one played here. I'm afraid I'm a bit out of my depth at this point. So if you expect plays of any kind, sadly you'll have to find that elsewhere.

Further, as for the recent inactivity, which I am aware is a less then positive for the game as a whole comes from a slightly busy weekend, and bit of a large chunk since my last check in. (Last I read we were still on page 10. Oh the memories) But don't worry, I'm back from the dead mostly. Once I'm in a slightly better headspace (Just celebrated my late birthday!) I'll hopefully be able to read up and provide an insight and opinion into the current happenings.

Side note, can I just say how i've missed the 3 page long deep dives into reads. Ya'll go hard.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 07:30:29 am
Happy birthday bro.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 07:52:24 am
I want a full readslist from the following players:


I really dont have any heavy scum reads but lll do my best

serp, moe. -no reason not to believe serps claims

shock, kaempf -i really do belive one of them is town, if not both, but upon further review on info, could be wrong.

DC (really just seeing normal stuff.)
iancu ^
Calin ^
Sub (^ for now but could change based on anticipated post)
Rob (hes fate egg. it took long enough. Could be wrong but i dont think that doesnt mean hes not mafia)
kdz (seems normal so far. need more content)
Geo (Normal. Need more content)

Annele  (is really justs saying enough to lay low without inactivity attention.)
Linkcat (really seems like he wants to control the game. Maybe its to start conversation maybe its  O R C H E S T R A T I O N)
Andre (Just reread everything hes posted. He literally adds nothing but super soft reads and looks like hes trying to remain neutral. I dont like that)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 08:00:33 am
Thanks, now vote on andre with me so we can get a second wagon going.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 24, 2020, 08:07:45 am
Annele - the initial approach she took to scumread me for my N0 felt awkwardly aimed at me... however, the back-down after some explanations occurred felt a little more genuine. A bit "off" feeling to me that the backdown came so easy after so much shade (as a ratio of her total posts, to those shading me). It does though seem possible this is how she approaches reads, but need to see more to feel better/stronger about reading her play.

I was undecided on your move for a while before I posted, but ultimately I came to the same conclusion as torb - having forgotten fate egg, I thought that the less unlikely answer was that you were mafia. I didn't want to go soft and let mafia get away with such a brazen move, hence the shade With fate egg in the mix, and having thought it over some more, I realised that though it's possible you're mafia, town was a lot more likely than I had assumed. I appreciate the explanation for why you chose ditto. Looking at it now, I think mafia would have chosen a target more useful to town (either one who's posting a lot or however they managed to pluck out GN), since you were bound to get heat either way.

You're way over-analyzing Ge0, he's playing exactly like someone dipping their toes back into mafia after a long time and what little content he had felt real. No reason to vote him right now.

I don't think it's necessarily overanalysing geo, geo's posts gave me the same vibe I had when playing as mafia last round. I agree no reason to vote on just yet, but I'm wary of him. andre has a similar vibe without the over-explaining lack of posting, but I completely forgot all his posts until rob mentioned him and I re-read them, which I think makes him more suspicious. I'm not sure how to read linkcat just yet but I agree with the reasoning behind it.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat, Annele

I didn't vote before because of the graboid suggestion but I'd like to see what sub has to say before he's killed. There seems to be a lot to this story that I've somehow missed? I'm curious to see how much it will change.

Also hbd kdz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 08:12:28 am
Thanks, now vote on andre with me so we can get a second wagon going.

stop trying to buddy me.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

I want read list from andre and THE post from sub. id vote both if i could until they respond.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 24, 2020, 08:55:13 am
Can someone explain to me what vv, v, n, w in these readlists mean? Tried to do some short Googling but couldn't find anything. All I can tell is that v = good, n = bad, is that all there is to it?

Posting from my phone and I'm too lazy to quote the messages but:

Re: Rob calling me out
My increase in activity and attempt to read people is all in response to Link asking for more from me. Again, in all honesty, a lot of the discussion has been beyond me and I don't have strong opinions.

Re: Rob asking for my opinion on sub
This is one of those situations where I have no idea how highly I should weigh my suspicions. Do I think his posts are slightly sus? Sure. But I also thought the same of shock, and link, and serp at different times in the thread and they were vouched for by other people. Sub has his share of people saying this is normal behaviour for him and I'm inclined to agree as I don't know how he talks/plays.

I would also like to mention that I'm afraid of seeming too bandwagon-y now and so I don't want to vote? I don't know, once again - completely in over my head right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 09:08:10 am
Just be as honest as possible. Listen to what others say but make your own decisions. Being genuine will help us townread you, which is the most helpful thing you can do right now. Ask questions about anything you don't fully understand. You seem to already be doing this, so just keep going and you'll get it eventually.

v is villager, n is neutral, w is wolf. Goes from most town to least town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 09:31:47 am
moe - I think this is quite certain
serp - As much as it pains me to say it
MW - based off his town reads list and what I see as softing
kae - giving me good vibes in investigating plus MW seems to trust him more than is necessary based on posting alone
Link - I think based on how he discussed stuff with rob wrt to Otyugh and NK it's more likely he's town
rob - Conclusion with the least assumptions makes me think he's town, tho the alternate scenario while plausible is a bit harder to believe
Annele - Pushing onto rob seems quite genuine and would be something I'd do if I were better lol
shock - if MW is town this would also make sense but he hasn't said anything productive
Sub - sounds like confused town more like it
TorB - See: Annele
Calindu - Good activity with what I've seen but it's all stuff that is technically useful, but doesn't really shown his opinion of others yet. Out of everyone who doesn't have a readlist would be most interested in him.
kdz - Happy birthday btw
ian - not much to work of but I don't like the vote withholding.
andre - sheeps rob's reads, and I feel like exposing Rob's softclaim looks sketch
Ge0 - kinda weak reads tbh. Say's that he thinks there's no way rob will shift the spotlight to him, but is his hardest scumread? I'll concede he may be trying his best though

I must admit im feel a bit outta my league especially with how fast mafia has become, but I'll do my best to not purely shitpost until I get mislynched. At this point in time I'd nullread me too.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 09:48:49 am
re: Link's "I want anything from these players"

I already gave my somewhat short readlist here: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297105/#msg1297105

I don't have much else to contribute at the moment. If you want my opinion on someone I did not include in the list, let me know and I'll take a closer look at their posts, as I'm too lazy to do that for everyone.

re: DC's "I don't like the vote withholding"

I don't have any particular scumreads at the moment, so if I were to vote, I would literally do the thing I advised against: jumping on bandwagons.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 09:54:40 am

4. You are allowed to vote for No Lynch. You are also allowed to vote for a 1 hour or 24 hour extension. The votes are counted in a separate tally and you may only do one extension per phase.

I would like to note that this is very much a thing, and between there being concerns about rulebreaking, one of the lynch candidates apparently working on the wall of walls on that topic and thus not being able to explain himself for a while and several new reads emerging as well as me myself needing more time to collect my thoughts, I think we should make use of it. in fact it's optimal for town to do that whenever possible, but I dont want to test everyones patience unnecessarily.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 24, 2020, 09:58:38 am
Cal - I really don't like the way he goes to policy, and bad play lynch approach in order to vote me, but reading over the stuff in his posts so far it actually reads like he really just believes that is a fair set of reasons to lynch a player (they aren't by the way). Given his replies and vote/etc. with Sub I really don't see any w/w with Sub (who is a strong scumread for me right now).

I'm not pushing to policy lynch you, I just said that if it were almost anyone else, they would get policy lynched for the play.

Here's my read list


serp, moe - No reason to not believe that


TorB - He plays very similar to the way he played last mafia, where he flipped town, very methodical and slow, looking at hard evidence
MW - Again, he plays in a very similar fashion to the way he played town


kae - Helpful to the town, plays as I would expect him to play


Ge0 - Not much content, don't see why others consider him suspicious though
Annele, ian, DC, kdz, shock - Have no reads on them really


andretimpa - Very low content, but comes up more suspicious than others to me
Linkcat - I am really unsure how to read him, but I remember he did the same strategy when he flipped mafia too - quickly giving ideas for people to vote on to see whom are other people ok to lynch
Sub - I don't really know tbh, he plays strange, very unusual. I don't like the idea of not lynching rob/Link if they do something suspect, as it reinforces an idea that we rely on them to solve and we are ok to lose if they are mafia. However, his last few posts actually feel genuine. He would have been w before the few posts about broken rules
rob - Gives me a weird vibe all around, a big part of that is the Oty play, which makes more sense as Fate Egg, but I still don't like


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 10:09:49 am
Alright, so a list of reads soon. But first, I want to focus on something more important:
The fact that serprex and moehrpi might both be deja vu town. I'm reading posts like "I believe" or "I think" and other such weak sentiments. If you are going to call someone hard town or blindside them you need to be convinced.

So I will be putting on my tinfoil hat and try some angles of attack. For example:
What's the policy on posting sha512sum outputs for texts I might reveal later on?

I'll follow Ginyu's example from last Mafia and disallow them. I'll let you off if you reveal the meaning of it now, though.
Should have totally been the expected outcome and:
I was pretty tempted to ragequit over no breadcrumbing, cryptography is a right, & let moe reveal it to prove he's town after I get modkilled
Is missing the rage feels to me.

So now, taking the statement "serprex is deja vu alongside moehrpi" as not truth, let us focus on alternative hypotheses that I could think of:
With this, we indeed reach Calindu's conclusion of:
Oh whoops I should've made it something random since moe would be able to prove it by knowing the random phrase

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"

So, uh, hi

Well, this is as close as mechanically confirmed for me, since there's no way mafia risks 2 of their players to hard claim DejaVu. Someone do check them with Psion or even Endow for that matter, but it is not urgent in my opinion.
I mean, I'd argue there is a way, but it's not a significant probability.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 10:20:04 am
re: DC's "I don't like the vote withholding"

I don't have any particular scumreads at the moment, so if I were to vote, I would literally do the thing I advised against: jumping on bandwagons.

I know but, and this is a host question I guess because it'll affect whether I vote or not, does the lynch occur as soon as majority is reached (so 9 people here) and hence elsewhere we have talks of 'putting people to L-1' on other forums, OR does it just check for most # of votes when deadline is over?

Assuming the latter I rather you come out with an opinion now first, even if you wagon someone else and I'll maintain NL helps no one but town. If it's the former I concede that blitzing strategies exist

I would like to note that this is very much a thing, and between there being concerns about rulebreaking, one of the lynch candidates apparently working on the wall of walls on that topic and thus not being able to explain himself for a while and several new reads emerging as well as me myself needing more time to collect my thoughts, I think we should make use of it. in fact it's optimal for town to do that whenever possible, but I dont want to test everyones patience unnecessarily.

Fuck it. At the very least I want to hear Sub and give time for kdz/Ge0 to catch up.

Extension (2) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 10:32:25 am
re: Link's "I want anything from these players"

I already gave my somewhat short readlist here: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297105/#msg1297105

I don't have much else to contribute at the moment. If you want my opinion on someone I did not include in the list, let me know and I'll take a closer look at their posts, as I'm too lazy to do that for everyone.

re: DC's "I don't like the vote withholding"

I don't have any particular scumreads at the moment, so if I were to vote, I would literally do the thing I advised against: jumping on bandwagons.

I was going to say Cal, but then he posted that beautiful readslist, so look into DC for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 24, 2020, 10:32:47 am
I'm happy with an extension, there still seems plenty to go over. (also day phase finishes at 5am my time so it'd be nice to see a bit more before it's done)

Extension (3) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 11:01:12 am
I was going to say Cal, but then he posted that beautiful readslist, so look into DC for me.

The only somewhat relevant post I could find is his scumread list

moe - I think this is quite certain
serp - As much as it pains me to say it
MW - based off his town reads list and what I see as softing
kae - giving me good vibes in investigating plus MW seems to trust him more than is necessary based on posting alone
Link - I think based on how he discussed stuff with rob wrt to Otyugh and NK it's more likely he's town
rob - Conclusion with the least assumptions makes me think he's town, tho the alternate scenario while plausible is a bit harder to believe
Annele - Pushing onto rob seems quite genuine and would be something I'd do if I were better lol
shock - if MW is town this would also make sense but he hasn't said anything productive
Sub - sounds like confused town more like it
TorB - See: Annele
Calindu - Good activity with what I've seen but it's all stuff that is technically useful, but doesn't really shown his opinion of others yet. Out of everyone who doesn't have a readlist would be most interested in him.
kdz - Happy birthday btw
ian - not much to work of but I don't like the vote withholding.
andre - sheeps rob's reads, and I feel like exposing Rob's softclaim looks sketch
Ge0 - kinda weak reads tbh. Say's that he thinks there's no way rob will shift the spotlight to him, but is his hardest scumread? I'll concede he may be trying his best though

I must admit im feel a bit outta my league especially with how fast mafia has become, but I'll do my best to not purely shitpost until I get mislynched. At this point in time I'd nullread me too.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
The only thing that this tells me is that if timpa or Ge0 turn out to be mafia, he's pretty much confirmed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 11:29:51 am
Why do you say that based on a Day 1 readslist? It's really easy to throw teammates in w this early.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 11:32:32 am
I don't have anything substantial to add so here is the post count after game start:
rob 13
link 8 dc 8
sub 5
www 3 serp 3
cal 2 shock 2 mw 2 ian 2 kdz 2
andre 1 nelly 1 torb 1 moe 1
kae 0 coffee 0 ge0 0
To follow this up, let us look at the count at the end of N0:
rob 17
link 12
dc 11
sub 10
torb 5 kae 5
www 4 ian 4
cal 3 mw 3 serp 3
nelly 2 moe 2 shock 2 kdz 2
ge0 1 andre 1
coffee 0
To me, the most suspicious people had exactly one post. 0 likely just means total inactivity.

So now, finally to the reads list:

serprex, moehrpi - see my previous post

Calindu - Good posts, nice read list.
MasterWalks - The most suspicious thing, is that his play seems so much better than last mafia, where he was town.
Annele - Agree with the posts, but would prefer to see more. Read list, maybe?

Ge0metry v1.2 - Your argument is valid.
Your argument is valid, as long as:
I'll hopefully be able to read up and provide an insight and opinion into the current happenings.
...and we're good!
Linkcat - I like almost everything he says. Maybe too much so? That's why only neutral.
DoubleCapitals - less shitposting, more content. You're already going in the right direction with these last few posts, so keep it up.
kaempfer13 - His posts this mafia did not leave much of an impression on me, thus far. Reading them back they are all valid points, sure, but nothing stood out. Why the focus on Linkcat? Just give all the reads?
rob77dp - I disagree with the kill, but not with his conviction that it was somehow supposed to be helpful.
shockcannon - I am not even going to bother. Nothing to go on so far this mafia, but more posts probably would not help with that...

w (I could follow the n- crowd to seem less incriminating, but nah)
I am still missing some of your reads. I want all of your reads and all of your arguments.
I kinda skimmed through posts. So I guess it's time to make up my own list.

vv - deja vu's. Impossible (?) to counterclaim

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.

TorB - similar playstyle as last time I played with him.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
Sub - Bad plans as usual.

shock - I agree, he's too quiet. Although he could just be bored. Out of town, apparently

Fixing vote count. Also, probably not voting today.

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
I really dislike players being omitted from lists, mafia omitting mafia from these lists "because they do not have a read on them" is too easy. Simply have to call out on this.

Add that to low amount of posts in general. We want to hear more :D
Out of the people with exactly one post, I have seen no reasoning for inactivity other than "almost forgetting about this". In the same way, what he did post, is also kind of forgettable.
When is the best time to post read-lists? I have at least some ideas about townsfolk, www is definitely on it.
Will try to post more frequently in the future. :P

Read lists are always good imo
If they're so good, where is yours?
You mentioned RQs, I'm not seeing any RQs. You did mention you would only do them when discussion dies down, so that's okay. In total, I'm just seeing a lot of I will statements from him, but he's not backing them up.
I am reading the roles and trying to think of strategies that are not obvious.

  • Sometimes it might be better to not do anything, because then you catch fireflies sent your way. This way, a mafia Firefly Queen can be somewhat slowed (it is still a ridiculously overpowered role in the hands of Mafia, in my opinion, it needs counter-measures).
    Mind Flayers and Graboids are exceptions, because they have higher priority than Firefly Queen.
  • Warden doesn't roleblock anymore
    Ok, not entirely true. It still blocks everyone who targets the same person, including the occasional Golden Nymph. Personally, I still advise against using it.
  • I struggle to think of acceptable situations where Warden should be used. If used on unknown, it blocks investigation. If used on Town, it blocks healing and allows Nightkill. If used on conf Mafia, it blocks Otyugh.
    I guess it COULD be used to protect someone from a publicly announced Otyugh attack. Or it COULD be used to confirm the existence of roles, by asking them to target the same person. But that's it.

More later, too many people are posting.
I'm still waiting for the strategies.
Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>

Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. :(

  • Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
  • Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
  • Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.
You're not dead yet, follow your own advice?

I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.

I'll sit this phase out.
Your argument is invalid. I want all the questions. Questions left unanswered can sometimes tell more than the answers themselves would.
I see more people addressed me, but do excuse me if I only respond to them tomorrow. :-X
Please do, that may very well lift most suspicion. You're only standing here on the list because you're consistently failing to follow up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 11:33:48 am
Why do you say that based on a Day 1 readslist? It's really easy to throw teammates in w this early.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that fits DC's playstyle at all. He doesn't have the confidence to do such a play.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 11:36:56 am
TorB, I'm not going to do a read on everyone. I simply lack the motivation to go through so many posts. If there are a few people I've omitted that you want an opinion on, feel free to ask.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 11:53:53 am
TorB, I'm not going to do a read on everyone. I simply lack the motivation to go through so many posts. If there are a few people I've omitted that you want an opinion on, feel free to ask.
andre and Sub currently have the most lynch votes. You put Sub as n, so let's look at andre. Are you okay with him being lynched, or is there someone else you would prefer getting lynched?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 12:02:06 pm
re: DC's "I don't like the vote withholding"

I don't have any particular scumreads at the moment, so if I were to vote, I would literally do the thing I advised against: jumping on bandwagons.

I know but, and this is a host question I guess because it'll affect whether I vote or not, does the lynch occur as soon as majority is reached (so 9 people here) and hence elsewhere we have talks of 'putting people to L-1' on other forums, OR does it just check for most # of votes when deadline is over?

Assuming the latter I rather you come out with an opinion now first, even if you wagon someone else and I'll maintain NL helps no one but mafia. If it's the former I concede that blitzing strategies exist

EBWOP will be back later in the night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 12:11:21 pm
What a coincidence, Torb, I also like almost everything I say. We've got some sort of town core forming already, which makes me somewhat worried that a mafia is slipping in, but we'll see how it goes. A lot can change.

And here, DC, this is for you after that iancu post.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 24, 2020, 12:14:55 pm
Oh whoops I should've made it something random since moe would be able to prove it by knowing the random phrase

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"

So, uh, hi

Well, this is as close as mechanically confirmed for me, since there's no way mafia risks 2 of their players to hard claim DejaVu. Someone do check them with Psion or even Endow for that matter, but it is not urgent in my opinion.

shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town
Kaempfer- see shockcannons reasoning

I really think it's not a good idea to hard hint at roles this early, it puts people with power roles at risk way too early if mafia deduces out of random hints the roles.

I also don't think it is urgent. Will get to TorB's post at the end. At least there wasn't anyone to publicly counter-claim, but from my own perspective I don't see reason for anyone to doubt it. (Also, this post is a couple of pages old...)

No, it's not. If you have an information role then stay in the background and collect as much of it as possible, don't draw attention to yourself. You didn't even do anything helpful.

How not? I guess i can run around in circles with rob, you, and sub but i would rather try to provide some hard evidence. My role is not a great one but there is no reason for me to hold any information. If i die then that information goes with me.

Normally im not killed early. People see me as too disruptive to town to kill me. But with rob running around munching everthing i do not know when ill die. Might as well get out what i can while i can. If it paints a target, then so be it. My role is not important enough that ill probably save the NK from someone more important if i do get hit with it.

Now, i want your full list of reads. Youve been highly active with an opinion on everything said (nothing out of the ordinary), so lets see your info in basic form.

It's disruptive as mafia info roles have a much easier job. But your claim makes for some nice town reads imo.

I kinda skimmed through posts. So I guess it's time to make up my own list.

vv - deja vu's. Impossible (?) to counterclaim

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.

TorB - similar playstyle as last time I played with him.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
Sub - Bad plans as usual.

shock - I agree, he's too quiet. Although he could just be bored. Out of town, apparently

Fixing vote count. Also, probably not voting today.

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

Nothing special here. One of the first read lists. I liked that it mostly included town-leans which is the same way I see people especially early on: either towny or neutral-controversial / neutral-inconspicuous.
One thing to add, from the initial shade on rob I saw, to the epiphany of the nature of his secondary role I slowly find the way back to the idea that he could have pulled the same thing off as mafia. It is a plausible play. // Unfortunately, I don't recall who also pointed this out (way later). Quickly skimming over some posts didn't help me find it. Getting slightly overwhelmed with the amount of input, sorry. :(

so basically we regard moe, shock, serp as confirmed and either watch in horror as the mafia kills them 1 by 1 or try to solve the game while they are still around. Pretty wastefull to make that public this early, but it does make our PoE a lot smaller.

I will be very very surprised is mafia kills shock. Shock helps mafia more alive than dead.

Moe and serp while can be "considered as town confirmed" dont have ultra powerful roles and would be killed just beacuse they are our "confirmed" town, which honestly helps us since their roles werent going to and the NK is saved from more important people.

i dont think we should hard confirm anybody. We should just keep this information in mind when voting and discussing. serp could be lying, we havent even got confirmation from Moe and i dont think he should confirm.

My question is, is Lynching rob the best move (honest question)? If he flips town, almost all conversations this phase were a waste and we lose a powerful role, whether that be oty or egg.
If we dont lynch rob, who do we lynch? doing a no lynch is probably the worst thing we can do, and we need some pretty hard evidence to get everyone to jump on a different lynch.

The only way for me not to confirm it is by calling out serp or going AWOL. ;)
But I agree that kae that confirmed town make a juicy NK target. :o

Honestly I like Link the least right now. Feels to me like he's shooting down any semblance of a read that doesnt fit his narrative and tries to sow the seed of doubt wherever he can. also I'm getting the feeling that his amusement with every single important town power role being revealed before the game has even started properly is actually genuine (joy at how easy this was) rather than a vet who has given up hope on people handling power roles properly.
In the last mafia where he wasnt nearly as active he made a bunch of pretty confident townreads at this stage, rather than keeping all options open for a potential lynch later.

Very interesting perspective that opened my eyes. Great input! (This time generic praise for a person is not to me mistaken for breadcrumbing. :P)
I thought I remembered some credo that early read lists weren't all that great. But reading further this doesn't seem to be the case. :/
Anyway, Link emphatically asking for my read list (after I mentioned it first) and the memeing struck me a bit weird, but not in a scummy way.

Switching my vote from rob to Sub until he can offer something more than a cliffhanger. Also makes it so the tally isn't so far back

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

Ultimately I'm going to vote for whomever moe votes for, since he has a better read on this than I do

I am not sure I agree with this. But for the current vote I agree with what Ge0 said that he has to take other people's word for Sub's behaviour. I also think I mentioned it in another mafia: I first spectated mafia on this forums when Sub was mafia and had an early read on him. The second mafia the same happened and he was town. So, I rather refrain from putting too much thought into him.

MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

Read below please. I fancy a vote on Sub or Ge0, but stronger read right now on Sub (again, read all below please)

Ge0 - you going to vote Sub? What's your read on him, and/or reaction to my read on Sub??


kae - he has had some takes that come across as real solving attempts that fit the stage of the game
shock - a few reasons... I'm a tad uncomfortable typing them directly here

MW - his posting today reads like a person really trying to think through the game... like he is typing in the thread without having had other conversations (as a scum would likely be doing in a scum chat). For example, I feel confident that the scum this game would not post in here without being up to speed on the rob-N0-coffee-shot and how Oty works etc (this post (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297108/#msg1297108) leans me a town direction from MW)

DC - basically only $#@!posting so far... which I recall from past DC/q games is NAI
kdz - not even enough content to remember he is playing unless I'm looking at the player list

timpa - very blaise posting so far, minimally at that. I know he has a mind and capability to exceed his input / solving so far and if town I expect to see it. scum timpa could be simply put off by not needing to solve so lacking WIM. These are VERY loose aspects to read from, hence some negative comments but just an n- read.

Link - see my prior wall post... seems a bit more likely to not be his more solve-y town Link. still miles to go to develop this though
iancu - the incomplete reads list, he did mention only skimming but the omission of a few players with plenty of posts and more than some he DID read pings my senses (he omitted kae and MW??)

Cal - I really don't like the way he goes to policy, and bad play lynch approach in order to vote me, but reading over the stuff in his posts so far it actually reads like he really just believes that is a fair set of reasons to lynch a player (they aren't by the way). Given his replies and vote/etc. with Sub I really don't see any w/w with Sub (who is a strong scumread for me right now).

Annele - the initial approach she took to scumread me for my N0 felt awkwardly aimed at me... however, the back-down after some explanations occurred felt a little more genuine. A bit "off" feeling to me that the backdown came so easy after so much shade (as a ratio of her total posts, to those shading me). It does though seem possible this is how she approaches reads, but need to see more to feel better/stronger about reading her play.

Torb - I find his initial push on me to be stronger than his reasons would/should normally portend, that is a bit like he set out wanting to scumread me and then filled in the take/read. looking forward to reading his posts/reads following some of the posting that has gone on today. from today and re-reading he and I's exchanges I could see this possibly being a v/v clash of style or misunderstood statements/actions (that is, he seemed in a re-read genuinely upset I had not fleshed out my reasoning or further detailed my N0 action process... I have since done that and look forward to seeing how he reacts to it, if he does) to say it a different way-- perhaps he is a very mechanical player who wants to be able to understand how other players make somewhat important game decisions and as of yet he hasn't arrived at that point with me+N0

Ge0 - talking about how caught up he is (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296938/#msg1296938); more talk about why he might appear to not be playing/solving much (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297048/#msg1297048) and a way wish-washy meandering around his read on me at a time when it felt in the thread (at least to me) like I might become a wagon - like he wants to hedge why he jumps on later should I become a good ML target; suddenly has townreads on the Deja-claiming duo (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297095/#msg1297095) and having gone from thinking my play is likely towny because he "can't help but think that there's no way Rob would draw so much attention to him right off the bat if he was scum" to voting me as scummy b/c of that same misplay and because I gave scumreads of Annele/Serp/TorB???
^-- I find all of these things at least a bit scummy or more.

Sub - reading the thread and Sub's posts I get a sense of wolf-losing-WIM due to 'reasons', whereas the last part of today I get a sense in the thread of things developing that might actually benefit town simultaneous with Sub losing his Want-It-More (WIM).

Nice catch on MW that strenghtens my read on him.
You fire up the propaganda train on andre which gained traction. I guess I have to reread this development...
Please don't hit on TorB to much. If I had been more active I also would have voiced strong concern for your play before I thought it through. He's not the only one. You later mentioned v/v issues / different perseptive / something along those lines. I'd love to see you both let it go. (Same for your perspective on Nelly and serp to a certain point)
Yor criticism on Ge0 can be explained by lack of activity, reading pages on end and adopting others' opinions. Not ideal play but once he found something he feels a bit more strongly about he did voice his opinion. I don't find it suspicious.

Torb - I find his initial push on me to be stronger than his reasons would/should normally portend, that is a bit like he set out wanting to scumread me and then filled in the take/read. looking forward to reading his posts/reads following some of the posting that has gone on today. from today and re-reading he and I's exchanges I could see this possibly being a v/v clash of style or misunderstood statements/actions (that is, he seemed in a re-read genuinely upset I had not fleshed out my reasoning or further detailed my N0 action process... I have since done that and look forward to seeing how he reacts to it, if he does) to say it a different way-- perhaps he is a very mechanical player who wants to be able to understand how other players make somewhat important game decisions and as of yet he hasn't arrived at that point with me+N0
Elementary, my dear rob. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

I could see no possible situation in which this is a good call for town, I could see a very unlikely situation where this would benefit mafia. Therefore, you must be mafia.

With that said, I will believe your own conviction of this being a good move (or at the very least acceptable), which is indeed more credible with Fate Egg. Even if I still disagree with this move.

Regretting a town died or being sorry about it is useless. The idea is that you regret the decision and would agree not to make the same decision again if faced with identical circumstances. Not doing so matches up nicely with the previous statement. If you were half-hearted about it, you should never have made a move like that to begin with.

Will look over all this juicy info and get my thoughts out on all the people now that I'm semi-done tunneling (in ~3 hours).

I fully agree with TorB's point on regret. I also had issues (pointed out in my previous post) with your argument that hitting mafia would be great, weakening your main argument.
However, I need to defend rob here. As he himself pointed out before any Fate Egg talk he repeatedly wanted a discussion about the liability of inactive players because he was on a timer. Everyone else ignored it as there was little to nothing to go on. He made a judgement call that did not pay off. Wasting an ability feels bad, one might expect more from rob, but him feeling left alone in this decision possibly contributed to the outcome. Some sort of defiant reaction / feeling of impotence to get lazy town on their asses and discuss important things because there still too many uncertanties combined with his general disliking of low-activity play and maybe even the rules. Sounds very reasonable to me as opposed to calculated play from mafia where he 'doesn't get killed anyway' and Fate Egg claim gets him out of the wood. /psychoanalysis

For context, I haven't played a text based mafia game since the last one played here. I'm afraid I'm a bit out of my depth at this point. So if you expect plays of any kind, sadly you'll have to find that elsewhere.

Further, as for the recent inactivity, which I am aware is a less then positive for the game as a whole comes from a slightly busy weekend, and bit of a large chunk since my last check in. (Last I read we were still on page 10. Oh the memories) But don't worry, I'm back from the dead mostly. Once I'm in a slightly better headspace (Just celebrated my late birthday!) I'll hopefully be able to read up and provide an insight and opinion into the current happenings.

Side note, can I just say how i've missed the 3 page long deep dives into reads. Ya'll go hard.

Happy birthday! I always like to see people actively contributing.

4. You are allowed to vote for No Lynch. You are also allowed to vote for a 1 hour or 24 hour extension. The votes are counted in a separate tally and you may only do one extension per phase.

I would like to note that this is very much a thing, and between there being concerns about rulebreaking, one of the lynch candidates apparently working on the wall of walls on that topic and thus not being able to explain himself for a while and several new reads emerging as well as me myself needing more time to collect my thoughts, I think we should make use of it. in fact it's optimal for town to do that whenever possible, but I dont want to test everyones patience unnecessarily.

I also believe that the time for ou to mention it the first time was well chosen. Get the idea out there, see how it unfolds and if others feel right at the end of the day we can extend. Sub's promised post is a great reason for it, too.

Clarification: Deja Vu is (at this point) always town.
Alright, so a list of reads soon. But first, I want to focus on something more important:
The fact that serprex and moehrpi might both be deja vu town. I'm reading posts like "I believe" or "I think" and other such weak sentiments. If you are going to call someone hard town or blindside them you need to be convinced.

So I will be putting on my tinfoil hat and try some angles of attack. For example:
What's the policy on posting sha512sum outputs for texts I might reveal later on?

I'll follow Ginyu's example from last Mafia and disallow them. I'll let you off if you reveal the meaning of it now, though.
Should have totally been the expected outcome and:
I was pretty tempted to ragequit over no breadcrumbing, cryptography is a right, & let moe reveal it to prove he's town after I get modkilled
Is missing the rage feels to me.

So now, taking the statement "serprex is deja vu alongside moehrpi" as not truth, let us focus on alternative hypotheses that I could think of:
  • serprex is not deja vu, moehrpi is town. Regardless of serprex' alignment, either moehrpi or a real deja vu should deny his claim in that case. serprex will end up dead.
  • serprex is not deja vu, moehrpi is mafia. The only way this could benefit serprex, is if he is also mafia. They could not have known there would not be an actual deja vu town pair and a deja vu should counter-claim if there is. Even if there is no deja vu in this game and neither of them are nightkilled for some time, it only takes a single tinfoil hat role inspector to bust two mafia in one go. The risk is too high.
  • serprex is deja vu, moehrpi is town non-deja vu. This is a reaaally weird angle since I have no idea how this is supposed to help serprex, since he should not know moehrpi's alignment. I would expect a counterclaim from moehrpi here. It also means there is another town, the real paired up deja vu, that has communicated and agreed on this with serprex.
  • serprex is deja vu, moehrpi is mafia. Weirdest angle you can go for. I do not see any benefit from this for town = serprex.
With this, we indeed reach Calindu's conclusion of:
Oh whoops I should've made it something random since moe would be able to prove it by knowing the random phrase

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"

So, uh, hi

Well, this is as close as mechanically confirmed for me, since there's no way mafia risks 2 of their players to hard claim DejaVu. Someone do check them with Psion or even Endow for that matter, but it is not urgent in my opinion.
I mean, I'd argue there is a way, but it's not a significant probability.

Not sure how much into detail I should go here as writing is tiresome and in his next post he put serp and me under vv. Also not going to look at his latest allegations of Sub too closely now. But I am a great fan of his devil's advocate approach. (quoted post)
Put an explanation for this play is so if either of us dies without a prior claim the other one can escape from the mob's clutches easily.

town reads:

mw (his backpedal on his read/verification on shock is worrysome, though) didn't make a new list


Sorry for this vey brief list(, TorB). I will try hard to bring some own points to the discussion before end of the day. And also for taking the discussion back several pages in some cases.

MW, why the newfound uncertainty about shock?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 12:38:45 pm
Just so we're 100% clear, eating Coffee was a good play as either alignment so that doesn't say much by itself, and it's amusing that multiple people are reading it both ways. It's his reactions afterward that you should be focusing on for your read.

Moe, I don't remember you mentioning a readslist, but if I had I would have called you out anyway since it didn't exist yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 24, 2020, 01:41:10 pm
re: DC's "I don't like the vote withholding"

I don't have any particular scumreads at the moment, so if I were to vote, I would literally do the thing I advised against: jumping on bandwagons.

I know but, and this is a host question I guess because it'll affect whether I vote or not, does the lynch occur as soon as majority is reached (so 9 people here) and hence elsewhere we have talks of 'putting people to L-1' on other forums, OR does it just check for most # of votes when deadline is over?

Assuming the latter I rather you come out with an opinion now first, even if you wagon someone else and I'll maintain NL helps no one but town. If it's the former I concede that blitzing strategies exist

The latter is correct, the day will not end before deadline. Extensions will happen only if at least 50% of the players alive vote for them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 01:54:42 pm
TorB, I'm not going to do a read on everyone. I simply lack the motivation to go through so many posts. If there are a few people I've omitted that you want an opinion on, feel free to ask.
andre and Sub currently have the most lynch votes. You put Sub as n, so let's look at andre. Are you okay with him being lynched, or is there someone else you would prefer getting lynched?
I wouldn't be opposed to a timpa lynch tbh. He didn't really contribute much except for a small poke at rob. Although I don't necessarily scumread him (timpa), I'm still against no-lynch as a concept. So unless timpa comes up with something, I would probably place him at "n-".

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 24, 2020, 02:10:26 pm
Not sure if you meant to vote there, ian, since you included a vote count.
Do you think andre is the only one lower than n if you were to make a full list with everyone included?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 02:25:03 pm
Not sure if you meant to vote there, ian, since you included a vote count.
Do you think andre is the only one lower than n if you were to make a full list with everyone included?
No, I didn't mean to vote, just had it copied, last vote was a while ago.

I guess. No one really strikes me as unusual as of yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 03:37:03 pm
Linkcat, if you want my readlist before the lynch you are gonna have to vote for the extension. I am not even remotely there, I only have about half the players sorted and may actually have forgotten whether certain low posters are even in the game. I would prefer it if i could continue focussing on things that grab my attention rather than force a read on everyone right now without fully thinking it through. I promise a readlist within the next 15 hours, but there's no way I'll manage today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 03:42:21 pm
Below I list all stuff that I thought about but has not shared yet. I wanted to break down everything person by person at first, but that would make it hard to analyze discussions between two players, so I attempt to go in chronological order.

(color=darkslateblue) If the info everyone has shared so far is truthful, then I'm pretty sure at least 4 players know I'm not the mafia.

(color=springgreen) Yet, this may not be enough to convince some of you thicker skulled common folk.

(color=alicewhite) So I propose a game where I share a little bit about myself to gain trust.

(also used: color=teal)
By that point, iancu and www rolled a dice, rob, kdz, Calindu, serprex, and Annele commented about the dicerolls, I mentioned not reading my role, and DC, kdz, rob, and Linkcat responded to my not reading role. Nothing else was shared in topic. Based on everything that has been shared at that point, I see no way to extrapolate shock's alignment, who hasn't even posted up until that point. At first I assumed he was talking about the mafia, but considering the very next post, I questioned whether he has more information than we see. (not immediately, it took some time)

Maybe it was a joke about dicerolls being legit reads? Ian and www rolled dices, kdz joked about one of the dicerolls being true, but that would be still only 3 players and not 4. And why would he want to convince anyone about a joke? He is not Deja Vu, so it cannot be that. He did not use any ability either.

He also uses some specific color codes. Breadcrumbs? I spent some time trying to figure out what it could mean, but did not find too much.

you all seem desperately hungry for your mind games and unfortunately, I am one to fuel the flame, even if the flame is on my own body.
Shock's playstyle is to play like shock. There is nothing more to it. If you try to dig deeper than this, you will only descend into madness. Madness and mislynches.
Or maybe Link is right about him. With shock, it can go either way. Moving on.

Warden doesn't roleblock anymore so it's fine to use on whoever you want. Burrow and Divine Shield are up to the user.
not entirely true. It still blocks everyone who targets the same person, including the occasional Golden Nymph. Personally, I still advise against using it.

I struggle to think of acceptable situations where Warden should be used. If used on unknown, it blocks investigation. If used on Town, it blocks healing and allows Nightkill. If used on conf Mafia, it blocks Otyugh.
I guess it COULD be used to protect someone from a publicly announced Otyugh attack. Or it COULD be used to confirm the existence of roles, by asking them to target the same person. But that's it.
Would Warden not fall under the same logic as Anubis? You are blocking all secondary abilities in both cases, even if Warden does it for only one turn, but with the added benefit of learning what roles you blocked. You can block Golden Nymph from investigating someone this way.
No. There's not that high a chance you block a town Psion or Dragonfly, and if you do, you're just trading one piece of information for another. You can avoid blocking Heal by just not targeting the obvious Heal/NK targets. The only role you really have to worry about blocking is GN, but there's only one of those and you have a much higher chance of stopping a mafia member's ability as long as you target a strong townread.
In that case, yeah, I agree it can be used for information.
I don't get Link's and ian's reasoning to accept Wardening on Night 0.

"You can avoid blocking Heal by just not targeting the obvious Heal/NK targets."

If the Heal target is obvious every night, the mafia just targets someone else. That is why Healers try to subvert expectations to get the chance of actually blocking a NK. Healers should only focus on obvious NK targets when someone is confirmed, or is relevant for a plan. None of which we had on Night 0.

"The only role you really have to worry about blocking is GN, but there's only one of those and you have a much higher chance of stopping a mafia member's ability as long as you target a strong townread."

We should worry more about blocking GN than encouraging the small chance to mess with a mafia ability. Well, not now, but it was true on Night 0. It was only 2 games ago that a Warden blocking GN cost Town the game, surely Link did not forget. And what Mafia abilities can a Warden block?

So why do Link and ian believe that blocking these mafia roles outweigh the off-chance of blocking the GN?

I don't remember which mafia it was, but I remember being Fate Egg, rolling into Golden Nymph and being blocked by warden. And as fate would have it, I would've investigated a mafia member, I think it was Root.
Note: The Warden targeted Root, not ian.

The role did not change enough to prevent the same from happening. The same mechanic that messed up the Town is still active. But sure, use it?

This came off to me as a slight hint to drive Wardens into action right away.

Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd
Serp, your logic is good, but in mafia it's far more valuable to have hard voting data with competing trains than to have some chance of mafia missing an ability.
So Link DOES believe there are some actions that are not worth to do to make mafia miss an ability. But potentially blocking the Golden Nymph is not one of them? I do not agree with these priorities.

These were during Night 0, so things were tame. Then Day 1 began.

Feels bad. But at least I feel like I have much better feel about how players think this time, so I'm somewhat confident we can still do this through legitimate solving.
Maybe I don't understand how kaempf has a much better feel of players because of the lack of context. @kae: Were you talking about all players, specific players, or about how the Mafia thinks? I read back everything that was before this post, and I find not enough things of relevance. Which players, or which factions did you get a better feel of? I want to solve too, but if you make unexplained comments, you just confuse me.

I clearly hinted at my pending action.
I already compiled all hints I could find (here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297014/#msg1297014)), but here's it again.

Anything at all going to come from Coffee? Coffee- do plan to just inactive three phases and be MK again? Like a bad lunch, inactive doesn't sit well with me. At least all others have "check-in posted" this phase.....
What is the prevailing thought on inactives? I tried to start up that discussion but it got no traction yet...
It’s N0, there is no inactives so soon. 10 pages on N0, when we have no information, imagine
Disagree... You're meaning to argue the definition of inactive not to be able to blanket state there are no inactives on a N0. We have plenty of discussion happening about rule usage ideas so it seems pertinent to be interested in whether we expect all players are present and paying attention. No?

You hinted at being at odds with Coffee's activity. You did not hint offensive action against Coffee, or having an action like that, or using it on Night 0. You did say later that using "lunch" instead of "lynch" was a hint of having Otyugh, but you also said "clearly hinted". This hint was not clear, and you only hinted at your role, not that you plan to use it, or that you will act on Coffee.

This is not a perspective on your action, but a perspective of the way you wanted others to perceive your action.

If rob was maf here he made a terrible play. he killed an inactive player that couldnt even be arsed to protect himself with his role and dragged a lot of attention to himself while also reducing our PoE and losing his ability to make a more promaf kill later.
I guess i could have botched the ISO on coffee?
What does PoE and ISO stand for? I don't visit MU enough to know. These terminologies should be explained.

MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

throwing my vote here then until MW responds to him seemingly FoSing ian (the gaslight comment) for what I can tell was just N0 banter


What the- I am not a big fan off www either, but between "LOL" and "F**K", my reaction was "F**K" when I first saw it. :-\
Rude, I'm a huge w3 fan. :(
And with that, the question was shrugged off.

First off, roleplay detected.
Second off, wat (https://azalaza.hu/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/wat.jpg). Link's two reactions do not add up to me.

Quote from: Linkcat
DC - what's with the seemingly unnecessary wasteful early (N0??) claim?! For all we know you could be mafia trying to use this to combine with teammates to find and trap\uncover other roles. What is TP (toilet paper? Is there murder hornet hoarding problems in your area?) and LO (league organizer? Are they pertinent to this?)...
I would consider this minor rage real; slight townie points (toned down a little by the fact that he might just be mad that he has no idea what dc is talking about and thus might be mad even as mafia). Rob/DC not w/w from this
Pretty shit read, rob is perfectly capable of bantering with teammates like this.
I guess that's a compliment to my scum-bility?

It feels like a rather loose reason to townread me, no? Hmm
A non w/w read is not a townread.
Link, you seem pretty concerned and knowledgeable about rob's ability for theater. Can you link me to a game where he did that earlier?
Not worth the time, that statement applies to anyone that's good.
Is it not worth looking at a game where rob was mafia? To me, it seems like Kae cannot find that game, and he would want to see it for himself, either to catch up with Link's knowledge about rob, or to find something that Link didn't.

Surely Link got his information about rob somewhere. Somewhere written. If it was in a private chat or a deleted Titanpad, then the correct response would be "It's of no use" and not "Not worth the time". "Not worth the time" implies the game exists somewhere, but Link thinks it is pointless to look into it. Maybe it IS pointless, but I don't see why yet.

Lucky for him, mafia was actually intelligent and chose a great NK target, going for the group of players right below the juiciest targets.
Link is knowledgeable about who are good targets for Mafia. The mafia target lines up with how Link thinks. I put this here in case I develop a suspicion on Linkcat by the end of this.

I think it reads like Sub could be trying to imitate his prior games where I've seen him do things like not read a role pm (seriously?) and make before-I-die town plans\please etc. But it seems either rushed (eh could be I suppose) or disingenuous that I currently read scummy enough to get a vote.
Like iancu said, it's just normal Sub stuff, and it was rushed, he literally said he almost forgot the deadline.
I did not respond yet, but yes, I was in a hurry and I did not have the leisure to cover all exceptions and special cases. I am putting less rush and more thinking into this one. If that bad point still has relevance, I'm game to discuss it.

I put this here for later reference.


I performed a Night 1 shot as Town in Mafia 50. I can relate.
1. To be fair, there was a mafia egging you on to make that kill.  ;)
Rob already used this kind of breadcrumbing. Pick something else. xD If you end up being an Egg too, using the same breadcrumbing that rob used before he revealed it, I will call shenanigans. And since I believe you were neither Deja Vu nor breaking the rules, the remaining explanations are Mafia Chat and extreme coincidence.

If you are not both eggs, ignore this part.

Yeah, because that's exactly what scum do is that last statement: kill someone knowing it will be revealed they did it just to pull the spotlight into myself.
I missed this post before I made my first confusion post. This confirms that rob could have devoured Coffee with either alignment. But ultimately it sucks for me, because I was the one not paying enough attention.

TorB brought up valid points about rob, but then rob responded like so:

Sooo, you're saying that you think I might be a wolf because I made a play with a negative town outcome to draw spotlight on myself expecting people here to think I'm too smart too be that dumb as a wolf and thereby townread a wolf--rob for it?

Lol there's no way that is a real thought? From my position, that feels quite fabricated... Keeping my vote where it is. Let's say you could vote - would you be voting me right now
The part in yellow translates to me as: "There's no way I could think of such elaborate strategy!", which is either self-praise or dismissing his own ability to create such theater. None of which seem honest.

Linking back to kaempfer's question to Linkcat about giving past examples of rob being Mafia, I just remembered the time where rob was Mafia, and he goaded Town into lynching me. It was Linkcat's closed mafia setup, roleplay involved. I did not follow the game after my death, out of salt, but it can be of use for others.

I saw a few others who made valid points against rob (TorB, serp, Link, Annele), and now that my townread on him loosened a bit, I can agree with them.

I need to re-evaluate my reads on rob after this.

@Rob: During Night 0, did you see benefit in your plan even if Coffee was Town? Because as the conversations drag on, you seem to forget bringing that up in your defense.

edit: Note to self: In rob's defense, if he was truthful about it, he was in need of sleep (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297046/#msg1297046) and he was typing all that from phone.

And now we have come to this.


Shockcannon, after only one night, is certain kaempfer is Town. We had foreshadowing during Night 0.

There's a high probability kaempfer13 is involved with my plans for tonight.

Soon after shock's latter post, we have this:

i agree with shocks last message

This is to be continued. I need to elaborate why this ended up as confusing.

Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.

What? I agree that we should not punish activity, but in the same time, why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link? Are we really that useless without them that we are ok with losing on the spot if they are mafia? From this, all I get is that if you are mafia, they have a higher chance of being too, and same the other way around.

But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.

Again, activity good, inactivity bad, but this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?
I wanted to respond to this too.

"why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link?"

Do not look the other way, just appreciate the discussion they spark. I could have said kaempfer or shock too, but in this game, Link and rob have been the most vocal. And according to moe (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296931/#msg1296931), DoubleCapitals too, but I overlooked him somehow.

"Are we really that useless without them that we are ok with losing on the spot if they are mafia?"

With a clear head, I now understand what you mean. I did not want to imply that everyone else is less useful than them, if it came off that way, I apologize for that.

My message was supposed to be, if there are indeed people who are undeniably less useful than the voice catalysts, AND if killing them would significantly drop the discussion rate, then that is the time to NOT lynch them for attracting outrage. I acknowledge that exceptions may occur, as always, but I intended this as a guideline, and not as a rule of thumb.

"this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?"

I am putting myself in your stead to see your point of view, and I see now where I was not clear enough. By low-activity people, I do not mean people with the least posts, but in fact, the people with the least contributions. A silent power role can come out at the end of the game to reveal all her information in one post, which puts her in a more powerful position than the high-poster who has only been townread because of his behavior. And a high-poster can have equal useful contributions as a low-poster, if he's been shitposting all the time. I listed two, but there are other cases where the contributions matter, not the post count.

I want to ask, does this help you understand my point of view better?

This reads like a wikiHow, reaction included:
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason ::)

I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.

How to not have people think you're trying to lynch someone on a grudge.

Step 1: Give any kind of reasoning for your push.
Step 2: If your reasoning is solidly countered, withdraw your push.
Step 3: Don't use words like gaslighting incorrectly.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

Now I can get to the Devour. Now, when I saw this, I wasn't that surprised that rob went for it, but I still facepalmed because THIS IS NOT MU, ROB. PEOPLE HERE HAVE LIVES. Also, it was Night 0, the least important phase of the game to be active in. He's in college, he could be having finals or something. It's not that uncommon for people to be afk for a couple days here, that's why our modkill system is more lenient than some other places. And, by the way, we have that modkill system for a reason. If you had held off just one Night like a reasonable person, then there would've been no point in killing him Night 1, since he would die anyway, and you would save a powerful ability, unless he had just made like 1 post in which case Devouring him would be justified.

If rob is town, his reasoning is that he was very likely to be an early NK target, so he better use his ability while he can, and there was a reasonable enough target, not realizing that such a move on this forum would draw him a lot of shade and waste time on Day 1 we could be better using to find the mafia. Lucky for him, mafia was actually intelligent and chose a great NK target, going for the group of players right below the juiciest targets.

If rob is mafia, his reasoning is that there is a certain point in the game where vigging a scumread is reasonable enough to not be that sus, and he was very likely to be investigated early on and not get to use his ability, which is a very strong one to have as mafia and not usually one you want to waste early. He would also have to believe that Coffee would actually become active, otherwise his ability would be wasted.

Analysis: Killing inactives with roles is a generally good practice, but rob super jumped the gun on it and its kind of a bad play as either alignment, but worse as town and I expect better play from rob. Slight scum read.

I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)

How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI? I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.

Serp why ian? And 3 vultures - what's the import?

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

No, it's straight up bad advice, which you should have recognized. Stop trying to buddy me.

To those wondering out loud or still to themselves... I think Link is right, I'm still probably within my range as either alignment so far this game. Also struggling to get in a mindset that seems to fit with role madness game type- I'm much more at home vanilla setups.

Need players to post more or have some sort of content to parse and try to read\analyze. Feels like plenty of straw grasping so far.

COULD REALLY USE MORE PLAYERS posting reads of my play so far... Other than www3 dying N0 as town cop it is there most eventful action so far...

Also I think Linkcats conclusion doesnt really make sense. He talks about a certain point of the game when using devour is safe to do as scum (apparently that's immediately), while also giving an equally plausible scenario where rob is town. As mafia doesnt get nk'ed his entire argument hinges on rob being so afraid of being investigated that he expected to get lynched day 1 and thus used his ability on the least valuable target, simply because its the only he could justify (especially considering that these types of things probably are discussed in maf chat, at least one of which should recognize that coffee was likely to get mk'ed anyway thus making robs ability completely useless)?
What is the message you were trying to convey with those series of quotes, and how is it a WikiHow? I read it as a buildup for your case about Linkcat's conclusion, but then quoting MW feels out of place. I feel like I am missing a lesson from the buildup.

I have been writing this post for almost 6 hours now, and there are still 10 pages left I wanted to in-depth talk about!!!

I will not be ready before my death if I keep going, so have a preview.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 24, 2020, 03:43:42 pm
Extension (4) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 03:44:42 pm
Asking for extension, for the reason I mention at the end of my previous post.

Extension (4) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Submachine
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 03:45:59 pm
Extension (5) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian, Submachine

You ninja Kakashi you. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 24, 2020, 03:53:17 pm
Extension (6) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian, Submachine, Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 04:03:12 pm
aw being confirmed town is lonely, nobody cares about my reads now

oh well here they are

rip www3, coffee

confirmed serp, moe

v torb, masterwalks, geo

n+ shock, link, sub

n ian, ann, kdz, dc

n- cal, kae

w rob, timpa

People who talk about "genuineness" of posts lose credibility with me. In particular I didn't like kae's "Linkcat is sus" post. He'd probably be n for me if that post hadn't happened

I think rob's a scummy egg fwiw, reasons based on info outside of devour action. Basically we're positionally at odds, which means that if rob isn't scum then my reads are bad, so lynching him at least gets info on where my reads are

PS I won't be voting for extension, I enjoy time pressure
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 04:17:16 pm
Also sub, Link's "no need" remark re citing rob, his point is that this isn't something that needs citation. It'd be like me asking you to cite a game showing ian understands English. It's assumed
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 04:34:20 pm
I was going to say Cal, but then he posted that beautiful readslist, so look into DC for me.

The only somewhat relevant post I could find is his scumread list

The only thing that this tells me is that if timpa or Ge0 turn out to be mafia, he's pretty much confirmed.

@ian, would you say this about anyone else with the same reads with regards to these 2 as I do?

And here, DC, this is for you after that iancu post.

That I should hold back on my vote/keep quiet? OR stop badgering ian re: his own lack of voting?

Why do you say that based on a Day 1 readslist? It's really easy to throw teammates in w this early.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that fits DC's playstyle at all. He doesn't have the confidence to do such a play.

To play devil's advocate, if I'm mafia and trying to bus my teammates, I'll have said teammates to help me pull such a move off. I'll concede that a solo DC might not be able to pull off that bus with confidence though. Probably.

What does PoE and ISO stand for? I don't visit MU enough to know. These terminologies should be explained.
Process of Elimination, Isolation (scrutinizing 1 person's posts), Finger of Suspicion

Yeah, because that's exactly what scum do is that last statement: kill someone knowing it will be revealed they did it just to pull the spotlight into myself.
I missed this post before I made my first confusion post. This confirms that rob could have devoured Coffee with either alignment. But ultimately it sucks for me, because I was the one not paying enough attention.

TorB brought up valid points about rob, but then rob responded like so:

Sooo, you're saying that you think I might be a wolf because I made a play with a negative town outcome to draw spotlight on myself expecting people here to think I'm too smart too be that dumb as a wolf and thereby townread a wolf--rob for it?

Lol there's no way that is a real thought? From my position, that feels quite fabricated... Keeping my vote where it is. Let's say you could vote - would you be voting me right now

The part in yellow translates to me as: "There's no way I could think of such elaborate strategy!", which is either self-praise or dismissing his own ability to create such theater. None of which seem honest.

Linking back to kaempfer's question to Linkcat about giving past examples of rob being Mafia, I just remembered the time where rob was Mafia, and he goaded Town into lynching me. It was Linkcat's closed mafia setup, roleplay involved. I did not follow the game after my death, out of salt, but it can be of use for others.

I saw a few others who made valid points against rob (TorB, serp, Link, Annele), and now that my townread on him loosened a bit, I can agree with them.

I need to re-evaluate my reads on rob after this.

@Rob: During Night 0, did you see benefit in your plan even if Coffee was Town? Because as the conversations drag on, you seem to forget bringing that up in your defense.

edit: Note to self: In rob's defense, if he was truthful about it, he was in need of sleep (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297046/#msg1297046) and he was typing all that from phone.

I think this above line of play proposed in that argument is still rather ludicrous and risky for scum to pull off. I think he's genuinely perplexed that this argument is being proposed as opposed to trying to be melodramatic...

Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.

What? I agree that we should not punish activity, but in the same time, why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link? Are we really that useless without them that we are ok with losing on the spot if they are mafia? From this, all I get is that if you are mafia, they have a higher chance of being too, and same the other way around.

But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.

Again, activity good, inactivity bad, but this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?
I wanted to respond to this too.

"why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link?"

Do not look the other way, just appreciate the discussion they spark. I could have said kaempfer or shock too, but in this game, Link and rob have been the most vocal. And according to moe (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296931/#msg1296931), DoubleCapitals too, but I overlooked him somehow.
Because, admittedly, all I've been doing is joking and shitposting. My N0 doesn't have much of substance. I did not certainly expect people to seriously read into my role for one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 04:42:59 pm
Sub's really grasping at like, a lot of things. Some of which I find largely insignificant and I feel he's swamping the conversation with

Has he been like this all the time folks?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 04:44:06 pm
Sub's really grasping at like, a lot of things. Some of which I find largely insignificant and I feel he's swamping the conversation with

Has he been like this all the time folks?

Yes, even outside of mafia threads
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 24, 2020, 04:46:53 pm
Haven't had a lot of time for this, which is the main reason I kept my posts more short and haven't been able to do anything with a significant depth so far.
These are my reads so far

serp (vv)
moe (vv)

They are both confirmed, not much to discuss here. If serp's translation was incorrect he'd get MK'd after all and only town could start with deja vu.

rob (n)

I poked him to claim if he was a Fate Egg or not, because that'd have been the only way his N0 action made sense to me. As it stands it seems a more neutral instead of scummy move to me.

torb (n+)

Taking a step back, his decisions make much more sense, regarding his discussion with rob.

Cal (n)
kdz (n)

Look like your regular players without much time to dedicate to mafia. Nothing to really build a read on stuck out to me.

shock (n)

Just doing his own thing for now. I hope he gets more serious later on.

DC (n)

Finally dropped the shitposting to vote. Nothing else to go by.

ian (n)

Was a n- until he gave us a reason for holding votes, despite posting a lot.

Annele (?)

After reading more on Link's posts I'm not sure how to feel about her.


MW (n-)

I still share kaemp's impression that the only way he could know definitely if shock was town was Fate Egg/GN. Together with his Oty confusion later on it might just mean that he's getting confused about the rules (or I'm missing something here  ?_?)

Link (n+)

His effort is really striking me as town here, then again he's hard to read.

kaemp (n+)

Strikes me as town, would really love to see his read list

Sub (?)

Still wrapping my head around this mega post. Will update this once I'm done with it

Obliging to Link, I'll vote on my worst read so far

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 24, 2020, 04:47:52 pm

Extension (7) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian, Submachine, Calindu, andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 24, 2020, 04:51:05 pm

forgot about Ge0


Haven't had a lot of time for this, which is the main reason I kept my posts more short and haven't been able to do anything with a significant depth so far.
These are my reads so far

serp (vv)
moe (vv)

They are both confirmed, not much to discuss here. If serp's translation was incorrect he'd get MK'd after all and only town could start with deja vu.

rob (n)

I poked him to claim if he was a Fate Egg or not, because that'd have been the only way his N0 action made sense to me. As it stands it seems a more neutral instead of scummy move to me.

torb (n+)

Taking a step back, his decisions make much more sense, regarding his discussion with rob.

Cal (n)
kdz (n)

Look like your regular players without much time to dedicate to mafia. Nothing to really build a read on stuck out to me.

shock (n)

Just doing his own thing for now. I hope he gets more serious later on.

DC (n)

Finally dropped the shitposting to vote. Nothing else to go by.

ian (n)

Was a n- until he gave us a reason for holding votes, despite posting a lot.

Annele (?)

After reading more on Link's posts I'm not sure how to feel about her.

Ge0 (n)

Nothing really special so far, he seems to be low on time to dedicate to this too

MW (n-)

I still share kaemp's impression that the only way he could know definitely if shock was town was Fate Egg/GN. Together with his Oty confusion later on it might just mean that he's getting confused about the rules (or I'm missing something here  ?_?)

Link (n+)

His effort is really striking me as town here, then again he's hard to read.

kaemp (n+)

Strikes me as town, would really love to see his read list

Sub (?)

Still wrapping my head around this mega post. Will update this once I'm done with it

Obliging to Link, I'll vote on my worst read so far

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 05:03:03 pm
ffs use diff if you aren't just going to post a blurb of what you missed

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 05:22:30 pm
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 24, 2020, 05:35:09 pm
I know you don’t have time or energy to play my games and I’m sure my spoilers aimed at you feel like games. But this go-around I’m very serious. My low post count should testify to that even if others fail to realize.

I wish people would listen to my spoilers as well as you do but unfortunately mafia are always so curious as well as other problem players like serprex and masterwalks. As such I’ve been struggling for the past day to find a way to work with you without the interference of every other player in this game. I have found a way. It will generate some responses though and I’m worried how this post will be taken. I hope they’ll be disregarded along with my previous posts. That’s optimal for us. Worst case scenario we get confusion from Sub, trolling from others, or targeting by mafia but I’m not concerned.

I will start by saying I’m not a fan of the extensions. I actually think town using night roles is where we make the most progress even without a GN. I think we have more than enough posts already for night roles to help us find mistakes made by mafias in all the posts we have received so far. However I do see your angle and I’m reconsidering my stance on extensions.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I leave you with this message that many players will try to decipher and many will feel confident they know the implications of my message. Do not listen to what they say. I encourage you to read into this message almost at face value with slight implications outside of being a generic statement. This is not a game either, I’m being serious and trying to offer advice. And you don’t have to take it. It’s simply advice.

We will win this game. The mafia have given themselves away more than they realize. There’s no need to rush. Our options only increase with :time

P.S. My only town reads so far are you and anyone who chooses not to read this spoiler text. I suspect 2-3 specific players to skip reading this spoiler and trust me, I will be able to tell if they did indeed read this or not.

Also @everyone not named kaempf reading this. I spent 24 hours crafting this message. If you think I managed to give away any information to anyone who isn’t kaempf, then you have played right into my hands and I will enjoy what will follow from this.  :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 05:41:04 pm
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.

For your own sake and frankly ours too don't spend so much time on it xD. Summarise, tell us the most alarming things... 6 hours is kinda unhealthy for a children's card forum game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:46:19 pm
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
You're not the leading wagon, just one of the competing wagons... come down a notch and do some solving stuff or planning or w/e Sub does. That is, play to your win-con which as town is to your dying breath keep clawing at what you don't know and parsing what you think you know and do know to push information into the thread. Only a scum truly should arrive at a point where stopping in the thread is logically the best move for a win-con (i.e. - scum have a REASON to quit trying toward rough day phases as they know information they shouldn't as town; whereas, town don't really know all that much usually so they should see no GAME reasons to concede). Caveat emptor: humans are human, so town and scum can overlap in end-of-day emotional reactions, I realize this.

TL;DR - town!Sub should find plenty of reason to keep clawing as it helps town; scum!Sub just might have a legit breaking point to stop posting / spewing.

That's my exhortation here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:47:37 pm
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.

For your own sake and frankly ours too don't spend so much time on it xD. Summarise, tell us the most alarming things... 6 hours is kinda unhealthy for a children's card forum game
town ping for me melding quite well with DC's post here... (why forum didn't tell me "a post occurred while you were typing" on this, I dunno)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:51:38 pm
Are we sitting at 7 extend votes, with 16 living players? Am I right in understanding one more extend vote gets an extension? (EXT votes are non-rescindable ? as in, reaching 8 votes at any point puts it into Oa's court to decide at that time?)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 24, 2020, 05:52:50 pm
Correct, as soon as the 8th vote hits the extension will occur.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 05:55:29 pm
* Link - I couldn't care less who has more posts... why do you care? (I dont' see any silly roles interacting with post counts... so??) *

The relative low level of pushes to sway wagons I see as likely indicative of possibly:
1. We have competing scum wagons (which would be GREAT)
2. We have competing town wagons (do NOT like this)
3. elements activity is always lower than I'm used to elsewhere, so just not a lot of "prescence"...

--> I'm accustomed to most players being around at EOD's, in which case calm thread means scum have either no reason to try to manuever (town wagons; or dont' know how to parse wagons of teammates) / town feel 'solved' on an acceptable state of votes... or the worst case just a dead thread activity level which is not fun at all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:07:07 pm
It's called banter, rob, maybe you've heard of it?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 24, 2020, 06:09:02 pm
Extension (8) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian, Submachine, Calindu, andretimpa, KDZ

For my own sake more then anything :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 24, 2020, 06:11:45 pm
EBWOP I would have done this yesterday, but I full on thought "Day 1 has blah blah minutes remaining." was "One day and blah blah minutes remaining"
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 24, 2020, 06:12:03 pm
Please add my vote to an extension if Sub hasn't posted yet. If he has put it on serp.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 24, 2020, 06:12:47 pm
I'm just kidding. I enjoy being confirmed town just a tad too much. Please let me have this. Put my vote to an extension in any case. Cheer! :*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 06:13:32 pm
It's called banter, rob, maybe you've heard of it?
If real life relationships are any indication for me, I'm doomed to lose in anything that boils down to bantering well... ALthough, beyond banter I think post count likely ends up being heavily skewed by in-game life expectancy.

/Moe you can vote extension (or abstain on EXT) indpendent of game voting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 24, 2020, 06:15:26 pm
Host note

Day 1 has been extended 26 hours. The two additional hours are due to me likely being unavailable tomorrow at the normal time. The start of day post (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1296975/#msg1296975) has been updated accordingly.

Day 1 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 24, 2020, 06:15:34 pm
Extension (8) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian, Submachine, Calindu, andretimpa, Ge0metry v1.2

I'm hoping for more reactions to sub's and andre's posts before we lynch. Andre seems neutral to me, sub I still have no idea how to read. Will leave it to better players.

Also it was my understanding that the common consensus was that withholding votes is not ideal? People that have not voted: torb, moe, ian, kaemp, kdz, shock - why do they get a free pass for no vote when others and I were called out earlier for no vote? I don't mean to question this in an accusatory manner, despite how it may sound. Merely curious.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 06:20:33 pm
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:21:14 pm
It's called banter, rob, maybe you've heard of it?
If real life relationships are any indication for me, I'm doomed to lose in anything that boils down to bantering well...

This made my day. I've only been awake about 20 minutes, but it's now a great 20 minutes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 06:22:40 pm
torb: took heat for it, has made it clear he isn't voting, has still given info tho
moe: he's town, he can do whatever he wants
ian: freeze! yeah not sure on this one
kaemp: Also not sure about this one
kdz: it's their birthday, next question

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 06:23:40 pm
Ge0, you're here, good.

Please address why you went from reading me / my N0 as towny to thinking I'm scum and voting me... holding that vote on me still now. I want to see inside your thought process that led to you making that read change on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 06:28:24 pm
shock, I'm pretty sure I understood what you are trying to tell me before you made that post; i just dont want to make a big deal out of it unless i have to.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 24, 2020, 06:30:53 pm
kaempfer, welcome to "connecting with shock" I guess?

FYI, shock - I'm going to read every spoiler anybody makes... why wouldn't I? A spoiler possibly contains information or something to look into, I need information so don't expect me to avoid any sort of spoiler you give. ALso, seems odd you are hinting at thinking opening your spoilers is in some way alignment indicative??!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 24, 2020, 06:37:54 pm
For your own sake and frankly ours too don't spend so much time on it xD. Summarise, tell us the most alarming things... 6 hours is kinda unhealthy for a children's card forum game
Before I compress my thougths, let me know which parts were more useful. Especially after this comment:

Sub's really grasping at like, a lot of things. Some of which I find largely insignificant and I feel he's swamping the conversation with

I told it ahead of time that it will be a wall of questions, rather than a wall of answers. Until then, I only know full scan.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:48:44 pm
Re: Subwall

Re: Warden
It's dangerous to rely too much on the cop. Players should be using everything at their disposal in order to gather information, especially their roles. If they had followed your advice, we'd have even less collective information than we already did with losing our cop. Dodging the Heal is not about mindgating, there's only a small subset of players with a reasonable chance to be targeted by both an Angel and the Nightkill, just choose someone else. Sitting back and hoping other roles will carry the game is not a great strategy. Voting data is a different beast than role usage, especially on Day 1. Warden isn't about blocking mafia, hard information is the important thing. Your comparison on priorities is not valid.

Re: kaempfer
He means in general, not this specific game.

Re: rob
That's true, he did not actually hint his action. Rob always gets on inactives, nothing out of the ordinary.

Re: w3
You can like someone and still laugh your ass of when they die. Pretty sure I've done that to you a couple times.

Re: rob again
I don't have any special knowledge. If you want his scum game, 61 and some game on MU I think.

Re: my comment on NK
I would definitely compliment myself if I was mafia, so I have no counter to this.

Re: Sub being salty about 61
Looks like I was wrong, this just made my day.

Re: 6 hour post on 15 pages
Don't hurt yourself, Sub.

Don't take it personally, it's just banter. <3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:49:45 pm
aw being confirmed town is lonely, nobody cares about my reads now

oh well here they are

rip www3, coffee

confirmed serp, moe

v torb, masterwalks, geo

n+ shock, link, sub

n ian, ann, kdz, dc

n- cal, kae

w rob, timpa

People who talk about "genuineness" of posts lose credibility with me. In particular I didn't like kae's "Linkcat is sus" post. He'd probably be n for me if that post hadn't happened

I think rob's a scummy egg fwiw, reasons based on info outside of devour action. Basically we're positionally at odds, which means that if rob isn't scum then my reads are bad, so lynching him at least gets info on where my reads are

PS I won't be voting for extension, I enjoy time pressure

I didn't mention you because it's expected for confirmed town to post their reads. Good list, btw.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 24, 2020, 06:50:33 pm
Ge0, you're here, good.

Please address why you went from reading me / my N0 as towny to thinking I'm scum and voting me... holding that vote on me still now. I want to see inside your thought process that led to you making that read change on me.

I don't know if I have an answer that will fully satisfy you but here goes.

I do not think I am currently very good at the game. My lack of knowledge on both the players and the game means it is fairly hard to make reads and contribute meaningful content. This is info I knew would be true and possibly problematic before the game had even begun. Nevertheles, I attempted to contribute to the best of my abilities, particularly after being called out by a couple people.

My first attempt at contributing I did read you as slight town. I abstained from voting because at the time I didn't want to jump on a wagon. Link then mentioned that witholding my vote was the "scummiest stance I could take", so I went back and re-read some posts to see if I could find any logic for me to vote on.

As a reminder, here is the tally at the time, before I voted:
rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

After reading through things, I was unable to make any hard conclusions on scumreads and whatnot. I couldn't find a reason to add a vote for MW, torb, or sub. As stated in my reads post, I liked link and serp's logic. You were pointing fingers at people who no one else seemed to be pointing fingers at, and made a vote on torb. Others called you out on it for a bad read. You being a fate egg had not yet been explored. Does this all add up to me having a scumread on you? Not exactly. But it was at the time the strongest conclusion I had, in a time where I was being pressured to vote.

I hold the vote on you currently only because I don't know who to change my vote to and I don't want to withdraw my vote entirely.

Also I realize it may be frustrating as a vet to play with newer (read: weaker) players. I know I get frustrated in the games I play. So, apologies for potentially being a bad player.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 24, 2020, 06:52:25 pm
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

Okay, this makes more sense. I had understood you meant you had 100% sure shock was town. Removing my vote from you.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

Sub's really grasping at like, a lot of things. Some of which I find largely insignificant and I feel he's swamping the conversation with

I told it ahead of time that it will be a wall of questions, rather than a wall of answers. Until then, I only know full scan.

Really hope pt 2 is better than pt 1, since this one just looks like you are trying to deflect conversation (the breadcrumbs part in shock's spoiler sounded borderline insane to me, for example)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:52:55 pm
And here, DC, this is for you after that iancu post.
That I should hold back on my vote/keep quiet? OR stop badgering ian re: his own lack of voting?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:53:40 pm
Sub's really grasping at like, a lot of things. Some of which I find largely insignificant and I feel he's swamping the conversation with

Has he been like this all the time folks?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 24, 2020, 06:53:46 pm
FYI, shock - I'm going to read every spoiler anybody makes... why wouldn't I? A spoiler possibly contains information or something to look into, I need information so don't expect me to avoid any sort of spoiler you give. ALso, seems odd you are hinting at thinking opening your spoilers is in some way alignment indicative??!

I can't say I've been able to keep myself from reading shock's spoiilers either... is this normal? For someone to make posts directed at specific people and expect no one else to read them? And people will listen?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 24, 2020, 06:57:16 pm
FYI, shock - I'm going to read every spoiler anybody makes... why wouldn't I? A spoiler possibly contains information or something to look into, I need information so don't expect me to avoid any sort of spoiler you give. ALso, seems odd you are hinting at thinking opening your spoilers is in some way alignment indicative??!

I can't say I've been able to keep myself from reading shock's spoiilers either... is this normal? For someone to make posts directed at specific people and expect no one else to read them? And people will listen?
Im pretty sure its just a meme.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 06:59:29 pm
Haven't had a lot of time for this, which is the main reason I kept my posts more short and haven't been able to do anything with a significant depth so far.
These are my reads so far

serp (vv)
moe (vv)

They are both confirmed, not much to discuss here. If serp's translation was incorrect he'd get MK'd after all and only town could start with deja vu.

rob (n)

I poked him to claim if he was a Fate Egg or not, because that'd have been the only way his N0 action made sense to me. As it stands it seems a more neutral instead of scummy move to me.

torb (n+)

Taking a step back, his decisions make much more sense, regarding his discussion with rob.

Cal (n)
kdz (n)

Look like your regular players without much time to dedicate to mafia. Nothing to really build a read on stuck out to me.

shock (n)

Just doing his own thing for now. I hope he gets more serious later on.

DC (n)

Finally dropped the shitposting to vote. Nothing else to go by.

ian (n)

Was a n- until he gave us a reason for holding votes, despite posting a lot.

Annele (?)

After reading more on Link's posts I'm not sure how to feel about her.


MW (n-)

I still share kaemp's impression that the only way he could know definitely if shock was town was Fate Egg/GN. Together with his Oty confusion later on it might just mean that he's getting confused about the rules (or I'm missing something here  ?_?)

Link (n+)

His effort is really striking me as town here, then again he's hard to read.

kaemp (n+)

Strikes me as town, would really love to see his read list

Sub (?)

Still wrapping my head around this mega post. Will update this once I'm done with it

Obliging to Link, I'll vote on my worst read so far

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

Wow, that was underwhelming. No unconfirmed players out of neutral, and really weak reasoning for your strongest/only scumread/vote. Makes me want to lynch you more but at the same time I think you'd be trying harder if you were actually mafia and the top train.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 07:02:20 pm
MW, there is sth really weird about what you last said and what i think shock has been doing; check again which roles can target who.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 07:03:47 pm
Also it was my understanding that the common consensus was that withholding votes is not ideal? People that have not voted: torb, moe, ian, kaemp, kdz, shock
It is not, and we do not. BUT, there is a crucial difference between voting late and not voting at all. Mafia likes easy picking and placing their votes in a way that keeps their teammates safe. Joining a wagon and copying other peoples' reasons while deflecting from the wagon on a mafia member is typical.

By explicitly stating I will not vote at all, you can eat a tasty steak if I end up voting near the end. The rest may end up casting a vote to match the behavior I just described.

FYI, shock - I'm going to read every spoiler anybody makes... why wouldn't I? A spoiler possibly contains information or something to look into, I need information so don't expect me to avoid any sort of spoiler you give. ALso, seems odd you are hinting at thinking opening your spoilers is in some way alignment indicative??!

I can't say I've been able to keep myself from reading shock's spoiilers either... is this normal? For someone to make posts directed at specific people and expect no one else to read them? And people will listen?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 07:04:01 pm
I know you don’t have time or energy to play my games and I’m sure my spoilers aimed at you feel like games. But this go-around I’m very serious. My low post count should testify to that even if others fail to realize.

I wish people would listen to my spoilers as well as you do but unfortunately mafia are always so curious as well as other problem players like serprex and masterwalks. As such I’ve been struggling for the past day to find a way to work with you without the interference of every other player in this game. I have found a way. It will generate some responses though and I’m worried how this post will be taken. I hope they’ll be disregarded along with my previous posts. That’s optimal for us. Worst case scenario we get confusion from Sub, trolling from others, or targeting by mafia but I’m not concerned.

I will start by saying I’m not a fan of the extensions. I actually think town using night roles is where we make the most progress even without a GN. I think we have more than enough posts already for night roles to help us find mistakes made by mafias in all the posts we have received so far. However I do see your angle and I’m reconsidering my stance on extensions.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I leave you with this message that many players will try to decipher and many will feel confident they know the implications of my message. Do not listen to what they say. I encourage you to read into this message almost at face value with slight implications outside of being a generic statement. This is not a game either, I’m being serious and trying to offer advice. And you don’t have to take it. It’s simply advice.

We will win this game. The mafia have given themselves away more than they realize. There’s no need to rush. Our options only increase with :time

P.S. My only town reads so far are you and anyone who chooses not to read this spoiler text. I suspect 2-3 specific players to skip reading this spoiler and trust me, I will be able to tell if they did indeed read this or not.

Also @everyone not named kaempf reading this. I spent 24 hours crafting this message. If you think I managed to give away any information to anyone who isn’t kaempf, then you have played right into my hands and I will enjoy what will follow from this.  :P

Like rob, I just can't resist. I did start trying to decipher your message, but then I remembered that it's you and anything else would be a better use of my time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 07:05:15 pm
And here, DC, this is for you after that iancu post.
That I should hold back on my vote/keep quiet? OR stop badgering ian re: his own lack of voting?

Yep, I probably missed and killed the joke here already... but could ya explain so that I don't misinterpret?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 07:05:21 pm
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
You're not the leading wagon, just one of the competing wagons... come down a notch and do some solving stuff or planning or w/e Sub does. That is, play to your win-con which as town is to your dying breath keep clawing at what you don't know and parsing what you think you know and do know to push information into the thread. Only a scum truly should arrive at a point where stopping in the thread is logically the best move for a win-con (i.e. - scum have a REASON to quit trying toward rough day phases as they know information they shouldn't as town; whereas, town don't really know all that much usually so they should see no GAME reasons to concede). Caveat emptor: humans are human, so town and scum can overlap in end-of-day emotional reactions, I realize this.

TL;DR - town!Sub should find plenty of reason to keep clawing as it helps town; scum!Sub just might have a legit breaking point to stop posting / spewing.

That's my exhortation here.

I find this to be a reasonable reaction for Sub as town, it fits his personality.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 07:08:00 pm
DC, you may want to review the status effects in this game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 07:08:16 pm
Extension (8) - kaempfer13, DoubleCapitals, Annele, iancudorinmarian, Submachine, Calindu, andretimpa, Ge0metry v1.2

I'm hoping for more reactions to sub's and andre's posts before we lynch. Andre seems neutral to me, sub I still have no idea how to read. Will leave it to better players.

Also it was my understanding that the common consensus was that withholding votes is not ideal? People that have not voted: torb, moe, ian, kaemp, kdz, shock - why do they get a free pass for no vote when others and I were called out earlier for no vote? I don't mean to question this in an accusatory manner, despite how it may sound. Merely curious.

Good point, but the only person there that I really want to see a vote from is kaempfer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 24, 2020, 07:10:35 pm
Wow, that was underwhelming. No unconfirmed players out of neutral, and really weak reasoning for your strongest/only scumread/vote. Makes me want to lynch you more but at the same time I think you'd be trying harder if you were actually mafia and the top train.

Well, in my defense it's still D1 and I wasn't joking on the lack of time / not having read in too much depth yet part.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 07:12:37 pm

Good point, but the only person there that I really want to see a vote from is kaempfer.

Seconded, meant to make that more clear when listing the no-votes

Also, geo, don't worry too much about rob, you're one of the most town reads of confirmed town atm, keep it up
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 07:15:53 pm
Don't sweat it Ge0, you're actually still playing better than 4 other living players right now, and both of the dead ones. That number is higher if you're mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 07:16:26 pm
MW, there is sth really weird about what you last said and what i think shock has been doing; check again which roles can target who.

Elaborate plz

also stop trying to guess my role this early.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 07:17:09 pm
@Sub my quotewall was referring to how it seemed like Link was gaslighting rob; obv whether thats true hinges on a lot of assumptions, but it felt weird.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 07:20:22 pm
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 24, 2020, 07:20:54 pm
DC, you may want to review the status effects in this game

Yeah I was wondering at first if Link was 100% joking or trying to hint/imply something. I think I got it though. Remind me not to try to parse info at 3 in the morning.

Speaking of parsing info, shock's play makes me wonder if he's playing Mafia or Big Brother. Same as last time, oh well. To all the people who have never met shock... yeah this sounds like typical shock.

And re: NL I think that I personally get a bit too worked up for my own good on NLs, still trying to interpret roles that deny the ability to vote by choice or otherwise. I know that people shouldn't be too hasty with wagoning and I do expect the votecount to shift quite a bit while I go sleep though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 07:28:35 pm
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 07:33:57 pm
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
I hope this means you understand?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 07:39:46 pm
also stop trying to guess my role this early.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 07:45:17 pm
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
I hope this means you understand?

Nope. Dont understand. Dont know what im supposed to be trying to understand.
I thought the speed of my role was different. I double chekced, asked a question, and now i understand it. I falsely made a pretty hard claim earlier in my reads regarding you and shock. Now that i know my roles speed, i explained honestly and back peddled on my claims as shown here:
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

Now im not GN obv so im not 100% sure you are town, and frankly, your short cryptic messages and role reading me are making me feel less confident about my read on you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 07:47:09 pm
MW is my wolfiest town read
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 07:53:22 pm
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 08:07:01 pm
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 08:10:59 pm
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
I hope this means you understand?

Nope. Dont understand. Dont know what im supposed to be trying to understand.
I thought the speed of my role was different. I double chekced, asked a question, and now i understand it. I falsely made a pretty hard claim earlier in my reads regarding you and shock. Now that i know my roles speed, i explained honestly and back peddled on my claims as shown here:
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

Now im not GN obv so im not 100% sure you are town, and frankly, your short cryptic messages and role reading me are making me feel less confident about my read on you.
Ok, I give up trying to parse this. the reason I'm being so cryptic is because I don't want more roles to be revealed (you pretty much revealed what your role does, so no use trying to hide it now (I'm by no means encouraging a full claim)) and one of the following things happened:
- I missunderstood shock
- You missunderstood your role (tbf you pretty much admit to that)
- You missunderstood shocks role
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 08:15:45 pm
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Well, you are wrong about at least one thing.
Besides I wouldnt panic that much over rob (in the obv nonexistent world of us w/w) now considering the votecount.

Anyway, what would you have done if you were fate egg and rolled oty (it's gone the next night). from what i am gathering you would have holstered? I'm not the only one that can explain to you why thats a mistake as either alignement.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 08:22:52 pm
rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

Everything you said in the last 2 pages have left a sour taste. TORB brings up a good point about you defending rob a little too much, especially this late only because you think he thinks different than you now. Maybe my confidence is misplaced and shock is wrong. Weird of you to try to sway me from him when my trust in him is what made me town read you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 08:26:06 pm
People who talk about "genuineness" of posts lose credibility with me. In particular I didn't like kae's "Linkcat is sus" post. He'd probably be n for me if that post hadn't happened

Tone reads may not fit your playstyle, but they are a legit thing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 08:27:25 pm
Switching my vote from Sub to kaempf. Doesn't really make sense to be voting with my least towny reads on someone I'm n+ on

I agree with kaempf's logic re always using devour as fate egg

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 24, 2020, 08:32:43 pm
Fixing votes (I had removed my vote from MW some posts ago)

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 08:33:06 pm
Switching my vote from Sub to kaempf. Doesn't really make sense to be voting with my least towny reads on someone I'm n+ on

I agree with kaempf's logic re always using devour as fate egg

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

Hey, this vote is not supposed to determine who has the best logic
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 08:35:03 pm
Right, otherwise I'd be in the lead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 08:38:36 pm
People who talk about "genuineness" of posts lose credibility with me. In particular I didn't like kae's "Linkcat is sus" post. He'd probably be n for me if that post hadn't happened

Tone reads may not fit your playstyle, but they are a legit thing.

Could you post this in a more genuine way? Your tone is very n- for me here
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 08:41:40 pm
To explain less tongue in cheek:

Tone reads are lazy. They're a lead. Follow it & bring something material/falsifiable to the table. If the person you're reading flips, what does it say about you? Or clear up for you? In the case of tone reads, nothing

So they aren't substantial. They're a form of giving reads while being able to stay neutral. You aren't committed to explain why you might rescind a tone read

Do they have a place? Sure. But they better be good, used sparingly, & backed up with other good stuff. That hasn't been my experience with kaempf this game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 08:41:55 pm
Hey, I reserve the right to express myself ingenuously. Stop oppressing me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 08:44:28 pm
For an example of a good tone read, see Mobian last game. Nailed him in a single post.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 08:52:41 pm
Can someone explain to me what vv, v, n, w in these readlists mean? Tried to do some short Googling but couldn't find anything. All I can tell is that v = good, n = bad, is that all there is to it?

Posting from my phone and I'm too lazy to quote the messages but:

Re: Rob calling me out
My increase in activity and attempt to read people is all in response to Link asking for more from me. Again, in all honesty, a lot of the discussion has been beyond me and I don't have strong opinions.

Re: Rob asking for my opinion on sub
This is one of those situations where I have no idea how highly I should weigh my suspicions. Do I think his posts are slightly sus? Sure. But I also thought the same of shock, and link, and serp at different times in the thread and they were vouched for by other people. Sub has his share of people saying this is normal behaviour for him and I'm inclined to agree as I don't know how he talks/plays.

I would also like to mention that I'm afraid of seeming too bandwagon-y now and so I don't want to vote? I don't know, once again - completely in over my head right now.

As a general rule if you are town (here: elemental) you should stop worrying so much what other people think of you. Solve to the best of your ability, if people want to lynch you for your genuine thoughts, it's their fault they are reading you wrong. But if you are simply playing to try to adhere to what people expect of you, rather than actually trying to form your own thoughts, that is when you (rightfully) look scummy.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 24, 2020, 08:56:45 pm
Which gives us the www3 corollary: if you're NKed it's because you're good, if you're lynched it's because everyone else is bad

You're a star!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 08:59:35 pm
Is that what he says? I kind of just tuned him out after a certain point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 09:08:27 pm
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Well, you are wrong about at least one thing.
Besides I wouldnt panic that much over rob (in the obv nonexistent world of us w/w) now considering the votecount.

Anyway, what would you have done if you were fate egg and rolled oty (it's gone the next night). from what i am gathering you would have holstered? I'm not the only one that can explain to you why thats a mistake as either alignement.
Will you stop shoving statements into my mouth? Of course you are not panicking. Do you know what the best time and method is to defend rob? By silencing the instigator after the suspect has left the spotlight.

As for the question: I am pretty sure my previous statements have made perfectly clear I would not target someone with a kill ability, that I would expect to be modkilled anyway.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 24, 2020, 10:06:14 pm
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Well, you are wrong about at least one thing.
Besides I wouldnt panic that much over rob (in the obv nonexistent world of us w/w) now considering the votecount.

Anyway, what would you have done if you were fate egg and rolled oty (it's gone the next night). from what i am gathering you would have holstered? I'm not the only one that can explain to you why thats a mistake as either alignement.
Will you stop shoving statements into my mouth? Of course you are not panicking. Do you know what the best time and method is to defend rob? By silencing the instigator after the suspect has left the spotlight.

As for the question: I am pretty sure my previous statements have made perfectly clear I would not target someone with a kill ability, that I would expect to be modkilled anyway.
Well, your initial dislike of using an offensive role implied you would have holstered. But since you veto that now, what would have been the right way to use it according to  you?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 11:01:24 pm
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Well, you are wrong about at least one thing.
Besides I wouldnt panic that much over rob (in the obv nonexistent world of us w/w) now considering the votecount.

Anyway, what would you have done if you were fate egg and rolled oty (it's gone the next night). from what i am gathering you would have holstered? I'm not the only one that can explain to you why thats a mistake as either alignement.
Will you stop shoving statements into my mouth? Of course you are not panicking. Do you know what the best time and method is to defend rob? By silencing the instigator after the suspect has left the spotlight.

As for the question: I am pretty sure my previous statements have made perfectly clear I would not target someone with a kill ability, that I would expect to be modkilled anyway.
Well, your initial dislike of using an offensive role implied you would have holstered. But since you veto that now, what would have been the right way to use it according to  you?
Veto? What are you even talking about? I said I would not use a kill ability N0. Moreover, it does not even matter!
Just so we're 100% clear, eating Coffee was a good play as either alignment so that doesn't say much by itself, and it's amusing that multiple people are reading it both ways. It's his reactions afterward that you should be focusing on for your read.
What I chose was simply the best self-perceived angle of attack at the time. The reactions to it have been totally worth it.

Also, if kaempfer flips mafia, rob is also likely mafia.
If rob flips mafia, andretimpa is also likely mafia.
The relative low level of pushes to sway wagons I see as likely indicative of possibly:
1. We have competing scum wagons (which would be GREAT)
2. We have competing town wagons (do NOT like this)
3. elements activity is always lower than I'm used to elsewhere, so just not a lot of "prescence"...

--> I'm accustomed to most players being around at EOD's, in which case calm thread means scum have either no reason to try to manuever (town wagons; or dont' know how to parse wagons of teammates) / town feel 'solved' on an acceptable state of votes... or the worst case just a dead thread activity level which is not fun at all.
rob is posting this at the time where andretimpa is ahead in votes. Why? He is hoping to shift the train in favor of someone other than andretimpa without having the entire mafia list in the train.

So all three of those lynches are good in my opinion.

Sub and Link are probably town, because of current lynch counts along with rob trying to incriminate Sub and kaempfer trying to incriminate Link as well as Sub/Links posts so far.
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
You're not the leading wagon, just one of the competing wagons... come down a notch and do some solving stuff or planning or w/e Sub does. That is, play to your win-con which as town is to your dying breath keep clawing at what you don't know and parsing what you think you know and do know to push information into the thread. Only a scum truly should arrive at a point where stopping in the thread is logically the best move for a win-con (i.e. - scum have a REASON to quit trying toward rough day phases as they know information they shouldn't as town; whereas, town don't really know all that much usually so they should see no GAME reasons to concede). Caveat emptor: humans are human, so town and scum can overlap in end-of-day emotional reactions, I realize this.

TL;DR - town!Sub should find plenty of reason to keep clawing as it helps town; scum!Sub just might have a legit breaking point to stop posting / spewing.

That's my exhortation here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 24, 2020, 11:15:46 pm
We're still missing one mafia...
Given the information you have observed, how likely is it that kaempfer13 and shockcannon are both mafia?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 24, 2020, 11:24:30 pm
dont think they share a primary
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 24, 2020, 11:44:50 pm
I got something for you, Torb.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

Is this a Fate Egg claim?

rob, torb, serp and Anelle are coming of a bit suspicious, but I'll see where things go a bit longer before casting a vote.

Here andre sheeps rob's scumreads but then throws rob in as well. Very odd. This is why I asked rob about an andre lynch. While he was fine with the other option I presented, he refused this one while keeping him at a comfortable n- in his readslist. I was kind of cooling down on the andre lynch because of the same reason rob had in that post, but I didn't say anything. It would be just his style to use that to spook us into another lynch without having to force it. There's no way he would risk himself to defend andre openly. Not sold on kaempfer, though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 12:09:32 am
I suppose I'll post again to get my count at least even with someone who died N0.

It's a real shame we extended the vote timer. Now I have to deal with reading another 5-10 pages of noobs being manipulated by mafia. I also really hope there isn't any last minute vote switches to reset the timer in the last hour of voting. Personally, I think no lynch is really our best option here. Town has a lot to gain from the next night phase. The fact that everyone is 100% convinced that you must always lynch each day phase is a real flaw that's going to hold us back this game. But whatever, I'm not going to try to fight 15 other players and all is not lost even with this happening.

If we must lynch and if you want my two cents, the only lynch targets that are really going to give us good information regardless of which faction they flip are Linkcat, Rob, and Masterwalks. Anyone else is a waste of time or a complete gamble. Obviously, you can feel free to disagree with me or probe me with useless questions that I might not answer, but this is how I feel right now. The votes on andre, kaempf, and sub are a distraction and I hope you all don't fall for it. And being a distraction doesn't mean that they are necessarily town and it also doesn't mean that mafia are voting for those players. It's very possible for an elemental to have a high vote count, yet have all those votes be cast by other elementals.

Oh btw, if you guys are going to spam out 33 pages of text before N1, at least make it interesting. The only remotely important posts since N0 ended are:

TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.


dont think they share a primary


Annele - the initial approach she took to scumread me for my N0 felt awkwardly aimed at me... however, the back-down after some explanations occurred felt a little more genuine. A bit "off" feeling to me that the backdown came so easy after so much shade (as a ratio of her total posts, to those shading me). It does though seem possible this is how she approaches reads, but need to see more to feel better/stronger about reading her play.

I was undecided on your move for a while before I posted, but ultimately I came to the same conclusion as torb - having forgotten fate egg, I thought that the less unlikely answer was that you were mafia. I didn't want to go soft and let mafia get away with such a brazen move, hence the shade With fate egg in the mix, and having thought it over some more, I realised that though it's possible you're mafia, town was a lot more likely than I had assumed. I appreciate the explanation for why you chose ditto. Looking at it now, I think mafia would have chosen a target more useful to town (either one who's posting a lot or however they managed to pluck out GN), since you were bound to get heat either way.

You're way over-analyzing Ge0, he's playing exactly like someone dipping their toes back into mafia after a long time and what little content he had felt real. No reason to vote him right now.

I don't think it's necessarily overanalysing geo, geo's posts gave me the same vibe I had when playing as mafia last round. I agree no reason to vote on just yet, but I'm wary of him. andre has a similar vibe without the over-explaining lack of posting, but I completely forgot all his posts until rob mentioned him and I re-read them, which I think makes him more suspicious. I'm not sure how to read linkcat just yet but I agree with the reasoning behind it.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat, Annele

I didn't vote before because of the graboid suggestion but I'd like to see what sub has to say before he's killed. There seems to be a lot to this story that I've somehow missed? I'm curious to see how much it will change.

Also hbd kdz.

Everything else so far has just been white noise to me. Also @kaempf, like I said in my post, ignore anything that others say about me, especially if it pertains to my role, my reads on others, or the implications of my posts. Despite popular belief, the town wins this game if they can win the night phase, while the mafia wins this game if they can win the day phase. Hopefully this helps people understand why it's okay to no lynch and why N1 will be a VERY important night for town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 12:17:18 am
I didn't stop reading after you said we should No Lynch, but I should have since you provided nothing of substance in this post.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 12:19:37 am
I won't share quite yet why the first two posts I quoted are important, but I will share why Annele's post is important. The important part in Annele's post is the vote count at that exact moment in time and the fact that Annele felt compelled by other's to come out and vote, despite saying in a previous post that she was not going to vote at that moment because she agreed with the current tallies, which were:

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

I won't comment right now on what this information says to me, but HOLY COW was this post by Annele an interesting one for me. This game was very boring up until this point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 12:32:36 am
Wow, would you look at that, some actual substance. Here, I took a picture to commemorate the occasion.


Good observation, especially considering that she said she agreed with my reasoning, despite me not actually having given any at the time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 12:39:07 am
The fact that you are too blinded by the name of the author of the post to see any substance doesn't mean my posts lack substance. Plenty of players will find substance in every post I have given so far. It's also quite hilarious to hear that come from someone who has found a way to make 70+ posts and counting before day 1 has even finished.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 12:41:32 am

The relative low level of pushes to sway wagons I see as likely indicative of possibly:
1. We have competing scum wagons (which would be GREAT)
2. We have competing town wagons (do NOT like this)
3. elements activity is always lower than I'm used to elsewhere, so just not a lot of "prescence"...

--> I'm accustomed to most players being around at EOD's, in which case calm thread means scum have either no reason to try to manuever (town wagons; or dont' know how to parse wagons of teammates) / town feel 'solved' on an acceptable state of votes... or the worst case just a dead thread activity level which is not fun at all.
rob is posting this at the time where andretimpa is ahead in votes. Why? He is hoping to shift the train in favor of someone other than andretimpa without having the entire mafia list in the train.

This strikes me more as "general wisdom" (I don't personally agree, but I'm also not a top player) and I think you are just reading too much here. I agree tho that kaemp seems overly defensive in his recent responses.


I got something for you, Torb.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

Is this a Fate Egg claim?

rob, torb, serp and Anelle are coming of a bit suspicious, but I'll see where things go a bit longer before casting a vote.

Here andre sheeps rob's scumreads but then throws rob in as well. Very odd. This is why I asked rob about an andre lynch. While he was fine with the other option I presented, he refused this one while keeping him at a comfortable n- in his readslist. I was kind of cooling down on the andre lynch because of the same reason rob had in that post, but I didn't say anything. It would be just his style to use that to spook us into another lynch without having to force it. There's no way he would risk himself to defend andre openly. Not sold on kaempfer, though.

The context of that post was that rob had made a wild move that I still think was not a good play, even as fate egg (I asked for confirmation, as it would make the move have at least some sense). The other reads were indeed a bit colored by rob's opinions (the same way you colored some of mine in my read list, even though I don't trust you 100%).

Just to be clear, I don't have an overall read of rob as neither town nor mafia so far and I still only keep suspicions about Anelle after thinking a bit more (I can share if you want, but it's pretty weak)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 12:43:23 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 12:58:57 am
The fact that you are too blinded by the name of the author of the post to see any substance doesn't mean my posts lack substance. Plenty of players will find substance in every post I have given so far. It's also quite hilarious to hear that come from someone who has found a way to make 70+ posts and counting before day 1 has even finished.

This is nothing. I played with multiple people who had 300+ on Day 1, without an extension or Night 0. Your 7, on the other hand, is laughable.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 01:05:46 am
I got something for you, Torb.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

Is this a Fate Egg claim?

rob, torb, serp and Anelle are coming of a bit suspicious, but I'll see where things go a bit longer before casting a vote.

Here andre sheeps rob's scumreads but then throws rob in as well. Very odd. This is why I asked rob about an andre lynch. While he was fine with the other option I presented, he refused this one while keeping him at a comfortable n- in his readslist. I was kind of cooling down on the andre lynch because of the same reason rob had in that post, but I didn't say anything. It would be just his style to use that to spook us into another lynch without having to force it.
Throwing a name in a list is easy, but I'm not seeing any lynchvotes. So yeah, another point to add to the case.
There's no way he would risk himself to defend andre openly. Not sold on kaempfer, though.
Nope, which is why:
This strikes me more as "general wisdom" (I don't personally agree, but I'm also not a top player)
If you put it like that, instead of asking to vote for specific lynches, it is supposed to be a lot less suspicious.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 01:20:15 am
@Kaempf, is there a reason why you have not voted? Unless I missed it, you didn't state your intent to not vote like torb and ian. Moe is basically confirmed town, shock has declared wishes to no lynch, and kdz has his birthday as a reason for inactivity.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 01:21:16 am
I would like to mention also that other players are specifically curious about your vote, from the list of players who have not voted.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 01:53:24 am
shock - this not one of the maybe 1% of cases where No Lynch is a "right move". Town wins the game when all mafia players are dead. Sure there are roles to allow uncovering of mafia players but relying on night phase as town is VERY tenuous at best and pretty much demonstrably NOT a way to ultimately advance the win-con. (Hint: this game is nowhere near MYLO which I believe is just such a kind of rare occasion) please get off the bad idea that No Lynch is somehow beneficial to town. UNLESS you can fully articulate why that is the proper course of action, and NO this is not any kind of attempt to press or ask for role claims or un-necessary stuff like that. Just look for someone scummy to vote or push or look into players game/posts so far to find scummy aspects to review or bring to light.

Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.

Is this a Fate Egg claim?

rob, torb, serp and Anelle are coming of a bit suspicious, but I'll see where things go a bit longer before casting a vote.
DO NOT forget this grouping from andre down the road should he flip mafia -- I am still in a world where serp/moe is always v/v and if andre is mafia I'd gamble he put a scum mate in this pile (probably exactly one, wouldn't want to overdo it eh?)... TorB _or_ Annele if andre flips. Hot take, perhaps.

timpa - I do not recall you going into any depth at all about how you scumread this quartet... given there is quite a bit of thread content involving pointed discussion between me/TorB, me/Annele, and me/serp indpenednetly. Can you explain how you see a world where you are actually solving and arrive at this grouping that on the 10,000 ft view of the thread seems so un-natural of a set of reads????
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 01:56:25 am
I didn't stop reading after you said we should No Lynch, but I should have since you provided nothing of substance in this post.
NAI, ... but: SO. MUCH. THIS. I'll have more in my next post about it, but this does not look like a time that NL is town beneficial.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 01:57:34 am
Triple post, ugh -- oddly the forum re-ordered my posts from how I clicked submit from multiple browser tabs... the FORMER post has the expanded notes, not a "next post". >.<
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 02:37:05 am
@rob At that point I'd say I had only "people to look more closely at" instead of anything more substantial.

My read on you was mostly because of your N0 move, as I said in my previous post.

Torb was coming out a bit more aggressive than I remembered players in general to be. I see this now as more it being his style and me never having played with him (since he's doing it with kaemp and me too, without no one thinking it's out of the ordinary).

Serp was a very weak read, due to him "shooting first and asking questions later" with his instavote on you when the day began (I was still willing to believe there could have been a legit reason for your move - see my post asking you how that was a good move). I believe this was also a bit fueled by the fingerpointing between the 2 of you, in what was really early D1. Of course he's verified in my book since his claim.

Anelle's "voting but not really voting" plus she putting the idea of you being Fate Egg out in the open still rub me the wrong way (even though it made your actions more sensible to me).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 03:14:12 am
timpa - we were scum together before... I remember your playstyle that game being not remarkably unlike this one. As I recall, you did some posting, mostly avoided the POE, and took things easy (I think we swept that game, or close to it). There you didn't have to do much trying to look solve-y --- I want to see you try to do some solving? Do a dive into a player's play so far with an ISO, or full set of reads. Need something that you put out that is genuine solving or game effort from you. So far, I really just see a bit of wallowing that is reminding me of your scum meta.

OK, so you had TorB as scummy at a prior point for being more aggressive than you remember players generally being? Surely you've seen how a handful of players around here approach this game with a bit of aggression - why was it scummy from TorB? And now you suddenly have him mostly toward the town-ish end of your reads just because you think that is his playstyle... why is it not believable for you that he is just doing a good job of modeling a possible scum!TorB play after his play others have seen as town!TorB??

Annele you scumread for ?something about her and I's interaction? but then Link had a post that you state took her to "?" in your reads, and now she is back to rubbing the wrong way without her having done much (anything??). Give a bit more detail in your thought on progressing this read this way.

On me, you say you found my N0 action scummy at first but you were earlier scumreading serp for his voting me for my N0 action? If you're town, then I'd have expected you to find it towny of serp to act that way given you scumread me for the same thing. You now have me neutral read right up next to the Deja claim-pair citing my N0 action making more sense to you now I've explained it. What do you make of serp still scumreading me for it??

I guess not anything I want to press in on about your serp read, given almost the whole game is now reading that pair nearly-confirmed from the claim.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 03:21:32 am
What do you make of serp still scumreading me for it??

Stop misrepresenting me. I've agreed that fate egg devour was a fine play at least 3 times now

So scummy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 03:23:34 am

What?? I represented you as scumreading me... you tell me stop misrepresenting you in the same post that you double-down on scumreading me. What gives on that? I don't follow at all where you thinking.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 03:26:17 am
"for it" implies my scumread is based on your night action. That is false
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 03:28:46 am

I can give you that tomorrow, gotta sleep now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 03:29:18 am
You had a somewhat mecahnical town-read on kae earlier today... then something about "sour" read on some kae posts has kae as your top scumread? Can you expand any on the "sour taste" aspect of the posts? I have a town-read on kaempfer right now, what do you see that I'm not seeing?? (I would agree he has done some defending of me - does it go beyond you finding it scummy he defends me when he should be more uncertain of my alignment or is it just that)
rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

Everything you said in the last 2 pages have left a sour taste. TORB brings up a good point about you defending rob a little too much, especially this late only because you think he thinks different than you now. Maybe my confidence is misplaced and shock is wrong. Weird of you to try to sway me from him when my trust in him is what made me town read you.

"for it" implies my scumread is based on your night action. That is false
I had understood you found my N0 scummy... I'm mid development of a larger encompassing reads post and have yet to get to ISO of you from today - if you go further into it there I'll get to it... if there is something more lay it out here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 04:12:23 am
So apparently posting a lot doesn't mean you have a good read on things, it just means you know how to write a lot

Alright shock, let's go with one of your three picks

rob77dp (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I'll be as sorry as rob was about coffee being town if rob flips town. I've been playing with my votes quite a bit, but at this point I'll say my vote is final. Don't even care if moe wants to vote differently
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 04:23:37 am
aw being confirmed town is lonely, nobody cares about my reads now

oh well here they are

rip www3, coffee

confirmed serp, moe

v torb, masterwalks, geo

n+ shock, link, sub

n ian, ann, kdz, dc

n- cal, kae

w rob, timpa

People who talk about "genuineness" of posts lose credibility with me. In particular I didn't like kae's "Linkcat is sus" post. He'd probably be n for me if that post hadn't happened

I think rob's a scummy egg fwiw, reasons based on info outside of devour action. Basically we're positionally at odds, which means that if rob isn't scum then my reads are bad, so lynching him at least gets info on where my reads are

PS I won't be voting for extension, I enjoy time pressure
Looking at your posts, I see you taking exception to how I played N0 which you are saying also is NOT your read on me. I guess then since you don't seem to want to give a more clear definition of your scum-read on me it must be this emphasized bit above as an infolynch? Am I misreading again - if so then please do the explaining yourself because that's all I'm seeing. I'm having trouble figuring out how town!Serp takes the infolynch angle - and I am playing from the position of you and moe are town. I mean, look at the top of this quoted post where you want people to care about your reads then when I do you seem like you can't be arsed to expound on them. (I'm honored that you think I would take that N0 risky shot if I was scum because I can tell you I've tried a couple times to think if I would be that bold/daring and I am not sure I would... I suppose just WIFOM but eh, don't want you to be lonely in here so giving you a little attention)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 04:40:00 am
Alright, I'll look up the references for you, mostly to satisfy your apparent curiosity

First, I lay off my initial instavote when I realize who you'd targetted

Then I disagree with your torb reads

Fate Egg explanation is revealed to me, I agree it makes sense-- but this doesn't mean you get off on the torb debate

(at some point my role is revealed, so there goes my silly plays like claiming psion based on knowing moe is deja)

You took the bait

The post you were able to find yourself. This is probably my clearest post all game, an actual read list, so not sure why you'd need to ISO for it, especially when I explicitly name you & you should definitely be paying attention to reads from confirmed town. Like how do you miss this?

Oh look, I'm having to point out to a player that the only person going after them is scummy

"I agree with kaempf's logic re always using devour as fate egg"
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 05:05:37 am
Alright, I'll look up the references for you, mostly to satisfy your apparent curiosity

First, I lay off my initial instavote when I realize who you'd targetted

Then I disagree with your torb reads

Fate Egg explanation is revealed to me, I agree it makes sense-- but this doesn't mean you get off on the torb debate

(at some point my role is revealed, so there goes my silly plays like claiming psion based on knowing moe is deja)

You took the bait

The post you were able to find yourself. This is probably my clearest post all game, an actual read list, so not sure why you'd need to ISO for it, especially when I explicitly name you & you should definitely be paying attention to reads from confirmed town. Like how do you miss this?

Oh look, I'm having to point out to a player that the only person going after them is scummy

"I agree with kaempf's logic re always using devour as fate egg"
1. Hm, ok.
2. There's no way to know TorB is certainly town.
3. Ok.
4. What "bait"? You link to a post where I vote a high scumread of mine in a fairly thorough list of my reads. What bait? I didn't "take" anything.
5. I'm human - I missed it at first or at least forgot about it in the moment when trying to exchange real-time with you while I also build an updated read list. Mea culpa.
6. What? I think what you mean is you take it upon yourself to a length of attempting to tell another player whose alignment we don't know should just sheep your read on me. I give a pass because as confirmed town I agree you get certain leeway to parade a bit in this manner of directing players you think might be town to do things town!you are also doing. Being wrong about me is not a crime but it doesn't make you less wrong.
7. OK, let's try to make sure I'm understanding you here -- you're softing (why not just state it outright if you think it?) that you suspect Sub and I both are scum, then realize I'm voting and pushing/casing Sub --- you believe I am bussing a teammate. Yeah? It's ok, being wrong is not a crime but I'm not w/w with anybody. It DOES still make good sense for you to look deeper at your two scumreads when one of them is legit pushing/voting another of your reads (that is - do you really still think it is w/w or is one read stronger than the other, or does your mind change about one of them, etc.).

Good talk, really. Good to have a conf-town that is thread present and at least willing to engage in interactions, albeit from my seat it feels like you're only begrudgingly OK with being part of the widest town-read duos in the game right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 05:10:51 am
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I must say I'm curious how rob will flip. We have plenty of interactions of players with him and I am very intrigued by how he went from the vote leader with many non-voters suspecting him to almost no one voting him. Additionally, the more I try to picture scenarios where andretimpa is mafia with different combinations of other mafia members, the more I think he is a guaranteed town. He was extremely close to being lynched, and even voted on Masterwalks who had 0 votes at the time instead of joining the submachine train to even the vote and keep himself alive. Additionally, the extension timer which also would have saved andretimpa was not voted on very quickly and the initial people who voted for an extension comprised mostly of the players who wanted to lynch andretimpa, which doesn't add up to him being the mafia.

I also have a hard time believing that town is good enough or that mafia is bad enough to come so close to losing any member on day 1. Additionally, to entertain TorB's idea that andre, kaempf, and rob are all mafia, it's almost unfathomable to me that 3/4 mafia would be leading votes for lynch on day 1. This could be a possibility if the mafia were voting each other to make it harder to track down all of them should one of them get lynched, yet we see none of these 3 voting on each other and we don't even see any of these 3 voting on the same player. Yet again, another piece of evidence that doesn't add up to the theory. I also have a hard time believing that TorB would be mafia with 3 other members to help guide his play and still present this theory. The most likely outcome of day 1 is a bunch of town accusing each other because of lack of info while the mafia gets to pick and choose where they enter and exit conversation.

Another interesting topic is Linkcat. He was the first to vote for rob and the first to vote for andre. Now that doesn't mean much, but the interactions with rob have been quite interesting, and will need to be explored further if rob flips mafia. Additionally, he has definitely placed himself in a position to control the flow of conversation and kaempfer even pointed this out earlier and called him out as being suspicious, to which he responded in a way that was very inadequate for me personally. Linkcat has also disregarded all my posts as irrelevant. He asks for scum reads and votes, yet when I offer that him, rob, and MW would be the most useful lynch targets for revealing things, this isn't even brought up. If someone else were to say this I can almost guarantee there would be several responses discussing this. Then when I make a post more in line with "proper play and meaningful discussion" and point out a noteworthy action by Annele this is seemingly rewarded as if I should explore this theory more and maybe tunnel on her. The funny thing is, Annele switching votes and making the comments she made is what makes me the most certain that she is town. I'm sure Linkcat will have some response as he always does as to how my arguments are either bad or irrelevant, but this section is mostly for myself, kaempf, and serprex as I believe they will actually listen to me and think about the idea of Linkcat being one of the major mafia suspects right now.

Now I'm going to give a list so everyone has something to work off when trying to read me, because I want people to listen to me when I say that we should figure out votes now and not at the deadline. Town is too prone to make mistakes and be at the mercy of mafia if we wait too long to vote. I wasn't going to vote this phase, but now that it has been extended and with everyone still keen on making a lynch, it's too risky to let this lynch go badly.

Likely town:


Unsure, need more time to consider:

Ge0metry v1.2



Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 05:17:09 am
Rob, you're still somehow misunderstanding our positions, sub is n+ for me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 25, 2020, 05:24:47 am
Hi. This is me rising from my grave. Ill be on the level with you, I skimmed the truly massive quote walls because I CBA.

A lot this stuff is just general feelings. I know very little and my rust is showing a bit more than Id like. I usually spend most of my in person games just talking shit, but I find myself lost in the walls of text to analyze.

serp (vv)
moe (vv)
Confirmed, which is nice

Sub (n+)
Oh this is the sub I remember

kaemp (n+)
Got good feelings about the lad. No idea why, but everything sounds earnest.

Ge0 (n+)
Just doing they're own thing, but trying to respond when questioned. Feels normal.

shock (n+)
I really appreciate the sheer chaotic energy that radiates from every post. Please continue. Also, they're doing what I do IRL, just in text form. 12/10

DC (n)
More shitposting please

ian (n)
I dont disagree with anything they say. The comments on skimming the thread and the general low content to each post (just a sentence or two) gives me a "Town who CBA give 110%" but could very well be a mafia trying to slip under the radar

Cal (n)
Im not getting a read. No calls for action, just advising caution.

Annele (?)
Scumread rob hard. As rob pointed out, theyre initial hit felt odd, but the back down felt real. IDK, I have my reservations.

MW (?)
I dont know what it is, but something just feels off. I haven't quite put my finger one what it is exactly.

andretimpa (?)
Similarly, something just feels off, but I can't tell if thats just because /everyone/ is sus of timpa, or if theyre actually scum. Everything they do just screams neutral ground to me, which I know is ironic coming from an equally neutral list.

I just default don't listen to anything these three say because they could sell water to a fish.
rob ()
While I generally don't like the feeling of shooting players N0. I think it was correct but it makes me :////
torb ()
Feels a little aggro in spots, but if I recall thats pretty on brand.
Link ()
The banter is fun, please continue. It makes catching up fun.

I'm going to hold back on voting for now, but I do intend to cast a vote before the day is up. I just want some more time to think.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 25, 2020, 05:26:06 am
EBWOP Ill probably be gone all day tomorrow aside from reading up and casting my vote, though ill try to answer anything directed at me in a uhhh mostly timely fashion
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 25, 2020, 05:43:45 am
* Link - I couldn't care less who has more posts... why do you care? (I dont' see any silly roles interacting with post counts... so??) *

The relative low level of pushes to sway wagons I see as likely indicative of possibly:
1. We have competing scum wagons (which would be GREAT)
2. We have competing town wagons (do NOT like this)
3. elements activity is always lower than I'm used to elsewhere, so just not a lot of "prescence"...

--> I'm accustomed to most players being around at EOD's, in which case calm thread means scum have either no reason to try to manuever (town wagons; or dont' know how to parse wagons of teammates) / town feel 'solved' on an acceptable state of votes... or the worst case just a dead thread activity level which is not fun at all.

for reference the wagons at the time be like:

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

I won't be able to vote near deadline (it'll be early morning for me) btw. Wagons have started to shift against rob and being voted by confirmed serp makes me at least a bit queasy about holding my vote as is.

Looking at how andre holds his thoughts on rob as per


The relative low level of pushes to sway wagons I see as likely indicative of possibly:
1. We have competing scum wagons (which would be GREAT)
2. We have competing town wagons (do NOT like this)
3. elements activity is always lower than I'm used to elsewhere, so just not a lot of "prescence"...

--> I'm accustomed to most players being around at EOD's, in which case calm thread means scum have either no reason to try to manuever (town wagons; or dont' know how to parse wagons of teammates) / town feel 'solved' on an acceptable state of votes... or the worst case just a dead thread activity level which is not fun at all.
rob is posting this at the time where andretimpa is ahead in votes. Why? He is hoping to shift the train in favor of someone other than andretimpa without having the entire mafia list in the train.

This strikes me more as "general wisdom" (I don't personally agree, but I'm also not a top player) and I think you are just reading too much here. I agree tho that kaemp seems overly defensive in his recent responses.


The context of that post was that rob had made a wild move that I still think was not a good play, even as fate egg (I asked for confirmation, as it would make the move have at least some sense). The other reads were indeed a bit colored by rob's opinions (the same way you colored some of mine in my read list, even though I don't trust you 100%).

Just to be clear, I don't have an overall read of rob as neither town nor mafia so far and I still only keep suspicions about Anelle after thinking a bit more (I can share if you want, but it's pretty weak)

makes me think he's trying to decouple himself from an opinion of rob, should he get lynched. As someone who doesn't talk a lot I'd naturally try to, as scum, leave as little information as possible wrt my own teammates and I think scum!andre might do the same

And as I was thinking while I was having lunch my read on rob is wavering a bit because on closer inspection I think mafia Fate Egg -> Otyugh would have done the same. It's not as ludicrous as I first thought considering the amount of poking we've been sticking to the inactives, maybe he wouldn't have been modkilled? Shooting the inactive seems to raise the least eyebrows but I don't think it was as certain that Coffee would been MKed anyway. But dead men tell no tales so who knows.

Slight lean rob scum if andre scum imo, while I'm also queasy to consider lynching rob before I go dive into his posts, based on knowledge of rob's role I kinda prefer that to andre at this moment in time. Fate Egg's kinda a dangerous toolbox in the wrong hands.

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Annele
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

EBWOP Ill probably be gone all day tomorrow aside from reading up and casting my vote, though ill try to answer anything directed at me in a uhhh mostly timely fashion

Won't ask much of you but before ya go, biggest scumread and why
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 25, 2020, 05:47:32 am
dont think they share a primary

If he's town and this is true, I'd pick shock to be more likely to be town - his play is a bit reminiscent of the shock I remember seeing when I filled in for Sub in 72. A kind of play I am beginning to get sick with, but it is a play I can imagine shock doing (sidenote iirc he only has like what 2 games so fuck me if I'm wrong amirite)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 06:07:38 am
Woke up and read the 3 new pages since I left off (but kinda skimmed the newer scumlists). I gotta work for 8 hours now, so no big posts yet (lucky for you?).

I have read all of Annele's posts, and I am not sure what shock is referring to. Link was proud of it, so I'm curious what's happening there. I might be able to connect it to an earlier thing I found.

I do not have the time for quotes, but there was a point in game, where Link suddenly shifted from "these people need more posts" to "good posts" on two people. As I remember, they only posted twice between Link's two stances, and I was not sure why those posts were so relevant. It was about Annele and Calindu.

(This is not about Annele and Calindu, it is more about Link controlling the narrative.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 06:08:22 am
PRIOR reads list linked (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297133/#msg1297133)


- more likely a town perspective to want to use extension and he was first to  bring it up (the wagons at the time he mentions EXT were Sub 3 / timpa 4 - IF one+ of those flip red then no more townlean for instigating...); his mindmeld (or at least best grasping yet of anyone in game...) with how I determined and explained the town mindset of my N0 shot on coffee; his taking a minor exception (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297257/#msg1297257) like this to a very-likely-town (serp) thought on his own thought as more likely a town post than not; I'm still finding TorB wolf-y - =http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297268/#msg1297268this is unlikely w/w (http://this is unlikely w/w) between TorB/kaempfer - note for posterity down the road.

- THIS POST (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297273/#msg1297273)... if shock is mafia, then he really is just a guy going around doing whatever TF he wants - I struggle to see a world where he would have 3 teammates who would be alright with him posting most of what he has so far (other than "OK, you be you so nobody suspect"). But he is now bandying about about NL being a good idea, shaming the day extension (which is VERY likely pro town as I've mentioned recently), and openly stating that people essentially should not be trying to play the game to play the game (don't be tuned into roles, don't look for reads, and do not read into his posts which would be almost everything town has to go on for figuring out the game state). I have encountered a VERY select few players than can do this as scum and get away with it (not get bussed into oblivion) or have teammates go along with it. No offense to shock, but I am so far removed from finding this a possibility that I now have a fairly strong town lean on shock.
[N.B. - shock made quite the big post while I was creating this whole list... I'm doubling down that the post has so much going "against" it that I find it most believable as being in the category of "oh shock - are you really going with that?"]

- I don't see a world where MW thinks of trying, actually tries, or still yet pulls off the approach he has to timpa today if they are w/w (both for record, and for point given my developing read on timpa) [here I go!! ...gutread from a feel on how MW flows in the thread as not being wolf!MW would do or be capable of :o - caveat that I don't have lots of background on MW but I have seen his self-deprecate his playing a few times compared to few players trying to correct him??]

v - has a bit of _something_ to look at now... I am on record finding it towny at this point for being early extension voter, DC was this; and he has a reads list -- the descriptions on Annele and Sub have town-type rings to them but he has them in a neutral section (and just says his read on TorB matches his read on Annele - not sure this is quite a reasonable statment, have those two really played so similarly?), his top two scumreads meld well with how I've concluded so far too - townpoints for that. On the whole, I think I'm just not accurately reading the way DC posts in relation to the issues about his "n" reads. Please elaborate when you see this.

v- - I had a strong scumread on TorB before. I suppose might have been a case of OMGUS from me... as his posting today comes across strong and I think is a town approach and perspective, that is he posted in a very convicted manner about my N0 action, my follow-up discussion with him, and aspects of my play so far - yet he keeps developing his read on me by reading and looking and has a genuine feel to how he backs me down to a neutral from the looks of it on his own solving. It is a bit odd his reads list quotes a post where he states that 1-posters are the most suspicious but then Ge0 who was a 1-poster gets what I think is a soft allowance to slide to "n" from "scummy" (Note: I read his use of 'suspicious' to mean scummy, which he applies suspicious to the 1-posters... if this is a bad/incorrect characterization of your use of the word then this issue dies down for me) I have to LOL at TorB's portrayal of thinking myself and kae are w/w (other than the obvious for me that I'm not -- he implies that I would ever buddy-buddy so openly in a thread with my teammate if I were scum? May I never sign up again if I would be that blatant about it).

n - not much "content"... going to try to start reading him based on what he has posted so far though -- I know kdz has been around quite a while, and he strikes me as the type who takes particular exception to letting a person/people down; how I take this right is that I believe his posts about being busy, not time to deep read, birthday, etc. and that town kdz would WANT to do better but only be so capable however a scum kdz might be more MOTIVATED to not let down a team by risking attention for skimping. THis is a VERY thin read, admittedly, but I see him town-side of neutral at the moment.
[N.B. - another one that caught up / posted while I was developing this... no flags on reading his reads quickly through for now; getting late so mayibe I'm glossing over something? But also do find it a bit odd he decides to split out myself+TorB+Link to just decide not to read at all. I can relate I suppose given I'm punting mostly on Link for now too...

n - have NOT developed this since my last reads. Yes, he has lots of posts since then. I'll be quite frank - a true Link read from me is not going to happen soon. I have a few twinges of "Link might not say that as town/mafia" but at risk of being a broken record I don't think anything he's done so far in a vaccum (that is, limited flip info at this point) is alignment indicative (i.e. - NAI so far for Link --- yet another way, his game so far looks to be within his range of how I've seen him play as town and as scum from both angles).

n - playing his vote close to the vest... I recall this being a not-uncommon iancu thing in the past too; read through his posts and nothing much hits me like it has for other players I expand upon more here... going to have to punt diving deeper on iancu at this late hour.

n - quite interested to see his reaction/development wrt timpa/Sub as D1 comes closer to ending... also, his push on me persists despite others looking elsewhere quite a bit today, which feels genuine. His reads list flows in way that reads like real solving. Hope to see him come to the thread for more content before deadline...

- I still see a lot of his earlier Day 1 activity scummy (detailed in my prior list), but he is also talking about being newer (I remember him Mafia 49 years ago, my first one ever I think?) and feeling a bit out of his element. I do NOT want to be strong-arming him in a way that goes overboard. I believe those posts and take at face value that he feels overwhelmed by the game so far. NOTE: Ge0 is (Ge0, you are) still voting for reasons of misplay and me suspecting other players (former is bad reason and has nothing to do with alignment; latter reads to me like you find it scummy that I'm trying to play the game by solving - I mean, there is a GREAT deal of shade, suspicion, and voting/pushing going on that is not based on concrete evidence... that is a large part of the game of mafia. but you only seem to consider it scummy for ME to do it - why only me?). OK, I kept reading and find in a follow-up post you mention not liking how I was suspecting players nobody else was suspicious of and that I made a non-consensus vote on TorB (Hint: ask around, that is rarely if EVER a scum play or tactic) - howcome you find it scummy, that is what about me pushing around in a manner that feels like I have little to no concrete information is scummy (actually, reading it now that is what town does, limited information, has to push/reach around to find the way they think is right, and then go with what they know or think is likely -- scum tend to have other angles underlying things because they actually have quite a bit of game information others don't, ya know?) Long section I know, but indulge me another one: what better players (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297212/#msg1297212) are you planning to sheep, and what is leading you to believe they are town and hence worth following, if you're town?

- no hat eating promises, but I find it very supsect how Sub behaved a bit in the thread during some... ... "threadvelopments" mid-Day 1. His mega-ultra wall post leaves me overwhelmed trying to parse it (and I'm a wall post kind of guy too)... on one hand does town!Sub go so all out for a post that large so littered with mechanics and half-takes (I have read he has that tendency...) or does scum!Sub do so little to try to push the narartive/pressure away from himself if he is a Day 1 wagon?

- not seeing anything new today to change my read on her -- (from my prior Annele read)--> the initial approach she took to scumread me for my N0 felt awkwardly aimed at me instead of developing to be about me (italicezed part added now). however, the back-down after some explanations occurred felt a little more genuine. A bit "off" feeling to me that the backdown came so easy after so much shade (as a ratio of her total posts, to those shading me). It does though seem possible this is how she approaches reads, but need to see more to feel better/stronger about reading her play. Reading again, the backdown was a lot quicker than I had expected given the level of shade included in the first push - will have to parse the read on her / timpa if at some point one of them flips wolf as I don't think she puts the 2nd vote on timpa when Sub is leading wagon, that vote DOES possibly hint at w/w with Sub if one half of that duo flips red (just added italic piece)

- high level misgivings about his play so far... incongruous read developments as I see it, on TorB/Annele/myself (and for a bit Serp but that has mostly dissolved given thead/claim developments). I have a bit on it [urlhttp://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297288/#msg1297288]here a few posts ago[/url].
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 25, 2020, 06:14:45 am
Woke up and read the 3 new pages since I left off (but kinda skimmed the newer scumlists). I gotta work for 8 hours now, so no big posts yet (lucky for you?).

If you goof off at work to make silly mafia posts I will call your boss to Fire Bolt you.

Posting here just to say I do kinda see it a bit, I think shock's words definitely hold more weight than how Link is trying to make him be.

Will reply to rob when I can but I'll just say that when I was compiling and recounting who said what at the point when I made my readlist TorB and Annele's push on you (wrt to your N0 play) struck most in my memory which is why I may have categorized them in the same bin. Annele hasn't posted much since but I'll go look into the 2 again as well
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 06:24:53 am
Shock... dear shock:

1. You describe voting me for infolynch (or what amounts to an infolynch -- you want to get your hands on some kind of juicy info that comes from me flipping either alignment?? Need to lynch SCUM not for info - lynching a scum will give lots of juicy info AND helps town win-con. You want that right? (sometimes tough to be sure with how you post...) There has to be some source somebody knows about that goes into good detail about why/how infolynch is not a good idea. (Hint: check out Link's early game posts for a MafiaUniverse link.)

2. The extension seems quite likely the last 1-2 hours of the Day phase... you are underestimating how much "time" that is for a phase to complete... it seem rather presumptious to think that scum had to be scrambling and since we don't see much of that in thread from timpa you conclude he is likely town. I think Sub was actually in more danger than timpa at the time you're referring to but you don't give Sub the same "probably town because nobody was scrambling to save him" treatment. Can you explain some why? I am guessing you just do not have a large pool of EOD experience from which to have seen real EOD scrambles - that is, we have different definitions of what you're using to read as towny. Yay / nay?

3. What do you  mean it is hard to believe a scum could be / coudl have been / could still be on the chopping block on Day 1? It isn't that uncommon of a result, honestly. I chalk this up to your probably being a bit new to playing mafia, in the grand sense of things.

4. No need to worry or fret about what to do if I flip red. WIFOM, of course, for you, but yeah...

5. About your reads... a) Do you have more to your town-read on timpa than "he was a wagon candidate near fake-EOD1"? b) What are you basing your highest level of suspicion read of kdz on at this point? so far he has mostly AFK'd (self-admittedly even) and his reads post which is easily his most substantive brief as it is didn't drop until AFTER you have him a top suspicious read of yours - I would like to read some about why/how from your perspective.

My take -- I don't want to keep going to this well forever, but as I read shock's post I just don't find it feasible he would do that as scum. Yes, it seems like how regular-shock I know a little bit from the game/forum might approach mafia games, and aligns with how others say he has done as town before and is implying that I do not expect him capable of acting quite this (what word to use? ... ...) blustery and grandiose if he had a team to discuss with and a team he _might_ just might listen to about trying to be less "on the radar". It is quite possible I am tragically underestimating shock... time will tell.

I find a lot in the post to disagree with or counter but in the most shock way possible, I'm keeping the town-read on him through it.
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I must say I'm curious how rob will flip. We have plenty of interactions of players with him and I am very intrigued by how he went from the vote leader with many non-voters suspecting him to almost no one voting him. Additionally, the more I try to picture scenarios where andretimpa is mafia with different combinations of other mafia members, the more I think he is a guaranteed town. He was extremely close to being lynched, and even voted on Masterwalks who had 0 votes at the time instead of joining the submachine train to even the vote and keep himself alive. Additionally, the extension timer which also would have saved andretimpa was not voted on very quickly and the initial people who voted for an extension comprised mostly of the players who wanted to lynch andretimpa, which doesn't add up to him being the mafia.

I also have a hard time believing that town is good enough or that mafia is bad enough to come so close to losing any member on day 1. Additionally, to entertain TorB's idea that andre, kaempf, and rob are all mafia, it's almost unfathomable to me that 3/4 mafia would be leading votes for lynch on day 1. This could be a possibility if the mafia were voting each other to make it harder to track down all of them should one of them get lynched, yet we see none of these 3 voting on each other and we don't even see any of these 3 voting on the same player. Yet again, another piece of evidence that doesn't add up to the theory. I also have a hard time believing that TorB would be mafia with 3 other members to help guide his play and still present this theory. The most likely outcome of day 1 is a bunch of town accusing each other because of lack of info while the mafia gets to pick and choose where they enter and exit conversation.

Another interesting topic is Linkcat. He was the first to vote for rob and the first to vote for andre. Now that doesn't mean much, but the interactions with rob have been quite interesting, and will need to be explored further if rob flips mafia. Additionally, he has definitely placed himself in a position to control the flow of conversation and kaempfer even pointed this out earlier and called him out as being suspicious, to which he responded in a way that was very inadequate for me personally. Linkcat has also disregarded all my posts as irrelevant. He asks for scum reads and votes, yet when I offer that him, rob, and MW would be the most useful lynch targets for revealing things, this isn't even brought up. If someone else were to say this I can almost guarantee there would be several responses discussing this. Then when I make a post more in line with "proper play and meaningful discussion" and point out a noteworthy action by Annele this is seemingly rewarded as if I should explore this theory more and maybe tunnel on her. The funny thing is, Annele switching votes and making the comments she made is what makes me the most certain that she is town. I'm sure Linkcat will have some response as he always does as to how my arguments are either bad or irrelevant, but this section is mostly for myself, kaempf, and serprex as I believe they will actually listen to me and think about the idea of Linkcat being one of the major mafia suspects right now.

Now I'm going to give a list so everyone has something to work off when trying to read me, because I want people to listen to me when I say that we should figure out votes now and not at the deadline. Town is too prone to make mistakes and be at the mercy of mafia if we wait too long to vote. I wasn't going to vote this phase, but now that it has been extended and with everyone still keen on making a lynch, it's too risky to let this lynch go badly.

Likely town:


Unsure, need more time to consider:

Ge0metry v1.2


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 06:30:24 am
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

Currently my strongest scumread / suspicion. Yes, it also  improves the wagon counts for my situation with a few votes.
I'll be trying to follow thread/posts when I wake up, and to be around directly as EOD comes around.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 06:30:57 am
It'll take about 10 hours before I can make a substantial post again, but I would like to invite town to shoot down my scum theories and provide alternative theories. Talking about the probability or other nonsense is a lame defense. The entire defense on my points have been weak so far, so I want to actively invite people to take a shot at my theories and prevent me from tunneling. I could simply be paraboid after all.

Maybe not, but my point is that kaempfer13 was defending you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 07:41:39 am
I already shot down your garbage scum reads, which luckily for you, puts you at the top of my innocent list.

You can reread my previous post for why it's almost impossible for andre, kaempf, and rob to all be mafia. As for individuals:

andretimpa - I've already explained why I think the voting has made it obvious that andre is town. There's also way too many people calling out andre right now for somewhat questionable posts but nowhere near enough to warrant the amount of attention he's receiving. You might not see this as a justifiable reason, but for me it's a major red flag that andre has gotten as much negative attention as he has. If andre was mafia, I would expect to see much more attempts by various players to steer conversation in other directions either by disagreeing with comments on andre or simply pushing other players more into focus. If andre was town and made some mistakes causing other town to all suspect him, you would see the mafia allow things to continue developing as they have now. The fact that I'm the only one who thinks andretimpa is town has gotta be a red flag. Either that, or he played terribly, and I suppose there is a small chance that he's just a free mafia lynch for us that we should be jumping on and not letting go. But I have my doubts.

rob - I mean, I think he's mafia. So no issues here. Even if he flips town that vastly improves all our other reads since he's received several votes already and has interacted heavily with almost everyone. Rob should be really be the #1 contender for day 1 lynch. Like imagine lynching andre. If he's mafia great, but if he's not we don't gain a whole lot. Even if rob is town I still think we gain quite a bit.

kaempf - Well I have my own reasons for believing he's town. However, if we delve strictly into his posts, the most important thing he's done so far is start a timer extension vote. Now this can be interpreted three ways in my opinion.

1.) He could be a mafia looking to extend the timer to give more time to deflect votes off another mafia. Submachine and andretimpa were the two at risk during this time. I already explained why I think it's unlikely for andretimpa to be mafia. Submachine + kaempf is a mafia combo I have considered and haven't quite thrown out yet. That's something we could look into.

2.) He's a town who wants to give town more time to discuss, which can be good because it provides more opportunities for mafia to slip up. It also would've prevented a potential last minute swap race that looked highly possible with submachine and andretimpa so close in votes and no one else having basically any. He also hasn't voted on anyone. Additionally, you mention how he defends rob, but personally I think defending someone can actually be a strong town trait. I think mafia members are more likely to deflect and switch focus when their teammate is in danger as opposed to directly defending as kaempf has done.

3.) He's a mafia member who started the time extension vote to gain credibility as a town. Personally, I think he's WAAAAY too much of a noob to pull this off, but I suppose he's got 3 other members to help him. A possibility but I find this third option to be the least likely.

Lastly, you entertain the idea of me being mafia. You then ask MW if he thinks it's likely for both me and kaempf to be mafia to which he responds that it's unlikely. Now, if you assume your 4 scum reads are accurate, then that leaves MW as town. You clearly valued his input somewhat, so then his response contradicts your reads. If you assume MW is mafia then clearly your other 4 scum reads aren't viable anymore. Regardless, trusting other's opinions on the matter conflicts with your own reads and so you have to choose.

And since we're on the topic of MW, this post is a massive red flag for me.
dont think they share a primary
His opinions have changed greatly about me and kaempf and this reads to me like he's being influenced by another chat. It also feels like it's a setup for him to change his opinions/votes later on without repercussion from others.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 07:45:30 am
kaempf - Well I have my own reasons for believing he's town. However, if we delve strictly into his posts, the most important thing he's done so far is start a timer extension vote. Now this can be interpreted three ways in my opinion.

1.) He could be a mafia looking to extend the timer to give more time to deflect votes off another mafia. Submachine and andretimpa were the two at risk during this time. I already explained why I think it's unlikely for andretimpa to be mafia. Submachine + kaempf is a mafia combo I have considered and haven't quite thrown out yet. That's something we could look into.

2.) He's a town who wants to give town more time to discuss, which can be good because it provides more opportunities for mafia to slip up. It also would've prevented a potential last minute swap race that looked highly possible with submachine and andretimpa so close in votes and no one else having basically any. He also hasn't voted on anyone. Additionally, you mention how he defends rob, but personally I think defending someone can actually be a strong town trait. I think mafia members are more likely to deflect and switch focus when their teammate is in danger as opposed to directly defending as kaempf has done.

3.) He's a mafia member who started the time extension vote to gain credibility as a town. Personally, I think he's WAAAAY too much of a noob to pull this off, but I suppose he's got 3 other members to help him. A possibility but I find this third option to be the least likely.

I don't want this to be lost in my wall of text because the highlighted part about kaempf is very important and I think you're missing this point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:37:27 am
These points are all valid. The main reason for me to suspect kaempfer13 is a gut feeling based on a him playing off-character. The rest was pieced together to support my hypothesis. Regarding MasterWalks, I was hoping my idea would spark an idea with him and have him start to make more sense about it.
If your theory is correct, mafia MasterWalks would use this statement to follow up a kaempfer13 mislynch with a shockcannon mislynch, of which the latter seldom meets much resistance. This is a disastrous situation for town.
Focussing on rob lynch is something I have no issues with, regardless.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:41:08 am
darn, i overslept and my readlist is way overdue. But there is some things i need to get off my chest first.

Shock you are forgetting the possibility that rob is town and I'm scum buddying him (which would potentially earn me his trust and also give me a reason to sheep his reads whenever i feel like it). Obv, that's not the case, but you shouldn't know that , so you need to consider that scenario.

And then there is a whole wall about TorB incoming.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 25, 2020, 08:58:27 am
Haven't posted much due to being asleep and then working all day, sorry.

My quick flip on rob was me going from being convinced he was mafia to realising the other possibilities. If fate egg didn't exist, the only situation that makes sense to me was if rob was mafia, and so I went hard in that direction. Once I realised that fate egg was an option, the two scenarios (rob being mafia or town) are a lot more equal in my mind, so I laid off. I probably swung too hard in the other direction for what were roughly equal possibilities, but Rob's posts at that point read more genuine to me too, especially the fate egg explanation.

Btw sorry for putting the fate egg option out too openly - I assumed that I was the only one who didn't get it (which was why no one else was gunning so hard for rob) so I didn't think there was any harm in mentioning it. Maybe should have thought that through more.

The reasoning I mentioned when I voted for andre wasn't link's but rob's and masterwalk's which had combined in my mind when I made the post. (Looking bad that was phrased rather poorly.) My point was I was suspicious that linkcat might be orchestrating a lynch, but I'd gone through andre's posts at that point and agreed with the sentiment that he'd said enough to avoid inactivity suspicion but nothing of real substance.

Shockcannon's point about how no one seems to be deflecting or defending andre even though he's the lead to be lynched rings true to me, and I'm more suspicious of linkcat that I was before. Reading through rob's posts now that he's not just defending himself, I don't really have a read of him anymore. There's certainly still a reasonable chance he's mafia egg, and I like serp's suggestion.

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I keep secondguessing my reads, and I fear a lot of the cryptic role stuff is going over my head. I don't like how link seems to be pushing the narrative so much more than others though, and I'd say he's my strongest scumread at this point. Townreads at the moment, aside from moe and serp, are probably torb and shock. I liked what cal was posting a while ago, but he hasn't said anything recently so I'd be interested in his perspective now. I was also leaning town on kae for a while and so the torb wall might make me reconsider things, but this is where I'm at right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 09:39:06 am
So I said earlier that TorB and i often think alike. Well, it's blatantly obvious now that this isn't the case at all this game. I'm thinking that either one of us has lost their touch or our alignements differ.

First off there's the fate egg/oty business. It seems TorB still insists that not shooting would have been correct (and his comment about misrepresenting things was actually directed at how I perceived he interpreted my mental state). Now, in case you're interested I can go into more detail why that is mathematically the incorrect decision.
However, this is actually whatever, an honest mistake. NAI.
The reason I mention this is that going by his very own logic I should be scumreading him for it:
I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.
I shoot down anyone with logical fallacies. Your ability usage takes the cake so far.
Being wrong doesnt necessarily mean you are scum. I'm just saying this in case you are town, so you keep that in mind for the future.
But upon rereading i noticed that the timing of his reads is rather odd in light of the votecounts at the time.

rob77dp (1) - serprex
Auch. I think rob just became our primary maf suspect, though. There was a clear agreement NOT to use offensive roles N0...

Not voting this day, though.
Ok this one is pretty reasonable tbh.

Thanks, now vote on andre with me so we can get a second wagon going.

stop trying to buddy me.

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

I want read list from andre and THE post from sub. id vote both if i could until they respond.
I don't have anything substantial to add so here is the post count after game start:
rob 13
link 8 dc 8
sub 5
www 3 serp 3
cal 2 shock 2 mw 2 ian 2 kdz 2
andre 1 nelly 1 torb 1 moe 1
kae 0 coffee 0 ge0 0
To follow this up, let us look at the count at the end of N0:
rob 17
link 12
dc 11
sub 10
torb 5 kae 5
www 4 ian 4
cal 3 mw 3 serp 3
nelly 2 moe 2 shock 2 kdz 2
ge0 1 andre 1
coffee 0
To me, the most suspicious people had exactly one post. 0 likely just means total inactivity.

So now, finally to the reads list:

serprex, moehrpi - see my previous post

Calindu - Good posts, nice read list.
MasterWalks - The most suspicious thing, is that his play seems so much better than last mafia, where he was town.
Annele - Agree with the posts, but would prefer to see more. Read list, maybe?

Ge0metry v1.2 - Your argument is valid.
Your argument is valid, as long as:
I'll hopefully be able to read up and provide an insight and opinion into the current happenings.
...and we're good!
Linkcat - I like almost everything he says. Maybe too much so? That's why only neutral.
DoubleCapitals - less shitposting, more content. You're already going in the right direction with these last few posts, so keep it up.
kaempfer13 - His posts this mafia did not leave much of an impression on me, thus far. Reading them back they are all valid points, sure, but nothing stood out. Why the focus on Linkcat? Just give all the reads?
rob77dp - I disagree with the kill, but not with his conviction that it was somehow supposed to be helpful.
shockcannon - I am not even going to bother. Nothing to go on so far this mafia, but more posts probably would not help with that...

w (I could follow the n- crowd to seem less incriminating, but nah)
I am still missing some of your reads. I want all of your reads and all of your arguments.
I kinda skimmed through posts. So I guess it's time to make up my own list.

vv - deja vu's. Impossible (?) to counterclaim

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.

TorB - similar playstyle as last time I played with him.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
Sub - Bad plans as usual.

shock - I agree, he's too quiet. Although he could just be bored. Out of town, apparently

Fixing vote count. Also, probably not voting today.

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
I really dislike players being omitted from lists, mafia omitting mafia from these lists "because they do not have a read on them" is too easy. Simply have to call out on this.

Add that to low amount of posts in general. We want to hear more :D
Out of the people with exactly one post, I have seen no reasoning for inactivity other than "almost forgetting about this". In the same way, what he did post, is also kind of forgettable.
When is the best time to post read-lists? I have at least some ideas about townsfolk, www is definitely on it.
Will try to post more frequently in the future. :P

Read lists are always good imo
If they're so good, where is yours?
You mentioned RQs, I'm not seeing any RQs. You did mention you would only do them when discussion dies down, so that's okay. In total, I'm just seeing a lot of I will statements from him, but he's not backing them up.
I am reading the roles and trying to think of strategies that are not obvious.

  • Sometimes it might be better to not do anything, because then you catch fireflies sent your way. This way, a mafia Firefly Queen can be somewhat slowed (it is still a ridiculously overpowered role in the hands of Mafia, in my opinion, it needs counter-measures).
    Mind Flayers and Graboids are exceptions, because they have higher priority than Firefly Queen.
  • Warden doesn't roleblock anymore
    Ok, not entirely true. It still blocks everyone who targets the same person, including the occasional Golden Nymph. Personally, I still advise against using it.
  • I struggle to think of acceptable situations where Warden should be used. If used on unknown, it blocks investigation. If used on Town, it blocks healing and allows Nightkill. If used on conf Mafia, it blocks Otyugh.
    I guess it COULD be used to protect someone from a publicly announced Otyugh attack. Or it COULD be used to confirm the existence of roles, by asking them to target the same person. But that's it.

More later, too many people are posting.
I'm still waiting for the strategies.
Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>

Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. :(

  • Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
  • Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
  • Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.
You're not dead yet, follow your own advice?

I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.

I'll sit this phase out.
Your argument is invalid. I want all the questions. Questions left unanswered can sometimes tell more than the answers themselves would.
I see more people addressed me, but do excuse me if I only respond to them tomorrow. :-X
Please do, that may very well lift most suspicion. You're only standing here on the list because you're consistently failing to follow up.
As the thread mood drops rob, so too does TorB.

Switching my vote from Sub to kaempf. Doesn't really make sense to be voting with my least towny reads on someone I'm n+ on

I agree with kaempf's logic re always using devour as fate egg

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex
TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Well, you are wrong about at least one thing.
Besides I wouldnt panic that much over rob (in the obv nonexistent world of us w/w) now considering the votecount.

Anyway, what would you have done if you were fate egg and rolled oty (it's gone the next night). from what i am gathering you would have holstered? I'm not the only one that can explain to you why thats a mistake as either alignement.
Will you stop shoving statements into my mouth? Of course you are not panicking. Do you know what the best time and method is to defend rob? By silencing the instigator after the suspect has left the spotlight.

As for the question: I am pretty sure my previous statements have made perfectly clear I would not target someone with a kill ability, that I would expect to be modkilled anyway.
Well, your initial dislike of using an offensive role implied you would have holstered. But since you veto that now, what would have been the right way to use it according to  you?
Veto? What are you even talking about? I said I would not use a kill ability N0. Moreover, it does not even matter!
Just so we're 100% clear, eating Coffee was a good play as either alignment so that doesn't say much by itself, and it's amusing that multiple people are reading it both ways. It's his reactions afterward that you should be focusing on for your read.
What I chose was simply the best self-perceived angle of attack at the time. The reactions to it have been totally worth it.

Also, if kaempfer flips mafia, rob is also likely mafia.
If rob flips mafia, andretimpa is also likely mafia.
The relative low level of pushes to sway wagons I see as likely indicative of possibly:
1. We have competing scum wagons (which would be GREAT)
2. We have competing town wagons (do NOT like this)
3. elements activity is always lower than I'm used to elsewhere, so just not a lot of "prescence"...

--> I'm accustomed to most players being around at EOD's, in which case calm thread means scum have either no reason to try to manuever (town wagons; or dont' know how to parse wagons of teammates) / town feel 'solved' on an acceptable state of votes... or the worst case just a dead thread activity level which is not fun at all.
rob is posting this at the time where andretimpa is ahead in votes. Why? He is hoping to shift the train in favor of someone other than andretimpa without having the entire mafia list in the train.

So all three of those lynches are good in my opinion.

Sub and Link are probably town, because of current lynch counts along with rob trying to incriminate Sub and kaempfer trying to incriminate Link as well as Sub/Links posts so far.
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
You're not the leading wagon, just one of the competing wagons... come down a notch and do some solving stuff or planning or w/e Sub does. That is, play to your win-con which as town is to your dying breath keep clawing at what you don't know and parsing what you think you know and do know to push information into the thread. Only a scum truly should arrive at a point where stopping in the thread is logically the best move for a win-con (i.e. - scum have a REASON to quit trying toward rough day phases as they know information they shouldn't as town; whereas, town don't really know all that much usually so they should see no GAME reasons to concede). Caveat emptor: humans are human, so town and scum can overlap in end-of-day emotional reactions, I realize this.

TL;DR - town!Sub should find plenty of reason to keep clawing as it helps town; scum!Sub just might have a legit breaking point to stop posting / spewing.

That's my exhortation here.
Andre is merely an associative read here; logically he should focus on lynching rob, as if rob isnt mafia his argument against andre is invalid.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 10:22:20 am
So I said earlier that TorB and i often think alike. Well, it's blatantly obvious now that this isn't the case at all this game. I'm thinking that either one of us has lost their touch or our alignements differ.

First off there's the fate egg/oty business. It seems TorB still insists that not shooting would have been correct (and his comment about misrepresenting things was actually directed at how I perceived he interpreted my mental state). Now, in case you're interested I can go into more detail why that is mathematically the incorrect decision.
However, this is actually whatever, an honest mistake. NAI.
The reason I mention this is that going by his very own logic I should be scumreading him for it:
I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.
I shoot down anyone with logical fallacies. Your ability usage takes the cake so far.
Being wrong doesnt necessarily mean you are scum. I'm just saying this in case you are town, so you keep that in mind for the future.
But upon rereading i noticed that the timing of his reads is rather odd in light of the votecounts at the time.
Using town Fate Egg Otyugh on an inactive that would get modkilled anyway is logically incorrect. The chance of having to justify your actions of killing a town and role claim are much higher than the chance of hitting a mafia to get some kind of confirmation. If you knew he'd be inactive, you could have deliberately targeted a teammate for cred.

The logic of a random kill benefiting whatever faction performs the kill (mafia in particular) by being able to reduce the pool by at least yourself is mathematically understandable.

I would not do this to not draw attention to myself, and because it feels morally incorrect. So while using the ability feels logically incorrect from the perspective rob paints, the reason I would not use it in general is because it feels morally incorrect. It's like saying you would rather play mafia with fewer players.

As for the rest: my tunneling on rob felt justified by the vote count on him, but if there was no support for a rob vote, then it does not hurt to review my own perspective. It is in town's best interest to influence lynches away from other town, in mafia's best interest to influence lynches away from other mafia. So I can understand both perspectives on that on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 10:36:11 am
Haven't posted much due to being asleep and then working all day, sorry.

My quick flip on rob was me going from being convinced he was mafia to realising the other possibilities. If fate egg didn't exist, the only situation that makes sense to me was if rob was mafia, and so I went hard in that direction. Once I realised that fate egg was an option, the two scenarios (rob being mafia or town) are a lot more equal in my mind, so I laid off. I probably swung too hard in the other direction for what were roughly equal possibilities, but Rob's posts at that point read more genuine to me too, especially the fate egg explanation.

Btw sorry for putting the fate egg option out too openly - I assumed that I was the only one who didn't get it (which was why no one else was gunning so hard for rob) so I didn't think there was any harm in mentioning it. Maybe should have thought that through more.

The reasoning I mentioned when I voted for andre wasn't link's but rob's and masterwalk's which had combined in my mind when I made the post. (Looking bad that was phrased rather poorly.) My point was I was suspicious that linkcat might be orchestrating a lynch, but I'd gone through andre's posts at that point and agreed with the sentiment that he'd said enough to avoid inactivity suspicion but nothing of real substance.

Shockcannon's point about how no one seems to be deflecting or defending andre even though he's the lead to be lynched rings true to me, and I'm more suspicious of linkcat that I was before. Reading through rob's posts now that he's not just defending himself, I don't really have a read of him anymore. There's certainly still a reasonable chance he's mafia egg, and I like serp's suggestion.

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I keep secondguessing my reads, and I fear a lot of the cryptic role stuff is going over my head. I don't like how link seems to be pushing the narrative so much more than others though, and I'd say he's my strongest scumread at this point. Townreads at the moment, aside from moe and serp, are probably torb and shock. I liked what cal was posting a while ago, but he hasn't said anything recently so I'd be interested in his perspective now. I was also leaning town on kae for a while and so the torb wall might make me reconsider things, but this is where I'm at right now.

Uhm, why are you not voting Linkcat then?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 10:53:57 am
I'm seeing several perspective slips here:

So I said earlier that TorB and i often think alike. Well, it's blatantly obvious now that this isn't the case at all this game. I'm thinking that either one of us has lost their touch or our alignements differ.

First off there's the fate egg/oty business. It seems TorB still insists that not shooting would have been correct (and his comment about misrepresenting things was actually directed at how I perceived he interpreted my mental state). Now, in case you're interested I can go into more detail why that is mathematically the incorrect decision.
However, this is actually whatever, an honest mistake. NAI.
The reason I mention this is that going by his very own logic I should be scumreading him for it:
I'm not familiar with your playstyle but I do enjoy making a read off how I get read by others.
I shoot down anyone with logical fallacies. Your ability usage takes the cake so far.
Being wrong doesnt necessarily mean you are scum. I'm just saying this in case you are town, so you keep that in mind for the future.
But upon rereading i noticed that the timing of his reads is rather odd in light of the votecounts at the time.
Using town Fate Egg Otyugh on an inactive that would get modkilled anyway is logically incorrect Ok, but same logic applies to mafia doing that kill. If he's modkilled anyway this is just a waste. The chance of having to justify your actions of killing a town and role claim are much higher than the chance of hitting a mafia to get some kind of confirmationUm, the goal here is less to confirm yourself but more to eliminate a mafia; obv rob missed, but hindsight is 20/20. If you knew he'd be inactive, you could have deliberately targeted a teammate for credWee wooo, wee woo; you are suggesting here that mafia rob should have eaten a mafia member to get confirmed. This evidently didnt occur. The only people that have information on who they are working with are the mafia (and deja vus, but they obv dont eat people); Also the only way rob would have known if coffee was inactive is if both were mafia. Town rob has no insight on that other than lack of presence in thread..

The logic of a random kill benefiting whatever faction performs the kill (mafia in particular) by being able to reduce the pool by at least yourself is mathematically understandable.And for town also; you acknowledge it yet keep insisting that it's wrong?

I would not do this to not draw attention to myself, and because it feels morally incorrect. So while using the ability feels logically incorrect from the perspective rob paints, the reason I would not use it in general is because it feels morally incorrect. It's like saying you would rather play mafia with fewer players. Are you arguing that you wouldnt do it despite it being mechanically correct, because you feel it wrong to deny people to keep playing the game longer? Are you even trying to win?

As for the rest: my tunneling on rob felt justified by the vote count on him, but if there was no support for a rob vote, then it does not hurt to review my own perspective. It is in town's best interest to influence lynches away from other town, in mafia's best interest to influence lynches away from other mafia. So I can understand both perspectives on that on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 10:58:02 am
Work in progress before I go insane:
Man, I must be some kind of genius or sth.

Hats off if he faked the thing about his powerrole, clearing a player and than taking it back (apparently based on an answer to a rule question, which I find believable). I just can't see him of all people to make that up.

shockcannon: Reasons, some of which I dont want to mention right now.

rob77dp: Fate egg action is NAI, but actually makes perfect sense unlike some people think. Overall he seems highly invested in keeping discussion going .I also have a bias given that i see Linkcats push on him as wolfy.

Submachine: I still think his overall confusion and questioning, while not very effective, wouldn't really serve any purpose if he was scum other than a mild distraction and me reading him this way. Even if he has high WIM I think he would find better uses of his time if he were scum.

Drops a little if Sub is scum, due to shocks observation.

Regardless of alignement his inexperience is showing. I can see the perspective of town not wanting to get lynched and not having individual reads this early as well. However it disproportionally affects wolfes, as they have to worry a lot more about their survival and it's often hard to make up a read on a person whose alignement you are already perfectly aware of.

See previous post

I actually saw a lot of sensible posts from him after i called him out, so I will reread and reevaluate. I still have an underlying bad feeling about him though.

Still need sorting:
1. iancudorinmarian
6. Calindu
12. andretimpa
15. killsdazombies
16. DoubleCapitals
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 11:19:45 am
See, the major issue here is that the math is based purely on the kill itself with no mind on the reactions of people, in a game based on reading people.

Ok, but same logic applies to mafia doing that kill. If he's modkilled anyway this is just a waste
Right. So perhaps rob is not being truthful and is using this excuse for his own justification.

Wee wooo, wee woo; you are suggesting here that mafia rob should have eaten a mafia member to get confirmed. This evidently didnt occur. The only people that have information on who they are working with are the mafia (and deja vus, but they obv dont eat people); Also the only way rob would have known if coffee was inactive is if both were mafia. Town rob has no insight on that other than lack of presence in thread.
No? Just that rob Fate Egg Otyugh eating a mafia would not prove anything because that is what he could have done.

Are you arguing that you wouldnt do it despite it being mechanically correct, because you feel it wrong to deny people to keep playing the game longer? Are you even trying to win?
Sure, winning through uncovering the mafia through deduction, that is the fun part, not doing a crapshoot and praying you hit something good. But it is only mechanically correct if you are guaranteed there will be no backfire, you might even get policy lynched.

If the math adds up but you get lynched as town for it afterwards, you just screwed up big time. You can blame me, you can blame the rest of town, I blame the shortsightedness of a potential town Fate Egg Otyugh. But I do not believe rob is one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 25, 2020, 11:21:05 am
Uhm, why are you not voting Linkcat then?

I didn't think it would be worth it since rob is further ahead in the lynch this time, and also wanted to show my support for serp's plan. I was tossing up between them for a while before settling on rob. But, fair enough

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 25, 2020, 11:56:37 am
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Fixed the vote count, can't really contribute more at the moment as I have a deadline for a project tomorrow. I still read everything, so if anyone needs anything specific from me, just let me know.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 12:16:34 pm
Just so we're 100% clear, eating Coffee was a good play as either alignment so that doesn't say much by itself, and it's amusing that multiple people are reading it both ways. It's his reactions afterward that you should be focusing on for your read.

Moe, I don't remember you mentioning a readslist, but if I had I would have called you out anyway since it didn't exist yet.

I am majorly mistaken here. Must have been dozing off and vividly imagining/dreaming up a post of yours. Really sorry about that... and I was so sure about it, too. :/
FWIW, it was singling me out and 'demanding [my] readslist immediately'. It was just out of place. Again my apologies.

It's called banter, rob, maybe you've heard of it?
If real life relationships are any indication for me, I'm doomed to lose in anything that boils down to bantering well... ALthough, beyond banter I think post count likely ends up being heavily skewed by in-game life expectancy.

/Moe you can vote extension (or abstain on EXT) indpendent of game voting.

Thanks for the clarification! I probably would have figured it out by now. .Not that it mattered in that case. ;)

My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

Most people suspected that your confirmation wasn't waterproof in the first place. But that explanation should have been right next to your readslist when your view on shock first publicly changed.

kaempfer, welcome to "connecting with shock" I guess?

FYI, shock - I'm going to read every spoiler anybody makes... why wouldn't I? A spoiler possibly contains information or something to look into, I need information so don't expect me to avoid any sort of spoiler you give. ALso, seems odd you are hinting at thinking opening your spoilers is in some way alignment indicative??!

It is indicative of shock's reads. They are different from reads another person would make in his position. He's playing his own game, which he is winning by a landslide btw.

Ge0, you're here, good.

Please address why you went from reading me / my N0 as towny to thinking I'm scum and voting me... holding that vote on me still now. I want to see inside your thought process that led to you making that read change on me.

I don't know if I have an answer that will fully satisfy you but here goes.

I do not think I am currently very good at the game. My lack of knowledge on both the players and the game means it is fairly hard to make reads and contribute meaningful content. This is info I knew would be true and possibly problematic before the game had even begun. Nevertheles, I attempted to contribute to the best of my abilities, particularly after being called out by a couple people.

My first attempt at contributing I did read you as slight town. I abstained from voting because at the time I didn't want to jump on a wagon. Link then mentioned that witholding my vote was the "scummiest stance I could take", so I went back and re-read some posts to see if I could find any logic for me to vote on.

As a reminder, here is the tally at the time, before I voted:
rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

After reading through things, I was unable to make any hard conclusions on scumreads and whatnot. I couldn't find a reason to add a vote for MW, torb, or sub. As stated in my reads post, I liked link and serp's logic. You were pointing fingers at people who no one else seemed to be pointing fingers at, and made a vote on torb. Others called you out on it for a bad read. You being a fate egg had not yet been explored. Does this all add up to me having a scumread on you? Not exactly. But it was at the time the strongest conclusion I had, in a time where I was being pressured to vote.

I hold the vote on you currently only because I don't know who to change my vote to and I don't want to withdraw my vote entirely.

Also I realize it may be frustrating as a vet to play with newer (read: weaker) players. I know I get frustrated in the games I play. So, apologies for potentially being a bad player.

You're doing fine. Just keep doing what your doing and eventually post more as your confidence in our own judgement grows. Opinions are always appreciated.

also stop trying to guess my role this early.


I want to qualify my previous statement that I dislike you memeing. This one I did enjoy.

TorB, a thing you have to understand about mafia is that normally lynch and nk alternate. The latter will always hit a town. The former usually doesnt have that much better odds than random to hit a mafia. If you have one shot that you have to use immediately or lose it, shooting at random has effectively a better chance of hitting a mafia member per death created than the lynch, as the lynch requires a nightkill to have occured before and usually people arent that amazing at hitting mafia with the lynch.

I'm saying this now, because in both etg and the last mafia  you used too basically think the same I did (just better) and this time we somehow seem to have fairly different opinions about robs action, and that made me suspicious of you until identified that that seems to be the source of our disagreement.
Thank you for trying to step up and protect rob with your out of tone post. I was already considering you both for mafia, but this practically confirms it for me.
Well, you are wrong about at least one thing.
Besides I wouldnt panic that much over rob (in the obv nonexistent world of us w/w) now considering the votecount.

Anyway, what would you have done if you were fate egg and rolled oty (it's gone the next night). from what i am gathering you would have holstered? I'm not the only one that can explain to you why thats a mistake as either alignement.

I don't like how you feels so strongly about your convictions. It's not a mistake as either alignment. It's not a great play as either alignment as Link says. Get real. Scepticism is a good basis, tunnelling leaves out the bigger picture.

Still quite a bit lagging behind (page ~33). :|
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 02:31:52 pm

Man, I must be some kind of genius or sth.

Hats off if he faked the thing about his powerrole, clearing a player and than taking it back (apparently based on an answer to a rule question, which I find believable). I just can't see him of all people to make that up.

shockcannon: Reasons, some of which I dont want to mention right now.

rob77dp: Fate egg action is NAI, but actually makes perfect sense unlike some people think. Overall he seems highly invested in keeping discussion going .I also have a bias given that i see Linkcats push on him as wolfy.

Submachine: I still think his overall confusion and questioning, while not very effective, wouldn't really serve any purpose if he was scum other than a mild distraction and me reading him this way. Even if he has high WIM I think he would find better uses of his time if he were scum.

DoubleCapitals: I'm not sure why he would immediately admit to not having one of the confirmable town roles (its sorta baddish play as either alignement), but I lean he would have been less likely to do that as scum (as it makes him mechanically more lynchable). Also he seems to have made an excel tool to iso people more easily and would have shared it if he wasnt concerned about rulebreaks (actually I think this was in blab so someone should post the log here). Furthermore I find myself clicking with a lot of his reads and he seems pretty helpfull in general.
Also probably not w/w with Linkcat due to the freeze thing.

andretimpa: this is mostly due to how many people are ready to lynch him and how my scumleans are especially open to the thought.

killsdazombies: Really dumb read: I think a mafia member would be more acutely aware of EoD times.

Drops a little if Sub is scum, due to shocks observation.

iancudorinmarian: Some very reachy reasons to give him a teensy townread, but i am almost embarassed to write them. Fatigue might have kicked in, this is the last one i reviewed. Like his annoyance with the warden role and claiming that DC wouldn't be w/w with his scumreads. His minimum effort stance annoys me even now, but unfortunately I know its normal for him, otherwise I would have deduced points.


Calindu: Other than his readlist he has been almost fully focussing on mechanics.His readlist is also not too inspiring, so I dont really have a read on him.

Regardless of alignement his inexperience is showing. I can see the perspective of town not wanting to get lynched and not having individual reads this early as well. However it disproportionally affects wolfes, as they have to worry a lot more about their survival and it's often hard to make up a read on a person whose alignement you are already perfectly aware of.

See previous post

I actually saw a lot of sensible posts from him after i called him out, so I will reread and reevaluate. I still have an underlying bad feeling about him though.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 02:31:58 pm
moe, no daydream, just mistaken identity. It was timpa: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297064/#msg1297064
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 02:36:55 pm
See, the major issue here is that the math is based purely on the kill itself with no mind on the reactions of people, in a game based on reading people.

Ok, but same logic applies to mafia doing that kill. If he's modkilled anyway this is just a waste
Right. So perhaps rob is not being truthful and is using this excuse for his own justification.

Wee wooo, wee woo; you are suggesting here that mafia rob should have eaten a mafia member to get confirmed. This evidently didnt occur. The only people that have information on who they are working with are the mafia (and deja vus, but they obv dont eat people); Also the only way rob would have known if coffee was inactive is if both were mafia. Town rob has no insight on that other than lack of presence in thread.
No? Just that rob Fate Egg Otyugh eating a mafia would not prove anything because that is what he could have done.

Are you arguing that you wouldnt do it despite it being mechanically correct, because you feel it wrong to deny people to keep playing the game longer? Are you even trying to win?
Sure, winning through uncovering the mafia through deduction, that is the fun part, not doing a crapshoot and praying you hit something good. But it is only mechanically correct if you are guaranteed there will be no backfire, you might even get policy lynched.

If the math adds up but you get lynched as town for it afterwards, you just screwed up big time. You can blame me, you can blame the rest of town, I blame the shortsightedness of a potential town Fate Egg Otyugh. But I do not believe rob is one.

I can kind of see that you could have meant that, but if so you could use some help with how to correctly use a cycle x vig in a mafia game. I cant be arsed to keep arguing with you about it and this is sth that other people can explain to you.

The short if it is, if a play has an average positive outcome for town (provided it was done with good intentions), it should be done and people shouldn't get lynched over it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 02:49:20 pm
I wouldn't call 4/19 an average positive

Mafia lose because reads etc. Say you have the option Day 0 to vig 15 players. Do you?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 02:54:05 pm
I wouldn't call 4/19 an average positive

Mafia lose because reads etc. Say you have the option Day 0 to vig 15 players. Do you?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 02:57:03 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 03:01:06 pm
If I shoot 15 of the other 17 players (I know my alignement after all) only 2 people of to me unknown alignement remain. Chances are pretty high that i wipe out the mafia immediately.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 03:02:09 pm
You can downscale it any way you like
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 03:08:47 pm
Well, there is a tiny issue if you bring the number of players to an even number at day start and no further killpower outside of lynch and nk exist as you dont actually change the number of towncontrolled kills.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 03:23:47 pm
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

Literally every other wagon is at least n+ imo so this is the only viable wagon fmpov. I do have to reread what Link said more recently though.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 03:31:59 pm
Slept more than 4 hours this time.

Right before I did so, me and Torb were working on a rob/andre connection. Rob then immediately turns on andre despite being noncommittal earlier.


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 03:59:06 pm
Shock, congrats on reaching a streak of 3 useful posts in a row. Only a few more and you can finally get away from that pesky F grade.

kdz's readslist is actually good and what I would expect from his level of engagement at this point.

Rob's still isn't great, expecially the kaempfer and shock vv reads.

Annele not voting for her strongest scumread is kind of sus, then kaempfer calls her out and she switches, not sure how I feel about this.

Kaempfer's scumreads still bad.

moe, I agree that my previous shitposts weren't great. Thanks for recognizing a good one, though.

And finally, some votes on me. I applaud your enthusiasm, but it's not going through.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 04:05:37 pm
Shock... dear shock:

1. You describe voting me for infolynch (or what amounts to an infolynch -- you want to get your hands on some kind of juicy info that comes from me flipping either alignment?? Need to lynch SCUM not for info - lynching a scum will give lots of juicy info AND helps town win-con. You want that right? (sometimes tough to be sure with how you post...) There has to be some source somebody knows about that goes into good detail about why/how infolynch is not a good idea. (Hint: check out Link's early game posts for a MafiaUniverse link.)

2. The extension seems quite likely the last 1-2 hours of the Day phase... you are underestimating how much "time" that is for a phase to complete... it seem rather presumptious to think that scum had to be scrambling and since we don't see much of that in thread from timpa you conclude he is likely town. I think Sub was actually in more danger than timpa at the time you're referring to but you don't give Sub the same "probably town because nobody was scrambling to save him" treatment. Can you explain some why? I am guessing you just do not have a large pool of EOD experience from which to have seen real EOD scrambles - that is, we have different definitions of what you're using to read as towny. Yay / nay?

3. What do you  mean it is hard to believe a scum could be / coudl have been / could still be on the chopping block on Day 1? It isn't that uncommon of a result, honestly. I chalk this up to your probably being a bit new to playing mafia, in the grand sense of things.

4. No need to worry or fret about what to do if I flip red. WIFOM, of course, for you, but yeah...

5. About your reads... a) Do you have more to your town-read on timpa than "he was a wagon candidate near fake-EOD1"? b) What are you basing your highest level of suspicion read of kdz on at this point? so far he has mostly AFK'd (self-admittedly even) and his reads post which is easily his most substantive brief as it is didn't drop until AFTER you have him a top suspicious read of yours - I would like to read some about why/how from your perspective.

My take -- I don't want to keep going to this well forever, but as I read shock's post I just don't find it feasible he would do that as scum. Yes, it seems like how regular-shock I know a little bit from the game/forum might approach mafia games, and aligns with how others say he has done as town before and is implying that I do not expect him capable of acting quite this (what word to use? ... ...) blustery and grandiose if he had a team to discuss with and a team he _might_ just might listen to about trying to be less "on the radar". It is quite possible I am tragically underestimating shock... time will tell.

I find a lot in the post to disagree with or counter but in the most shock way possible, I'm keeping the town-read on him through it.
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I must say I'm curious how rob will flip. We have plenty of interactions of players with him and I am very intrigued by how he went from the vote leader with many non-voters suspecting him to almost no one voting him. Additionally, the more I try to picture scenarios where andretimpa is mafia with different combinations of other mafia members, the more I think he is a guaranteed town. He was extremely close to being lynched, and even voted on Masterwalks who had 0 votes at the time instead of joining the submachine train to even the vote and keep himself alive. Additionally, the extension timer which also would have saved andretimpa was not voted on very quickly and the initial people who voted for an extension comprised mostly of the players who wanted to lynch andretimpa, which doesn't add up to him being the mafia.

I also have a hard time believing that town is good enough or that mafia is bad enough to come so close to losing any member on day 1. Additionally, to entertain TorB's idea that andre, kaempf, and rob are all mafia, it's almost unfathomable to me that 3/4 mafia would be leading votes for lynch on day 1. This could be a possibility if the mafia were voting each other to make it harder to track down all of them should one of them get lynched, yet we see none of these 3 voting on each other and we don't even see any of these 3 voting on the same player. Yet again, another piece of evidence that doesn't add up to the theory. I also have a hard time believing that TorB would be mafia with 3 other members to help guide his play and still present this theory. The most likely outcome of day 1 is a bunch of town accusing each other because of lack of info while the mafia gets to pick and choose where they enter and exit conversation.

Another interesting topic is Linkcat. He was the first to vote for rob and the first to vote for andre. Now that doesn't mean much, but the interactions with rob have been quite interesting, and will need to be explored further if rob flips mafia. Additionally, he has definitely placed himself in a position to control the flow of conversation and kaempfer even pointed this out earlier and called him out as being suspicious, to which he responded in a way that was very inadequate for me personally. Linkcat has also disregarded all my posts as irrelevant. He asks for scum reads and votes, yet when I offer that him, rob, and MW would be the most useful lynch targets for revealing things, this isn't even brought up. If someone else were to say this I can almost guarantee there would be several responses discussing this. Then when I make a post more in line with "proper play and meaningful discussion" and point out a noteworthy action by Annele this is seemingly rewarded as if I should explore this theory more and maybe tunnel on her. The funny thing is, Annele switching votes and making the comments she made is what makes me the most certain that she is town. I'm sure Linkcat will have some response as he always does as to how my arguments are either bad or irrelevant, but this section is mostly for myself, kaempf, and serprex as I believe they will actually listen to me and think about the idea of Linkcat being one of the major mafia suspects right now.

Now I'm going to give a list so everyone has something to work off when trying to read me, because I want people to listen to me when I say that we should figure out votes now and not at the deadline. Town is too prone to make mistakes and be at the mercy of mafia if we wait too long to vote. I wasn't going to vote this phase, but now that it has been extended and with everyone still keen on making a lynch, it's too risky to let this lynch go badly.

Likely town:


Unsure, need more time to consider:

Ge0metry v1.2



I agree with points 2 and 3, disagree with your overall take. Shock, at that point there was still a lot of room to switch lynches, mostly depending on whether I decided to push through the andre lynch or not. EoD gets crazy here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 04:06:44 pm
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Fixed the vote count, can't really contribute more at the moment as I have a deadline for a project tomorrow. I still read everything, so if anyone needs anything specific from me, just let me know.

Sub isn't happening, give me your top 3 scumreads.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 04:11:35 pm
PS rob, I wasn't telling Ge0 to match my reads, I was telling him to move on from tunnelling on you & get on with giving us his take on the remaining players

Which he hasn't done btw, to my dismay
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 05:23:08 pm
PS rob, I wasn't telling Ge0 to match my reads, I was telling him to move on from tunnelling on you & get on with giving us his take on the remaining players

Which he hasn't done btw, to my dismay

I made an attempt (albeit, a weak one) last night to probe kaemp on his lack of vote which at the time of me falling asleep, he had not responded. Just woke up, saw that he has voted. Great.

I am on phone and have work soon, but here is a quick readslist with minimal notes. Largely composed of gut feel and sheeping logic from others that made sense to me. I didn't/don't feel confident enough to go too in depth on anything regardless.


kdz - largely gut feel

shock - really liked his posts after he stopped using spoilers, particularly liked his note about certain lynches not being useful regardless of how they flip

sub+- (n)
sub - gets his own catagory because who spends 6+ hours writing for mafia

n - everyone in this group hard to read for me

rob - focusing a little too hard on my reads on him imo, yes im aware i was focused on his read of me as well, i will do my best not to tunnel on him
kaemp - overly defensive as mentioned by others, also only person who's readlist i did not like at all
andre - posts weren't convincing imo but whoever mentioned he didn't try too hard to defend himself or start another train i think is quite interesting

annele - gut feel, some sus pointed out by link i think

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

I will be back at least once before deadline, vote is not set in stone
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 05:44:33 pm
I'll be on for EOD in a few hours... keeping up with posts as they filter in via phone. Huzzah.

Until then, several posts I want to get to posting more about later, but right now I want to address something from Ge0 here and he pinged me about indicating shock saying it too. I did not recall it being as blatant in shock's post but I went and looked. Wtf are people doing stating things like:

shock - really liked his posts after he stopped using spoilers, particularly liked his note about certain lynches not being useful regardless of how they flip


rob - I mean, I think he's mafia. So no issues here. Even if he flips town that vastly improves all our other reads since he's received several votes already and has interacted heavily with almost everyone. Rob should be really be the #1 contender for day 1 lynch. Like imagine lynching andre. If he's mafia great, but if he's not we don't gain a whole lot. Even if rob is town I still think we gain quite a bit.


Town perspective should NEVER, I repeat never, be interested in thinking a town flip on a lynch is a good thing. I am struggling to even find a type of setup or specialty role in any game I've done where town gains by lynching town. This smacks of a scum push - or bad town push/logic. There just is not room for wanting to be OK with lynching town if you're town and honestly trying to win the game.

"gain quite a bit" - no, you don't. flipping town from a lynch, the town lost. plain, simple.

"if he's mafia, great... but..." - no, flipping a mafia from a lynch is a win for town. plain, simple.

"if ... flips town... improves our reads..." - just get out, flipping town is BAD. FOR. TOWN.

"lynches not ... useful no matter how they flip" - this cannot (or at worst should not) be the thought process if you're town... if a lynch flips red, IT. IS. GOOD. FOR. TOWN. plain, simple.

I'll be back for a little less chastising posting later... but good grief people, let's seriously all get on at least a level 1 plane for playing and solving this game.

Infolynch = bad idea.
Policy lynch = bad idea.
Grudge lynch = bad idea.
Red / scum lynch = very good.
Green / town lynch = very bad.
Gut / feel reads are a thing.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 05:47:00 pm
Quick 'parting shot' for a bit, if you will, is that I find it a bit odd Link has taken only a few chances here and there to ping some "bad play" aspects -- but it feels really odd to me not seeing him posting much yet about some of the rant aspects/notes I just posted. (But he is posting a few things in that vein... just not ones I know he agrees with me before about) Wha?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 05:49:38 pm
You know what's really not useful? You killing Coffee and him flipping town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 05:50:00 pm
@serprex @Annele @kaempfer13

The 4 of us need to align our votes. I think our views align decently at this point in time and I don't think 3 votes will be enough to win the lynch with possibly last minute mafia tampering. It really REALLY bothers me that every time rob gets new votes, something happens that causes the old voters to switch off rob. He has had the most number of different players voting for him and yet his vote count has never gone above 3.

Having said this, I'm also willing to vote up Linkcat if you all feel that's a stronger target. We really need to coordinate though. I'm not ruling out the possibility that Annele and kaempfer are mafia, and how they respond to this could change my views. Kaempf coming out to vote on Linkcat all of sudden and Annele being so easily swayed by Linkcat to switch her vote off rob multiple times now are both red flags to me. You two are still high up on my town read list though so I'm willing to trust this group of 4 to make a move today and thwart any mafia plans.

Adjustments to read list:

Submachine --> seems more town now due to his last post

kdz --> even more suspicious after last post. This to me is the lay low mafia member who uses inexperience and lack of participation as a cover similar to how Ginyu did a couple mafias ago.

MW - more suspicious. Just from reading other's lists about him and the lack of responses after I suggested multiple times that he is mafia is a red flag for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 05:56:48 pm
If you see a bug repeatedly smashing it's face into a light, do you call out to it and say, "Hey buddy, it's just a light, there's nothing there"? That's how I feel about shock. I point out some of the others when I see it, but I don't bother every time because I know you or kaempfer or someone will do it for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 06:02:08 pm
You know what's really not useful? You killing Coffee and him flipping town.

I would like to present to the village a set of facts.

1. Mafia wants to kill town, town wants to kill mafia.
2. Mafia killed w3, a town.
3. Rob killed Coffee, a town.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 06:09:47 pm
Rob's still misrepresenting things. Town can't know the result of a flip beforehand. So you given the choice between two scummy targets, you pick the most informative

We're voting off rob. I'm not changing my vote. If rob is n- (or even n) for you, vote with me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 06:10:24 pm
@serprex @Annele @kaempfer13

The 4 of us need to align our votes. I think our views align decently at this point in time and I don't think 3 votes will be enough to win the lynch with possibly last minute mafia tampering. It really REALLY bothers me that every time rob gets new votes, something happens that causes the old voters to switch off rob. He has had the most number of different players voting for him and yet his vote count has never gone above 3.

Having said this, I'm also willing to vote up Linkcat if you all feel that's a stronger target. We really need to coordinate though. I'm not ruling out the possibility that Annele and kaempfer are mafia, and how they respond to this could change my views. Kaempf coming out to vote on Linkcat all of sudden and Annele being so easily swayed by Linkcat to switch her vote off rob multiple times now are both red flags to me. You two are still high up on my town read list though so I'm willing to trust this group of 4 to make a move today and thwart any mafia plans.

Adjustments to read list:

Submachine --> seems more town now due to his last post

kdz --> even more suspicious after last post. This to me is the lay low mafia member who uses inexperience and lack of participation as a cover similar to how Ginyu did a couple mafias ago.

MW - more suspicious. Just from reading other's lists about him and the lack of responses after I suggested multiple times that he is mafia is a red flag for me.

Annele never voted on rob.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 06:11:47 pm

Stupid cat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 06:13:42 pm
fwiw she wasn't swayed by Linkcat, but by kaempf, to switch her vote to Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 06:15:49 pm
Rob's still misrepresenting things. Town can't know the result of a flip beforehand. So you given the choice between two scummy targets, you pick the most informative

We're voting off rob. I'm not changing my vote. If rob is n- (or even n) for you, vote with me

I'd rather vote off andre than rob. He's more likely to be mafia if there's only one between them, and it's a safer way to test the rob/andre theory. Rob's too valuable to lynch unless we're sure of it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 06:17:22 pm
fwiw she wasn't swayed by Linkcat, but by kaempf, to switch her vote to Linkcat

Whoops, she was on rob for less than a page, easy to miss. Still, it makes shock's statement even dumber.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 06:27:39 pm
I wouldn't call drowning the conversation with misinformation & patronizing insults valuable
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 25, 2020, 06:30:44 pm
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Fixed the vote count, can't really contribute more at the moment as I have a deadline for a project tomorrow. I still read everything, so if anyone needs anything specific from me, just let me know.

Sub isn't happening, give me your top 3 scumreads.

At this point, excluding Sub, it's rob, andre and you. However, kae's posts since last night give me a strange feeling to be honest.
I'll vote on andre for now, to not hammer the lynch on rob, but I find rob as a valid lynch today as well.

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Will try to be on at end of day but can't promise sadly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 06:32:58 pm
Invalid vote, latest tally before Cal's last post:

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 06:34:23 pm
rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Fixed the vote count, can't really contribute more at the moment as I have a deadline for a project tomorrow. I still read everything, so if anyone needs anything specific from me, just let me know.

Sub isn't happening, give me your top 3 scumreads.

At this point, excluding Sub, it's rob, andre and you. However, kae's posts since last night give me a strange feeling to be honest.
I'll vote on andre for now, to not hammer the lynch on rob, but I find rob as a valid lynch today as well.

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Will try to be on at end of day but can't promise sadly.

Why are your scumreads precisely any wagon that happened during the day?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 06:35:39 pm
A placed vote is a placed vote, regardless of the context. It's his responsibility to know the latest count and vote accordingly.

rob77dp (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 06:36:07 pm
rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

I'm dumb.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 06:53:35 pm
Um, anything gonna happen yet?

Cal, i really need that response, going full consensus with very superficial reasoning is kinda sus.

I'm also talking about votes obv.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 06:58:33 pm
Oh yh, i forgot that this day is a bit longer, but i think if we dont want to lynch a town today sth needs to happen.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 07:06:06 pm
You and Annele need to switch to rob before we mislynch andre.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 07:07:27 pm
Or serprex needs to be willing to switch to Linkcat, but he seems stupidly stubborn so we need to cut our losses so that serprex doesn't ruin our voting power.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 25, 2020, 07:08:05 pm
My bad for the invalid vote, I quoted the wrong message

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Fixed the vote count, can't really contribute more at the moment as I have a deadline for a project tomorrow. I still read everything, so if anyone needs anything specific from me, just let me know.

Sub isn't happening, give me your top 3 scumreads.

At this point, excluding Sub, it's rob, andre and you. However, kae's posts since last night give me a strange feeling to be honest.
I'll vote on andre for now, to not hammer the lynch on rob, but I find rob as a valid lynch today as well.

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Will try to be on at end of day but can't promise sadly.

Why are your scumreads precisely any wagon that happened during the day?

They were on my read list, long before this post, I haven't changed my opinion too much on anyone other than you since then, since I didn't have the time to fully analyse everything.

As for why I voted specifically on andre, I thought rob was at 3 votes before, and I think hammering him when I'm not sure I can be active at end of day is bad. Moreover, if he flips mafia, this pretty much confirms rob and Link to me, and I see that as a big advantage for town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 07:10:58 pm
You think we have 3 scum wagons right now?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 07:13:26 pm
kaempfer13 is constantly attacking people on either the andretimpa or rob77dp train, but no one else. I wonder why.
Also, if kaempfer flips mafia, rob is also likely mafia.
If rob flips mafia, andretimpa is also likely mafia.

So all three of those lynches are good in my opinion.

Sub and Link are probably town, because of current lynch counts along with rob trying to incriminate Sub and kaempfer trying to incriminate Link as well as Sub/Links posts so far.
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
You're not the leading wagon, just one of the competing wagons... come down a notch and do some solving stuff or planning or w/e Sub does. That is, play to your win-con which as town is to your dying breath keep clawing at what you don't know and parsing what you think you know and do know to push information into the thread. Only a scum truly should arrive at a point where stopping in the thread is logically the best move for a win-con (i.e. - scum have a REASON to quit trying toward rough day phases as they know information they shouldn't as town; whereas, town don't really know all that much usually so they should see no GAME reasons to concede). Caveat emptor: humans are human, so town and scum can overlap in end-of-day emotional reactions, I realize this.

TL;DR - town!Sub should find plenty of reason to keep clawing as it helps town; scum!Sub just might have a legit breaking point to stop posting / spewing.

That's my exhortation here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 07:14:00 pm
You and Annele need to switch to rob before we mislynch andre.
The issue is I am equally stubborn to not vote rob as serprex is to do so.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 07:15:21 pm
kaempfer13 is constantly attacking people on either the andretimpa or rob77dp train, but no one else. I wonder why.
Also, if kaempfer flips mafia, rob is also likely mafia.
If rob flips mafia, andretimpa is also likely mafia.

So all three of those lynches are good in my opinion.

Sub and Link are probably town, because of current lynch counts along with rob trying to incriminate Sub and kaempfer trying to incriminate Link as well as Sub/Links posts so far.
I have been going at Part 1 for almost six hours. I need a break.

If we do not get an extension and I get a pile of votes while I am away, I will live with it.
You're not the leading wagon, just one of the competing wagons... come down a notch and do some solving stuff or planning or w/e Sub does. That is, play to your win-con which as town is to your dying breath keep clawing at what you don't know and parsing what you think you know and do know to push information into the thread. Only a scum truly should arrive at a point where stopping in the thread is logically the best move for a win-con (i.e. - scum have a REASON to quit trying toward rough day phases as they know information they shouldn't as town; whereas, town don't really know all that much usually so they should see no GAME reasons to concede). Caveat emptor: humans are human, so town and scum can overlap in end-of-day emotional reactions, I realize this.

TL;DR - town!Sub should find plenty of reason to keep clawing as it helps town; scum!Sub just might have a legit breaking point to stop posting / spewing.

That's my exhortation here.

Because those have been lead wagons for way too long/frequently.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:15:28 pm
You and Annele need to switch to rob before we mislynch andre.
Why should they listen to you? How should any of us, except scum, act like timpa is surely a ML? What's your angle on this shock??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:15:52 pm
You think we have 3 scum wagons right now?
No. Fact.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 07:17:15 pm
with like 3 votes so its not like scum couldnt easily steer against it when needed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 07:17:28 pm
Andre flipping mafia does not confirm rob. It doesn't even confirm me 100%.

Here's how I see it. If rob is mafia, then my theory is likely correct and andre is also mafia. If rob is town, then we both have andre as our top scumread, so he's almost definitely mafia. Either way this is the best lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:18:16 pm
TorB - you think my pressuring timpa, who has yet to show back up... so my vote stays where it is for now on timpa. You think it is bussing where I'm pushing, voting, and continuing to push a hard-get-rolling timpa-wagon on a teammate? First, it isn't possible, but if your town I concede that you don't know that yet --- so explain why town!TorB really thinks that's the case??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 07:20:24 pm
Reminder that I'm the one that pushed the andre wagon, rob only decided to bus after and now he can't back down since he's already committed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 07:23:29 pm
You and Annele need to switch to rob before we mislynch andre.
The issue is I am equally stubborn to not vote rob as serprex is to do so.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:24:57 pm
Haven't posted much due to being asleep and then working all day, sorry.

My quick flip on rob was me going from being convinced he was mafia to realising the other possibilities. If fate egg didn't exist, the only situation that makes sense to me was if rob was mafia, and so I went hard in that direction. Once I realised that fate egg was an option, the two scenarios (rob being mafia or town) are a lot more equal in my mind, so I laid off. I probably swung too hard in the other direction for what were roughly equal possibilities, but Rob's posts at that point read more genuine to me too, especially the fate egg explanation.

Btw sorry for putting the fate egg option out too openly - I assumed that I was the only one who didn't get it (which was why no one else was gunning so hard for rob) so I didn't think there was any harm in mentioning it. Maybe should have thought that through more.

The reasoning I mentioned when I voted for andre wasn't link's but rob's and masterwalk's which had combined in my mind when I made the post. (Looking bad that was phrased rather poorly.) My point was I was suspicious that linkcat might be orchestrating a lynch, but I'd gone through andre's posts at that point and agreed with the sentiment that he'd said enough to avoid inactivity suspicion but nothing of real substance.

Shockcannon's point about how no one seems to be deflecting or defending andre even though he's the lead to be lynched rings true to me, and I'm more suspicious of linkcat that I was before. Reading through rob's posts now that he's not just defending himself, I don't really have a read of him anymore. There's certainly still a reasonable chance he's mafia egg, and I like serp's suggestion.

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

I keep secondguessing my reads, and I fear a lot of the cryptic role stuff is going over my head. I don't like how link seems to be pushing the narrative so much more than others though, and I'd say he's my strongest scumread at this point. Townreads at the moment, aside from moe and serp, are probably torb and shock. I liked what cal was posting a while ago, but he hasn't said anything recently so I'd be interested in his perspective now. I was also leaning town on kae for a while and so the torb wall might make me reconsider things, but this is where I'm at right now.
I struggle to see this type of progression on reading me as genuine, that is, I think it is faked which is what scum have to do to 'pretend' to read players. She had me scummy, then was willing to sheep my read / vote, then has no read of me any more, and then thinks reasonable chance I'm a mafia egg. What?? Also, it is FALSE that andre is an easy wagon or push... a few players have had suspcicion or shade on him and yet he topped out at 3 votes... I don't believe it is a real thought (rather, likely a mafia viewpoint trying to sound real?) timpa is a real wagon. Annele is someone is still a scumread for me, I would vote there too - keeping on timpa another scumread of mine. It makes sense from some things in here possibly Annele/timpa as w/w.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:27:14 pm
Reminder that I'm the one that pushed the andre wagon, rob only decided to bus after and now he can't back down since he's already committed.
You STARTED an andre push, I have a scumread on him and am voting and actively pushing that wagon. You're just sitting on it, really, from where I sit. It's not possible for town to "bus" anyone so you're wrong, I know you're wrong (you may or may not know you're wrong). If things go south and I get lynched here a town!Link revisits how he is playing things. Keep an eye out, if I flip/lynch here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 07:28:44 pm
TorB - you think my pressuring timpa, who has yet to show back up... so my vote stays where it is for now on timpa. You think it is bussing where I'm pushing, voting, and continuing to push a hard-get-rolling timpa-wagon on a teammate? First, it isn't possible, but if your town I concede that you don't know that yet --- so explain why town!TorB really thinks that's the case??
Why must you keep phrasing things like these as impossible, when they are not? If all three of you voted on the same town we'd get a town info lynch. I'm sure you love the sound of that.
Reminder that I'm the one that pushed the andre wagon, rob only decided to bus after and now he can't back down since he's already committed.
As long as not everyone is convinced (lynch counts show this), it's much easier to keep pretending like this is not even possible.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:29:11 pm
See, the major issue here is that the math is based purely on the kill itself with no mind on the reactions of people, in a game based on reading people.

Ok, but same logic applies to mafia doing that kill. If he's modkilled anyway this is just a waste
Right. So perhaps rob is not being truthful and is using this excuse for his own justification.

Wee wooo, wee woo; you are suggesting here that mafia rob should have eaten a mafia member to get confirmed. This evidently didnt occur. The only people that have information on who they are working with are the mafia (and deja vus, but they obv dont eat people); Also the only way rob would have known if coffee was inactive is if both were mafia. Town rob has no insight on that other than lack of presence in thread.
No? Just that rob Fate Egg Otyugh eating a mafia would not prove anything because that is what he could have done.

Are you arguing that you wouldnt do it despite it being mechanically correct, because you feel it wrong to deny people to keep playing the game longer? Are you even trying to win?
Sure, winning through uncovering the mafia through deduction, that is the fun part, not doing a crapshoot and praying you hit something good. But it is only mechanically correct if you are guaranteed there will be no backfire, you might even get policy lynched.

If the math adds up but you get lynched as town for it afterwards, you just screwed up big time. You can blame me, you can blame the rest of town, I blame the shortsightedness of a potential town Fate Egg Otyugh. But I do not believe rob is one.
No, that is not right and also does not make sense. That would mean mafia killing during the night is essentially the only night killing - it is demonstrably true that town taking kill shots at night is/can be win-con beneficial --- and even when you don't "know" the target is scum!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:30:33 pm
TorB - you think my pressuring timpa, who has yet to show back up... so my vote stays where it is for now on timpa. You think it is bussing where I'm pushing, voting, and continuing to push a hard-get-rolling timpa-wagon on a teammate? First, it isn't possible, but if your town I concede that you don't know that yet --- so explain why town!TorB really thinks that's the case??
Why must you keep phrasing things like these as impossible, when they are not? If all three of you voted on the same town we'd get a town info lynch. I'm sure you love the sound of that.
Reminder that I'm the one that pushed the andre wagon, rob only decided to bus after and now he can't back down since he's already committed.
As long as not everyone is convinced (lynch counts show this), it's much easier to keep pretending like this is not even possible.
No, I am saying I ... I, rob, rob77dp, me, myself - I know it isn't bussing, I know my alignment. I admit you don't know it (if you're town) so a town!TorB may, might, could conceivably actually think I'm bussing. I, myself, as I stated before, ME, I know it is impossible that I'm bussing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 07:30:50 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

Alright if you guys don't want to coordinate that's fine. I've already offered way more than I planned to this day phase so I'm out then. Maybe watching the mafia manipulate this entire vote while you're too stubborn to realize it will help you all see the light when Day 2 comes around. Good luck trying to vote out a mafia this round without me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 07:31:11 pm
That vote does look scummy with some waffling, but her immediate switch to me looks like a town that just didn't think she could vote somewhere not on a wagon.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 07:33:04 pm
See, the major issue here is that the math is based purely on the kill itself with no mind on the reactions of people, in a game based on reading people.

Ok, but same logic applies to mafia doing that kill. If he's modkilled anyway this is just a waste
Right. So perhaps rob is not being truthful and is using this excuse for his own justification.

Wee wooo, wee woo; you are suggesting here that mafia rob should have eaten a mafia member to get confirmed. This evidently didnt occur. The only people that have information on who they are working with are the mafia (and deja vus, but they obv dont eat people); Also the only way rob would have known if coffee was inactive is if both were mafia. Town rob has no insight on that other than lack of presence in thread.
No? Just that rob Fate Egg Otyugh eating a mafia would not prove anything because that is what he could have done.

Are you arguing that you wouldnt do it despite it being mechanically correct, because you feel it wrong to deny people to keep playing the game longer? Are you even trying to win?
Sure, winning through uncovering the mafia through deduction, that is the fun part, not doing a crapshoot and praying you hit something good. But it is only mechanically correct if you are guaranteed there will be no backfire, you might even get policy lynched.

If the math adds up but you get lynched as town for it afterwards, you just screwed up big time. You can blame me, you can blame the rest of town, I blame the shortsightedness of a potential town Fate Egg Otyugh. But I do not believe rob is one.
No, that is not right and also does not make sense. That would mean mafia killing during the night is essentially the only night killing - it is demonstrably true that town taking kill shots at night is/can be win-con beneficial --- and even when you don't "know" the target is scum!
You do not need to know the target is scum to have no backfire. Targeting you with vigi if you don't get lynched? No tears from me either way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:33:25 pm
shock - so I'm no longer scum in yoru book? Is your scumread of me changing right now? It looks like you removed your vote from me... at the same time saying you don't think a scum is possible to lynch today. What's up with that? We all need to be around and present/active at EOD if at all possible... if your'e town, be here, post, vote, read, discuss, etc. Right now, I'd like to read about your progression on your vote removal from me and who you think are scum right now that should be lynched (I presume it changed since you took your vote off)?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 07:38:16 pm
I am SORRY if the timing is poor, but I have been working on this, so I am posting it now.

I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.
Stop trying to buddy me.
I can buddy whoever I want, buddy (hint- I'm not buddying anyone).
Then some time later:
Rob, buddy, just claim Fate Egg so I don't have to lynch you today. I would really love to play with you some more.
This one is barely relevant, but the contradiction is hilarious to me. This whole buddying thing is either a joke, a contradiction, or it suggests that Link can buddy rob but rob can't buddy Link. Moving on.

just claim Fate Egg so I don't have to lynch you today.
But apparently Link controls who gets lynched. Be it Town or Mafia, but it is  O R C H E S T R A T E  time, baby.~

(It would be logical if Link meant voting and not lynching, but assuming control over the lynch is something I can see him doing. Even if this is what happened, this is NAI (not indicative of alignment) for Link.)

And finally, some votes on me. I applaud your enthusiasm, but it's not going through.
LOL. This is what I'm talking about.

Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd

I [...] need to challenge my own thinking that maybe voting early in the day can stimulate discussion but it sums up my own perception.

As I said before, good idea but voting is more valuable. Usually there's 1 or 2 people who like to hold on to votes, but if more people do it that's an easy way to mislynch.
I didn't vote before because of the graboid suggestion but I'd like to see what sub has to say before he's killed. There seems to be a lot to this story that I've somehow missed? I'm curious to see how much it will change.
Asking everyone. What's the final concensus on holding back votes to hide the Graboid? In case you haven't noticed yet, I haven't voted yet either. I am intentionally pointing this out to make people think I am not a Graboid, but if I am, that would explain my lack of votes.~

In case anyone is holding back a vote because of this, is that okay or nay?

I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town
This comment is based solely on reading the thread. He did not gain any information from his role.
And you know it, because... ?

What I mean is, everyone assumed kae was not the Golden Nymph after the GN dropped dead, and no other roles check primaries, so it felt obvious to me that it was only a read. But you seem to have knowledge of his role. Possibilities, from most likely to least likely:

My role has nothing to do with me believing serp or really my kaempfer read.
I did not see this. >_> I do not delete this part from my post, in case MW slipped and someone else instructed him to make an excuse. (Still the least likely explanation from the three.)

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town

(No, Sub, this is not the time for softing either. Get it together.)

In case MW is Town, I make no comment here. Even though I am very tempted.

Sub is never low key as scum.
I am never low key as Town either. Ask Jonny boi (JCJ).~

submachine- is doing submachine stuff. i expect him to be slightly more low key as scum.
Rob- Im on the rob wouldnt be that stupid as scum bandwagon
Sub is never low key as scum.
I do think your correct on sub, and i would like to remove him at this time from my town reads
This is literally how this conversation was, without any skips.

It didn't take much convincing, yet Link has been also saying rob would do the same thing if he was scum, but rob stayed in MW's townreads. Maybe it's because this time Link directly spoke to MW, and not to everyone. It cannot be that MW just trusts Linkcat enough to take his word, because Link was not on his read list. But let's break down the options.

I do not know what MW pays attention to, who he trusts, if he would sheep, or if he can be intimidated so easily, so I am keeping all possibilities open. Though I do hope he clarifies.

Rob (hes fate egg. it took long enough. Could be wrong but i dont think that doesnt mean hes not mafia)
His next readlist reveals he actually put rob back too. Though it feels like only because he revealed Fate Egg, and only after he revealed Fate Egg.

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"
Well, this is as close as mechanically confirmed for me, since there's no way mafia risks 2 of their players to hard claim DejaVu. Someone do check them with Psion or even Endow for that matter, but it is not urgent in my opinion.
I haven't responded to the Deja Vu revelation yet, but I trust their word for it. No counterclaims, that should be enough. Using Psion to check them is a waste of a night.

And endow... is not really worth it. We already know Mafia can also become Deja Vu, so the only thing a Crusader can gain is chat.

@Calindu: You have been previously upset about the idea to let the fate of Town rest in the hands of only 2 people. What is your opinion about Linkcat taking control of the game?

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.
Not arguably, ian did the same thing as rob 2 mafias ago, yet he calls it a bad decision here. It looks like subtle shade throwing.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
A HUGE caveat here is that Link is a notoriously difficult read for me, and we have a fairly colorful history of interactions in games we both participate.
I'm not sure how to read linkcat just yet but I agree with the reasoning behind it.
Linkcat - I am really unsure how to read him,
I have yet to read anyone who has a grasp on Link. Until then, I draw the conclusion that Linkcat is unreadable. This is the point where Town has to rely on power roles.

And now we have come to this.


Shockcannon, after only one night, is certain kaempfer is Town. We had foreshadowing during Night 0.

There's a high probability kaempfer13 is involved with my plans for tonight.

Soon after shock's latter post, we have this:

i agree with shocks last message

This is to be continued. I need to elaborate why this ended up as confusing.
I decided not to continue this train of thought. Kae, MW, and shock further discussed this, and while they left it ambiguous, I find it better to keep it ambiguous.

You mentioned RQs, I'm not seeing any RQs. You did mention you would only do them when discussion dies down, so that's okay. In total, I'm just seeing a lot of I will statements from him, but he's not backing them up.
More later, too many people are posting.
I'm still waiting for the strategies.
Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust.
You're not dead yet, follow your own advice?

I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.
Your argument is invalid. I want all the questions. Questions left unanswered can sometimes tell more than the answers themselves would.
I see more people addressed me, but do excuse me if I only respond to them tomorrow. :-X
Please do, that may very well lift most suspicion. You're only standing here on the list because you're consistently failing to follow up.
Fair points, mostly an issue with available time. Right now, my highest priority is to catch up with my full analysis, but I am quite far behind, so I might drop it at one point.

The RQS is mostly planned to spark conversation, with added hope it gives useful insight. Spoiler: My question will be, how would you behave if you were Mafia, and can you show an example of it? Anyone who wants can answer it right away.

And I did not continue the strategy list, because nobody responded to it, and eventually I forgot about it. Looking back, I was not too far from finishing it.
Some roles come off as utterly useless to me. Ghost of the Past and Adrenaline for example. I still need to think of a more elaborate strategy than single-targeting. Wider strategies is where success is at. It doesn't help that it's not guaranteed for a role to be Town's, or in the game.

I have a wild theory about Linkcat's role that would explain his behavior if he was Town. I do not want to openly discuss it, but I am looking for a sign from Link. @Link: Are you what I think you are? Wink wink.

Still only Page 26... It felt like 39 pages. I am posting a preview again to take a break.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 07:38:43 pm
Reminder that I'm the one that pushed the andre wagon, rob only decided to bus after and now he can't back down since he's already committed.
You STARTED an andre push, I have a scumread on him and am voting and actively pushing that wagon. You're just sitting on it, really, from where I sit. It's not possible for town to "bus" anyone so you're wrong, I know you're wrong (you may or may not know you're wrong). If things go south and I get lynched here a town!Link revisits how he is playing things. Keep an eye out, if I flip/lynch here.



Also, it is FALSE that andre is an easy wagon or push... a few players have had suspcicion or shade on him and yet he topped out at 3 votes... I don't believe it is a real thought (rather, likely a mafia viewpoint trying to sound real?) timpa is a real wagon.

*andre is the only viable wagon right now*

Also, I know you have the tendency as both alignments to constantly state in different ways that you're town, but it's getting annoying. Please stop.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:42:03 pm
If TorB knows my alignment (that is if he is scum) then it really feels like he is at a dangerous game of pushing town!me for so long like he is. We're at odds over several things, he and I, but I currently have a town lean read on him.

I'm game to lynch Annele or timpa in a heartbeat right now, even sus they may be w/w.

Ge0 underwhelming if town... I still have softened manually my natural read of him on the basis of benefit of doubt he is rusty, not as recently experienced at the game, and seems probably busy to give much more attention. It would not take much to convince me to vote him (good case on him, self-pres if needed, etc.).

Sub - wtf with him? I sitll find things he did as scummy but also, am softening a bit as I would actually expect wolf!Sub to be a try-hard when he gets pressure, but he has been sort of steady throughout with wall posts, annoyance at thread/game/NAI things, etc. Would take a better case on him to convince me to vote there, other than "reasons".
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 07:43:08 pm
Oh right, extended timer. I may have time to read up and join the end of day madness.

Care to give me a quick recap of the last 3-5 pages?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:45:40 pm

I am already toning down and editing out lots of "rob knows he's town" verbiage. I can do no better than I am on that front. Get over it, I guess. It coems with the territory that as town I know I"m town and as scum I remember that as town I know I'm town.
GL mate.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 07:45:59 pm
I will respond to shock and sub in a bit. A little busy the last 18 hours. Dunno if I'll be able to properly respond before deadline.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:47:36 pm
Also Link, I've developed my read on timpa. And I"ve tried to push him to interact. Do not even feign like I'm just bandying aroudn following blindly some sort of hot take or omniscience I think you have about his alignment.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 07:48:50 pm
RE: Sub wall boogaloo

Re: buddy
I'm just trying to get on rob's nerves.

Re: Graboid

Re: crossed out bit
Please don't imply a there's a chance of players cheating.

Re: Low key
I know, this is why I banned PMs. (Not really but it was hilarious)

Re: not reading me
You have no idea how much pleasure this brings me.

I would play like this, and my example is Mafia 73.

Re: my role

We only have like an hour left, catch up and give thoughts on current events.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 07:51:30 pm
Regarding adrenaline, if someone has nothing better in mind, they can keep targeting a potential town Graboid/Shrieker until they Evolve/Unburrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:53:18 pm
Regarding adrenaline, if someone has nothing better in mind, they can keep targeting a potential town Graboid/Shrieker until they Evolve/Unburrow.

Note Note: there is no guarantee town has adrenaline capability... at this point...... But that is a GREAT use idea for it, TorB
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 07:57:08 pm
I'm curious to see what effect this has over the next hour.

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:57:38 pm
Townspeople NEED to be voting, that's my opinion (speaking of "opinion" - jsut remembered something I meant to mention a while ago --- TorB, you said N0 everyone agreed not to use offensive roles - this is not true, there was trhead discussion that maybe that was a good idea and some roles mentioned... there was NOT any sort of ceasefire agreed to and I definitely did not agree to such a thing. I wanted this on the reocrd but forgot until "opinion" here). Having large blocks of players not voting may possibly help hide Graboid, but graboid can defend themselves a little bit as can town roles possibly/probably in the game if they think there is a narrow pool of possi ble suspects. The benfit of having town voting I think greatly outweighs the "missing information" that results from not enough voting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 07:59:50 pm
Shock, please give a read and put together a sort of response to my post shortly ago about/to you...?
This one (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297386/?action=post;quote=1297386)

Also, if you're scum, this is not the proper bus technique. :)

I'm curious to see what effect this has over the next hour.

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:00:26 pm
I stand by my stance that it is too early to dispatch the voice catalysts. Now that I have my wild theory about Linkcat, I also don't think he's a useful lynch now.

Looking at the latest tally, I would go with andretimpa. But before I do as much as place a vote, I want at least 3 people to respond to my question about Graboid vote withholding.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:01:13 pm
I stand by my stance that it is too early to dispatch the voice catalysts. Now that I have my wild theory about Linkcat, I also don't think he's a useful lynch now.

Looking at the latest tally, I would go with andretimpa. But before I do as much as place a vote, I want at least 3 people to respond to my question about Graboid vote withholding.
Look couple thread posts back - I weighed in, indirectly, but seems maybe you missed it?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:02:57 pm
Torb, who would you vote on right now?

Sub, I kind of think you're town, so in the interest of not confusing you I should clarify that I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to my role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:04:28 pm
@rob: Was this it?

Townspeople NEED to be voting, that's my opinion
I was not sure you aimed this at my question.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:04:32 pm
Current unsure but still a nagging though take: Link looks to be trying to get people moving around to look at wagon logistics and read how various players approach voting/reading/unvoting/etc. other players, which is typically a town activity (as opposed to just wanting to be opportunistic wolf as many scum do). NB- Link is pretty good at this game, so maybe just wolf!Link trying to be a bit like a town player. Right now, I lean that he is possibly/probably town!Link -- will try to keep a third eye on him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:05:05 pm
Sub: my take is that 3-4 no-votes is way more than necessary for graboid hiding. It's not really too important to hide graboid so much as to hide someone hiding as graboid. & that's assuming the tally suits what you think is right

What we have going on right now is a joke
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:07:42 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

I am not keen on voting right next to another scum!lean I have, but timpa got no traction (feels like a scenario/issue that might be true of a scum!timpa) -- who willing to vote Annele with me?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:09:44 pm
I stand by my stance that it is too early to dispatch the voice catalysts. Now that I have my wild theory about Linkcat, I also don't think he's a useful lynch now.

Looking at the latest tally, I would go with andretimpa. But before I do as much as place a vote, I want at least 3 people to respond to my question about Graboid vote withholding.
There can be any number of Graboids? It's not like you're the Golden Nymph pretending to be a Graboid (unless you will be via scavenger). When in doubt: vote.
Torb, who would you vote on right now?
With the current vote count, I personally see 2 people not very committed to their andre vote. I would solidify it to ensure one of my three suspects get lynched.

And wow, look at that, there he goes, one of two.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:10:04 pm
Lmao, I was wondering what the scum play would be, turns out it's just rob chickening out since I called out his bus so hard. Also lol at saying andre got no traction after that vote count.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:12:14 pm
Can we stop clowning around with our votes & vote rob now?

Suggestion for future: skip this EOD crap & let it be by secret ballot. Mod posts votes at start of night phase
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 08:12:36 pm
I had a feeling someone would swap off andre once he hit 4 votes. People really hate that high vote count.

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:13:00 pm
Sub, I kind of think you're town, so in the interest of not confusing you I should clarify that I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to my role.
Well, either way, I see more benefit in keeping my wild theory low. In case I am correct, not talking about it can benefit more than revealing it.

Ironically, if I am wrong, it benefits Town a lot more if I bring it up than if I don't.

Sub: my take is that 3-4 no-votes is way more than necessary for graboid hiding. It's not really too important to hide graboid so much as to hide someone hiding as graboid. & that's assuming the tally suits what you think is right

What we have going on right now is a joke
Annele revealed she is not Graboid, so we only have TorB. I am only the second non-voter. But I tell you this; If I am not a Graboid and I find the tally outrageous, I will be sure to drop a bomb.

During my search, I barely remember andre's posts. But I do remember that being part of the argument against him. And that he posted underwhelming reads. Compared to Linkcat, it is an acceptable lynch for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 08:14:24 pm

I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town
This comment is based solely on reading the thread. He did not gain any information from his role.
And you know it, because... ?

What I mean is, everyone assumed kae was not the Golden Nymph after the GN dropped dead, and no other roles check primaries, so it felt obvious to me that it was only a read. But you seem to have knowledge of his role. Possibilities, from most likely to least likely:

  • I don't wanna say it out loud. Let's just say "This is not the time to be softing...".
  • MW only made an assumption but treated it like a fact (kae could have been Egg Nymph for all we know).
  • MW and kae are working together outside the topic.

I wanted to point out it was a bad read.

My role has nothing to do with me believing serp or really my kaempfer read.
I did not see this. >_> I do not delete this part from my post, in case MW slipped and someone else instructed him to make an excuse. (Still the least likely explanation from the three.)

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town

(No, Sub, this is not the time for softing either. Get it together.)

In case MW is Town, I make no comment here. Even though I am very tempted.

This list was made before i understood my role.

Sub is never low key as scum.
I am never low key as Town either. Ask Jonny boi (JCJ).~

submachine- is doing submachine stuff. i expect him to be slightly more low key as scum.
Rob- Im on the rob wouldnt be that stupid as scum bandwagon
Sub is never low key as scum.
I do think your correct on sub, and i would like to remove him at this time from my town reads
This is literally how this conversation was, without any skips.

It didn't take much convincing, yet Link has been also saying rob would do the same thing if he was scum, but rob stayed in MW's townreads. Maybe it's because this time Link directly spoke to MW, and not to everyone. It cannot be that MW just trusts Linkcat enough to take his word, because Link was not on his read list. But let's break down the options.

  • MW is Town:
    • MW felt intimidated that Link spoke to him directly, so quickly changed his opinion. Sheeping would be a town trait.
    • MW may not trust Link, but believes his judgment about other players. Link spoke to him directly, so he caught this message, but he missed Link's similar anti-thesis about rob (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297004/#msg1297004), where Link says rob would be capable to do the same thing as Mafia.
    • Linkcat reminded MW something else with his comment, which MW didn't elaborate. Whether MW disagrees with Link's view on rob or just ignores it, is unknown.
  • MW is Mafia, Link is Town: MW changed his opinion quickly, because the readlist was fake. If Mafia can justify townreading less Town players, they would take the chance. It makes lynching them later easier. But just as suddenly voting on someone who a person has townread the whole game, this sudden switch is also suspicious.
  • MW is Mafia, Link is Mafia: Almost the same as above, except MW felt like Link was suggesting him to change his play. It would make sense too for Link to command other mafia if he was one.
I do not know what MW pays attention to, who he trusts, if he would sheep, or if he can be intimidated so easily, so I am keeping all possibilities open. Though I do hope he clarifies.

Uh, i dont have a good read on link, therefore i do not trust him. He seems like he wants to wrastle rob for control of the thread? idk but i dont fell intimidated by him, more he made a point i agreed with and it changed my mind. Im sure you are paranoid both scum and not, or at least play the character well.

Rob (hes fate egg. it took long enough. Could be wrong but i dont think that doesnt mean hes not mafia)
His next readlist reveals he actually put rob back too. Though it feels like only because he revealed Fate Egg, and only after he revealed Fate Egg.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:14:39 pm
Sub: ian isn't voting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:15:39 pm
Sub: kdz isn't voting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:16:26 pm
Sub: moe isn't voting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:17:10 pm
Sub, I kind of think you're town, so in the interest of not confusing you I should clarify that I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to my role.
Well, either way, I see more benefit in keeping my wild theory low. In case I am correct, not talking about it can benefit more than revealing it.

Ironically, if I am wrong, it benefits Town a lot more if I bring it up than if I don't.

Sub: my take is that 3-4 no-votes is way more than necessary for graboid hiding. It's not really too important to hide graboid so much as to hide someone hiding as graboid. & that's assuming the tally suits what you think is right

What we have going on right now is a joke
Annele revealed she is not Graboid, so we only have TorB. I am only the second non-voter. But I tell you this; If I am not a Graboid and I find the tally outrageous, I will be sure to drop a bomb.

During my search, I barely remember andre's posts. But I do remember that being part of the argument against him. And that he posted underwhelming reads. Compared to Linkcat, it is an acceptable lynch for me.

You're wrong, please share with the rest of the class.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 08:18:02 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

This will probably get me a lotta heat but i really want to drive home how wrong i was about my role. Shock and Kae are at n- for me now.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:18:33 pm
Sub: DoubleCapitals isn't voting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:18:45 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

I am not keen on voting right next to another scum!lean I have, but timpa got no traction (feels like a scenario/issue that might be true of a scum!timpa) -- who willing to vote Annele with me?

what the hell? He had more traction than ever, you claim the opposite (which you somehow believed) would mean that he's scum and your conclusion is unvoting him?!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:19:58 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

You're right, this is not helping.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:20:07 pm
Can we stop clowning around with our votes & vote rob now?

Suggestion for future: skip this EOD crap & let it be by secret ballot. Mod posts votes at start of night phase
As much as I agree with you, I don't feel comfortable with letting rob eat grass yet.

I keep missing posts because of new replies being posted. Bear with me if I don't react to something, in case I completely cannot find it at first. D:<
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:20:19 pm
oh hey kae, you still feeling stubborn?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:21:16 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

This will probably get me a lotta heat but i really want to drive home how wrong i was about my role. Shock and Kae are at n- for me now.
How does this conclusion lead to switching from kaempfer13 to shockcannon, that you both put at the same rank? I do not mind the conclusion, just curious about the action itself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:21:44 pm
Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis. I moved to another scum-read of mine. It's legit. Why would you not be willing to vote Annele - last I find you have a sus of her play so far... she has changed nothing since. Do you not want to vote her?

TorB - still town-lean on Annele for you? You had her "v" a bit ago, she since posted a few things of which at least a few have been suspicious of her additional posts... how reads you on that?

shock - are you having a townread of me? How do you see me right now --- I see you sheeping my vote onto Annele now, but I recall you thought I likely scum a bit ago, and with andre at that. Why move off one of your scumreads (timpa) to sheep the vote change of another scum-read you have (me) voting onto Annele??

Kae - do you have a town-read on Annele??  You had her neutral + (n+) earlier today and she hasn't posted since then -- seems a strong reaction to a vote onto her given an n+ read on her and you have a town-read on me... Can you give a bit on why you are unhappy with my vote change?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:22:16 pm
I am so confused
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:24:26 pm
Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis. I moved to another scum-read of mine. It's legit. Why would you not be willing to vote Annele - last I find you have a sus of her play so far... she has changed nothing since. Do you not want to vote her?

TorB - still town-lean on Annele for you? You had her "v" a bit ago, she since posted a few things of which at least a few have been suspicious of her additional posts... how reads you on that?

shock - are you having a townread of me? How do you see me right now --- I see you sheeping my vote onto Annele now, but I recall you thought I likely scum a bit ago, and with andre at that. Why move off one of your scumreads (timpa) to sheep the vote change of another scum-read you have (me) voting onto Annele??

Kae - do you have a town-read on Annele??  You had her neutral + (n+) earlier today and she hasn't posted since then -- seems a strong reaction to a vote onto her given an n+ read on her and you have a town-read on me... Can you give a bit on why you are unhappy with my vote change?

Your reason to unvote andre doesnt make any goddamn sense; idc who you vote, if you are going to say andre has no traction, andre has no traction= andre scum and then you vote someone else while being on andre all day you are not making any sense
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:24:34 pm
I am so confused
By what? if it is my reply about your reaction to my vote change... to clarify, I move from my scum-read timpa to my other scum-read Annele... your reaction suddenly out of the bleu is to question it. Last I saw you had Annele as n+ which isn't so sold out to thinking she is towny... but you have a town-read on me... why such a strong sudden reaction to a town-read of yours moving from his (my) scum-read to another scum-read about someone you are n+ about??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:25:36 pm
Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis.

I know exactly what it does, and so does shock. You're like a puppet that moved when he pulled your string.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:25:46 pm
Sub, I kind of think you're town, so in the interest of not confusing you I should clarify that I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to my role.
Well, either way, I see more benefit in keeping my wild theory low. In case I am correct, not talking about it can benefit more than revealing it.

Ironically, if I am wrong, it benefits Town a lot more if I bring it up than if I don't.
You're wrong, please share with the rest of the class.
ALRIGHT GUYS, prepare your brains for a wild theory ride! Cheeks clenched, arms within the rollercoaster, the ride begins now.~

What if I told you that Link WANTS to be lynched? Crazy, I know, but hear me out.

There are two roles that activate upon death. Ghost of the Past and Phoenix. He can be either of them.

You can grudge a person for LoLz, or you can force a lynch on you to see who was with who, and rain down the dead man's wisdom on all who opposed him. This makes the most sense to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:26:19 pm
TorB - still town-lean on Annele for you? You had her "v" a bit ago, she since posted a few things of which at least a few have been suspicious of her additional posts... how reads you on that?
Has not changed much. Does not seem to have the time to keep up with all this activity and is being pushed around voting-wise. This feels more like bad town play getting orchestrated than scummy.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:26:37 pm
Kae - I'm trying to solve by trying to read people. I have to do that by what they post. If you could indulge my request for you to give a bit of info or thought/comment on why you readted like this to my vote change. (Is it really just because you didn't expetc it or do not know why? Seems like you just suddenly showed up to question  my vote change when there are other things going on in the thread...)

TL;DR - I want to read players... a few reacted quickly to my vote change - I have a question or two toward each from which I hope to further reads on each + Annele / timpa.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:27:47 pm
Sub, I kind of think you're town, so in the interest of not confusing you I should clarify that I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to my role.
Well, either way, I see more benefit in keeping my wild theory low. In case I am correct, not talking about it can benefit more than revealing it.

Ironically, if I am wrong, it benefits Town a lot more if I bring it up than if I don't.
You're wrong, please share with the rest of the class.
ALRIGHT GUYS, prepare your brains for a wild theory ride! Cheeks clenched, arms within the rollercoaster, the ride begins now.~

What if I told you that Link WANTS to be lynched? Crazy, I know, but hear me out.

There are two roles that activate upon death. Ghost of the Past and Phoenix. He can be either of them.

You can grudge a person for LoLz, or you can force a lynch on you to see who was with who, and rain down the dead man's wisdom on all who opposed him. This makes the most sense to me.

Great theory, other than the fact that I'm never getting lynched today, or the rest of the game for that matter.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:28:04 pm
It doesnt compute, there is no logic

it reads like : andre is probably scum, better vote Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:28:46 pm
I'm not sure what I've stated and what I haven't, but I have Annele at n+ right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:28:54 pm
Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis.

I know exactly what it does, and so does shock. You're like a puppet that moved when he pulled your string.
No. I moved my vote for a reason that has NOTHING to do with shock pulling strings or anyone pulling strings (who are yous aying pulled a string to move my vote??) I am making it quite clear right now with my posting what that reason is --- and I would expect good-at-this-game-Link to not be so shocked that I'm using this as a way to further my playing the game. I mean, if you're scum you'd want to shade me, but a town!Link should really know what it is about and try to read it also, not just shade me for it. Do you really think I had no reason other than a string to move my vote?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:30:35 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:31:29 pm
Rob, you can't claim to be playing 4d chess while also making all the mistakes you've been making
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:32:10 pm
Kae - I don't have time at this moment to try to explain further to you. It isn't exactly a secret strategy or something i"ve dreamed up. I'm just using a method I know to try to get some reaction/input, I was hoping there would be players here capable of following it... but as of yet it's a strikeout on that front. So you're on record, of sorts, as only coming out of hiding (where were you?) to question my vote move because you didn't understand it - you're not wanting to defend Annele or to push timpa (the one I removed from, the other I move onto)??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:33:31 pm
And, yeah, but those people not voting are not here, (and didn't we agree moe is Deja Vu?) so maybe they just didn't have the time to vote yet?

I can't speak for others, but I did read something that makes me want to conceal my role as long as possible. And be assured, I will be the first one to rush for someone's rescue when I see the rescue worthy IF I am not Graboid. ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:34:05 pm
Serp- I have you confirmed town. You insist on thinking I played wrong. I have not misplayed N0 --- in hindsight I made a play at the time that was OK/correct given the game-state but did not work out. If you insist on calling that pure no-other-possibilities-exist mistake and to avoid carign about anything from me except to point that out, then I cannot get much solving done with/alongside you. SOrry/not-sorry but I'm going to try to ignore your posts in this vein about/to me going forward.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:35:05 pm
& rob goes back to misrepresenting me. All my qualms with him are due to the day phase, he played N0 splendidly
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:35:55 pm

Unless Link has gone apoplectic level 5+ on us here, there is NO WAY he ever tries to get lynched like you're describing, as EITHER alignment. NO WAY. He _loves_ playing, posting, voting, pushing, etc. and he also loves the reputation of unlynchable --- NO WAY a play like that with only even minimal upside (is there any really?) comes from him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:36:28 pm
No, nothing like that, I couldnt find anything in thread that I felt worthwhile that i havent stated before until you decided to not make any sense anymore. annele is just a slightly above neutral for me and that is mostly painted by my scumreads
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:37:14 pm

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:37:36 pm
& rob goes back to misrepresenting me. All my qualms with him are due to the day phase, he played N0 splendidly
What are my "mistakes" you refer to? Is this just going back to the thing from last night / yesterday (for m ytime zone at least)? If so, I'll cut to the chase that I don't recall righ tnow what that was but I know I don't have any "mistakes" in that vein to plead guilty to this game. (I am suddenly recalling using mea culpa once ... maybe that was something I think was a mistake, not arsed to go find it now though)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:39:30 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

The vote count was getting buried.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:41:52 pm

Link, have you gone apoplectic level 5+ on us recently?

I cannot help but repeat this glorious phrase. It just rolls off the tongue.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:43:39 pm
Hi Coffee, wish you were alive right now because you showing up at this point would be hilarious.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:45:06 pm
I'm trying to develop my thoughts on this... do mafia see any benefit to playing along/in the Graboid vote-hiding thing? That is, what are the thoughts around on whether it might something scum do/don't do, no connection, strong connection, etc.??

At first thought, my guess is they would want to hide in the unvoting "becaue Graboid" bloc if they can so long as a buddy is not on the block / at risk. That is, if town are on the block then scum do prefer to obscure their vote, in my experience, and being part of a group "being towny to help a possible town!Grabby" fit sthat bill. BUt I'm not sure it is that easy/simple.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Coffeeditto on May 25, 2020, 08:45:19 pm
death noises too late
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:45:31 pm
Annele, kaempfer, shock, your votes are not doing anything right now. Put them somewhere else. Moe, I would love to hear your take right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:47:20 pm
I'm so weirded out by robs sudden lapse of logic that I am secondguessing everything
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:47:52 pm
I kinda have the desire to just vote him out of confusion
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:48:07 pm
I'm so weirded out by robs sudden lapse of logic that I am secondguessing everything
Good - do you find my move scummy? Towny? Just confusing? How about your take on how I am explaining about what I might be tryinig to do with my manuever?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:48:15 pm
While you're secondguessing everything, try not to secondguess confirmed town & come join my lonely vote
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:48:58 pm
Note - confirmed town doesn't mean 100% correct omniscient town. /that-is-all
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:49:39 pm
Rob I don't think you understand his issue, just reply to this post.

Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis. I moved to another scum-read of mine. It's legit. Why would you not be willing to vote Annele - last I find you have a sus of her play so far... she has changed nothing since. Do you not want to vote her?

TorB - still town-lean on Annele for you? You had her "v" a bit ago, she since posted a few things of which at least a few have been suspicious of her additional posts... how reads you on that?

shock - are you having a townread of me? How do you see me right now --- I see you sheeping my vote onto Annele now, but I recall you thought I likely scum a bit ago, and with andre at that. Why move off one of your scumreads (timpa) to sheep the vote change of another scum-read you have (me) voting onto Annele??

Kae - do you have a town-read on Annele??  You had her neutral + (n+) earlier today and she hasn't posted since then -- seems a strong reaction to a vote onto her given an n+ read on her and you have a town-read on me... Can you give a bit on why you are unhappy with my vote change?

Your reason to unvote andre doesnt make any goddamn sense; idc who you vote, if you are going to say andre has no traction, andre has no traction= andre scum and then you vote someone else while being on andre all day you are not making any sense
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:50:40 pm
I'm so weirded out by robs sudden lapse of logic that I am secondguessing everything
Good - do you find my move scummy? Towny? Just confusing? How about your take on how I am explaining about what I might be tryinig to do with my manuever?
well i mean it would be scummy if the trains were indeed w/w all day long, but that kind of goes against everything that i was thinking
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 08:51:00 pm
Rob doesn't respond to arguments, he just asks you to tell him about your day so he can read you better, & tells you to git gud

Rob, I know I'm not omniescent, but 100% the vote on you isn't a mafia ploy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:51:34 pm
Rob I don't think you understand his issue, just reply to this post.

Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis. I moved to another scum-read of mine. It's legit. Why would you not be willing to vote Annele - last I find you have a sus of her play so far... she has changed nothing since. Do you not want to vote her?

TorB - still town-lean on Annele for you? You had her "v" a bit ago, she since posted a few things of which at least a few have been suspicious of her additional posts... how reads you on that?

shock - are you having a townread of me? How do you see me right now --- I see you sheeping my vote onto Annele now, but I recall you thought I likely scum a bit ago, and with andre at that. Why move off one of your scumreads (timpa) to sheep the vote change of another scum-read you have (me) voting onto Annele??

Kae - do you have a town-read on Annele??  You had her neutral + (n+) earlier today and she hasn't posted since then -- seems a strong reaction to a vote onto her given an n+ read on her and you have a town-read on me... Can you give a bit on why you are unhappy with my vote change?

Your reason to unvote andre doesnt make any goddamn sense; idc who you vote, if you are going to say andre has no traction, andre has no traction= andre scum and then you vote someone else while being on andre all day you are not making any sense
OK? I already addressed it. I also scum-read Annele. I moved wagons to look for people reacting to it - by vote (shock), by suddenly appearing (Kae), by oddly posting they think I'm crazy (you), or by almost same-time posting about being sus on me (TorB), etc.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:51:45 pm
While you're secondguessing everything, try not to secondguess confirmed town & come join my lonely vote

I think rob is scummy but his chance of being town multiplied by my confidence in his reads is still higher than yours.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:51:47 pm
It is an interesting development to me that people do not agree with rob's switch, but noone is counterpushing him.

I'm trying to develop my thoughts on this... do mafia see any benefit to playing along/in the Graboid vote-hiding thing? That is, what are the thoughts around on whether it might something scum do/don't do, no connection, strong connection, etc.??

At first thought, my guess is they would want to hide in the unvoting "becaue Graboid" bloc if they can so long as a buddy is not on the block / at risk. That is, if town are on the block then scum do prefer to obscure their vote, in my experience, and being part of a group "being towny to help a possible town!Grabby" fit sthat bill. BUt I'm not sure it is that easy/simple.
You forget what Graboid does during the night. It is an ability shield, and a huge incentive to avoid bad targeting. Used by Town, I see it as a tool to avoid getting killed. Reasons can vary.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 08:53:02 pm
Annele, kaempfer, shock, your votes are not doing anything right now. Put them somewhere else. Moe, I would love to hear your take right now.

My take is that I had to skip, like, four pages somewhere in the middle, ugh...

So here goes: I am not Grabby and will place my vote. ironically I am fine with both Andre and Nelly. Collecting thoughts as of now. :x
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 08:53:13 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

I know torb posted this a couple pages back, but here's a refresh of the current tally in case anyone is coming in last minute and having difficulties finding it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:53:36 pm
Rob doesn't respond to arguments, he just asks you to tell him about your day so he can read you better, & tells you to git gud

Rob, I know I'm not omniescent, but 100% the vote on you isn't a mafia ploy
Which makes it all the more frustrating for me - confirmed town I consider to have a good position to push around and not tunnel because other town can see it and have a frame of reference on what another town is able to uncocver/generate in the thread. You're tunneling me instead. And treating my developing posts, reads, and gameplay as worthless because well you've already got me nailed as scummy-scum-scum!rob. You're wrong, but since you cannot "know" that right now I find it frustrating you are not being more helpful by looking at more places than just one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:54:47 pm
Rob I don't think you understand his issue, just reply to this post.

Link- don't pretend like you don't know what moving votes around near EOD's does for possible investigative value and later-game analysis. I moved to another scum-read of mine. It's legit. Why would you not be willing to vote Annele - last I find you have a sus of her play so far... she has changed nothing since. Do you not want to vote her?

TorB - still town-lean on Annele for you? You had her "v" a bit ago, she since posted a few things of which at least a few have been suspicious of her additional posts... how reads you on that?

shock - are you having a townread of me? How do you see me right now --- I see you sheeping my vote onto Annele now, but I recall you thought I likely scum a bit ago, and with andre at that. Why move off one of your scumreads (timpa) to sheep the vote change of another scum-read you have (me) voting onto Annele??

Kae - do you have a town-read on Annele??  You had her neutral + (n+) earlier today and she hasn't posted since then -- seems a strong reaction to a vote onto her given an n+ read on her and you have a town-read on me... Can you give a bit on why you are unhappy with my vote change?

Your reason to unvote andre doesnt make any goddamn sense; idc who you vote, if you are going to say andre has no traction, andre has no traction= andre scum and then you vote someone else while being on andre all day you are not making any sense
OK? I already addressed it. I also scum-read Annele. I moved wagons to look for people reacting to it - by vote (shock), by suddenly appearing (Kae), by oddly posting they think I'm crazy (you), or by almost same-time posting about being sus on me (TorB), etc.

No, you did not. You still haven't explained why you said andre had no traction or why him having no traction (which he did) makes him scum.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:55:06 pm
Annele, kaempfer, shock, your votes are not doing anything right now. Put them somewhere else. Moe, I would love to hear your take right now.

My take is that I had to skip, like, four pages somewhere in the middle, ugh...

So here goes: I am not Grabby and will place my vote. ironically I am fine with both Andre and Nelly. Collecting thoughts as of now. :x
Moe - youre confirmed-town partner Deja is exactly opposite... he is voting and sure I am scum, you are good voting or lynching either of my two top targets. Hmm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 08:55:10 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:56:10 pm
Ge0, please be helpful, just showing up and doing a post-count thing is not helpful...  :o
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 08:56:37 pm
I'm so weirded out by robs sudden lapse of logic that I am secondguessing everything
Good - do you find my move scummy? Towny? Just confusing? How about your take on how I am explaining about what I might be tryinig to do with my manuever?
well i mean it would be scummy if the trains were indeed w/w all day long, but that kind of goes against everything that i was thinking
A new hope.
kaempfer13 does not have any votes on him yet anyway, so I'd like to see what this leads to and remove him from my list of suspects.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:56:46 pm
Ge0 give me your thoughts right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:57:02 pm
Alright, experiemtn over.

To be certain I still find Annele and timpa scummy.

Moving vote to andre - cannot be sure Ge0 has current? VOTE CHANGE: I want to vote timpa.

Anyone have tally handy??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 08:57:06 pm
@kaempfer @serprex

Last chance. I'm not looking to extend this voting period so if you don't coordinate i'm just going to vote for whoever has the most votes already. I'm fine with linkcat, rob, or MW.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 08:57:40 pm
Annele, kaempfer, shock, your votes are not doing anything right now. Put them somewhere else. Moe, I would love to hear your take right now.

My take is that I had to skip, like, four pages somewhere in the middle, ugh...

So here goes: I am not Grabby and will place my vote. ironically I am fine with both Andre and Nelly. Collecting thoughts as of now. :x
Moe - youre confirmed-town partner Deja is exactly opposite... he is voting and sure I am scum, you are good voting or lynching either of my two top targets. Hmm

Well, I was defending you earlier. We also briefly talked about it via PM. It's not like we're a hivemind.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 08:58:17 pm
@kaempfer @serprex

Last chance. I'm not looking to extend this voting period so if you don't coordinate i'm just going to vote for whoever has the most votes already. I'm fine with linkcat, rob, or MW.
Then why are you voting on Annele, where I just was despite you having me as a top scum-read???!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 08:58:25 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 08:58:45 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 08:58:49 pm
Ge0, please be helpful, just showing up and doing a post-count thing is not helpful...  :o

Alright, experiemtn over.

To be certain I still find Annele and timpa scummy.

Moving vote to andre - cannot be sure Ge0 has current? VOTE CHANGE: I want to vote timpa.

Anyone have tally handy??

I thought this was funny. My tally at the time was accurate. New tally with your vote

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 08:59:40 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 08:59:45 pm
Ge0 give me your thoughts right now.

At work, haven't had time to really look over everything in the last hour. But I am okay with any of Annele, andre, or kaemp lynch. See my reads from earlier today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 08:59:54 pm
@kaempfer @serprex

Last chance. I'm not looking to extend this voting period so if you don't coordinate i'm just going to vote for whoever has the most votes already. I'm fine with linkcat, rob, or MW.

Not fine with mw, confused about rob; rob and linkcat not w/w
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:00:03 pm
Shock, you're RE-RE_sheeping the vote of a top-3 scum-read you have??? WTF?! That makes no sense as either alignment at this point... are you making mistakes as scum or just being misguided-town!shock??!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:00:09 pm
Alright, experiemtn over.

To be certain I still find Annele and timpa scummy.

Moving vote to andre - cannot be sure Ge0 has current? VOTE CHANGE: I want to vote timpa.

Anyone have tally handy??

Can't tell if serious or just not able to shake anyone and going for the bus cred.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 25, 2020, 09:01:08 pm
Ge0 give me your thoughts right now.

At work, haven't had time to really look over everything in the last hour. But I am okay with any of Annele, andre, or kaemp lynch. See my reads from earlier today.

EBWOP would have been okay with rob lynch as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 09:01:17 pm
Host note

Voting will end exactly 5 minutes after last vote has been cast, unless it results in an endless loop, ref game rules.

If the players still haven't decided after a whole hour, I will need to cut the vote exactly 22:00 GMT.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:01:27 pm
THis is not how I bus a teammate (I don't know who mine are this game yet, that are alive). You know it. But also you know I know it. I could chagne that. Please just consider NAI, WIFOM. I' mnot bussing, but that is WIFOM for all but me I think.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:01:44 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:02:02 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

correct tally
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:02:19 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

correct tally for real this time
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:02:51 pm
Ge0 - two of your scum-reads are my top two scum-reads... give a bit of explanation about that - I know I get nervous when my scum-reads have such closely simialr scum-reads as I do... ??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 09:03:21 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

correct tally


So, the five minute extension only works if the last vote changes the outcome?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:03:41 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:03:47 pm
Not really ok with andre vote as of yet.

Linkcat will provide a ton of information dead (probably more alive but just from pressuring other vets)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:03:52 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

This is the highest my vote count will get during this game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:03:57 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:04:18 pm
Still very muicjh not sure about Link, but I will say that he would be fine letting teamamtes bus him to eternity for cred given his unlynchability.... nobody voting him right now gets any town-credit in my view for voting Link if he flips as mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:04:34 pm
rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

correct tally


So, the five minute extension only works if the last vote changes the outcome?

No, it works with any vote change.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:05:14 pm
I was saying "yes" as reading "if I post current tally does it reset timer?" which was not the question

Anyways, Linkcat's annoying me

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:05:44 pm
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

about time
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:06:22 pm
I'm so proud of this community. :')
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:06:36 pm
shock - so you have Link and I as w/w in your midn? I'm not sure how a town persons can arrive at that conclusion from this game so far...?!!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 09:07:02 pm
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

about time


andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:07:23 pm
Rob, try reading shock's posts next time
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:08:49 pm
Of the people on me, I think only MW would vote as mafia actually believing there's a chance he'll get rid of me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:08:56 pm
And the defense for Linkcat shows up right on schedule. We've literally wasted about 28 hours now getting exactly to the point I already knew we were going to reach.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:09:08 pm
Rob, try reading shock's posts next time
Get out of my $#@! - I read his posts. I really want to know why/how he thinks that as he is fairly alone in it and would be a fresh take. Before he just said, I see now he is voting it --- want to press him on it. Get off the tunnel you have on me.

Just realized it looks like your vote indicates you find LInk and I as w/w too??!? Can you elaborate any quick if that's the case?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:10:13 pm
I think you're scum

I think Linkcat's being an ass
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:10:39 pm
I am being an ass

(Ge0, this is the part where you switch to andre)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 09:11:03 pm
I don't say I am going to leave the table for five minutes, I am saying I stood up for five minutes to come back to this.

This is exactly the scenario I told you I would come out from not voting. I stand by what I said, rob and Link are not dying today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 09:11:38 pm
I think serprex current vote is just because link was sorta asking for it

I dont have you as w/w but i have no hope of parsing this before i see a flip given that everyone is panicposting rn
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:11:48 pm
I'd be game to fire drill onto Annele, but not to risk LInk at this juncture. ANyone from Link train OK with Annele vote/lynch? (kae/MW/serp/shock - obv not ANnele herself)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:11:55 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, Linckat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Any time now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:12:03 pm
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:13:04 pm
SUB takign HUGE town-gains for me right now... reads genuine from him on his approach to Link. If Sub is scum and NOT with a scum!Link then scum!Sub just lets Link die with very plausible overwhelmed-at-deadline excuse ready for Sub to use.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:13:37 pm
Agreed, I have Sub as solid v right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:13:42 pm
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:14:32 pm
Agreed, I have Sub as solid v right now.
ALso, likely scum!Link doesn't have this quick of a take in this vein as the game goes right now. I think Sub has enough heat in thread that scum!Link just moves on to other things... i nheat of this moment. Town-points a little fro mme for Link.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:15:06 pm
iancu, a vote would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:15:44 pm
iancu, a vote would be appreciated.
Annele or timpa? Or if you have a bombshell hard-scum read on someone else - them maybe? We could juggle for up to another 45 minutes??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:15:53 pm
Link, you're supposed to be claiming that you froze ian last night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 09:16:11 pm
I find myself suggesting the dreaded infolynch now; i just need to know some alignements out of the people that had wagons formed on them today. while I have no strong feelings about Annele she has not had a chance to react to any concerns yet and i learn nothing but her alignement from her flip
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 09:16:29 pm
I'd be game to fire drill onto Annele, but not to risk LInk at this juncture. ANyone from Link train OK with Annele vote/lynch? (kae/MW/serp/shock - obv not ANnele herself)

First you don't want to give them town cred if Link flip scum eventually, then you ask them to move their vote?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:17:00 pm
Link, you're supposed to be claiming that you froze ian last night

I did not use my ability last night.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:17:23 pm
Kae - no! If you're town, infolynch is not even a thing righ tnow forget about it and get in the flow... I am fairly strongly town-reading you right now and am very dismayed to see you hinting at this kind of thing now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:17:45 pm
@serprex @kaempf

Don't cave. Like I said many many hours ago before we even reached this point, the key to our victory is the three of us being unified. The mafia can't break our trio without giving themselves away.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:18:24 pm
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:18:30 pm
I'd be game to fire drill onto Annele, but not to risk LInk at this juncture. ANyone from Link train OK with Annele vote/lynch? (kae/MW/serp/shock - obv not ANnele herself)

First you don't want to give them town cred if Link flip scum eventually, then you ask them to move their vote?
Yes, here's a clue -- I'm in the heat of an EOD and trying to read people in a way only available at EOD's. It is NOT any kind of town thing for me to ask a player about this. I will say town-cred or town-points if I am doing that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:18:35 pm
Kae - no! If you're town, infolynch is not even a thing righ tnow forget about it and get in the flow... I am fairly strongly town-reading you right now and am very dismayed to see you hinting at this kind of thing now.

This sounds too manipulative to not be sarcasm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:19:02 pm
moe: please
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:19:50 pm
@serprex @kaempf

Don't cave. Like I said many many hours ago before we even reached this point, the key to our victory is the three of us being unified. The mafia can't break our trio without giving themselves away.

Shock, i really hope your not that much of a noob to try to buddy up with your in game buddies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:20:02 pm
Calin, if you read this please switch to Annele unless you feel like watching us juggle another half hour waiting for someone else to show up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:20:05 pm
If Link is scumming this game... he has me totally fooled so far this EOD. Getting more and more town-vibe/points/cred on Link as this develops. If you're scumming this game, I will never be able to live in a world where I can play in the same game as you again, I dont' think.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:20:48 pm
shock's been forced to buddy with his "in game" buddies because everyone else just talks about how much IQ you lose when you try to understand shock's posts

Will flip back to rob if moe votes for rob
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:21:05 pm

serprex is confirmed
kaempf to me is confirmed based on N0

If you think I'm mafia that's fine but I see no issues from my own viewpoint in budding up with the only 2 players (well there's also moe) that I know are town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:21:25 pm
If Link is scumming this game... he has me totally fooled so far this EOD. Getting more and more town-vibe/points/cred on Link as this develops. If you're scumming this game, I will never be able to live in a world where I can play in the same game as you again, I dont' think.

God I wish I was mafia because I know I could still make you say that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:21:30 pm
If Link is scumming this game... he has me totally fooled so far this EOD. Getting more and more town-vibe/points/cred on Link as this develops. If you're scumming this game, I will never be able to live in a world where I can play in the same game as you again, I dont' think.

How so? all hes doing is vote juggling and trying to get other people to hop the other wagon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:21:56 pm
@serprex @kaempf

Don't cave. Like I said many many hours ago before we even reached this point, the key to our victory is the three of us being unified. The mafia can't break our trio without giving themselves away.

Shock, i really hope your not that much of a noob to try to buddy up with your in game buddies
MW bad-vibe from this... serp/moe are in-thread claimed pair of Deja - MW are you saying you think Moe is not counter-claiming against serp? Or that Moe is also the final fourth scum? What are you on about?? Are you upset as a wolf that shock is being shock at EOD AND shock is a teamamte???? typing fast, but this post from MW has an alarm for me on noit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 09:22:30 pm
moe: please

I'd rahter kill Link than rob.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:22:38 pm
rob trying to buddy Linkcat before Linkcat flips town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:22:49 pm
moe: than vote Link
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:23:00 pm

serprex is confirmed
kaempf to me is confirmed based on N0

If you think I'm mafia that's fine but I see no issues from my own viewpoint in budding up with the only 2 players (well there's also moe) that I know are town.


I didnt think the shock kae dream team would happen but this confirms it if kae flips scum
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:23:10 pm
Woah, woah, woah. Why are we lynching Annele now? How is Link almost dead? How come rob has literally no votes on him anymore after being suspected by almost everyone? Placeholder vote until I get some answers.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:24:28 pm
Nobody wants to wagon with me on rob, not even my twin

Linkcat didn't read Matthew 4:7

Almost half the people voting are scum
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:24:35 pm
If Link is scumming this game... he has me totally fooled so far this EOD. Getting more and more town-vibe/points/cred on Link as this develops. If you're scumming this game, I will never be able to live in a world where I can play in the same game as you again, I dont' think.

God I wish I was mafia because I know I could still make you say that.
NAI, because scum!Link would know it a giveaway if you DID NOT react like this. If you are seriously this good now real-time in-thread at EOD1 as a legit lynch possibility, then F me on ever reading you. OK< back to resolving.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:25:20 pm
Iancu are you okay with lynching andre? If so then we can end this charade. Annele is being voted as a viable counterwagon because shock, MW, and serp are being dumb by voting me, Annele and kaempfer's votes are legit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:27:21 pm
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

Sub - are you present? Moe? Cal? any traction or desire for a Annele lynch????
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:27:56 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

*twiddles thumbs*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:28:43 pm
Can we call this perpetual delay yet?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:29:08 pm
No, we still have 30 minutes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:29:22 pm
Cal / Moe / Sub / tohers I'm overlooking I didn't already call out to... any appetite for a Annele lynch?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:29:31 pm
Iancu are you okay with lynching andre? If so then we can end this charade. Annele is being voted as a viable counterwagon because shock, MW, and serp are being dumb by voting me, Annele and kaempfer's votes are legit.
I don't even know anymore. Way too much stuff going on. I could be persuaded to lynch you, even. I'll try the Annele lynch, I'll see where trusting rob takes me.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:30:13 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:30:42 pm
ian - prepare to face Serp's wrath. :-/

At this point, are thep  layers paying attention noticing Link is easier to lynch at EOD here than timpa and that Link/timpa are easier to get votes onto than Annele? There may be something to that, I suspect...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:30:56 pm
Serp's gonna love that
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:31:01 pm
Can we at least keep it to people voting with confirmed town?

ie stop voting on Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:31:40 pm

No, there's nothing noteworthy there. This is happening because any town with an ounce of IQ realizes it's not Annele.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:31:59 pm

No, there's nothing noteworthy there. This is happening because any town with an ounce of IQ realizes it's not Annele.

Unfortunately town lost all their IQ reading your posts..
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:32:29 pm
Can we at least keep it to people voting with confirmed town?

ie stop voting on Annele
What's your town-read on Annele right now?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:33:16 pm

No, there's nothing noteworthy there. This is happening because any town with an ounce of IQ realizes it's not Annele.
I disagree, if Annele is town then absent Annele should be as easy of a lynch at EOD as absent timpa -- if they're both town like you suppose.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:34:01 pm
n. Just prefer timpa over ann, as does moe (look at his vote)

Town needs to reach consensus. Lots of town trolling Linkcat right now. So gather yourselves on timpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:34:39 pm
andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:35:07 pm
Oh look, back where we started.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 09:35:42 pm
rob77dp's vote was 8 seconds late

End of day is shortly up
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:36:18 pm
it wasn't late
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 09:36:49 pm
ian's second post wasn't a vote, but a correction
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:37:38 pm
Uh, forgiveness for player error?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 09:38:17 pm
@rob, I am still missing two pages, but I am fine with any vote that is not you or Link
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:38:57 pm
Never forgive, never forget

Get rekt Linkcat. 200 IQ play from ian messing with robderp's clock
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 09:39:00 pm
Guess we won't agree on whether a vote fix counts as a new vote or not.

keep going
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:39:35 pm
I change my vote to DoubleCapitals so there's no further confusion.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:39:45 pm
I change my vote back to andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:40:19 pm
/votecount (VC) only

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

I don't like a Link lynch today. Right now Annele was much harder to get votes onto of my two scum-reads so I prefer her over tipma, but timpa I have as a somewhat strong scum-lean too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:40:31 pm
Ok, rob, I'm going to be honest here, the constant vote switching is making me trust you less and less. Not even sure what you're trying to do anymore.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:40:57 pm
There 6 pages of clock extending. I wanna TL:DR on why i should vote andre when link will give more info.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:41:09 pm
I actually would have only been a little upset because the hilarity would have almost made up for it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:41:35 pm

Do. Not. Infolynch. Who do you find scummier more likely to flip red/mafia? VOte that person of the curren trhee wagons??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:42:13 pm
Ok, rob, I'm going to be honest here, the constant vote switching is making me trust you less and less. Not even sure what you're trying to do anymore.

The vote switching is only to extend the timer, he's fine with lynching 2 of his scumreads and just wants people to pick one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:42:24 pm
The only people who should be switching right now are geo/ian from ann to timpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 09:42:29 pm
I#m sorry I cant wrap my head around this anymore; i just want to go to bed :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:42:54 pm
If you vote for andre then you can go to bed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:43:04 pm
Link feels town in this EOD. If he really is this cool of a customer unde rTHIS kind of pressure in that situation... wow. ALso, nobody comign to his defense reeks of town!Link being on the block... no??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:43:10 pm
Rob, I hate to break it to you. But the only way you're going to save Linkcat is if you die instead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:43:13 pm
Listen to your confirmed town, guys.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:43:26 pm

Do. Not. Infolynch. Who do you find scummier more likely to flip red/mafia? VOte that person of the curren trhee wagons??

Yea its a toss up between andre and link, so ill stick with link. Annele is a no read for me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:43:46 pm
Rob, I hate to break it to you. But the only way you're going to save Linkcat is if you die instead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:44:07 pm
andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Fine by me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:44:11 pm
Ok, then watch Link die. I don't really care.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:44:19 pm
rob going to admit he only survives today because of kae?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 09:44:41 pm
nobody comign to his defense
I feel offended.

What do you want from me? Double vote on timpa?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:45:02 pm
And the mafia have officially revealed themselves. Andre, your death will not be in vain.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:45:36 pm
shock - if picking LInk or me, I save myself today every time.

Serp - Kae saved me???!?

For The Record --- REALLY suspicious that Annele (who is absent) was much harder to get wagoned EOD here than was timpa and way harder than Link gained votes quickly at EOD. THis is noteworhty for now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 09:46:47 pm
andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

In commemoration of ian's next level bait I take it upon myself to enforce the rules. Yikes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:47:00 pm
I am VERY unlikely to holster tongith if I somehow roll another vig. Expect to live through this day, I do - so wililng to discuss without me givign away what I role. Cheers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:47:05 pm
Listen to your confirmed town, guys.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 25, 2020, 09:47:37 pm
We just have really bad experiences with killing of random defenseless people who dont want to wake up at 6 am or whatever time it is for annele now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:47:46 pm
I'll be dumbfounded for eternity if LInk gets flipped here AND  he flips as scum. TOTALLY dumbfounded.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:47:56 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 09:48:34 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 09:48:45 pm
andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:49:02 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Is Link one of your (best) townreads?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:49:05 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
Both on Link right now.

If scum!Link gets D1 lynched without my ending the day sus-ing him, I will be doing a full re-think o fthis game. THis mafia 73 game, and the game of mafia in entirety.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:49:09 pm
(To anyone that's not paying attention, this is happening because I'm not able to tell my scumbuddies to vote for andre/Annele just so we can end the day, because I don't have any.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:49:44 pm
No, this is happening because U N L Y N C H A B L E
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:49:47 pm
actual count

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:50:10 pm
Linkmeld again... we may just be v/v this game afterall. I'm openly advocating saving Link here folks. His EOD has me feeling town-vibes i major ways right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 09:50:31 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
Ring ding ding ring ding ding, wa pa-pa-pa-pow, ya cha cha cha cha cha chow
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:50:34 pm
No, this is happening because U N L Y N C H A B L E

That too. Well, I think you got your answer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:50:57 pm
No, this is happening because U N L Y N C H A B L E
If people are really doing it just so they can say they were part of a Link lynch and not because they'r trying to lync scum, and those same people are town then f that. THat is not playing to win-con.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 09:51:22 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Is Link one of your (best) townreads?
Link is too unpredictable to be a good town read, town lean at best. andre wants Link dead, Link wants andre dead, so one flips town the other should probably be lynched next. Linkcat is more useful alive out of those two.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 09:52:23 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Is Link one of your (best) townreads?
Link is too unpredictable to be a good town read, town lean at best. andre wants Link dead, Link wants andre dead, so one flips town the other should probably be lynched next. Linkcat is more useful alive out of those two.

Mine was a self-preservation vote, had missed moe
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 09:52:32 pm
If unlynchable is the reason, this feels like breaking the rules of playing with the intention of winning the game...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:52:53 pm
Put me on record as not liking the Link lynch, and it is due to strong town-vibe from how he taking/doing this EOD1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:53:19 pm
If unlynchable is the reason, this feels like breaking the rules of playing with the intention of winning the game...

No, this is happening because U N L Y N C H A B L E
If people are really doing it just so they can say they were part of a Link lynch and not because they'r trying to lync scum, and those same people are town then f that. THat is not playing to win-con.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 09:53:29 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Is Link one of your (best) townreads?
Link is too unpredictable to be a good town read, town lean at best. andre wants Link dead, Link wants andre dead, so one flips town the other should probably be lynched next. Linkcat is more useful alive out of those two.

Mine was a self-preservation vote, had missed moe
Does that mean you don't think Link is scum?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 09:53:50 pm
No, this is happening because U N L Y N C H A B L E
If people are really doing it just so they can say they were part of a Link lynch and not because they'r trying to lync scum, and those same people are town then f that. THat is not playing to win-con.

I don't see myself as part of it as I wanted the vote to end before your switch. Not because of the vote but because of the time. Not too happy about it either. Especially after there is still a majority in an officially ruled ongoing game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:53:54 pm
Last second reads:






shock, kaempfer,


rob idk, need to process current events.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:54:06 pm
I change my vote to DC
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:54:12 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Is Link one of your (best) townreads?
Link is too unpredictable to be a good town read, town lean at best. andre wants Link dead, Link wants andre dead, so one flips town the other should probably be lynched next. Linkcat is more useful alive out of those two.

This makes the most sense in that last 30 posts. If andre flips town we kill Link. its a plan

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 09:54:37 pm
What does the confirmed town say?
moehrpi and serprex are both on Linkcat, unfortunately.
Is Link one of your (best) townreads?
Link is too unpredictable to be a good town read, town lean at best. andre wants Link dead, Link wants andre dead, so one flips town the other should probably be lynched next. Linkcat is more useful alive out of those two.

Mine was a self-preservation vote, had missed moe
Does that mean you don't think Link is scum?

I'd rather lynch Anelle tbh
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:54:44 pm
I change my vote to Annele.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:54:52 pm
Last second reads:






shock, kaempfer,


rob idk, need to process current events.
PEOPLE< wolf!Link NEVER EVER gives this list at this hour in this situation. Never. It goes against a wolf!Link win-con. Save him, now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 09:55:14 pm
I change my vote to DC

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
DoubleCapitals (1) - Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:55:46 pm
Vote Annele then, should the Link vote change count. And timpa, get on Annele then?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:55:50 pm
updated with Link's vote change

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 09:55:54 pm
The core 5 of us who voted on Linkcat aren't switching votes to Andre and Annele. The reason for this should be obvious from everything we've all posted for the last 48 hours. The only person that us "Linkcat voters" are willing to switch to in order to save Linkcat is rob.

If you want to save Linkcat that badly, either rally the other 10 players of the game to outvote us, or start voting up rob.
It's really that simple.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:56:11 pm
Vote Annele then, should the Link vote change count. And timpa, get on Annele then?
That is, I vote Annele.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:56:17 pm
rob, andre, 1 more to Annele, iancu?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:56:33 pm
fixed count

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 09:57:02 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:57:18 pm
I'm totally down for voting rob btw
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 09:57:46 pm
Reminder: 22:00:00 GMT is strict final deadline
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 09:57:54 pm
The core 5 of us who voted on Linkcat aren't switching votes to Andre and Annele. The reason for this should be obvious from everything we've all posted for the last 48 hours. The only person that us "Linkcat voters" are willing to switch to in order to save Linkcat is rob.

If you want to save Linkcat that badly, either rally the other 10 players of the game to outvote us, or start voting up rob.
It's really that simple.

Speak for yourself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 09:58:07 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa
DC (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:58:30 pm
Rob, if you would.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 09:58:48 pm
Last second reads:






shock, kaempfer,


rob idk, need to process current events.
PEOPLE< wolf!Link NEVER EVER gives this list at this hour in this situation. Never. It goes against a wolf!Link win-con. Save him, now.

You are finally coming to your senses. In that case, I bestow upon you the responsibility to drive people away from the Linkcat pile for tonight. It is midnight, tomorrow is work, I need to sleep.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:58:59 pm
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:59:06 pm
timpa vote!! from me!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:59:10 pm
Sub wtf vote on Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 09:59:32 pm
timpa vote!! from me!

Do you mean Annele, you're on timpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 09:59:39 pm
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu, rob77dp
DC (1) - MasterWalk

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 09:59:55 pm
lol sub going to bed 1:22 from hard deadline
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:00:02 pm
I hate you Sub
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 10:00:05 pm
FFS, I cannot get the vote count update to work. I'mon Annele now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 10:00:11 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

I never voted DC?? this is vote correction
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 25, 2020, 10:00:40 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 25, 2020, 10:01:24 pm
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

I never voted DC?? this is vote correction

Sorry it was Link in your post, things going too fast
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 10:01:30 pm
Sorry shock, it's past bedtime, skin the cat & then we sleep
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:01:44 pm
Shock was too late, real vote count.

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 10:01:58 pm
Sooooo, we wait for Oa to sort out the posts and what not, but 22:00 GMT was hard deadline no matter the juggling. RIght? Please tell me tie is not NL?!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 10:02:03 pm
Sub wtf vote on Annele
I vote Annele then

I am still not caught up
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:02:21 pm
Shock was too late, real vote count.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 25, 2020, 10:04:02 pm
No lynch ResidentSleeper
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 25, 2020, 10:04:33 pm
I hate you Sub
I was about to go away, it was not me who was juggling the votes like crazy

Did you guys really kill Linkcat??? Or are we at no lynch?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 10:06:01 pm
Day is somehow over, gimme a sec to look over stuff
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 10:16:25 pm
Night 1

The moon is bright. It's a new night.

There was no lynch.

Night 1 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 25, 2020, 10:17:35 pm
Rule updates regarding EOD will happen tomorrow. Somebody please post the full chatlog when it has concluded, I'm going to sleep
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 25, 2020, 10:18:25 pm
[25.05.2020 23:24:14] shockcannon: how long is this lasting?
[25.05.2020 23:24:32] PlayerOa: max 35 minutes more
[25.05.2020 23:24:39] shockcannon: linkcat has had majority vote for about 20 minutes now and no one else has even tied it
[25.05.2020 23:24:42] PlayerOa: I'm enforcing 30 minutes starting from next phase
[25.05.2020 23:25:02] shockcannon: like what's considered perpetually delaying as opposed to new votes?
[25.05.2020 23:25:10] shockcannon: i'm confused about that differentiation
[25.05.2020 23:25:16] serprex: Linkcat clearly perpetually delaying when he's voting on himself, agreed
[25.05.2020 23:27:04] PlayerOa: I've been under the impression it means any votes unless back-to-back ones from same person
[25.05.2020 23:27:14] shockcannon: got it
[25.05.2020 23:27:21] shockcannon: just wanted clarification
[25.05.2020 23:27:22] PlayerOa: But I didn't realize the possibility of voting just to switch back
[25.05.2020 23:28:12] rob77dp: that has previoiusly been acceptable
[25.05.2020 23:28:44] rob77dp: NB - I haven't played in a long time
[25.05.2020 23:28:48] TheonlyrealBeef: As long as it's not consistently the same person, I imagine.
[25.05.2020 23:28:53] serprex:
[25.05.2020 23:30:03] worldwideweb3: ginyu did have 30 mins not one hour tho - and Oa said hell change to 30 mins next phase onwards
[25.05.2020 23:30:52] PlayerOa: ^ yeah this 1 hour was mostly due to me not having clarified earlier so wanted to give you some leeway
[25.05.2020 23:32:43] PlayerOa: 23:29:31 is latest vote btw, not 23:30:13
[25.05.2020 23:32:58] worldwideweb3: shhhh dont tell them
[25.05.2020 23:33:01] worldwideweb3: and hammer
[25.05.2020 23:33:14] PlayerOa: :awesome:
[25.05.2020 23:33:57] worldwideweb3: idk why every mafia at EOD people start voting when theyve had 2 days :facepalm: next mafia idea: reduce days to 1 day as it goes down to EOD anyways :sillyspin:
[25.05.2020 23:34:47] PlayerOa: Time's up!
[25.05.2020 23:34:58] worldwideweb3: or not
[25.05.2020 23:35:00] worldwideweb3: rob voted
[25.05.2020 23:35:06] shockcannon: BeCaUsE tHeY mUsT pRoTeCt GrAbOiD
[25.05.2020 23:35:15] worldwideweb3: tho his vote
[25.05.2020 23:35:17] worldwideweb3: was after
[25.05.2020 23:35:18] TheonlyrealBeef: 8 seconds late, strictly speaking
[25.05.2020 23:35:18] PlayerOa: 8 seconds too late, no?
[25.05.2020 23:35:19] worldwideweb3: deadline
[25.05.2020 23:35:27] worldwideweb3: yup 8 seconds late, all over
[25.05.2020 23:35:30] rob77dp: internet lag
[25.05.2020 23:35:31] worldwideweb3: finally
[25.05.2020 23:35:32] moehrpi: Looks like in time to me
[25.05.2020 23:35:41] rob77dp: --^
[25.05.2020 23:35:50] worldwideweb3: 29:13, 34:39
[25.05.2020 23:35:56] worldwideweb3: 5 minutes 8 seconds
[25.05.2020 23:36:14] Wyand:
[25.05.2020 23:36:15] rob77dp: on my local clock it was fine... Host decision rules though I guess...
[25.05.2020 23:36:17] worldwideweb3: the vote was at 29:13, ian posted later to correct count
[25.05.2020 23:36:21] worldwideweb3: not change votes
[25.05.2020 23:36:30] moehrpi: Oh, I checken the double post.
[25.05.2020 23:36:35] TheonlyrealBeef: 29:31, not 13
[25.05.2020 23:36:46] worldwideweb3: oh yh oops
[25.05.2020 23:36:58] worldwideweb3: still 5 mins 8 secs tho :P
[25.05.2020 23:37:19] PlayerOa: What can I do? Where can I draw the line if 8 seconds aren't enough?
[25.05.2020 23:37:24] moehrpi: U N L Y N C H A B L E
[25.05.2020 23:37:37] moehrpi: Draw the line.
[25.05.2020 23:37:37] TheonlyrealBeef: The double post was admittably confusing.
[25.05.2020 23:37:48] worldwideweb3: ‹@PlayerOa› they are enough
[25.05.2020 23:37:57] moehrpi: ian baiting on the next level.
[25.05.2020 23:38:04] worldwideweb3: its always been strict in terms of deadline
[25.05.2020 23:38:06] rob77dp: as host you draw the line
[25.05.2020 23:38:12] rob77dp: but it feels a tad harsh
[25.05.2020 23:38:22] PlayerOa: ian's fixing was the source of confusion
[25.05.2020 23:38:29] PlayerOa: but eh
[25.05.2020 23:38:30] Linkcat: I go for spirit of the rules over letter, myself.
[25.05.2020 23:38:34] PlayerOa: you can keep going
[25.05.2020 23:38:36] PlayerOa: I'm fine with it
[25.05.2020 23:38:39] Linkcat: The players intended to keep going
[25.05.2020 23:38:42] Linkcat: Thanks Oa
[25.05.2020 23:39:07] moehrpi: 'but it feels a tad harsh' That's what makes it fun :sillyspin:
[25.05.2020 23:41:52] MasterWalks:
[25.05.2020 23:46:15] shockcannon: I have no qualms or issues with the choices made
[25.05.2020 23:46:30] shockcannon: but the timer incident may have some serious implications for this game
[25.05.2020 23:47:04] Linkcat: I should make the rule 10 minutes instead honestly
[25.05.2020 23:47:14] PlayerOa: What can I do about it, misunderstandings happen
[25.05.2020 23:48:03] PlayerOa: I feel it's better to give the leeway and let the discussion keep floating rather than enforcing something based on a misunderstanding
[25.05.2020 23:48:46] PlayerOa: If you disagree with that, sure fine PM me any concerns but that's how I feel like handling those situations
[25.05.2020 23:49:05] Coffeeditto: valid
[25.05.2020 23:51:14] PlayerOa: But please don't wait to as close as 5 minutes as possible if not necessary, as situations like those may occur
[25.05.2020 23:54:06] worldwideweb3: time up?
[25.05.2020 23:54:39] worldwideweb3: 48:45 was andres vote
[25.05.2020 23:54:44] worldwideweb3: ians correction was after
[25.05.2020 23:54:47] worldwideweb3: but.......
[25.05.2020 23:54:51] worldwideweb3: w/e :silly:
[25.05.2020 23:54:58] PlayerOa: oh lord has this thing happened again
[25.05.2020 23:55:09] worldwideweb3: yh
[25.05.2020 23:55:40] worldwideweb3: andres vote was 48:45 links vote 54:06 but ians correction at 49:44
[25.05.2020 23:56:30] PlayerOa: with today's guideline I'm compelled to continue to allow voting after correction clock
[25.05.2020 23:56:43] worldwideweb3: lols
[25.05.2020 23:56:52] Linkcat: Can we go past the hour lol?
[25.05.2020 23:56:58] PlayerOa: no
[25.05.2020 23:57:11] PlayerOa: 24:00:00 is strict final deadline
[25.05.2020 23:57:37] worldwideweb3: phew
[25.05.2020 23:58:51] moehrpi: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game...
[25.05.2020 23:58:54] moehrpi: This is final, no?
[25.05.2020 23:59:35] moehrpi: Like, the final vote but not the exact rally.
[25.05.2020 23:59:39] worldwideweb3: it should be, but re: correction
[26.05.2020 00:00:22] TheonlyrealBeef: So it's a tie.
[26.05.2020 00:00:23] PlayerOa: let's see how this ended
[26.05.2020 00:00:28] rob77dp: my vote better get counted on Annele
[26.05.2020 00:00:38] rob77dp: had trouble getting updated text, but typed fast several times Annele
[26.05.2020 00:00:44] worldwideweb3: lmao
[26.05.2020 00:00:46] worldwideweb3: no lynch
[26.05.2020 00:00:55] rob77dp: tie is no lynch????
[26.05.2020 00:01:01] rob77dp: it isn't coin?
[26.05.2020 00:01:10] TheonlyrealBeef: Tie is no lynch.
[26.05.2020 00:01:14] PlayerOa: How the hell is MW on DC
[26.05.2020 00:01:15] moehrpi: [23:58:51] ‹moehrpi› http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game... [23:58:54] ‹moehrpi› This is final, no?
[26.05.2020 00:01:50] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› Misunderstanding about what was final vote count. Had to keep prescedence already set
[26.05.2020 00:01:54] worldwideweb3: acc
[26.05.2020 00:02:52] Linkcat: I apologize for posting past deadline
[26.05.2020 00:03:12] rob77dp: we can post i nNight phase, right??
[26.05.2020 00:03:18] moehrpi: The actual count at that time was posted 1 minute later with a clear statement.
[26.05.2020 00:03:27] moehrpi: IS this reallly not gonna count?
[26.05.2020 00:03:29] PlayerOa: Yeah but please PLEASE give me a break to compile stuff
[26.05.2020 00:03:43] moehrpi: I didn't even pay attention to the last few posts.
[26.05.2020 00:04:07] rob77dp: ok, will hold off on thread Oa
[26.05.2020 00:04:23] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› Again, as I said, there were misunderstandings whether ian's fixes were votes or fixes
[26.05.2020 00:04:49] kaempfer13: i'm pretty sure that juggling occured several times
[26.05.2020 00:04:53] moehrpi: It's not about ian's vote
[26.05.2020 00:04:57] Linkcat: God damnit iancu that was too funny
[26.05.2020 00:05:29] moehrpi: After Andre's count there was no vote for 5+ minutes.
[26.05.2020 00:05:31] Linkcat: I should have said you had to stay up lol, Oh well
[26.05.2020 00:05:39] PlayerOa: seems to me like Link's tally is correct
[26.05.2020 00:05:39] moehrpi: Only one correction from ian about one minute later.
[26.05.2020 00:06:05] serprex: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game...
[26.05.2020 00:06:43] serprex: ‹@moehrpi› precedence
[26.05.2020 00:06:58] serprex: ‹@moehrpi› posting votes delays deadline
[26.05.2020 00:07:09] serprex: ‹@moehrpi› basically deadline was 22:00 UTC, not 21:00 UTC
[26.05.2020 00:07:16] Linkcat: ‹@PlayerOa› Can we change to 10 minutes for the rest of the game? This isn't good for my heart lol
[26.05.2020 00:07:31] rob77dp: or just a hard single deadline
[26.05.2020 00:07:33] TheonlyrealBeef: They're both ties, so no difference.
[26.05.2020 00:07:39] PlayerOa: ‹@Linkcat› 10 minutes hard cap, or 10 minutes without votes?
[26.05.2020 00:07:48] Linkcat: 10 minutes without votes
[26.05.2020 00:07:50] PlayerOa: I'm leaning towards rob's suggestion
[26.05.2020 00:07:56] PlayerOa: No way that's going to happen
[26.05.2020 00:07:57] Linkcat: Wow, iancu correction really got me twice
[26.05.2020 00:08:00] worldwideweb3: ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› nope, andres post had missed an earlier vote out
[26.05.2020 00:08:04] Linkcat: Aww :(
[26.05.2020 00:08:16] Linkcat: Well then I'm changing it for 74 onwards lol
[26.05.2020 00:08:17] moehrpi: ‹@serprex› That's the exact vote I am talking about.
[26.05.2020 00:08:25] Submachine: WHAT HAPPENED
[26.05.2020 00:08:28] moehrpi: There was no vote after this one within five minutes.
[26.05.2020 00:08:34] moehrpi: Am I missing something?
[26.05.2020 00:08:44] rob77dp: can we limit posting about the game in here?
[26.05.2020 00:08:47] Linkcat: I just scroll down until I see a tally
[26.05.2020 00:08:49] rob77dp: take some breaths?
[26.05.2020 00:08:50] serprex: ‹@moehrpi› ian posted votes
[26.05.2020 00:08:57] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› The fact that ian corrected it, but people thought that was a vote.
[26.05.2020 00:09:00] Linkcat: It's fine as long as we put in thread
[26.05.2020 00:09:09] rob77dp: ah ok
[26.05.2020 00:09:24] rob77dp: well then, @Sub -- you disappeared at EOD1
[26.05.2020 00:10:00] moehrpi: ‹@PlayerOa› [23:58:51] ‹moehrpi› http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game... [23:58:54] ‹moehrpi› This is final, no?
[26.05.2020 00:10:03] rob77dp: actually, you were gone for a while, then present, then disappeared when thread presence >>>>>>>> catching up effort
[26.05.2020 00:10:16] worldwideweb3: ‹@moehrpi› [23:08:57] ‹PlayerOa› ‹@moehrpi› The fact that ian corrected it, but people thought that was a vote.
[26.05.2020 00:10:17] PlayerOa: Link's final tally looks correct to me, if I have missed something now is the time to raise your voice
[26.05.2020 00:10:39] moehrpi: I am raising my voice.
[26.05.2020 00:10:56] rob77dp: louder then moe?
[26.05.2020 00:11:03] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game...
[26.05.2020 00:11:19] moehrpi: This was posted one minute after the vote.
[26.05.2020 00:11:23] Linkcat: ‹@PlayerOa› I think I speak for most people when I say that EoD frenzy is one of the funnest and most adrenaline-inducing parts of this game, but due to rule 10 you do have the right to change it.
[26.05.2020 00:11:26] PlayerOa: ^ this caused the misunderstanding
[26.05.2020 00:11:32] moehrpi: And it clearly states actual count.
[26.05.2020 00:11:38] worldwideweb3: ‹@Linkcat› you do not speak for most people
[26.05.2020 00:11:45] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› Yes, and a new vote came in within 5 minutes of that one
[26.05.2020 00:11:45] rob77dp: exhilerating
[26.05.2020 00:11:50] Linkcat: Shush, you're dead
[26.05.2020 00:11:58] rob77dp: I hate the anticipation of EOD, but enjoy the thrill of the actual EOD
[26.05.2020 00:12:09] worldwideweb3: you never siad youre talking about this mafia
[26.05.2020 00:12:12] kaempfer13: If a person can keep themselves alive for an hour by going back and forth without directly changing the outcome of the vote we might as well make the deadline officially one hour later and save the trouble
[26.05.2020 00:12:25] rob77dp: --^
[26.05.2020 00:12:28] moehrpi: So we caused two misunderstandings and both of them led to an extension?
[26.05.2020 00:12:34] Linkcat: I thought it was going to be anticlimactic tbh, oh how I unerestimated our collective trolling ability
[26.05.2020 00:12:38] PlayerOa: I'm hosting by the rules I were given.
[26.05.2020 00:12:53] worldwideweb3: ( im just talking for future mafias btw)
[26.05.2020 00:12:55] TheonlyrealBeef: Just hard deadline to prevent similar drama from recurring.
[26.05.2020 00:12:57] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› Yeah, can't go back on the second one without going back on the first one due to presedence
[26.05.2020 00:12:58] Linkcat: Making the deadline one hour later officially is the same as not having the rule
[26.05.2020 00:13:05] moehrpi: I am confused people actually thought ian's second correction was an actual vote.
[26.05.2020 00:13:10] rob77dp: Oa, you're not doing much feeling the force, let it Flow through you, channel inner power to change things, use an iron fist! /sarc
[26.05.2020 00:13:24] PlayerOa: I'm really considering hardcapping 19:00 gmt from now on
[26.05.2020 00:13:29] Linkcat: ‹@moehrpi› Like I said, I hit reply then scroll down until I see a tally to track the time
[26.05.2020 00:13:32] moehrpi: It's not a precedence if it is different.
[26.05.2020 00:13:35] Submachine: ‹@PlayerOa› At least allow my vote on Annele? I was reading a post that was around :57
[26.05.2020 00:13:36] worldwideweb3: ‹@PlayerOa› i would
[26.05.2020 00:13:38] worldwideweb3: if i was you
[26.05.2020 00:13:41] rob77dp: Oa - up to you, as host I think
[26.05.2020 00:13:42] serprex: ‹@PlayerOa› +1 for hardcap
[26.05.2020 00:13:43] moehrpi: But I respect your ruling.
[26.05.2020 00:13:52] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@PlayerOa› ++
[26.05.2020 00:13:55] moehrpi: I was just feeling ignored .
[26.05.2020 00:14:01] shockcannon: you can leave current rules but just give players a vote switch cooldown
[26.05.2020 00:14:09] shockcannon: so the same player can't reset so many times
[26.05.2020 00:14:18] shockcannon: Like you can only change your vote once every 20 minutes or something
[26.05.2020 00:14:25] PlayerOa: ‹@Submachine› 22:00 was mentioned as hardcap several times
[26.05.2020 00:14:31] rob77dp: way simpler and less likely to get mixup issues, shock, to eliminate rule and just hardcap
[26.05.2020 00:14:45] moehrpi: Welp, it did mess with my final voting.. Let's see if the rest of this mafia will unfold in an similarly funny way. :D
[26.05.2020 00:15:06] PlayerOa: ‹@moehrpi› Sorry, I'm just exploded after bunking an exam, then I'm hitting the language barrier in this situation
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 25, 2020, 10:20:24 pm
There was no lynch.

wow town sucks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 25, 2020, 10:21:15 pm
I need to go decompress for a bit...

This EOD has clues. We just need to discern them to play from there. ughwhew
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:24:11 pm
Well that was a really productive day.

Torb for the love of god why did you have to roll Graboid, Shock I love you, Sub I still hate you, Angel/FFQ/Dragonfly on me.

There was no lynch.

wow town sucks

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:25:19 pm
Rob I need a break too, then we can try figuring out what the hell just happened.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 10:27:16 pm
Clues: rob & link are indeed unlynchable

Who saved them? Mafia outed themselves this game: rob, link, kdz, oa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:32:20 pm
Damn Oa, he got us. Might as well just concede now.

Will be mostly afk for like 2 hours, then I can go diving. Feel free to start without me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:44:06 pm
And before you guys start tinfoiling, if anyone thinks I orchestrated shit at EoD, you're more insane than me and shock put together, but I appreciate the compliment.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 25, 2020, 10:49:13 pm
what a mess to wake up to
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 25, 2020, 10:51:33 pm
Oh hi Annele, enjoy the rollercoaster, make sure to keep your hands and feet inside the thread at all times.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 25, 2020, 10:51:46 pm
what a mess to wake up to

Be happy there still is something for you to wake up to. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 25, 2020, 11:55:54 pm
If unlynchable is the reason, this feels like breaking the rules of playing with the intention of winning the game...

No, this is happening because U N L Y N C H A B L E
If people are really doing it just so they can say they were part of a Link lynch and not because they'r trying to lync scum, and those same people are town then f that. THat is not playing to win-con.

I guess tone reads aren't intending to the win the game, so modkill for anyone who makes tone reads?

dw you can save wasting NK on me, given enough time I'll work out some way to get MK'd even with how laid back Oa is

Only way Linkcat vote isn't somehow intending to win the game compared to pushing a dead wagon is if mafia is kae/rob. ofc, I can't very well know that can I?

kae/rob aren't w/w because reasons
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 26, 2020, 12:58:09 am
Calm down guys, nobody's intentionally throwing by voting me, they're just silly and/or mafia.

Quick observations before I go watch some Glee to decompress:

Rob is lock town, there's no way he tries as hard as me to save me as I do when he could easily just let me die and say, "Sorry guys, I tried." when he already has two confirmed town to NK.
Sub is lock town, if he's mafia he's communicating with his teammates, not coming into the thread clueless at the last minute. He also wouldn't be constantly behind on the game by spending all that time doing quotewalls and not actively contributing.

MW is pretty town, he has no reason to get off me after being stubborn all that time and it's line with how he plays.
Andre is pretty town, he has no reason to offer to go Annele over me when he gets a free justification for his vote.

2/5 votes on me are confirmed town, (thanks guys) so that means there's 1-2 mafia in Annele, kaempfer, and shock. Offensive Roles, Warden, and Psion should go here. Assuming Annele is mafia and my reads aren't horribly wrong, the rest are in Calin and the non-voters (DC, kdz, maybe Torb) and maybe iancu, don't think Ge0 would park his vote on a teammate like that, especially during EoD when he was at least somewhat around. If Annele isn't mafia then things get complicated. I believe she should be our next lynch and it's a real travesty that we have to waste another day on this since we dropped the ball Day 1.

I'm planning on making a play-by-play of EoD so that we don't all have to go through 20 pages every time we want to analyze it, but no promises.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 26, 2020, 02:37:13 am
?EOD1 final votecount?
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

OK, well - final vote count of sorts... there was an apparent legit attempt by Sub to get over onto Annele, for what that's worth.

For anybody harboring or holding a scum-read on Link, please let me in on what leads you to that conclusion or read. The tinfoil has to be pretty strong for me to see a scenario where wolf!Link is so cavalier about himself being that close to getting lynched when he would know he is 1/4 of a team and would almost surely think that his team needs him alive to win. I struggle to see a wolf!Link scum-team coming up with a plan out of the gate for Day 1 implementation where Link is going to bandy about in broad daylight and risk himself... I normally am one to downplay "danger" of getting lynched when many players are quite concerned of "being too clsoe to EOD!" but today's events were real in terms of his being a lynch candidate.

In _both_ worlds, the one I find most likely right now of town!Link and where he is scum!Link, I don't think the town at-large on our site gets to a point of just "wanting to see him die" and/or actually finding him the scummiest player worth lynching. That is, if he is scum then it had to be part of a plan that scum go heavy/vote-him on Day 1 for credit if he flips _or_ scum saw a chance to mislynch a town!Link. This is how I see the events overall EOD1.

Also, just giving opening looks at the vote counts and wagons -- I have to agree with Link's take that with serp/moe as towns there is probably 1 or 2 (more would be very surprising unless the team is exactly Annele, kae, shock, and ?timpa? - hm, not sure how to feel about that given that timpa/Annele were the only other legit wagon choices at real EOD and timpa throws onto Annele at the dearth? nah, it is not that exact four, so I doubt also it is the trio either). So a town!Link wagon looks to probably have 1, or 2, scum on it, among Annele / kae / shock.

TL;DR-- It makes most sense to me for a world where Link is town, and that 1 or 2 of the trio of Annele/kae/shock are scum on his wagon at EOD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 26, 2020, 02:46:38 am
UGH, what is that... I didn't edit what I copied, but yet:

?EOD1 final votecount?
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

(I see now, I copied the incorrect post of the count...)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 26, 2020, 03:13:22 am
Serp are you at liberty to share the "because reasons"?? You've pushed and suspected both kae and I various points of Day 1. I've been holding a town-read on kae for a bit... he has had a town-read on me for a bit too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 03:20:55 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 03:54:27 am
Sorry I fell asleep early and didn't see shit. Honest looks like the worst possible outcome occurred. I'd have wagoned things if I could it'll at least say something about me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 04:29:51 am
I love my capstone meetings so I promise I'll give EoD comments if/when they come out. If I have any ability of meaning I dumped it on a placeholder for now and if I don't the thought of dumping it on a placeholder has been thought of.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 26, 2020, 05:42:59 am


I'm going to choose this as my starting point for my EOD summary because it's the spark that lit the fire for, oh let's see, 256 posts over the course of the next 2 hours and 7 minutes.

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

After taking heat all day, the rob wagon never picks up steam again after this, leaving andre as the only wagon at this point. Shock's vote is apparently to get reactions, which definitely works.
Me and rob argue about who's leading the andre lynch.
Sub says he doesn't want to lynch me or rob yet but doesn't vote andre because he's not sure about Graboid.
Rob gives first signal that he's starting to townread me for wanting more vote action.
Rob switches to Annele to try to get more such action, but still scumreads andre.
Torb says he would vote andre because it's not stable yet, and oh look there goes rob.
I call rob out for backing off his bus.
Serp, confirmed town and the only vote on rob, asks to lynch rob.
Shock switches to Annele putting her in the lead.
MW says he doesn't trust me and isn't intimidated by me, both of which hurt my feelings.
We make fun of Sub and he has a crackpot theory.
MW votes shock going off an old vote count, which isn't helpful either way.
Kaempfer is confused for about rob's statement when he switched, which he still hasn't explained.
Serp asks kaempfer if he still won't vote rob.
Rob tries to get traction on Annele and defends his push.
Kaempfer is still confused, so are me and torb.
Torb states Annele is still a town lean.
I state that Annele is a town lean.
I yell at rob.
Serp gets on rob's case again.
Coffee finally logs in to the forum.
I tell everyone that's not on rob or andre to move their votes.
Kaempfer is still confused and considers voting rob.
Serp tempts him to the dark side again.
Sub comments that people don't like rob's switch, but nobody's voting him except serp.
Moe says he's fine with andre or Annele.
Rob says his experiment is over and switches back to andre.
Rob asks for vote tally after it was just reposted for the second time.
Shock asks serp and kaempfer to make a voting bloc with him and lynch me, rob, or MW.
Rob asks shock why he's voting Annele. The reason is because shock.
I post the tally third time for rob.
Shock switches back to andre.
Votes are the same as the starting point except MW's useless vote is on shock instead of kaempfer.
Moe votes andre putting him to 5 votes.

EoD happens 20 seconds after this, we start with a 4 minute and 40 second extension.

Ge0 says he was busy but is fine with andre, Annele, kaempfer, or rob lynch and doesn't post again for the day, though he was looking at the thread near the end.
Kaempf says to shock he is not okay with MW lynch and not sure about rob, but me and rob aren't w/w.
Rob tries to understand shock. The poor soul.
I shade rob again for switching back.
Oa states hard deadline 1 hour after EoD.
Rob says he wouldn't bus this way.
MW votes on me. Says not ok with andre lynch and wants to infolynch me.
I taunt some more about how unlynchable I am by self-voting. Rob says he won't townread a bus because of this. Serp takes the bait and shock now has his voting bloc so he jumps on too, putting me ahead of andre 5-4 with Ge0 still on Annele. This pleases me. I expect the votes to fall off. They do not. This does not please me.
Sub comes to my rescue and ties it up. This is where the stalemate starts that last through the full hour.
I say that I only scumread MW out of my wagon.
Shock pretends that he's orchestrating things.
Serp again states that rob is mafia, and also that I am an ass, which I confirm.

10 minutes have passed since EoD.

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Sub again states me and rob aren't getting lynched, which is correct.
Kaempfer doesn't have time to process things because of deadline. Neither does anyone else, really.
Rob asks to CFD onto Annele so we can get a lynch through.
I'm still waiting for Ge0 but he doesn't show up.
Me and rob both townread Sub.
Rob votes Annele.
Rob townreads me for taking the time to townread Sub.
I ask iancu to vote.
Serp says I should be claiming to have Frozen iancu, I claim no ability use.
Kaempfer wants to infolynch me. Big red flag.
Shock restates the need for his voting bloc.
I switch to Annele, partially to reset timer, partially to see if we can get enough traction.
MW says rob isn't honest about berating kaempfer for infolynch.
Serp says please to moe, not sure if he wants him to vote me, annele, or something else.
I ask Calin to switch to Annele as he hasn't been posting.

20 minutes have passed since EoD.

Rob progresses his townread on me.
Serp asks moe to vote rob with him.
Shock says kaempfer is confirmed based on N0 actions, which is almost definitely not true.
Rob calls out MW for apparently forgetting moe is confirmed.
Moe says he'd kill me over rob.
Serp says rob is trying to buddy me for towncred after I flip.
Serp tells moe to vote me.
Iancu enters thread, is very confused and puts down a placeholder vote.
Serp mocks me with scripture, yet I threw myself down and still live.
I ask iancu to lynch andre.
I switch back to andre to extend timer.
Rob again asks support for Annele.
Iancu decides to trust rob and votes Annele.

30 minutes have passed since EoD.

Me and rob both tell iancu serp won't like him sheeping rob.
Serp asks people to at least vote on wagons with confirmed town.
Shock says scumreading Annele is dumb.
Rob asks serp what his townread on Annele is, serp says he just prefers andre and that town should stop trolling me and switch to andre, but doesn't take his own advice.
Rob switches back to andre. Votes are back at the previous tally now with iancu joining Ge0 on Annele.
Iancu trolls us with his correction tally, but Oa is a merciful god and lets us keep playing.
Sub isn't caught up but is open to Annele lynch.
Serp taunts me again but I'm still not dead.
Rob comments again on how much harder it is to lynch Annele than me or andre.

40 minutes have passed since EoD.

Iancu trusts rob less because of vote-switching.
Mw asks why he should vote andre over me.
Rob tells MW again not to infolynch and to vote his top scumread of the wagons.
I explain the vote switching to iancu.
Serp says the only people that should switch are the ones on Annele to andre.
Kaempfer is overwhelmed, I tell him to just vote on andre so he can sleep.
Shock says the only way rob saves me is to die instead.
I support serp's suggestion.
MW says me or andre could be mafia so stays on me, no read on Annele.
Iancu switches to andre, finally putting him ahead.
Serp asks rob to admit he only lived because kae wouldn't put the bloc on him.
Shock says the mafia revealed themselves.
Moe switches to me, not sure if genuine read or really wanted the day to end to iancu's correction.
Kaempfer gives ATE for not lynching Annele.
Rob solidifies his townread on me.
Andre shows up at the worst possible time and puts me two votes ahead.
A meme is born.

50 minutes have passed since EoD.

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Torb says to lynch andre over me because I'm more valuable but still can't vote.
I post last second reads because this is the first point at which I thought there was an actual chance of me dying.
MW agrees with Torb and switches to me, tying it up again.
Andre responds to Torb saying he would lynch annele over me.
I switch to Annele because it's the only way we're avoiding lynching me or No Lynch.
Shock says the core votes on me aren't changing except to rob, I townread rob at this point and am not sure it's feasible so I'm all in on Annele.
Rob clarifies that he votes Annele but nobody notices.
I do quick maths to see who we need to lynch annele, iancu is one of them and he switches.
Serp says he'd vote rob but there's less than 3 minutes left.
Andre switches to Annele.
Sub shows up again and bestows upon rob the responsibility to prevent my lynch and says he's going to bed.
Rob restates his Annele vote but accidentally says andre instead.
I'm having trouble processing how absurd sub's post is.
Rob corrects himself.

1 hour has passed since EoD, Day ends for real after iancu trolled us agin with the correction.

I express my feelings for Sub. 2 seconds
Rob restates vote. 5 seconds
MW corrects with a wrong tally because he had been put on DC for some reason. 11 seconds
Shock removes his vote with the wrong tally. 40 seconds
Chat discussion is happening at and before this time.
Sub votes Annele TWO MINUTES AND THREE SECONDS AFTER DEADLINE and I am upset but have the correct count, which ends in a tie.
Iancu manages to make a twitch emote funny.
Oa, Sub, and Torb finally get to sleep, and their dreams are filled of rainbows and butterflies and attempted murder.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 26, 2020, 05:54:14 am
List of people that voted andre with intent to kill.



self-pres from andre which doesn't count



People who stated intent to kill rob at EoD

My current "called it Day 1" team is Annele, kaempfer, Calin, and one of DC/kdz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 06:33:12 am
"moe: please" was asking moe to vote for anyone, felt thread needed help building consensus
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 06:35:23 am
Also would help clarify for me whether we'd be leading competing wagons or if he'd offer me a compelling reason to step off the shockmobile
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 26, 2020, 07:08:25 am
What just happened? I don't remember EOD's ever being this crazy.

Big thank you to Link for making a summary post. Also thank you to Oa for staying up.

I was able to fit a couple posts in during a break at work where I briefly gave thoughts on the situation after being asked by Link and Rob. Tally at the time was:

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

I honestly thought the day was about to end with andre lynch and didn't bother to switch my vote. In hindsight probably a misplay, if I had switched Link should not have been almost lynched. I haven't had time to fully process things, not sure if anyone has, but I have Link, rob, and andre all trending upwards after that EOD. I really thought that at the least, confirmed town was going to switch off voting Link last minute. Very surprised when they did not, has me feeling somewhat confused and worried that my read on Link might be wrong? Don't put too much weight on what I just said there, I still very much think Link is town. Just with two confirmed town voting for Link lynch, and many people previously stating that Link is one of the hardest to read (and it being something he seemingly takes pride in possibly), I have an ever so small sliver of doubt.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 26, 2020, 07:22:29 am
I'd like to read a post on thoughts about andretimpa/Linkcat alignment as well as Annele/shockcannon. Trying to be chummy with me was a major red flag, but if you can post my thoughts before I type them out, I might be more inclined to put you as town.

Torb for the love of god why did you have to roll Graboid
I get to dig up dirt all day long, it's really not so bad here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 07:32:11 am
Torb states Annele is still a town lean.
I state that Annele is a town lean.
I yell at rob.
then why
Rob votes Annele.
Rob townreads me for taking the time to townread Sub.
Rob votes Annele.
Rob townreads me for taking the time to townread Sub.
I ask iancu to vote.
Serp says I should be claiming to have Frozen iancu, I claim no ability use.
Kaempfer wants to infolynch me. Big red flag.
Shock restates the need for his voting bloc.
I switch to Annele, partially to reset timer, partially to see if we can get enough traction.
IIrc if the trains were you vs andre at the point in time, but you followed rob despite you townreading her? Why not try to kick your own train? When did your opinion flip some time between these 2 halves?

That said also ATE = Appeal To Emotion, CFD = Chinese Fire Drill, a last minute vote on someone who had little/none
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 07:47:51 am
'Kay, tbh, when I retracted my andre vote, should I have planted a placeholder vote or nah. I know I'm so vehemently against NL (See Mafia 70, man this pains me because this exact post sunk my own game

JonathanCrazyJ (2) - iancudorinmarian, mathman101
Naii_the_Baf (1) - PlayerOa
Mobian (1) - DoubleCapitals
No Lynch (1) - Mobian

Damn you Linkcat.

I'm not giving mafia a free :time Walk.

And the thing is, I didn't want my damn placeholder vote to be a subject of a mafia blitz... I'm rereading the post between rob and Link re: EOD and I'm getting a Δ+ opinion of both of them but im still honestly perplexed as to how Link went from townread Annele to jumping on rob's Annele vote. Even if it was to cover his butt (and based on my guess of his rough 'kind' of secondary role) I would have believed he'd do one of his more scummier reads at the time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 07:52:56 am
And fuck it, I can't resist just throwing 1....

Clues: rob & link are indeed unlynchable

Who saved them? Mafia outed themselves this game: rob, link, kdz, oa

Oa didn't even tell us who is mafia I think we should lynch him amirite

Torb for the love of god why did you have to roll Graboid
I get to dig up dirt all day long, it's really not so bad here.

Honestly you and either shock or serp should have switched secondaries, smh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 26, 2020, 08:11:32 am
Torb states Annele is still a town lean.
I state that Annele is a town lean.
I yell at rob.
then why
Rob votes Annele.
Rob townreads me for taking the time to townread Sub.
Rob votes Annele.
Rob townreads me for taking the time to townread Sub.
I ask iancu to vote.
Serp says I should be claiming to have Frozen iancu, I claim no ability use.
Kaempfer wants to infolynch me. Big red flag.
Shock restates the need for his voting bloc.
I switch to Annele, partially to reset timer, partially to see if we can get enough traction.
IIrc if the trains were you vs andre at the point in time, but you followed rob despite you townreading her? Why not try to kick your own train? When did your opinion flip some time between these 2 halves?

That said also ATE = Appeal To Emotion, CFD = Chinese Fire Drill, a last minute vote on someone who had little/none

It didn't look like andre was happening and there were barely enough votes to break my wagon, and Annele already had 2 so it was my best bet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 08:38:26 am
Wont have time to post lynch logs until much later (If someone else could take care of it, we could start more easily analyzing votes sooner, but i know its a buttload of work).

Clearing up some confusion (probably not what I should focus on now, but it seems obv now that i was wrong): Between serprex weirdly associating with shock and communicating outside thread, shock talking about the number of players knowing he's town and mw thinking he confirmed shock through a secondary I was so sure that shock was egg/crusader that became a deja vu. Given that the host didnt know at the time that mafia could roll deja as well, that would indeed confirm shock in an angly way. This doesnt seem to be the case however.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 09:03:18 am
I'd like to read a post on thoughts about andretimpa/Linkcat alignment as well as Annele/shockcannon. Trying to be chummy with me was a major red flag, but if you can post my thoughts before I type them out, I might be more inclined to put you as town.

Torb for the love of god why did you have to roll Graboid
I get to dig up dirt all day long, it's really not so bad here.

timpa self pressing onto Linkcat, but then taking the time to pick Annele over Linkcat when he roughly caught up with the actual votecount probably means that he isnt aligned with either of them and he probably could have just lynched Linkcat and be done with it as scum, so I maintain my townlean.
I still have my doubts wrt to Linkcat; I have decentish townreads of everyone on his train (except Annele not sure about her, but she wasnt around for EoD frenzy and i dont really scumread her either), so I actually still think its possible that he's scum and his team couldnt risk saving him without potentially outing themselves as the votes were somewhat volatile and if Linkcat had been lynched as scum everyone voting for counterwagons at EoD would be watched more closely.

I'll have another look at Annele/shockcannon, but so far I'm feeling pretty neutral towards Annele and townlean shockcannon for different reasons now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 09:05:58 am
Also is there a reason you paired Annele shockcannon?
I wasnt really trying to be chummy (that means friendly, right?), with you, just rob did sth so weird I suddenly saw some of the same things you did earlier as possibility.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 26, 2020, 09:51:48 am
After all the hours Sub probably put into writing this thing, this post needs some more love after getting buried in EoD frenzy.
I am SORRY if the timing is poor, but I have been working on this, so I am posting it now.

I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.
Stop trying to buddy me.
I can buddy whoever I want, buddy (hint- I'm not buddying anyone).
Then some time later:
Rob, buddy, just claim Fate Egg so I don't have to lynch you today. I would really love to play with you some more.
This one is barely relevant, but the contradiction is hilarious to me. This whole buddying thing is either a joke, a contradiction, or it suggests that Link can buddy rob but rob can't buddy Link. Moving on.

just claim Fate Egg so I don't have to lynch you today.
But apparently Link controls who gets lynched. Be it Town or Mafia, but it is  O R C H E S T R A T E  time, baby.~

(It would be logical if Link meant voting and not lynching, but assuming control over the lynch is something I can see him doing. Even if this is what happened, this is NAI (not indicative of alignment) for Link.)

And finally, some votes on me. I applaud your enthusiasm, but it's not going through.
LOL. This is what I'm talking about.

Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd

I [...] need to challenge my own thinking that maybe voting early in the day can stimulate discussion but it sums up my own perception.

As I said before, good idea but voting is more valuable. Usually there's 1 or 2 people who like to hold on to votes, but if more people do it that's an easy way to mislynch.
I didn't vote before because of the graboid suggestion but I'd like to see what sub has to say before he's killed. There seems to be a lot to this story that I've somehow missed? I'm curious to see how much it will change.
Asking everyone. What's the final concensus on holding back votes to hide the Graboid? In case you haven't noticed yet, I haven't voted yet either. I am intentionally pointing this out to make people think I am not a Graboid, but if I am, that would explain my lack of votes.~

In case anyone is holding back a vote because of this, is that okay or nay?

I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town
This comment is based solely on reading the thread. He did not gain any information from his role.
And you know it, because... ?

What I mean is, everyone assumed kae was not the Golden Nymph after the GN dropped dead, and no other roles check primaries, so it felt obvious to me that it was only a read. But you seem to have knowledge of his role. Possibilities, from most likely to least likely:

  • I don't wanna say it out loud. Let's just say "This is not the time to be softing...".
  • MW only made an assumption but treated it like a fact (kae could have been Egg Nymph for all we know).
  • MW and kae are working together outside the topic.

My role has nothing to do with me believing serp or really my kaempfer read.
I did not see this. >_> I do not delete this part from my post, in case MW slipped and someone else instructed him to make an excuse. (Still the least likely explanation from the three.)

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town

(No, Sub, this is not the time for softing either. Get it together.)

In case MW is Town, I make no comment here. Even though I am very tempted.

Sub is never low key as scum.
I am never low key as Town either. Ask Jonny boi (JCJ).~

submachine- is doing submachine stuff. i expect him to be slightly more low key as scum.
Rob- Im on the rob wouldnt be that stupid as scum bandwagon
Sub is never low key as scum.
I do think your correct on sub, and i would like to remove him at this time from my town reads
This is literally how this conversation was, without any skips.

It didn't take much convincing, yet Link has been also saying rob would do the same thing if he was scum, but rob stayed in MW's townreads. Maybe it's because this time Link directly spoke to MW, and not to everyone. It cannot be that MW just trusts Linkcat enough to take his word, because Link was not on his read list. But let's break down the options.

  • MW is Town:
    • MW felt intimidated that Link spoke to him directly, so quickly changed his opinion. Sheeping would be a town trait.
    • MW may not trust Link, but believes his judgment about other players. Link spoke to him directly, so he caught this message, but he missed Link's similar anti-thesis about rob (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297004/#msg1297004), where Link says rob would be capable to do the same thing as Mafia.
    • Linkcat reminded MW something else with his comment, which MW didn't elaborate. Whether MW disagrees with Link's view on rob or just ignores it, is unknown.
  • MW is Mafia, Link is Town: MW changed his opinion quickly, because the readlist was fake. If Mafia can justify townreading less Town players, they would take the chance. It makes lynching them later easier. But just as suddenly voting on someone who a person has townread the whole game, this sudden switch is also suspicious.
  • MW is Mafia, Link is Mafia: Almost the same as above, except MW felt like Link was suggesting him to change his play. It would make sense too for Link to command other mafia if he was one.
I do not know what MW pays attention to, who he trusts, if he would sheep, or if he can be intimidated so easily, so I am keeping all possibilities open. Though I do hope he clarifies.

Rob (hes fate egg. it took long enough. Could be wrong but i dont think that doesnt mean hes not mafia)
His next readlist reveals he actually put rob back too. Though it feels like only because he revealed Fate Egg, and only after he revealed Fate Egg.

Text is "DejaVu:moe,serp"
Well, this is as close as mechanically confirmed for me, since there's no way mafia risks 2 of their players to hard claim DejaVu. Someone do check them with Psion or even Endow for that matter, but it is not urgent in my opinion.
I haven't responded to the Deja Vu revelation yet, but I trust their word for it. No counterclaims, that should be enough. Using Psion to check them is a waste of a night.

And endow... is not really worth it. We already know Mafia can also become Deja Vu, so the only thing a Crusader can gain is chat.

@Calindu: You have been previously upset about the idea to let the fate of Town rest in the hands of only 2 people. What is your opinion about Linkcat taking control of the game?

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.
Not arguably, ian did the same thing as rob 2 mafias ago, yet he calls it a bad decision here. It looks like subtle shade throwing.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
A HUGE caveat here is that Link is a notoriously difficult read for me, and we have a fairly colorful history of interactions in games we both participate.
I'm not sure how to read linkcat just yet but I agree with the reasoning behind it.
Linkcat - I am really unsure how to read him,
I have yet to read anyone who has a grasp on Link. Until then, I draw the conclusion that Linkcat is unreadable. This is the point where Town has to rely on power roles.

And now we have come to this.


Shockcannon, after only one night, is certain kaempfer is Town. We had foreshadowing during Night 0.

There's a high probability kaempfer13 is involved with my plans for tonight.

Soon after shock's latter post, we have this:

i agree with shocks last message

This is to be continued. I need to elaborate why this ended up as confusing.
I decided not to continue this train of thought. Kae, MW, and shock further discussed this, and while they left it ambiguous, I find it better to keep it ambiguous.

You mentioned RQs, I'm not seeing any RQs. You did mention you would only do them when discussion dies down, so that's okay. In total, I'm just seeing a lot of I will statements from him, but he's not backing them up.
More later, too many people are posting.
I'm still waiting for the strategies.
Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust.
You're not dead yet, follow your own advice?

I am confused about several things, but I am too afraid to ask, and honestly, I don't even know where to start.
Your argument is invalid. I want all the questions. Questions left unanswered can sometimes tell more than the answers themselves would.
I see more people addressed me, but do excuse me if I only respond to them tomorrow. :-X
Please do, that may very well lift most suspicion. You're only standing here on the list because you're consistently failing to follow up.
Fair points, mostly an issue with available time. Right now, my highest priority is to catch up with my full analysis, but I am quite far behind, so I might drop it at one point.

The RQS is mostly planned to spark conversation, with added hope it gives useful insight. Spoiler: My question will be, how would you behave if you were Mafia, and can you show an example of it? Anyone who wants can answer it right away.

And I did not continue the strategy list, because nobody responded to it, and eventually I forgot about it. Looking back, I was not too far from finishing it.
  • Crusader should be used for "Psion" purposes, rather than waiting for someone to reveal GN. (Especially now.) Angels are your best bet, but Angels would never claim, so pick someone who would never claim.
  • Vultures should grab some of that fallen GN booty, but it would be a surprising development if a less notable player secretly grabbed an Otyugh. It could throw a wrench in Mafia's plan during endgame, but strictly during endgame.
  • Any other shenanigans I can think of should come naturally. (Keep talking if you die as Phoenix, if you are Frozen ask for Adrenaline, do not brazenly ask for Momentum because that can give away your role, etc.)
Some roles come off as utterly useless to me. Ghost of the Past and Adrenaline for example. I still need to think of a more elaborate strategy than single-targeting. Wider strategies is where success is at. It doesn't help that it's not guaranteed for a role to be Town's, or in the game.

I have a wild theory about Linkcat's role that would explain his behavior if he was Town. I do not want to openly discuss it, but I am looking for a sign from Link. @Link: Are you what I think you are? Wink wink.

Still only Page 26... It felt like 39 pages. I am posting a preview again to take a break.
@Calindu: You have been previously upset about the idea to let the fate of Town rest in the hands of only 2 people. What is your opinion about Linkcat taking control of the game?
I am interested in this response as well.

And I did not continue the strategy list, because nobody responded to it, and eventually I forgot about it. Looking back, I was not too far from finishing it.
  • Crusader should be used for "Psion" purposes, rather than waiting for someone to reveal GN. (Especially now.) Angels are your best bet, but Angels would never claim, so pick someone who would never claim.
  • Vultures should grab some of that fallen GN booty, but it would be a surprising development if a less notable player secretly grabbed an Otyugh. It could throw a wrench in Mafia's plan during endgame, but strictly during endgame.
  • Any other shenanigans I can think of should come naturally. (Keep talking if you die as Phoenix, if you are Frozen ask for Adrenaline, do not brazenly ask for Momentum because that can give away your role, etc.)

Some roles come off as utterly useless to me. Ghost of the Past and Adrenaline for example. I still need to think of a more elaborate strategy than single-targeting. Wider strategies is where success is at. It doesn't help that it's not guaranteed for a role to be Town's, or in the game.
Can agree on Crusader.
Vulture part feels self-evident, but does not hurt to point out regardless.
Green Nymph:
Regarding adrenaline, if someone has nothing better in mind, they can keep targeting a potential town Graboid/Shrieker until they Evolve/Unburrow.

Note Note: there is no guarantee town has adrenaline capability... at this point...... But that is a GREAT use idea for it, TorB

The RQS is mostly planned to spark conversation, with added hope it gives useful insight. Spoiler: My question will be, how would you behave if you were Mafia, and can you show an example of it? Anyone who wants can answer it right away.
Answering questions is always fun:
I have no examples of being mafia since I am not and never have been mafia. Keep throwing dirt until it sticks on a town seems like the most evident way for me to remain myself as mafia. The clinch is how to avoid dirt sticking on other mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 26, 2020, 09:52:53 am
Also is there a reason you paired Annele shockcannon?
I wasnt really trying to be chummy (that means friendly, right?), with you, just rob did sth so weird I suddenly saw some of the same things you did earlier as possibility.
Chummy, buddy, friendly, name it however you want.

I had a hunch on shockcannon and Annele sharing the same alignment.

For the other pairing, I will also clarify for everyone:
andretimpa turned the lynch vote into a draw and was eager to vote with Linkcat on Annele instead. He mentioned he did not suspect Linkcat to be mafia.
I suspect Link and rob share the same alignment, potentially andre as well.

Problem is, too many Linkcat voters seemed to vote for a reason different from suspecting him to be scum.

I can trust my initial gut instinct, trust shock and put rob and Link both as mafia.
Or I can trust Linkcat and go with Annele and/or shock. Given this post:
2/5 votes on me are confirmed town, (thanks guys) so that means there's 1-2 mafia in Annele, kaempfer, and shock.
I wanted your reasoning on why the 1-2 were Annele and/or shockcannon.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 10:09:21 am
Hm, andre intending to turn the vote on linkcat into a draw (=no lynch) is actually a good obversation.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 26, 2020, 10:12:22 am
Or to put on my tinfoil hat: Linkcat and rob77dp both being mafia is why Linkcat would first want to connect rob's alignment to andretimpa and then lynch andretimpa flipping town.
andretimpa, however, has no idea wtf is going on. In that situation.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 10:13:39 am
Quite frankly I dont share the impression that Annele and shockcannon should be paired. annele voted Link because I called her out on not voting her biggest scumread and then couldnt be around for deadline. I dont think her vote itself is alignment indicative. shockcannon mostly just wanted to vote with the people that he thinks are most likely town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 26, 2020, 10:16:52 am
Quite frankly I dont share the impression that Annele and shockcannon should be paired. annele voted Link because I called her out on not voting her biggest scumread and then couldnt be around for deadline. I dont think her vote itself is alignment indicative. shockcannon mostly just wanted to vote with the people that he thinks are most likely town.
It's how hard shock was trying not to let Annele's lynch count get the lead that is the important part here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 26, 2020, 10:43:52 am
Finally managed to catch up with everything that happened. My apologies for not being able to contribute at end of day, I was trying to follow from my phone, but couldn't post with 3 people looking at my shared screen and working on it.

I saw the post about switching to Annele, but I didn't believe it was a good idea so I just didn't switch. I also didn't feel like lynching rob or Link were good ideas at that point so I just stayed on Andre.

@Calindu: You have been previously upset about the idea to let the fate of Town rest in the hands of only 2 people. What is your opinion about Linkcat taking control of the game?

I wasn't upset about letting someone leading town or anything like that, I was upset at the idea that you suggested two people are allowed to do something completely out of line and reeking of scum and go unpunished. It is fairly normal for more vocal people to take control of the game, we just have to recognise when it's the work of a mafia member.

I'm not sure what I've stated and what I haven't, but I have Annele at n+ right now.

Yet you pushed for Annele to be lynched. I know it was partly to save yourself, but there were other viable options, probably lower than n+ to choose, right?

Here's my updated read list though, won't try to go through everything I missed and make a quote wall.


serp, moe


Sub - I can actually confidently say that I consider Sub town now, his actions all seem to make sense, his ideas are clear and reason well into my head
TorB - Nothing changed here for me, he still takes the same methodical approach to things
MW - Nothing changed here either


kae - My gut feeling was telling me that kae would be around n- last night, however, when reading his posts, it actually seems like he's just really confused and can't really make sense of what's happening
andre - He was suspicious to me before EoD, but I actually think his actions make more sense as town now. He chose to go for Annele instead of simply hammering Linkcat, with a good excuse too, at the end. I don't think Link/andre is w/w so it makes more sense for andre to be v


Annele - I don't personally town lean her, but I'm also very confused why is she considered scum by so many
kdz - Not much to analyse, his read list is mostly town leans or neutrals
DC - seems fairly normal to me tbh


shock - Not sure about shock, I don't like his style of play, so I'm always inclined to believe, at least a little bit, that he's mafia.
ian - Don't like the random vote switches and blindly trusting rob at EoD
Ge0 - Seems fairly normal for someone that didn't play mafia for a long time, the only thing I don't like is that I'm not sure if he's just trying to buddy someone with the hard read on Annele or he actually believes that


rob - His actions just didn't make sense to me when reading, also mentioned by serp and kae.
Link - Gut feeling mostly, I feel he plays very similar to the way he played in Mafia 71, with constantly switching around, whereas he played a much more controlled game in Mafia 72, might be because that game was easy to solve?


The rob/Link interaction is also very strange, I think there's little to no chance they are w/w, but I also think they are fully capable of pulling that off. At the same time, rob really tried to save Link at EoD, I don't think that actually happens if rob is w and Link is v, so I think the most likely option is Link w and rob v.

Now, I'm actually very confused about the game, this read list, even though I just made it, actually makes 0 sense to me now that I look at it. I really need to see a mafia flip to wrap my head around things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 10:45:36 am
Sub asking for RQS this late into Day 1/Night 1 feels for fluff than ever but idk. Typical Sub but filling the chat with more unnecessary stuff makes me think Δ- of him.

Now Imma follow in shock's shoes and start adopting this shade (and only this shade) of red. It doesn't mean anything now, but I may use it when I want to mean something. Who knows.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 26, 2020, 10:46:17 am

1) My vote switches weren't random.
2) rob is currently my strongest town read after the deja vu pair
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 26, 2020, 10:47:36 am
If rob/Link are w/w I will personally join a Trials element of their choice.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 26, 2020, 02:30:20 pm
Host note

We can probably all agree on the fact that possible extensions of the day exists is not due to delaying for the sake of delaying. Even after giving an extra hour to play with, there were no signs of players coming close to a consensus, and the day ended up being hardcapped at a certain time anyway. The only difference was that the deadline was pushed 1 hour (or in this case, 3 hours).

This is why, starting from the next day phase, the following rules come into play:

Is this clear enough? Please abide by these new rules, to make the game as pleasant as possible for everybody.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 26, 2020, 02:33:36 pm
"A player casting back-to-back votes with the only intention of extending the timer, WILL NOT reset the timer"

The issue with this is it's a bit vague. Maybe just make it so back-to-back votes by the same player just won't count. You won't be going into disputes like "but I really wanted to change my vote, I wasn't time wasting"
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 26, 2020, 02:34:03 pm
EBWOP: just won't count for extension purposes*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 02:34:45 pm
Ok, I've muled it over and come to the conclusion that the only way scum!rob would make that weird and poorly justified reaction test is if he were scum with andre. In that case he suddenly abandoned a hard bus that he felt the need to keep up for the entirety of Day 1. In other words: Welcome back to my townreads, rob!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 26, 2020, 02:38:50 pm
There’s definitely a chance that Linkcat is town, but as hard as it may be to believe, I actually think that 0 mafia voted on Linkcat yesterday even if Linkcat is town.

Additionally, if Linkcat is town, that means to me that almost for certain Annele and Andretimpa are also town. Because why would Mafia let one of their own die when it was so easy to just vote Link. The only one to switch to Link at a later time was moe, who everyone considers town. Even when Annele or Andre we’re about to take the lead we didn’t see anyone switch over to Linkcat to save Annele or andre. The only scenario in my mind where Linkcat can be town and Annele be a mafia, is if Annele, kaempf, and myself are all mafia as well, and we ran out of mafia buddies to help save our teammate.

 As for Andre, this guy was about to die before the day extension, after the day extension, and during the final moments of voting. Yet, we really didn’t any vote shifting to save him that we would expect to see. The only i even switched off Andre to vote for Linkcat was because serprex finally switched. And everyone regards him as confirmed town. So the idea that anyone voting for Linkcat is a mafia buddy with Andre would mean that they really didn’t care to make a move before the last possible second, and that they were willing to rely on a very stubborn confirmed town to be their only chance at saving Andre, which sounds like a terrible plan to me.

To summarize: is Linkcat mafia? I think so, but if Linkcat is NOT mafia, then that to me confirms Annele and Andre as town as well.

WHICH IS WHY WE HAD SO MUCH TO GAIN BY LYNCHING LINKCAT!!!!! And for Rob who always complains about reasoning for lunching, my main reason for voting Linkcat is that I THINK HE’S MAFIA AS IVE SHOWN IN MULTIPLE POSTS. I also think you’re mafia as I’ve also stated multiple times which is why I don’t give crap about anything you say to me. Unlike other town, I’m not about to lose this game to poorly crafted distractions and deflections.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 26, 2020, 02:42:53 pm
"A player casting back-to-back votes with the only intention of extending the timer, WILL NOT reset the timer"

The issue with this is it's a bit vague. Maybe just make it so back-to-back votes by the same player just won't count. You won't be going into disputes like "but I really wanted to change my vote, I wasn't time wasting"
It originally had something like organizer's discretion in it.

Going into specific counter-rulings like these seems like something you can circumvent. Back-to-back votes would cause the first to reset the timer, but by the time the second is cast the first one is rendered invalid in terms of resetting the timer. What is the minimal allowed time gap for them to be back-to-back votes? These kinds of issues.
If you want to counteract it, you'll just have to be a strict mod about it and use the discretion clause. People will always try to find loopholes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 26, 2020, 02:48:22 pm
Fair point, iancu and TorB. With a 30 minute hard limit in play, I can loosen up to simply remove the following rule:

"A player casting back-to-back votes with the only intention of extending the timer, WILL NOT reset the timer"

The previous post will be updated accordingly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 02:52:00 pm
By all means Linkcat should have been dead; the last legal vote according to official rules was putting him in a 7 wagon size lead and before that plenty of juggling happened without changing him being in the lead. That way we would know where we're at now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 03:12:17 pm
This doesnt seem to be the case however.

Correct, not the case

I'm playing with shock because he's my towniest read which'll play with me

ofc, even moe isn't playing with me, so maybe I have it all wrong & the team is shock,annele,kdz,cal

But you're telling me mafia controlled 6-7 votes & we could only get no lynch?

If shock's scum I accept loss
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 03:17:26 pm

But you're telling me mafia controlled 6-7 votes & we could only get no lynch?

If shock's scum I accept loss
Never suggested anything of the sort; I have a strong townlean on shock which you can see consistently through all my posts concerning him, although i suppose I never bothered mentioning my reasons for it :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 03:19:16 pm
That said, shock trying to change his vote for no lynch, kinda scummy, but also I believe town!shock doesn't read either wagon as scum

Which gives us shock's Linkcat bait which encourages Cal to continue grasping for a bloc that sympathizes with a readlist holding Linkcat as scummy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 26, 2020, 03:54:10 pm
Which gives us shock's Linkcat bait which encourages Cal to continue grasping for a bloc that sympathizes with a readlist holding Linkcat as scummy

You kind of lost me here, don't understand what you really mean, care to explain?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 04:01:55 pm
Which gives us shock's Linkcat bait which encourages Cal to continue grasping for a bloc that sympathizes with a readlist holding Linkcat as scummy

You kind of lost me here, don't understand what you really mean, care to explain?

You're already dead
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 26, 2020, 04:23:22 pm
Or to put on my tinfoil hat: Linkcat and rob77dp both being mafia is why Linkcat would first want to connect rob's alignment to andretimpa and then lynch andretimpa flipping town.
andretimpa, however, has no idea wtf is going on. In that situation.

Andre flipping town wouldn't even make rob look good.

I'm not sure what I've stated and what I haven't, but I have Annele at n+ right now.
Yet you pushed for Annele to be lynched. I know it was partly to save yourself, but there were other viable options, probably lower than n+ to choose, right?

Like I said it was EoD, not everyone was online, and there was no better option than rob, who I didn't want to lynch at that point. Also, if rob/andre were town then Annele fit in most worlds.

Re: playstyle
In 72 I skimmed like half the game, this time it's been so long since the last mafia that I put all my energy into it.

Your readslist indeed makes zero sense, try again.

I'm adding you to the list of people that voted andre with intent to kill.

Sub asking for RQS this late into Day 1/Night 1 feels for fluff than ever but idk. Typical Sub but filling the chat with more unnecessary stuff makes me think Δ- of him.

Now Imma follow in shock's shoes and start adopting this shade (and only this shade) of red. It doesn't mean anything now, but I may use it when I want to mean something. Who knows.

He only shared because someone asked him to.

ofc, even moe isn't playing with me, so maybe I have it all wrong & the team is shock,annele,kdz,cal

But you're telling me mafia controlled 6-7 votes & we could only get no lynch?

Now that's a team I can get behind, still think Annele/kaempfer over shock though.

They only got No Lynch because all the sane town knew that killing me was a bad idea.

By all means Linkcat should have been dead; the last legal vote according to official rules was putting him in a 7 wagon size lead and before that plenty of juggling happened without changing him being in the lead. That way we would know where we're at now.

The intent of the extension rule is to let votes play out to their natural conclusion without being stopped prematurely by an arbitrary time limit, while still keeping the EoD time pressure. Unfortunately, this happened anyway. Me being ahead of andre 7-5 was clearly not the desired spread by all active players, judging by the final vote count. A couple minutes earlier and I would have still been in the lead with a different spread. A couple minutes later and Annele would be, a few minutes after that and who knows, but I find it very likely that Annele being lynched would have been the result if settled on, or at best a tie still, and I am as upset about that as anybody is about me not being lynched. It's already sad enough that dd lost 71 because he was 6 seconds late or whatever. This wasn't nearly as bad, and I have no issues with Oa's rulings, but as an out of game note I will be changing the extension rule in the future to make it clearer and more effective for both the players and the host.

Now, if there is a living Otyugh, please nom Annele so we can have Day 2 and not Day 1 Part 2: Battle Tendency.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 26, 2020, 05:59:43 pm
Ok, I dont feel like stressing myself out now, so dont expect the lynchlog before tomorrow 10 GMT, if you want it from me. i hope you're not all waiting for me on that until you start doing things. There's plenty of things to talk about.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 26, 2020, 06:20:34 pm
Didn’t Linkcat already make one?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 06:33:28 pm
Ok, I dont feel like stressing myself out now, so dont expect the lynchlog before tomorrow 10 GMT, if you want it from me. i hope you're not all waiting for me on that until you start doing things. There's plenty of things to talk about.

Town's revealed enough of their plans. I think it's scum's turn to speak. Tell us more about cal/annele/kdz/dc
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 26, 2020, 09:28:22 pm
Well this night is being uneventful, and I’m on phone (so no quoting and walling), so it’s time to bring out the belt that RQS (forgot what it stands for) I foreshadowed.

Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?

I’ll start.
A1: I would make sure it’s not a carbon copy of a mafia playstyle that I’ve used before, unless I’m fairly sure everyone forgot about it. I would focus a lot on finding roles, and I would generally play it safe. Not taking any risks until absolutely necessary.
A2-3: 70 was like this. I laid low, hunted for GN, and obeyed the crowd to not raise any attention. I also made fairly sure to strike the Antlion when he was vulnerable (though this lead to my demise because rolez >_<).

Two people already answered it, TorB’s seemed legit, Link answered with Mafia 73. The latter answer is as unreadable as a book in the fifth dimension for a stickman. (LET ME READ YOU!)

@DC: This is the first time I actually ask my RQS. I only gave a quick preview to TorB previously. You can read back the context.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 26, 2020, 11:15:29 pm
Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?

Heck im bored so ill answer too. Dont plan on posting much during night.

A1: I would try to play as normal as possible. So i would be a bad mafia
A2: No
A3: No, never played as mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 11:31:57 pm
No past experience, but...

It depends on the roles. For the sake of argument we'll say me & one of my allies both rolled Oty. Yeah, great scum roles, this is great, not to mention it gets better when we troll worldwideqq & he flips GN. So next I risk MK to fake claim deja with my fellow oty. What if there's real dejas you ask? YOLO. As confirmed town I'm free to play scummy under the guise of pressuring town. So I'd totally fluster one of the better players around to keep him annoyed that town is throwing the game. Meanwhile I'd ally with the craziest player in the group in order to make people have to risk brain damage from confirmed town telling them to play with this player. Also it'd mean I'd have a perfect reason to bandwagon on the towniest players, come D2 nobody has any clue what's going on. Everyone skipped checking me & my ally's deja claim because NK is supposed to prove it. We're both still alive. No problem, mafia obviously wanted to get fate egg of the table when they have the lead off the GN kill & no lynch. Next night we still don't go, but it makes sense, towny player was protected night before, this night the towny player we failed to bandwagon goes down. It isn't until D4 that people are getting suspicious. By now the roles are coming out though, who needs to kill vanilla players who keep trolling the rest of town?

Accept it sub, you've already lost if I'm scum. So you'll just have to townread me as your only hope. Only it's hopeless, because you've already lost
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 26, 2020, 11:46:42 pm
Now, if there is a living Otyugh, please nom Annele so we can have Day 2 and not Day 1 Part 2: Battle Tendency.

I'm not sure how serious this suggestion is, but does anyone else actually think another oty should take matters into their own hands n1? For me or any of the other failed lynches?

Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
I'd try not to rock the boat, and excuse any misplay on being inexperienced.
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Whatever the last mafia I was in that was my strategy; I tried to just follow what other people were saying and based my reads on that. That lead to me accidentally landing the finishing blow on a fellow mafia and getting confirmed town for a while lol

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 26, 2020, 11:49:23 pm
I'm not sure how serious this suggestion is, but does anyone else actually think another oty should take matters into their own hands n1? For me or any of the other failed lynches?

Yes, they should nom Linkcat to finish what Oa wouldn't
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 12:22:14 am
I'm not sure how serious this suggestion is, but does anyone else actually think another oty should take matters into their own hands n1? For me or any of the other failed lynches?

Yes, they should nom Linkcat to finish what Oa wouldn't

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 27, 2020, 01:43:34 am
For the record, I'm still alive, was just buried in work.

I'm currently rereading D1 in light of EOD and will post any conclusions later.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 01:58:58 am
Recap of the current state of the game and suggested Night actions:


These 5 players are always town, don't lynch them even in late game unless something truly revelatory happens. Likely the next 5 Nightkills.


These 2 players attempted to save me despite having a 100% free pass to see me lynched without suspicion. Very unlikely mafia, especially if Annele flips scum.

Ge0metry v1.2

These 3 players are 90% town, only consider them if sus people keep flipping town and you start running out of possible candidates, except Ge0 who can only be mafia if Annele flips town.


These 3 players contain 1-2 mafia.


The rest of the mafia are most likely hiding in here. If there's a deep wolf I'd say torb since he didn't actually have to commit to a vote.

Night actions:

Otyugh - Target Annele. Yes Annele I'm serious, if you happen to be town Otyugh please eat shock or kaempfer.
Other Offensive Roles - Target Annele/shock/kaempfer
Golden Nymph - Target kdz/DC
Psion - Serp/moe worth a check, game is pretty much solved already so we won't miss the ability use.
Guardian Angle - Target me
Dragonfly/Firefly Queen - Also target me
Iridium Warden - Target one of the 5 confirmed town
Anubis/Amber Nymph - Target rob
Green Nymph - target Torb
Crusader - Target one of the 6 likely mafia
Vulture - Target w3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 02:18:56 am
Devour kaempfer, not shock

Psion torb. Torb, you're voting tomorrow
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 02:36:16 am
Agree with kaempfer over shock
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 03:22:11 am
It feels right to sus a player who does the RQS but has done nothing else this game except things I find scummy... Annele, who do you want to push tomorrow? Maybe you've read the whole thread, maybe not... maybe you can discuss in wolf-chat the answer if you're not caught up? But, who is a suspect you want to push tomorrow??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 03:26:56 am
Hot take to me (I think others have been at this point for a while already...) at least: Ge0 would probably be a bit more organized coming in on that post-EOD post he made, starting to think he is just in-it-deep town trying as he can to keep up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 03:34:37 am
Rob, do you agree with my assessment?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 03:54:05 am
Rob, do you agree with my assessment?
Was getting to that, but to expedite - in a word, yes. There are parts that are incongruous with where my reads were last I actual took breaths and read the player list. But again that isn't uncommon to have new things coming to light or new activity leading to doubting a prior supposition.

I _had_ been reading kae as town, but as I'm getting to shortly he's trending down quickly. Closer to where you have him.

timpa I scum-read for quite a while but the EOD1 just doesn't look to fit scum!timpa -- both how he played it and how his wagon worked/didn't work.

Your lower 3 groups of 3, are off fro how I see things but now so far off. That is, I'm still uncertain about Ge0 but getting there, his low activity but general OK sense in some of what he has posted (that is, how it fits a lost town narrative) are there. I think it is most likely something like 3/4 of the mafia are in your last 6... the game is just _never_ that easy in my experience. If it is just 1 in the Annele/kae/shock group your'e saying it is ALL of the last trio of Cal/kills/DC?? I think the POE of six is really solid though there.

That's my cuff take on it.

Recap of the current state of the game and suggested Night actions:


These 5 players are always town, don't lynch them even in late game unless something truly revelatory happens. Likely the next 5 Nightkills.


These 2 players attempted to save me despite having a 100% free pass to see me lynched without suspicion. Very unlikely mafia, especially if Annele flips scum.

Ge0metry v1.2

These 3 players are 90% town, only consider them if sus people keep flipping town and you start running out of possible candidates, except Ge0 who can only be mafia if Annele flips town.


These 3 players contain 1-2 mafia.


The rest of the mafia are most likely hiding in here. If there's a deep wolf I'd say torb since he didn't actually have to commit to a vote.

Night actions:

Otyugh - Target Annele. Yes Annele I'm serious, if you happen to be town Otyugh please eat shock or kaempfer.
Other Offensive Roles - Target Annele/shock/kaempfer
Golden Nymph - Target kdz/DC
Psion - Serp/moe worth a check, game is pretty much solved already so we won't miss the ability use.
Guardian Angle - Target me
Dragonfly/Firefly Queen - Also target me
Iridium Warden - Target one of the 5 confirmed town
Anubis/Amber Nymph - Target rob
Green Nymph - target Torb
Crusader - Target one of the 6 likely mafia
Vulture - Target w3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:00:22 am
SOrry, meant to SPOILER you reads list on my post... yurgh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:03:48 am
I'd like to read a post on thoughts about andretimpa/Linkcat alignment as well as Annele/shockcannon. Trying to be chummy with me was a major red flag, but if you can post my thoughts before I type them out, I might be more inclined to put you as town.

Torb for the love of god why did you have to roll Graboid
I get to dig up dirt all day long, it's really not so bad here.

timpa self pressing onto Linkcat, but then taking the time to pick Annele over Linkcat when he roughly caught up with the actual votecount probably means that he isnt aligned with either of them and he probably could have just lynched Linkcat and be done with it as scum, so I maintain my townlean.
I still have my doubts wrt to Linkcat; I have decentish townreads of everyone on his train (except Annele not sure about her, but she wasnt around for EoD frenzy and i dont really scumread her either), so I actually still think its possible that he's scum and his team couldnt risk saving him without potentially outing themselves as the votes were somewhat volatile and if Linkcat had been lynched as scum everyone voting for counterwagons at EoD would be watched more closely.

I'll have another look at Annele/shockcannon, but so far I'm feeling pretty neutral towards Annele and townlean shockcannon for different reasons now.
Something doesn't make sense in a cognitive sense on this from kae.

What I mean is, he is townreading timpa and thinks he isn't aligned with either of Link / Annele --- so he scum-reads both Link Annele right? Keep reading and alright yeah a scum-read on likely-town-Link but then goes into weird convoluted detail about Annele as a townread in a group yet singled out as not sure on her but then about her EOD absence then yeah not scumreading her?? Following paragraph is about looking into Annele/shock yet he is now neurtral on Annele and town on shock... what are you looking into? What are these different reasons? How are you getting to that while also getting to or not the lynchlog (Votecount analysis?)... ? Is it getting hard to WIM-it-up in the scum-chat? :-/ You had me quite fooled if your a wolf Kae, which is seeming more and more likely.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:06:09 am
Let me be more clear -- I'm reading that post from Kae as w/w if one of he/Annele flips red.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:07:53 am
Link / Serp-

Tell me more about the DC scum reads? I've seen him play a few times, and he self-deprecates a lot more than is valid - he is better than he pretends to think he is. WHat do you see on him to both have him hard-ish scum (what did I miss or skim over)?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 04:13:38 am
Him and kdz are pure POE
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 04:15:56 am
I will be sending sorted list of my reads to moe in case of NK. Like I said, I've said enough tonight. I'll only be shitposting & correcting Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:18:15 am
Well this night is being uneventful, and I’m on phone (so no quoting and walling), so it’s time to bring out the belt that RQS (forgot what it stands for) I foreshadowed.

Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?

I’ll start.
A1: I would make sure it’s not a carbon copy of a mafia playstyle that I’ve used before, unless I’m fairly sure everyone forgot about it. I would focus a lot on finding roles, and I would generally play it safe. Not taking any risks until absolutely necessary.
A2-3: 70 was like this. I laid low, hunted for GN, and obeyed the crowd to not raise any attention. I also made fairly sure to strike the Antlion when he was vulnerable (though this lead to my demise because rolez >_<).

Two people already answered it, TorB’s seemed legit, Link answered with Mafia 73. The latter answer is as unreadable as a book in the fifth dimension for a stickman. (LET ME READ YOU!)

@DC: This is the first time I actually ask my RQS. I only gave a quick preview to TorB previously. You can read back the context.
1. I play as if I'm town. I call wolfy activity - from any player - out as being suspect. I give town cred for things I think are town-like when I'm playing as town. I try to pretend like I don't know I'm a wolf, except where it matters as the win-con of reaching parity in some way.
2. Every time I've been mafia. I don't recall the mafia game #, but I have been scum here before (once in a setup that allowed for out-of-thread shenanigans and involved a mass role claim that I refused to partake in no matter m yalignment but it drew me heat and since I was scum it was a Right But For The Wrong Reasons situation I say) on a team that I think made a clean sweep victory (timpa, myself, ?JCJ?, been a while so I lost the memory).
3. I think the last time I rolled mafia was on MU (mafiauniverse.com) This One? (https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/6563-BYOR-The-9-Circles-of-Hell)

Sub, can you go over Link's EOD1 summary and a few N1 things that HAVE been posted ina  slow night phase to give some takes and reads? I even did your RQS (Random Question Sheet, I think).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:26:54 am
I would really really love to see some motivation to really put something into it right now N1 from the current likely POE that is town -- such as Cal, kills, and DC who have been somewhat low posters (content posts wise) as well as the scummy-from-content section of Annele, kae, and shock. If you're in those groups and you're town get the engine going and put something out there (if you're scum in that list feel free to be towny and WIM-it-up to put some things out there too).

/never-forget-MU-Champs-S3-G5, don't coast too early.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:33:29 am
I will be sending sorted list of my reads to moe in case of NK. Like I said, I've said enough tonight. I'll only be shitposting & correcting Linkcat
Get him to do the same, _JUST_ in case eh.

Bonus comment as I multi-post during my free time and the thread sleeps: EOD1 sure feels like kae might have been in scum-chat as things were ratcheting up (didn't post much in thread but his icon had him as signed in) then suddenly he question my CFD onto Annele out of the blue... a bit in tune enought with the thread to know it was a sudden unusual move (it was, on purpose) but not felt really out of place with his activity (I recall pinging him to this effect a tad at the time even). In a re-read he is just basically not there but I recall his icon being green then when I move to Annele suddenly BANG he posts questioning it but I couldn't get him to commit to a solid explained town-read on here in that moment. Kae looking worse and worse as I ruminate things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 04:49:27 am
Yeah oty needs to devour kae over annele tbh

Fact: kaempf brought 4/5 votes against Linkcat. Annele only brought one
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 04:55:13 am
Tell me more about the DC scum reads? I've seen him play a few times, and he self-deprecates a lot more than is valid - he is better than he pretends to think he is.

So here's my justification, the vast majority of games I've stuck around in and racked my MoM points from was large based off an older era of Mafia in these forums... one where we shit talked the dethy, didn't care about balance all that much (old Vulture role, looking at you), didn't read 10 pages every time I came to wake up. I've largely avoided playing in current era mafia mostly for sheer volume and stuff. I'll tell you know this is the truth even though I obviously know this is something you'll try to read from me.

And hence, to answer Sub:
Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?

Q1: See Mafia 70, exactly like that. Yes, even though I was town. I died early so I never really had to cover my ass as town. To reiterate, I did not FoS Mobian because of my role, I FoSed him for NLing. I'd also play exactly like this but with 50% more shitposting. Or really honestly I'll ask my mafia teammates on how to frame my story and readslist and pointing my fingers shit, which cluelessTown!me is just second guessing myself.
Q2: I don't remember, last time I flipped Mafia was a different era.
Q3: Mafia 51 and 61
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 05:13:54 am
I'm not sure what I've stated and what I haven't, but I have Annele at n+ right now.

Yet you pushed for Annele to be lynched. I know it was partly to save yourself, but there were other viable options, probably lower than n+ to choose, right?

I asked the same question but at that point it was 5-2 in favour of Link lynch and from his PoV a n+ beats being lynched himself I think? I don't think Link felt he had to clout to try to push another lynch at EoD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 05:17:19 am
Just noticing that Cal's read list N1 has myself and Link as his only wolf reads... with some explanatory follow-up about associative reads of not w/w but yet possibly w/w because capable? Then some things about w/v and v/w from my developing a town-read on link during EOD1. Not sure I followed what he might be even trying to say with it...

Look back to top of Cal's read list post and he mentions not switching to Link or rob (as a few people requested at/around/during EOD1)  because didn't feel like lynching me or LInk was a good idea. Cal -- give a little background or comment about your staying on timpa because of not liking a rob or Link lynch when we are you top two suspects but yet not w/w together. I'm confused by you essentially stating you didn't want to lynch your top two scumreads??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 27, 2020, 05:24:43 am
If there's actually a town otyugh out there who is thinking of randomly devouring tonight, please let me know ASAP so I can reveal my role before you do something stupid.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 05:29:21 am
If there's actually a town otyugh out there who is thinking of randomly devouring tonight, please let me know ASAP so I can reveal my role before you do something stupid.

Alternatively, how do you feel about them devouring Calindu instead of our bloc?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 05:33:55 am
@Linky, what say you about me aiming kdz instead, seeing as you binned us together
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 05:42:07 am
I don't understand your question.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 05:42:55 am
dc is shitposting a GN claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 27, 2020, 05:55:43 am
If there's actually a town otyugh out there who is thinking of randomly devouring tonight, please let me know ASAP so I can reveal my role before you do something stupid.

Alternatively, how do you feel about them devouring Calindu instead of our bloc?

It doesn't matter who is targeted. We can't let more otyughs be running loose and killing off players before they can share their info.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 06:00:44 am
@Linky, what say you about me aiming kdz instead, seeing as you binned us together
dc is shitposting a GN claim
I was thinking he meant turning kdz into kfc like that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 06:02:12 am
If there's actually a town otyugh out there who is thinking of randomly devouring tonight, please let me know ASAP so I can reveal my role before you do something stupid.

Alternatively, how do you feel about them devouring Calindu instead of our bloc?

It doesn't matter who is targeted. We can't let more otyughs be running loose and killing off players before they can share their info.
shock, they're quite likely to be lunching a scum... What info are you hot to collect from the bag guys?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 06:05:11 am
Good point, wouldn't be a bad idea for Annele/kaempfer to claim.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 06:11:46 am
Hello folks.

Again, I come after a great length of time between posts. After Wednesday I should have a lot more time for the game, assuming I make it that far of course. Ill start in order of how fun it is to discuss
Subs RQS
Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?

1: My play pattern in mafia is much different from when I last played on the forums. Typically, I play mafia and town in a very similar fashion (This is all IRL stuff) First, I usually open with a nice "If you're mafia and you know it clap your hands!" and clap as loudly as I can, and be obnoxiously bloodthirsty. Paint yourself as so outlandishly wolf its obviously a joke. The nice thing about living in that chaotic territory is it renders you effectively immune to a NK since the mafia think they can flip you in a lynch later, but also you can usually skirt a lynching if you just cut the crap. Just meme and wait until you really want to act. Its really just a waiting game until you can offer something of value, no sense offering some token suspicions and then getting stabbed because you said a jumpy mafia members name. Though admittedly I don't play with a lot of strong mafia players, maybe like, 20 of the 100 or so.

2: I doubt it, my style of play has changed a lot in the past few years, and I haven't played a mafia game in text in over 3 years? I think. I'm a little fuzzy on the details.

3: Again, I cannot. I dont even know the last time I played as mafia, and even if I did, I dont think it would reflect how I would play if I were mafia.

General notes on Last EoD
I logged on late the other day, saw the 25 pages of messages and didn't really expect them to all be before EoD. It looked chaotic, and I apologize I mistimed my day and wasn't able to make it on for the vote I said I was going to make. For the record, Monday I do my shopping and lawn-care for myself and some other family members, plus I stream that day. In fact, you can account for the entire 2 hours before EoD and the entire mess that was EoD with vods.

As for actual EoD, I propose a few notes. First, I could have very easily voted and killed any of the 3(4 if you count the brief stint rob had on the list) players, they were all within 1 vote for most of the EoD. Second, not voting is just as scummy as being the nail in the coffin that kills a town (at least in my eyes.) Even If I managed to make it on that day I don't think I would have voted, for a lot of reasons.

I didnt want to draw attention to myself from the rest of the town by being the last to vote on a town early, when I'm still very much so on the edge about all three players on the block.
I didn't mind a kill on linkcat, because accuracy by volume of post makes these catch ups longer then id like, and ive given up on getting a read on him, but those arent very good reasons to kill a good player.
Then there was ann, who I felt was the most sus on that list, but all of their posts after the rob accusation felt genuine, and I sympathize with another player struggling to maintain activity in this game.
Lastly, there is timpa, who I feel is getting a bit of a piling on. I had some light gut feelings on what they were saying before, but I feel as though that judgement was clouded by the constant "Yea, Timpa very sus".
To top it all off, my activity level is too low to get a valid read on anyone, which is a failing on my part, I know. I assumed this day would end with a random town lynch and that would be that, and then come the next day I could maintain some activity. Obviously, this wasnt the case.

More stuff
Most of what I've said in this post comes from the very light skimming I've done. I'm fine with being on the sus list, I understand that my inactivity can be seen as trying to go below the radar. In part that is true, I am leaning on my inactivity in many ways. I don't want to babble in front of the town from a position of little knowledge and set myself up for an early mafia train. I don't know how most of you play anymore, and I don't really know how text based mafia plays either. Most of my reads in person come from pressing people into fast answers, and forcing conversation. Ironically, I myself am the reason why this doesn't work in text. Because I'm simply not there to be questioned or to question.

Here is what I gathered from the EoD stuff
Shock felt very aggressive. It felt like a departure from the chaotic boi to actual get stuff done boi. I don't know if that screams mafia or town to me, I could see myself doing it for either.
Rob/Link A weird alliance I didn't quite expect to spring up. It felt like they were locked in combat before, but it seems more like a dance right now. I'm unsure what it means, but it makes me uneasy.
Kae made a few interesting points I want to mull over before posting any legitimate thoughts, if any happen
Torb has been doing Torb things. My tinfoil hat says that not being able to vote is a pretty nice excuse for mafia, though I'm unsure. My opinion on torb fluctuates by the second.

side note, I remember how much fun the old vulture role was, I think at one point in like, a 30 player game I managed to beat out like 10 votes with 1 as vulture, and then got into a trade fight over who got to keep vulture. Fun times. I'd say I miss it, but man, tilt city.

As a final note, I saw your question after EoD @DC, but it doesn't seem to matter much now. For the record, it was Ann at the time of your post, but I slept on it and it just didn't feel right, hence why I didnt make it a priority to make time to vote. I probably would have posted something on my three ? reads of Timpa, Ann, and MW.

I can't really think of anything else to post, and I have a zoom call tomorrow morning, so I'll be on about noonish EST. Though, i'll stick on until about half past to answer any questions while I'm here for once.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 06:24:38 am
Oh and shock, if you still think your role gives you insight on kaempfer's alignment, now would be a good time to share.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 06:26:52 am
inb4 shock is toadfish & targetted kaempf N0
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 06:30:30 am
Devour kaempfer, not shock

Psion torb. Torb, you're voting tomorrow

Side note, doesn't this like, strictly not work?

"Mind Flayer - ER
Psionic Wave - Target a player. They cannot use their ability this Night. Cannot disable Burrow."
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 06:32:13 am
Psions aren't Mind Flayers

Psions are a new card Zanz recently added, they look like this:

Whereas Mind Flayer is a water card,

It can be confusing since Mind Flayer has an :aether active
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 06:37:11 am
Ah I see, thanks serp, I guess I was just a little confused! I appreciate the loop in. All these blues just look so similar, I cant tell :water from :air from :aether One day I'll have to get an elements tutor to catch back up!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 07:11:59 am
Okay, but for real, the quote implies that psioning torb will make him vote, but that either means the ability Psionic Wave can remove burrow or that the Psion ability, Psionic Link can make a burrowed boi vote, and I don't think either is the case? I just want to make sure I have at the very least an understanding of the rules and make sure that if either of these two roles listened to that comment, that we understand what is being accomplished. Which seems like nothing other than confirming that torb cant be targeted, assuming he is actually a burrowy lad. Having three things that can easily be shortened to Psion has left sleepy me a touch confused on this front.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 07:27:53 am
Problem is that when Psion fails, it does not confirm anything, especially if I were mafia. I might be immaterial, guarded by a warden or even be a Seraph. Mafia can even dirty me on purpose if I'm town by role-blocking others trying to Psion me, though they'd probably rather protect someone from Otyugh, if they even have a Warden.

serprex is hoping I evolve to see the Shrieker role. Dunno if I feel like it, though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 27, 2020, 07:51:42 am
Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?

Q1: Try to be active and as helpful as possible, stay out of spotlight and use the extra information I have.
Q2: I tried to play like that in Mafia 72, but I pretty much failed to do that.
Q3: Mafia 72

I would really really love to see some motivation to really put something into it right now N1 from the current likely POE that is town -- such as Cal, kills, and DC who have been somewhat low posters (content posts wise) as well as the scummy-from-content section of Annele, kae, and shock. If you're in those groups and you're town get the engine going and put something out there (if you're scum in that list feel free to be towny and WIM-it-up to put some things out there too).

/never-forget-MU-Champs-S3-G5, don't coast too early.

Nah, I won't put more effort than I'm already putting in, sorry. I spent some time on that readlist, only to be told I'm already dead or that it's bad.
Not posting enough content and not being able to provide info with your role = lynched soon sadly.

Just noticing that Cal's read list N1 has myself and Link as his only wolf reads... with some explanatory follow-up about associative reads of not w/w but yet possibly w/w because capable? Then some things about w/v and v/w from my developing a town-read on link during EOD1. Not sure I followed what he might be even trying to say with it...

Look back to top of Cal's read list post and he mentions not switching to Link or rob (as a few people requested at/around/during EOD1)  because didn't feel like lynching me or LInk was a good idea. Cal -- give a little background or comment about your staying on timpa because of not liking a rob or Link lynch when we are you top two suspects but yet not w/w together. I'm confused by you essentially stating you didn't want to lynch your top two scumreads??

Like I said, I'm not sure of my read list, that's just how I see things right now. Also, I couldn't possibly be fully active at EOD1, so I wasn't managing to keep up with all the posts. I felt at that time that lynching you or Link is a bad idea, since I was reading andre as low as you or Link and you two would be way more useful if you were town.

If there's actually a town otyugh out there who is thinking of randomly devouring tonight, please let me know ASAP so I can reveal my role before you do something stupid.

Alternatively, how do you feel about them devouring Calindu instead of our bloc?

Please do, I would be way more useful this way, town sees their whole strategy is bad and will lead nowhere and won't have to spent the whole day lynching me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 27, 2020, 08:17:06 am
@rob: Later today. I also plan to say something to DC once I will not be on phone.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 09:10:38 am
Calin, if the mafia team is who I think it is then you actually played the best out of all of them, you just ended up in the bottom half of the POE due to mechanical reasons.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 27, 2020, 09:48:59 am
It feels right to sus a player who does the RQS but has done nothing else this game except things I find scummy... Annele, who do you want to push tomorrow? Maybe you've read the whole thread, maybe not... maybe you can discuss in wolf-chat the answer if you're not caught up? But, who is a suspect you want to push tomorrow??

I'm not sure what you mean by rqs?

At the start of the day I would have said linkcat still, since even though he was less in control at the end of day he still seemed suspicious to me. End of days are always in the middle of the night for me so I haven't ever experienced one and don't really know how to process them. Reading through the posts since, I don't really know what to think. But serp seems less interested in link and I'm inclined to follow his lead. kae I think would be an interestig path to go down, since peple I have scum and town read in the past are both pushing him right now, which is certaimly making me reconsider things. I'm also interested to see what will happen tonight. A bit more concrete info might help me get my head around everything, kinda lost right now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 09:53:59 am
probably means that he isnt aligned with either of them and he probably could have just lynched Linkcat and be done with it as scum, so I maintain my townlean.
I still have my doubts wrt to Linkcat; I have decentish townreads of everyone on his train (except Annele not sure about her, but she wasnt around for EoD frenzy and i dont really scumread her either), so I actually still think its possible that he's scum and his team couldnt risk saving him without potentially outing themselves as the votes were somewhat volatile and if Linkcat had been lynched as scum everyone voting for counterwagons at EoD would be watched more closely.

I'll have another look at Annele/shockcannon, but so far I'm feeling pretty neutral towards Annele and townlean shockcannon for different reasons now.
Something doesn't make sense in a cognitive sense on this from kae.

What I mean is, he is townreading timpa and thinks he isn't aligned with either of Link / Annele --- so he scum-reads both Link Annele right? Keep reading and alright yeah a scum-read on likely-town-Link but then goes into weird convoluted detail about Annele as a townread in a group yet singled out as not sure on her but then about her EOD absence then yeah not scumreading her?? Following paragraph is about looking into Annele/shock yet he is now neurtral on Annele and town on shock... what are you looking into? What are these different reasons? How are you getting to that while also getting to or not the lynchlog (Votecount analysis?)... ? Is it getting hard to WIM-it-up in the scum-chat? :-/ You had me quite fooled if your a wolf Kae, which is seeming more and more likely.
Ok, bad wording; I meant he isnt aware of being aligned with them. as in not w/w. The reason I'm singling out Annele is because she placed her vote at a point in time where Linkcat wasnt really in danger of being lynched (and went to bed afai can tell), so i think we cant derive much from her vote other than her intial read which is either just an actual read or distancing. I'm putting shock and annele together because the question was posed in that way and in fact telling that they are not connected imo.

Look man, doing a lynchlog takes 2 hours of concentrated work in my experience and I just dont have these long streaks of free time right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 09:58:06 am
Actually rest assured that lynchlogs would be my number #1 priority if I were scum as they are kind of my trademark and a welcome excuse to not put time into solving
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 10:00:52 am
And my Annele read outside of timpa or Linkcat scum is a big fat null at the time, hence why I want to look into her; the reasons I like shock I need time to put into comprehensive words.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 10:02:58 am
Actually rest assured that lynchlogs would be my number #1 priority if I were scum as they are kind of my trademark and a welcome excuse to not put time into solving
Except making those lynch logs -and analyzing them in the meantime- are arguably a part of solving.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 10:04:39 am
I could have been a broken record yesterday that i think Linkcat is scum and the late votes on him were all town, while the other candidates were just LHFs, but I felt I made that clear and thus the discussion just went away from things i had a strong opinion on.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 27, 2020, 10:09:55 am
Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Q3: If not, can you provide the latest game when you were mafia?
I have no clue. I don't even remember the last time I was mafia.

Updated readlist later today. Maybe.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 10:28:17 am
other than Rob forgetting to use logic in his reaction test obv
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 10:48:36 am
Alright shock its probably time to make it official, I'm 90% sure you are an egg that gned me n1 (and disguised it as an angel soft so that I wouldnt die).
To the people suggesting to eat me before shock you are either stupid or sus. Town!shock would be gamethrowing the way he played if I were mafia, so if he flips town you should be really sad if i died earlier.
My Link tunnel deepens, as I am getting the feeling he knew this, but suggested eating me anyway.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 27, 2020, 01:59:19 pm
Calin, if the mafia team is who I think it is then you actually played the best out of all of them, you just ended up in the bottom half of the POE due to mechanical reasons.

But you are wrong, that's the main problem, not sure what the mechanical reasons are, but please put them forward so I can debunk them.
Also, if me flipping town makes you change your whole view, then please just lynch me next so you actually have a winning chance.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 03:06:42 pm

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 03:09:53 pm
Whatever, I rather sound like a retard than to be silent and prove my 'guilt'...

Alright, EoD looks not only like a failure on Town's side but on mafia's side too. With a 5-5 vote it's simply too easy to try to swing things one way or another for mafia to get a damn mislynch. Would be better for them imo, mafia likes NL but a mislynch even more. But the way it ended seems more of an accident, but one that coulda been avoided if mafia was up to switch votes.

Thus, simply put there's >= 1 mafia in andre/Link/Annele. Shocking. I know. Gonna cut andre since his train fell derailed early enough (but w/w andre/Link is unlikely, and Link's gonna say it's Annele by PoE. Rob agrees(?) Link is town. Shock/serp/kae do not.

Keeping this in mind:
List of people that voted andre with intent to kill.



self-pres from andre which doesn't count



People who stated intent to kill rob at EoD

Shock implies that he knows kae, and serp/moe know each other, and those are voting blocs. MW implies he knows shock and kae as well, whereas kae is the clueless of the bunch.

If Annele/Link = t/t then we wouldn't be in this shithole mess, presumably
If Annele is mafia, that would make Link town. Link town would imply rob town, likely iancu/Sub town (those seemed like panic votes, and which maf panic buses?). serp/moe are clear, so that's 7/15 accounted for excluding myself. 3 more mafia to go in Ge0/kae/shock/kdz/Calindu/MW/andre/Beef. I'm going to go out on a limb to guess Annele/kae/kdz/Calindu by PoE, tho considering Ge0 in there too.

If Link is mafia, that clears kae/shock, Annele and andre are clear, and iancu/Sub seems much more suspect to try to divebomb a vote to save their teammate under the guise of a rush. if kae/shock is clear MW is clear... I honestly see this as the less likely scenario but I'll guess Link/rob/ian/Ge0?

Which clearly concludes that my strongest townreads would be Beef/MW/andre/Sub/shock/serp/moe. And myself, duh.

Hello folks.

Again, I come after a great length of time between posts. After Wednesday I should have a lot more time for the game, assuming I make it that far of course. Ill start in order of how fun it is to discuss


side note, I remember how much fun the old vulture role was, I think at one point in like, a 30 player game I managed to beat out like 10 votes with 1 as vulture, and then got into a trade fight over who got to keep vulture. Fun times. I'd say I miss it, but man, tilt city.

As a final note, I saw your question after EoD @DC, but it doesn't seem to matter much now. For the record, it was Ann at the time of your post, but I slept on it and it just didn't feel right, hence why I didnt make it a priority to make time to vote. I probably would have posted something on my three ? reads of Timpa, Ann, and MW.

I can't really think of anything else to post, and I have a zoom call tomorrow morning, so I'll be on about noonish EST. Though, i'll stick on until about half past to answer any questions while I'm here for once.

Imagine being the least fun thing to reply to. I'm hurt. </3 Old Vulture was sick but its death was for the better. Even for that era... I getcha for sleeping on it. I did it too.

@Linky, what say you about me aiming kdz instead, seeing as you binned us together
dc is shitposting a GN claim
I was thinking he meant turning kdz into kfc like that.

/me clears throat


Alright, shitpost aside. Is this a soft? Is this me throwing you off, I dunno. I suppose what I mean is that I wonder if using my ability, if I have one, would be more appropriate to aim kdz instead of <whatever target my role is supposed to hit, if any>. Because in your PoE you put me and kdz together. Which would kinda lean into 'if DC is town then kdz isn't and vice versa'. Assuming I trust you which is one foot in the door, should I do this in order for you to better believe me?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 03:14:27 pm
The reason why my dumb butt has two separate and distinct scumread lists is just because im a silly PoS that doesn't know what they're doing, doesn't have a team that to let me know what they're doing, and may or may not have a role to allow me to discern what they're doing.

@Linky, what say you about me aiming kdz instead, seeing as you binned us together
dc is shitposting a GN claim
I was thinking he meant turning kdz into kfc like that.

Also, KFC sucks. At least where I live. Prefer Popeyes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 03:26:21 pm
No no it was a sidenote DC, you're the most fun baby please don't be upsetti spaghetti. <3

Also, I agree KFC is highly overrated. Popeyes 100%.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 03:28:41 pm
Don't target kdz. It'll totally backfire if you're v/v. Nobody is going to really trust your info on kdz anyways

Basically neither of you are tomorrow's lynch. When the time comes that you're both on the chopping block, you won't need your role to know what it says about kdz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 03:31:26 pm
kaevision: I regained/kept my townreads (and also scumreads) and let andre join.
That means: MW,Sub, serprex, moe, shockcannon, rob, andre, DC are all town in my mind. Link, TorB still scummy.

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 03:33:37 pm
@dc unless you're psion. Then yes, go ahead & psion kdz instead of verifying torb's graboid claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 03:40:13 pm
Also should rob tell us his nightly action in case its worth crusading? Or are we concerned about blocks etc? It's probably only worth it if he got precisely gn (maybe vulture) as crusader gets the role of the egg that night permanently.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 03:44:32 pm
rob should claim regardless. I've already told y'all he's our NK target
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 27, 2020, 03:46:21 pm
If Annele/Link = t/t then we wouldn't be in this shithole mess, presumably
If Annele is mafia, that would make Link town. Link town would imply rob town, likely iancu/Sub town (those seemed like panic votes, and which maf panic buses?). serp/moe are clear, so that's 7/15 accounted for excluding myself. 3 more mafia to go in Ge0/kae/shock/kdz/Calindu/MW/andre/Beef. I'm going to go out on a limb to guess Annele/kae/kdz/Calindu by PoE, tho considering Ge0 in there too.

If Link is mafia, that clears kae/shock, Annele and andre are clear, and iancu/Sub seems much more suspect to try to divebomb a vote to save their teammate under the guise of a rush. if kae/shock is clear MW is clear... I honestly see this as the less likely scenario but I'll guess Link/rob/ian/Ge0?

Which clearly concludes that my strongest townreads would be Beef/MW/andre/Sub/shock/serp/moe. And myself, duh.

This is suspiciously close to my line of thought. Only I find your first scenario much harder to see and the second scenario to be WAY more likely.
However, MW and torb are not cleared in my mind and could replace ian/geo as mafia. I actually think geo is almost 100% town in the second scenario.

While I believe that both rob and Linkcat are likely mafia, I think rob is more likely. I would prefer to lynch rob first (just as serp prefers) before Link because I see a scenario where rob is mafia but linkcat isn't. However, I don't think there's a scenario where Linkcat is mafia and rob is town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 03:48:09 pm
serprex nothing can target a burrowed graboid. if you want TorB to vote (or be open for investigations) you have to ask him to unburrow
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 03:49:24 pm
I asked him to unburrow by telling him I expect to see him vote tomorrow
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 03:55:18 pm
Right, something I failed to consider... Mafia almost certainly aims for the confirmed, or close to confirmed right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 04:01:08 pm
A problem with that (Having torb unburrow) is you assume he evolved last night, if he hasn't evolved yet and he does so tonight he will still be burrowed, right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 04:02:20 pm
Unburrow has top priority after hatch
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 04:02:57 pm
You can lynch the confirmed any time you want. If I receive adrenaline the night I unburrow, it will be the only time I can be nightkilled. Since confirmed town is also most likely getting Guardian Angel protection this round (if there are any), it's much safer to NK them a night later while rendered immune.

Combine these two and I don't like my chances of survival if I commit to evolve. So nothing anyone says will change my plan.

A problem with that (Having torb unburrow) is you assume he evolved last night, if he hasn't evolved yet and he does so tonight he will still be burrowed, right?
Shriekers start unburrowed on evolve afaik.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 04:09:18 pm
Really torb? Thats interesting, I had no idea. I guess I gotta reread the rules or something smh
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 04:09:53 pm
I'm open to the idea that TorB is actually mafia!anubis and thus cant make himself targetable anymore.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 04:12:51 pm
I'm open to the idea that TorB is actually mafia!anubis and thus cant make himself targetable anymore.
Well, if someone keeps using Adrenaline on me every night, they will be able to deny this eventually. It's not like there is a better target for it anyway, is there?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 04:17:11 pm
the best time to unburrow is when there is confirmed town; I doubt both of them are going to get healed, so mafia will take the 50/50 shot today (assuming there even is a GA) and if they fail to kill they know their target cant be safed the next night; you're a far less attractive nk target as you're not even confirmable rn
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:17:27 pm
Limited Night EON1 availability... I am following posts best I can. I have action submitted. Not all that exciting though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:22:42 pm
Note, In my mind, a scum team that has Link in it opens up all possibilities... Even if they don't make sense right now b(living in town!Link world right now with conftown mor\serp) such as moe\serp mafia or crazy things like that...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 04:25:06 pm
Limited Night EON1 availability... I am following posts best I can. I have action submitted. Not all that exciting though.
if it is an exciting role then consider me onboard with the developed plan. (Everything feels unexciting next to a N0 Oty roll)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 27, 2020, 04:40:44 pm
I think there's a high likelihood that myself or Ge0 dies tonight. I'm going to post my top mafia reads. I suspect if I die mafia will manipulate that to throw shade onto others, so ignore that.

Most likely mafia in my opinion (from most likely to least likely)

1.) rob - otyugh kill N1 has much more reward coming from a mafia than a town, especially when mafia has the option to cast it off as an "optimal town move" and especially when they can use fate egg as an excuse. We don't even know if rob is fate egg. Additionally, we have a lot of questionable vote changes and reads from him. Let's be honest here, this guy had a complete panic meltdown getting votes off Linkcat and trying to swap between Annele and andre. Nothing he's done so far has said town to me. If this guy is mafia otyugh and gets away with just devouring N0 on the most inactive player, we're going to regret never lynching him. Let's not regret it.

2.) Linkcat - Linkcat was the first one to vote on rob, andretimpa, and Annele and has started conversations to get all of them lynched. There have been many deflections by him to other players when people get suspicious of players like rob. I honestly think he started voting rob early to avoid suspicion later and then switched to players like andre and Annele who are less active and easy to prey upon. Linkcat also is certain that there is 1-2 mafia among myself, kaempfer, and Annele when I think that there are 0 mafia here. Also town reads players like sub, rob, etc. who are far from confirmed.Additionally, he starts suspecting players like Calindu and kdz as very likely mafia. Before this point, I was the only one calling them out as very likely mafia. Is this a setup so that when I get Night Killed and flip town, Linkcat has a very easy pathway to pushing these players while looking town himself? Especially if I'm wrong and Calindu/kdz are town, this looks like a great set up for mafia victory.

3.) TheonlyrealBeef - the no vote obvious graboid thing just looks like a great reason to stay out of the spotlight. Also started a ridiculous back and forth with kaempfer, that really only served to distract everyone else and get kaempf to mess up somewhere along the line. Contributions to town have been little to nothing. Had a very interesting take on rob's N0 devour.

4.) KDZ - Hard to read, and feigns low activity/inexperience. Could be accurate, could also be a mafia setting themselves up to go the distance before gaining any attention. Can't say, but if Coffeeditto was really the best devour target N0, then this is likely one of our best lynch targets as well for the same reasoning.

5.) Calindu - Makes one post, disappears. Votes on andre early on, disappears. Responds to specific question aimed at Calindu, disappears. Very easily an under the radar mafia. My stance is moving towards town though after the latest interaction between Calindu and Linkcat. Not going to rule out both being mafia though.
Calin, if the mafia team is who I think it is then you actually played the best out of all of them, you just ended up in the bottom half of the POE due to mechanical reasons.

But you are wrong, that's the main problem, not sure what the mechanical reasons are, but please put them forward so I can debunk them.
Also, if me flipping town makes you change your whole view, then please just lynch me next so you actually have a winning chance.

6.) MW - He's said a lot of things that just don't make sense. I don't want to underestimate his ability to be so confused, but something here is off. I also don't like his voting patterns. The only thing that says town to me is that he voted on Linkcat and stayed on Linkcat for so long before then switching off to andre. I have a hard time seeing that action occur if he's mafia, but again, I have no idea what's going on with this noob.

7.) Double Capitals - mostly memes. Is neutral read on most players. What more could you want as a mafia? However, DC's two mafia scenarios makes a lot of sense to me, and was the line of thought I've had this entire time. In fact, I'm almost too worried about how much our thoughts align. DC also made a previous comment on how crazy it would be for both rob and Linkcat to be mafia. But then we see them both as mafia in DC's 2nd most likely scenario. Where did this sudden revelation come from?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 27, 2020, 04:42:42 pm
I forgot ian. He's probably #5 on my list between Calindu and kdz.  :o
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 27, 2020, 05:04:34 pm

5.) Calindu - Makes one post, disappears. Votes on andre early on, disappears. Responds to specific question aimed at Calindu, disappears. Very easily an under the radar mafia. My stance is moving towards town though after the latest interaction between Calindu and Linkcat. Not going to rule out both being mafia though.

That's just how I always play, check Mafia 71, aside from chat discussion I contributed really little early on and pretty much just responded to specific questions or requests related to me. It's when I actually got more information, especially through my role, that I started being more confident and useful.
Also, like I said, I've been quite busy these days, had a deadline yesterday, have a deadline in 2 days, very hard to put more effort than I'm putting in right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 27, 2020, 06:20:55 pm
Unless Link steps up his memeing, we got the funniest post of the thread already

No past experience, but...

It depends on the roles. For the sake of argument we'll say me & one of my allies both rolled Oty. Yeah, great scum roles, this is great, not to mention it gets better when we troll worldwideqq & he flips GN. So next I risk MK to fake claim deja with my fellow oty. What if there's real dejas you ask? YOLO. As confirmed town I'm free to play scummy under the guise of pressuring town. So I'd totally fluster one of the better players around to keep him annoyed that town is throwing the game. Meanwhile I'd ally with the craziest player in the group in order to make people have to risk brain damage from confirmed town telling them to play with this player. Also it'd mean I'd have a perfect reason to bandwagon on the towniest players, come D2 nobody has any clue what's going on. Everyone skipped checking me & my ally's deja claim because NK is supposed to prove it. We're both still alive. No problem, mafia obviously wanted to get fate egg of the table when they have the lead off the GN kill & no lynch. Next night we still don't go, but it makes sense, towny player was protected night before, this night the towny player we failed to bandwagon goes down. It isn't until D4 that people are getting suspicious. By now the roles are coming out though, who needs to kill vanilla players who keep trolling the rest of town?

Accept it sub, you've already lost if I'm scum. So you'll just have to townread me as your only hope. Only it's hopeless, because you've already lost

@RQS I try to play closely to as I would as town. My early game is not too exciting as I take a while to make sense out of the white noise. As more info gets in I try to either contribute a lot or get behind someone that is contributing a lot and whose reads look accurate to me (this depends mostly on how much time I have in my hands). The main difference is that as scum I have a team to coordinate with (still I think keeping a more or less independent line of thought is very useful).
My last game here as scum was the sweep rob refers to (#61)

I'm still forming an opinion on kaemp. On one hand, looking closely at his D1 shows some moves that would imo be bad plays as town (mostly his interactions with MW and torb). However his recent claim about shock's role + shock not even acknowledging it but kaemp still being a town read for shock doesn't add up (unless they are w/w, but that seems a stretch).

I'll post an ISO on him when I get the chance, to articulate what I mean better.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 27, 2020, 06:50:24 pm
Problem is that when Psion fails, it does not confirm anything, especially if I were mafia. I might be immaterial, guarded by a warden or even be a Seraph. Mafia can even dirty me on purpose if I'm town by role-blocking others trying to Psion me, though they'd probably rather protect someone from Otyugh, if they even have a Warden.

serprex is hoping I evolve to see the Shrieker role. Dunno if I feel like it, though.

That along with me agreeing on the latest kae/TorB discussion I also don't want him to unborrow. There are too many obvious NK targets that give mafia a decent chance to shiv one of them. Even if there is town GA.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 27, 2020, 06:56:39 pm
1: I'd be more active or use mafia chat to be kept in the loop to post more.
2/3: no  mafia games from me.

That or I'd copycat serp's masterplan.

Also, serp, check chat PM in case I die.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 27, 2020, 07:06:23 pm
Day 2

Time to slay. It is a new day.

moehrpi was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Deja Vu.

Day 2 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: moehrpi on May 27, 2020, 07:07:01 pm
I already saw it coming.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 07:08:32 pm
aw I was hoping to play scum for awhile longer

Here's an excerpt from moe's last words: "TorB should vote tomorrow btw. Regardless if I said he should stay buried."
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 07:09:35 pm
Annele (1) - rob7dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 07:10:31 pm
RIP moehrpi :(

I hardclaim Shrieker, I am no longer burrowed and will vote this day.

My plan was to Evolve all along with the pm already sent, so it was indeed not a change of plans. I just did not want mafia to know that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 07:11:42 pm
readlist sent to moe last night at 04:51:25:

So, night phase reads in case I'm NK

Teams, listed towniest first: 4/18 scum
vv moe serp
vvvnn link rob sub ian timpa
vnw shock annele kaempf (kaempf lead the vote on Linkcat, shock only went in because I went in on kaempf's bluff, & I always go all in when I call bluffs)
v torb (most neutral of town reads)
w cal (who is cal even playing with?? like his scum role is spreading FUD but he won't align with anyone because he'd have to align with fellow scum in that case)
v geo (most wolfy of town reads)
nnn mw kdz dc

argument: kaempfer vs torb. Playing it up? kaempfer hard buddies rob (won't play with confirmed town & townread shock), very sus. Torb opens up kaempf defending so hard. You say kaempf can't be scum defending scum!rob, but this is easily scum defending town!rob

Calindu went after timpa

Curious what timezone geo was in that he was busy at EOD. Parking on Annele is interesting, as opposed to playing with me vs rob. Apparently he's in Canada, which spans a few timezones

So clear scum is kaempf/calindu. Remaining two is hard to tell, just have to go through in order of most to least sus: dc kdz annele geo torb mw timpa ian. The astute reader will notice I my last 3 are n while geo/torb are v. DEAL WITH IT

Which when I put it that way it's clearer why town is going after annele. Just don't think priority on her should be so high. For example, rob brought up how it was easier to get a wagon on timpa.. but you went on timpa, does that make you scummy? I don't know

fwiw I basically skip Sub's posts & don't bother going back & cross examining things. I did a bit to see wtf mw's been doing
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 07:13:57 pm
ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 07:16:06 pm
Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 07:16:35 pm
Requesting full reads from the following people.




Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 07:17:34 pm
Requesting full reads from the following people.





I really only care about 1 maybe 2 of these peoples reads but i need to hide who it is for now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 07:23:27 pm
Whoever targetted me, please raise your hand

Otherwise I'll assume it was mafia & share in a bit
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 27, 2020, 07:25:22 pm
In case it wasn't clear, Deja Vus can obviously not communicate with other dead Deja Vus.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 07:26:23 pm
serp - it was me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 07:27:00 pm
serp - it was me.
Inb4 you assume it was mafia anyway
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 07:30:23 pm
Oa: yep, clear, RIP moe, deja isn't a softphoenix

Last message he sent re mafia to me was [18:59:36] moehrpi [»] serprex: Surprised if one of us dies, though, too. :p

Yep, rob's scum
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 07:34:15 pm
serp - it was me.

If rob didnt roll GA or Anubis hes scum
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 07:34:42 pm
ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 07:35:15 pm
serp - it was me.

If rob didnt roll GA or Anubis hes scum

Stop trying to read into these roles, we're just tossing the bants around right now

Rob targetted me with devour
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 07:36:29 pm
serp - it was me.

If rob didnt roll GA or Anubis hes scum

Stop trying to read into these roles, we're just tossing the bants around right now

Rob targetted me with devour
I made a backdoor deal and always get fated to Devour every night.  8-)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2020, 07:40:14 pm
Besides, arent there like, a lot more positive or neutral roles to get from fate egg then murdery ones?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 07:45:34 pm
ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.

Torb found a way to explain voting today if he's anubis while having no risk of being called out on it later; now we cant tell anymore wheter he's graboid or anubis
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 07:48:33 pm
As for the tr on you, at first i actually thought you were regular oty and somehow afraid of dying early, which is only really a concern if you can die to the nightkill as you shouldn't have expected to die so soon as scum, unless you actually thought youd get checked n1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 27, 2020, 07:48:45 pm
ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.

Torb found a way to explain voting today if he's anubis while having no risk of being called out on it later; now we cant tell anymore wheter he's graboid or anubis

He's graboid 100%
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 07:49:07 pm
Calin, if the mafia team is who I think it is then you actually played the best out of all of them, you just ended up in the bottom half of the POE due to mechanical reasons.

But you are wrong, that's the main problem, not sure what the mechanical reasons are, but please put them forward so I can debunk them.
Also, if me flipping town makes you change your whole view, then please just lynch me next so you actually have a winning chance.

By mechanical reasons I mean that there are so many players that got strong townreads from EoD that you're on the block purely through process of elimination. That's looking a few days into the future, so could change depending on flips and new information. If Anele is mafia you look worse, if not who knows.

You can lynch the confirmed any time you want. If I receive adrenaline the night I unburrow, it will be the only time I can be nightkilled. Since confirmed town is also most likely getting Guardian Angel protection this round (if there are any), it's much safer to NK them a night later while rendered immune.

Combine these two and I don't like my chances of survival if I commit to evolve. So nothing anyone says will change my plan.

A problem with that (Having torb unburrow) is you assume he evolved last night, if he hasn't evolved yet and he does so tonight he will still be burrowed, right?
Shriekers start unburrowed on evolve afaik.

Mafia has 5 confirmed town to Nightkill, they're not going to waste one on you, especially since you might be the last ML they need as a deep wolf.

I think there's a high likelihood that myself or Ge0 dies tonight. I'm going to post my top mafia reads. I suspect if I die mafia will manipulate that to throw shade onto others, so ignore that.

Most likely mafia in my opinion (from most likely to least likely)

1.) rob - otyugh kill N1 has much more reward coming from a mafia than a town, especially when mafia has the option to cast it off as an "optimal town move" and especially when they can use fate egg as an excuse. We don't even know if rob is fate egg. Additionally, we have a lot of questionable vote changes and reads from him. Let's be honest here, this guy had a complete panic meltdown getting votes off Linkcat and trying to swap between Annele and andre. Nothing he's done so far has said town to me. If this guy is mafia otyugh and gets away with just devouring N0 on the most inactive player, we're going to regret never lynching him. Let's not regret it.

2.) Linkcat - Linkcat was the first one to vote on rob, andretimpa, and Annele and has started conversations to get all of them lynched. There have been many deflections by him to other players when people get suspicious of players like rob. I honestly think he started voting rob early to avoid suspicion later and then switched to players like andre and Annele who are less active and easy to prey upon. Linkcat also is certain that there is 1-2 mafia among myself, kaempfer, and Annele when I think that there are 0 mafia here. Also town reads players like sub, rob, etc. who are far from confirmed.Additionally, he starts suspecting players like Calindu and kdz as very likely mafia. Before this point, I was the only one calling them out as very likely mafia. Is this a setup so that when I get Night Killed and flip town, Linkcat has a very easy pathway to pushing these players while looking town himself? Especially if I'm wrong and Calindu/kdz are town, this looks like a great set up for mafia victory.

3.) TheonlyrealBeef - the no vote obvious graboid thing just looks like a great reason to stay out of the spotlight. Also started a ridiculous back and forth with kaempfer, that really only served to distract everyone else and get kaempf to mess up somewhere along the line. Contributions to town have been little to nothing. Had a very interesting take on rob's N0 devour.

4.) KDZ - Hard to read, and feigns low activity/inexperience. Could be accurate, could also be a mafia setting themselves up to go the distance before gaining any attention. Can't say, but if Coffeeditto was really the best devour target N0, then this is likely one of our best lynch targets as well for the same reasoning.

5.) Calindu - Makes one post, disappears. Votes on andre early on, disappears. Responds to specific question aimed at Calindu, disappears. Very easily an under the radar mafia. My stance is moving towards town though after the latest interaction between Calindu and Linkcat. Not going to rule out both being mafia though.
Calin, if the mafia team is who I think it is then you actually played the best out of all of them, you just ended up in the bottom half of the POE due to mechanical reasons.

But you are wrong, that's the main problem, not sure what the mechanical reasons are, but please put them forward so I can debunk them.
Also, if me flipping town makes you change your whole view, then please just lynch me next so you actually have a winning chance.

6.) MW - He's said a lot of things that just don't make sense. I don't want to underestimate his ability to be so confused, but something here is off. I also don't like his voting patterns. The only thing that says town to me is that he voted on Linkcat and stayed on Linkcat for so long before then switching off to andre. I have a hard time seeing that action occur if he's mafia, but again, I have no idea what's going on with this noob.

7.) Double Capitals - mostly memes. Is neutral read on most players. What more could you want as a mafia? However, DC's two mafia scenarios makes a lot of sense to me, and was the line of thought I've had this entire time. In fact, I'm almost too worried about how much our thoughts align. DC also made a previous comment on how crazy it would be for both rob and Linkcat to be mafia. But then we see them both as mafia in DC's 2nd most likely scenario. Where did this sudden revelation come from?

God I wanted to stop reading this after the first sentence so freaking badly, but I pressed on through sheer force of will. Shock, if you want to be useful, imagine a world where I'm town and then give me your reads.

Mafia went with the safest possible Nightkill. To me this means that they think they'll lose if they miss a single Nightkill.

Re: rob devouring serp
Uhhhh, what?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 07:52:08 pm
Then I saw a lot of things that I found absurd to do as scum, so it held up even after that was off the table. Now your reaction test at first made me think "Wait he isnt even trying to properly explain his vote; thats a scumonly thing to do, right?", but looking back its yet another thing thats totally absurd to do as scum in the situation.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 07:52:38 pm
ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.

Torb found a way to explain voting today if he's anubis while having no risk of being called out on it later; now we cant tell anymore wheter he's graboid or anubis
but does that have much to do with his alignment? Why do you care THAT much about his role? At this stage in more into finding alignments, are you? 0.o
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 07:53:14 pm
I already saw it coming.

/me screams
why didn't you take serprex instead!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 07:53:50 pm
serp is not lynchvoting rob yet, so I wouldn't take his statement seriously yet, either. Just stop asking about it is the point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 07:54:33 pm
Requesting full reads from the following people.





See my post on N1, good enough? gonna snooze.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 07:57:18 pm
Okay, I think serp said he's joking, I'm assuming rob just gave him a buff or a firefly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 07:59:44 pm
Requesting full reads from the following people.





See my post on N1, good enough? gonna snooze.

Is everything still the same?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:04:35 pm
ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.

Torb found a way to explain voting today if he's anubis while having no risk of being called out on it later; now we cant tell anymore wheter he's graboid or anubis
but does that have much to do with his alignment? Why do you care THAT much about his role? At this stage in more into finding alignments, are you? 0.o

Town anubis should never use its ability and TorB caring so much about sticking to the agreedupon rules should thus always be targetable (and being a useless role anyway just actually have used his vote)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:05:05 pm
serp are you feeling like a lightning rid of activity ?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:05:55 pm
As for why I suspect that, I'm tunneling TorB anyway and its been done before by Ginyu in my first mafia game (should be 71 iirc)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 27, 2020, 08:06:45 pm
Requesting full reads from the following people.





See my post on N1, good enough? gonna snooze.

Is everything still the same?

My half dead brain says yes. Please form your conclusion based off my words. Or don't, I may not be the opinion you care about
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:07:19 pm
Town Anubis anointing a town person is pretty powerful I'd think, Kae...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 27, 2020, 08:10:29 pm
Town Anubis anointing a town person is pretty powerful I'd think, Kae...

I think it's half useless, it doesn't protect against NK.

ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.

Torb found a way to explain voting today if he's anubis while having no risk of being called out on it later; now we cant tell anymore wheter he's graboid or anubis
but does that have much to do with his alignment? Why do you care THAT much about his role? At this stage in more into finding alignments, are you? 0.o

Town anubis should never use its ability and TorB caring so much about sticking to the agreedupon rules should thus always be targetable (and being a useless role anyway just actually have used his vote)

He was targetable, so he's not anubis, if he's town like I read him, he's graboid.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 27, 2020, 08:11:05 pm
Curious what timezone geo was in that he was busy at EOD. Parking on Annele is interesting, as opposed to playing with me vs rob. Apparently he's in Canada, which spans a few timezones

Repost of my last post in case you missed it.

What just happened? I don't remember EOD's ever being this crazy.

Big thank you to Link for making a summary post. Also thank you to Oa for staying up.

I was able to fit a couple posts in during a break at work where I briefly gave thoughts on the situation after being asked by Link and Rob. Tally at the time was:

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

I honestly thought the day was about to end with andre lynch and didn't bother to switch my vote. In hindsight probably a misplay, if I had switched Link should not have been almost lynched. I haven't had time to fully process things, not sure if anyone has, but I have Link, rob, and andre all trending upwards after that EOD. I really thought that at the least, confirmed town was going to switch off voting Link last minute. Very surprised when they did not, has me feeling somewhat confused and worried that my read on Link might be wrong? Don't put too much weight on what I just said there, I still very much think Link is town. Just with two confirmed town voting for Link lynch, and many people previously stating that Link is one of the hardest to read (and it being something he seemingly takes pride in possibly), I have an ever so small sliver of doubt.

Could have made it clearer - but I hopped on for EOD during my break and had to go back to work after pre-extension EOD. Parking my vote on Annele was somewhat unintentional, I was focused on trying to catch up and respond to people calling for my opinion and didn't think it was necessary to take the time and change my vote. For the record, I'm not saying I 100% would have changed, I just didn't really give it much thought. I was ok with either Annele or andre lynch, was certain that the majority of link voters were trolling and going to switch off. Hindsight 20/20, I was wrong.

Readslist coming.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 27, 2020, 08:12:18 pm
EBWOP: realized I didn't answer your question. I'm GMT-7, but I work in the restaurant industry so the hours fluctuate wildly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:13:07 pm
nah, it prevents them from getting confirmed and doesnt stop the nightkill; it just denies information and healing and blocks disruptive abilities (the latter is usefull in case the town actually has a good ability, but once you know you can truly trust them they're gonna get nightkilled anyway)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:14:27 pm
Town Anubis anointing a town person is pretty powerful I'd think, Kae...

I think it's half useless, it doesn't protect against NK.

ah crap he found a way to explain how he is not targetable as anubis in the future without anyone checking this round whether he really is targetable now
what what? Phone following sod2 and am confused...? Kae why you hard buddy town-read me so fast this game? I had plenty of shade from others... You managed to God-mode read my alignment right when at large it seemed difficult for most to get there that quick.

Torb found a way to explain voting today if he's anubis while having no risk of being called out on it later; now we cant tell anymore wheter he's graboid or anubis
but does that have much to do with his alignment? Why do you care THAT much about his role? At this stage in more into finding alignments, are you? 0.o

Town anubis should never use its ability and TorB caring so much about sticking to the agreedupon rules should thus always be targetable (and being a useless role anyway just actually have used his vote)

He was targetable, so he's not anubis, if he's town like I read him, he's graboid.
Can I ask you why you targeted him, when for all you knew he was untargetable?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:15:47 pm
My point is that whoever else targeted serp should have been on now. \quieting-down-on-this-topic-for-now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 08:17:25 pm
Don't take the kaempfer13 bait, he wants to know if I'm now immune to nightkills.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 27, 2020, 08:19:24 pm
@kae: Because I expected him to unburrow with so many people asking him to. I believe he just denied it so he can get a free pass to do it. Now he can vote today and burrow again.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:19:57 pm
My point is that whoever else targeted serp should have been on now. \quieting-down-on-this-topic-for-now
Can only be mindflayer and there is 0 point in targeting a deja vu with that
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:21:05 pm
Hm ok, so if TorB is scum so should be Calindu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:22:07 pm
My point is that whoever else targeted serp should have been on now. \quieting-down-on-this-topic-for-now
Can only be mindflayer and there is 0 point in targeting a deja vu with that
*on moe. I mistyped\autocorrect.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 08:22:27 pm
Town is currently down 3. We need a scum lynch today.

Pretty disappointed we didnt get an infolynch D1. We would be in a very different spot had we lynched almost anyone D1.

Im willing to bet if no one else hardclaims, serp will be NK'd, then we kill rob. If rob is scum it would honestly be too late.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 08:23:34 pm
Torb, prefer this wagon to Cal?

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:24:48 pm
MW, it's Day, we lynching now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 08:25:03 pm
Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

I hate every single thing hes done this game. He does a shitty target, defends it for 15 pages, and everyone listens. I dont like that
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 08:28:04 pm
MW, the window for lynching rob was yesteday when I spent I don't even know how many posts going after him

Try another vote, if rob's scum then town failed me yesterday

If we can't agree on cal/kaempf, we're agreeing on mw

We're not going after Annele unless shock decides he'd rather go after her than kaempfer
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 08:28:25 pm
Torb, prefer this wagon to Cal?
Still compiling reads list.

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (2) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 08:30:55 pm
Quite honestly I dont mind getting misslynched, it's been a draining experience with only really shock listening to me properly
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 08:34:00 pm
Alright, reads.

serprex - Deja Vu
Linkcat - I still like everything he says. kaempfer13 trying to shade him practically confirms him as town for me. Linkcat gives good argumentations everywhere.

Calindu - I'm honestly not even sure what all the w reads are about. Not going to pile up on lynch votes here.
rob77dp - People I'm townreading are townreading rob and he tried desperately to save someone I'm townreading from getting lynched, which fits town rob not wanting to info lynch town perfectly.
MasterWalks - The most suspicious thing, is that his play seems so much better than last mafia, where he was town. (= no change)
Submachine - Sub being sub and not sus.
iancudorinmarian - Him not coming across as being particularly interested seems typical ian. He'd have more fun orchestrating lynches as mafia, I suspect.

Annele - I need more activity here to get a good feels. I'm not getting any feels.
killsdazombies - ^
Geometry v1.2 - ^
andretimpa - ^

shockcannon - I'm useless? lmao. Just bus kaempfer13 so I can let you off the hook for a while.
DoubleCapitals - You will need to clarify what that last night thing targeting was all about. Because it felt like you refusing to bus, like you said you would refuse to. Why killsdazombies over kaempfer13 or Calindu?

kaempfer13 - I think I have filled enough pages on why.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 08:40:52 pm
Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

I hate every single thing hes done this game. He does a shitty target, defends it for 15 pages, and everyone listens. I dont like that

MW, eating Coffee was consensus good play like 40 pages ago, but this does make me townread you more since this is the most unproductive thing you could do as mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 08:42:37 pm
Im willing to bus Kaempf, but first i want shock to do 1 of 2 things.

1: Hardclaim
2: Tell us what youve learned about kaempf. Its obv you targetted him N0, and something you learned was enough for you to townread him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:44:25 pm
Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

I hate every single thing hes done this game. He does a shitty target, defends it for 15 pages, and everyone listens. I dont like that

MW, eating Coffee was consensus good play like 40 pages ago, but this does make me townread you more since this is the most unproductive thing you could do as mafia.
every fourth thought I have this game is doubting my town read of Link. Then he posts and I fell warm inside again. I almost cannot contain my excitement we may both be town and townread each other for the first time ever. Conversely, it comes with increased dread if this ever ends up work Link being scum :'(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 27, 2020, 08:45:29 pm
Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Kaempf is town but if this is what it takes for people to drastically change their reads then so be it. I will say though, if we lynch kaempf, and then lynch Annele the next day, town will 100% lose this game. I'll bet a nymph code on that.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 08:47:52 pm
Shock just claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 08:51:32 pm
Shock just claim
Problem is, who still believes shock claims at this point? Can someone point me to an accurate shock claim in a past mafia?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:54:13 pm
Shock just claim
Problem is, who still believes shock claims at this point? Can someone point me to an accurate shock claim in a past mafia?
speaking for myself I base believing a claim on the claim itself not carte blanche person claiming
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 08:55:29 pm
Shock actually truthfully claimed Otyugh most of the game in 70 I think.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 08:56:17 pm
rob: why didn't you target yourself?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 27, 2020, 08:58:16 pm
I know some have starting grouping players together and trying to deduce teams, voting blocks, etc. I personally could not understand the logic behind some of it, just a bit small-brained I guess. Didn't want to sheep them though. My readslist may not make logical sense to some people depending on how they have grouped people. Please read as more of a "Geo's attempt at sensing the vibe on people" kind of list, rather than a "Geo logically solves the game on N1".

As I'm writing this list, I realize most of it still feels somewhat weak. In order to compensate, I will not list anyone as a flat n, everyone is at least n+ or n- so that I'm providing some sort of opinion no matter how weak my read on them.

serp - with moe 200% confirmed deja, serp is 200% confirmed himself. this is obvious to most of you I know, but it was a conclusion I deduced with my own brain and I am proud of it

link - nothing about his posts feel scummy to me, I'm not sure how some are reading him as scum. having a train started on him late into D1 was seemingly random to me and felt like a mafia play
torb - could be wrong but feel like he is playing fairly "solo", not trying too hard to get on anyone's good side. in fact maybe doing the opposite, staying extremely wary of everyone until confirmed town. feels towny to me.

rob - some of his play confuses me still, but the constant vote switching and his seeming confusion/panic during EOD felt towny to me, I think mafia would be more certain of what they want?
kdz - gut feel still think he's towny, although at this point in the game I guess that's not good enough to have someone in v
sub - I said I wasn't going to sheep but someone mentioned that if sub was scum he would very likely be caught up during EOD and that just makes so much sense to me

andre - scum andre would have received a bit more defense, he has almost died twice and no one seemed to care. poor guy.

dc (n+)
mw (n-)
the two players I am most unsure about, but as promised have assigned them a not completely neutral read

ian - I feel like his posts have little to no substance, doesn't seem to care much about the game, "I'll post a readslist later, maybe" - not a good feel
annele - still gut feel scummy, but similar to how I don't think my gut feel on kdz warrants v, my read on annele doesn't warrant w. of all players, I wish the most to see more content from her.
shock - weirdest read for me, I really like how he presents his logic, but I don't at all agree with his reads if that makes sense. has me worried they are mafia orchestrated narratives, kinda "feels too good to be true" type solving. almost want to put him in w but idk.

calindu - low-ish activity and also a "don't really care about the game" vibe, similar to ian. also started the train on link (I could be wrong on this, too lazy to go back and check but I'm fairly certain he was the first or one of the first to vote on link)
kaemp - a lot of his reads contradict mine, this is maybe somewhat of a gut feel as well, but it's my strongest. as I'm writing this post it seems a wagon is forming on him and I'm content to hop on.

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 27, 2020, 08:59:12 pm
Shock actually truthfully claimed Otyugh most of the game in 70 I think.
Alright, I'll keep that in mind and more seriously consider any possible claim, then. 72 was kinda ridiculous.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 08:59:45 pm
rob: why didn't you target yourself?
I already know about myself what I would have learned by doing so.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 09:01:59 pm
Decent list but both parts of your Cal read are wrong.

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Don't want the train to run away just yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 27, 2020, 09:02:14 pm
Quick question, is it possible for a role to be assigned to multiple people? Aside from Golden Nymph.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 27, 2020, 09:03:28 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 27, 2020, 09:04:45 pm
Decent list but both parts of your Cal read are wrong.

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Don't want the train to run away just yet.

My bad, went back to check and Cal was not on your train. In that case, swap annele and cal on my readslist for now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 09:10:38 pm
MW - I'm actually chuckling at what I suspect is your misunderstanding of what bus means in this context.  ;D

Don't waste your vote on me right now though. Eh?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 09:15:40 pm
Rob didn't need info on me. So scummy. No jokes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 09:19:15 pm
If Kae\annele are w\w I wonder how wolves are going to decide when to bus and whom... I think the if it's answered as YES in that world.

If v\w w\v the tough call is IF to bus...

If v\v then we're in trouble I reckon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 09:20:56 pm
Smarty people can find where I softed my N1 action. serp if you're scumreading Link then I guess you're being logical to scumread my night action. There was at least one other action targeting you last night too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 27, 2020, 09:23:55 pm
Welp, there goes my chance for sweet release.
Anyway here is why I hate TorB so much this game:
TorB is someone with a good understanding of maths and optimization. I see that many other people struggle to understand these concepts, but he really should know better. But alas his goal isnt to solve this game after all. Instead he focussed on a discussion about ethics in a game that is literally about murdering people. Also note how well his views line up with the general thread mood at any given time
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 09:33:39 pm
Will definitely keep that in mind if you flip town.

Rob, since you're Fate Egg is there a reason you don't just claim your action?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 09:35:14 pm
kae, torb also has an absurd hate for variance. He does not like to roll dice
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 09:37:55 pm
Will definitely keep that in mind if you flip town.

Rob, since you're Fate Egg is there a reason you don't just claim your action?
uhhh I guess not. Great point no different than how devouring auto-claimed my n0.

I psionic linked serp. My action failed though. Moe dying at night would have made even a successful targeting worthless though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 09:39:20 pm
kae, torb also has an absurd hate for variance. He does not like to roll dice
then he should have been the Fate Egg. For humor.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 09:40:23 pm
Totally worthless, would much prefer rob being able to back up cal's torb check
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 09:43:29 pm
Serp did you get immaterial?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 09:44:01 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 09:51:12 pm
So it was someone that doesn't trust rob.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 09:57:08 pm
MW I assume you didn't learn anything important last night?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 09:59:56 pm
So it was someone that doesn't trust rob.
or scum that knew they were NK on moe and wanted to keep serp away from buffs from town (meanwhile preventing my tinfoil investigation).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 10:07:45 pm
When can we lynch rob for making such terrible plays? Someone save town from whatever he misplays N3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 10:18:10 pm
So it was someone that doesn't trust rob.
or scum that knew they were NK on moe and wanted to keep serp away from buffs from town (meanwhile preventing my tinfoil investigation).

The only buff that's useful to give serp is Immaterial.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 27, 2020, 10:33:28 pm
MW I assume you didn't learn anything important last night?

Possibly. Waiting on one of my people to respond with read list
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 27, 2020, 10:55:21 pm
Rob, were you aware that there was only a 45.3% chance of yolo deja claim going through without claim on D1? That'd be mafia betting half their team on 55.7% payoff. Do you know how big that payoff has to be then? It means that the payoff has to be a 90% winrate to be a 50% winrate strategy. Do you know the chance that either moe or I get checked somehow N0? Or how about N2 when neither of us are N1 NK? I wasn't really expecting anyone to listen to me telling Linkcat he's bad with his psion plan, but like come on

@shock feel free to sic our bloc on rob or link again today, I'm game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 11:02:35 pm
The only reason I suggested it is because it was the only way we lose, game is pretty much won at this point, and one Psion check isn't that valuable.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 27, 2020, 11:40:50 pm
The only reason I suggested it is because it was the only way we lose, game is pretty much won at this point, and one Psion check isn't that valuable.

 If you didn't like that part of Link plan then why not comment sooner? Like when I softed following the plan. (I didn't come up with a good way to hint at being psion though)

To get me up to speed, when I get no input and decide on my own it's scummy (N0) and when I follow the towniest plans to a T it's scummy (N1). Got it. I prayed to all the rng goddesses all day 1 and N1 for a blessing of GN roll, but alas.

Wish I could have had GN rolled to check moe last night. serp could really start the fireworks then.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 27, 2020, 11:46:42 pm
Now that would have been a waste.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 12:24:03 am
Requesting full reads from the following people.





Cannot stress how much i need these reads. If a read comes back from a specific person in a certain way, i will hard claim.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 28, 2020, 12:43:42 am
Requesting full reads from the following people.





Cannot stress how much i need these reads. If a read comes back from a specific person in a certain way, i will hard claim.

Mine was posted. Although I can't imagine my list to be of such crucial importance to you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 12:55:04 am

Can't really respond to Linkcat's plan any sooner
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 01:38:32 am
The post was too short. Or maybe too fast. I didn't see that when I went back to check the plan to submit my action.

I couldn't script an intentional way of being more irritating to serp than I have been so fast unintentionally. He probably would say scummy instead of irritating.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 28, 2020, 01:44:09 am
DoubleCapitals - You will need to clarify what that last night thing targeting was all about. Because it felt like you refusing to bus, like you said you would refuse to. Why killsdazombies over kaempfer13 or Calindu?

I was trying to bait mafia into nabbing me by softing something useful. Then I realised they'd rather NK the 5 confirmed town instead of you know, risk wasting their shot on this dummy.

I do not have a useful role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 28, 2020, 01:51:12 am
Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Voting based on my Scenario #1 (Link=t, Annele=m)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 28, 2020, 01:52:40 am
Also curious, where did I say I 'refuse to bus'? RQS?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 02:11:27 am
Ok, I need information. Im starving. I aint gonna waste time.

I need a full readlist from submachine. dont care much to see anyone else's on the list.

Serp, i have a huge favor to ask you. How much do you truly believe this is possible? If not toadfish then GOTP? like, on a scale of 1-10.
inb4 shock is toadfish & targetted kaempf N0

kaempfer, your about to die and i dont really mind hoping to you to finish that off. I need you to answer how many times can you use your role? (OU, ER, EoR)

Now, i ask shock. How likely on a scale of 1-10, is submachine a town?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 02:18:37 am
gee, sure would be nice if rob had checked shock's role to have insight into any random claim shock might make
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 02:28:40 am
gee, sure would be nice if rob had checked shock's role to have insight into any random claim shock might make

Ima tin foil hat and say that rob rolled psion and targetted moe to confirm your claim? Then says he was targetted so mightve been blocked?

My point is that whoever else targeted serp should have been on now. \quieting-down-on-this-topic-for-now
Can only be mindflayer and there is 0 point in targeting a deja vu with that
*on moe. I mistyped\autocorrect.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 02:29:49 am
gee, sure would be nice if rob had checked shock's role to have insight into any random claim shock might make

Ima tin foil hat and say that rob rolled psion and targetted moe to confirm your claim? Then says he was targetted so mightve been blocked?

My point is that whoever else targeted serp should have been on now. \quieting-down-on-this-topic-for-now
Can only be mindflayer and there is 0 point in targeting a deja vu with that
*on moe. I mistyped\autocorrect.

nvm this is too dumb to be true.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 02:35:30 am
I am presuming I failed to psi-link serp because he was immaterialized. Isn't that what recent Link/serp discussion unveiled? The first part of what you said, MW, is right.

I wouldn't expect Sub to be around for a bit --- I think his time zone is pretty much asleep for a while now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 02:37:46 am
you rolled psion and thought the best target was moe? Why? While it wasnt 100% proven, is was pretty proven due to rules.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 02:38:41 am
Sorry if im late to a party that already happened. Ive been reading stuff from further back.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 02:45:57 am
So just to silence MasterWalks making random theories..

Mafia has an anubis. That anubis has secured NK on me (to be refunded whenever) to prevent Heal blocking

Either rob is town fate egg psion who was blocked due to that immaterial, or rob's anubis scum & came up with a "I was actually psion" story to cover for his night action. If link/rob are w/w, link's plans would be created after he knows rob's anubis roll to setup that play

Torb, I see no reason you shouldn't divulge whether you're adrenal. Also, does adrenal burrowed count towards parity? My understanding is "no" but seems a weird interpretation when parity rules are really just outlining how to not allow mafia to slowroll
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 03:13:54 am
I feel a little dumb for not realizing the Anubis is scum, and yes Adrena'd Shrieker counts for parity.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 03:15:48 am
Um, Sub even calls it an RQS in the post where he asks the questions that you answered. Are you faking not knowing this? Seems odd that you picked it out to respond to but then don't know that's what Sub called it. I may be tunneling at this point on my scum-read of you, but it sure looks like you were told somewhere else to go answer Sub's questions and/or knew the questions to answer without having to dig through the thread to find his post (that is, if you had found the Sub post to answer them you likely quote it and/or see it called an RQS).

It feels right to sus a player who does the RQS but has done nothing else this game except things I find scummy... Annele, who do you want to push tomorrow? Maybe you've read the whole thread, maybe not... maybe you can discuss in wolf-chat the answer if you're not caught up? But, who is a suspect you want to push tomorrow??

I'm not sure what you mean by rqs?

At the start of the day I would have said linkcat still, since even though he was less in control at the end of day he still seemed suspicious to me. End of days are always in the middle of the night for me so I haven't ever experienced one and don't really know how to process them. Reading through the posts since, I don't really know what to think. But serp seems less interested in link and I'm inclined to follow his lead. kae I think would be an interestig path to go down, since peple I have scum and town read in the past are both pushing him right now, which is certaimly making me reconsider things. I'm also interested to see what will happen tonight. A bit more concrete info might help me get my head around everything, kinda lost right now
Now, if there is a living Otyugh, please nom Annele so we can have Day 2 and not Day 1 Part 2: Battle Tendency.

I'm not sure how serious this suggestion is, but does anyone else actually think another oty should take matters into their own hands n1? For me or any of the other failed lynches?

Q1: How would you play if you were mafia?
I'd try not to rock the boat, and excuse any misplay on being inexperienced.
Q2: Can you provide an example of when you played as mafia like that?
Whatever the last mafia I was in that was my strategy; I tried to just follow what other people were saying and based my reads on that. That lead to me accidentally landing the finishing blow on a fellow mafia and getting confirmed town for a while lol

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 28, 2020, 04:23:30 am
I'm still forming an opinion on kaemp. On one hand, looking closely at his D1 shows some moves that would imo be bad plays as town (mostly his interactions with MW and torb). However his recent claim about shock's role + shock not even acknowledging it but kaemp still being a town read for shock doesn't add up (unless they are w/w, but that seems a stretch).

I'll post an ISO on him when I get the chance, to articulate what I mean better.

As I promissed at EON, here's kaempf's ISO (what stuck out the most to me - not gonna copy 100+ posts  :P)

First his exchange with MW

Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I've reread the op 4 times and arrive at the conclusion that there is a grand total of 1 type of (not confirmed dead) town roles that would allow you to mechanically discern shocks alignement while simultaneously not knowing but believing serps claim to be true on n1 .

Ugh, this whole thing is a trainwreck again. Nvm me saying that this could turn out to be easy earlier.

I am quite certain kaempfer is town. However, it is very important to me that he does not know that I think this. DO NOT QUOTE THIS POST OR I WILL VOTE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD.

Also, i agree with shocks last message

I cant find anything uber damning in any of this and really seems like some shallow fingerpointing. Ill just give my full read list as of right now. It aint much.

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town
Kaempfer- see shockcannons reasoning
submachine- is doing submachine stuff. i expect him to be slightly more low key as scum.
Rob- Im on the rob wouldnt be that stupid as scum bandwagon
Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp

Somethings i would like to point out

Waking up at 4 am to say:
I'll eat my shoe if sub isnt town

This comment is based solely on reading the thread. He did not gain any information from his role.

(important part in white)

I'm talking about your shock read; fate egg rolling gn is the only option that actually allows you to discern his alignement. If you didnt have that, there is no way your result directly reveals shocks alignement.
(important part in white)

Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I've reread the op 4 times and arrive at the conclusion that there is a grand total of 1 type of (not confirmed dead) town roles that would allow you to mechanically discern shocks alignement while simultaneously not knowing but believing serps claim to be true on n1 .

Ugh, this whole thing is a trainwreck again. Nvm me saying that this could turn out to be easy earlier.

My role has nothing to do with me believing serp or really my kaempfer read.

this strikes me as a bad play if kaemp is town, since Fate Egg is not a role you want under the spotlight and even if it were "obvious", make the scum work for it. He continues

as you cant be deja vu with him and not question serps claim as there is only at most one group of deja vus (stated in op)

Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp

i simply have no reason not to believe him. And your role read on me tells me i did on okay job at my soft claim.

I also don't like the vibes off shock's messages but its strictly a gut feel.

This is a totally normal gut feeling with everything shock says both in and outside of mafia. Dont look into what he says too hard or youll descend in madness. I think i can speak for the majority when i say that.

Just to be sure, I want you to know that a psion getting a guardian angel result doesnt mean anything about the targets alignement. I'm a little concerned this might be going on, as people wrongly assuming such let to mobian living as mafia much longer than he should've in the mafia game before I started playing.

same argument as before, psion is not as much of a big deal, but giving ideas to mafia to check if shock is GA is also a bad move. (tho this one doesn't even add up, as GA wouldn't allow shock to make a read of kaemp)

After this MW gets kaemp to drop the subject. Nevertheless, kaemp gets to this conclusion

so basically we regard moe, shock, serp as confirmed and either watch in horror as the mafia kills them 1 by 1 or try to solve the game while they are still around. Pretty wastefull to make that public this early, but it does make our PoE a lot smaller.

The next weird bit is this exchange

My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

MW gets to the conclusion that his claims were softer than expected

shock, I'm pretty sure I understood what you are trying to tell me before you made that post; i just dont want to make a big deal out of it unless i have to.

MW, there is sth really weird about what you last said and what i think shock has been doing; check again which roles can target who.

MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

The message that called more my attention is this last one. I'm having a really hard time trying to parse it, but I don't see what wolf!kaemp would be trying to accomplish here (since the shock claim would be beneficial to him, why discredit it?). It might be kaemp trying to throw shade at shock to get a misslynch and consolidate himself as townie, but that seems like an overoptimistic plan on his part to me (and requires shock to have missplayed).

MW is not amused by these messages

MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
I hope this means you understand?

Nope. Dont understand. Dont know what im supposed to be trying to understand.
I thought the speed of my role was different. I double chekced, asked a question, and now i understand it. I falsely made a pretty hard claim earlier in my reads regarding you and shock. Now that i know my roles speed, i explained honestly and back peddled on my claims as shown here:
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

Now im not GN obv so im not 100% sure you are town, and frankly, your short cryptic messages and role reading me are making me feel less confident about my read on you.

His direct reply

Ok, I give up trying to parse this. the reason I'm being so cryptic is because I don't want more roles to be revealed (you pretty much revealed what your role does, so no use trying to hide it now (I'm by no means encouraging a full claim)) and one of the following things happened:
- I missunderstood shock
- You missunderstood your role (tbf you pretty much admit to that)
- You missunderstood shocks role

After this MW switches his vote to kaemp, serp follows suit

I was gonna include his exchanges with torb, but the part that is in D1 is not as spread out (and is still developping apparently) - so I'd rather get some sleep.

Regarding his N1 posts, this one intrigued me

Alright shock its probably time to make it official, I'm 90% sure you are an egg that gned me n1 (and disguised it as an angel soft so that I wouldnt die).
To the people suggesting to eat me before shock you are either stupid or sus. Town!shock would be gamethrowing the way he played if I were mafia, so if he flips town you should be really sad if i died earlier.
My Link tunnel deepens, as I am getting the feeling he knew this, but suggested eating me anyway.
mostly because shock didn't reacted to it. This is one thing I don't see wolf!kaemp doing, unless shock/kaemp are w/w (but then again, this would be an exceedingly dangerous plan)

In a vacuum these look either like kaemp is scum and is slipping in some parts or he's town and needs to learn to be a bit more discrete. (around n-). However together with the EOD it makes him my strongest scum lean.

I'll be doing Anelle tomorrow (should be quicker at least).

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 28, 2020, 04:25:28 am
Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 04:27:25 am
I'd like to propose town!Annele:

Why didn't mafia show up & put a thumb on the scale when 3/5 or 4/5 town were on Linkcat? Because insane town was doing it well enough. Say what you want about Annele being hardest to bandwagon, there are many town which weren't onboard with that. Conclusion: mafia weren't interested in yesterday's vote because none of the wagons were scum

If that's not true, shock's correct that mafia showed up to save Linkcat. Linkcat, play with Annele or else you're scum to me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 05:09:07 am
There's no way that I'm lynching anyone but Annele and kaempfer in the next two days. I agree kaempfer is a little more likely mafia than Annele, but lynching Annele is the only way we get a clear picture of what happened Day 1. Kaempfer can wait until tomorrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 05:13:43 am
Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 05:26:22 am
I'd like to propose town!Annele:

Why didn't mafia show up & put a thumb on the scale when 3/5 or 4/5 town were on Linkcat? Because insane town was doing it well enough.

Can you clarify what you mean by this?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 05:37:02 am
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi

2/5 of those are confirmed town. I expect 1.5 more are town

"insane" references you saying

They only got No Lynch because all the sane town knew that killing me was a bad idea.

Meanwhile you & rob are wanting an infolynch. Hypocrites
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 06:04:19 am
Torb, I see no reason you shouldn't divulge whether you're adrenal. Also, does adrenal burrowed count towards parity? My understanding is "no" but seems a weird interpretation when parity rules are really just outlining how to not allow mafia to slowroll
Well, was hoping for a nightkill misfire, but I figure that's a long shot, regardless. I am adrenal, which is why I know someone targeted me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 06:07:56 am
In a kaempfer/Annele world, if the other mafia are in Torb/kdz/DC then they weren't able to vote, it wouldn't be Cal's style to jump on me and it's obviously not Ge0, so I'm not sure how you would expect them to put a thumb on the scale there.

This is different from an infolynch in that I see no scenario in which I don't lynch Annele in the next two days, I just want more time with rob to figure out all possible worlds before one of us dies.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 08:08:16 am
You guys are all insane. So long as shock vouches for me and lives or flips town egg I shouldnt even be on the table for the lynch, no matter how outrageous you find the things I say.

You dont lynch someone you can mechanically confirm as town. Linkcat knows that, it was a big topic in his championship game. I dont even know wtf kind of mech clears other than the daja vus hes talking about when he's still ready to lynch me. If you look at his last night, you also see much more blatant attempts at rolefishing than I ever had.

(As for why i was arguing with MW about roles is it was blatantly obv what kind of roles he might have and he was spreading misinformation about what his role told him, probably by mistake. Btw, I wasnt poisoned n1 because I'm still alive. Besides the things you said dont make any sense in that scenario. Reread the op 10 times and ask Oa about everything before you make more mistakes)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 28, 2020, 08:15:40 am
Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 28, 2020, 08:42:53 am
Um, Sub even calls it an RQS in the post where he asks the questions that you answered. Are you faking not knowing this? Seems odd that you picked it out to respond to but then don't know that's what Sub called it. I may be tunneling at this point on my scum-read of you, but it sure looks like you were told somewhere else to go answer Sub's questions and/or knew the questions to answer without having to dig through the thread to find his post (that is, if you had found the Sub post to answer them you likely quote it and/or see it called an RQS).

I don't know what half the acronyms people are using mean, but this one was directed at me so I thought I'd clarify. I answered the questions because when I turned up to check the thread at that time that's what people were doing. I'm not able to be here most of the time, but I do try to participate where I can.

I did hope that there would be more public information to work with after n1, but I'm getting more and more suspicious of kae. Still think Linkcat's dodgiest though.

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 09:04:18 am
Hypothesis: Calindu, Torb are mafia green nymph and Anubis respectively. Cal actually targeted Torb n1, which allowed TorB to use his ability again tonight (on serp so it wouldnt be possible to save him in the future). TorB had no reason to fear the nightkill now, but regular targeting. There was 2 confirmed town, TorB is never going to be mechanically confirmable and this game isnt a solo experience where you have to live as long as possible anyway. So TorB pretended he would still going to be untargetable (which he actually was), discouraging town from attempting to target him, while Cal knew he could make TorBs cover as graboid more believable by claiming he targeted torb today, explaining his power to vote in the future even as burrowed graboid. However he forgot that he didnt have a particular good reason to target TorB.

I'm extremely reluctant to vote outside Link, Cal or Torb today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 28, 2020, 09:20:09 am
So long as shock vouches for me and lives or flips town egg I shouldnt even be on the table for the lynch, no matter how outrageous you find the things I say.

Why would you be unlynchable if shock lives? Sure, if shock vouches for you and flips something that can 100% verify you as town, then sure. But right now? There's no reason you should be that confident in this idea.

However he forgot that he didnt have a particular good reason to target TorB.

This is funny. I'm Green Nymph, yeah, I can confirm that. There was a good chance my ability would fail if TorB didn't unburrow, that's correct as well. But I find Green Nymph to be useless except for this very niche, so why not at least try to use it like this?
It allows me to see if he is actually untargetable or not. It allows one of my town reads to vote while not being NKable, and if it weren't for the need to disclose that, it might even bait a NK. Even if he is mafia, it forces him to vote since I know he has adrenaline and can't use the Graboid excuse anymore.

I'm sorry, but I can't town read you anymore after this.

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 09:30:09 am
Because shock all but confirmed that he gned me n1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 09:35:04 am
There are far easier worlds I could have pushed, but alas I'm actually trying to solve the game and thus I will keep screaming this cassandra truth until I'm dead
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 28, 2020, 09:44:41 am
There are far easier worlds I could have pushed, but alas I'm actually trying to solve the game and thus I will keep screaming this cassandra truth until I'm dead

I town read you before these 2 comments, but it's hard for me to do it now. I know you can analyse the mechanics of the game, and I find it hard to believe that you actually think me using adrenaline on the graboid is a bad play. You surely know the ability is useless outside of this. To explain why it's useless though, adrenaline does 3 things:

@MW: Please claim if you are FFQ if it helps kae/shock claims,
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 28, 2020, 10:01:48 am
Albeit late, here's my updated readlist.

serprex - you know why

rob - Still my strongest town read. Make of that what you wish.

TorB - I can see where kae is coming from, but it feels way too conspiracy theory to me. TorB is still a town-lean for me.
MW - Not sure what to think of him. He's asking for the reads of some very specific people. Town behaviour, I'd say.

shock - I don't even read his posts. I'm too low IQ to understand, so I just ignore.
Calin - I haven't seen anything unusual from him yet.
Sub - I don't know. I don't like reading walls of texts, so I kinda ignore those. People with more patience can feel free to analyze them better.
kdz, DC, Ge0 - No clue whatsoever.

Linkcat - U N L Y N C H A B L E
andre - Still one of the people I suspect. To be honest, I don't like how easy it was to forget about him entirely.

Annele - I really don't like how hard she was to lynch D1.
kae - As said, his theories feel way too conspiracy-oriented.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 28, 2020, 10:02:59 am
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

I'm willing to change to kae if needed or if people can persuade me otherwise.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 10:05:02 am
Oh well, if you lynch me at least you'll finally have to believe me. Kinda sucks though that the only time I'm ever threatened to get lynched is when I'm mech clear
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 28, 2020, 10:12:42 am
In for a quick visit. Apologies to rob for not being able to follow up his request yet. I will try to catch up during my lunch break, but don't expect much activity from me until the end of work hours.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 28, 2020, 10:28:47 am
Ok, I need information. Im starving. I aint gonna waste time.

I need a full readlist from submachine. dont care much to see anyone else's on the list.
Oh boy, this ought to be good. Sorry rob, EOD1 analysis has to wait, this is looking to be way more fun.

But still, gotta wait for work hours to end. Sorry MW. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 02:49:28 pm
Anyone wanting to call out kaempf for wearing tinfoil, just remember Linkcat didn't allow me to modify nightplan to cross out this theory because apparently the game's pretty much solved despite town 0-3 scum
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 02:56:12 pm
We can resolve this if two of shock/annele/kaempf/masterwalks/submachine have targetting

Some will target torb. Torb will not burrow tonight. I'd rather he be tonight's NK than some later day's mislynch
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 03:15:27 pm
We can resolve this if two of shock/annele/kaempf/masterwalks/submachine have targetting

Some will target torb. Torb will not burrow tonight. I'd rather he be tonight's NK than some later day's mislynch
Then who's today's lynch? You are settled in it being Link? I still think he's town. But I _know_ you're town. I still think Annele is mafia scum.

Link you've shaded Cal quite a bit without really trying to lynch him... Howcome? I know I've been the target if your scumread before when you're town and it is a serious pressure cooker experience. A few times this game you've mentioned going hard or a welcome return to playing mafia but you look different in some regards than the town!Link I've seen before...

\Tinfoil creeping in...
\\serp will scumread me for what will be framed as bussing
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 28, 2020, 03:22:27 pm
I’m pretty sure that all 4 mafia are currently voting for kaempf or Annele.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 03:25:27 pm
^ towniest post from rob so far. He just needs to realize Annele must be town if Linkcat's town. If Annele were scum, Linkcat would be dead. They could've even voted with y'all on timpa & then you wouldn't have that last minute panic to Annele when moe (confirmed town, btw) switched his vote to Linkcat last minute
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 03:25:41 pm
(caret pointing at rob)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 03:37:21 pm
We can resolve this if two of shock/annele/kaempf/masterwalks/submachine have targetting

Some will target torb. Torb will not burrow tonight. I'd rather he be tonight's NK than some later day's mislynch
I already have been targeted by Calindu last night.
In your grouping, I suspect 1 - 3 mafia. I don't like that at all.

I want good counter-theories on the mafia -quotes, arguments and everything- that does not involve me being mafia if you want me to take those suspects seriously. I know I'm not mafia. So far, I've been called so many insults by kaempfer13/shockcannon, that I have lost count. Is this supposed to make me townread them or some shit? Cause it isn't working. Of course I cannot be certain what alignment they have, I do not have access to that kind of information. But I'll be glad to lynch them as is.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 28, 2020, 03:37:30 pm
They’re not idiots serp. They’re voting on Annele because they’re mafia and they need a second person to split votes on with kaempf because if they all pile on kaempf and he flips town it’s way too suspicious.

But if half of them vote kaempf and the other half Annele and kaempf barely gets lynched, then they can blame mafia orchestration to convince everyone to keep voting Annele again the next day, while also being able to blame each other a bit to make sure they don’t give each other away.

And if Annele and kaempf are both town and they are our next two day lynches, then towns going to end up 7 players down with all 4 mafia still alive. They know if they can just pull off these next two lunches it’s game over. Especially since every town who is not Serprex, shock, kaempf, or Annele all place rob, torb, and Linkcat as high town reads. I can guarantee that at the VERY LEAST, there is one mafia within those 3.

Also the Annele being too hard to lynch is such bull crap I can’t believe that anyone who’s town could actually buy that. It’s a real telling sign when players who tend to use a lot of logic just throw it out the window when it comes to voting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 03:41:51 pm
\tinfoil intensifying...
\\go figure serp finds that town of me _shrug_

shock- it is a thing... It isn't always right otherwise the game is too easy\not fun. I'm willing to rethink somethings given enough reason.

Annele as town does look to make some sense if Link is mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 03:42:34 pm
torb, that's why I say "at least two". I want those who haven't been playing with you to check. If they frame you then they're outing themselves if we eventually lynch you
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 03:46:19 pm
Vote count check only, was last page and phone sucks for that...

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 03:51:38 pm
Also, what's this "more info from voting Annele" theory? Linkcat wants Annele first because unconditionally he can go after kaempfer afterwards

If kaempfer is town, then scum wasn't too tied up voting on Linkcat. In which case Annele must be town too. So what kaempfer flips actually gives info on whether you might go after Annele. If, and only if, kaempfer is scum. The same does not hold for what Annele flips
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 04:46:48 pm
You guys are all insane. So long as shock vouches for me and lives or flips town egg I shouldnt even be on the table for the lynch, no matter how outrageous you find the things I say.

You dont lynch someone you can mechanically confirm as town. Linkcat knows that, it was a big topic in his championship game. I dont even know wtf kind of mech clears other than the daja vus hes talking about when he's still ready to lynch me. If you look at his last night, you also see much more blatant attempts at rolefishing than I ever had.

(As for why i was arguing with MW about roles is it was blatantly obv what kind of roles he might have and he was spreading misinformation about what his role told him, probably by mistake. Btw, I wasnt poisoned n1 because I'm still alive. Besides the things you said dont make any sense in that scenario. Reread the op 10 times and ask Oa about everything before you make more mistakes)

You see, the issue is that you're basing your reason for survival on a random unexplained, uncorroborated shock claim, and that means nothing to me. As for rolefishing, I only asked for things that I believed would be more helpful to town than mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 04:50:13 pm
Hypothesis: Calindu, Torb are mafia green nymph and Anubis respectively. Cal actually targeted Torb n1, which allowed TorB to use his ability again tonight (on serp so it wouldnt be possible to save him in the future). TorB had no reason to fear the nightkill now, but regular targeting. There was 2 confirmed town, TorB is never going to be mechanically confirmable and this game isnt a solo experience where you have to live as long as possible anyway. So TorB pretended he would still going to be untargetable (which he actually was), discouraging town from attempting to target him, while Cal knew he could make TorBs cover as graboid more believable by claiming he targeted torb today, explaining his power to vote in the future even as burrowed graboid. However he forgot that he didnt have a particular good reason to target TorB.

I'm extremely reluctant to vote outside Link, Cal or Torb today.

Will strongly consider this if you flip town, it does explain why mafia Anubis was used on an off night.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 04:54:24 pm
We can resolve this if two of shock/annele/kaempf/masterwalks/submachine have targetting

Some will target torb. Torb will not burrow tonight. I'd rather he be tonight's NK than some later day's mislynch
Then who's today's lynch? You are settled in it being Link? I still think he's town. But I _know_ you're town. I still think Annele is mafia scum.

Link you've shaded Cal quite a bit without really trying to lynch him... Howcome? I know I've been the target if your scumread before when you're town and it is a serious pressure cooker experience. A few times this game you've mentioned going hard or a welcome return to playing mafia but you look different in some regards than the town!Link I've seen before...

\Tinfoil creeping in...
\\serp will scumread me for what will be framed as bussing

Cal is at least two days away, no point in pressuring hard now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 28, 2020, 04:56:14 pm
I did not have the time to in-depth analyze the posts between the last post in my Wall Part 2 and today, so I will mostly rely on my memory for this.

1. iancudorinmarian: I used to have him at n- because of subtle, scummy things, but during EOD1, he came online and people told him to quickly place his vote, and he voted on serprex (one of the Deja Vu claims). This kind of joke/confusion would be bad for Mafia; they would not risk the negative attention this brings, or he would know better from his teammates. Now at n+.
2. TheonlyrealBeef: He is consistent with his mindset (he held true to his argument against N0 Otyugh throughout) and he also solves fairly often. He is one of the few people who read and react my walls, which is a plus. He leans v.
4. Annele: She made a few early comments that some people liked, but other than being logical, I found her arguments neutral. It looked like her wagon was the most vulnerable to an unorchestrated lynch, which implies she had no teammates to save her. Not enough to go on, so pure n.
5. kaempfer13: He seemed confused on multiple occasions; questioning what MW knows about him, rob's sudden vote switch during EOD1, and he also tried to solve. Looks like the usual townie confusion. He also suggested that shock might have him as confirmed town, but shock has yet to confirm it. He collected quite a number of bad attention to himself, but unless shock denies his credibility about the Fate GN thing, I give him the benefit of the doubt and put him in n+.
6. Calindu: Similar to Annele, except the almost dying part. Again, he had early comments that other people liked but I found neutral. Not enough to go on, and others also seem to only suspect him because of POE, so n.
7. Linkcat: He is the most active, attracts the most attention, and leads everyone to do what he thinks they should do. This is the opposite of what a mafia should do, but he is U N R E A D A B L E, so straight to n. He speaks confidently about knowing things, which is the opposite of the townie confusion that would be logical. Maybe he knows that not enough people would question him if he tried to pull this off as mafia. However, he is still a valuable asset in case he is Town, so keeping him alive longer is worth it.
10. serprex: If he was not Deja Vu, I would think he is n-, but he is Deja Vu.
11. MasterWalks: I would have said n- at first, because of some questions I had about him, but I get it now. The way he makes his plays, he's like a mirror of myself from my early days. Without revealing why, I think he leans v. I am very much looking forward to why he wanted my readlist so badly.
12. andretimpa: He was the leading train for the longest time during Day 1, yet barely anyone seemed to care to save him. Though I'm not sure if that's true, because a lot of O R C H E S T R A T I O N went down at EOD1, which eventually kept him alive. I only briefly saw he made a longer post today, but I did not have the time to process it yet, so n-.
13. rob77dp: He does the combination of planning, solving, and making mistakes/bad calls, all that scream town to me. His confusion about Linkcat during EOD1 seemed genuine, even if it was warranted. However, I am still cautious about him for past reasons. v for now.
14. shockcannon: I am one of the few people who care about what shock says, except when he tries to lynch one of the two people who I don't want to see lynched yet. He has his "bloc" with people who trust him, including Dejaprex. If I understood correctly, he makes plans for Town, but he also has the anti-town feat of seemingly knowing too much too early. His bravado explains the latter part, so he's n+ in my book.
15. killsdazombies: I dunno. n.
16. DoubleCapitals: Same as kdz, except he did the same thing once as scum!d2d did in the previous mafia: use an out-of-context snippet of a conversation and use it to attempt discrediting someone. Not too much to go on, but n-.
18. Ge0metry v1.2: His few posts don't stick out to me, other than relatively new to our current meta. Though as I remember, he joined by saying he played mafia before, but until I look at a past mafia where he played, he's n to me. (Fun fact: I wanted to target him before I looked at my role.)

And if I organize it, it looks as follows:

(Confirmed: serprex)

  • TheonlyrealBeef
  • MasterWalks
  • rob77dp
  • iancudorinmarian
  • kaempfer13
  • shockcannon
  • Annele
  • Calindu
  • Linkcat
  • killsdazombies
  • Ge0metry v1.2
  • andretimpa
  • DoubleCapitals

@MW: The ball is now in your court.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 05:04:01 pm
^ towniest post from rob so far. He just needs to realize Annele must be town if Linkcat's town. If Annele were scum, Linkcat would be dead. They could've even voted with y'all on timpa & then you wouldn't have that last minute panic to Annele when moe (confirmed town, btw) switched his vote to Linkcat last minute

Also, what's this "more info from voting Annele" theory? Linkcat wants Annele first because unconditionally he can go after kaempfer afterwards

If kaempfer is town, then scum wasn't too tied up voting on Linkcat. In which case Annele must be town too. So what kaempfer flips actually gives info on whether you might go after Annele. If, and only if, kaempfer is scum. The same does not hold for what Annele flips

Please elaborate on exactly which players would have shifted their votes as scum and exactly when they would have done so. If kaempfer is town then shock is almost definitely mafia, and he couldn't move his vote away from the bloc.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 05:13:56 pm
I did not have the time to in-depth analyze the posts between the last post in my Wall Part 2 and today, so I will mostly rely on my memory for this.

1. iancudorinmarian: I used to have him at n- because of subtle, scummy things, but during EOD1, he came online and people told him to quickly place his vote, and he voted on serprex (one of the Deja Vu claims). This kind of joke/confusion would be bad for Mafia; they would not risk the negative attention this brings, or he would know better from his teammates. Now at n+.
2. TheonlyrealBeef: He is consistent with his mindset (he held true to his argument against N0 Otyugh throughout) and he also solves fairly often. He is one of the few people who read and react my walls, which is a plus. He leans v.
4. Annele: She made a few early comments that some people liked, but other than being logical, I found her arguments neutral. It looked like her wagon was the most vulnerable to an unorchestrated lynch, which implies she had no teammates to save her. Not enough to go on, so pure n.
5. kaempfer13: He seemed confused on multiple occasions; questioning what MW knows about him, rob's sudden vote switch during EOD1, and he also tried to solve. Looks like the usual townie confusion. He also suggested that shock might have him as confirmed town, but shock has yet to confirm it. He collected quite a number of bad attention to himself, but unless shock denies his credibility about the Fate GN thing, I give him the benefit of the doubt and put him in n+.
6. Calindu: Similar to Annele, except the almost dying part. Again, he had early comments that other people liked but I found neutral. Not enough to go on, and others also seem to only suspect him because of POE, so n.
7. Linkcat: He is the most active, attracts the most attention, and leads everyone to do what he thinks they should do. This is the opposite of what a mafia should do, but he is U N R E A D A B L E, so straight to n. He speaks confidently about knowing things, which is the opposite of the townie confusion that would be logical. Maybe he knows that not enough people would question him if he tried to pull this off as mafia. However, he is still a valuable asset in case he is Town, so keeping him alive longer is worth it.
10. serprex: If he was not Deja Vu, I would think he is n-, but he is Deja Vu.
11. MasterWalks: I would have said n- at first, because of some questions I had about him, but I get it now. The way he makes his plays, he's like a mirror of myself from my early days. Without revealing why, I think he leans v. I am very much looking forward to why he wanted my readlist so badly.
12. andretimpa: He was the leading train for the longest time during Day 1, yet barely anyone seemed to care to save him. Though I'm not sure if that's true, because a lot of O R C H E S T R A T I O N went down at EOD1, which eventually kept him alive. I only briefly saw he made a longer post today, but I did not have the time to process it yet, so n-.
13. rob77dp: He does the combination of planning, solving, and making mistakes/bad calls, all that scream town to me. His confusion about Linkcat during EOD1 seemed genuine, even if it was warranted. However, I am still cautious about him for past reasons. v for now.
14. shockcannon: I am one of the few people who care about what shock says, except when he tries to lynch one of the two people who I don't want to see lynched yet. He has his "bloc" with people who trust him, including Dejaprex. If I understood correctly, he makes plans for Town, but he also has the anti-town feat of seemingly knowing too much too early. His bravado explains the latter part, so he's n+ in my book.
15. killsdazombies: I dunno. n.
16. DoubleCapitals: Same as kdz, except he did the same thing once as scum!d2d did in the previous mafia: use an out-of-context snippet of a conversation and use it to attempt discrediting someone. Not too much to go on, but n-.
18. Ge0metry v1.2: His few posts don't stick out to me, other than relatively new to our current meta. Though as I remember, he joined by saying he played mafia before, but until I look at a past mafia where he played, he's n to me. (Fun fact: I wanted to target him before I looked at my role.)

And if I organize it, it looks as follows:

(Confirmed: serprex)

  • TheonlyrealBeef
  • MasterWalks
  • rob77dp
  • iancudorinmarian
  • kaempfer13
  • shockcannon
  • Annele
  • Calindu
  • Linkcat
  • killsdazombies
  • Ge0metry v1.2
  • andretimpa
  • DoubleCapitals

@MW: The ball is now in your court.

Iancu's serprex vote was a placeholder to extend.
Annele was not the most vulnerable, she was the least vulnerable until andre showed up.
Giving credibility to kaempfer just because of shock is a mistake.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 05:17:28 pm
So if kaempfer flips town, you vote shock. If kaempfer flips scum, you vote annele?

Why not start at shock?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 05:33:58 pm
If kaempfer flips town I still lynch Annele tomorrow. Shock is the least likely mafia out of the 3.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 28, 2020, 05:40:08 pm

Honestly, at this point in time we might just have to hope Linkcat is town. If he's mafia we already lost because it's very clear that everyone else puts him at the top of their town reads. At this point it seems like everyone is just going to lynch kaempfer and then Annele the next day, or vice versa, regardless of what either of them flip. At that point you'll probably be NK'ed, and then I'll be NK'ed and then it's pretty much game over.

Our best bet at this point might be convincing everyone to vote someone like torb or Calindu, both who I'm not confident are mafia but at least are way more likely to be mafia than Annele or kaempfer.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 05:49:16 pm
Prefer going after Calindu over Torb. Torb being checked is more useful

If Torb's really Shrieker I'm willing to go all in on him being town. There's a world where Calindu is town green nymph & Torb is scum graboid, but I'm willing to lose in that world

It's possible scum!Calindu targetted not-torb Anubis N0, & torb N1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 05:52:21 pm
@MW: The ball is now in your court.

Hate to be a debbie downer but the read i was interested in ended up being uninteresting. (thanks for taking it seriously tho)

I will not be hardclaiming yet. I WILL claim that i am NOT FFQ

I need another night phase before info dumping.

I would like to suggest some night actions, but after lynch.

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Willing to bet he is Anubis
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 05:56:25 pm
MW just hard claim Dragonfly already
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 28, 2020, 05:56:58 pm
@DC: I acknowledged your first comment (quoted below), but did not know what to do with it. I asked which parts I should focus on more, but I don't remember an answer from you. And I also gave a fair warning that, unless I get a better idea of how to analyze things, I will keep doing this method ("I only know full scan").

For your own sake and frankly ours too don't spend so much time on it xD. Summarise, tell us the most alarming things... 6 hours is kinda unhealthy for a children's card forum game
Before I compress my thougths, let me know which parts were more useful. Especially after this comment:

Sub's really grasping at like, a lot of things. Some of which I find largely insignificant and I feel he's swamping the conversation with

I told it ahead of time that it will be a wall of questions, rather than a wall of answers. Until then, I only know full scan.

But I realize it more and more that I will never reach up-to-date conversations if I keep going in this pace. I tried to avoid it, but I may have to start ISO-ing people one by one.

I really want to make an educated decision on kaempfer, so I will start with him. Shock has posted at least twice now, and I don't see him defending kaempf.

edit: And I guess rob wanted an EOD1 analysis too.

@MW: The ball is now in your court.
Hate to be a debbie downer but the read i was interested in ended up being uninteresting.
A bit disappointed. :/
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 28, 2020, 05:58:20 pm
Prefer going after Calindu over Torb. Torb being checked is more useful

If Torb's really Shrieker I'm willing to go all in on him being town. There's a world where Calindu is town green nymph & Torb is scum graboid, but I'm willing to lose in that world

It's possible scum!Calindu targetted not-torb Anubis N0, & torb N1

Why would I adrenaline town!TorB as scum!Calindu then? It literally makes no sense and would be game losing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 06:03:19 pm
MW just hard claim Dragonfly already

You know what, i think i will.

I hardclaim dragonfly.

I targetted kaempf N0. He was visited by shock. He did not visit anybody.

I targeted Link N1. He was targeted by sub. He targeted DC.

I am bad at this.
I wanted subs read on Link. I wanted to know if he is psion and found anything interesting.

If kaempf flips town, i would be willing to bet shock is town. However i truly believe kaempf is anubis..
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 06:07:53 pm
If kaempf is Anubis, that clears Calindu. I suggest town vote out kaempf if they're going after annele/kaempf/shock
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 28, 2020, 06:10:21 pm
I'm not sure how you got the part that kae is mafia Anubis, to be honest, wouldn't you Anubis one of your mafia teammates or yourself on the spot in that case? Kae didn't target anyone according to your claims.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 06:13:15 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 06:13:39 pm
I'm not sure how you got the part that kae is mafia Anubis, to be honest, wouldn't you Anubis one of your mafia teammates or yourself on the spot in that case? Kae didn't target anyone according to your claims.

He didnt target anyone N0, but serp hardclaimed D1. Meaning he hit serp with it N1.

No i dont think he would use it right off the bat N0, that would be very very sus. Its an EoR and him waiting until N1 to use it looks like it was the right move, until it was discovered
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 28, 2020, 06:17:59 pm
I'm not sure how you got the part that kae is mafia Anubis, to be honest, wouldn't you Anubis one of your mafia teammates or yourself on the spot in that case? Kae didn't target anyone according to your claims.

He didnt target anyone N0, but serp hardclaimed D1. Meaning he hit serp with it N1.

I'm honestly confused, help me out there. How did you reach the hard conclusion that kae is the Anubis that targeted serp because of your abilities? Nothing I read indicates that, maybe I missed something.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 06:19:22 pm
It's not a hard conclusion
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 06:22:58 pm
If Torb's really Shrieker I'm willing to go all in on him being town. There's a world where Calindu is town green nymph & Torb is scum graboid, but I'm willing to lose in that world

I'm not.

If kaempf is Anubis, that clears Calindu.

It does not.

Kaempfer claim first, then shock. Correct, serp?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 06:24:59 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 06:29:15 pm
GL HF getting shock to claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 07:12:34 pm
Should mention that I agree with Torb not burrowing tonight.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 07:16:13 pm
Ugh, whatever, i am crusader, didnt use my ability at all. I'm kicking myself for not having targeted torb yesterday though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 07:19:07 pm
It is beyond my how MW makes his conclusions btw
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 07:20:27 pm
Like how could he ever think that shock targetting me with anything would proof anything?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 07:34:33 pm
I do not mind Crusader kaempfer13 targeting me, however an adrenal Anubis could troll, take priority and make me immaterial upcoming night. Would prefer to have a different ability try to target me, that is higher priority than Anubis. I am not immaterial yet, so it will succeed if I do not burrow (unless there is a Warden troll as well).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 07:39:49 pm
Like how could he ever think that shock targetting me with anything would proof anything?

Alright, everyone else has seen and acknowledged that i made a bad read AND CORRECTED it. Now for some reason, you cant get over it, so i guess ill explain my thought process; at the risk of proving im stupid rather than just playing the im stupid character.

After i targetted you, and saw that shock targetted you, HE SAYS HE TOWNREADS YOU made me think he knew something. Maybe he was FE and rolled GN. Maybe he hit you with Psion and saw you had important role. Anything. But i was willing to believe him. Now i retracted this heavy read when i remembered shock is not really that normal and coulda hit you with GOTP or toadfish and wanted to wait until you had more info or until he could call you a noob for dying to poison (does that really sound that far-fetched?)
I legit asked mod about my roles speed and asked about whether or not mafia actually had to target someone, how many of them are needed to target and kill, and if i could see that targetting. Becuase IF I COULD, SHOCK WOULD BE CONFIRMED TOWN FOR ME.
But Dragonfly cant see NK target. So then i really learned nothing from the N0 action other than shock and you are not the same primary; and even that could be wrong.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 07:42:29 pm
I cant get over it because I thought you saw a role that was town/fate egg only directly. Hence why I thought shock was gn or deja vu n1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 07:43:00 pm
*n0 ofc
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 08:09:19 pm
Claim feels fake. Shock, you're next.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 08:16:26 pm
I also just noticed something seriously messed up about serprex getting targeted by a mafia Anubis (if this is indeed the case), but I'd rather not inform mafia about that for now. Seems like whomever planned this out isn't as insightful as me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 08:18:09 pm
Then why post?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 08:20:27 pm
Is nobody else curious about the N1 in that?

... Just me?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 08:24:17 pm
Then why post?
You haven't noticed what is going on? I am disappoint.
It means I'm not mafia, because I'd have executed a better plan.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 08:24:39 pm
TorB - do you also read it as nk being stopped by immaterial? Immaterial'd is only stopping secondaries and nk is listed separate from the secondary abilities list.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 08:27:24 pm
TorB - do you also read it as nk being stopped by immaterial? Immaterial'd is only stopping secondaries and nk is listed separate from the secondary abilities list.
No, it's not that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 08:27:45 pm
TorB - do you also read it as nk being stopped by immaterial? Immaterial'd is only stopping secondaries and nk is listed separate from the secondary abilities list.
I'm an idiot. Interpreted exactly backward. Redacted.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 08:33:04 pm
I also just noticed something seriously messed up about serprex getting targeted by a mafia Anubis (if this is indeed the case), but I'd rather not inform mafia about that for now. Seems like whomever planned this out isn't as insightful as me.

I mean, if you think the mafia doesn't realize they messed up, why inform them that they did?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 08:40:13 pm
So town can stop wasting time on all these theories on how I'm mafia and/or Anubis when I'm not? We already know there is a mafia Anubis now, and nothing will change that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 08:41:13 pm
Okay, then why not say what it is?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 08:42:15 pm
Curious how kaempfer explains not using endow last night

Linkcat's correct to not like gunshy sader claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 28, 2020, 08:47:39 pm
Anubis takes priority over Guardian Angel, so using it at the same night and target as the nightkill would have rendered the target unable to reveal being targeted by Anubis, while still being immune to healing.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 08:52:38 pm
But then you can't accuse torb of being immaterial anubis after confirmed town brings up being immaterial
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 08:53:07 pm
Curious how kaempfer explains not using endow last night

Linkcat's correct to not like gunshy sader claim

I was hoping to get a vulture with it; it was only after the deadline that i realized there was no drawback to targeting someone that wasnt supposed to be targetable anyway
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 08:59:16 pm
Anyway in case its not torb who is the Anubis, Cal's actual n0 target would be highly interesting, as i dont expect there to be another green nymph in addition to an anubis amongst the unclaimed roles and mafia anubis should use his ability asap
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 09:03:09 pm
Curious how kaempfer explains not using endow last night

Linkcat's correct to not like gunshy sader claim

I was hoping to get a vulture with it; it was only after the deadline that i realized there was no drawback to targeting someone that wasnt supposed to be targetable anyway

Can someone explain to me how you planned on hitting vulture?

you cant target dead vulture as vulture is the only ability that targets dead. So did you expect someone to claim vulture? Claiming vulture is a death sentence and vulture is too important, especially this game, for that to ever happen.
Did you plan on just getting lucky rolling the dice? Because those chances are very low, as there is a high chance, there is no vulture this game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 09:06:13 pm
Congratulations MW, you're finally making good reads
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 09:06:47 pm
On top of that, as town you knew you were on the chopping block so you should have tried to get an ability that could help town before you got lynched.

Cal, please claim n0 target.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 28, 2020, 09:09:01 pm
Ok, I'll be fully honest here, I forgot to use my ability N0, but I would have targeted myself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 09:21:45 pm
If he's mafia that did target himself, he would just say so. If he's mafia that targeted the Anubis, then it's not kaempfer. Or he's just town and actually forgot, which is somewhat believable.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 28, 2020, 09:24:22 pm
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - serprex, Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 09:25:34 pm
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 09:31:08 pm
Hey shock, what was that about kaempfer being confirmed town again?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 09:35:22 pm
Haha, the reason im on the chopping block is because 3+ mafia are putting full effort into it. There is actually a chance im fully confirmed town already (who knows whatshocks doing). Even if not there is sth in my iso thats a deadgiveaway that im town, unfortunately it becomes wifom if im the one to point it out.The reason I was waiting for someone to claim vulture is we have an egg that is not a priority nk and we might have more vultures.also literally any other role is barely more than fluff unless you can catch someone in a lie.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 09:42:00 pm
It's already WIFOM by mentioning it, you might as well point it out.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 10:15:17 pm
So, once we lynch kae today, its annele next day?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 28, 2020, 10:18:25 pm
Alright, so Im a touch confused by the redoubling on kae.

So, kae is claiming a crusadery boi, but he claims to have not used his ability to try and get a vulture with it. Idk if that alone screams mafia or just a deeply flawed plan, but thats his case, is that correct?

kae is also claiming to be confirmed by shock, but i never quite understood how or why that happened, im sure its buried somewhere in the thread, but if anyone has a basic "this and this" I'd appreciate it

it also seems that that confirmation has shifted uhhh dramatically. Why is that? If its some backroom serp/moe stuff thats fine, but Im just curious how we got here. I knew kae was on the susblock, but this has been... interesting.

Haha, the reason im on the chopping block is because 3+ mafia are putting full effort into it. There is actually a chance im fully confirmed town already (who knows whatshocks doing). Even if not there is sth in my iso thats a deadgiveaway that im town, unfortunately it becomes wifom if im the one to point it out.The reason I was waiting for someone to claim vulture is we have an egg that is not a priority nk and we might have more vultures.also literally any other role is barely more than fluff unless you can catch someone in a lie.
However, this is enough for me rn. Open to change, as im not 100% sold on it, but its probably our most likely wolf atm, even if this is a bit of a bandwagon vote

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

side note, ill be gone around EoD tomorrow, so if theres any revaluations, id really prefer if they weren't made during an EoD madness phase.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 10:20:36 pm
But I've been saving all my best revelations for EoD.  :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 28, 2020, 10:22:16 pm
But I've been saving all my best revelations for EoD.  :(

how about 2 hours before eod? <3

Side note and completely out of game, I really enjoy your cross between shitposts and actual content. Sometimes the actual content gets long, as i would expect from this kind of game, but the shit posts are so choice I gotta read all of it so I dont miss something funny.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 10:23:49 pm
Kdz with the early late bus? If Kae flips scum... No credit from me on that vote kills.

Annele still scum I think. Link hope you have something really juicy to stop my tinfoil.........
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 10:25:05 pm
So you think Kae is scum... Ok. Do you think Annele is scum too?
But I've been saving all my best revelations for EoD.  :(

how about 2 hours before eod? <3

Side note and completely out of game, I really enjoy your cross between shitposts and actual content. Sometimes the actual content gets long, as i would expect from this kind of game, but the shit posts are so choice I gotta read all of it so I dont miss something funny.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 10:25:50 pm
kdz, this is what kae's saying should make him immune


serprex is confirmed
kaempf to me is confirmed based on N0

If you think I'm mafia that's fine but I see no issues from my own viewpoint in budding up with the only 2 players (well there's also moe) that I know are town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 10:31:57 pm
i got 5000 electrum that shock is FFQ and wants to keep kae alive to get more info.

God i hope thats false. Shock as FFQ is disgusting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 10:33:42 pm
Speaking of, how come no one has said they caught a fire fly? didnt we decide in mafia 71 thats the best thing to do?

if anyone caught one, speak up. otherwise im willing to bet there is no ffq. Kae woulda caught one for sure if he never used his ability and was targetted with one
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 10:37:30 pm
Sure lynch me so this farce is over; just promise me you lynch Linkcat once you know you can trust me; Also have a real close look on TorB and Cal. Honestly it might be best to lynch me as until you see the flip i think how loudly i'm proclaiming that these 3 are scum is actually having the opposite effect. I'm not gonna try to defend myself from this loltown, its just not worth my breath. Rest of the day will be spent on making pretty big cases on these 3 and how they fit together. If they are scum and you dont lynch them Ill kill you
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 28, 2020, 10:38:52 pm
Kdz with the early late bus? If Kae flips scum... No credit from me on that vote kills.

Annele still scum I think. Link hope you have something really juicy to stop my tinfoil.........
I agree about if kae flips scum. 100%, I dont really think it should be offered as a read for anyone past the conf townie.

@serp, thanks, ill read around that post. The quote is invaluable. Thank you.

@rob - a piece of correction, I dont think kae is 100% scum, but they were already on rocky ground, and they imploded a little bit after a fair amount of pressure. Plus, shock the person who confirmed(?) has come around, so I see no reason why I shouldnt either. I wouldnt be all that surprised if they flipped town, probably 75/25 atm?
on annele scum. I don't know, perhaps? I've been reading annele as n- for most of the game, nothing has really changed that. The initial hit on you raised some flags, and even their backing down did too, but all the posts have felt genuine and fairly calm. I would say I wanna see how the night plays out and work from there, but atm with the information and thoughts i currently have I wouldnt feel confident in an ann vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 28, 2020, 10:43:02 pm
MW, kae never caught a firefly
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 10:46:20 pm
Kdz with the early late bus? If Kae flips scum... No credit from me on that vote kills.

Annele still scum I think. Link hope you have something really juicy to stop my tinfoil.........

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 10:52:35 pm
If there was a firefly on kaempfer he wouldn't have caught it n0 because of your Dragonfly. There's a lot of abilities flying around so I wouldn't be surprised if there still was a FFQ.

The revelation thing was a joke if it wasn't obvious to anyone.

Nobody gets credit for voting kaempfer today unless Annele flips town.

quote author=kaempfer13 link=topic=67825.msg1298073#msg1298073 date=1590705450]
Sure lynch me so this farce is over; just promise me you lynch Linkcat once you know you can trust me; Also have a real close look on TorB and Cal. Honestly it might be best to lynch me as until you see the flip i think how loudly i'm proclaiming that these 3 are scum is actually having the opposite effect. I'm not gonna try to defend myself from this loltown, its just not worth my breath. Rest of the day will be spent on making pretty big cases on these 3 and how they fit together. If they are scum and you dont lynch them Ill kill you

ATE is one of the worst things about mafia because you never know if it's real or not.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 28, 2020, 10:55:44 pm
I agree with you on that Linkcat, ATE is like my bread and butter as a mafia member, and I default tend to distrust them as a direct result, but sometimes a passionate plea on a deathbed gets to me still.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 28, 2020, 10:56:26 pm

Do you want me to reveal? I can definitely save you, but I'm pretty sure town's best chance of winning at this point is for you to die now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 10:58:33 pm
shock - hiding info that you think saves a town from being mislynched is almost never (never?) a good play.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 28, 2020, 11:01:00 pm
what is ATE

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 28, 2020, 11:01:37 pm
what is ATE

appeals to emotion
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 11:02:32 pm
Agreed shock; either im terrible wrong and thus a liability or everyone else is never gonna get it
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 28, 2020, 11:05:32 pm

Do you want me to reveal? I can definitely save you, but I'm pretty sure town's best chance of winning at this point is for you to die now.

I'm having troubles deducing what shock is hinting at here, what role could he be that would save kaemp? I thought there was only one GN in the game and it was www3 (rip)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 28, 2020, 11:07:09 pm
In case anyone is interested my only scum game was poisonous vigilantes on mu. It should be night and day. Hm, night! Im going to bed
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 28, 2020, 11:24:05 pm
Anyone else anxiously dreading what shock is going to (or not) reveal?? :'(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 28, 2020, 11:25:12 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 01:19:25 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 03:28:01 am
Anybody here?? Looking lonely in this here thread...

Some loose reads list... it feels off or awkward given the EOD1 at first glance, but looking just a little closer I think the bottom four here could make sense if you believe that kdz really was just unable to be at EOD, Cal wasn't able to get a vote in edge-wise as he stated, and kae was stuck in a whirlwind EOD as a wolf without his sidekicks to sway votes so he stayed where it made sense to try to save buddy Annele. That is, three wolves were not truly present at EOD1 and one was paralyzed a bit - kae posted a few times so was present I would say but was not up for moving a vote or anything while most everyone else that was present+active did some vote moving and solving/discussing/participating.

Without a flip on Day 1 there just a bit too little information compared to typical Day 2's... vote analysis needs more names we can color to get more concrete, for my taste.





Ge0metry v1.2


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 29, 2020, 03:48:07 am
Okay, I'm caught up - here is my read list so far




I'm having an aneurism trying to understand how someone backed by a team would be making these types of mistakes. I was scumreading him before, but for now I'm more convinced that he's just an incompetent townie  :sillyspin: (can very easily change depending on how people flip)


I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt about being new, but I expect more content on the next days, or he'll be going down in the list. What he has post so far has been on the neutral side


I'm not ready to completely remove my tinfoil hat about rob just yet. This theory is the main reason:

Mafia has an anubis. That anubis has secured NK on me (to be refunded whenever) to prevent Heal blocking

Either rob is town fate egg psion who was blocked due to that immaterial, or rob's anubis scum & came up with a "I was actually psion" story to cover for his night action. If link/rob are w/w, link's plans would be created after he knows rob's anubis roll to setup that play

but then again I like that he's still second guessing himself about trusting Link (that's a very wise behaviour imo)



I don't think it's wise to put Link higher than n unless there is mechanical confirmation, this guy is just too hard to read.


Not enough content to get a read. This better change soon.


I really don't understand his style so far, but apparently that's his normal. Will have to try to get a read of him out of votes I guess

There's a bit of WIFOM about the way he'd have used Anubis, but I have to think a bit more about this and his possible connection with Cal. Personally I'm more inclined to believe he's town!shrieker. This could change if kaemp flips town, but for now just a light scum lean.

This is just an association read with torb. Apart from the Green Nymph stuff he hasn't posted much (which makes sense in retrospect as keeping low due to his role + IRL work)

  • Seems to be holding info that could help kaemp
  • Has "confirmed" kaemp yet is voting for him
  • Vouches for my biggest scumreads

Either he's insanely deep inside his tinfoil, or he's scum and miscalculated how much MW would be disruptive to his kaemp claim (after all, even kaemp's egg+GN theory and kaemp being town don't mechanicaly confirm shock, since mafia can be egg)

After rereading her D1 stuff and the rest of the things she posted I think I might have been a bit hasty with my previous scum read. The most damning avidence against her is the way EOD1 developped (which I admit I don't know how to make a good read of). So I'm moving her from w to n- until more evidence shows up.


See my previous post
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 03:51:34 am

What did you read or see from kae that took you from a very loose n+ on kae to today being confused, while knowing a surprising amount of what kae is doing - are you all caught up?

It just reads like quite a lot of talk about kae leading to your vote on him - who else do you currently suspect besides kae??

Alright, so Im a touch confused by the redoubling on kae.

So, kae is claiming a crusadery boi, but he claims to have not used his ability to try and get a vulture with it. Idk if that alone screams mafia or just a deeply flawed plan, but thats his case, is that correct?

kae is also claiming to be confirmed by shock, but i never quite understood how or why that happened, im sure its buried somewhere in the thread, but if anyone has a basic "this and this" I'd appreciate it

it also seems that that confirmation has shifted uhhh dramatically. Why is that? If its some backroom serp/moe stuff thats fine, but Im just curious how we got here. I knew kae was on the susblock, but this has been... interesting.

Haha, the reason im on the chopping block is because 3+ mafia are putting full effort into it. There is actually a chance im fully confirmed town already (who knows whatshocks doing). Even if not there is sth in my iso thats a deadgiveaway that im town, unfortunately it becomes wifom if im the one to point it out.The reason I was waiting for someone to claim vulture is we have an egg that is not a priority nk and we might have more vultures.also literally any other role is barely more than fluff unless you can catch someone in a lie.
However, this is enough for me rn. Open to change, as im not 100% sold on it, but its probably our most likely wolf atm, even if this is a bit of a bandwagon vote

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

side note, ill be gone around EoD tomorrow, so if theres any revaluations, id really prefer if they weren't made during an EoD madness phase.
Hi. This is me rising from my grave. Ill be on the level with you, I skimmed the truly massive quote walls because I CBA.

A lot this stuff is just general feelings. I know very little and my rust is showing a bit more than Id like. I usually spend most of my in person games just talking shit, but I find myself lost in the walls of text to analyze.

serp (vv)
moe (vv)
Confirmed, which is nice

Sub (n+)
Oh this is the sub I remember

kaemp (n+)
Got good feelings about the lad. No idea why, but everything sounds earnest.

Ge0 (n+)
Just doing they're own thing, but trying to respond when questioned. Feels normal.

shock (n+)
I really appreciate the sheer chaotic energy that radiates from every post. Please continue. Also, they're doing what I do IRL, just in text form. 12/10

DC (n)
More shitposting please

ian (n)
I dont disagree with anything they say. The comments on skimming the thread and the general low content to each post (just a sentence or two) gives me a "Town who CBA give 110%" but could very well be a mafia trying to slip under the radar

Cal (n)
Im not getting a read. No calls for action, just advising caution.

Annele (?)
Scumread rob hard. As rob pointed out, theyre initial hit felt odd, but the back down felt real. IDK, I have my reservations.

MW (?)
I dont know what it is, but something just feels off. I haven't quite put my finger one what it is exactly.

andretimpa (?)
Similarly, something just feels off, but I can't tell if thats just because /everyone/ is sus of timpa, or if theyre actually scum. Everything they do just screams neutral ground to me, which I know is ironic coming from an equally neutral list.

I just default don't listen to anything these three say because they could sell water to a fish.
rob ()
While I generally don't like the feeling of shooting players N0. I think it was correct but it makes me :////
torb ()
Feels a little aggro in spots, but if I recall thats pretty on brand.
Link ()
The banter is fun, please continue. It makes catching up fun.

I'm going to hold back on voting for now, but I do intend to cast a vote before the day is up. I just want some more time to think.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 09:57:32 am
It seems to me you are deeply wrong about things, so hopefully you guys being so sure that I'm scum will be the necessary wake up call for you guys. Enough of that, i agree that my lynch will probably be necessary to progress the game, so nice going guys!

As promised, the rest of my freetime day will be spent on the following five parter:
1. why calindu is scum
2. why TorB is scum
3. Why Linkcat is scum (boy, so many reasons, I might skip this one or shorten it)
4 How these guys being scum fits together.
5. Remaining townreads and suspects (c'mon guys I'm not the messiah)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 10:08:14 am
Well cal is pretty straightforward. other than mechanical discussion his day 1 is literally just scumreading any person that had a wagon formed on them at any point, for a copypasted reason. i struggle to see that as a real thoughtprocess.

Also, despite scumreading Linkcat he doesnt vote for him at any point. (ok getting ahead of myself, this and the green nymph targeting Anubis thing mostly belong into part 4).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 10:09:49 am
rest of the case files will be a lot longer, so I'm not working on them until after lunch (but before lynch obv)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 10:23:40 am
I'm willing to entertain the possibilities of Calindu and/or Linkcat mafia, but the only two ways I can be convinced that kaempfer13 is town is either by lynch, or by lynching Linkcat and having him flip mafia.

"Mechanical confirmed" with the people involved in Linkcat's theories reeks like a pile of crap and hoping for persuasion by complete intimidation, so there's a nice angle of attack if you need one. I am of the opinion that he should not have sufficient information to build such complicated theories N1.

My reads keep flipping because they strongly depend on whether Linkcat is mafia or not. The fact that he wants to keep targeting the least active suspect means we really don't get much information from those lynches at all. Even now, not joining the kaempfer13 lynch seems like an elaborate scheme to get me to join his lynch vote on another mislynch first.

I am paranoid, so I have tons of alternate theories. Seems only fitting for a game like this, no?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 02:01:39 pm
Kae, for my taste if you're a wolf you can stop trying to figure out calculated anti-spew and just lolcat. I'm not believing anything you say or don't say rest of the day if you flip red. Town!Kae should by all means keep working. Town we will see the light and lynch elsewhere or upon your death and possible green flip can begin reviewing what you put out knowing it was town POV\thoughts.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on May 29, 2020, 02:16:37 pm
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

I'm about to go to sleep so I won't be any use at end of day.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 04:12:08 pm
Oh anti-spew is the one thing I'm good at when it comes to scumming and this is not how i do it. But yh the solving, deadlines creeping up and while I dont mind getting lynched as this has been stressfull, I have to get my thoughts out before i die.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 04:18:49 pm
Dead thread dead town feeling about this right now... Or scum are already on scum!Kae wagon. If Kae is town I don't expect any scum to be further acting to vote on him.

I'd really like to get a situation with Annele wagon in range of Kae - we HAVE to have a flip today... but I want to be able to reasonably expect some activity so that wolves feel a need to engage and act, with the hopes we can deduce who is acting wolf (now and\or later).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 04:22:38 pm
If you wanted another wagon you should've joined the wagon on Linkcat

It's either kaempfer vs Linkcat, or we wait for the flip. As pointed out, very little info added since EOD1, even NK just confirmed confirmed town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 04:27:07 pm
Sub- are you going to make a solid meaningful vote today? Eod1 was disappointing from you last time... No personal offense intended.

You were willing to sheep\vote on Annele last day... How about now??

serp- I'm going to be upset if Annele is scum that I've tried to push for many days and I let off the gas now. Is Link a wagon that could happen today even? How many votes on Kae are just parked and the player is going to ghost this EOD?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 04:35:18 pm
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Only one way to find out, if you want lynch vote activity that badly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 04:45:10 pm
So TorB, I've been criticizing your townplay harshly this game, but there is a way how I can be much nicer to you: You did great as scum!Anubis.
1. You went of on a tangent wrt whether oty should use its ability ever and simultaneously accomplished the following things:
  - It shaded rob
  - You completely distracted me and others and since people aren't very mechsavvy here actually even managed to give people the impression that I'm the one thats wrong
  - it seems people actually found you towny for writing that
2. You found a way to always make your scumreads coincide with having a reason to lynch the most lynchable person at the time ( see http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297317/#msg1297317 for details). You actually packaged the reasoning quite well, it's just how triumphant you made the conclusion that andre by association to rob should be lynched and didnt think to prioritize rob in this context that tipped me off. Good job at cheering town on lynching their own mates!
This is the big point in fact.
3. You disguised your role well as graboid, giving a perfectly logical conclusion how you are not targetable as Anubis without raising suspicion. Only flaw in that was how much you prioritized not getting targeted n1. This doesnt match your mindset from your towngame at all, where you were even glad when you finally died after a job well done, when there were better roles around (in this game those would be 2 conftown, 0 chance that you'd die and much lower chance to get targeted by a green nymph that doesnt have a way of knowing that youd be targetable unless mafia)
Another flaw in that is how we know serprex was targeted by Anubis while town!Anubis should have 0 reason to target conftown with no active ability (no way they get eaten by an oty, very well possible they get targeted by a heal; ofc this assumes competent town, which may be a stretch tbh). No, i dont buy you would have realized/cared that anubis outprioritizes heal. This way if moe got healed he would still be guarantedd dead next round and your Anubis ability would be free for use on a teammate. besides, you only realized that later on.
More importantly, mafia anubis should be going for the graboid disguise (see like ginyu here http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game-archive/elements-mafia-71-by-submachine/msg1291062/#msg1291062) as you did asap and thus not be able to use his ability on n1 unless adrenalined.

May find more dirt, but it's enough for now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 04:55:14 pm
So Linkcat:
Has been poking around who people were ready to lynch more so than try to find his own solutions until i called him out. Very noncomittal to townreads/not having any until he had people firmly on his side that he'd happily keep around (stark contrast to his much lower effort town game and very similiar to his scum game). Pushed many mechanical reasons that are not true, instrumentalising them for pushes/getting townread and while many of you struggle to understand that, I know that Linkcat knows these things better, as they were very relevant in past scum games for him. Active rolefishing for people (during night) on the (low) offchance they might get eaten by another overeager oty, while keeping roles close to your chest is optimal unless you have information or are in immediate threat of dying or have to explain things observed by another claim.

His wagon was very pure, which i and shock have the unique position to be able to be very confident on, while you guys need my flip for that. With conftown doing him in and other people easily able to hop on it would be incredibly risky for scum to try and fail to save him there, especially since I think some of them where completely incapable of doing so due to timing/roleclaim.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 05:03:48 pm
kae, please analyse MW's "sub targetted Linkcat targetted DC" claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:08:56 pm
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Only one way to find out, if you want lynch vote activity that badly.
once I get in a computer shortly I'm down to do some wagonetics.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 05:14:26 pm
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

I'll vote with shock on kae if shock drops the "I can confirm kae but okay let's infolynch" spiel
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 05:28:02 pm
Only flaw in that was how much you prioritized not getting targeted n1. This doesnt match your mindset from your towngame at all, where you were even glad when you finally died after a job well done, when there were better roles around (in this game those would be 2 conftown, 0 chance that you'd die and much lower chance to get targeted by a green nymph that doesnt have a way of knowing that youd be targetable unless mafia)
In the case of Linkcat being town and Annele/andre being scum it's better to let confirmed town that votes along with scum die, from my point of view. I lynch-vote people for believing they are scum. This is not the impression I got from the moehrpi/serprex votes. You can dislike my play style as much as you want, but it won't change the fact I'm town.
Another flaw in that is how we know serprex was targeted by Anubis while town!Anubis should have 0 reason to target conftown with no active ability (no way they get eaten by an oty, very well possible they get targeted by a heal; ofc this assumes competent town, which may be a stretch tbh). No, i dont buy you would have realized/cared that anubis outprioritizes heal. This way if moe got healed he would still be guarantedd dead next round and your Anubis ability would be free for use on a teammate. besides, you only realized that later on.
More importantly, mafia anubis should be going for the graboid disguise (see like ginyu here http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game-archive/elements-mafia-71-by-submachine/msg1291062/#msg1291062) as you did asap and thus not be able to use his ability on n1 unless adrenalined.
Except I'm not Anubis, and I can be targeted next night to prove it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 05:39:51 pm
In case you'll claim you got wardened a massclaim may be in order
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:44:55 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Let's play ball.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 05:45:21 pm
Anyway the synergy:
Linkcat: Neither of his teammates was able to vote near the deadline iirc (TorB claiming graboid and Calindu not being online iirc), besides ian and sub expressed readiness to save Link anyway, so not really necessary. Obv I have no idea who the 4th is.
The rest of them are very connected through the Anubis theory obv. Also Cal supporting TorB through claiming he was targetable.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:46:17 pm

Why did your N1 plan so easily dismiss Psioin and suggest a tinfoil-elimination target? A great mind for this game like town!Link surely has could have come up with something not "game is solved anyway" right? (I take the blame for following the plan in so far as I too was not really able to surely discern a better use for my Psionic Link......)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 05:46:50 pm
dinner then I give my final reads (they havent changed much tbh) and try to give the most to the point explanation of them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:48:07 pm
Anyway the synergy:
Linkcat: Neither of his teammates was able to vote near the deadline iirc (TorB claiming graboid and Calindu not being online iirc), besides ian and sub expressed readiness to save Link anyway, so not really necessary. Obv I have no idea who the 4th is.
The rest of them are very connected through the Anubis theory obv. Also Cal supporting TorB through claiming he was targetable.
So you would be in a world where timpa and Annele are town from your Link/TorB/Cal scumread position, right? That is, you want Link as the lynch now b/c you scumread him from his play - would you agree also that clear Annele Day 1? (I could see a world where Annele was a last ditch effort to save himself EVEN IF ANNELE is scum... how do you, or anyone, read that?)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:50:28 pm
Also, note that Sub voted timpa to save Link near-ish EOD1, then supposed to vanish like less than 90 seconds from EOD (seriously WTF on that) but a yell from Link got Sub trying to change to Annele to save Link. I guess a scummon read there might be in order if Link is scum (to your question kae about who is #4 in your world of Link/TorB/Cal).

How do you read Link's scum-read of Cal then, if you see them w/w?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 05:51:50 pm
Anyway the synergy:
Linkcat: Neither of his teammates was able to vote near the deadline iirc (TorB claiming graboid and Calindu not being online iirc), besides ian and sub expressed readiness to save Link anyway, so not really necessary. Obv I have no idea who the 4th is.
The rest of them are very connected through the Anubis theory obv. Also Cal supporting TorB through claiming he was targetable.
So you would be in a world where timpa and Annele are town from your Link/TorB/Cal scumread position, right? That is, you want Link as the lynch now b/c you scumread him from his play - would you agree also that clear Annele Day 1? (I could see a world where Annele was a last ditch effort to save himself EVEN IF ANNELE is scum... how do you, or anyone, read that?)
The problem with that, is that the timpa train had a lead, no idea why they suddenly switched to an Annele train. Might be interesting to look into.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:52:39 pm
Also, note that Sub voted timpa to save Link near-ish EOD1, then supposed to vanish like less than 90 seconds from EOD (seriously WTF on that) but a yell from Link got Sub trying to change to Annele to save Link. I guess a scummon read there might be in order if Link is scum (to your question kae about who is #4 in your world of Link/TorB/Cal).

How do you read Link's scum-read of Cal then, if you see them w/w?
Also, I don't see anything that prevents it from being kdz as your #4, or Ge0 ??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:54:05 pm
Anyway the synergy:
Linkcat: Neither of his teammates was able to vote near the deadline iirc (TorB claiming graboid and Calindu not being online iirc), besides ian and sub expressed readiness to save Link anyway, so not really necessary. Obv I have no idea who the 4th is.
The rest of them are very connected through the Anubis theory obv. Also Cal supporting TorB through claiming he was targetable.
So you would be in a world where timpa and Annele are town from your Link/TorB/Cal scumread position, right? That is, you want Link as the lynch now b/c you scumread him from his play - would you agree also that clear Annele Day 1? (I could see a world where Annele was a last ditch effort to save himself EVEN IF ANNELE is scum... how do you, or anyone, read that?)
The problem with that, is that the timpa train had a lead, no idea why they suddenly switched to an Annele train. Might be interesting to look into.
Because I was trying to be a strong presence (hopefully was?) and had stated my direct desire for Annele over andre the last half-hour or so of the day... scum team maybe trying to follow me as I was def leading the anti-Link wagon pushes on timpa and Annele. So if they feel I am wanting Annele their best bet is to also go with me?? Dunno exactly I guess, I only have so much info to base these hypothesis on.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 05:57:02 pm
What I'm getting at by pushing around outside of kae is that it is obvious the game at-large probably OK with lynching kae. But what I see of him today is much more effort than I typically see a wolf put in to their posting and naming others on a day where it is VERY likely and completely plausible that they die. He is still focusing outside himself while most wolves get into "protect myself and talk about others/teammates as little as possible" mode. :-/ YMMV of course.

(Link is going to have to get on and start posting and playing a town game too if he wants to keep most posts in his court  8-) )
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:10:20 pm
Alright I'm going to try one last time to convince any confused town out there why it's literally impossible for Annele to be mafia before we lynch kaempfer, lynch Annele, and then lose.

- Annele came very close to getting lynched day 1 and was one of the earliest ones to receive any votes and has almost maintained votes on her.

- Linkcat and andre were all leading votes close to the deadline. If Annele was mafia, it would have been very easy to add votes on Linkcat or andre and make sure Annele never came close to dying.

- Literally no one, except for me, was giving defenses for Annele being town. If Annele was mafia and at risk of dying, you would expect to see at least a few people defending her, or at the very least, deflecting attention elsewhere. Yet she was always a frontrunner of discussion despite barely posting.

Excuse #1 Refuted:
Now you might say, "well what if her mafia buddies are shock and kaempfer." They were already voting on Linkcat and that's why they couldn't go to save her. WELL THEN WHY THE HECK WOULDNT WE JUST SWAP OUR VOTE OVER TO ANDRE????????????? Not to mention, kaempfer and I stuck our vote on Linkcat rather early and never moved. Everyone else around us moved but not us.

Excuse #2 Refuted:
"Well maybe andretimpa is a mafia also." Then why the heck did andretimpa vote Annele at the very end of the period, almost guaranteeing her death if Sub hadn't been late. If andre and Annele are both mafia they would've voted Linkcat. End of story. GG. But that didn't happen.

So now, we come across the only possible scenario in which Annele is mafia...:
...and that's if andretimpa, Annele, and Linkcat are all 3 mafia. And how ridiculous does that sound? Are mafia really that bad that they got town to vote up 3/4 mafia members to the chopping block day 1???? Are they really making the gutsy play to all almost die in order to secure themselves for the long run??? I don't think so. The latter doesn't even work because several players were reading both Annele and andre as mafia day 1.

So in conclusion, Annele legitimately can't be mafia. I don't understand how so many people choose to view "inactivity and suspicious posts" as more important than the only data we have, which is voting from day 1.

Oh by the way, would you like to know who placed the first Annele vote ever and started her train to begin with? It was Linkcat.

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:12:04 pm
I'm willing to entertain the possibilities of Calindu and/or Linkcat mafia, but the only two ways I can be convinced that kaempfer13 is town is either by lynch, or by lynching Linkcat and having him flip mafia.

"Mechanical confirmed" with the people involved in Linkcat's theories reeks like a pile of crap and hoping for persuasion by complete intimidation, so there's a nice angle of attack if you need one. I am of the opinion that he should not have sufficient information to build such complicated theories N1.

My reads keep flipping because they strongly depend on whether Linkcat is mafia or not. The fact that he wants to keep targeting the least active suspect means we really don't get much information from those lynches at all. Even now, not joining the kaempfer13 lynch seems like an elaborate scheme to get me to join his lynch vote on another mislynch first.

I am paranoid, so I have tons of alternate theories. Seems only fitting for a game like this, no?

Nowhere did I say that anyone besides serp and moe were mechanically confirmed, I said they were 100% confirmed, which means that I will ride-or-die with them until the end of the game and it would be a losing play for us to lynch them. At the start of the day I said Annele would definitely give us more information, at this point kaempfer might be close but I still prefer Annele.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:12:46 pm
Also, screw it. I'm not admitting defeat and I'm disappointed in you kaempf for admitting defeat also. I'm fate egg. I got Golden Nymph N0 and kaempf is town.

Come at me. When you play with the master of :fire, you get burned.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:13:40 pm
Your N0 Fate Egg was WAYAAYAYAYAYYYYY better than mine. :(

ALright, so I'm not lynching kae today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:14:34 pm
shock - given the game developments kae seems like a great N0 choice. What led you to pick him out of the whole lineup of signees?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:18:00 pm
Kaempf is the only player who will ever try to understand my posts rather than ignore everything I say. So I had to know what side he was on. Also if you think I'm lying about visiting kaempfer, MW has already confirmed me visiting kaempfer N0. Although I guess we could both be mafia and lying.  :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 06:18:22 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Hope you're actually truthful this time, shock.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:18:58 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Hope you're actually truthful this time, shock.

Fixing the count.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:20:08 pm
shock, care to make any soft claim about N1 egg roll?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:20:27 pm

Why did your N1 plan so easily dismiss Psioin and suggest a tinfoil-elimination target? A great mind for this game like town!Link surely has could have come up with something not "game is solved anyway" right? (I take the blame for following the plan in so far as I too was not really able to surely discern a better use for my Psionic Link......)

I stand by what I said.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:22:30 pm
I'm taking shock at face value here... I don't think scum!shock goes this far along protecting kae a bit suspiciously and kae not being quite sure what's happening... if they both faked it then --- well, I just cannot fathom believing that.

The first vote on kae looks to have been serp lock-town... then TorB in deference to this being better than a Cal wagon... then shock being shock and who I now believe to be town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:23:20 pm

Any reason you want to vote out of nowhere (no posting, just watching??) once kae is GN claimed town by shock? Why not Annele?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 06:24:16 pm
Calin, if the mafia team is who I think it is then you actually played the best out of all of them, you just ended up in the bottom half of the POE due to mechanical reasons.

But you are wrong, that's the main problem, not sure what the mechanical reasons are, but please put them forward so I can debunk them.
Also, if me flipping town makes you change your whole view, then please just lynch me next so you actually have a winning chance.
I guess if you keep calling everything mechanical, things start to blur.

Probably also relevant for rob, this post.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:24:25 pm
Also, note that Sub voted timpa to save Link near-ish EOD1, then supposed to vanish like less than 90 seconds from EOD (seriously WTF on that) but a yell from Link got Sub trying to change to Annele to save Link. I guess a scummon read there might be in order if Link is scum (to your question kae about who is #4 in your world of Link/TorB/Cal).

How do you read Link's scum-read of Cal then, if you see them w/w?

If Sub and I were mafia I'd be communicating with him in the pad, not making a post that he could easily miss. If Cal were my partner I would have had him switch to Annele earlier. If Torb were my partner he wouldn't have supported me openly that much at EoD since he couldn't vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:25:08 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Hope you're actually truthful this time, shock.
Also, is this a real reaction Cal? Sounds almost a bit like deflated scum having to move off town without really knowing how to react as a town would. If you're really unsure if shock is truthsaying then I'd expect more aggressive push back like yo umean it, and if you're just trying to fake doubting it b/c it feels scummy to just blindly react as believing a town confirmation claim... well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:26:29 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:27:24 pm
What I'm getting at by pushing around outside of kae is that it is obvious the game at-large probably OK with lynching kae. But what I see of him today is much more effort than I typically see a wolf put in to their posting and naming others on a day where it is VERY likely and completely plausible that they die. He is still focusing outside himself while most wolves get into "protect myself and talk about others/teammates as little as possible" mode. :-/ YMMV of course.

(Link is going to have to get on and start posting and playing a town game too if he wants to keep most posts in his court  8-) )

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:27:42 pm
rob's votes don't mean anything until the last 5 minutes before deadline

So eager to find the first person to go after to change his vote. So scummy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:27:56 pm
Then vote Cal with me.
 with intent to kill.
What I'm getting at by pushing around outside of kae is that it is obvious the game at-large probably OK with lynching kae. But what I see of him today is much more effort than I typically see a wolf put in to their posting and naming others on a day where it is VERY likely and completely plausible that they die. He is still focusing outside himself while most wolves get into "protect myself and talk about others/teammates as little as possible" mode. :-/ YMMV of course.

(Link is going to have to get on and start posting and playing a town game too if he wants to keep most posts in his court  8-) )

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 06:28:09 pm
I'm taking shock at face value here... I don't think scum!shock goes this far along protecting kae a bit suspiciously and kae not being quite sure what's happening... if they both faked it then --- well, I just cannot fathom believing that.

The first vote on kae looks to have been serp lock-town... then TorB in deference to this being better than a Cal wagon... then shock being shock and who I now believe to be town.

I'm not even worried about shock being mafia with this claim, I am worried about him being so sure of kae being town that he's willing to fake claim GN.


Any reason you want to vote out of nowhere (no posting, just watching??) once kae is GN claimed town by shock? Why not Annele?

I play the low effort style, you won't see me posting every thought of mine, just like in every mafia I played before.
I said multiple times that I have no damn idea why people scumread Annele, I don't believe that's the case. I scumread Linkcat before, like in my readlist.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:29:27 pm
serp - I'm trying to lynch scum. I've pushed Annele for days with not much luck. If Link is scum then I'm still drinking the Kool-Aid at this point. Next scummiest I see right now that has legit lynch-ability is Cal. See it how you want, but I'm not trying to sway people on how they see me, I'm trying to find and lynch scum.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 06:30:08 pm

What did you read or see from kae that took you from a very loose n+ on kae to today being confused, while knowing a surprising amount of what kae is doing - are you all caught up?

It just reads like quite a lot of talk about kae leading to your vote on him - who else do you currently suspect besides kae??

Alright, so Im a touch confused by the redoubling on kae.

So, kae is claiming a crusadery boi, but he claims to have not used his ability to try and get a vulture with it. Idk if that alone screams mafia or just a deeply flawed plan, but thats his case, is that correct?

kae is also claiming to be confirmed by shock, but i never quite understood how or why that happened, im sure its buried somewhere in the thread, but if anyone has a basic "this and this" I'd appreciate it

it also seems that that confirmation has shifted uhhh dramatically. Why is that? If its some backroom serp/moe stuff thats fine, but Im just curious how we got here. I knew kae was on the susblock, but this has been... interesting.

Haha, the reason im on the chopping block is because 3+ mafia are putting full effort into it. There is actually a chance im fully confirmed town already (who knows whatshocks doing). Even if not there is sth in my iso thats a deadgiveaway that im town, unfortunately it becomes wifom if im the one to point it out.The reason I was waiting for someone to claim vulture is we have an egg that is not a priority nk and we might have more vultures.also literally any other role is barely more than fluff unless you can catch someone in a lie.
However, this is enough for me rn. Open to change, as im not 100% sold on it, but its probably our most likely wolf atm, even if this is a bit of a bandwagon vote

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

side note, ill be gone around EoD tomorrow, so if theres any revaluations, id really prefer if they weren't made during an EoD madness phase.
Hi. This is me rising from my grave. Ill be on the level with you, I skimmed the truly massive quote walls because I CBA.

A lot this stuff is just general feelings. I know very little and my rust is showing a bit more than Id like. I usually spend most of my in person games just talking shit, but I find myself lost in the walls of text to analyze.

serp (vv)
moe (vv)
Confirmed, which is nice

Sub (n+)
Oh this is the sub I remember

kaemp (n+)
Got good feelings about the lad. No idea why, but everything sounds earnest.

Ge0 (n+)
Just doing they're own thing, but trying to respond when questioned. Feels normal.

shock (n+)
I really appreciate the sheer chaotic energy that radiates from every post. Please continue. Also, they're doing what I do IRL, just in text form. 12/10

DC (n)
More shitposting please

ian (n)
I dont disagree with anything they say. The comments on skimming the thread and the general low content to each post (just a sentence or two) gives me a "Town who CBA give 110%" but could very well be a mafia trying to slip under the radar

Cal (n)
Im not getting a read. No calls for action, just advising caution.

Annele (?)
Scumread rob hard. As rob pointed out, theyre initial hit felt odd, but the back down felt real. IDK, I have my reservations.

MW (?)
I dont know what it is, but something just feels off. I haven't quite put my finger one what it is exactly.

andretimpa (?)
Similarly, something just feels off, but I can't tell if thats just because /everyone/ is sus of timpa, or if theyre actually scum. Everything they do just screams neutral ground to me, which I know is ironic coming from an equally neutral list.

I just default don't listen to anything these three say because they could sell water to a fish.
rob ()
While I generally don't like the feeling of shooting players N0. I think it was correct but it makes me :////
torb ()
Feels a little aggro in spots, but if I recall thats pretty on brand.
Link ()
The banter is fun, please continue. It makes catching up fun.

I'm going to hold back on voting for now, but I do intend to cast a vote before the day is up. I just want some more time to think.

So, at game start, I view kae as a towny who was in the good graces of someone I was pretty sure was town (shock) and "confirmed" by them. I never knew quite how, but I was pretty afk and assumed I missed a little 3 sentence post somewhere. I didnt really have the time, nor the desire to read 45 pages at 100% thoroughness. I stated I was confused, because It means close to "I think I understand whats going on, but I'm not 1000% sure, and I want to make sure I have my details straight. Especially if kae flips town, understanding how we got here will be important". This shifted at EoD last day up until now. Kae shifted into a full blown implosion. That kinda panic always draws more attention, and even shock flipped onto kae. Every action during that implosion felt like a tinfoil hat moment, and my trust slipped. Further, a person who im pretty sure is town, who confirmed kae to be town, flipped on them. Basically, every support they had for being town slipped, and then they put on a tinfoil hat.

Who do I suspect outside of Kae, well again, I dont fully suspect kae. To repeat, about 75% Wolf, 25% town in my book. I think the chances of them being town is quite real, but I think the chances of them being wolf is much higher. This EoD discussion has sorta... messed with that number a little bit, and im a bit unsure. Shocks comment of "I could prove youre innocent but I wont because reasons" is annoying to say the least.

Frankly at this point im inclined to believe serp and torb and those are about the only 2 people who I reasonably trust. Serp because of the obvious, and torb has maintained a strong level of consistency throughout. Not a lot of flipping or opportunistic jabs. The kae situation has shaken my faith in shock as much as it has my faith in kae. Not to quite the same point, but to where I don't really think its wise to listen to shock.

But back to the main point, I think I have a sus feeling about Kae (obv). Anne and Timpa are slightly sus still to me, they haven't done a whole lot to change that, but nothing I feel particularly confident in, and I have an inherent distrust of link and rob.

Lmao, I was writing all this, then checked back to see the vote tally and saw that shock claimed GN n0 from fateegg. i'll be honest, I didn't expect it. I'll leave all my previous thoughts still around, since its part of my explanation to rob about my move to kae.

Removing my vote on kae for now, will examine how i feel about either of the other trains and post something before EoD

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:32:27 pm
Just got to the shock claim, I think Cal just outed himself, also lol.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 06:33:18 pm
serp- duh!
MW- There is absolutely no way he made that stuff up. No matter how stupid the stuff he says is, he clearly believes in it and there is just no way to fake that as scum.
rob- some confusing decisions, but they dont favor any kind of scumagenda and attract a lot of unwanted attention. Pokes around for all the possibilities
shock- no reason to defend my like so if scum and a bunch of hard to fake things
Submachine- confusion seems legit rather than a distraction tactic; besides that would be so much effort for next to no gain, as that approach doesnt give him much leverage for making other people look suspect, also he seemed to have the second most differentiated view on the current state of the game today
timpa- very unlikely to be scum with Link, which im fairly confident in
 good feels about dc, but not nearly as good reasons for it

scumreads: see above; side note: if a town without momentum indeed successfully targets torb, i suppose torb being anubis theory is a load of crap. I still find it unlikely that anubis would target serp on n1 without adrenaline involved or that cal wouldnt be the only green nymph, but i suppose either is possible
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:35:19 pm
kae - you could try voting on somebody now... I don't see you in the tally with a vote on anyone.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:36:34 pm

- - -




Ge0metry v1.2


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:37:12 pm
Should be noted that this does not clear shock, he could even be telling the truth as mafia and found a good way to use the GN role. Also I find the timing of this claim very convenient, not during the first part of the day where kaempfer was the runaway lynch, only after a wagon was started on me, giving another viable option for people hopping off of kaempfer, as Cal clearly showed, and near EoD where they can panic lynch me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 06:38:16 pm
Well its gona be Cal or Link for me today, i accept no compromises

fair enough Link is pretty high up there
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:39:09 pm
Link -

I don't think scum!shock is going to do the multiple day lead up on kae when he was only a minor candidate for lynch as if he can read the minds of the whole group knowing kae would become this runaway wagon.

In my book, for the time being, I believe the claim and am moving shock + kae into my group of townies. About a small step or half-level aside from serp's level of lock!town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:39:14 pm
Rob why are you putting shock as confirmed, you're smarter than that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:40:21 pm
For the time being, he gets my beliefe and benefit of the doubt. Honestly, while not meant this way it is a bit of a slap that I'm basically saying I don't think shock is capable of that level of FPS as scum.

Rob why are you putting shock as confirmed, you're smarter than that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:40:52 pm
I don't think scum!shock is going to

We've seen what shock does as town. We may have not yet seen what he does as mafia. Any sentence that starts this way is extremely unreliable to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 06:41:35 pm
I still find it unlikely that anubis would target serp on n1 without adrenaline involved or that cal wouldnt be the only green nymph, but i suppose either is possible
Don't forget the possibility of a mafia Calindu targeting town me. I'm giving Cal the benefit of the doubt right now, so it's already paying off if that is the case.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:42:32 pm
Link - either way you're saying you believe that it makes kae as being town.. .scum shock wanting credit or town shock telling the truth. FOr today's lynch I don't see that aspect being much sway. Right?

Kae - you should actually PUT your vote on one those two then, based on your last post.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:42:36 pm
fwiw I've played a bit of Among Us with shock, so I've seen some form of scum game from him

Stay on your toes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 06:43:25 pm
Do we want an extension to sort this out? we have 17 minutes left or so
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:44:28 pm
Well noted. For now, I believe him and consider it as town!shock. But in both cases of town or scum shock, I think it outs kae as town.

That level of sustained multi-day fancy play syndrome though is really difficult to pull off how shock just did it if he is not being genuine the whole time. /back to today's lynch
fwiw I've played a bit of Among Us with shock, so I've seen some form of scum game from him

Stay on your toes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:44:51 pm
No extensions, Linkcat was due days ago
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:44:55 pm

If you're really, truly town, you should realize by now that rob is mafia. Rob has been the #1 mafia read for me and serp since day 1, and that is never going to change.

I'm fairly certain rob and Calindu just outed themselves as mafia. Rob starts trying to switch up votes to gain credibility by voting on Linkcat when kaempfer looks to be dying no matter what. Then I actually reveal and get people to also switch to Linkcat. Rob realizes that Linkcat might actually die now, and quickly looks to scapegoat Calindu as a way to lower Linkcat's vote count.

Now, it's possible both Linkcat and rob are both mafia as I think. However, it's also possible that rob is mafia while Linkcat is town. In this scenario, rob wants Linkcat around since rob knows that town Linkcat is way off the mark and therefore is much more useful to mafia alive than dead. Rob also knows that mafia can always scapegoat Linkcat last minute if needed.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:45:14 pm
At this point there's a high probability that both Annele and Cal are mafia. I think Annele is the better lynch since mafia GN isn't dangerous and Annele could easily be Anubis, who we don't want tagging another confirmed town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:46:41 pm
1 Hour Extension (1) - Linkcat

Obviously to give us time to sort things out without the craziness of 5-minute extensions.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:47:14 pm
I'll be frank, shock's recent post just now makes me doubt even more a scum!shock making that kae claim ploy.

It is all WIFOM since you included me in both teams... but there is NO FREAKING WAY I would out and wagon/vote Cal like this if we were teammates. NO WAY.

Link and I may have lots of experience playing, and he might be good at this game... but I know I could never fake this level of theater with him this long.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 06:47:39 pm
I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this after about now, as I'm busy spending time with family (that finally doesnt have to work 24/7), but technically an extension might be good to sort this out; that said we still have up to 30 extra minutes so long as people keep voting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:48:40 pm
If you're going to vote for an extension, & continue pushing Annele, then pick a time when Annele can participate in EOD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:49:00 pm
I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this after about now, as I'm busy spending time with family (that finally doesnt have to work 24/7), but technically an extension might be good to sort this out; that said we still have up to 30 extra minutes so long as people keep voting
Would you place a vote somewhere? You're now nestled up alongside serp in  my town block of reads... and you're not voting for anyone.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:49:12 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Votecount got buried. Looks like I might just have to compromise on Cal.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 06:49:27 pm
If you're going to vote for an extension, & continue pushing Annele, then pick a time when Annele can participate in EOD

Aye, I think its a full extension or nothing. As much as im sure Oa would hate that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:49:46 pm
If you're going to vote for an extension, & continue pushing Annele, then pick a time when Annele can participate in EOD

You still think Annele is town after this?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:50:24 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 06:50:34 pm
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

obv also open for voting Cal
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:51:49 pm
Link this is not shaping up well for you. If you get flipped you better be green or I'm going to be scarred forever in ways only mafia game players can understand... I'm looking ridiculously scummy for defending you but tinfoiling softly in the background for days now on you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:52:01 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Here we go again.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:52:38 pm
Also I'm pretty sure geo or kdz are scum
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 06:52:41 pm
I still find it unlikely that anubis would target serp on n1 without adrenaline involved or that cal wouldnt be the only green nymph, but i suppose either is possible
Don't forget the possibility of a mafia Calindu targeting town me. I'm giving Cal the benefit of the doubt right now, so it's already paying off if that is the case.

Why would I ever do that? It makes it so mafia has to actually lynch you to win.

I'm fairly certain rob and Calindu just outed themselves as mafia. Rob starts trying to switch up votes to gain credibility by voting on Linkcat when kaempfer looks to be dying no matter what. Then I actually reveal and get people to also switch to Linkcat. Rob realizes that Linkcat might actually die now, and quickly looks to scapegoat Calindu as a way to lower Linkcat's vote count.

In what universe me/rob being w/w makes sense? I scumread him since D1, he's scumreading me for a while now too. Why would he ever start a wagon on me and jump the gun like that?

Also it's funny rob is scumreading me for jumping the gun and voting on Linkcat, when he actually treats both shock and kae confirmed after this. Legit makes 0 sense.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:53:11 pm
I'm voting Annele or Cal. If others want to end up lynching Link then so be it. I'm not going to hard-defend to the level I did on Day 1. I'll be open about that. I just don't think he is scum, despite that being very much a possibility.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:54:12 pm
Cal - NK goes through immaterial as i read it. NK is not a secondary role but a faction ability/action... immaterial fine print states it prevents SECONDARY roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 06:54:22 pm
Anubis takes priority over Guardian Angel, so using it at the same night and target as the nightkill would have rendered the target unable to reveal being targeted by Anubis, while still being immune to healing.
Wait, TorB. First, that's a good observation. But second, what would a mafia Anubis tell us? It occurred to me, they targeted the only person who was confirmed town, so we can assume they did not target themselves.
On N1, Linkcat said that if any Otyughs are out there, target one of two people. If mafia had Anubis and one of the suggested Otyugh targets was mafia, they would have used it on themselves, no?

(Did not count Mafia Green Nymph, mafia having Otyugh, mafia Seraph/Graboid, or just regular mafia balls to disregard danger, etc. But if those two people do not have anti-targeting roles and we somehow confirm Cal is not mafia, the chances get better.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:54:32 pm
rob: you're voting Calindu, not Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:54:54 pm
Gee, I wonder how I got into this situation again. It's almost as if I HAVE NO MAFIA PARTNERS working with me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 06:54:59 pm
Cal - NK goes through immaterial as i read it. NK is not a secondary role but a faction ability/action... immaterial fine print states it prevents SECONDARY roles.

But you're just wrong, NK doesn't go through burrow. A burrowed adrenalined town needs to be lynched for mafia to actually win.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:55:29 pm
Wait, real quick, is anyone actually open for voting out rob today? He definitely gives us the most information, and I really am quite certain he's mafia. There's several possible mafia groups, and rob is literally in all of them for me. His vote targets and swaps make sense for literally every scenario I've gone through.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:56:09 pm
sub, there can be duplicate roles
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:56:26 pm
MW, ande, kdz, where you guys at?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 06:56:48 pm
Wait, real quick, is anyone actually open for voting out rob today? He definitely gives us the most information, and I really am quite certain he's mafia. There's several possible mafia groups, and rob is literally in all of them for me. His vote targets and swaps make sense for literally every scenario I've gone through.

At this point I'm open for both Link and rob.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 29, 2020, 06:56:55 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:57:27 pm
MW, you continue to astound me. Congrats.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 06:57:32 pm
Linkcat: what did MW see?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 06:57:36 pm
Also I'm pretty sure geo or kdz are scum
I have a lean that way too on those serp. WE just disagree on Annele and Link.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:58:22 pm
I claim Toadfish.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 29, 2020, 06:59:00 pm
Haven't had time to catch all the way up. Just saw shock claim egg and GN roll so had to hop off kae
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 06:59:12 pm
Killed DC out of him/kdz/Cal because figured he'd be the hardest to read.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 06:59:22 pm

I once again open the opportunity to save you at the cost of lynching rob. I actually find your lack of support disturbing and several of my high mafia reads are voting on you, which concerns me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:00:03 pm
Haven't had time to catch all the way up. Just saw shock claim egg and GN roll so had to hop off kae

Let me speed you up, Cal outed himself and is pretty much agreed to be mafia. Why he only has 2 votes is beyond me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:00:27 pm
Calindu: you're targetting DC tonight
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 07:00:37 pm
Anubis takes priority over Guardian Angel, so using it at the same night and target as the nightkill would have rendered the target unable to reveal being targeted by Anubis, while still being immune to healing.
Wait, TorB. First, that's a good observation. But second, what would a mafia Anubis tell us?
I am not entirely sure. There is even the possibility that a town Anubis flaked and somehow thought it was a good idea. It does significantly raise the chances of someone being inspected as Anubis to be mafia, since no one role claimed Anubis saying they flaked. I'd go so far as lynching the first Anubis we find. I say this knowing full well people want to inspect whether I am Anubis.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:01:03 pm
If we lynch rob he'll just flip town and then you lynch me and I flip town. No deal.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:01:20 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Extending the timer. But that Toadfish claim is interesting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 29, 2020, 07:01:23 pm
Ok put my vote on Cal then I guess. Putting a lot of trust in shock and link. More than I would like
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:02:03 pm
DC dies this night whether adrena'd or not, serp. He was poisoned N1 so dies N2.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:02:11 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:02:15 pm
He dies N3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:02:33 pm
Oh I never understand "second" etc, like "next weekend" is that tomorrow or the week after tomorrow??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:02:53 pm
Somebody please tell me who my team is right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:03:01 pm
So adrena-DC it is then.
He dies N3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:03:14 pm
Somebody please tell me who my team is right now.
Town. I think.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 29, 2020, 07:03:22 pm
I claim Toadfish.

Killed DC out of him/kdz/Cal because figured he'd be the hardest to read.


For now I'm keeping my vote in kaemp, as he's my biggest scumread - not had time to process shock's claim yet
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:03:55 pm
Although that is a bit of a scummy way to defend yourself Link. I think Toadfish on DC though is mostly NAI. It just makes sense as a play from either angle, to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:04:36 pm
Very likely mafia, wait til he flips and it will confirm me.

Andre, kaempfer is town, vote someone else.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:04:49 pm

kae is almsot surely town no matter shock's alignment... do you mean to imply that you think shock bungled things independently of alignments and more on game strategy/playign??!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:05:31 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:06:11 pm
I really think just an extension would be better, we have a lot to unpack. This is the last throwaway extension im willing to do, I got to go soon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:06:31 pm
but why? you think scum!shock multi-day played up that fancy play (if not true) about he and kae? Do you think kae is town though from it??
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:06:35 pm
Kaempfer, I cannot be mafia Anubis, killing Cal will give more insight into your theories.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:06:57 pm
rob its a toss away vote, nothing more
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 29, 2020, 07:07:24 pm
No extendo. This is a perfect way to end day. To much more of this and too many claims start happening
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:07:36 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:07:44 pm
Looks like Link probably here gets lynched... but I think it is a mislynch. good luck good luck
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:07:59 pm
No extendo. This is a perfect way to end day. To much more of this and too many claims start happening
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 07:08:01 pm
If you guys want to save Linkcat that badly, then I can switch to vote off rob. But you gotta choose who you'd rather have alive. I'm not switching off Linkcat for anyone else.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:08:23 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:08:36 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies
Oh thank God serp. Where's your town block to come with you?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 07:08:50 pm
Haven't had time to catch all the way up. Just saw shock claim egg and GN roll so had to hop off kae

Let me speed you up, Cal outed himself and is pretty much agreed to be mafia. Why he only has 2 votes is beyond me.

I can't even defend against you trying to lynch me, because there are no accusations. I did the same thing Mafia 71, exactly after shock's claim.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 07:09:00 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 29, 2020, 07:09:05 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

removing my vote for now - shaking between Cal and Nel
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:09:27 pm
kills - your choice of Link or Cal.... make your scum!choice... I mean choose one. Letting it go NL again is lock!scum!kdz I would think, on purpose.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:09:43 pm
Andre, sadly Annele will have to wait until tomorrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 07:10:02 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Correction only.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 07:10:48 pm
Well, looks like I'm going to be lynched, please go after rob and Link after. That Toadfish makes so much sense as mafia, since they need to end the game before people stop trusting them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 07:11:02 pm
Linkcat keeps talking about Annele getting saved, but the only one who keeps getting saved is him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 29, 2020, 07:11:15 pm
Andre, sadly Annele will have to wait until tomorrow.

ok, trusting you

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:11:26 pm
kills - your choice of Link or Cal.... make your scum!choice... I mean choose one. Letting it go NL again is lock!scum!kdz I would think, on purpose.

I favor a link kill, I don't have a read on cal, they are playing a very passive game, similar to me. By lynching cal don't we also remove our ability to kill dc this night?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:11:59 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

kdz, then vote Link?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:12:36 pm
I dont like either tbh, also its actually
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 07:13:02 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 07:13:18 pm
kills - your choice of Link or Cal.... make your scum!choice... I mean choose one. Letting it go NL again is lock!scum!kdz I would think, on purpose.

I favor a link kill, I don't have a read on cal, they are playing a very passive game, similar to me. By lynching cal don't we also remove our ability to kill dc this night?
dc still dies no matter what at end of  the following night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:13:22 pm
ebwop nvm that correction im just stupid as hell
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:14:21 pm
Can we vote out kdz instead?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:14:50 pm
serp if you're only willing to lynch Annele when she can be part of EOD then you might as well admit you're never going to lynch there. This is this game's proclaimed EOD time of day... can't hit it last time, or this time, then won't next or next or next etc.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:15:07 pm
Can we vote out kdz instead?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 29, 2020, 07:15:16 pm
Ty, torb, I got confused idk how. This EoD stuff turns my brain into mush.

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

Fair enough serp.

kills - your choice of Link or Cal.... make your scum!choice... I mean choose one. Letting it go NL again is lock!scum!kdz I would think, on purpose.

I favor a link kill, I don't have a read on cal, they are playing a very passive game, similar to me. By lynching cal don't we also remove our ability to kill dc this night?
dc still dies no matter what at end of  the following night
DC dies not this coming night but the next night correct? Link said DC dies N3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 07:15:34 pm
Sub- are you going to make a solid meaningful vote today? Eod1 was disappointing from you last time... No personal offense intended.

You were willing to sheep\vote on Annele last day... How about now??
The last time I checked today, it looked like a solid kae wagon with two barely contending wagons. From the current votes, Annele, Calindu, and Linkcat are both at n for me.

Out of the three, I am not going to vote Linckat yet, and I find shock's reasoning sensible about Annele, so put my vote on Calindu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:15:37 pm
Only potential scum yesterday was Linkcat, more so if kaempf/shock are being accepted as town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:15:59 pm
Can somebody PLEASE tell me who my team is. It's not anyone voting on me, not andre, not DC, not Annele, not MW, not Sub, so you have to believe it's exactly me, rob, iancu, and Ge0, or some even dumber combo.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:16:34 pm
you lead the charge I'll go to kdz too.
Only potential scum yesterday was Linkcat, more so if kaempf/shock are being accepted as town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:17:20 pm
Thank you for letting us know your scum team link, that's pretty much exactly what I had written down after kdz started playing against you
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:17:52 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine

Glad I could help, serp.

Added Sub's vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:18:31 pm
hot take though: Annele / Cal / kdz / Ge0
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:19:41 pm

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:20:37 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:20:42 pm
Nope, you've both been playing too poorly this game to be that godlike
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:20:57 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:21:08 pm
He's on Cal...

Link I've done what I can...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 07:21:12 pm

What do you think about rob/torb/kdz/ian?

If you can agree on that with me I'm willing to believe you're town to save you. I know it sounds crazy, but it really is possible for Calindu and Annele to both be town. Which would add up with rob's voting patterns. But you seem so sure that rob is town that you're willing to sacrifice yourself to save him.

That to be me just makes me think even more that you and rob are both mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 29, 2020, 07:21:24 pm
Day's over, wrapup soonTM
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:21:47 pm
I mean 24 seconds, also I remembered to turn off caps lock
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:22:16 pm
aw, I was about to extend timer with vote on kdz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:23:15 pm
I'm too upset right now to type coherently after this. FFS folks.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:24:43 pm
At least we won't have town being misguided to blow psion on deja claims anymore
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 29, 2020, 07:25:18 pm
Night 2

Gone is the light. Here's another night.

Linkcat was lynched. He was an Elemental and a Toadfish.

Night 2 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 07:25:37 pm
Ah snap
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:26:18 pm
I wish I could say that this was partially my fault, but you're all just awful at this game. Like, really bad.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:27:29 pm
solved game btw
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 29, 2020, 07:28:06 pm
so much for U N L Y N C H A B L E
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:28:12 pm
- - -




Ge0metry v1.2


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:30:04 pm
I'm stepping away for a bit. I thought it would be hard to process Link flipping scum but town!Link actually being lynched ... does not compute that you all mislynched him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 07:31:18 pm
I wish I could say that this was partially my fault, but you're all just awful at this game. Like, really bad.

It's this exact elitist attitude that got you lynched. I hope you know that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 07:32:20 pm
shock, rob is like never mafia, I'm fairly certain about that still
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 29, 2020, 07:33:11 pm
I wish I could say that this was partially my fault, but you're all just awful at this game. Like, really bad.

It's this exact elitist attitude that got you lynched. I hope you know that.

That is a ridiculous reason to lynch somebody. Town lynches to kill mafia. Mafia lynches to just try to hide, usually to only kill town. The attitude of infolynch, policy lynch, grudge lynch, retribution lynch, or whatever you call this attitude above is just silly. I stand by that always and forever.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 07:34:14 pm
rob, shock's pointing out that Linkcat was refusing to play with confirmed town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 07:41:35 pm
Night 2

Gone is the light. Here comes another night.

Linkcat was lynched. He was an Elemental and a Toadfish.

Night 2 has ended.
GODDAMMIT GUYS, but this time I am an imbecile. EOD1 ended at midnight, and I remembered Oa saying EOD1 was 2 hours later than usual EOD, so I assumed I had time to safely browse posts until 22:00. Linking lynch at 21:30 did not ever occur to me until I got to this point:

Link I've done what I can...

At which point, Oa already posted "wrapup soon".

I have two important things to say.

I will be out of town tomorrow, so I am staying to read and analyze until at least 22:00.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 07:42:58 pm
EBWOP: "Link I've done what I can..." was part of rob's quote. I clearly did not do all I can and I am an Imbecile.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on May 29, 2020, 07:44:23 pm
I wish I could say that this was partially my fault, but you're all just awful at this game. Like, really bad.

It's this exact elitist attitude that got you lynched. I hope you know that.

That is a ridiculous reason to lynch somebody. Town lynches to kill mafia. Mafia lynches to just try to hide, usually to only kill town. The attitude of infolynch, policy lynch, grudge lynch, retribution lynch, or whatever you call this attitude above is just silly. I stand by that always and forever.

My top mafia reads have been you and Linkcat from the start, and they have always been based off voting patterns. I've said this to you multiple times now and you continuously accuse me of grudge lynching. You ignoring my actual reasons for voting Linkcat and accusing me of being bad, is the exact same elitism in Linkcat that I'm pointing out, which makes your comment quite ironic.

If 5 town vote on Linkcat, and Linkcat happens to also be town, is it completely the 5 townies fault for being bad at the game? Or did maybe that 1 town who got lynched mess up somewhere by making himself look too suspicious for whatever reason?

Also it's quite obvious who the more experienced players are. The responsibility is on the experienced players to recognize when they're playing with newer players who aren't as good and adjust, NOT on the inexperienced to all of sudden be expected to play perfectly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 07:49:47 pm
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine

Glad I could help, serp.

Added Sub's vote.
This is the last vote tally.

Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies

shock and kaempfer are vouching for each other (well, only kae was "cleared" by shock, but noone cleared shock), and serp is Vujatron, so my new top 3 scumreads are Calindu, TorB, and kdz.

I remember Link saying something like Calindu outted himself and questioning why is not everyone voting on him. TorB will depend on what Calindu flips, and kdz is possible Mafia in case Calindu flips town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on May 29, 2020, 07:54:51 pm
Got permission from host to post this.

I wish I could say that this was partially my fault, but you're all just awful at this game. Like, really bad.

It's this exact elitist attitude that got you lynched. I hope you know that.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 07:59:09 pm
From what I understand, nothing can stop Poison death. (Angel only stops targeting, but not the effect. @Oa, please clarify.) DoubleCapitals should definitely claim role, because kae might be interested in it. MW is Dragonfly, so he can make sure everything goes according to plan in case we suspect interruptions. But this is only necessary IF Caps actually has anything useful.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 29, 2020, 08:00:26 pm
GA will not heal Poison.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 08:07:21 pm
MW doesn't need to babysit Calindu targetting DC

Much more interested in MW watching torb or shock or geo

kaempf should endow on MW or take a spin on one of our fate egg claims. If one of the eggs rolled a total dud to endow just say so

Sub or ian or our fate eggs can target torb
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 08:10:05 pm
Also lol @ link's nightplan having Heal target the next day's lynch as if he's better NK than either dejas. Or maybe it was mindgames & Sub's silly enough to not realize. Sucker never saw it coming
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 29, 2020, 08:18:03 pm
if eggs dont have anything great my plan was actually to target torb
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 08:21:05 pm
MW doesn't need to babysit Calindu targetting DC

Much more interested in MW watching torb or shock or geo

kaempf should endow on MW or take a spin on one of our fate egg claims. If one of the eggs rolled a total dud to endow just say so

Sub or ian or our fate eggs can target torb
If the goal is only to check if TorB is immaterial, we should settle on one person instead of deploying three, in case all 3 are blocked.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 08:26:01 pm
if eggs dont have anything great my plan was actually to target torb
You should wait for DC's reveal too. The best options for you are Vulture, Guardian Angel, Shrieker. Other roles have borderline usefulness too, like Otyugh and pure Egg (can you even become an Egg with Crusader?).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 08:27:18 pm
Haven't had time to catch all the way up. Just saw shock claim egg and GN roll so had to hop off kae

Let me speed you up, Cal outed himself and is pretty much agreed to be mafia. Why he only has 2 votes is beyond me.
This is the quote I was talking about.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 08:28:53 pm
Haven't had time to catch all the way up. Just saw shock claim egg and GN roll so had to hop off kae

Let me speed you up, Cal outed himself and is pretty much agreed to be mafia. Why he only has 2 votes is beyond me.

I can't even defend against you trying to lynch me, because there are no accusations. I did the same thing Mafia 71, exactly after shock's claim.
Was this Calindu's way out? In Mafia 71, he was mafia, but I do not understand the context yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 08:31:04 pm
Yeah, kaempfer targetting torb works too. He'll want to burrow after shock flips town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 08:36:47 pm
Alright, no burrowing for me. Crusader comes after Anubis, but if mafia tries to pull that off, we'll (practically) know for certain that a Green Nymph is working with mafia. So I'm down either way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 29, 2020, 08:46:44 pm
Haven't had time to catch all the way up. Just saw shock claim egg and GN roll so had to hop off kae

Let me speed you up, Cal outed himself and is pretty much agreed to be mafia. Why he only has 2 votes is beyond me.

I can't even defend against you trying to lynch me, because there are no accusations. I did the same thing Mafia 71, exactly after shock's claim.
Was this Calindu's way out? In Mafia 71, he was mafia, but I do not understand the context yet.

I was town, that's the point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 29, 2020, 08:48:24 pm
Finally caught up.

serp, why do you want me to target TorB? You don't even know my role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 08:51:17 pm
Right. I confused it with 72, sorry. But I still do not see what Linkcat referred to when he said you agreed to be mafia.

I doubt you would confess if this was true, Cal, so I am asking the others first. But do defend your position if you are Town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 08:54:26 pm
- - -




Ge0metry v1.2


Is shock also lock clear? I think he has a better place in vv now rather than where you put him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 09:00:05 pm
Commemoration of Link and rob ending on equal amount of posts after all that struggle for top poster.
Also, 69. --v

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2020, 09:10:25 pm
I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow I will be out of town, so I will have near 0 activity until Sunday.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 09:13:39 pm
Finally caught up.

serp, why do you want me to target TorB? You don't even know my role.

You're not aligned with torb. Up to you whether information I lack (your role, etc) counters those ideas
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 09:20:56 pm
Finally caught up.

serp, why do you want me to target TorB? You don't even know my role.

You're not aligned with torb. Up to you whether information I lack (your role, etc) counters those ideas
The idea is not to kill me, but just verify I am targetable, to clarify. If targeting would be lethal, don't.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 09:56:18 pm
Idea: sub & cal target kaempfer, kaempfer targets torb. DC can live another day

DC, this is especially useful if you can claim potentially getting good info if allowed another night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 29, 2020, 10:18:41 pm
I wish I could say that this was partially my fault, but you're all just awful at this game. Like, really bad.

It's this exact elitist attitude that got you lynched. I hope you know that.
As for my thoughts on this: if you can't explain your thought process then we won't just not get much better, but also distrust your conclusions. At least now I can finally bury my tinfoil hat on Linkcat's thoughts.

Idea: sub & cal target kaempfer, kaempfer targets torb. DC can live another day

DC, this is especially useful if you can claim potentially getting good info if allowed another night
Go for it. At worst I'll end up a NK lightning rod.

serprex care to share what you think you've solved before a likely NK?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on May 29, 2020, 10:47:12 pm
Alright, apologies for not being around during EOD. I haven't had time to fully process/catch up in detail, but I have skimmed all the posts I missed.

Can't believe we lynched link, but maybe there was crucial info I missed. Torb was the one who got the ball rolling on lynching link yes? I've been reading him as town all game and I'm not saying that this makes him scum, but I'm less certain on my read now.

This might be a "bad new player" question but why are we automatically accepting shock's claim of being egg-GN? Is it just because he doesn't really have a reason to lie about it? Sorry again if this is info somewhere I just missed, I'll have time to read posts more thoroughly later today.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 29, 2020, 10:56:55 pm
Going to assume DC is town

Cal always goes. Unless adrenal kaempf combo can go off, but then figure out how 3 mafia couldn't prevent that play

scum: shock torb calindu kdz geo ian

Flip shock, if Annele's scum there has to be scum between kae/shock
Flip ian, he voted on me EOD1, unforgivable
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 30, 2020, 02:18:10 am

What do you think about rob/torb/kdz/ian?

If you can agree on that with me I'm willing to believe you're town to save you. I know it sounds crazy, but it really is possible for Calindu and Annele to both be town. Which would add up with rob's voting patterns. But you seem so sure that rob is town that you're willing to sacrifice yourself to save him.

That to be me just makes me think even more that you and rob are both mafia.
Well you got your "UNLYNCHABLE" Link mislynched. What do you have to say now, fancy pants? Why do my voting patterns add up to any sort of Cal / Annele being town? Are you trying to insinuate that a scum!rob tries for two days to NOT lynch the now town!flipped Link when it would have been RIPE for just letting him die his own death easier/sooner? Given the timing of you revealing the "peek" of kae and then leading the charge onto not-Annele and not-Cal, but onto town!Link I find to be a bad look right now. I took your claim at face value in the heat of the moment. Having had a little real time to take a walk, enjoy my family a little, eat out with the in-laws, and change a few diapers (that task will give you all sorts of perspective...) -- I'm no longer carte blanche believing the shock/kae claim.

A short review of EOD2 and what I recall of Day 2, I obviously have serp confirmed town; but also viewing MW, Sub, timpa, and ian as very likely town. Unless the situation is that kae/annele/cal are all three town... I'm not currently willing to consider that world. Have I missed something where that quartet is not reasonably all town? Or, any reasonable case for the subsequent trio to be all town?? (NB- the trio may not all be scum, but current line of reasoning I'm looking for help parsing if reasonable that all are town)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 02:54:05 am
Whatcha want me to claim even, I already told you my role's useless, aaaaaaaaaa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 03:00:16 am
I'm not saying anything until my Time master predecessor and successor wakes up
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 03:01:59 am
MK DC for invisitext. Anything for that sweet flip
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 30, 2020, 03:06:21 am
This egg has a decision to make tonight... Annele? Cal? kdz? ... shock?? kae?? I don't want to reveal specifics yet, but I'm aiming in that group. serp / MW / Sub / timpa / ian -- thoughts or comments? I have time to decide so I'm OK waiting for input from that group who may be asleep or away from thread currently until they can weigh in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 03:27:16 am
If Cal's not scum there's at most 3 mafia not on cooldown. If Cal is scum then theory is that two scum roles aren't too disruptive. They should be disrupting the adrenal combo unless they're going to WIFOM about why it didn't get disrupted. If combo goes off & shock flips town, kaempfer is invulnerable confirmed town

We need info on shock or calindu. Calindu is a likely warden target

Calindu & kdz very likely going out, so unless the role is very convincing, they'll be going anyways. Info on shock is difficult, Fate Egg isn't easiest thing to investigate

Grasping, checking that you can target torb is always a thing if you don't want to trust kaempfer & MW. Or trying to figure out geo, whose n- for me, so slight info might help tip scales there

If you have something disruptive, try to disrupt whoever you think is most likely to try disrupt combo
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 03:28:57 am
& if you want to target Annele in Linkcat's memory, go ahead
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 30, 2020, 03:52:46 am
serp - noted. You're obviously the highest town-read of everybody in the game.

I look forward to input from MW/Sub/timpa/ian.


Look at the wagons EOD1... knowing Link is town... It def felt like a more concerted effort was made to "save" Annele than was for timpa. Those non-Annele wagons look really really suspect.
I obviously know there is another green on the Annele wagon, but in light of requests from others to AVOID the WIFOM of talking about how I know I'm town... you get just the moe an Link green.

Shock was too late, real vote count.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp


How I see it, Annele/Cal is so unlikely to be v/v with more likely AT LEAST one wolf given how these two EOD's turned out.
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine

Glad I could help, serp.

Added Sub's vote.

Anyone else have a read or explanation that paints it convincingly in a different light than w/v or v/w or w/w with Annele and Cal? Key word being convincingly...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 04:48:47 am
Link answered the rules question Oa asked me about

Now what is this fabled adrenda combo I hear of? I don't understand
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 04:49:20 am
Link answered the rules question Oa asked me about

Now what is this fabled adrenda combo I hear of? I don't understand
EBWOP: That I was going to ask Oa about*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 30, 2020, 04:49:45 am
Link answered the rules question Oa asked me about

Now what is this fabled adrenda combo I hear of? I don't understand
It kills you TONIGHT instead of Night 3 (tonight is N2). Link claimed to poison you N1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 05:05:03 am
Link answered the rules question Oa asked me about

Now what is this fabled adrenda combo I hear of? I don't understand

Calindu puts adrenaline on kaempfer
Kaempfer endows torb's burrow
Kaempfer becomes an adrenal shrieker
If combo goes off, then we vote off shock & if shock's town we trust kaempfer as confirmed
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 06:11:47 am
Fair enough and fair enough.

Well, the gig's up huh, good luck to my mafia teammates, I'm going to just drive up the worst train tomorrow and mislynch the most useful role except oh wait, I'm town.

Reiterating that my role is fucking useless to the point I don't even wanna claim, but I'm aiming Annele for your consideration rob. Or I could aim TorB. See if he's immaterial or some shit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 06:18:48 am
If you're gotp, +1 for Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 06:30:59 am
blah I need to go to sleep. But obsession on torb is alright, he'll be able to burrow before it kicks in from poison death. Too bad priority not be able to kick in before Anubis. Real useless. But you'd be able to be a second data point to confirm endow wasn't able to target
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 06:35:25 am
aaaa, you'll have to roll a dice on it to decide for yourself. Maybe mafia has green nymph (not necessarily cal) & kills you tonight hoping to lobo torb. Seems like it leaks a bit too much info for them to pull off, but maybe not
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 30, 2020, 06:51:35 am
But if they're not able to target it does not prove I am not already immaterial to begin with, which was the whole point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 07:09:15 am
If mafia Green Nymphs me, I've done my job. They think I'm important, which I am not.

I'll claim closer to D3 EoD/N3 if im alive
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 30, 2020, 07:11:00 am
I'm still thinking over the giant **** move of burrowing anyway, since if this would confirm me as town, I imagine mafia prioritizing their last shot at an immortal to-be confirmed town. Typical paranoia, I know. Just keep it at only targetting me with endow. You're not losing out on anything if endow fails, but mafia loses out on their NK if that fails.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 30, 2020, 07:38:52 am
Basically mafia misfire should also confirm me and even better for town, I'm just trying to get into their heads. Most likely situation is that mafia will just go for the confirmed town with no chance of failing, meaning there is no reason to burrow just yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on May 30, 2020, 09:42:26 am
This egg has a decision to make tonight... Annele? Cal? kdz? ... shock?? kae?? I don't want to reveal specifics yet, but I'm aiming in that group. serp / MW / Sub / timpa / ian -- thoughts or comments? I have time to decide so I'm OK waiting for input from that group who may be asleep or away from thread currently until they can weigh in.
info - shock
offsensive - Annele
defensive - kae

That's the best I can come up with without knowing specifics.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 02:06:02 pm
MW rolls a dice & decides what he's more curious about: whether torb is targetted tonight by more than kaempfer, or who's targetting kaempfer

It's always possible Calindu's scum & not Green Nymph. Claimed targetting torb for town cred. In that case someone else will be targetting kaempfer if he's becoming adrenal

MW will slow roll giving out information tomorrow. If I'm NK I trust rob will know how to interview MW for his info while he determines what's happened tonight
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 30, 2020, 02:47:47 pm
This egg has a decision to make tonight... Annele? Cal? kdz? ... shock?? kae?? I don't want to reveal specifics yet, but I'm aiming in that group. serp / MW / Sub / timpa / ian -- thoughts or comments? I have time to decide so I'm OK waiting for input from that group who may be asleep or away from thread currently until they can weigh in.

Some targets I can think of

Golden Nymph: shock

town!shock => town!kaemp. This way we can have a definitive read on shock without wasting more townies.

Psion: Ge0

psion on shock is useless imo, since I don't see a reason why he would have lied about egg claim. We could use more info on Ge0, since he's giving us little to work with.

Offensive roles like Oty / toadfish: I'm really iffy about using them, considering the level of confusion in this game (I'm really hoping DC flips scum, otherwise things will start to look really bad for town). But it's your call in the end of the day, since you have more experience than me.

GA: Either you or kaemp: I think the most likely outcome is that mafia will off serp (in which case GA would have been pointless anyway), but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 30, 2020, 02:51:20 pm
Actually psion on Cal would also help clear things a bit.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 30, 2020, 02:52:36 pm
Egg GA goes on MW. Chance we already have real GA on kaempfer

+1 for psion on cal
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 03:45:08 pm
(I'm really hoping DC flips scum, otherwise things will start to look really bad for town).


Based on serp's comments I'm aiming Annele @rob so if you trust me you can look elsewhere. Or if you think my role is not even useful at aiming Annele that aiming her would do nothing. I'm still not saying if I'm GotP though.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 30, 2020, 05:10:44 pm
Given the sequence of reveals being Cal targeted me => me confirming being targeted via being adrenal, combined with no counter claim, Cal not being Green Nymph seems extremely unlikely. So checking that seems like a waste compared to the roles we have absolutely no clue of.

Using adrenaline on me despite not committing to evolve is also a perfect fit for an otherwise useless role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 30, 2020, 06:05:38 pm
Shite town reads


Pretty confirmed

Heavy Town Reads

Annele (dont see where all the hype is)
Geo (not enough info. really reminds me of my first game but less shit talking)
Andre (Escaped death, but im still not seeing much of any read)
TORB (i cant read him worth a crap. Never could.)

Scum Reads
kdz (bruh, his voting patterns are BAAAD)
Cal (i just reread the game where he was maf. he acts sooo similar)
iancu (there is an extreme lack of trolling/elitism from iancu. I expect so much more)

DEAD lol
Linkcat (master of games lmao)
www3 (q.q)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 30, 2020, 06:37:58 pm
Shite town reads


Pretty confirmed

Heavy Town Reads

Annele (dont see where all the hype is)
Geo (not enough info. really reminds me of my first game but less shit talking)
Andre (Escaped death, but im still not seeing much of any read)
TORB (i cant read him worth a crap. Never could.)

Scum Reads
kdz (bruh, his voting patterns are BAAAD)
Cal (i just reread the game where he was maf. he acts sooo similar)
iancu (there is an extreme lack of trolling/elitism from iancu. I expect so much more)

DEAD lol
Linkcat (master of games lmao)
www3 (q.q)

Guess I'm JCJ
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 30, 2020, 06:46:43 pm
I mean, JCJ isn't poisoned right now. Could consider it a trade up eh DC?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 05:41:08 am
I think a health checkup for kaempf might be good for a weary soul after the Day 2 struggle he had... Or you know maybe MW - I can flip a coin. Help to get serp's plan through is a great idea too.

I'm hungry after not having dinner yet today... I could go for a kiwi for supper. Shooting a strong scum-read mid-game is solid.

kdz in the thread now having a real nice time despite town being wayyyy behind. Might just be a personality thing, but I think it is a bit inflated of him, eh? You get a phase maybe two to pick up your pace (top scum reads of yours after Link flip?) if you're town... do good work and lady green doesn't have to accelerate the demise.

While it might read like self-torture, a peek into shock might give an idea of who he hangs out with. Come clean about this kaempf thing ASAP if you're just screwing around about your N0.

Now with a few more details than before... how would my "town block" reads vote on such a poll for my N2 action??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 05:43:04 am
And with that off my chest... time to sleep until end-of-night lead up. /adieu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 31, 2020, 06:33:14 am
Yes, with one exception: I don't think kaempfer13 needs a second opinion on his health check.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 31, 2020, 08:08:45 am
Link answered the rules question Oa asked me about

Now what is this fabled adrenda combo I hear of? I don't understand

Calindu puts adrenaline on kaempfer
Kaempfer endows torb's burrow
Kaempfer becomes an adrenal shrieker
If combo goes off, then we vote off shock & if shock's town we trust kaempfer as confirmed

Seems like a fair plan to me.

MW rolls a dice & decides what he's more curious about: whether torb is targetted tonight by more than kaempfer, or who's targetting kaempfer

It's always possible Calindu's scum & not Green Nymph. Claimed targetting torb for town cred. In that case someone else will be targetting kaempfer if he's becoming adrenal

MW will slow roll giving out information tomorrow. If I'm NK I trust rob will know how to interview MW for his info while he determines what's happened tonight

Not sure what you mean by me not being Green Nymph, no one countered my claim and TorB confirmed it.

Egg GA goes on MW. Chance we already have real GA on kaempfer

+1 for psion on cal

I'm ok with psion on me if you believe it's fully needed, though I think it might be a waste and it can be better used to verify shock's claim.
I think kae and TorB both confirming they received adrenaline would be enough to confirm me as Green Nymph.

Also, the only plans I'm willing to go through with are those approved by serprex, so as long as serprex doesn't post a new plan 5 minutes before the deadline, I'm going to do exactly as he says.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 10:48:32 am

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 10:52:52 am
Oddly enough almost nothing changes about my townreads and while Link flipping town shatters my confidence in my scumreads, I still like the theory that scum wasnt very involved in EoD1.
I tr timpa now based on not just doing Linkcat in when he had the chance. Now that I look at it, lynching Link really didnt give that much info after all, i was just so sure he'd be scum.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 11:08:05 am
As much as I've been eyeing TorB, if he actually is succesfully targeted in a way that doesnt contradict his shrieker claim (like me getting momentum and becoming Anubis), I would have to start looking at him differently. In order to prevent adrenalined!mafia!anubis from interfering, it would be nice if someone with a higher priority than anubis also would target TorB, except for warden. FFQ and mind flayer would be the safe candidates for that. Considering Torb has adrenaline I'm not sure if squid would get an abilityfailed message regardless.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 31, 2020, 11:32:19 am
Idea: sub & cal target kaempfer, kaempfer targets torb.
I don't think I have the role you think I have. If I can even use my role tonight, I try to pick someone that makes the most sense.

This might be a "bad new player" question but why are we automatically accepting shock's claim of being egg-GN? Is it just because he doesn't really have a reason to lie about it? Sorry again if this is info somewhere I just missed, I'll have time to read posts more thoroughly later today.
I don't think it's automatically accepted, especially because shock already bluffed to be Golden Nymph in a previous game. It's the opposite, I think the majority wants to confirm shock to be able to shock kae.

This egg has a decision to make tonight... Annele? Cal? kdz? ... shock?? kae?? I don't want to reveal specifics yet, but I'm aiming in that group. serp / MW / Sub / timpa / ian -- thoughts or comments?
With those targets, I can only assume what kind of role you rolled into. Here's a breakdown of how I would go about it:

psion on shock is useless imo, since I don't see a reason why he would have lied about egg claim. We could use more info on Ge0, since he's giving us little to work with.
If shock wanted to bluff being GN, claiming Egg would be his only way to do so.

And with that off my chest... time to sleep until end-of-night lead up. /adieu
But I've only now answered your question, so I hope you will come back in time to read them. :-\

Yes, with one exception: I don't think kaempfer13 needs a second opinion on his health check.
I do believe kaempfer might need a second opinion on health check if the opportunity gives itself. I do not want anyone to rush to false conclusions about who has what role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 31, 2020, 11:35:24 am
I mean, JCJ isn't poisoned right now. Could consider it a trade up eh DC?

I want a refund.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 11:36:46 am
Sub egg is disguised as that nights role; same for when you target them with crusader, you get current nights action permanently otherwise i would have long endowed rob; Only way to confirm an egg is to get 2 different role results on subsequent nights or have them die.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 31, 2020, 11:39:27 am
Sub egg is disguised as that nights role; same for when you target them with crusader, you get current nights action permanently otherwise i would have long endowed rob; Only way to confirm an egg is to get 2 different role results on subsequent nights or have them die.
I forgot that part in the Fate Egg role description. >_< When making that post, I only checked what Psion can do: "Target a player. Their secondary abilities are revealed to you."

The plural in "abilities" made me think Eggs got a full reveal.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 11:48:56 am
Oh, Ffq should actually be able to confirm shock with one use, but delayed as if the friefly isnt caught it should witness hatch the following night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 11:51:06 am
Hm, unless the higher priority clause applies even the night after... time to ask Oa a few questions
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 01:28:08 pm
Ok, 2 things: FFQ cant see higher priotrity actions ever unfortunately, but
squid can in fact check if an adrenalined target is targetable as while it has no effect the ability itself doesnt fail
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 31, 2020, 01:45:17 pm
Ok, 2 things: FFQ cant see higher priotrity actions ever unfortunately, but
Is that sure? Because in previous games, FFQ could only not see higher priority action from the same night. Then if a fly has already been planted the previous night, higher priority actions became visible, is that not right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 01:50:08 pm
I asked Oa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on May 31, 2020, 03:13:46 pm
On health and curiosity matters, your views line up with mine.

On culinary and economical matters my view is more cautious but I also trust your judgement.

(translation: my views remain the same)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 04:13:59 pm

kdz in the thread now having a real nice time despite town being wayyyy behind. Might just be a personality thing, but I think it is a bit inflated of him, eh? You get a phase maybe two to pick up your pace (top scum reads of yours after Link flip?) if you're town... do good work and lady green doesn't have to accelerate the demise.

I didn't think levity during a game was something worthy of suspicion, gallows humor not your cup of tea? Anyway, I'd really prefer if you didn't dance around this, just vote me out tomorrow if you want me dead. I'm at n- for effectively everyone for following serp and voting link over cali, so it's not like you'd get a lot of pushback. Hell, even if i was mafia they would probably be on board a lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 31, 2020, 04:30:27 pm
serp, any last words?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 04:31:02 pm
Try to flip Cal before you commit on voting kdz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 04:31:36 pm
ie figure out whether kdz voting Link was saving scum or not
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 04:37:26 pm
How about a last read list? I'm curious on your specific thoughts about some other folk.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 04:45:04 pm
Play with rob, sub, masterwalks. I posted my top 6 scumlist awhile back
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 06:05:46 pm
kdz - it isn't about levity per se. It is about town being down and on the ropes or VERY nearly so at this stage, so I suppose I tend to project my own current sense of urgency about getting down to brass tacks ASAP that has me sus on that Night 2 "entrance". I have been criticized or noted before, and not unfairly I'd add either, about taking this whole mafia game stuff a bit seriously. I hate to lose. Like, I really hate to lose. Even when it's a game :) (playing is fun, so is winning). The window to win here is narrowing quickly so if you don't mind, leave the ATE out if you can for a bit and just help us find the wolves. I mean, if you are a wolf then getting inflated/poisoned tonight would certainly relieve you of any duty to have to parse the thread and play along, right!!?


kdz in the thread now having a real nice time despite town being wayyyy behind. Might just be a personality thing, but I think it is a bit inflated of him, eh? You get a phase maybe two to pick up your pace (top scum reads of yours after Link flip?) if you're town... do good work and lady green doesn't have to accelerate the demise.

I didn't think levity during a game was something worthy of suspicion, gallows humor not your cup of tea? Anyway, I'd really prefer if you didn't dance around this, just vote me out tomorrow if you want me dead. I'm at n- for effectively everyone for following serp and voting link over cali, so it's not like you'd get a lot of pushback. Hell, even if i was mafia they would probably be on board a lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 06:10:42 pm
Inflate shock, not kdz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 06:18:50 pm
Oh yeah, was thinking about this earlier but I don't think I got around to posting it yet....

shock/kaempf claim events:

*Caveat: I view shock as a bit of a loose cannon, and as town he really is his own boss in truth (as scum he would act as his own boss but truth is he should be trying to coordinate at least some with teammates).

A. I cannot wrap my mind around a scum!shock + town!kaempf world. kae was dead-to-rights on Day 2 and scum are almost always game for a runaway train like kae's wagon was at one point with like (9) votes on it. I just struggle to see a world where scum!shock really decides it would be better to make that claim on a town!kae and divert onto a Link mislynch path.

*B. I have major doubts about the likelihood of it being w/w. With so many roles still out there and possible, the smart and calculated scum play should be to bus your teammate or stay away if they're both scum because now if one flips red the other gets MAJOR scrutiny. In this scenario, scum!shock was getting a fair amount of town credit at that point in the game so it seems to me w/w would have not waited THAT long to use this risky ploy.

C. Both remaining scenarios are town!shock. It would be VERY strange for a town!shock to make that move if he doesn't ACTUALLY have a green peek on kaempf. It is not a sustainable way to play going around faking peeks just because you think someone is probably town when they are on the chopping block like was the case late on Day 2.

*** shock, this is the point where you need to come clean if you're bluffing, I think. I should NOT waste a peek tonight on you if you're just futzing around trying to save a townread of yours. Scenarios A and B above are the ones that have me concerned because I don't think I'm willing to lose to a scum!shock as outlined in those two. Let's not blow this and have me peeking town you tonight. Care to discuss some as the end of night 2 nears??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 06:21:17 pm
Inflate shock, not kdz
Oh snap, that actually makes a lot of valuable sense serp. Inflate shock, peek kdz. A town!kdz right now is primed to become mislynch bait and a scum!kdz is rolling in coast-without-having-really-push-hard territory.

Put together a post to throw right at/near EOD if you can with last will and testament --- for the case where you die tonight (is there a way you don't? I mean, you are immaterial so really mafia could decide to wait a night if there are actions in play worse for them than you being in the thread.... ....... dunno). If you die then I live and will carry your torch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 06:23:44 pm
It makes sense to NK me since I can't be a mislynch

But scum, think about it, I'm the scummiest town here. You need me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 06:46:16 pm
Obv, I cant know for sure if shock is actually fate egg and he of all people would be the most likely to bluff about this kind of stuff; he did get my alignement right though and turned a day that seemed to result in a runaway train into sth thats probably useable for wagonomics at some point and saved me in the process. Obv it's hard for me to see him as scum regardless.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 06:47:28 pm
Maybe if we promise to infolynch you tomorrow you get to live.......

My memory is a bit fuzzy at the moment, are we in a position where it has been claimed by observing roles in the thread combined with some passive admissions/non-counter statements from others that Cal adrena'd TorB on N1 and himself on N0??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 31, 2020, 06:50:47 pm
Updated readlist:
(Link to previous readlist: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298004/#msg1298004)

Confirmed: serprex

(Soft-confirmed: kaempfer13)


Ge0metry v1.2
TheonlyrealBeef (changed from v)


Calindu (changed from n)
killsdazombies (changed from n)

The only changes since last time are that kaempfer became soft confirmed and the people who voted out Linkcat moved lower. (v --> n, n --> w) I do not remember anything other that was gamechanging.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 06:51:32 pm
Cal claimed adrenaing nothing n0 (would have self if remembered) and torb n1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 06:54:46 pm
I'm nearing the point where I've thought myself full circle back to seeing you both v/v. I agree very much that shock is the type who _would_ make this kind of fancy play if bluffing but I am slowly feeling better about resting at east that he isn't the type to pull it off like this if he is a wolf.

My opinion, if shock is faking the N0 peek on you as town then he should say so -- it achieved his desired result (saving you) from his POV and from my vantage serves only to confuse and town going forward if he faked it but continues to claim it is real. Is there a downside to a Fate Egg coming clean after a fancy play has ran its course, when they had legit motive (which is case by case and for shock I could easily a town!shock had legit motive to bluff there)??

Obv, I cant know for sure if shock is actually fate egg and he of all people would be the most likely to bluff about this kind of stuff; he did get my alignement right though and turned a day that seemed to result in a runaway train into sth thats probably useable for wagonomics at some point and saved me in the process. Obv it's hard for me to see him as scum regardless.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 06:57:20 pm
I just have this feeling of the adrena-shrieker move being too smooth and well-fitting to be town-town and thread-coordinated... It is certainly possibly, I'm simply thinking out loud about the plausibility of it. It seems equally possible/plausible they are lying and it was adrenAnubis combo they pulled off. No? Ugh, some key information is missing in that area, indeed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 31, 2020, 06:59:25 pm
You will likely either see me dead with Shrieker confirmed, Endow succeeds, or the maf Anubis has adrenaline.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 07:00:03 pm
Real action: Divine Shield, hard-claim, N2.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on May 31, 2020, 07:06:56 pm
Day 3

Who gets the final say? It's yet another day.

TheonlyrealBeef was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Shrieker.

Day 3 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on May 31, 2020, 07:07:50 pm
So much for my fear being unreasonable.
I hope you're proud of getting an immortal town killed.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 07:13:24 pm
I don't understand a state where scum!Cal adrenas town!TorB on N1... right? I was pretty much expecting serp to flip... tried my best to stay out of the way on town plans best I could while also trying to draw a NK attempt. THen in the end it just felt like serp was going to be the flip --- but TorB?!!?

....... or might scum!Cal use an otherwise somewhat not valuable adrena on TorB to test the claims of his grabby/shrieker role and burrow/unburrow status??!?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on May 31, 2020, 07:14:49 pm
I have to leave very soon for a bit... but in the meantime -- who was it that posted about reading a scum game of Cal's and finding it felt a lot like he was playing the same way this game??

For my taste right now, today is between Annele or Cal. serp - you have a new lease on life - what is conf!town thinking right now??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:17:01 pm
I am a shrieker and received adrenaline. looks like I was wrong about everything.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 07:17:18 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:21:33 pm
And unless you play just as awfull as I did so far, looks like you're gonna have to put up with my crap till endgame. I'm sorry!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:22:38 pm
Cal adrenaing both of us is pretty unlikely if he's scum especially since he never confirmed he would target me iirc
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on May 31, 2020, 07:23:03 pm
I don't understand a state where scum!Cal adrenas town!TorB on N1... right? I was pretty much expecting serp to flip... tried my best to stay out of the way on town plans best I could while also trying to draw a NK attempt. THen in the end it just felt like serp was going to be the flip --- but TorB?!!?

....... or might scum!Cal use an otherwise somewhat not valuable adrena on TorB to test the claims of his grabby/shrieker role and burrow/unburrow status??!?
I am also confused why mafia!Cal would create a near-unkillable threat, so I'm putting him above kdz. With that said though, it is day now.

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 07:24:23 pm
Going to assume DC is town

Cal always goes. Unless adrenal kaempf combo can go off, but then figure out how 3 mafia couldn't prevent that play

scum: shock torb calindu kdz geo ian

Flip shock, if Annele's scum there has to be scum between kae/shock
Flip ian, he voted on me EOD1, unforgivable

Hey serp, given you still have the opportunity to flirt with death, has the night allowed you to expand on this scum list?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:26:54 pm

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 07:27:05 pm
I want to wait on any info from sub/mw

Tempting to keep Cal around despite Linkcat saying he gave himself away. At least if he's confirmed Green Nymph we can try find the adrenal anubis instead. But with how things played out I think mafia lack disruptive skills & anubis was on cooldown

Do we need to flip shock still?

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:41:01 pm
kaevision assuming all trs I made were correct

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu(1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu(1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu(1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu(2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu(2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

That would leave precisely ian, Annele, geo, kdz with dc proving next night whether he can replace one of them. I suppose I need to revisit my townreads.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 07:43:47 pm
That makes a lot of sense kae, I was just trying to do something similar, but you not only beat me to it, but color coded it too lmao
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 07:46:34 pm
kdz, it'd still be nice to see your version, considering where kae seated you
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:49:59 pm
lol, geo and ian almost voting off Annele seems unlikely, so i def need to put in work. I'm probably too tired for it rn though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 07:50:16 pm
Theory: NK on Torb was to save Calindu, whom we might otherwise go after thinking Cal/Torb w/w
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on May 31, 2020, 07:51:56 pm
tinfoil hat: If my reads are absolutely abyssmal scum!shock might have wanted me alive
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 08:02:59 pm
My version followed a similar line. Obviously im not included in it

kaevision assuming all trs I made were correct

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp - I think this is fair, I assume lime green just means a heavy town lean

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals - I disagree with masterwalks being limegreen. Idk what it is but I can't shake it.

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu(1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu(1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu(1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu(2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu(2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu(6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu(4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

That would leave precisely ian, Annele, geo, kdz with dc proving next night whether he can replace one of them. I suppose I need to revisit my townreads.
First off I wouldnt list rob as Light town (I assume thats what Lime green means) and I wouldnt list sub or cali as town either. Beyond that I think most is all good.

On rob - Idk, I can't tell. I want to think hes mafia, cause hes coming at me a little bit, but I'm unsure in that. I probably wouldnt take anything I say about rob to heart.

My working mafia list is


With Cali, DC and sub being in the awkward ??? territory.

Heres the reasoning

Cali did do a very town thing, but we have linkcat condemning them, and some lingering suspicion. I want to see everyone get on and post though before I really start drawing lines in the sand.

DC is already dead, hoping they flip mafia

Sub exists in a weird space. They are essentially afk from voting for the first two days, both times the town has an unfavorable day phase. I can't tell if its because sub is mafia, and doesnt want to add to the dogpile of a mistake and doesn't want to start a new train, or they are actually super busy. I know I'm critiquing sub for the same thing im doing, but I know I actually was busy though you all obviously can't know that. Further they then lead with an aggressive vote, one I encouraged to be fair, but after failing to place a vote or placing a vote and then leaving for 2 days in a row it feels out of character. Plus I obvious know I'm town and blah blah blah that whole shtick. But this comes after me reading sub as pretty towny for a while, so it all kinda cancels out a little?

I would say if I had to fill in all blanks

Ian/Geo/DC/cali or sub is the team im thinking.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 31, 2020, 08:19:56 pm
serp first off, I thought you were gonna die, second off, if you think Cal is maf I don't see why you would wanna delay that tbh. A bit eh on flipping shock tbh though.

DC is already dead, hoping they flip mafia

I'm gonna try to keep shitting out inputs since im town though since serp is alive I might probably sheep his vote. Maybe, maybe not. If mafia piles on me/serp, mafia would mighta pile on serp alone anyway.

Should I claim for realsies though, realise that I won't die until end of N3 so I get to use it 1 more time.

Unless I get adrenda'd

If I'm mafia of course ignore everything I said, because it's all that juicy scripted stuff my better teammates told me to say

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on May 31, 2020, 08:38:44 pm
Theory: NK on Torb was to save Calindu, whom we might otherwise go after thinking Cal/Torb w/w

Wouldn't me/TorB being considered w/w be good for mafia, even if I were to be mafia instead of town? I was already being hard considered for the next lynch, and TorB was near unkillable, with only a lynch being the only way to kill him.

Tempting to keep Cal around despite Linkcat saying he gave himself away.

Really not sure what Linkcat meant by that, because like I said, I did the exact same play with me trusting shock and switching votes in mafia 71, where I was town.

Should I claim for realsies though, realise that I won't die until end of N3 so I get to use it 1 more time.

You die next night no matter what, just claim when you can.

Cali did do a very town thing, but we have linkcat condemning them, and some lingering suspicion. I want to see everyone get on and post though before I really start drawing lines in the sand.

Why would I create two unkillable threats for town if I were mafia? Makes no damn sense. If Linkcat condemning me is the only thing that makes you think I'm mafia then I can't do anything that would change your mind.

I have to leave very soon for a bit... but in the meantime -- who was it that posted about reading a scum game of Cal's and finding it felt a lot like he was playing the same way this game??

MW did, mafia 72 is the only game I ever rolled mafia in. But in the meantime, take a look at mafia 71 and you'll see it's pretty much the same too.

I don't understand a state where scum!Cal adrenas town!TorB on N1... right? I was pretty much expecting serp to flip... tried my best to stay out of the way on town plans best I could while also trying to draw a NK attempt. THen in the end it just felt like serp was going to be the flip --- but TorB?!!?

....... or might scum!Cal use an otherwise somewhat not valuable adrena on TorB to test the claims of his grabby/shrieker role and burrow/unburrow status??!?

Why would I risk creating someone who can't be night killed and can only be lynched, when he seems to be trusted by a lot of people, only to test the claim on a graboid role?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 08:43:04 pm
Well, first off calin, youre at the end of the list, I'm the least confident about my sus in you, but your argument here doesnt hold up

Cali did do a very town thing, but we have linkcat condemning them, and some lingering suspicion. I want to see everyone get on and post though before I really start drawing lines in the sand.

Why would I create two unkillable threats for town if I were mafia? Makes no damn sense. If Linkcat condemning me is the only thing that makes you think I'm mafia then I can't do anything that would change your mind.

I don't understand a state where scum!Cal adrenas town!TorB on N1... right? I was pretty much expecting serp to flip... tried my best to stay out of the way on town plans best I could while also trying to draw a NK attempt. THen in the end it just felt like serp was going to be the flip --- but TorB?!!?

....... or might scum!Cal use an otherwise somewhat not valuable adrena on TorB to test the claims of his grabby/shrieker role and burrow/unburrow status??!?

Why would I risk creating someone who can't be night killed and can only be lynched, when he seems to be trusted by a lot of people, only to test the claim on a graboid role?

If you were mafia, you would know you were killing Torb, so you would just be shifting your unkillable problem from one person to another, AND you would get a bunch of town cred for doing it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on May 31, 2020, 08:49:33 pm
fuckit, sure. I'll claim.

Flayer N0 No one, N1/N2 Annele.

I told you it's worthless.

Only reason why I held back is because I know my role is better used in scum hands, and my paranoid ass don't want no mafia crusaders stealing that role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 08:50:41 pm
Flayer on torb N1 would've been useful
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 08:51:08 pm
Also good to know Annele isn't Anubis
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on May 31, 2020, 08:58:52 pm
Did anyone target iancu and if so, was it successfully targeted?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on May 31, 2020, 10:30:29 pm
Mafia's expecting me to want to turn on shock. I've been playing too consistently. Time to detour

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2020, 10:32:33 pm
killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

Missed DC's vote on me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 01:25:55 am
Mafia's expecting me to want to turn on shock. I've been playing too consistently. Time to detour

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex
Annele never gonna happen for me, is it? I'm not even at a computer yet and I'm down for this sharp left turn.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 01:26:39 am
killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 01:31:42 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 01:59:06 am
Not going to bother considering that world

Other theory: mafia very much liked my "Annele can't be scum unless Linkcat is scum" logic
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 02:18:33 am
On Anubis - There might have been a time for it when it first came up, but its far too late for that. Further I haven't seen anyone claim to have gotten the buff from it? Is it that the immortality buff is being spread around the mafia, or is the person simply not using it?

Im going to take the night to look over voting patterns and reread some of the thread.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 02:20:08 am
Continuing to use it on anyone but the NK target consecutively would confirm Calindu scum. Not happening
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 02:21:38 am
Alternative theory on why it happened D1 despite parity etc: Fate Egg

I welcome the game where 3+ people roll egg
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 02:25:35 am
Ive Tinfoiled the idea of a third fate egg a few time, or maybe just two and shock/rob got anubis N1 and is scum. I would rather believe its an anubis doing it though, we aren't swimming in role information aside from a few confirmed ones.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 03:36:39 am
What is the thread story / history on Cal / Anubis / Green Nymph / targeting / visiting / observed actions / claimed actions / denied actions? I thought that was part of the MasterWalks saga / posts but not finding it... Help?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 09:20:53 am
I want to wait on any info from sub/mw
I have no information of Calindu from tonight. I could try to hint at what my night action was (or lack thereof), but it would give away my role without sharing any info worth the benefit.

with how things played out I think mafia lack disruptive skills & anubis was on cooldown
This is the only real solution I can think of too.

Sub exists in a weird space. They are essentially afk from voting for the first two days, both times the town has an unfavorable day phase. I can't tell if its because sub is mafia, and doesnt want to add to the dogpile of a mistake and doesn't want to start a new train, or they are actually super busy. I know I'm critiquing sub for the same thing im doing, but I know I actually was busy though you all obviously can't know that. Further they then lead with an aggressive vote, one I encouraged to be fair, but after failing to place a vote or placing a vote and then leaving for 2 days in a row it feels out of character. Plus I obvious know I'm town and blah blah blah that whole shtick. But this comes after me reading sub as pretty towny for a while, so it all kinda cancels out a little?
"Further they then lead with an aggressive vote [...] it feels out of character"

The change is because all this time I have been in the dark about where to poke. If you look at my readlists, n- was at the bottom for the first two days, with only 2 inhabitants. Now I finally have people at w, so I am going after them. Nothing is final though, so I am trying my best to listen to everyone, in case I notice something that seems relevant.

But as you said, you speak of some double standards ("I know I'm critiquing sub for the same thing im doing"). But maybe you felt the same way about my activity as I feel about you now ("I know I actually was busy though you all obviously can't know that." Plus I was super stressed because of work too, so I played a lot of Minecraft and board games instead of focusing my attention here).

That makes a lot of sense kae, I was just trying to do something similar, but you not only beat me to it, but color coded it too lmao
This part also struck me with a "not-you" feeling. What kaempfer did seems like a monstrous amount of work, not something I would expect from kdz (no offense, you just seem more laid-back than that). And you showed no signs that you plan to do something similar until you got today's first vote. I almost smell some role-play in that sentence.

If you are wolf, you are probably defending yourself. But if you are Town, you are probably feeling OMGUS now and feel the need to retaliate.

Did anyone target iancu and if so, was it successfully targeted?
I didn't.

Mafia's expecting me to want to turn on shock. I've been playing too consistently. Time to detour

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex
Good call about Geo. Kdz and Geo both had a low post count, but I remembered kdz playing. I forgot that Geo is even in the game.

I don't see a reason why a Town Anubis wouldn't have already revealed himself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 09:39:15 am
Going full conspiracy theory mode, I entertain the thought of kdz being town, which makes me worried.

Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Assuming kdz is town, we know - or suspect - that serprex and kaempfer are also town, and Torb already flipped town. This leaves Calindu and shockcannon, but their joint effort might have created an unkillable, confirmed town. It feels weird to me that mafia would be okay to follow such a plan, but following that train of thought would result in assuming that shock and Cal are also Town. But is that possible?

@rob, @serp, actually @everyone: Can it be possible that Linkcat was lynched by ONLY TOWN? I have a hard time to believe that.

It is possible that only one of shock/Cal is mafia. Or it is possible that town shock trusted mafia kaempfer so much, that he actually declared him to be innocent by a bluff. (It would not be far from shock to do such thing, he already did that once.) I put on this so-called tinfoil hat to say: And how convenient it is now that kaempfer is forever burrowed, because he can no longer be investigated again. If kaempfer would be mafia, shock would be suspect too, but even if it was a bluff, it is NAI from shock.

Even shock has lower activity during this game than previously. Heck, even rob has lower activity since Link died. This is why I told you to keep him alive longer! But I got derailed.

Someone also said it is also possible that mafia Cal created a second burrowed shrieker, because he expected to exchange one unkillable threat for another.

But if I drop the initial assumption, it is still a possibility that kdz is simply mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 09:50:49 am
The list of possible Anubises is not very long.
If I count that Annele cannot be Anubis and if I believe rob's reports, then only the following people can be it:

1. iancudorinmarian
12. andretimpa
14. shockcannon (Fate Egg)
15. killsdazombies
18. Ge0metry v1.2

@MasterWalks: If you have seen one of these people target someone, please help to narrow the list.

AFAIK, shock has not said anything about his N1 action, so it is possible that he got Anubis from Fate Egg.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 01, 2020, 10:30:48 am
I can't think of any strategic use for my ability, how would I go about seeking help without revealing my ability?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 01, 2020, 10:34:37 am
I actually think kdz is town, so I'll hold off on the self saving vote for the time being.

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 01, 2020, 12:55:24 pm
If you were mafia, you would know you were killing Torb, so you would just be shifting your unkillable problem from one person to another, AND you would get a bunch of town cred for doing it.

But that makes no sense, how would I be sure that TorB is going to stay unburrowed? Sure, if TorB stays burrowed, then there is only going to be one unkillable person, but that person would have been all but mechanically confirmed at this point. Why would I go through all of this trouble of creating unkillable threats and then having to rely on 50/50's between NKing that person or confirming that person, only for some town cred?

I actually think kdz is town, so I'll hold off on the self saving vote for the time being.

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

Here's the step where I have to defend against your accusations, the only problem is that I don't see any, just a baseless vote. Care to share how you decided to vote?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 01:47:19 pm
Ge0 - Looks pretty scummy to mostly-naked vote beginning of the day with no previous signs of being very engaged in the thread past days... On the player likely to be a heavy wagon\topic today. Yikes. A weird why-I'm-not-voting-kdz too. Would be very sus of w\w if either flips red of Ge0\kdz.

Doubling down on voting Ge0 right now. Wouldn't hate a kdz train either. Always game for Annele at this point having not arm anything from there to ease or impact my scum read on her.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 01:48:27 pm
I can't think of any strategic use for my ability, how would I go about seeking help without revealing my ability?

Just claim
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 02:18:00 pm

Sub exists in a weird space. They are essentially afk from voting for the first two days, both times the town has an unfavorable day phase. I can't tell if its because sub is mafia, and doesnt want to add to the dogpile of a mistake and doesn't want to start a new train, or they are actually super busy. I know I'm critiquing sub for the same thing im doing, but I know I actually was busy though you all obviously can't know that. Further they then lead with an aggressive vote, one I encouraged to be fair, but after failing to place a vote or placing a vote and then leaving for 2 days in a row it feels out of character. Plus I obvious know I'm town and blah blah blah that whole shtick. But this comes after me reading sub as pretty towny for a while, so it all kinda cancels out a little?
"Further they then lead with an aggressive vote [...] it feels out of character"

The change is because all this time I have been in the dark about where to poke. If you look at my readlists, n- was at the bottom for the first two days, with only 2 inhabitants. Now I finally have people at w, so I am going after them. Nothing is final though, so I am trying my best to listen to everyone, in case I notice something that seems relevant.

But as you said, you speak of some double standards ("I know I'm critiquing sub for the same thing im doing"). But maybe you felt the same way about my activity as I feel about you now ("I know I actually was busy though you all obviously can't know that." Plus I was super stressed because of work too, so I played a lot of Minecraft and board games instead of focusing my attention here).

That makes a lot of sense kae, I was just trying to do something similar, but you not only beat me to it, but color coded it too lmao
This part also struck me with a "not-you" feeling. What kaempfer did seems like a monstrous amount of work, not something I would expect from kdz (no offense, you just seem more laid-back than that). And you showed no signs that you plan to do something similar until you got today's first vote. I almost smell some role-play in that sentence.

If you are wolf, you are probably defending yourself. But if you are Town, you are probably feeling OMGUS now and feel the need to retaliate.

I agree with the poking in the dark, I was soft on activity at first, but as my activity increases, so has my presence/understanding and my W reads.

out of game - Dude I get it, sometimes you just need to play minecraft and 70 posts in one day is like, a fucking lot. I hope things are going okay at work and the stress stops soon mate.

On making a list like Kae - You are exactly right, I was looking at individual voting patterns, I wasnt going to make a list, but I wanted to highlight a few people's votes. However, I Was getting bored and didn't really want to continue, lucky lucky kae posted a nice and clean list that made the work I had already done irrelevant and made the future work I was trying to do incredibly easy lmao. I couldnt have asked for it a better format either.

in regards to OMGUS - I've tried to be aware of the retaliatory spirit that is pretty ingrained in how I play shit, and I acknowledge this in my "I think rob is not town, but also thats probably because they just want to murder me" comment. But no, I don't think you are wrong to vote on me. I've been inactive, and I have been fairly low contribution, which is what a mafia member would probably do on purpose. I've been doing it purely due to circumstance, but now that those circumstance are closed I am here now, and this time i'm trying to maintain a level of activity and contribution (because the two aren't the same) that will actually provide help.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 02:33:19 pm
kdz: play with rob
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 02:40:05 pm
kdz: play with rob
But doesn't even have any pokemon cards
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 02:49:39 pm
Play with rob, sub, masterwalks.
kdz: play with rob
Aww, I'm not even suggested to be played with anymore. :<

Ignoring my own position, I don't think MW did enough to get the sudden drop. I read him as a solid vv.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 01, 2020, 02:57:13 pm
Annele is otyugh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 03:01:38 pm
Annele is otyugh.
Annele - why did you holster and not shoot at a suspect yet? I hinted in thread, Link directed in thread... And do you want to counter the claim??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:02:49 pm
Play with rob, sub, masterwalks.
kdz: play with rob
Aww, I'm not even suggested to be played with anymore. :<

Ignoring my own position, I don't think MW did enough to get the sudden drop. I read him as a solid vv.

I think hes telling me specifically to play with rob because Im already playing with you and mw @sub
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 03:04:14 pm
Annele is otyugh.
Did you roll Psion/Crusader last night?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 03:04:45 pm
I think we're at 9-4 right now... DC dies tonight, serp likely nk, and if a scum oty acts then we're a hair away from the precipice of LYLO. (Lynch or lose)

HAVE to parse lynching Annele or not today or never? M
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 03:09:59 pm
DC's been mind flayering Annele all game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 03:11:01 pm
DC's been mind flayering Annele all game
my head spins at the idea\suggestion, serp.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 03:11:24 pm
Pretty ironic if DC was Annele's N1 target & consequently DC saved Annele from being poisoned by Linkcat

Also not a suggestion. DC's claimed this
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:12:19 pm
Rob, I honestly think never. The people who have been voting on annele are all people high on my sus list, I think its time to bury that hatchet, at least for now.

You are correct about the urgency of our situation. I don't mind a kill on geo, theyre sitting at second on my "Most likely wolf" list. Do we want to explore something else though while we have the time today?

Again to reiterate, my list is Ian/Geo/Dc (Hopefully)/???
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 03:17:29 pm
Annele is otyugh.
Anyone else thinks shock and Annele are not w/w?

I get that feeling from this post.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 03:19:04 pm
kdz - right now in this thread is a claim from someone that Annele 3 is Otyugh. Your thoughts?

Sub-- I've thought that for a LOOOONG time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 03:22:05 pm
Pretty ironic if DC was Annele's N1 target & consequently DC saved Annele from being poisoned by Linkcat

Also not a suggestion. DC's claimed this
well then... DC\Annele not w\w in my book, if this all holds steady\true.

Also Inb4 Fate Egg becomes the new fake claim go to for scum needing to explain a move and then change to another fake role later...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:22:20 pm
kdz - right now in this thread is a claim from someone that Annele 3 is Otyugh. Your thoughts?

Sub-- I've thought that for a LOOOONG time.

Its probably true, and it gives me some alarm. I'd prefer if annele never used it, you mistake my defense of annele as trust for them. It also provides some context for the ire they cast upon you at n0/d1
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 03:23:40 pm
If DC/Annele not ww, then we can ask DC to flay Annele tonight.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 01, 2020, 03:25:03 pm
Annele is otyugh.

I'm going to assume that was your N2 action (psion?). Any reason why you are holding on talking about your N1 action?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 03:25:27 pm
If DC/Annele not ww, then we can ask DC to flay Annele tonight.
I need to dig deeper into this idea.

Town DC, maf Annele: DC saves town from mafia taking down 1 extra town.

Maf DC, Town Annele: In this case, we ask Annele not to use her ability, and even if DC doesn't flay her, it makes sense for her to obey.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:26:06 pm
I think it makes a lot more sense for a Town otyugh to be suspicious of another otyugh use after a "no vigilante kills on n0 please" callout, especially given they backed off once they realized you were fate egg and thus had one chance to use it. To me that seems like a reasonable thought process, but reasonable thought process =/= town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 01, 2020, 03:26:30 pm
Also, does psion on an egg reveal egg or the current role?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 01, 2020, 03:27:02 pm
Pretty ironic if DC was Annele's N1 target & consequently DC saved Annele from being poisoned by Linkcat

Also not a suggestion. DC's claimed this

Wait, what? How did I save Annele?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:27:35 pm
Also, does psion on an egg reveal egg or the current role?
"Fate Egg - Passive
Hatch - Activates automatically at the start of each Night Phase. You receive a random secondary role other than Fate Egg, and you are disguised as that role if investigated or revealed. You can use your received role. The roles given by Fate Egg are replaced every time Hatch gives you a new role, but abilities given by Endow and Scavenger will stay."

the current role I believe
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 01, 2020, 03:30:24 pm
Also, does psion on an egg reveal egg or the current role?
"Fate Egg - Passive
Hatch - Activates automatically at the start of each Night Phase. You receive a random secondary role other than Fate Egg, and you are disguised as that role if investigated or revealed. You can use your received role. The roles given by Fate Egg are replaced every time Hatch gives you a new role, but abilities given by Endow and Scavenger will stay."

the current role I believe

I swear it, if Oa put 3 eggs in this game ...  >:(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:31:59 pm
Also, does psion on an egg reveal egg or the current role?
"Fate Egg - Passive
Hatch - Activates automatically at the start of each Night Phase. You receive a random secondary role other than Fate Egg, and you are disguised as that role if investigated or revealed. You can use your received role. The roles given by Fate Egg are replaced every time Hatch gives you a new role, but abilities given by Endow and Scavenger will stay."

the current role I believe

I swear it, if Oa put 3 eggs in this game ...  >:(

Thats a fun world. We should all be eggs
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 03:32:28 pm
DC: devour on poisoned target poisons oty

Plan: lynch geo today

If geo is scum, Annele is town (otherwise, why park on her D1?)
If geo is town, Annele & Calindu will target DC tonight. If Annele doesn't die of poisoning from that, we vote her out
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 03:32:58 pm
EBWOP: Calindu would target Annele, not DC
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 03:35:28 pm
I think it makes a lot more sense for a Town otyugh to be suspicious of another otyugh use after a "no vigilante kills on n0 please" callout, especially given they backed off once they realized you were fate egg and thus had one chance to use it. To me that seems like a reasonable thought process, but reasonable thought process =/= town
Do you mean Annele's suspicion of rob during early game? Yes, that would make more sense.

I swear it, if Oa put 3 eggs in this game ...  >:(
Boy do I have news for you! :silly:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 03:40:45 pm
If geo is town, Annele & Calindu will target DC tonight. If Annele doesn't die of poisoning from that, we vote her out
I don't understand the "If geo is town" part. How does this prevent Annele from eating someone other than DC if Annele is mafia?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:42:19 pm
I think serp is suggesting that that is how we confirm their corpse. IE if they are town they should suicide by eating DC and getting poisoned for the good of the town if they are town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 03:51:50 pm
Ebwop to clarify, if they dont then we kill Annele since by that plan only a mafia would eat someone else.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:03:31 pm
DC: devour on poisoned target poisons oty

Plan: lynch geo today

If geo is scum, Annele is town (otherwise, why park on her D1?)
If geo is town, Annele & Calindu will target DC tonight. If Annele doesn't die of poisoning from that, we vote her out
Ge0 scum doesn't clear Annele in my view... Especially not if DC had been flying there every night. We don't have time for delayed confirmation tactics anymore do we? At 9-4 with DC unavoidably doing tonight from poison, a whenever they want it nk of serp in play, and POSSIBLE a scum! Oty a mislynch today is easy capable of leaving us 5-4 next day phase. I believe we need to think away from delay confirmation tactics.

Also is have expected a town!Annele to out in the thread if they were flayed. A town being flayed is WAY too valuable of info with no self risk (right? If town?) to keep it secret unless you're scum. What an I missing that led you to the scum Ge0 = town Annele? He parked when she was safe day 1 and missed EOD I think...?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:07:38 pm
kdz - you're postulating a world where scum DC softs in the thread he is flaying Annele ?? None of this makes sense to me right now for Annele to be town. DC tonight almost has to flip town I think -- would be very dangerous for an about to die for sure player in his position to keep posting as a wolf ...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 04:12:44 pm
No no, I was just trying to interpret serps plan to lynch geo today, and then tonight if they flip town how the set up to suicide anne would work.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting im suggesting here though? Could you please clarify?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 04:13:51 pm
killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

Also, resposting the vote count since its pretty buried
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:17:27 pm
My previous post I think was meant to address to serp, despite my misleading "kdz" headliner on it  :-\
No no, I was just trying to interpret serps plan to lynch geo today, and then tonight if they flip town how the set up to suicide anne would work.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting im suggesting here though? Could you please clarify?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:25:17 pm
For The Record-- I'm eager to read some info, defense, and input\solving from Annele should she show up sometime soon... I just do not fathom her being town given current state of things.

kdz's soft defending of her today gives me a weird vibe too that I don't recall having on prior defenses of her (I think Link defended her once too? I'd have to dig for other instances though). Some people don't like that angle of reads but yeah- maybe she's town, maybe he's town, but I don't see a t\t situation there.

kills-- how do you feel thinking ahead a bit, would you self preserve vote Ge0 if it came to that for you to survive at EOD?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 01, 2020, 04:25:37 pm
Scum!DC would totes stfu as soon as I realise he's about to die y'all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 04:28:41 pm
For The Record-- I'm eager to read some info, defense, and input\solving from Annele should she show up sometime soon... I just do not fathom her being town given current state of things.

kdz's soft defending of her today gives me a weird vibe too that I don't recall having on prior defenses of her (I think Link defended her once too? I'd have to dig for other instances though). Some people don't like that angle of reads but yeah- maybe she's town, maybe he's town, but I don't see a t\t situation there.

kills-- how do you feel thinking ahead a bit, would you self preserve vote Ge0 if it came to that for you to survive at EOD?
Previously I was n- for annele, but this reveal about otyugh offers explanation that "solves" my previous distrust. Further, people I dont trust have been voting on them. I still accept a world where mafia vote on other mafia, but I think thats a bridge to explore later.

I would be willing to vote on Ge0 even if it wasnt about self preservation. Ge0 is number 2 on my sus list, right after ian.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:31:24 pm
Pardon my being bossy... but serp wants to see us play so here goes  8-)

VOTE GE0 THEN. Please? NOW. I'm bad at polite levity. I also those don't know exactly how to use that word either. \thumbsup
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 01, 2020, 04:33:49 pm
DC: devour on poisoned target poisons oty

Plan: lynch geo today

If geo is scum, Annele is town (otherwise, why park on her D1?)
If geo is town, Annele & Calindu will target DC tonight. If Annele doesn't die of poisoning from that, we vote her out

This is just "drown her, if she dies, she's not a witch"... isn't this lynching Annele today, with extra steps?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 04:35:16 pm
killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

That is fair rob. I appreciate the effort <3

Do you wanna trade yugioh cards?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 01, 2020, 04:35:54 pm
killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

I only play mtg myself sorry
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:41:27 pm
kdz\DC - SW:CCG, ST TCG, or I go home to play alone.  8-)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 01, 2020, 04:42:20 pm
Honestly, this might be a 0 mafia game.  :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 04:42:32 pm
kdz\DC - SW:CCG, ST TCG, or I go home to play alone.  8-)
PLEASE dont talk about the star wars CCG to me. That game inspires real actual rage in my heart.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 04:45:50 pm
\puts down his box of cards

Alright, we'll keep it to this here civil game of lynching, lying, and deduction sir!

kdz\DC - SW:CCG, ST TCG, or I go home to play alone.  8-)
PLEASE dont talk about the star wars CCG to me. That game inspires real actual rage in my heart.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 04:48:45 pm
Because of the urgency of the situation, I am willing to unvote kdz if it comes to that. Though rob, you still haven't answered my question about the possibility of only-town lynching Linkcat.

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

If we want a surefire lynch today, our best bet might be to mass roleclaim. I already narrowed down the possible Anubis to be among 5 people. One of them is shock, so more like 4,5.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 04:49:25 pm
One of them is shock, so more like 4,5.
And I DON'T mean this in a bad way. I mean that many people already trust shock, so he might not be counted when looking for a mafia Anubis.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 04:50:31 pm
One of my friends bullies me with it :C Its the only card game I just dont get. Must be the dice.

Im getting off in a few hours. I'll check back in later tonight, and again around this time tomorrow. It might be a little sudden so I wanted to get that info out now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 05:05:05 pm
One of my friends bullies me with it :C Its the only card game I just dont get. Must be the dice.

Im getting off in a few hours. I'll check back in later tonight, and again around this time tomorrow. It might be a little sudden so I wanted to get that info out now.
We can trade pokemon taz later.~ Have a good rest.

For the others, is there any downside for the possible Anubises to claim role? The only thing that can backfire is if we have a Vulture GN already in action. It would reveal them to the mafia, but they should already have at least 1 info to share by this point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2020, 05:13:36 pm
You still got me for a little bit :P

We don't really have a method to confirm any of the roles, we wouldn't really be tracking anyone down imo, but I'd really like to hear what serp as to say on this. To me it sounds like giving the mafia more info that they dont need to have
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 01, 2020, 05:20:11 pm
killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

Am I tunneling too hard? Maybe.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 05:21:51 pm
You still got me for a little bit :P

We don't really have a method to confirm any of the roles, we wouldn't really be tracking anyone down imo, but I'd really like to hear what serp as to say on this. To me it sounds like giving the mafia more info that they dont need to have
I would like to add that you are in the list. So if you are town, and you know you are not Anubis, then you can narrow the list even further.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 05:42:18 pm
killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

Am I tunneling too hard? Maybe.
Care to explain your vote/tunneling?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 01, 2020, 05:56:38 pm
I'm still under the impression that she's somehow flying under the radar for most people.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 01, 2020, 07:50:45 pm
Sorry that I vanished completely. Turns out I wasnt just tired yesterday, but had an actual fever.
Anyway the 2 thoughts I want to get out is that there is almost no chance ian and Annele are scum together, so at least one of my townreads is a load of crap (unless dc scum which I dont expect)
And the second thought is that scum didnt seem very involved EoD 1 as Annele could easily have been saved if scum and otherwise scum doesnt care much who dies out of those 2.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 01, 2020, 07:54:17 pm
So I actually think the later votes on Annele are town
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 01, 2020, 08:28:12 pm
Ge0 - Looks pretty scummy to mostly-naked vote beginning of the day with no previous signs of being very engaged in the thread past days... On the player likely to be a heavy wagon\topic today. Yikes. A weird why-I'm-not-voting-kdz too. Would be very sus of w\w if either flips red of Ge0\kdz.

Doubling down on voting Ge0 right now. Wouldn't hate a kdz train either. Always game for Annele at this point having not arm anything from there to ease or impact my scum read on her.

I can see how this would seem scummy, that's fair. You also somewhat nailed the reason on my vote. Life has been increasingly busy for me (restaurant re-opening soon), I honestly don't have much time to play this game. If we're going to mislynch, I'd rather it be me than kdz who has been contributing much more than I have. I've been townreading kdz for awhile now, and slight scumreading Calindu. No time to go too in depth, but voting patterns are just weird to me. And yes, Cal being what I thought to be a likely player of discussion made him my vote of choice, rather than Annele who I thought wouldn't be brought up again.

Serp wanted me to claim - I'm ghost in the past. If I can be useful (assuming I survive the day), feel free to let me know.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 01, 2020, 08:32:37 pm
So I actually think the later votes on Annele are town
Can you put names behind these "later votes"? I remember I was one of them. I was the latest vote, too late, even.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 01, 2020, 08:36:50 pm
killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 08:59:29 pm
This is about the point in the game(s?) I recall town you revealing juicy tidbits of info you've collected while flying mostly under the radar. Remind me, are you just sheeping my Annele read or are you on an independent scumread of her??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 01, 2020, 09:27:24 pm
This is about the point in the game(s?) I recall town you revealing juicy tidbits of info you've collected while flying mostly under the radar. Remind me, are you just sheeping my Annele read or are you on an independent scumread of her??
Unfortunately, my role is not an information role at all, and that's all I'll say about it.

My Annele scumread started with sheeping yours, but while you seem to have mostly let that be in the past, I'm still clinging on to it. That's about all I have, even at this late stage of the game. I don't really have a plan tbh, too many fate eggs, too many unknowns still.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 01, 2020, 09:28:40 pm
Speaking of fate eggs, would be helpful to know what you eggs did last night and eventually what info, if any, you managed to gather.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 01, 2020, 09:29:28 pm
And no, I'm not Anubis, if anyone wanted to ask.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 01, 2020, 09:32:00 pm
Can anyone debunk a kae/shock/kdz/placeholder mafia team? Kae and shocks interactions have been weird to say the least. While it is proven (by me) shock targeted kae N0, its only been claimed he was GN. He coulda rolled adrena or FFQ and placed it on his maf buddy.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 09:34:56 pm
ian - who do you want to troll most, dead or alive, in this game? I think it was Sub mentioned you being less antagonistic this game... Maybe someone else. It got me thinking that "yeah, ian has just mostly been non-descript for me so far, why am I reading him as town?".

At this point guys and gals, it would take a monumental discovery or claim to get me to lynch outside of Annele kdz Ge0 Cal this Day.
serp - how would you feel about joining the pure as the driven snow kdz wagon vs the rob-wants-to-happen Annele train?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 09:36:21 pm
MW- I did not target iancu.

iancu- I rolled Seraph last night, and failed miserably to draw nk attention... Hard claimed my action prior to end\reveal of N0 too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 01, 2020, 09:41:10 pm
And MW- if you or 5 Annele or Ge0 as placeholder then I could at least imagine your hypothesis kae\shock\kdz trio team.

Right now I'm ride or die with town core of serp + mw\Sub. I see green text color when I read votes from that group.

Anyone know if kae - who it seems always does those correcting l vote count summary looks in the past- is the type to be cognizant of "I have to do x y z as scum because town kae does x y z" if he were to be mafia??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 01, 2020, 09:53:42 pm
Can anyone debunk a kae/shock/kdz/placeholder mafia team? Kae and shocks interactions have been weird to say the least. While it is proven (by me) shock targeted kae N0, its only been claimed he was GN. He coulda rolled adrena or FFQ and placed it on his maf buddy.

I am not Anubis and not Immaterial either, if that's what you want to know.

ian - who do you want to troll most, dead or alive, in this game? I think it was Sub mentioned you being less antagonistic this game... Maybe someone else. It got me thinking that "yeah, ian has just mostly been non-descript for me so far, why am I reading him as town?".
Do I really have to troll? I mean, we have shock (which has been awfully quiet this game compared to the previous mafias btw) and serp.

Anyone know if kae - who it seems always does those correcting l vote count summary looks in the past- is the type to be cognizant of "I have to do x y z as scum because town kae does x y z" if he were to be mafia??
I thought that was common knowledge. I think kae himself said at some point he feels almost forced to do it every mafia now to not seem scummy.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 01, 2020, 11:11:58 pm
Can anyone debunk a kae/shock/kdz/placeholder mafia team? Kae and shocks interactions have been weird to say the least. While it is proven (by me) shock targeted kae N0, its only been claimed he was GN. He coulda rolled adrena or FFQ and placed it on his maf buddy.

I am not Anubis and not Immaterial either, if that's what you want to know.

How are you sure you are not immaterial?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 01, 2020, 11:20:40 pm
You get a PM listing statuses you've received. Besides poison
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 12:38:23 am
gz unconfirmed town, none of you get town cred for analysing why my Annele plan was trash. Try harder next time

If we assume ride-or-die is mw/sub/rob/serp, that leaves 6 players. That leaves each of them as 66% scum. In actuality Annele should never devour DC: as scum she should get the extra NK, as town she should gamble on the remaining 5 players (at that point we can say she almost has an 80% hit rate on scum, much better than rob's loose cannon N0 I might add)

But for us that means 33% of 80%, so only ~27% chance of killing scum. & thus a ~73% chance of killing town (a third of of 20% plus 66%)

Besides, Anubis has higher priority than Oty, so scum could try dodge devour tonight

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 12:46:36 am
Oh I didn't count properly, I was thinking in terms of there being 10 players, not 10 town. Anyways you can shift the numbers around but you'll end up with similar conclusion with 4:6:4

60% town, 40% scum
55% hitrate if 60% town means 33% scum devoured, 67% town devoured

Better off lynching with ~40% accuracy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 12:55:52 am
Except the option isn't devour or lynch, it's whether we want to insert this devour into our sequence of lynch/NK exchanges. Odds are actually close enough to want to go with it

Besides, we get to decide after today's flip whether to let Annele devour: we can always ask DC to target her tonight if we don't like the odds after EOD3

I really think DC is town. Just can't see Lynchedcat doing anything useful this game

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 01:46:12 am
Also Annele wouldn't devour me unless she has like, a death wish
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 01:54:02 am
@serp we were getting along together so well :/ What changed bby
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 02:13:24 am
Though, if were in the position to move a lynch target, I'd much prefer this one

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 02:36:27 am
Sub - no. I find it completely inadequate to consider a game where that whole train is town. That would mean, presuming you and I as town and just this wagon (for this exercise - otherwise I also hold MW as clear / vv), that the four mafia are among iancu, Annele, timpa, DC, and Ge0.

In fact, you bringing this back up gives me pause about shock. I have been gone from elements mafia for quite a while --- like since back before shock's first time doing it, pretty sure. Did I miss a history between shock and Link at some point? Because looking back at some of shock's push on "unlynchable" town!Link this game is gross. It actually strikes me as exactly something shock rolling scum for the first time here (anywhere? not sure his mafia playing prowess from elsewhere I guess) would set out to do because "f you guys I'm shock and I'm about to be the best there's ever been!" ... Am I way out in left field here? The more I think about how shock does just about everything here, a scum game from here involving pushing for the lynch of Link in the manner he did, and to just about celebrate it when he flipped town, to bluff a green peek on wagonned kae from a fate egg hail mary, -- I just find it less unbelievable and more feasible those are all actually things scum!shock would try. I just don't know yet if I believe TOWN shock would play that way.

MW - I feel like you've posted some in a way that you believe you cannot predict shock but that you have a feel for just what lengths he'll go to in a game ---- thoughts about this, above??
Going full conspiracy theory mode, I entertain the thought of kdz being town, which makes me worried.

Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Assuming kdz is town, we know - or suspect - that serprex and kaempfer are also town, and Torb already flipped town. This leaves Calindu and shockcannon, but their joint effort might have created an unkillable, confirmed town. It feels weird to me that mafia would be okay to follow such a plan, but following that train of thought would result in assuming that shock and Cal are also Town. But is that possible?

@rob, @serp, actually @everyone: Can it be possible that Linkcat was lynched by ONLY TOWN? I have a hard time to believe that.

It is possible that only one of shock/Cal is mafia. Or it is possible that town shock trusted mafia kaempfer so much, that he actually declared him to be innocent by a bluff. (It would not be far from shock to do such thing, he already did that once.) I put on this so-called tinfoil hat to say: And how convenient it is now that kaempfer is forever burrowed, because he can no longer be investigated again. If kaempfer would be mafia, shock would be suspect too, but even if it was a bluff, it is NAI from shock.

Even shock has lower activity during this game than previously. Heck, even rob has lower activity since Link died. This is why I told you to keep him alive longer! But I got derailed.

Someone also said it is also possible that mafia Cal created a second burrowed shrieker, because he expected to exchange one unkillable threat for another.

But if I drop the initial assumption, it is still a possibility that kdz is simply mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 02:37:43 am
Sub, that would be rob, ian, link, andre. Sp3aking of you, why did you vanish 1 minute before deadline and then vote late?

Rob, I am extremely paranoid as to what i would do as town  when I am scum, to the point I barely manage any content. Now, my activity is lower than usual, but that has to do with things I announced before start of game. The telltale sign of me being scum imo is the inability to go hard on people I secretely know to be town, unless they play actually terrible.
Also I would never have expected shock to have gned me and just noticed sooner that mws soft doesnt make any sense at all.
Can give you a link to my scumgame when next Im on a pc
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 02:50:49 am
annele or ian

geo or kdz are anubis

Tonight DC targets Annele. We flip one of geo or kdz. Then Annele. Then leftover from geo/kdz. Then shock. Then ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 02, 2020, 02:56:40 am
Is it time to unleash phase 3 of my master plan?

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 02:57:04 am
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
*abstention* (3) - DC, TorB, kdz
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine
Here's how I think I need to proceed with solving during Day 3... with the above green names "presumed"/lock town, and non-green/others as simply "in my POE".

If Cal is mafia, then there is almost SURELY at least 1 or 2 mafia other than Cal (in this scenario) on Link's wagon, right?? That is, surely Cal wasn't left all to himself by his teammates to self-pres hanging in the breeze? And early in the game you rarely see scum bus each other because - well, it is hard to really hope to win as mafia when you lynch or aid in lynching your own by voting them. If Cal is mafia then ANY mafia, even if green here, sitting on him at this final vote tally from Day 2 is walking a VERY VERY thin line unnecessarily as I see it.
nothing in here

Then serp posts and I find myself nodding heavily with it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 02:59:08 am
Is it time to unleash phase 3 of my master plan?

The part where someone interrupts DC & Annele targets you, causing us to bucket her as confirmed town?

Might make sense to get rid of Annele today, rather get devour off the table even though Annele's my weakest read
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 03:01:59 am
serp, your grouping seems very unstable if you look at the hectic EOD1 and the wagons... that was serious risk most of the team on Annele being lynched there with some of them on her wagon... no??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 03:04:32 am
Geo parked on her for whatever reason way early on. Maybe trying to cover tracks. Wasn't around for EOD madness
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 03:08:04 am

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

I'm just going to move this back up here while we discuss EoD stuff.

I find myself in agreement with rob though, I don't think annele belongs on that list, at least right now.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 03:08:22 am
I'm very open to a D1 where no scum were on the block. The problem is, as I've shown before, we can't afford the expected value of Annele being scum

Hence why I'd rather start with kdz/geo. But sadly DC won't be staying with us, so we can't keep Annele around in the longterm, so might as well get it over with

I don't expect shock to lie about Annele's role either way. He'd want that town cred when she flips Oty
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 03:21:59 am
Are you saying if annele is town, ian is mafia, and if ian is mafia annele is town, is that right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 03:23:57 am
Im just trying to clarify
annele or ian

geo or kdz are anubis

Tonight DC targets Annele. We flip one of geo or kdz. Then Annele. Then leftover from geo/kdz. Then shock. Then ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 03:25:36 am
There's worlds where they're both scum

You're having trouble coming up with a mafia that doesn't include you

I hope that all five on my scumlist will try come up with plausible mafia teams which don't include themselves
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 03:27:34 am

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
*abstention* (3) - DC, TorB, kdz
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine

Back to ruminating on this...

ian / Annele seem very unlikely w/w given ian spent two days voting her and Day 1 she was a legit chance to die.

kae / shock were on town!Link both days. Still so conflicted if that awkward shock/kae thing could be w/v or v/w... town!shock+scum!kae I expect might result in that very confused approach from kae wondering if town!shock (which scum!kae would know is town) had something on him /// scum!shock+town!kae ... as I said before just doesn't compute because in that scenario scum!shock would be all for a mislynch of town!kae who was on the block in a serious way. I am having deja vu (no pun) that I've separately had exactly this thought process, someone save me from me. w/w just I'm not ready to believe because that was legit un-scripted by at least one side in the exchanges I think. v/v - this is the world where shock was just being honest about all of it (how likely??).

kdz end-of-day 2 is suspect in hindsight 20/20 review... Cal was legit wagon in real danger with a vote lead with EOD already being 'juggled' - kdz pops idea for extension? Then a few minutes later he is nailing Link's coffin closed. I know town can honest mistakes, sure, but wow. I hadn't connected those dots until looking into kdz just at that EOD2.

This is difficult with so many not always voting, so many AWOL at end-of-days, and with a No Lynch in the mix on Day 1 (lol!town).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:05:20 am
What do you want from me here rob? I agree EoD2 was real bad. I called for an extension, and manually extended the EoD timer TWICE while linkcat was the one to be killed, if I was mafia and really wanted him killed I would have just voted on him.

But, as you may notice, I don't vote unless I am confident or at least reasonably confident in who I'm voting on. I didn't think anyone on the block EoD1 was scum, and I didn't think anyone EoD2 was. But I was placed in a "You have to vote or you are scum" scenario, and after a disappointing no lynch d1, I folded and voted on the person who had the conf town, and people I trusted. The flip was a vote on cali, and I trusted no one on that train (at the time). Did it suck? yes, obviously, but at the time I picked the lesser of two evils and resigned myself to fate. I couldnt find the confidence in any of the votes, so I picked to trust the person I had the most confidence in and join their wagon.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:10:24 am
Trying to fine tune where my head is at with all this...

~ DC self-resolves Night 3
~ DC should absolutely flay Annele again tonight, unless she comes in with some convincing statements about who she intends to Devour + claims about her past targets that DC blocked etc.

*not willing to consider them not being town, at this time*

*my scum-reads*
Ge0 (least "linked" to any other in my suspect pool... indicative _maybe_
kdz (possibly wolf if Cal is wolf, EOD 2 voting/activity)

*my POE suspects (in addition to scum-reads, above)* in order of most sus to least I guess sort of:
shock (clear by me if kae is town)
iancu (clear by me if Annele is wolf)
kae (unlikely wolf if shock is wolf)
DC^ (is dying tonight)

I will say, that if Cal/Link are v/v wagons at that EOD 2, then very likely scum were taking a vacation either absent at EOD or sitting on kae/Annele idling along, implicating among the group of DC/ian/Ge0/Annele.

And that if Annele/Link are v/v wagons at that EOD 1, then very likely scum were vacationing / absent at EOD or abstaining or sitting on timpa idling along, implicating among the group of Cal/DC/kdz.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:13:22 am
I extended it Here
Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Extending the timer. But that Toadfish claim is interesting.

When linkcat was 30 seconds from death

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

And here again, another nearly 5 minutes later and THEN

I really think just an extension would be better, we have a lot to unpack. This is the last throwaway extension im willing to do, I got to go soon

Then you pushed me into a corner rob
kills - your choice of Link or Cal.... make your scum!choice... I mean choose one. Letting it go NL again is lock!scum!kdz I would think, on purpose.
You were right to do it, but as I said before, I sided with the people I had confidence in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:13:57 am
Anyway kill ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:15:17 am
What do you want from me here rob? I agree EoD2 was real bad. I called for an extension, and manually extended the EoD timer TWICE while linkcat was the one to be killed, if I was mafia and really wanted him killed I would have just voted on him.

But, as you may notice, I don't vote unless I am confident or at least reasonably confident in who I'm voting on. I didn't think anyone on the block EoD1 was scum, and I didn't think anyone EoD2 was. But I was placed in a "You have to vote or you are scum" scenario, and after a disappointing no lynch d1, I folded and voted on the person who had the conf town, and people I trusted. The flip was a vote on cali, and I trusted no one on that train (at the time). Did it suck? yes, obviously, but at the time I picked the lesser of two evils and resigned myself to fate. I couldnt find the confidence in any of the votes, so I picked to trust the person I had the most confidence in and join their wagon.
No magic button here I don't think. From my recent post, who are you town-reading of the ones I'm suspect of (meh, other than yourself :) )? I see you are scum-reads on ian / Ge0 / DC. DC self-resolves tonight so that leaves you thinking there is only half or so of a scum-team in the game... let's say you needed to widen your net to at least 4 players and likely 5 considering DC flips tonight (and very possibly town...).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:24:31 am
From your suspect list I neutral read annele. I think you are chasing the wrong lead here, but the annele trains provide value I think, and I'm not sold on them being town.

My current suspect list is Ian/Ge0|DC/???

I am confident in an ian kill

I am willing to roll the dice on a geo kill

The | Marks my current "Id vote on them" confidence.

I think DC mafia fits well into the narrative I have above, and if they weren't going to die tonight, and geo flipped mafia, I would lynch DC

??? - The tinfoil zone - Shock/cali both created a super soldier in kae, but that alone doesn't buy their innocence. Really, anyone could end up here and I wouldnt be that surprised.

Excluded from the ??? zone are Serp and kae

People I doubt would be in the ??? zone (Though it is a tinfoil zone)
Rob, sub, and MW

Out of game @rob, sorry if I sounded a bit cranky in my response. I haven't eaten today and its affecting my mood, I can see that upon rereading. Sorry about that. I'ma go get some fruit and hopefully be chipper in a moment or two again
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:41:49 am
kills- not offended in the slightest here (for the out-of-game stuff)

back on topic --> I suspected as much in your sus list... DC flips tonight no matter what leaving you with 2 possible scum in your view out of a team of 4, with a ??? grouping of shock/Cal. Am I correctly parsing your list as being four scum in the group of iancu / Ge0 / shock / Cal / *DC? Hmmmmm, I suppose that does jive with the possibilities from my own look over the game state.


Is anyone else interested in hearing Annele's input about what she might have been trying to target those night's that it seems DC was flaying her ability? Or about why she didn't claim being flayed? Or if she has holstered this whole time - why didn't she take a shot at a scum-read of hers or a somewhat consensus scum-read of the game at-large? ..... Like, I'm really really curious about those aspects of the game and current state of things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:47:44 am
I would say shock and cali live in a very very flexible state, but yes, that is a correct list.

I think annele can bring some value to the table. They are pretty much inactive, so I'm unsure if we will actually see that come to light.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:48:16 am
Wait, are you told if you are disabled by Mind flayer if you didnt try to use your ability?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:49:29 am
Triple post sorry

Because, if not, then it could be that annele never knew they were being flayed if they never tried to use their ability. I'm unsure if otyugh not eating anyone is a town or a mafia thing though, but its a line I'm only now entertaining.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:53:20 am
Triple post sorry

Because, if not, then it could be that annele never knew they were being flayed if they never tried to use their ability. I'm unsure if otyugh not eating anyone is a town or a mafia thing though, but its a line I'm only now entertaining.
No leading the suspect, yo! I know what you mean, but clarity on that won't come until Annele reads and responds (until / *if*).  :'(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 04:57:44 am
Give strong reads. The person with the least information in this game is me. Whereas everyone else has 2 truly confirmed town alive, I only have 1. So y'all need to be more certain than I am as to what's going on
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 05:00:52 am
I don't think your ability fails if you never used it, so hot take, Annele's scum!Oty tryna snipe a kill and never used the ability. Had Annele's ability failed she'd say something
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 05:04:23 am
Gotta do my capstone project stuff... since I self-resolve and I know im town I'll help ya out and try to do one more readlist near EoD/tmr night before I go

If I'm wrong im sorry i really don't know wtf im doing lmao
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 05:06:43 am
Though, if were in the position to move a lynch target, I'd much prefer this one

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:07:00 am
Give strong reads. The person with the least information in this game is me. Whereas everyone else has 2 truly confirmed town alive, I only have 1. So y'all need to be more certain than I am as to what's going on

I have a strong read on Ian and a less strong, but still good enough read on geo. Thats the strongest I got sir.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 05:09:40 am
killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

EBWOP forgot to remove quotes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:10:25 am
kills - tell me again what is giving you a strongest scumread from your seat on iancu? If you've already posted it, then feel free to clarify and fine tuen the case/details you see on him?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:13:23 am

Hopefully it’s not too time consuming

As a very very brief side note, can we appreciate the irony here?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:16:14 am
To not only ask for it to not be time consuming, but to get a time themed role, and then die instantly. So clean.

Anyway, I'll formulate a response if you want rob, I'm just making some ramen right now :V on mobile.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:20:36 am
To not only ask for it to not be time consuming, but to get a time themed role, and then die instantly. So clean.

Anyway, I'll formulate a response if you want rob, I'm just making some ramen right now :V on mobile.
I'll read it in the AM for sure, kdz. about to hit the sack here.

And I've wracked my brain off-and-on since that Night 0 about just htf mafia managed to snipe Golden www3. I checked quick to see if he softed or hinted and see nothing - leaving me wondering which player(s) would feel most threatened by www3 being a town player in this game.  :-\ Yet to think of anything concrete. So if anybody reads this and has a thought drop a line eh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 05:25:21 am
MW - I feel like you've posted some in a way that you believe you cannot predict shock but that you have a feel for just what lengths he'll go to in a game ---- thoughts about this, above??

you cant predict shock no, but i think i can read him sometimes.
Shock will do anything that he can use to call you a noob, even if it doesnt make sense

Here is what i honestly think.
Shock did roll something and targeted kae N1 with it.
Now whether or not kae is town or scum i dont know. i still really lean scum because his Vulture plan makes 0 sense, especially coming from someone giving me crap about not knowing how roles work.
Shock i think is actually maf. He is not nearly as active-helpful-disruptive as he has been in any previous mafia i have played with him, and hes been town each time.
I feel to an outsider, shock comes off as scummy town no matter what, but the fact he is acting differently at all AND HE DIDNT get yelled at by a mod is sus for him.
I think he used the "GN" on kae is town thing not to save kae but to make himself less sus. I am willing to bet he wouldnt have said anything if i didnt say i knew he targeted him.

This can all be debunked by pointing out he has been protecting kae since the first day (unless they are both scum).

I am still voting on kdz because he did target iancu and didnt come clean about it  >:(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on June 02, 2020, 05:55:00 am
Yes, I'm oty. Not sure if shock got that from an ability or my lame attempts at breadcrumming. I've tried using my ability twice, two nights ago on kae and last night on cal.

I actually almost did eat Linkcat on n1 but the general feeling in the thread was against kae at that point, including by serp, so I went that way. I didn't say anything about being blocked from eating kae because I wasn't sure what stopped it and I didn't know if it was a good idea to claim or not. (I only got a PM saying "Your ability failed".) I tried to breadcrum what I'd planned and what had happened, but I don't know if that was useful at all.

The only suggestions for offensive roles I saw last night were directed at me, which wasn't particularly useful. I guessed that cal was the next most suspicious player since Linkcat called him out before dying, and went for him. I didn't mention anything in the thread that time because I was worried that mafia had a warden or something and that was why my kill didn't go through the first time, so I didn't want to advertise my target again. If it was just DC blocking me both nights, that makes a lot of sense.

A lot has happened since I've been able to read the thread in any detail, so I've got a lot of catching up to do. Sorry for being so absent, I'll try and contribute a bit more this time. If I don't get lynched this round I'm very happy to be directed by serp on who to try and eat, or if I should use my ability at all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:02:22 am
I was really trying to avoid a full blown claim, and I was hoping my vote on ian could persuade you to maintain subtlety.

Hard claim, Ian is a False god. I precogged him last night. My other target was going to be geo, because I suspected them as highly, but then my gut told me ian would be more scary as a FG. I tried to pick someone everyone had at about N/N+.

You might just make it another night Serp

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:18:29 am
shoulda went for geo - you could make ian open his mouth at least.

Watch as I summon him now:

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 06:23:32 am
Well this is exciting.
Oa is bastard mod and put 3 (maybe more) Fate Eggs all because he is salty :time lost War.
OOORRRR someone is lying

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

kdz, if you kamikaze'd ian and he flips town, i will vote you best mafia player this game after its over.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:31:51 am
Imagine buying kdz's story so quickly, smh
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:32:07 am
Did he offer you a discount?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 06:33:30 am
Imagine buying kdz's story so quickly, smh

Well this is exciting.
Oa is bastard mod and put 3 (maybe more) Fate Eggs all because he is salty :time lost War.
OOORRRR someone is lying

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

kdz, if you kamikaze'd ian and he flips town, i will vote you best mafia player this game after its over.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:35:13 am
I assume you bought it, based on the vote
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:36:56 am
Did he offer you a discount?

30% actually

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 07:15:21 am
For the record, I started the round by declaring ian a mafia, before MW even announced the targeting had been done. You'll notice a sharp uptick in activity, because I had actual actionable information that lead me down the rabbit hole. I was already sus of geo, but the only time you voted DC, you voted with ian on a dead train (Aside from the votes you removed day 1). Which is what brought my ire to you. I had hoped simply mentioning WWW3 right after I had been asked how I got a read on Ian would have been enough of a hint to at least get some pressure off. I'd have rather let this sit and make my announcement tonight after getting as much info out of ian as possible.

TBH if we get stuck in a train between me and ian, thats fine. If you kill me you have a conf mafia, and given how hard ian has been pressing annele, a probably towny who can kill ian during the night. No matter what its a win win.

ofc it still could be ian trying to bus his own mafia mate just in case he gets got or annele gets got, but thats a tinfoil world.

Regardless its time for bed. (The ramen btw, scrumptious, added green onion. eggs and other veggies. Oh my god I'm going to eat ramen literally every day.) Good night folks.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 02, 2020, 08:22:42 am
killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

I buy it, ian has been playing in a really strange way
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 08:39:28 am
killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

How dare you?!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 08:51:45 am
killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

I'll consider dropping the vote if you share some of that ramen
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 08:52:10 am
killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu


im going to die so who the fuck cares if i flipflop
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 08:53:15 am
real explanation would be that claiming 'cop, guilty on this sus' is one of the oldest tricks in the book when your ass is on the line
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 08:56:04 am
Did I miss a history between shock and Link at some point?
The only history I know between them is town!shock losing once to scum!Linkcat. If you think history between them could be relevant, it might have been a grudge vote.

I tried to breadcrum what I'd planned and what had happened, but I don't know if that was useful at all.
I would like to take a look at those breadcrumbs.

I was really trying to avoid a full blown claim, and I was hoping my vote on ian could persuade you to maintain subtlety.

Hard claim, Ian is a False god. I precogged him last night. My other target was going to be geo, because I suspected them as highly, but then my gut told me ian would be more scary as a FG. I tried to pick someone everyone had at about N/N+.

You might just make it another night Serp
Hard Bomb! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkr4pqjNlDs&feature=youtu.be&t=1067)

At this point guys and gals, it would take a monumental discovery or claim to get me to lynch outside of Annele kdz Ge0 Cal this Day.
I think this is monumental enough to warrant the lynch being limited to either ian or kdz. I'm somewhat paranoid that a maf!kdz on the chopping block might attempt to take someone with him, that's why I put kdz here. Kdz did come out the gate solving today, so my guts say to believe him.

Reading on, he does confirm this in a later post.

For the record, I started the round by declaring ian a mafia, before MW even announced the targeting had been done. You'll notice a sharp uptick in activity, because I had actual actionable information that lead me down the rabbit hole. I was already sus of geo, but the only time you voted DC, you voted with ian on a dead train (Aside from the votes you removed day 1). Which is what brought my ire to you. I had hoped simply mentioning WWW3 right after I had been asked how I got a read on Ian would have been enough of a hint to at least get some pressure off. I'd have rather let this sit and make my announcement tonight after getting as much info out of ian as possible.

TBH if we get stuck in a train between me and ian, thats fine. If you kill me you have a conf mafia, and given how hard ian has been pressing annele, a probably towny who can kill ian during the night. No matter what its a win win.

ofc it still could be ian trying to bus his own mafia mate just in case he gets got or annele gets got, but thats a tinfoil world.

Regardless its time for bed. (The ramen btw, scrumptious, added green onion. eggs and other veggies. Oh my god I'm going to eat ramen literally every day.) Good night folks.
There might be a plan here involving Annele Otyugh to net us the most benefit. We cannot plan with rob yet, because he will only get a new role AFTER ian or kdz flips. This might also be a good night for Calindu to prove himself useful again.

Until I get more time to wrap my head around this, I am removing my vote from kdz.

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 09:22:19 am
Okay, I guess it's time to claim then. I am Seraph and used my ability N0 and N2. Hence kdz couldn't have targeted me. So there's 2 possibilities here:

1) kdz is mafia lying just to save himself
2) kdz is town vulture GN that got momentum from someone and I'm truly mafia

And now I ask you, which one is more likely? Since from what I managed to gather, there is no Amber Nymph in the game and a Fate Egg'd Amber Nymph would have no reason to randomly target kdz, who has been almost inactive up until now.

Believe what you will, but keep in mind that I could be very useful as an unkillable target for at least N4, maybe every night after if Calin decides to trust me and adrenaline me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 10:20:22 am
kdz, can you claim your previous night actions?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 10:24:59 am
Since I'm on PC here's my only scum game btw: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/24094-Poisonous-Vigilantes-Re-Rand
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 10:26:24 am
@MW: Did you target ian or kdz to get your info?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 11:33:36 am
Also, MW, I will no longer tolerate you critizing me for wanting the literally only role in the game that allows me to discern peoples alignement
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 12:49:10 pm
We're voting off kdz. Probably scum

If kdz is scum, lets consider ian confirmed town. Then tonight ga+cal will target ian. Mafia will have to go after Calindu since at this point he'll've made a third town invulnerable from NK

lol DC & Cal saying their roles are useless
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 12:57:03 pm
It's not useless if im scum :^)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on June 02, 2020, 01:18:02 pm
I'm going to bed, I hope this plan works serp.

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 01:30:51 pm
If kdz is scum,
I'm missing the part about if kdz is town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 01:36:24 pm
If kdz is scum,
I'm missing the part about if kdz is town.

We lynch ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 02, 2020, 02:51:15 pm
We're voting off kdz. Probably scum

If kdz is scum, lets consider ian confirmed town. Then tonight ga+cal will target ian. Mafia will have to go after Calindu since at this point he'll've made a third town invulnerable from NK

lol DC & Cal saying their roles are useless

I like this plan, huge upside if ian is town.

Also my ability is only useful in this very specific scenario of making someone unkillable, which I did mention before.

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 03:48:43 pm
Ok, i asked if dragonfly sees attempted targeting (even if unsuccessfull) and the answer is yes; between my presumptions, the fact that kdz was on his last legs, the fact that ian sorta hinted at his role before etc. I am much more inclined to believe ian, unless mw actually successfully targeted ian (without momentum).

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 03:49:45 pm
killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

I want to hear kdz deepen his case on ian. Really try to save yourself here kdz if you're town - go all out. Scum might clam up to about spewing though, or maybe it's worth the time anyway to try and avoid an unkillable iancu?... As it stands now ian's claim seems pretty believable and simple to me and several others.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 03:57:48 pm

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 03:57:56 pm
n0 no target

n1 www3

n2 ian

@kae for previous target list
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 02, 2020, 03:58:20 pm
Caught up with the thread.

Both claims seem sketchy imo, but I think serp has a point about kdz lynch being the best play

Ok, i asked if dragonfly sees attempted targeting (even if unsuccessfull) and the answer is yes; between my presumptions, the fact that kdz was on his last legs, the fact that ian sorta hinted at his role before etc. I am much more inclined to believe ian, unless mw actually successfully targeted ian (without momentum).

also this, got something for us MW?

Fixing vote and adding my own:

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 03:58:38 pm

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 03:59:07 pm
nvm me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 04:00:30 pm
so kdz is not a fate egg that gave self momentum and probably didnt receive any either; only thing left to check is which one of them is lying about their role
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:02:27 pm
I also tried to bread crumb vulture as much as possible by both mentioning the role by name and how much I loved it, and also by "Coming back from the dead" every single post for the first 2 days.

I knew I had a "power role" when www3 died, so I tried to fly low under the radar, and be /juuuuuust/ scummy enough with inactivity to not get randomly NK'd. I mention that as my primary strategy when sub asked for "How do you usually play the game"

Also, if ian DID seraph them selves MW would have seen that too yes?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:02:47 pm
iancu- where did you breadcrumb your role or hint\soft you're actions in the thread, anywhere?

kdz - you said you hinted at having something to do with www3 in one of your posts, any other crumbs or softs on this from you?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 02, 2020, 04:03:32 pm
so kdz is not a fate egg that gave self momentum and probably didnt receive any either; only thing left to check is which one of them is lying about their role

Yeah it's pretty obvious there is one scum in ian/kdz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 04:11:59 pm
I believe you kdz.

That you're Vulture
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:13:47 pm
besides, look at ians history in this game, it flew under the radar this entire time, there isn't a single post of contribution aside when they ask for fate eggs. Rob himself even said that ian usually offers at least SOMETHING at this stage in the game. Here I am, offering something.

Further looking at history i've played mafia here since like 2, and though theyre pretty cringe, I have never attempted a "Ill claim a power role when i'm mafia hehehe" because its a stupid play.

I've obviously been gearing up for an ian kill since second 1 this round, why would I start moving on a play so monumentally suicidal without a single vote being cast on me yet.

Here was the original plan before MW posted and forced my hand

1, go through today pushing an ian kill if I can, I was also fine with a geo kill, as i've stated before. N3 comes and goes

2 let night come and go, claim I targeted ian THAT night so the mafia thinks the "clock" is a turn off

3 publicly tell the ga to target me so they can save, forcing the mafia to hopefully target someone else N4 and we get an extra peak before I get got.

The next target was likely to be cali assuming they live, or rob to confirm him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:14:45 pm
If ian is the mafia in this thunderdome (of sorts) then MW looks pretty sus to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 04:16:15 pm
I never breadcrumbed my role because I didn't have to. Having said that, I have made the following claims:
- my role is not an information role
- I am not Anubis
- I am not immaterial

All of those, while not hinting directly at Seraph, are the best I could come up with without directly revealing my role or making it too obvious. The best I could hope for with my ability is absorb a random NK.

Vulture claim is so easy to fake it's not even funny. Literally anyone in the game with an unrevealed role could've claimed vulture GN. Heck, even I could've fake claimed that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:18:04 pm
I ask you to find one contribution ian has made that gives them town cred, and i'll concede lynching me first for the greater good
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 04:18:14 pm
kdz, I suggest you take a better look at my posts. I provided a full readlist once I had enough information and I've been defending rob and pushing for Annele for basically the entire game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 04:19:08 pm
Maybe we'd even have a mafia down by now if people would stop going crazy at EoD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 04:20:44 pm
And one last thing, "iancu would have some grandplan by now" is one of the worst possible things to use against me. This is basically the same thing that forces kae to do lynchlogs. I had one great game where I was basically the planner at the end and now it's expected of me in every game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:22:00 pm
No no, rob is expecting ANYTHING from you, because you contributed 1 read list that had nothing on it. It was just n+ - n- stating things we already knew. The only real dif was you put kae at W. But I'm not here to appeal to you ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:24:27 pm
This is actually a very juicy thunderdome, I take my "of sorts" qualifier a minute ago.

I can see merit in both sides, I can see possibility of truth and lie on both sides... This is almost almost almost so close to certainly a v/w or w/v situation as to not find value, in my book, to play it any other way. In which case I would agree that today's lynch needs to be b/t ian and kdz.

If kdz is the mafia here, then I guess his angle is having to get heat off himself? Or was there another likely lynch that could be scum with a better "role" that kdz would pick this manuever to have a shot of surviving himself (50/50 in a 1-v-1) and always saving whoever the "other" stronger scum role was/is....?

If ian is the mafia here, well... hmmmm, he is mostly playing defense on this so far as kdz instigated.

All points kdz lays out about how he approached the vulture role, the targets, the planned bluff, the change in plans today, etc. jives on the face of it. I just am not so sure about it not being easily faked (a point from ian's defense) but again kdz does appear to have come out of the gate strong on ian this day phase from the get go. Urgh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:27:41 pm
iancu- you're OK in the grand scheme not playing the same way every time... I get it. I do. It was just something I noticed from past mafia(s) wehre I remember you dumping info at some point. If you're Seraph sure makes sense - NO WAY for Seraph to garner inside info. But as Seraph did you ever think to do something in a Night PHase to try to draw a NK to save a town death? I know that was my first thought when I rolled Seraph last night from Egg. How about that angle?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:30:43 pm
Which one? Annele or kae or Cal? Specifically one, in your view or just at least one? This is interesting that as part of your defense/discourse you venture into this territory. I'd like to further discuss with you on it ian.

Maybe we'd even have a mafia down by now if people would stop going crazy at EoD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 04:31:13 pm
Trying to mindgame into getting NK'd never works, as proven by TorB's death. It was more likely to get NK'd in the fear of me having a powerful role I'm hiding rather than trying to bait the NK.

And about the argument that "kdz went for me from the start of the day", take a look at serp's posts, for instance. He was pretty much on the chopping block, so it's not like he was all safe and randomly went for the risky play.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 04:32:00 pm
Which one? Annele or kae or Cal? Specifically one, in your view or just at least one? This is interesting that as part of your defense/discourse you venture into this territory. I'd like to further discuss with you on it ian.

Maybe we'd even have a mafia down by now if people would stop going crazy at EoD.
I meant Annele here, or even Ge0, as he was also an option before the madness.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:32:34 pm
Look, either way, a mafia dies and I'm happy with that. I would prefer to give the mafia a target other then serp tonight, but well, I can't make you all know. Heres a "final" read list


DC (Inconsequential)






Once I'm gone and you kill ian, I'd STRONGLY advise taking out ge0. They've played super strange this game, and every bone in my body is screaming sus

After that I'd take a look at shock/cali. Hell, you have a devour, and once you flip ian you'll know a mafia has been busing them all game. Thats not a "they cant be mafia" theory, but rather one that i would gamble on and have annele eat cali/shock if they get mind flayered by DC tonight.

Hopefully Ian/Geo/DC all flip mafia, we can start knocking down dominos. If they all flip and theres one left Order of sus is Cali-Shock-Rob.

I'm not saying kill rob, but I believe they have the capacity to get into the position they are right now as mafia, so at least keep an eye out
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:36:43 pm
To elaborate

Ian - I know hes mafia

Geo - was my other target, but I swapped last second to ian, had a gut feeling

DC - Assuming the above about geo is correct, theyve parked with Ian or not at all

Shock - what the fuck is even happening here

Cali - as I said before, its possible the mafia swapped their invincible town from torb to kae to earn some town credit. Its a little tinfoil, but its not that hard to see happening

Sub - Has been sub all game

MW - Despite throwing a wrench in my plan, I highly doubt a mafia would call out their own getting targeted. Actually, Idk why theyre only at N, I'd bump them up pretty high actually... I don't think you should listen to everything they say, but its not like dragonfly can see what role is being used. I thought they could at first, which lead me to believe mw thought ian targeted me with precog.

Annele - Once ian flips their entire bus falls apart.

Rob - has been contributing active all the time. In a real solid position. Could still be mafia who made it very far, so keep an eye

Kae - effectively confirmed

Serp - Hard conf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 04:39:17 pm
Hm, this really isnt so clear-cut after all.I'm gonna take a walk to think about things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 02, 2020, 04:39:54 pm
@kdz when sempai doesn't notices you :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 04:44:19 pm
Andre, SORRY! i knew i was missing something. I've sorted lumped you in with annele tbh, someone who caught a lot of flak early and is now free from those chains imo.

You had ian vote on you with intent to kill here

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

on day 1, even though they backed off and removed their vote once moe voted on linkcat.

That enough to put you at at least N in my book. You had a lot of dirt on you from before, but I dont think mafia would vote a nail in a coffin on their own.

Add andre to either N or N+, whichever you prefer, they hover around there.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:45:30 pm
If kdz is the scum here... I think this is some quality spew territory - and if town then it is quality thoughts being input from town-perspective. Yellow is my comments added where relevant.
Look, either way, a mafia dies and I'm happy with that Weird stance, because it seems highly likely that also a town dies with a solid position/role (Vulture'd GN or AdrenaSeraph) ... a town you should really be concerned with having the outcome be THE SCUM IS LYNCHED. A bit wishy-washy on your statement here for my taste kdz (taste is a subjective thing though, so YMMV). I would prefer to give the mafia a target other then serp tonight, but well, I can't make you all know. Heres a "final" read list


DC (Inconsequential) Not inconsequential if he is scum... he can FLAY tonight which is a major pain in any town plans because it trumps in role priority!

Shock so, you are close to believing scum!shock saved a town!kae on Day 2 for .... what reason?? If kae is town that Day 2 "mislynch" was piece of cake for a scum!shock, I see no reason or win-con value for scum!shock to make that play on town!kae there...

Annele this placement is odd to me, given how you talk about her below in the 'town plan by kdz'

Rob you have your opinion, but there is no way I can manuever all over the place like I have this game as scum. I'm too calculating when I have the facts... just read my scum games, it is painfully obvious (but now also WIFOM #sorrynotsorry)

Kae See above for my comment on shock, too. I think kae=town is most likely scenario from shock's peeked-kae-as-town claims.


Where's timpa at yo dawg?
Once I'm gone and you kill ian, I'd STRONGLY advise taking out ge0. They've played super strange this game, and every bone in my body is screaming sus

After that I'd take a look at shock/cali. Hell, you have a devour, and once you flip ian you'll know a mafia has been busing them all game. Thats not a "they cant be mafia" theory, but rather one that i would gamble on and have annele eat cali/shock if they get mind flayered by DC tonight.

Hopefully Ian/Geo/DC all flip mafia, we can start knocking down dominos. If they all flip and theres one left Order of sus is Cali-Shock-Rob.

I'm not saying kill rob, but I believe they have the capacity to get into the position they are right now as mafia, so at least keep an eye out I love and hate, and then hate and love, how often I seem to get this "well he looks very town but yeah he could do that as mafia too" take. I get weary just imagining next time I ever roll scum and have to live up to my town WIM where I really really prefer being town. WIFOM rant, over for now.
To elaborate

Ian - I know hes mafia

Geo - was my other target, but I swapped last second to ian, had a gut feeling

DC - Assuming the above about geo is correct, theyve parked with Ian or not at all

Shock - what the fuck is even happening here

Cali - as I said before, its possible the mafia swapped their invincible town from torb to kae to earn some town credit. Its a little tinfoil, but its not that hard to see happening

Sub - Has been sub all game

MW - Despite throwing a wrench in my plan, I highly doubt a mafia would call out their own getting targeted. Actually, Idk why theyre only at N, I'd bump them up pretty high actually... I don't think you should listen to everything they say, but its not like dragonfly can see what role is being used. I thought they could at first, which lead me to believe mw thought ian targeted me with precog.

Annele - Once ian flips their entire bus falls apart.

Rob - has been contributing active all the time. In a real solid position. Could still be mafia who made it very far, so keep an eye

Kae - effectively confirmed

Serp - Hard conf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 04:48:46 pm
I just love watching them squirm

town!kdz needed to push for geo, I was setting up a tie to avoid leading the votes. Then tomorrow they claim GN against ian & ask GA to cover them for their second check

As is we can't get a second check out of town!kdz. So here's hoping we confirm ian into an adrenalseraph
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 04:54:07 pm
killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

(re-posting votecount, it was a bit back for finding quickly) (no change)

EOD 1, if iancu is wolf then Annele is cleared for me.

EOD 2, if kdz is the wolf here then Cal gets more shade from kdz voting approach.

kdz - are you, like, really really good at this game? Or, like, really really good at lying and deceiving and conniving and misleading? Because you're going fast enough on this whole thunderdome to make me think my wanting to believe you is either you're right/town/honest in it or you're just that good to do it as scum. I know when things start moving quickly in my own scum game, I almost freeze or get too mechanical... I get a certain flow vibe from your posting right now.

ian - I would not characterize it as my thinking your side in this right is not also somewhat convincing, just seems more legit to me from kdz's angle.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 02, 2020, 04:58:46 pm
This is actually the most recent one rob

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:01:02 pm
Either way a mafia dies and i'm happy with that - As it goes right now, we are on track to not lynch any. Ian would have flown far under the radar all game, but now hes in the light and an undercover mafia is outted. Id rather it end with me still alive until I get NK'd but, I'll take what I can get. A mafia dies, and hopefully that new information will help the rest of the town examine past posts and try and draw connections.

On dc - inconsequential as in, there is no reason to ever vote on them. If he flays fine, we aren't winning this due to roles. Unless he just shot in the darks you rob, and hopes you have a valid role no one else has claimed a role that has an actual use. GA is still undercover (as they should be) so were fine. They'll die tonight and i'm hoping they flip

On shock - Dude, I dont even know what the heck is happening here anymore. My tinfoil says either cali or shock is mafia, and they both together made a super town. They are going to be paired together in my book until one of them flips mafia. Shock is shitposting instead of contributing though so take that as you will.

On annele - If I were mafia, and I had nothing better todo i'd just bus my mafia friend who was sus. If they flip its free super town cred, and if you flip its super town cred for them. I'm placing annele at N because I WANT to believe they are town, but I dont put it past ian to vote their own mafia mate every night. Hence why Andre is also at N/N+ (tbf andres was with intent)

on rob - Thats fair, i don't remember how you play, but as I said way at the beginning, because you are better then me, I have an innate fear of you. I'm trying to see through that cloud, but I don't want people to think I conf'd you or something stupid

Kae - Im use V for "Almost certainly town" and VV for "Conf town" You could put kae under VV if you wanted, I just wanted the separation between Kae and Serp to be distinct

On andre - :c I'm sorry bby

rob, I've maintained a pretty consistent view of you, and I've been consistent in that voice. You are a very strong player, and I am afraid that you could pull off some grand heist like this. You are still at N+ in my book, because I truly believe you are town, but I don't want to blindly believe it. I just want to advise caution. You, Link, and Torb all worry me deeply. I'm trying to hit a middle ground where I express that fear, while also maintaining my belief that you are probably town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:02:15 pm
Folks, we need to be really careful here about just voting off kdz claiming a cop role. He might be lying... ian might be lying. But just being cavalier about lynching kdz when he might be a 2nd-wind for town-cop with the plan to make ian night-invincible (outside of a scum mind flayer which doesn't seem to exist this game) feels VERY ambitious at this juncture. No? Maybe I'm not properly fully grasping the idea you're going with here serp...??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 02, 2020, 05:10:50 pm
I'm very confused who to lynch at this point, both made some good points and both are useful due to their roles.

Also, I think if DC flips mafia we should take a look again at kae/shock, there is no reason for him to not disrupt the unkillable town, unless the person that's going to be made unkillable is actually mafia.
DC flipping mafia also kind of confirms Annele as town(why flay her otherwise?) and incriminates ian.

I'm thinking about lynching Ge0 today and hoping DC flips mafia so we have a lot of information to work with, but it can backfire really hard if both of them flip town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 05:12:07 pm
Ok, that was kinda an awfull idea, i barely made it to the graveyard and almost didnt return.
Back on topic: The fact that MW knows that kdz targeted ian, but specifically asks if targeting on ian was successfull just kinda weirds me out. Like why would he emphasize that when he evidently succesfully targeted either of them?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:13:16 pm
I just love watching them squirm

town!kdz needed to push for geo, I was setting up a tie to avoid leading the votes. Then tomorrow they claim GN against ian & ask GA to cover them for their second check

As is we can't get a second check out of town!kdz. So here's hoping we confirm ian into an adrenalseraph

That was basically the plan. When MW said "DID ANYONE TARGET IAN" I thought he knew what role had been used by or on ian, so I parked my vote on ian, hoping it would persuade him. But after this came out and I actually READ dragonfly, I see that he only saw the target, not the ability, which was my bad. It's a misplay that'll probably cost my life, but thats what I get I guess.

Again I had 2 goals for today

1. Kill geo or ian
2. Not roleclaim

Geo was the preferred hit as ive already stated, but an ian kill early was fine. The real one was part 2, which has not gone according to plan. Then again, part one aint looking to good either, but at least they'll die eventually.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 02, 2020, 05:13:19 pm
There are significantly more suspicious players voting on kdz than ian. Maybe they want that early vote to get cred if kdz flips mafia. Honestly, could be worth the sacrifice, losing 1 mafia to secure 3 down the road. Yet, I don't think people are going to all of sudden start suspecting MW and rob as the other mafia even if kdz flips mafia. So that plan feels bad. Seems like they're just saving ian, because if they save ian then kdz dies and another town dies tonight. That brings the count to 7 town and 4 mafia, which is then quite close to a win.

Also double capitals dies. If DC dies and is town then its 6 town and 4 mafia. If DC dies and is mafia, then mafia really doesn't want to risk lynching another of their own (kdz) just for an alibi. Because then we'd be down to 2 mafia, which is not ideal. It's pretty clearly ian here.

One thing, that concerns me is that Linkcat lists ian as one of the players that is almost guaranteed to be town.
Recap of the current state of the game and suggested Night actions:


These 5 players are always town, don't lynch them even in late game unless something truly revelatory happens. Likely the next 5 Nightkills.


These 2 players attempted to save me despite having a 100% free pass to see me lynched without suspicion. Very unlikely mafia, especially if Annele flips scum.

Ge0metry v1.2

These 3 players are 90% town, only consider them if sus people keep flipping town and you start running out of possible candidates, except Ge0 who can only be mafia if Annele flips town.


These 3 players contain 1-2 mafia.


The rest of the mafia are most likely hiding in here. If there's a deep wolf I'd say torb since he didn't actually have to commit to a vote.
I'm going to write that off though as an overlook because if Annele and andre and Linkcat are all town, then ian has no problem saving Linkcat to just lynch another town and build up credibility with Linkcat, who I'm assuming mafia was planning on keeping around and getting on his side to use as a shield while taking down more suspicious and less active town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 02, 2020, 05:17:14 pm
killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

Proposed Town:

Proposed Mafia:


I'm willing to lean on DC being mafia. We'll know the next day anyways, which should clear submachine.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 05:18:30 pm
Ok, that was kinda an awfull idea, i barely made it to the graveyard and almost didnt return.
Back on topic: The fact that MW knows that kdz targeted ian, but specifically asks if targeting on ian was successfull just kinda weirds me out. Like why would he emphasize that when he evidently succesfully targeted either of them?

afaik: Dragonfly doesn't target, hence it works even tho ian shielded
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 05:19:30 pm
Or more, it targets, but priority things
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:20:42 pm
Ian is claiming seraph, fly on the wall triggers before seraph
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:21:50 pm
I think fly on the wall triggers before like, pretty much everything actually. Aside from like warden yeah?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 05:23:18 pm
fly on the wall triggers last and views roles in retrospect; time to ask oa about that priority clause though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:23:30 pm
Oh no I'm just stupid. Man reading is hard. I was looking at ffq
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 02, 2020, 05:26:32 pm
The way I see it, MW's ability failed and asked to see what protected ian from his ability.
If something like a FFQ failed to target ian, that means he was protected by Anubis.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:30:37 pm
Mw has hard claimed dragonfly like, day 1 when mw thought he confirmed kae or shock or something. I was stating I was looking at ffq but they are actually dragonfly. Further, the dragonfly didnt fail because mw publically announced fucking twice that ian had been targeted. I dont think dragonfly bypasses seraph
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:31:55 pm
It says regardless of priority, not regardless of untargetable. It would still have been blocked if ian had used seraph
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:33:48 pm
MW - I feel like you've posted some in a way that you believe you cannot predict shock but that you have a feel for just what lengths he'll go to in a game ---- thoughts about this, above??

you cant predict shock no, but i think i can read him sometimes.
Shock will do anything that he can use to call you a noob, even if it doesnt make sense

Here is what i honestly think.
Shock did roll something and targeted kae N1 with it.
Now whether or not kae is town or scum i dont know. i still really lean scum because his Vulture plan makes 0 sense, especially coming from someone giving me crap about not knowing how roles work.
Shock i think is actually maf. He is not nearly as active-helpful-disruptive as he has been in any previous mafia i have played with him, and hes been town each time.
I feel to an outsider, shock comes off as scummy town no matter what, but the fact he is acting differently at all AND HE DIDNT get yelled at by a mod is sus for him.
I think he used the "GN" on kae is town thing not to save kae but to make himself less sus. I am willing to bet he wouldnt have said anything if i didnt say i knew he targeted him.

This can all be debunked by pointing out he has been protecting kae since the first day (unless they are both scum).

I am still voting on kdz because he did target iancu and didnt come clean about it  >:(

On mobile so you get a whole ass block of quote. The last sentence both confirms ian is lying about seraph and that I targeted ian.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:35:16 pm
Sub what are you dancing around about again... you're the only one without your vote somewhere. This caused undue problems and NL on Day 1, and was mildly bothersome on Day 2 --- what are you up to on that??
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 05:42:35 pm
Dragonfly can view (attempted) actions involving immaterial targets
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:43:49 pm
Dragonfly can view (attempted) actions involving immaterial targets
But doesn't dragonfly have to actually succeed in its targeting? It thought that meant if someone was mind flayed and had their ability stopped it would still be detected.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 05:44:03 pm
Oa, please confirm yes/no:

1. Dragonfly targetting a Seraph using Divine Shield detects failed attempts to target
2. Dragonfly targetting a Seraph using Divine Shield detects successful attempts to target
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 02, 2020, 05:47:51 pm
Thing is, Dragonfly cannot target an immaterial player.

What it can do, however, is viewing an immaterial player. Like, if Dragonfly targeted someone who targeted the immaterial, the Dragonfly can see who his target (tried) to visit.


Aka, 1 is correct
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 05:48:28 pm
Clear. MW targetted kdz. Cool
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:48:39 pm
At the risk of irritating iancu here...

It sure feels like kdz is the one being honest and is flowing through EOD still and that ian has frozen a bit unsure how to react and keep moving in these developments. Just what I'm seeing/thinking at the moment. These wagons though, not sure if kdz taking off like that is scum being caught so teammates eager to pile on for cred or if scum feeling they have a reasonable alibi to vote on kdz given the counter-claims seeming feasibility for the time being........
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 05:49:48 pm
Clear. MW targetted kdz. Cool

Or, what is FAR more likely given MW asked who targeted IAN is that ian ISNT seraph, and ISNT immaterial, so both dragonfly and my precog went off
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:50:18 pm
Clear. MW targetted kdz. Cool
I'm too busy trying to do work and be at EOD to scour over role descriptions etc, and since conf!town you was on the case ---- what can you report? MW is lying ITT claiming to target ian having actually targeted kdz?? And also MW is currently voting on ian with kdz? Why does this not seem to make sense.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 05:51:17 pm
We vote whomever MW targetted
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 05:53:13 pm
Seems to me he targeted iancu. Right? So I am backing off my "MW lying ITT" statement I guess, for now.

Ian - this is seriously your chance to lolcat if you're outted and caught. It feels great, trust me, I've done it. It is in your best interest honestly. Unless you're town then FFS keep fighting and clear this thing up for us today.
We vote whomever MW targetted
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 05:56:36 pm
Wait people think im lying?

I targetted iancu because i scum read him. read my last scum reads. He was targetted by kdz, kdz even confirmed that. How could i be lying?

I asked about the being able to target him both as a way to see if kdz is anubis and as a way to cover my request in tmi.

After we lynch ian or kdz, i want to lynch kaempf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 02, 2020, 05:56:49 pm
The way I see it, MW's ability failed and asked to see what protected ian from his ability.
If something like a FFQ failed to target ian, that means he was protected by Anubis.

This still stands, we need MW to tell us if his ability failed or not, that's the missing piece. If his ability failed, then ian is either immaterial (through mafia Seraph), or he's telling the truth. And in both cases, kdz's ability couldn't have gone through, so he's lying if that's the case.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 05:57:29 pm
My ability did not fail. Otherwise i would not have known kdz targeted iancu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 02, 2020, 05:58:18 pm
My ability did not fail. Otherwise i would not have known kdz targeted iancu

That's enough for me. I thought your ability failed and wanted to check what actually stopped it from working.

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 05:59:47 pm
Poor ian, outed by simple mechanical failure. Time for him to tinfoil about MW/kdz working together

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:00:22 pm
@cali, you missed shocks vote

and also @serp

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (6) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 06:03:30 pm
killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13
Either ian is scum or both mw and kdz are. Going with the pessimistic approach
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 06:05:29 pm
Sub what are you dancing around about again... you're the only one without your vote somewhere. This caused undue problems and NL on Day 1, and was mildly bothersome on Day 2 --- what are you up to on that??
Yes, sorry. Thinking about net benefit.

Kdz/ian not w/w. I saw it mentioned that ian/Annele not w/w either (I think rob said this). Assuming that to be true, for the sake of a plan, let's check the worst case scenarios for each option:

- If ian flips town, Annele could devour kdz, but if Annele is mafia, (worst case scenario) she may devour another Town instead. Because of the risk, DC would still need to flay Annele. Result: -1 town, no maf killed during night.
- If kdz flips town, Annele could devour ian. With the initial assumption of ian/Anne not w/w, Anne is town and ian is mafia, in which case, Annele would have no problem eating ian. Result: -1 town, -1 maf.

If I follow my gut though, I would believe kdz more than ian, because of the principle I set for myself at the beginning of the game:

Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate

Rob, I am still thinking, even though this is only a 50-50 choice.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 06:06:32 pm
I targetted iancu because i scum read him. read my last scum reads. He was targetted by kdz, kdz even confirmed that. How could i be lying?
Okay, I haven't seen this. This changes everything.

Put my vote on ian.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:06:41 pm
Can we at least also get the right vote order? Before shock tries to clamor for cred for being only behind the cop-claiming-kdz (likely town) and the dragonfly-watcher-closer-MW (likely town) on the likely-scum!iancu wagon?

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 02, 2020, 06:07:44 pm
Thanks MW

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:08:36 pm
Thanks MW

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (9) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, Submachine, andretimpa
Getting SUb's vote in there too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:11:47 pm
wtf, how the turn tables

rob, I believe you. I want you to believe that I'm Townie, so I don't muck your plans up tonight. Flipping votes now is kinda inconsequential (hey, nice nickname for me)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:14:10 pm
[02:08:47] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@killsdazombies› thanks
[02:08:53] ‹DoubleCapitals› that made me feel better tbh
[02:09:36] ‹killsdazombies› <3
[02:10:21] ‹DoubleCapitals› maybe ill consider removing my vote off you
[02:10:24] ‹DoubleCapitals› jk
[02:10:28] ‹DoubleCapitals› I'll go read thread now

it's joke, but just in case
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:16:11 pm
Shiiiii cuuuuuuz, I don't have any idea what my night plan is b/c I got this super awesome role that forces a methodical thinker like me to wait to know what to think about until I suddenly have limited hours to go through it. >.<
Enjoy your flip in 48 hours.
You claimed Flayer targeting Annele every night, right??
wtf, how the turn tables

rob, I believe you. I want you to believe that I'm Townie, so I don't muck your plans up tonight. Flipping votes now is kinda inconsequential (hey, nice nickname for me)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 06:17:48 pm
DC claims no target N0, then Annele N1/N2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 06:18:56 pm
We might finally avoid an EOD frenzy. \o/ Now that MW answered my question, I feel safe to not worry about my vote and only come back after deadline.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:19:42 pm
I still think Ann/kdz seems more probable than ian, and while this sounds like an OMGUS, his mafia team he proposed seems kinda low-lying... A bit too low-lying for my liking. Plus I can't think he can conjure up a reasonable mafia team without including me. But I'm town, so that means I gotta assume he's scum on principle. kdz claim seems premeditated (I buy that he's Vulture, less so on "targetted GN". If we don't lynch him and assume he's town he dies next night anyway. Sub mentioned Ann/ian is t/s and ian/kdz is t/s. Since I susp Annele, that makes ian town and kdz scum by PoE.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:20:29 pm
I mean, I could just sheep serp like the good little lamb I can be but like, why should I, hmm. I rather let my voice be heard ya know?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:22:06 pm

Do you think MW is lying? Your scenario I _think_ should have you also sus on MW because how would he know kdz targeted iancu otherwise than those two being scum (you propose kdz is scum in your logic train above).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:26:48 pm
I will be numb in the head if ian flips town given how kdz and MW would have had to major orchestrate this whole day phase between them for it to so genuinely flow with some conf!town and others including myself from the game at-large involved for the flow of how we arrived at this current vote tally.

SHOCKed if ian flips and is town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:27:10 pm
Well, it was fun messing with ya'll. Fun fact is me and my fellow mafia thought about me claiming vulture+GN on kdz. Such sweet irony.

So amazing that you guys would've fallen for the "no u" trick if it wasn't for that meddling kid MW.

Honestly, this was probably my most fun game as mafia. And just so you all know, my reduced activity wasn't because I was mafia. I just didn't really care to read all your guys' walls of texts and kinda lost interest. A bit of a shame I got a scummy role as scum, so no fun for me in that regard.

Well, either way, my legacy will carry on. This game is as good as won for me and my mafia bros, but well played nonetheless naive townies.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know while I'm still alive. This is your one-time chance to have a face to face talk with the mafia PR.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:28:46 pm
Well, it was fun messing with ya'll. Fun fact is me and my fellow mafia thought about me claiming vulture+GN on kdz. Such sweet irony.

So amazing that you guys would've fallen for the "no u" trick if it wasn't for that meddling kid MW.

Honestly, this was probably my most fun game as mafia. And just so you all know, my reduced activity wasn't because I was mafia. I just didn't really care to read all your guys' walls of texts and kinda lost interest. A bit of a shame I got a scummy role as scum, so no fun for me in that regard.

Well, either way, my legacy will carry on. This game is as good as won for me and my mafia bros, but well played nonetheless naive townies.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know while I'm still alive. This is your one-time chance to have a face to face talk with the mafia PR.
Who is your team?

And, post something funny so we can all laugh together before you hit the pavement. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:29:57 pm
You know who my team is rob, c'mon. We talked about this.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:30:04 pm
Well, it was fun messing with ya'll. Fun fact is me and my fellow mafia thought about me claiming vulture+GN on kdz. Such sweet irony.

So amazing that you guys would've fallen for the "no u" trick if it wasn't for that meddling kid MW.

Honestly, this was probably my most fun game as mafia. And just so you all know, my reduced activity wasn't because I was mafia. I just didn't really care to read all your guys' walls of texts and kinda lost interest. A bit of a shame I got a scummy role as scum, so no fun for me in that regard.

Well, either way, my legacy will carry on. This game is as good as won for me and my mafia bros, but well played nonetheless naive townies.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know while I'm still alive. This is your one-time chance to have a face to face talk with the mafia PR.

Its been a blast Ian, I would have really enjoyed that twist. Could have been hilarious

Dude I was so >:L all game

Thats fair, honestly, same. day 1 was so hard to follow

Whats the mafia's favourite flavour of ice cream?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:30:59 pm
Chocolate ice cream will always rule.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:31:57 pm
[02:08:47] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@killsdazombies› thanks
[02:08:53] ‹DoubleCapitals› that made me feel better tbh
[02:09:36] ‹killsdazombies› <3
[02:10:21] ‹DoubleCapitals› maybe ill consider removing my vote off you
[02:10:24] ‹DoubleCapitals› jk
[02:10:28] ‹DoubleCapitals› I'll go read thread now

it's joke, but just in case

[14:12:14] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@rob77dp› not allowed to say that?
[14:12:15] ‹DoubleCapitals› sorry
[14:12:17] ‹DoubleCapitals› it was a joke
[14:12:34] PlayerOa joined.
[14:12:45] ‹killsdazombies› I've been trying myself to see where the line is
[14:12:47] ‹killsdazombies› cause man
[14:12:51] ‹killsdazombies› I JUST WANNA TALK
[14:13:03] ‹killsdazombies› Chat room is so much easier for me to communicate than in thread
[14:13:14] ‹killsdazombies› Mostly because I can shitpost more easily
[14:13:21] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› As long as you copy/paste chat logs you can fill chat with mafia talk.
[14:13:33] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› And try not to involve dead players :sillyspin:
[14:13:46] ‹MasterWalks› uh
[14:13:49] ‹MasterWalks› are you sure?
[14:13:52] ‹PlayerOa› ^ no rules against mafia talk here, unlike last mafia
[14:13:59] ‹Calindu› We can do that, chat was used so much in mafia 71
[14:14:17] ‹Calindu› EoD was so much better and funnier in chat
[14:14:18] ‹killsdazombies› Once in a game of in person mafia, I just responded to every question i didn't want to answer with "Sorry I'm deaf"
[14:14:20] ‹PlayerOa› I’m surprised it hasnt been more in use tbh
[14:14:38] ‹killsdazombies› I think its easier to self incriminate in chat
[14:14:39] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› Yeah.
[14:14:40] ‹PlayerOa› Read rules :sillyspin:
[14:14:48] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@MasterWalks› yh
[14:14:58] ‹MasterWalks› lol, well at least the thread hasnt been filled with pages and pages of blab chat like in 71
[14:15:25] andretimpa joined.
[14:15:15] ‹killsdazombies› Plus, no one wants to chat something that could be considered important but not post it chat and get mk'd for it
[14:15:24] ‹killsdazombies› not post in thread***
[14:15:39] ‹andretimpa› what a twist
[14:15:45] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@PlayerOa› ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› you both are mafia according to my GN ability :angry:
[14:15:58] ‹killsdazombies› Harsh but fair www3
[14:16:02] ‹killsdazombies› How should we proceed
[14:16:08] ‹PlayerOa› ‹@worldwideweb3› Dead players can’t talk :angry:
[14:16:13] ‹killsdazombies› PlayerOa (1) - Killsdazombies
[14:16:29] ‹worldwideweb3› :cry:
[14:16:33] ‹worldwideweb3› :cwy:
[14:16:55] ‹MasterWalks› imagine the shit show if w3 or shock got phoenix
[14:17:01] ‹PlayerOa› As I can’t kill you, my alternative is forcing you to host 74
[14:17:07] ‹PlayerOa› ‹@worldwideweb3› GG PLEB
[14:17:09] ‹Calindu› Tbh, the chat logs were kind of giant in mafia 71
[14:17:22] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@PlayerOa› yh ive rules where host can play in mafia
[14:17:28] ‹worldwideweb3› im implementing them to allow me to play
[14:17:28] ‹killsdazombies› I'll be honest www3, when you flipped, I think every single person in the game, regardless of primary went "Oh man that sucks for www3"
[14:17:30] ‹Calindu› Very hard to actually keep up or catch up if you weren't there
[14:18:04] ‹killsdazombies› I cackled like a mad man tbf, that shit was hilariously tragic
[14:18:15] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› ‹@killsdazombies› In a sarcastic way? :sillyspin:
[14:18:27] ‹killsdazombies› Well, it might have just be me then lmao
[14:18:37] ‹rob77dp› I was upset I somehow missed where he hinted at or softed his role and scum found it to pick him out for NK >.<
[14:18:43] ‹killsdazombies› I hate getting town and then instantly dying
[14:18:47] ‹rob77dp› turns out it seems very likely just a lucky shot in the dark
[14:19:04] PlayerOa left.
[14:18:53] ‹killsdazombies› well rather, getting COP and instantly dying
[14:19:40] ‹worldwideweb3›
(6d10) 5 + 4 + 10 + 10 + 7 + 5 = 41 ...
[14:19:56] andretimpa left.
[14:19:45] ‹killsdazombies› I hosted an in person game of Deathnote mafia, the mafia got the Vig, who didnt shoot, the cop, who had just picked out a mafia, and then the doctor, who had used their one self save the previous night
[14:20:05] ‹killsdazombies› And it was all no reveal, so no one knew JUST how bad they had it
[14:20:17] ‹killsdazombies› They just new X y and z had died
[14:20:21] ‹killsdazombies› knew*
[14:20:53] ‹DoubleCapitals› get fucked
[14:20:55] ‹DoubleCapitals› jkjk
[14:20:56] ‹worldwideweb3› i remember when i was vig in one of the previous mafias and i shot mafia :cool:
[14:21:17] ‹DoubleCapitals› I was pretty fucking salty the last mafia I played before this
[14:21:22] ‹DoubleCapitals› rolled GN
[14:21:32] ‹DoubleCapitals› tunneled someone for NLing
[14:21:40] ‹DoubleCapitals› he was actually maf, maf got scared
[14:21:46] ‹DoubleCapitals› murdered my ass
[14:21:46] ‹Calindu› Wasn't that just the last mafia?
[14:21:49] ‹killsdazombies› Whenever I get Vig in inperson mafia I cover my eyes and point randomly at the side of the room I think is most sus
[14:21:53] ‹DoubleCapitals› my actual report? MKed.
[14:22:18] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@Calindu› that was 71 i think... I skipped 72?
[14:22:19] ‹worldwideweb3› possibly
[14:22:35] ‹Calindu› I meant @www3
[14:22:37] ‹killsdazombies› Most hosts dont let me do it, but when I got to my hometown convention and play in my buddies pod he does
[14:22:40] ‹DoubleCapitals› oh, sorry
[14:22:54] ‹Calindu› In mafia 71 MW rolled GN
[14:22:59] ‹worldwideweb3› its been so long ive forgotten
[14:23:25] ‹MasterWalks› rolled mafia first n0 and got paranoid af about getting NK's
[14:23:30] ‹Calindu› I clearly remember someone shooting mafia in mafia 72
[14:23:32] ‹killsdazombies› yeah www3, its been forever since you got to play mafia :P
[14:23:33] ‹MasterWalks› Nk'd*
[14:23:42] ‹DoubleCapitals› Oh, 70 then...
[14:23:51] ‹DoubleCapitals› 71 I filled in for Sub as backup host
[14:23:54] ‹DoubleCapitals› you could say I
[14:23:55] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@killsdazombies› :angry:
[14:23:57] ‹DoubleCapitals› Sub-stituted him
[14:24:05] ‹DoubleCapitals› booo
[14:24:13] ‹killsdazombies› Its okay, maybe youll make it past the loading screen next game
[14:24:55] ‹MasterWalks› bruv, how could i be lying
[14:25:03] ‹worldwideweb3› i will, cause im hosting and playing remmeber? so ill make sure i wont die hmph
[14:25:15] ‹killsdazombies› Good plan www3
[14:26:08] ‹killsdazombies› FYI this chatlog is gonna suck shit to read
[14:26:26] ‹killsdazombies› Gl to all you scrubs who have to sift through this
[14:26:44] ‹Calindu› Does this actually have to be posted? There's nothing about this mafia in here I think
[14:26:58] ‹killsdazombies› Well, MW is responding to thread here a little bit
[14:27:09] ‹killsdazombies› and were discussing WWW3s death
[14:27:13] ‹rob77dp› there is some things that really should be in the thread, happening in this chat
[14:27:16] ‹killsdazombies› Its mostly shitposting
[14:27:19] ‹rob77dp› so yeah, log post is I think the right call
[14:27:42] ‹killsdazombies› Gonna post it in 3 so everyone can read it if they want and still have time to talk in thread
[14:28:45] ‹worldwideweb3› 3 seconds? 3 hours? 3 milliseconds? 3 days?
[14:29:08] ‹rob77dp› you forgot minutes
[14:29:56] ‹worldwideweb3› its not an option sorry
[14:30:13] ‹killsdazombies› 3 mins so now

this is the rest of the chatlog, theres nothing really of value here, but just in case anyone wants to try to find some.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:32:09 pm
Chocolate ice cream will always rule.

shit guys, idk if we can kill ian now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:32:18 pm
Sure let's chat.

No, I don't think MW is lying. Since I also said kdz is still a Vulture...

By PoE:
He won't pick GN
Seraph does not target
Deja Vus won't make sense (serp would have mentioned it)
Shrieker does not target

Which leaves Toadfish which kdz could not have both targetted and used in the same night...

Right um.

So either kdz is telling the truth (Scenario 1), kdz is not a Vulture (Scenario 2) or MW is full of shit (Scenario 3)

I still townread MW, so we cut Scenario 3 out. If kdz is scum it must be Scenario 2, in which case... what was iancu hit by even? If scum!kdz/town!ian then he's not immaterial or whatever so that's like... what options even?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:34:11 pm
Well, it was fun messing with ya'll. Fun fact is me and my fellow mafia thought about me claiming vulture+GN on kdz. Such sweet irony.

So amazing that you guys would've fallen for the "no u" trick if it wasn't for that meddling kid MW.

Honestly, this was probably my most fun game as mafia. And just so you all know, my reduced activity wasn't because I was mafia. I just didn't really care to read all your guys' walls of texts and kinda lost interest. A bit of a shame I got a scummy role as scum, so no fun for me in that regard.

Well, either way, my legacy will carry on. This game is as good as won for me and my mafia bros, but well played nonetheless naive townies.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know while I'm still alive. This is your one-time chance to have a face to face talk with the mafia PR.

Its been a blast Ian, I would have really enjoyed that twist. Could have been hilarious

Dude I was so >:L all game

Thats fair, honestly, same. day 1 was so hard to follow

Whats the mafia's favourite flavour of ice cream?

Boot to the head.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 06:35:16 pm
Well, it was fun messing with ya'll. Fun fact is me and my fellow mafia thought about me claiming vulture+GN on kdz. Such sweet irony.

So amazing that you guys would've fallen for the "no u" trick if it wasn't for that meddling kid MW.

Honestly, this was probably my most fun game as mafia. And just so you all know, my reduced activity wasn't because I was mafia. I just didn't really care to read all your guys' walls of texts and kinda lost interest. A bit of a shame I got a scummy role as scum, so no fun for me in that regard.

Well, either way, my legacy will carry on. This game is as good as won for me and my mafia bros, but well played nonetheless naive townies.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know while I'm still alive. This is your one-time chance to have a face to face talk with the mafia PR.

Its been a blast Ian, I would have really enjoyed that twist. Could have been hilarious

Dude I was so >:L all game

Thats fair, honestly, same. day 1 was so hard to follow

Whats the mafia's favourite flavour of ice cream?

Boot to the head.
I get that reference!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 06:35:24 pm
I'd just like to claim the town cred for being the first person to vote ian this game. Thanks, you're welcome
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:37:12 pm
Hey ian, when I'm down there in the afterlife, won't ya wanna meet up for some tea or something? We could rule the underworld together~

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 06:38:42 pm
So is DC's red lettering softing phoenix or softing scum?
Hes been using it all game
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:38:57 pm
Well, it was fun messing with ya'll. Fun fact is me and my fellow mafia thought about me claiming vulture+GN on kdz. Such sweet irony.

So amazing that you guys would've fallen for the "no u" trick if it wasn't for that meddling kid MW.

Honestly, this was probably my most fun game as mafia. And just so you all know, my reduced activity wasn't because I was mafia. I just didn't really care to read all your guys' walls of texts and kinda lost interest. A bit of a shame I got a scummy role as scum, so no fun for me in that regard.

Well, either way, my legacy will carry on. This game is as good as won for me and my mafia bros, but well played nonetheless naive townies.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know while I'm still alive. This is your one-time chance to have a face to face talk with the mafia PR.

Its been a blast Ian, I would have really enjoyed that twist. Could have been hilarious

Dude I was so >:L all game

Thats fair, honestly, same. day 1 was so hard to follow

Whats the mafia's favourite flavour of ice cream?

Boot to the head.
I get that reference!


Oh shit, how would I know the mafia's favourite flavour of ice cream? Hmm.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:39:24 pm
Hey ian, when I'm down there in the afterlife, won't ya wanna meet up for some tea or something? We could rule the underworld together~
Sure, I hear there's some cool dead people pad in the afterlife
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 06:40:43 pm
Oa: you can end day phase now

Votes are meaningless from here
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:41:31 pm
Don't believe anything serprex says, he bus'd me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:41:41 pm
Hey ian, when I'm down there in the afterlife, won't ya wanna meet up for some tea or something? We could rule the underworld together~
Sure, I hear there's some cool dead people pad in the afterlife

I unironically think that would be super fun.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:42:52 pm
Contraction (1) - rob77dp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 06:43:58 pm
Contractions (2) - rob77dp, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:44:39 pm
Guys, chill out, let me live my final 15 minutes in peace

extension (1) - iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 06:46:24 pm
So scummy --v
Guys, chill out, let me live my final 15 minutes in peace

extension (1) - iancudorinmarian
Why is he not getting any votes??!? (Still waiting for a picture to make me laugh though)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 06:47:20 pm
Ok, with ian admitting to being mafia we can assume that kdz and MW are both town (the latter i already believed until he made that remark about targetting being successful or nah which gave me a small pause). I still believe that ian and Annele are unlikely w/w and that rob is town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 06:47:59 pm
So is DC's red lettering softing phoenix or softing scum?
Hes been using it all game

I meant to try to talk and soft something significant so mafia aims me instead of a useful role. But w3 died early, and then so many people got confirmed that it was impossible for mafia to even consider redirecting offensive skills, or the NK to me.

The red is arbitary. It's my 'war' chat colour. As opposed to this when not in 'war', ie, right now. I know I'm known for :time but I picked it to match the profile picture character mostly. Kinda.

Or I'm just a phoenix maf ready to pounce on your every. Single. Mistake.

Guys, chill out, let me live my final 15 minutes in peace

extension (1) - iancudorinmarian
Why is he not getting any votes??!? (Still waiting for a picture to make me laugh though)

If you think ian is scum, extension is town xD
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 06:48:56 pm
get rekt iancu

Contractions (3) - rob77dp, MasterWalks, serprex
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:49:38 pm
Idk man, 10 minutes of ian shitposting sounds hard to pass up
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 06:49:52 pm
Here rob, have a bad pun.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 02, 2020, 06:49:58 pm
RIP in pepperoni ian  :sillyspin:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 06:50:20 pm
I'm actually confident enough on cal being town, he had no real need to make torb an immortal thread and simultaniously boosting torb's credibility (if it werent for stupid tinfoily me) and then repeat the same thing with me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 02, 2020, 06:54:59 pm
It's getting awfully close to phase 3 of shock's master plan. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 06:56:19 pm
I thought phase three was ??? and phase four was profit
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 06:59:45 pm
so that would leave Sub (still townleaning on him for old reasons) DC (selfresolving)

andre (now that I see that scum was involved on the Annele train I'm no longer townreading him as much for choosing Annele over Link) shock(really weird that he chose to tr me from the start, esp since im usually better at this game than i did this time and thus him essentially confirming me town that early is kinda weird from a scumangle) and Geo(he's just really weird and poorly justifies his actions)

Hm, I dont really know about the not essentially mechanically confirmed people now that i try figuring out their agenda.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 02, 2020, 07:00:36 pm
Night 3

iancu decided to take a flight, just before the third night.

iancudorinmarian was lynched. He was an False God and a Arctic Squid.

As I will be unable to update the game before at least 12 hours after the original end of this phase, Night 3 is going to last 72 hours instead of the usual 48.

Night 3 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 02, 2020, 07:01:14 pm
Why isnt DC ded?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 02, 2020, 07:02:05 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 07:02:16 pm
Why isnt DC ded?
Poison triggers at the end of the night, not the end of the day. DC is merely informed of his demise should it happen tonight.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 07:03:31 pm
Why isnt DC ded?

I'm heartbroken... you want me gone so bad?

/me sniffles

Shitpost aside, I die at the end of the night.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 07:03:44 pm
He dies end of night, 2 nights after being originally targeted. Toadfish is so goddamn slow and i didnt realize that earlier either, thought it would be next night phase initially.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 07:05:00 pm
Alright, time for plans to take effect.

Annele is Otyugh, but ian/Anne not w/w suggests DC doesn't need to be on him, correct?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 07:06:12 pm
DC are you tryna tell us sth with the excessive use of red ink? Oh well, we'll know end of this night phase
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 07:08:33 pm
I'm bleeding out from the excessive fugu.

Shitpost aside,

So is DC's red lettering softing phoenix or softing scum?
Hes been using it all game

I meant to try to talk and soft something significant so mafia aims me instead of a useful role. But w3 died early, and then so many people got confirmed that it was impossible for mafia to even consider redirecting offensive skills, or the NK to me.

The red is arbitary. It's my 'war' chat colour. As opposed to this when not in 'war', ie, right now. I know I'm known for :time but I picked it to match the profile picture character mostly. Kinda.

Or I'm just a phoenix maf ready to pounce on your every. Single. Mistake.

TL;DR no real meaning, now was trying to bait maf kill/abilities but didn't work
I'm telling the truth though. I'm Town-sided Mind Flayer and I'll do what the plan does before I keel over
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 02, 2020, 07:09:16 pm
Also /me commands on forum is automatically red lol
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 07:13:21 pm
Well done today. It should be noted that just because someone jumped on my train doesn't mean they are in the clear. Its obvious, but ian would have flipped regardless, mafia could have jumped on board early to secure some sweet sweet town cred. I skipped breakfast for this game, so ima go get some food, and rest a bit :) (what should I get btw? Im so indecisive about food)

This extra day actually couldnt have come a better time, we have a lot of time to think about our plays today, because oh the times have changed.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 07:21:53 pm
[2020-06-02 14:32:45] killsdazombies: Hey ian
[2020-06-02 14:32:54] iancudorinmarian: hey
[2020-06-02 14:33:56] killsdazombies: When this is all over I really want some insight into the www3 thing, obv nothing now but it would be cool understand the mafia perspective of n0
[2020-06-02 14:34:11] iancudorinmarian: Sure
[2020-06-02 14:34:27] iancudorinmarian: I could even tell you right now if you want to
[2020-06-02 14:34:39] killsdazombies: Nah, I wouldnt believe it anyway
[2020-06-02 14:34:39] TheonlyrealBeef: That seems more like something fun than strategic if you ask me :silly:
[2020-06-02 14:35:07] iancudorinmarian: We picked w3 on a hunch
[2020-06-02 14:35:30] iancudorinmarian: You can't get more strategic than that with NK on N0
[2020-06-02 14:35:48] worldwideweb3: ‹@killsdazombies› is it really that hard? you obvs go for the best player and thats what they did :facepalm:
[2020-06-02 14:36:01] killsdazombies: Thats fair www3 :P
[2020-06-02 14:36:15] iancudorinmarian: We picked the most annoying player
[2020-06-02 14:36:24] killsdazombies: #roasted
[2020-06-02 14:36:48] TheonlyrealBeef: Wouldn't you want to keep those around to mess with town?
[2020-06-02 14:37:39] killsdazombies: Torb, when im mafia I usually just kill whoever I like the most
[2020-06-02 14:37:52] killsdazombies: Sends a message
[2020-06-02 14:38:19] iancudorinmarian: Don't worry townies, w3 would've been a terrible GN
[2020-06-02 14:38:23] killsdazombies: Feels fun to N0 your friend and then make eye contact as you put your head up to kill someone good
[2020-06-02 14:38:26] iancudorinmarian: We made you all a favour
[2020-06-02 14:42:19] PlayerOa: @kdz there is a dead player pad
[2020-06-02 14:42:42] iancudorinmarian: The legends are true PogChamp
[2020-06-02 14:42:43] killsdazombies: AWESOME
[2020-06-02 14:42:46] killsdazombies: Kill me now
[2020-06-02 14:42:56] killsdazombies: uhhhh I lied, ian is actually GN
[2020-06-02 14:43:09] iancudorinmarian: No, I choose death
[2020-06-02 14:43:09] PlayerOa: Does that mean the host wins?
[2020-06-02 14:43:18] rob77dp: host never wins, silly Oa
[2020-06-02 14:43:20] killsdazombies: The host never wins silly
[2020-06-02 14:43:22] killsdazombies: LMAO
[2020-06-02 14:43:26] iancudorinmarian: Bastard mod wins
[2020-06-02 14:43:27] killsdazombies: Rob, i love you
[2020-06-02 14:43:33] PlayerOa: :cwy:
[2020-06-02 14:43:47] rob77dp: kdz - start the club! ;)
[2020-06-02 14:44:18] rob77dp: I once played a game of mafia so bastard you wouldn't believe if I described it
[2020-06-02 14:44:23] killsdazombies: will do rob
[2020-06-02 14:44:34] killsdazombies: Dude, same
[2020-06-02 14:44:38] killsdazombies: I can be vicious in the right group
[2020-06-02 14:44:40] rob77dp: and also once played in a three-faction game (not here) that ended in a legit DRAW/tie/stalemate
[2020-06-02 14:44:50] killsdazombies: Once I did something kinda scummy though
[2020-06-02 14:45:09] killsdazombies: I Mk'd myself so town couldnt lynch me and they could actually lynch someone useful
[2020-06-02 14:45:12] killsdazombies: >,>
[2020-06-02 14:45:15] killsdazombies: Im not proud of that one
[2020-06-02 14:45:22] killsdazombies: well, I threatened to
[2020-06-02 14:45:27] iancudorinmarian: lol
[2020-06-02 14:45:28] rob77dp: bastard meaning... not mean/vicious/aggressive but as in unrelated or not born of a "real" mafia game :-s
[2020-06-02 14:45:35] killsdazombies: ahhhh
[2020-06-02 14:46:19] killsdazombies: We were playing with in person cards, and I was being a little TOO chaotic (IE Seconding every single accusation, just trying to be scummy af) and I finally had a line on the whole mafia group, but they were leading the charge on me
[2020-06-02 14:46:32] killsdazombies: so I said Id rather flip my card here and now so we could actually accomplish something today
[2020-06-02 14:46:47] killsdazombies: I was uhhh a little drunk at the time
[2020-06-02 14:46:52] rob77dp: :awesome: heh
[2020-06-02 14:46:55] killsdazombies: >,>
[2020-06-02 14:47:22] killsdazombies: I really hope my convention doesnt get canceled this year
[2020-06-02 14:47:27] killsdazombies: and by that I mean I hope this virus is over by then
[2020-06-02 14:47:32] rob77dp: this other game... well, it has a Serial Killer role (un-aligned faction of 1)
[2020-06-02 14:47:41] killsdazombies: I love that role
[2020-06-02 14:47:48] rob77dp: a secret unrevealed small quantity faction that converts
[2020-06-02 14:48:00] rob77dp: a town faction, regular town with some various town roles and such
[2020-06-02 14:48:07] rob77dp: a mafia faction
[2020-06-02 14:48:25] rob77dp: and if I recall correctly some sort of weird alter-faction unrelated to the above
[2020-06-02 14:48:30] killsdazombies: Oh so like a vampire/Werewolf
[2020-06-02 14:48:42] killsdazombies: Or something like that, I've played something similar
[2020-06-02 14:48:48] rob77dp: flip reveal modifying aspects
[2020-06-02 14:48:57] rob77dp: that is, a scum player flips and looks green, for the next day phase
[2020-06-02 14:49:10] DoubleCapitals: green as in
[2020-06-02 14:49:11] DoubleCapitals: town?
[2020-06-02 14:49:16] rob77dp: closed setup too, so going in the 20-some of us playing only knew a very small fraction of this outrageious stuff
[2020-06-02 14:49:33] rob77dp: yes DC - a non town player flipped GREEN when killed during the night
[2020-06-02 14:49:52] rob77dp: after end of the next day/night cycle the old post revealing that player's death changed to red and their actual non-town role/faction
[2020-06-02 14:49:55] rob77dp: :o
[2020-06-02 14:50:13] killsdazombies: I cant tell if that sounds awesome or awful
[2020-06-02 14:50:16] DoubleCapitals: oops
[2020-06-02 14:50:17] killsdazombies: Im leaning on awful rn
[2020-06-02 14:50:21] DoubleCapitals: isn't that a bit bastard
[2020-06-02 14:50:31] rob77dp: I don't regret participating
[2020-06-02 14:50:40] rob77dp: but if I knew going in what I know now I wouldn't sign up
[2020-06-02 14:50:44] DoubleCapitals: sounds like death miller which is a kinda
[2020-06-02 14:50:46] DoubleCapitals: touchy topic
[2020-06-02 14:50:53] DoubleCapitals: not here but elsewhere
[2020-06-02 14:51:01] rob77dp: it was def touchy in that game as things unfolded
[2020-06-02 14:51:24] rob77dp: I've been peeked red by real town cop when I am town before in a game as well >.< that was REALLY aggrevating.
[2020-06-02 14:51:56] DoubleCapitals: if i do go through with my closed
[2020-06-02 14:52:03] DoubleCapitals: I promise no lying about cop reports
[2020-06-02 14:52:08] DoubleCapitals: and no faction flips
[2020-06-02 14:54:10] DoubleCapitals: I should vote serp now
[2020-06-02 14:54:14] DoubleCapitals: for shits and giggles
[2020-06-02 14:55:39] killsdazombies: Side note I wish shock would shit post here instead of in thread
[2020-06-02 14:55:45] killsdazombies: Would be much easier to shitpost back
[2020-06-02 14:56:08] iancudorinmarian: Imagine reading shock's posts
[2020-06-02 14:56:28] DoubleCapitals: im still salty he got a more fun role than me
[2020-06-02 14:56:30] DoubleCapitals: i want a refund
[2020-06-02 14:56:32] DoubleCapitals: :^)
[2020-06-02 14:56:44] killsdazombies: I like shitposts ian
[2020-06-02 14:56:59] iancudorinmarian: Oa bastard mod, he gave me Squid
[2020-06-02 14:57:03] killsdazombies: and dc, well, i hate to break it to you, but you might be returned to sender tonight >,>
[2020-06-02 14:57:07] iancudorinmarian: Which is unusable
[2020-06-02 14:57:15] killsdazombies: I was actually really really worried about squid
[2020-06-02 14:57:22] iancudorinmarian: Because you get lynched the moment you use it
[2020-06-02 14:57:44] killsdazombies: Mafia squid could cause Lynch or Lose to happen a day in advance without anyone knowing it
[2020-06-02 14:57:56] DoubleCapitals: so can Oty/Toadfish
[2020-06-02 14:57:59] iancudorinmarian: That was the plan
[2020-06-02 14:58:01] DoubleCapitals: and they're more fun
[2020-06-02 14:58:14] DoubleCapitals: ‹@killsdazombies› no u
[2020-06-02 14:58:14] iancudorinmarian: But yeah, it's worse oty/toad
[2020-06-02 14:58:17] DoubleCapitals: no us
[2020-06-02 14:58:21] killsdazombies: Yeah but squid is more fun imo
[2020-06-02 14:58:34] PlayerOa: ‹@iancudorinmarian› <3 you too
[2020-06-02 14:58:40] killsdazombies: You get to publicly stand up and tell everyone they lost to their face
[2020-06-02 14:58:48] killsdazombies: then NK someone
[2020-06-02 14:58:54] killsdazombies: Its the ultimate gloat role
[2020-06-02 14:59:13] iancudorinmarian: Then random angel/warden
[2020-06-02 14:59:19] iancudorinmarian: And you're fked
[2020-06-02 14:59:41] killsdazombies: I originally was hoping for Mafia/Splatoon
[2020-06-02 15:00:04] killsdazombies: We could have traded lives ian
[2020-06-02 15:00:10] killsdazombies: It would have been wonderful
[2020-06-02 15:00:20] DoubleCapitals: can y'all dance in my coffin in my honour
[2020-06-02 15:00:23] iancudorinmarian: You chose to live
[2020-06-02 15:00:36] killsdazombies: I can do a mean grave waltz dc
[2020-06-02 15:00:44] PlayerOa: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game...
[2020-06-02 15:00:48] killsdazombies: Life is not a choice ian, but a curse
[2020-06-02 15:01:03] killsdazombies: and Im happy to free you of yours
[2020-06-02 15:01:04] iancudorinmarian: RIP
[2020-06-02 15:02:23] PlayerOa: YESS iancu that's some quality death post
[2020-06-02 15:02:55] DoubleCapitals: Oa hasn't told me I'm dying
[2020-06-02 15:02:58] DoubleCapitals: I live, biotch
[2020-06-02 15:03:00] DoubleCapitals: :^)
[2020-06-02 15:03:11] killsdazombies: Sad days
[2020-06-02 15:03:14] killsdazombies: I mean uhh
[2020-06-02 15:03:16] killsdazombies: good news DC!
[2020-06-02 15:03:21] PlayerOa: ‹@iancudorinmarian› PMed you dead pad
[2020-06-02 15:04:23] DoubleCapitals: ‹@PlayerOa› boo, you whore :(
[2020-06-02 15:05:07] worldwideweb3: ;shouldve made night a day shorter instead of a day longer :sillyspin:
[2020-06-02 15:10:28] DoubleCapitals: ‹@killsdazombies› aw
[2020-06-02 15:10:32] DoubleCapitals: looks like i die after all
[2020-06-02 15:10:56] PlayerOa: Also someone post this chatlog
[2020-06-02 15:11:07] PlayerOa: Whenever it ends, ofc :P
[2020-06-02 15:11:09] rob77dp: you're not my boss!
[2020-06-02 15:11:23] rob77dp: wait, sort of you are I guess
[2020-06-02 15:11:30] PlayerOa: Wanna get modkilled?
[2020-06-02 15:11:35] PlayerOa: :whistling:
[2020-06-02 15:12:15] iancudorinmarian: Try modkilling me, you bastard mod!
[2020-06-02 15:13:10] PlayerOa: I lowkey should have done 1 minute before deadline
[2020-06-02 15:14:38] killsdazombies: I just dont want to do the effort
[2020-06-02 15:14:42] killsdazombies: What should I make for food
[2020-06-02 15:14:48] killsdazombies: Or should I order out

Two layers of spoilers, First is the chat log from the EoD stuff, Second spoiler is us talking about Bastard games, not related to this mafia topic, but still, mafia enough i wouldnt feel comfortable not including it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 07:25:40 pm
Lawwwdy that first sweet red flip is the fuel that ignites the solving engine to churn. Time to finally get some RED on wagonomics graphics and whatnot. Also, looking I might have swung a big goose egg on my latest scum-pool of kdz / Annele / Cal / Ge0 (I think the latter is a beacon of hope that I'm not absolutely terrible at this game). kills welcome to the club.

My town core, ride or die, after the flip-

Sub, you're still close by and I have a town-read on you... but today's events just have these other three obviously far ahead of you.

And I'm going to start out at least considering Annele/iancu as not-w/w so Annele welcome to neutral land for a bit while I sort it out later tonight.

I think EOD 1 action by iancu was intent to kill voting on Annele, which leaves me pondering how likely he would have been to bus a teammate that was somewhat inactive and getting heat early. I've posted elsewhere that I think those two are not-w/w.... but on re-read Annele was a legit wagon with chance to die on Day 1 which is when a bus attempt can 'feel right' for scum to do. I'm tunneling aren't I?

The shock/kae thing needs lots of attention I'd say too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 02, 2020, 07:26:21 pm
Hmm, no. I think phase 3 will have to wait until after this night phase ends. Time to move back into the shadows. The night shall simmer, but come morning, the sun will burn a fiery red, exposing the shadows of the evil.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 07:29:29 pm
serp Deja

kdz GN on cooldown
mw Dragonfly

timpa ?
rob Egg

sub ?

kae Shrieker, have fun underground
dc Flayer, target Annele
cal Green, target timpa or sub today

shock Egg?

annele Oty, target geo

geo ?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2020, 07:32:05 pm
Rob, you are experiencing my exact wave of emotions and thoughts about annele. Ive been struggling a lot, and their lack of content hasn't really made it much easier to come to a good conclusion on them. I think tonight will have a lot of digging and drawing connections.

I agree on the whole shock/kae thing too its all very very confusing to me. I'm hoping a reread with this ian revelation will bring about some insight I didnt previously have.

I'm going to take some time to decompress and relax though, eod had me stressing. I'll be back later tonight :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 07:39:14 pm
On ian/annele w/w: ian came to save Linkcat, which is good town cred, but at a time when they were going vs timpa. Then Linkcat lead a change on Annele which would be real scummy to not go along with, such as when you're Sub going to bed 1:22 before hard deadline
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 02, 2020, 07:58:51 pm
Here rob, have a bad pun.

I couldn't be more pleased ian. With the flip OR the 'comic'. RIP.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 08:00:36 pm
Potential check: someone with higher priority than Anubis target kaempf
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 02, 2020, 08:02:08 pm
I should have stuck to my guns and paid more attention to ian's subtle scummy actions during early phases.

My town core, ride or die, after the flip-

Sub, you're still close by and I have a town-read on you... but today's events just have these other three obviously far ahead of you.
Understandable. This was a good harvest, and I feel like we are back on track after a losing streak, so no worries.

cal Green, target timpa or sub today
I do not require greens tonight, feel free to poke elsewhere.

Then Linkcat lead a change on Annele which would be real scummy to not go along with, such as when you're Sub going to bed 1:22 before hard deadline
It was midnight and I wanted to go to sleep. But out of curiosity, I decided to read the final few pages before turning off the computer, then I saw my name being called out, which made me skip ahead in urgency and drop a vote on Annele. Link was upset, I thought he was lynched, and I almost started blaming myself. I quickly entered Blab chat to confirm the situation. Then www told me to go to sleep, so I did.

In hindsight, I should have only read the latest posts and shouldn't have cared about reading up. (TWICE!)

Updates in my readlist:

4. Annele: I read back ian's posts, and he had a lot of heat against Annele. +
11. MasterWalks: He confirmed the tiebreaker between kdz and ian. +
15. killsdazombies: He kills da zombies. ++

Reading more into v/w and w/w interactions is not something I planned for today, so let that be a song for another day.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 08:02:25 pm
Oh neat Calindu can do that. So Calindu please target kaempfer again to make sure you can't target him anymore
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 08:35:54 pm
Potential check: someone with higher priority than Anubis target kaempf
At first i thought that plan was stupid, but then i remembered that Calindu already targeted me last round, so it actually works, as if i was Anubis that wasted his ability n2 on serp my ability wouldnt be ready until this night. So yh sure, since I'm obv not confirmed enough go for it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 08:37:23 pm
Also: why didn't ian target Calindu N2?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 08:40:10 pm
Side question to Oa: Do you get notified if you receive a buff you already received before? That would technically make my roleclaim not completely waterproof after all this(could have used immortality last night if I had received adrenaline earlier), but what can i do.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 02, 2020, 08:41:57 pm
Also: why didn't ian target Calindu N2?
He said (officially here) he was afraid that ever using that ability would confirm him scum. And sure enough MW tracked him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 08:42:21 pm
Side question to Oa: if a player is targetted by both Freeze & Adrenaline, are they notified that they were frozen?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 02, 2020, 08:42:51 pm
Also: why didn't ian target Calindu N2?
He said (officially here) he was afraid that ever using that ability would confirm him scum. And sure enough MW tracked him.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 02, 2020, 08:43:53 pm
kaempfer: no
serp: yes
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 03, 2020, 03:43:57 am
serp - nice plan, I say. Any loose ideas for the eggs of the world out there? I tried getting fancy last night phase and don't really feel it helped much... how do we think we keep tabs on Annele taking the shot? or keeping kdz safe? or babysitting shock? etc...
serp Deja

kdz GN on cooldown
mw Dragonfly

timpa ?
rob Egg

sub ?

kae Shrieker, have fun underground
dc Flayer, target Annele
cal Green, target timpa or sub today

shock Egg?

annele Oty, target geo

geo ?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 03:53:24 am
Reminder that that plan is outdated, as Cal should be targetting kae

I expect a quiet night. Unless shock's phase 3 really is on tonight
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 03, 2020, 03:58:38 am
serp, do you not trust annele enough that you still want me to flay her
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 04:13:55 am
Annele's second scummiest of 12 players. 3 scum left. Plus, in this scenario, we have to assume you're town

So 7 solid town out of 12. Leaves 60% Annele is scum as an optimistic estimate

Is it worth it for scum!Annele to seek town cred & devour geo? No, because right now geo being tomorrow's next lynch is her way to survive another day. So 60% we skip lynch but are now in a world where Annele isn't tomorrow's mislynch, 40% we skip a NK by accelerating geo's flip & get to flip shock before Annele

But I expect Anubis would target geo in that world. & mw won't see who targetted geo if he targets geo because Anubis blocks that. So in the 40% world we don't get an extra lynch

tl;dr DC please continue targetting Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 04:15:08 am
Paragraph 3 pretty terribly worded but I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to repair
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 03, 2020, 04:15:26 am
andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
*abstention* (3) - DC, TorB, kdz

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (9) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, Submachine, andretimpa

From Day 2, I think Cal gets a town lean/bump because I suspect ian would have felt motivation to be on Link to better ensure not losing Cal in that EOD2. Nothing solid, but ... yeah.
Still on Day 2, it looks to me like at least one of Ge0 / Annele / DC is mafia should Cal be town. We'll know on DC soonTM... was that remnant of a kae wagon on Day 2 end leftoevers from a race between Annele and kae that day? I could see a scum!Annele scenario where teammates Ge0/Annele are motivated to be on kae to make sure his wagong gains steam to surpass Annele but then when Link/Cal take over as the leading lynch candidates (if Cal is town) then it went from saving scum!Annele to t/t wagons and as mafia who gives a rip in that world right? (Fly in my soup, or wrench in my plans, there being that I think Annele probably legit AWOL at EOD.)

Ugh - getting late for me tonight and those EOD totals are making me cross-eyed. Maybe others weigh in? Or I'll look more later.

Note: kdz/MW are green because I consider them lock!town; serp is lock for me too. I obviously colored myself YMMV.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 03, 2020, 10:24:43 am
In for a quick note to say that if anyone else has a GN use tonight, I volunteer to be checked. Being conftown seems much more fun than regular n, then people would finally stop saying that "Sub is just Sub".
(Previous day I thought Cal can make kdz use his ability again today, but then I remembered GN has a special restriction. So this is mostly for Eggs and other Vultures.)

I also believe I have stuff that can contribute more on the long run.~

For any Psions out there, I suggest checking Geo's claim. He is one of the 4-5 people who can be Anubis.

It has been only implied but not said outright, but in case DC does not block Annele, that seems to be the concensus that Annele does not use her ability tonight anyway. (So, just in case DC doesn't do the flay, Annele can stay.)

I already know what I am doing tonight.~

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 03, 2020, 10:30:15 am
Being conftown seems much more fun than regular n, then people would finally stop saying that "Sub is just Sub".
Sasuga Sub-sama
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 03, 2020, 11:05:41 am
Hot take if I flip scum y'all should look at Annele scum too

Mind Flayer on someone who's gonna unleash a special surprise and doesn't need to use her ability until the time is ripe - good shit.

Doesn't mean she's town if I flip town though
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 12:59:11 pm
Huh missed geo's last 3 posts. Interesting
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 01:32:19 pm
geo: please target me tonight
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 01:39:35 pm
lol I just woke up, so missed two things: I'm immaterial & obsession doesn't notify

Prefer geo to target Annele & then we can have competing wagons between them
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 03, 2020, 02:02:10 pm
I can't seem to shake this sensation of something being "off" about shock\kae duo... Ge0 approach to the kdz train on day 3 was odd if Ge0 is scum as kdz is very likely town and scum would know this so why make up some weird kdz!town reason to not take the "self-pres" freebie opportunity to vote on kdz?? Reading Ge0 last few posts again has me doubting my scum read on him at this point... Hmmm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 02:07:19 pm
team: geo/ian/kdz/annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 03, 2020, 02:07:46 pm
I'm also not too keen on Sub's desire to be checked... There are I believe better POE targets, ones much more valuable for town to clear\catch then a widely townread Sub.

You're not trying to direct a possible extra GN onto you knowing their is a guard or other ability going to block it, are you? That would be scummy. Especially under the guise of how much fun it would be for you to be confirmed?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 03, 2020, 02:11:36 pm
team: geo/ian/kdz/annele
so hypothesis being Ian volunteered or was chosen as tribute to deep cover kdz, they play out some theatrics in the thread day 3, and Ge0 didn't want to vote his teammate kdz so he pre-reads kdz as town on flimsy reasoning? Annele just being a high scumread to fill out the quartet?

\shock probably a great precog target if there is one running around.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 02:13:00 pm

Sub - Bad plans as usual.


This gave me such town reads on ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 03, 2020, 03:28:11 pm
I'm also not too keen on Sub's desire to be checked... There are I believe better POE targets, ones much more valuable for town to clear\catch then a widely townread Sub.

You're not trying to direct a possible extra GN onto you knowing their is a guard or other ability going to block it, are you? That would be scummy. Especially under the guise of how much fun it would be for you to be confirmed?
I don't see a problem with that scenario. If it fails, it's a free lynch on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 03, 2020, 06:10:35 pm
I'm also not too keen on Sub's desire to be checked... There are I believe better POE targets, ones much more valuable for town to clear\catch then a widely townread Sub.

You're not trying to direct a possible extra GN onto you knowing their is a guard or other ability going to block it, are you? That would be scummy. Especially under the guise of how much fun it would be for you to be confirmed?
I don't see a problem with that scenario. If it fails, it's a free lynch on me.
which is bad if you're town and scum immaterializes you or guards or something. I guess my main point really is that IF town had peeks in play I think someone from the Poe (not dead-soon-DC) is better town return value. No, maybe not, am I wrong? Just weighing in - a peek is a peek I guess but we want to be as smart as possible with it should it be available.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 03, 2020, 06:52:13 pm
You're not wrong
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 03, 2020, 07:52:27 pm
Alright, sorry for the trouble then.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 04, 2020, 02:11:28 am
No trouble I'd say. Time will tell how interesting I find you seemingly earnest desire to get checked though. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 05, 2020, 05:36:45 am
anyone wants to tell me stuff before I die to the deadly neurotoxin
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 05, 2020, 05:43:49 am
This shitpost has no meaning. It is only here to hide the fact I posted in the F&H 5 thread.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 10:33:04 am

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 10:39:34 am

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

After some rethinking every other team just makes less sense. my cases on them arent particularly solid, but everyone else is townier or doesnt fit in with the remaining team.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 10:48:19 am
But anyway here's my attempt at casing them:

Ge0: pretty straightforward, everything he does just seems to try and meet expectations rather than solve. He made a readlist once where he put people at not n because people asked him to and since has made his votes pretty much in accordance to that readlist with no new reasons given.

shockcannon: As an egg with unclaimed n1 action he could well be the anubis that targeted serp. also, it's shock, so I'm used to him being extremely antitown town and pretty much just accept any decent reason to tr him. I dont think his behaviour was worse than usual ftr and claiming gn on me is mostly towny, but I have been so horribly wrong he might actually wanted me alive. at this point other people have been townier, so I think he falls off by PoE.

andre: Has just been really mediocre and doesnt gain towncred for voting alongside ian anymore; who knows why scum wanted Annele dead moreso than Link but ian pretty much proves they did.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 05, 2020, 01:07:42 pm

At last some activity in this thread. Sorry for just being over there, this has been very low on my priorities these last days. Here's a detail you forgot: since rob targeted serp in n1 he could also have been the anubis.

 I do agree however that between rob and shock, shock has been playing the scummier game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 05, 2020, 01:53:27 pm
kae: recall that timpa had the lead on votes & it was moe that moved his vote from timpa to linkcat
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 02:15:41 pm
Yh, also at a time it was iancu who brought andre in the lead. Hm. But anyway almost everyone else is either mechanically (semi-) clear, very towny (you know I'm not gonna back down from thinking rob's town sans drastic relevations) or ian has been trying extra hard to killl them off.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 02:18:45 pm
also, I think if rob was the Anubis but wanted to claim targeting because he thought a dragonfly might be on him (if it was a psion no roleclaim would have saved him), he would probably claim Guardian Angel, as thats less controversial.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 02:24:08 pm
oh wow, i forgot to color kdz limegreen. Obv just an oversight.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 05, 2020, 06:03:45 pm
I'm gonna die soon so uh, time to write my death speech.

Ian, thanks for taking the fall for us, I had hope we didn't need to and I tried my best to point fingers at kdz himself, I tried to defend him to the end and maybe I've bussed you too late? I'll meet you soon. You did great, bud.

Shock, man, your energy is really something (not something I can always keep up with, but you're always fun to see). Keep it up and we'll reach the endgame soon ;)

Annele... uh, just eat someone tonight LOL. Try to pin the shit on Geo for ez mislynch. We should be at LyLo within a day or two.

Eh, didn't wanna do a "You are already dead", so....

Overheard in Elements Forums after Mafia 73:
“He got me,” DC said of Linkcat's dunk over him. "That f***ing Link boomed me."
DC added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times.
DC then said he wanted to add Link to the list of scumhunters he works out with this summer.

Right, DC out, y'all
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 05, 2020, 06:21:18 pm
If you are mafia you gotta post meme pictures so we have something to remember you by
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 05, 2020, 06:25:16 pm
If you're GA protect geo
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 05, 2020, 06:30:01 pm
If you are mafia you gotta post meme pictures so we have something to remember you by

Oa be looking at me like
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 05, 2020, 06:42:29 pm
If you are mafia you gotta post meme pictures so we have something to remember you by

Oa be looking at me like

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 05, 2020, 06:59:40 pm
Final read list for if I die today


Geo - My gut says DC's post is WIFOM. Geo did "Side" with me earlier, calling me probably town, but I don't buy it. Theyve said shit that sounds good, but they haven't actually contributed something of value. It looks, at least to me, like a mafia trying to get credit for "I told you guys they were town" when I flipped that day. I could be wrong, I'm only about 75/25 sure on them. Serp can decide if thats good enough for them.

DC - Hopefully you flip mafia mate. I was honestly starting to doubt myself just a little bit at the end there. Also, fun closing post.

Annele (N-) - Please post something. Honestly, this flying under the radar thing is going to be up soon.

Timpa (N+) -
Ian voted with intent Here
andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
Which brings me to doubt them as mafia, they aren't in the clear, it could have been ian trying to secure some town cred by sacing off timpa, but I doubt that would happen on D1. I'm really unsure on this, but I want to believe they are town.

Sub (N) - Playing a usual sub game. I can't quite get a read on them. Usually I get like, a gut feeling and sorta run with that, but with I examine subs posts I get... nothing. Its really weird. They seem like they are playing a town game, but under a different light some of their calls for mass role claim and some shaky plans to have themselves targeted with GN makes me uncomfortable.

Shock (???) - What the fuck is even happening here. You could kill them for the sake of stability and I wouldnt bat an eye.

Calin (N-) - At this point cali exists in a state of flux for me. I think its entirely possible they could flip either way, and I wouldn't be surprised. I would guess if DC flips mafia, we should trust linkcats initial read, if it was on the money once it might be twice.

Rob - Serp seems to trust them, and I trust serp.

MW - I dont think the mafia would have risked such a public discussion on ian, I was initially upset at MW for ruining my "Master plan" but I misunderstood their role, and to an extent my own.
Kae - In the Shock/Kae scenario I admit, I'm very confused. They're posting incredibly town though, so I place my faith in them

Me - I believe I was conf in my fight with ian, but some of ya'll have some tinfoil so wtf do I know
Serp - Conf by moe

I would like to add, in my eyes NO ONE should get town cred for ians death. The mafia knew ian would die eventually either that day or the next. It would make sense to hop on ian early, and i'm SURE ian is smart enough to suggest that himself.

My final words - Eye up geo. My previous list was Ian/Geo/DC/???

If were lucky, we enter tonight needing to only find two left.

Geo/Shock/Cali are all prime suspects, but don't disregard Annele/Timpa.

Please beat my prediction of 2 mafia then lose.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 05, 2020, 07:04:34 pm
Day 4

Your survived the night, hurray. You get to live for another day.

serprex was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Deja Vu.

DoubleCapitals died of Poison. He was an Elemental and a Mind Flayer.

Day 4 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 05, 2020, 07:05:12 pm
I'll start off by saying my ability failed on kae
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 07:08:02 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

welp, thats the only one I have a decently well-founded scumread on
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 05, 2020, 07:10:40 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 05, 2020, 07:11:42 pm
Ge0metry v1.2

3 v 7

Assuming the do some shenanigans during the night, I think the worst we can get its 3 - 4 unless they have anubis AND Warden AND otyugh.

While I support a geo kill right now, I think its important to wait for people to get on. I'm interested to hear what some people have to say, in particular Kae on the failed target, MW on anything they learned, and the fate eggs.

@DC You baited me you nerd
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 05, 2020, 07:13:16 pm
I already saw it coming.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 07:18:12 pm
rob, did you have your shocking revelation?

SHOCKed if ian flips and is town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 07:24:44 pm
Nevermind, the way i did that was stupid. Rob might understand what I meant.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 07:27:01 pm
Ge0metry v1.2

3 v 7

Assuming the do some shenanigans during the night, I think the worst we can get its 3 - 4 unless they have anubis AND Warden AND otyugh.

While I support a geo kill right now, I think its important to wait for people to get on. I'm interested to hear what some people have to say, in particular Kae on the failed target, MW on anything they learned, and the fate eggs.

@DC You baited me you nerd
I'm burrowed obv; i claimed crusader, becoming shrieker, have received adrenaline from Cal last night so i can vote and he targeted me again to check that my claim is true.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 05, 2020, 07:36:13 pm
Oh, I just completely misinterpreted serps plan. My bad kae. I was thinking that the goal was to make sure you weren't an anubis, and have you not burrow tonight, to see if cali could target you and you hadn't been anubis'd before. I see now how that both is bad and doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 05, 2020, 07:49:29 pm
rob, did you have your shocking revelation?

SHOCKed if ian flips and is town.
Nevermind, the way i did that was stupid. Rob might understand what I meant.
I think I have a minor revelation... But only on phone a little now to check start of day etc. Sadly I think MW and I crossed streams last night. Back later around ~6 hours should be.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 05, 2020, 07:51:15 pm
Also shock, your phase three is probably time to unleash eh? Interested to find out about that when I come back.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 07:57:14 pm
Are we certain there is an Anubis?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 08:00:02 pm
Here is all the relevant spew I could find from ian; just dumping it here for now, will work through it in time. I left out the obv parts that point to kdz town, it goes without saying.

1) My vote switches weren't random.
2) rob is currently my strongest town read after the deja vu pair
This looks like Calin and ian are not aligned.

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Fine by me.
Seems reluctant, I'll have to find the conversation that led up to this.

Iancu are you okay with lynching andre? If so then we can end this charade. Annele is being voted as a viable counterwagon because shock, MW, and serp are being dumb by voting me, Annele and kaempfer's votes are legit.
I don't even know anymore. Way too much stuff going on. I could be persuaded to lynch you, even. I'll try the Annele lynch, I'll see where trusting rob takes me.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

TorB, I'm not going to do a read on everyone. I simply lack the motivation to go through so many posts. If there are a few people I've omitted that you want an opinion on, feel free to ask.
andre and Sub currently have the most lynch votes. You put Sub as n, so let's look at andre. Are you okay with him being lynched, or is there someone else you would prefer getting lynched?
I wouldn't be opposed to a timpa lynch tbh. He didn't really contribute much except for a small poke at rob. Although I don't necessarily scumread him (timpa), I'm still against no-lynch as a concept. So unless timpa comes up with something, I would probably place him at "n-".

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

Albeit late, here's my updated readlist.

serprex - you know why

rob - Still my strongest town read. Make of that what you wish.

TorB - I can see where kae is coming from, but it feels way too conspiracy theory to me. TorB is still a town-lean for me.
MW - Not sure what to think of him. He's asking for the reads of some very specific people. Town behaviour, I'd say.

shock - I don't even read his posts. I'm too low IQ to understand, so I just ignore.
Calin - I haven't seen anything unusual from him yet.
Sub - I don't know. I don't like reading walls of texts, so I kinda ignore those. People with more patience can feel free to analyze them better.
kdz, DC, Ge0 - No clue whatsoever.

Linkcat - U N L Y N C H A B L E
andre - Still one of the people I suspect. To be honest, I don't like how easy it was to forget about him entirely.

Annele - I really don't like how hard she was to lynch D1.
kae - As said, his theories feel way too conspiracy-oriented.


This is about the point in the game(s?) I recall town you revealing juicy tidbits of info you've collected while flying mostly under the radar. Remind me, are you just sheeping my Annele read or are you on an independent scumread of her??
Unfortunately, my role is not an information role at all, and that's all I'll say about it.

My Annele scumread started with sheeping yours, but while you seem to have mostly let that be in the past, I'm still clinging on to it. That's about all I have, even at this late stage of the game. I don't really have a plan tbh, too many fate eggs, too many unknowns still.
I kinda skimmed through posts. So I guess it's time to make up my own list.

vv - deja vu's. Impossible (?) to counterclaim

rob - I really think he's just town fate egg and didn't want to "waste" his ability. Arguably a bad decision, but I  don't think he's mafia.

TorB - similar playstyle as last time I played with him.

Linkcat - Probably hardest person to read for me, so better players will have to keep an eye up for slip-ups.
Sub - Bad plans as usual.

shock - I agree, he's too quiet. Although he could just be bored. Out of town, apparently

Fixing vote count. Also, probably not voting today.

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 08:01:24 pm
Wait. If serp's plan was not to test kae's immortality, then what was the point of Calindu targeting him? He would be immaterial regardless of Shrieker or Immaterial, so it would have failed regardless of priority.

I think I have a minor revelation... [...] Sadly I think MW and I crossed streams last night.
I think you think the same thing as I am thinking. Third time's the charm, eh?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 08:02:15 pm
Anubis is slower than adrenaline
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 08:03:54 pm
Are we certain there's an Anubis?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 05, 2020, 08:04:32 pm
Are we certain there's an Anubis?
nah, it was you who targeted serp n1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 08:06:56 pm
I'll try the Annele lynch, I'll see where trusting rob takes me.
This is what sticks out to me at first glance. If Ian knew Annele was town, maybe he wanted to throw shade at rob in case the lynch succeeds. Or he did not want to be held responsible for a lynch that he knew was going to flip town.

Are we certain there's an Anubis?
Serprex claimed to become immaterial one night. If anyone became immaterial tonight, that proves there is Anubis.

But for all we know, it could have been a Fate Egg messing with us.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 08:11:29 pm
So just to silence MasterWalks making random theories..

Mafia has an anubis. That anubis has secured NK on me (to be refunded whenever) to prevent Heal blocking

Either rob is town fate egg psion who was blocked due to that immaterial, or rob's anubis scum & came up with a "I was actually psion" story to cover for his night action. If link/rob are w/w, link's plans would be created after he knows rob's anubis roll to setup that play
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 08:23:19 pm

I need a role claim from you now otherwise I will have to vote you up unfortunately.


I know you're town. Since I'm pretty much the only one who has trusted you this entire time I would like you to trust me as well. Unless you or I come upon some revelation in the next day, make sure you devour Calindu the next night. Ignore what others say.

@everyone else

Phase 3 of my plan will begin once Ge0 role claims OR if andretimpa and submachine share who they visited last night.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 05, 2020, 08:31:49 pm
Serp wanted me to claim - I'm ghost in the past. If I can be useful (assuming I survive the day), feel free to let me know.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 08:33:49 pm
Phase 3 of my plan will begin once Ge0 role claims OR if andretimpa and submachine share who they visited last night.
I visited you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 08:37:38 pm
I think I understand what shock is waiting for. For the record, MasterWalks saw me target Linkcat earlier who did not become immaterial. That, or Link did not feel like speaking up about it.

I already limited the PoE to 5 players. I gotta find where my post is.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 05, 2020, 08:39:59 pm
The list of possible Anubises is not very long.
If I count that Annele cannot be Anubis and if I believe rob's reports, then only the following people can be it:

1. iancudorinmarian
12. andretimpa
14. shockcannon (Fate Egg)
15. killsdazombies
18. Ge0metry v1.2

@MasterWalks: If you have seen one of these people target someone, please help to narrow the list.

AFAIK, shock has not said anything about his N1 action, so it is possible that he got Anubis from Fate Egg.
Found it. And the list is now even smaller.

12. andretimpa
14. shockcannon (Fate Egg)
18. Ge0metry v1.2

@shock: If I am correct about what you have in mind, I see no reason why you would not reveal what you found.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 05, 2020, 08:58:47 pm

I need a role claim from you now otherwise I will have to vote you up unfortunately.


I know you're town. Since I'm pretty much the only one who has trusted you this entire time I would like you to trust me as well. Unless you or I come upon some revelation in the next day, make sure you devour Calindu the next night. Ignore what others say.

@everyone else

Phase 3 of my plan will begin once Ge0 role claims OR if andretimpa and submachine share who they visited last night.

I didn't target anyone last night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 09:35:49 pm
Mafia slipped up big time and now it's checkmate. Phase 3 is currently being typed up. Many of you will be skeptical because it's coming from me, and I do not play mafia in the traditional fashion. Some might consider that play to be suboptimal and even harmful to town, but without my 4d chess tactics I would never have been able to achieve what I have.

Before the big post comes, I will you leave you all with this very relevant and humorous snip of conversation.

kaempfer, welcome to "connecting with shock" I guess?

FYI, shock - I'm going to read every spoiler anybody makes... why wouldn't I? A spoiler possibly contains information or something to look into, I need information so don't expect me to avoid any sort of spoiler you give. ALso, seems odd you are hinting at thinking opening your spoilers is in some way alignment indicative??!

It is indicative of shock's reads. They are different from reads another person would make in his position. He's playing his own game, which he is winning by a landslide btw.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 11:09:52 pm
Phase 3: The Reveal

I am going to start by listing who I think the 3 remaining mafia are. I will then begin by listing facts and using those to make conclusions that support my mafia. Any "facts" about myself or relating to the results of my role are obviously potential lies, but I am going to treat them as facts.

I have lied previously in this game. It served a purpose but I understand that some are very ingrained in the idea that town should never have a reason to lie. I disagree, but I understand the sentiment and that is what this disclaimer is for. HOWEVER, I DO PROMISE TO TELL THE TRUTH IN EVERYTHING I POST FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS GAME. If you don't believe me, then you should probably consider me mafia and vote me out. I do think that's a close-minded and rookie mistake, but I won't tell you how to play as I have chosen to play my own way as well.

I may make some incriminating statements about Submachine. I wanted to wait for him to reveal his role before I posted, but I'd rather not wait on the post. Sub already claimed he visited me last night, and this may be used as a way to throw blame on me. I'm pretty sure I'm the only role that could fact check Submachine, so it's really just his word vs. mine if it comes down to it. This is an unfortunate circumstance, but you can always just lynch one of us to find the truth.

Proposed mafia:
Ge0metry v1.2 (I used to think this was a lock, but after analyzing all the possible mafia teams, I think there's only like a 10% chance Ge0 is mafia. In fact, it looks as if the real mafia have set up Ge0 to be the perfect scapegoat to use late game when they just need to survive one last turn.)


1.) My role is Psion. I am not fate egg. I am not golden nymph. I am Psion. Here are my results:

N0 --> kaempfer13 (crusader - role had not been used yet since psion has lowest priority)
N1 --> moehrpi (deja vu - this was a wasted use but it only wastes 1 night and it's pretty much a guaranteed win if they ended up being mafia)
N2 --> Annele (Otyugh)
N3 --> Ge0 (Ghost of the Past)

2.) Serprex was given immortality by what is likely mafia Anubis to prevent town from possibly healing him.

Knowing fact #2, I think can safely say that there is an Anubis, or at least a fate egg Anubis who is mafia and used immortality on serprex. So, if we can find this Anubis we can find a mafia. Well let's go down the list of who it could be from the remaining players.

Potential Anubis:
shockcannon - psion
kaempfer - crusader
Annele - Otyugh
Ge0metry v1.2 - Ghost of the Past
!Calindu - Green Nymph
*killsdazombie - Vulture turned Golden Nymph
*MasterWalks - Dragonfly

andretimpa - ??
Submachine - ??
rob77dp - Fate Egg or Otyugh

* = MW and kdz technically not confirmed but let's be real, their roles are pretty much confirmed even if their alignment is not. I can also confirm either of their roles the next night if need be.
! = In case anyone forgot, TorB who is a confirmed town claimed that he received adrenaline, and Calindu claimed to be green nymph with no one contesting.


So let's break down the remaining 3 suspects.

This player has already been on the chopping block once for an extreme lack of substance in posts. Additionally, we have no idea what role andre is because andre has never revealed any of that. However, andre was extremely close to dying Day 1, which is the least likely day for a mafia to be lynched. Mafia has the most control while the town has the least information at this time. Additionally, ian had voted on andre with intent to kill. This clears andre for me. I personally don't need more evidence to be convinced that andre is town. Now, it's possible he's Anubis and town so we need a roleclaim, but I'm assuming that the Anubis is a mafia member, and I don't think andre is a mafia.

Submachine claims to have visited me N3. I was not given immortality. This clears Submachine for me. (Obviously you might think we're both mafia, but I can only state things from my point of view.)

Remember when I said rob was mafia back in day 1? Remember when I said rob was mafia back in day 2? Well serprex also thought he was mafia but somehow he just slips through the cracks. Anyways, this is the third, last, and most likely mafia Anubis in the game. He even said he would target serprex. Great excuse to justify his visit just in case there was a firefly or something on serprex. Conveniently uses the psion as a perfect scapegoat to justify visiting serprex only to give him immortality. We lost our most afk town N0 who no one would care if they died. Then our confirmed town gets immortality the same night our fate egg visits him? Like this isn't a coincidence folks. We have our mafia right here.

Stop using emotional reads when there are mechanical reads available. I'm sick of this "if rob is mafia then I deserve to lose. He has to be town." Rob is a good player. He knows how to trick you. But they slipped up. It can literally only be rob or Submachine as andretimpa is basically confirmed town due to ian's voting.

If you are town Anubis and you mistakenly gave serprex immortality you need to speak up right now. Regardless you need to claim because if you're not Anubis we pretty much found our mafia in rob.

This was a lot to write and I'm a bit tired so I'll follow up some time in the near future with why I'm quite certain kaempfer and Submachine are the last 2 mafia. For now, I want to hear thoughts on what I've written so far, because I know I'm pretty much the only one who thinks and has thought that rob is mafia. I basically just mechanically confirmed him as the Anubis who gave serprex immortality so........yeah. Goodluck countering that rob. I'm curious to see what you try though.

As a little preview though, I was very curious how kaempfer and others would react if I faked fate egg Golden Nymph and claimed kaempf to be town. If he was mafia, he would obviously know I was lying and would react in a certain way. Unfortunately for him, he reacted exactly how I expected him to as mafia, and when I went to check his voting patterns, it aligns quite well with being on a team with rob.

As for Submachine, hard to be suspicious in voting patterns if you never vote. Also "I will only vote to save Linkcat." Yet, somehow you conveniently disappeared in the last few minutes of day 1 and didn't even vote day 2 to save Linkcat. Suspicious much??? I think so.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 05, 2020, 11:47:35 pm
I forgot to mention, that it is possible that some of the players with revealed roles are fate egg also and could be anubis as much as rob. I really don't think that's the case though, but I can always use my psion role to check if someone's role has changed.

Considering all the info we have though, rob is really the most likely candidate here. Obviously, the other option is that I'm mafia. But I ask those of you that are skeptical, are you really going to trust your emotional reads that rob "feels town" more than a logical, mechanical breakdown through process of elimination such as I have just done?

I'm also quite open to lynching me, just so you can see me flip town with the psion role. Then you can finally believe all my info which pretty much paints rob as the only person who could be the mafia Anubis.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 06, 2020, 12:25:05 am
Rob is FE not oty. He knew who I targeted and I know who he targeted.

Shock, both sub and Rob visited you last night
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 12:47:31 am
Did you even read my post?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 06, 2020, 12:53:58 am
Only the colorful stuff
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 02:13:50 am
Part 2 (I'm lazy so just bullet points of random stuff):

- I cannot be the Anubis unless I'm actually fate egg because MasterWalks targeted kaempf N0 and saw me visit kaempf. Now if I'm Anubis that gave kaempf immortality, MW targeting of kaempf would've failed. Not to mention, Calindu gave kaempf adrena on N2.

- kaempf cannot be Anubis either unless hit jackpot rolls as fate egg and got super lucky with a claim. I visited kaempf N0 and saw crusader. Now assuming he's egg, he would've had to give serp immortality N1 if he rolled Anubis. But then he's somehow invulnerable again N3 when Calindu rechecks (and Green Nymph takes priority over Anubis. So the only possibility is if he rolled crusader N0 and did nothing, then rolled Anubis N1 and gave serp immortality, and then rolled crusader again N2 AFTER claiming he was crusader on day 2 (which goes before N2), and then stealing torb's role. So basically, kaempf isn't Anubis either.

Given this, there are only two scenarios:

1.) rob rolled Anubis N1 and gave serprex immortality while lying about being psion. This basically means he's mafia.

2.) I'm fate egg and rolled Anubis N1 and gave serprex immortality. In which case, I'm mafia. So yes, you should lynch either me or rob today because one of us gave serprex immortality.

Everything here on assumes rob is mafia. Again, either rob or I have to be mafia. So if you're still convinced rob is town, then lynch me and then come back to this post and read again for the answers to this game.

- rob has tried to lynch Annele, andre, and Calindu with intent to kill in positions where another target was very easily lynchable. ian has tried to lynch Annele and andre with intent to kill, and made no move to save Calindu when Calindu and Linkcat were close in votes on day 2. This clears, Calindu, Annele, and andre for me without a doubt.

Dead thread dead town feeling about this right now... Or scum are already on scum!Kae wagon. If Kae is town I don't expect any scum to be further acting to vote on him.

I'd really like to get a situation with Annele wagon in range of Kae - we HAVE to have a flip today... but I want to be able to reasonably expect some activity so that wolves feel a need to engage and act, with the hopes we can deduce who is acting wolf (now and\or later).

- Day 2 we get this quote from rob, in which he makes a last ditch effort to save kaempfer without seeming scummy. Almost everyone thought kaempf was mafia and there was no reason not to go ahead with the lynch. Yet, rob offers up a train on Annele to get things close again.

Sub- are you going to make a solid meaningful vote today? Eod1 was disappointing from you last time... No personal offense intended.

You were willing to sheep\vote on Annele last day... How about now??

serp- I'm going to be upset if Annele is scum that I've tried to push for many days and I let off the gas now. Is Link a wagon that could happen today even? How many votes on Kae are just parked and the player is going to ghost this EOD?

- Two posts later we get this gem. Banter with sub, random push for Annele despite town having already decided to lynch kaempf, and deflects serprex's comment about lynching Link with an almost a mocking question. Gotta keep defending Linkcat so you can keep using him, amiright?

Final read list considering rob a confirmed mafia due to the above mechanical reasons and from my last several posts.

shockcannon - well I'm obviously going to say I'm town

Annele - voted against by rob and ian with intent to kill when they could've easily been saved

andre - voted against by rob and ian with intent to kill when they could've easily been saved

Calindu - voted against by rob with intent to kill when they could've easily been saved. ian continued to leave vote on Annele even with Calindu in danger

kdz - Killed off ian. Granted to save his own life but hard to bluff the whole GN scenario and outing ian with MW having seen who he visited. Kind of weird for mafia kdz to visit mafia ian. Also can't be Anubis because MW ability on ian worked.

MasterWalks - Confirmed kdz claim. If MW is mafia with ian, then he could've easily counterclaimed kdz to keep kdz as the lynch target.

probably town but maybe mafia:
Ge0 - His votes really scream town just voting off gut feeling. Now that I strongly believe kaempf, sub, and rob are mafia, I just see Ge0 being used as bait to lure town away from the real truth. Also, rob initiated a vote on Ge0 day 3 with seemingly intent to kill, so assuming rob is mafia, Ge0 is likely town.

rob - I listed the mechanical reasons why. This is our fate egg turned Anubis N1 that gave serprex immortality. It can't be anyone else except for me.
kaempfer13 - He failed my experimental bluff. Rob tried very discretely to save him day 2 by getting an Annele train started. kaempfer also heavily defended rob early on for really no reason at all.
Submachine - doesn't vote, doesn't share role, doesn't do anything but make distracting noise. Town that doesn't get involved in lynches other than to save one player that he conveniently knows 100% is town, is not a town move. Also failed to save Linkcat twice ironically. Made a post afterwards saying how guilty he felt though. That sure makes up for it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 03:04:57 am
shock - you are barking pretty loud up the wrong tree.

I will continue to tinfoil kdz I think until end of time.... anyone who has played since elements mafia 2 and played in real life and goes to in person mafia conferences is going to be GOOD at this game. I therefore think it is entirely POSSIBLE kdz acted out the ian thing as w/w teammates. I however do NOT find it plausible and for now continue to proceed with kdz as lock!town.

MW playing such an integral part of the Day 3 ian lynch and other things (like his being so quite up front about his role and HOW HE HAS USED IT and who he has targeted screams town to me). I am proceeding with MW currently as lock!town.

I saw you target Ge0 last night, and saw MW and Sub both visited you. Hence I knew and posted in thread about MW in that manner prior to anybody else doing so. You think I knew that how, other than being honest about my role, targets, and info? (HINT: this is pro town activity, I'm trying to help town win here)



a bunch of people


Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 03:11:30 am
Rob don't address me. I caught you. You need to address the rest of the town to convince them just like you convinced Linkcat. But I put the evidence out there, so let's see how you do now. Honestly, you're a smooth talker so I give you pretty good odds at manipulating the afk townies you've left alive. But we'll see.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 06, 2020, 03:15:09 am
Hey Sub

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 03:15:54 am
Completely out of game, thank you shock. I really really appreciate this drama you've allowed for us in this moment. It was the spice I needed tonight.

Finished a long day just now, I need a few to read and understand what all this is saying. Please, allow about an hour or so before I contribute.

Thank you all in advance.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 03:29:51 am
Are we certain there's an Anubis?
nah, it was you who targeted serp n1.
Shock you think I'm using some multi-night elaborate scheme to hide some kind of real role or real targets? Yet you're the one claiming way after the fact some silly N1 aim at moe that could EASILY  be hiding you being the Anubis (maybe for just one night as FE I suppose) that made serp immaterial on N1.


1.) My role is Psion. I am not fate egg. I am not golden nymph. I am Psion. Here are my results:

N0 --> kaempfer13 (crusader - role had not been used yet since psion has lowest priority)
N1 --> moehrpi (deja vu - this was a wasted use but it only wastes 1 night and it's pretty much a guaranteed win if they ended up being mafia)
N2 --> Annele (Otyugh)
N3 --> Ge0 (Ghost of the Past)

Also REALLY REALLY convenient that your N2 target and N3 target have publicly made thread role claims. Oh wait so has your N0 claimed target. A pretty good cover story for either lyingtown!shock (that much lying town you surely doesn't believe is beneficial to town??) or a scum!shock trying to hide his real role or if you're actually FE but scum disguising your real night actions such as N1 immaterialing of serp, etc.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 03:35:45 am
shock, please clarify or correct your "case" on me, but I see it as below and quite honestly it doesn't hold any water. Good news for you, no matter your alignment, is that I read it as a town move on your part. I'm far enough up the generally-read-as-town list that the team you could be on isn't deep enough to go to the length you're trying to aim at me today for a mislynch --- you would just tag onto Ge0 (unless he's on your team) or go for Annele (unless she's on your team) and after that I believe Cal/timpa/Sub are easier targets for a scum!shock to try to take down. That's more people than you can possibly have on a team with you if you're scum.

So I'm going to approach this like I"m defending against an overanxious townie's casing of town me. That is quite likely the scenario (either that or you're a scum picking a very difficult fight...).

1. You think I might be a Fate Egg or Otyugh, good those are the only two mechanical possibilities since I am mod-revealed N0 as having devoured coffee. Also, you can't possibly think I'm standard Oty because that would be a LOT of theater on my part each night about random different roles all which align with game flow, my reads, and results that align well with results and other revealed activity. Also, explain how I know so much about who you visited and who visited you, confirmed in thread afterward now by MW if I'm just an Oty? We should proceed as if you are as smart as you are and realize I am Fate Egg.

2. shock are you immaterial now? Be honest. This goes a long way toward your theory that the Anubis ability that immaterial'd serp on N1 can only be Sub or myself (hint: it isn't me). Talk about leading a witness in your question to timpa about "if he is Anubis he needs to come clean now" where you openly state if he says so then you somehow thereby know my alignment?!!?

3. Sub DID visit you last night, N3. I know this as fact. My role on N3 tells me so. Try to keep up please. If you're not immaterial aren't you curious what he was doing visiting you? That seems like something you would want to know if you're town and unsure if you're aligned with Sub. Why are you not concerned with what Sub was doing visiting you? Why have all your 'claimed' Psion targets been totally $#@! choices, all of whom have public thread claim prior to your claiming the info?

4. You think I saved kae on day 2? He was dead meat on Day 2 as runaway lead wagon. Then _YOU_ came in with a claim of having GN'd him prior and that you KNOW he is town -- that is what saved kae ---- I did not save him, YOU did. You are quite literally 'blaming' me as the one who did what actually YOU did.

You're case is terrible, honestly. I just need to work through whether I think it is scum!terrible and you're trying to push my mislynch with mafia motive _or_ if town!terrible and you're just pushing around with partial information that has you going down a way wrong rabbit hole.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 03:44:34 am
Updates from Night 3 flips, and lock!town is now beige instead of green which is reserved for my confirmed town.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
*abstention* (3) - DC, TorB, kdz

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa, Submachine

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (9) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, Submachine, andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 03:54:21 am
To be frank, with Annele / Ge0 / timpa giving SO LITTLE GAME and/or strategic input/assistance I just do not see how we parse through their alignment and how to get them deeper into or dug out of the POE. We don't have the numbers to be able to sift the amount of POE facing us right now if these are all town this game.

Annele - who did you target last night with Devour? (Nobody else answer anything related to this please - just for Annele input here)

Ge0 - who is your top scum-read right now, and give a brief case or small summary of why you think they are scum.

timpa - the way you approached the opening stages of the kdz/ian thunderdome on Day 3 reads fishy. Also found where you posted a tidbit yesterday about how you remind the game/thread that you think I could possibly be Anubis... then suddenly today shocks' grand Phase 3 is a push on me with some convoluted rob=Anubis=scum lock-mechanical-fact (it is false and not a fact and not true) that sure reads like there was some bubbling possibly in a scum chat about this and you guys didn't remember you posting this little nugget already prior to shock turning it into a grand case on me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 04:16:02 am
Annele - like why would you not out this info the Day phase after you were blocked or flayed or otherwise had your ability stopped? I don't know why town (as I've said before on this about you claim here) wouldn't claim this being blocked in the thread at a point during the next Day phase??

shock - in my re-reading a few things from Annele I do see here where you pre-emptively out ANnele's role prior to her claiming it... so this is a point in your favor on my previous few text-walls refuting your case on me (namely that all your targets were outed in the thread before you claimed any role info Psion would give you if you're Psion). I'm still really curious about what the heck you were doing early game when you came out acting like you had some kind of evidence on kae that was alignment indicattve... whereas now you claim to have Psion'd him N0 and learned he was Crusade -- like htf does that lead to the way you came out about him in the thread like you knew alignment already on like Day 1, Day 2??!??

Yes, I'm oty. Not sure if shock got that from an ability or my lame attempts at breadcrumming. I've tried using my ability twice, two nights ago on kae and last night on cal.

I actually almost did eat Linkcat on n1 but the general feeling in the thread was against kae at that point, including by serp, so I went that way. I didn't say anything about being blocked from eating kae because I wasn't sure what stopped it and I didn't know if it was a good idea to claim or not. (I only got a PM saying "Your ability failed".) I tried to breadcrum what I'd planned and what had happened, but I don't know if that was useful at all.

The only suggestions for offensive roles I saw last night were directed at me, which wasn't particularly useful. I guessed that cal was the next most suspicious player since Linkcat called him out before dying, and went for him. I didn't mention anything in the thread that time because I was worried that mafia had a warden or something and that was why my kill didn't go through the first time, so I didn't want to advertise my target again. If it was just DC blocking me both nights, that makes a lot of sense.

A lot has happened since I've been able to read the thread in any detail, so I've got a lot of catching up to do. Sorry for being so absent, I'll try and contribute a bit more this time. If I don't get lynched this round I'm very happy to be directed by serp on who to try and eat, or if I should use my ability at all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 06, 2020, 04:22:41 am

About the D3 voting, that's what just popping in sporadically in the thread looks like.

About the tidbit, note that shock's post was 7 hours after mine, are you seriously suggesting mafia would make a plan this loud, on such short notice, while forgetting these details? (I know, WIFOM).

Also, look closer at that paragraph, the bit about you wasn't the main purpose of it. (I can spell it out tomorrow if you want)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 06, 2020, 04:25:15 am
Also I think what's happening with Anelle and Ge0 is the same that's happening with me, irl getting in the way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 04:58:37 am
rob putting words in my mouth now. I claimed Annele otyugh before Annele claimed it. I'm also no longer responding to someone who's mafia.

For everyone not named rob. You can believe or not. If you do, vote rob. If not, vote me. It's that simple. I've based all my claims on mechanical, role based info. So it's not like I can be town and making a bad read. I'm literally basing this off night roles. So either I'm lying and I"m mafia, or I've proven that rob is mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 05:47:05 am
I was hoping to make a real post tonight, but mentally I'm just exhausted. I'll post this bit of info though

It's currently 3/7. The way the lines are drawn in the sand, we can assume there is 1 fate egg on either side. Either rob, or shock who lied about their role. After today, worst case its 3/6. I don't believe the mafia can kill/disable 3 people in one night. They already lost their freeze.

I need to rest, and think things over
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 12:21:31 pm
shock, I refused your flimsy or bad or flimsy bad case pieces against me. I did not put words in your mouth I made one mistake which I corrected before you posted a false generalization about my response. If you're town this is an awful thunderdome idea\plan. If you're scum this is a less awful but still very perplexing idea you propose of rob_or_shock today.

Sub - what were you doing visiting shock last night? Make it good because I'm starting to suspect you were guarding or angeling shock. Which would be a VERY strange activity for a town a sub that night. Teammates would also explain why shock has basically no interest in asking about it in the open as I have hinted it suggested several times previous. I don't know what else you would have been doing and you've already been suggested before as the GA yet you're still alive -- another strange situation as angels tend to eat a NK pretty early once found out.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 12:27:06 pm
@shock: If I am correct about what you have in mind, I see no reason why you would not reveal what you found.
I was only half-correct about what shock had in mind. The rest of it I could not have expected.

Reading through the "revelation", can't say I'm convinced that rob, kae, and I are mafia. But I'm not gonna tell shock to stop, because I see this will spark a lot of conversation, which only helps Town. Solving, bad reads, and mistakes all lean town for me, so I will not dismiss anything that's being said, even if I disagree.

I do believe town lying to get things done is a valid tactic, I just don't see yet why lie about Golden Nymph if you are not certain he is Town. We wasted two phases worth of time assuming kae is semi-confirmed town, and not do much solving about him because of that assumption. It is a good thing that eventually you revealed the lie, I am just unsure about the timing.

*** shock, this is the point where you need to come clean if you're bluffing, I think.
Even though it was from your main suspect, you got request during End of Night 2 (EON2) to drop it if you are bluffing, but you waited until Day 4. This would assume town!shock only recently started suspecting kaempfer, and at the time, he believed kae was town.

Town!shock might also try the double bluff about kae; first claiming him to be confirmed, then acting like it was a bluff just to see who are eager to hop on the kae wagon, to then reveal that the bluff was a bluff too. This would be scummy. Even so, because shock promised not to bluff for the rest of the game.

Mafia!shock would just be attracting unnecessary attention to himself, which does not make sense to me, but I have yet to see how shock plays when he is mafia. Maybe mafia!shock would try to imitate his town playing style (bluffing GN, lying tactics), but only for short periods of time.

Theorising went from towniest to least towny scenario. To see more clearly, I would like shock to clear up which description suits his style the best, or pick an Answer D that is not on the list.

I was correct to assume your post would be about process of elimination, it just went ways I did not expect it to go.

The list of possible Anubises is not very long.
If I count that Annele cannot be Anubis and if I believe rob's reports, then only the following people can be it:

1. iancudorinmarian
12. andretimpa
14. shockcannon (Fate Egg)
15. killsdazombies
18. Ge0metry v1.2

@MasterWalks: If you have seen one of these people target someone, please help to narrow the list.

AFAIK, shock has not said anything about his N1 action, so it is possible that he got Anubis from Fate Egg.
I now looked back at my earlier post, and realized that the reason why I did not put rob on the list of possible Anubises is because I made the initial assumption of believing his reports. And the reason why I put you on it but not rob, is because rob reported all his night actions (Otyugh, Seraph, and forgot what else), but you only reported Nights 0 and 2 (GN and Psion).

In a world where rob used Anubis on serprex during N1 and claimed Psion, rob would most likely be mafia. But it is a world I am not quite ready to accept yet, so that is also why I went with the assumption that rob was truthful about his reports. I concede that my ATE influenced my mechanical PoE, but even though it is possible, I still think rob is the least likely to be the Anubis.

For town!shock who checked geo's role, the only remaining suspects are rob and andretimpa. I understand shock suspected rob since Day 1, and I also understand his stance on andretimpa, so I will not question his deduction. But for others, if shock is town and truthful, andretimpa also opens up as an option. Depending on today's result, this might be worth looking into later.

In case of mafia!shock, the PoE does not narrow, so it still contains timpa, Geo, rob, and shock. Though mafia!shock's strong stance on rob would limit the possible targets to timpa, Geo, and himself. It is possible that mafia!shock would tell the truth about Geo's role, so the PoE does not narrow on that front.

In either scenario, it remains a question what timpa's role is. His role might be the missing key to this puzzle.

edit: I just remembered there can also be a third Fate Egg, but I hate to even think about that scenario.

Goodluck countering that rob. I'm curious to see what you try though.
Rob don't address me. I caught you.
LoL. This is as much a gem as serprex's comment about Matthew 4:7.

Rob doesn't respond to arguments, he just asks you to tell him about your day so he can read you better, & tells you to git gud

As for Submachine, hard to be suspicious in voting patterns if you never vote. Also "I will only vote to save Linkcat." Yet, somehow you conveniently disappeared in the last few minutes of day 1 and didn't even vote day 2 to save Linkcat. Suspicious much??? I think so.
If that is the only reason to suspect me, then feel free to suspect me. Even I hated myself after that.

- I cannot be the Anubis unless I'm actually fate egg because MasterWalks targeted kaempf N0 and saw me visit kaempf. Now if I'm Anubis that gave kaempf immortality, MW targeting of kaempf would've failed. Not to mention, Calindu gave kaempf adrena on N2.
Actually, good point. If shock is not Fate Egg, he cannot be the Anubis. He knew about Annele's role earlier, so unless they are aligned, shock had to have Psion at one point. It's a bit less convincing that shock's other targets were already public knowledge by the time he claimed, so I hope shock left proper breadcrumbs on the way here to 100% clear his role. Either way, I can work with this info.

If shock would be the Anubis, he would be required to be a Fate Egg. We know he targeted kaempfer N0, we know nothing about N1, we know he used Psion on Annele on N2 (assuming they are not aligned), and we know he targeted Geo on N3. This is vague enough to allow both possibilities. Night 1 is when moe died, so it would be a safe bluff to claim targeting moe, because the general concensus was that checking them is low priority.

But if shock is Psion, he cannot be the Anubis (DUH). I state it again that, if they exist, I would like to see breadcrumbs about shock's N1 and other vaguely known actions. That would clear him from the PoE.

either rob or I have to be mafia. So if you're still convinced rob is town, then lynch me and then come back to this post and read again for the answers to this game.
That's a difficult fight to pick. If you are so sure that kaempfer and I are also mafia, you would be picking one of us instead of rob. Shock's train of thought feels like he bases our alignments on his read on rob. So I have to ask,

@shock: In case rob is actually town, do you still hold strongly to your other two mafia picks? If so, then why are you not pushing us instead of rob? We have so much more dirt than rob, you could easily get away with it. (Quick note: I would hate to protect rob if he was actually mafia here, but in case he is town, I would rather sacrifice myself to prove shock wrong, because I deem myself less useful for town's cause than rob.)

If shock is mafia, this comes off as endgame panic. Town is getting a lot of confirmed people and hard townreads, and the PoE is closing in. It would make sense to undo the confirmation of kaempfer and heavily discredit rob, in a way that only shock can do.

If nothing else, I learned that shock and kae are not w/w.

Submachine - doesn't vote, doesn't share role, doesn't do anything but make distracting noise. Town that doesn't get involved in lynches other than to save one player that he conveniently knows 100% is town, is not a town move. Also failed to save Linkcat twice ironically. Made a post afterwards saying how guilty he felt though. That sure makes up for it.
I did vote when I stopped being vague about Graboid and started having better reads than n. About not sharing role, I do believe I had a good role at the time, so I felt the need to lay low. (I will get to that later.) And I was bamboozled by the unreadability of a few people and the night interactions between a few players, so I had more confusion to give at that point than anything. But even DC implied that only some of my thoughts were swamping, and they contained relevant solving too. (Only implied, he did not clearly say this, but I did mix my confusions with solving.)

I already reacted to the last two sentences.

Proposed Mafia:


I'm willing to lean on DC being mafia. We'll know the next day anyways, which should clear submachine.
This was posted on Day 3. It shifted quite a lot during two phases (unless this was all just a bluff and part of the masterplan). Assuming it was truthful, shock gave me the benefit of the doubt of not being the last mafia member. In that case though, I have a feeling I'm only here by PoE. Is that not correct?

This was a lot to write and I'm a bit tired so I'll follow up some time in the near future with why I'm quite certain kaempfer and Submachine are the last 2 mafia. For now, I want to hear thoughts on what I've written so far
I do not have much to react to about myself yet, but you said you will go into details about my case, so I am waiting for it with utmost curiosity.~

For MW's demand, I will start a different post.

Sub - what were you doing visiting shock last night? Make it good because I'm starting to suspect you were guarding or angeling shock.
You are in for a treat. ;) I was waiting for the time I had to reveal, so I prepared a whole set of breadcrumbs to go through. If that won't convince you, then nothing will.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 06, 2020, 12:27:23 pm
MW I know you targeted same person i did last night. Can you confirm my report as I rolled the same role for past night as what you've claimed previously and I know you visited same person I did last night.

shock went to Ge0.
Sub went to shock.
MW went to shock.
I went to shock.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 01:54:44 pm
Hey Sub

Okay, geez, calm down with the caps. It is time to reveal my role now.~

Drumroll, please! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek56AgxwybI)


Yes, I am Dragonfly. Not an Angel as serprex suspected.

Here is my action history:
I have proper crumbs for all these actions. Let's go in order.~

Night 0: I could not put a read on shock, so I wanted to know what's up with him. He mentioned he has a plan with kaempfer, so I expected at least some traffic there. (Quick note: Each night, I tried to avoid targets that would give back no results, as those would be wasted nights.)

> shockcannon targeted kaempfer, nobody targeted shock.

The result was a bit disappointing, but later things got complicated.

TOWN READS (in order of most town read to least town read)
shockcannon- My role gives me insight that he is town

(No, Sub, this is not the time for softing either. Get it together.)

In case MW is Town, I make no comment here. Even though I am very tempted.
Now I can reveal that the comment I wanted to make and what made me suspect MW is that I KNEW he did not target shock with his role, because I would have seen it. I wanted to call him out so badly for getting caught in a lie, but in case MW was a Dragonfly/FFQ on kaempfer, I did not reveal. I also softed at the quality of my role here, because to have any doubts about MW's targets, I could only have an information role.

MW's comment mighty confused me, because neither Dragonfly nor FFQ can clear primary alignments, but he was very sure that shock and kaempfer are town. Let it be said, that at this point of the game, I thought MW was acting very scummy.

In retrospect, we now know that MW was making baseless assumptions and presented them as facts. But at that time, I didn't know that.

I remember having a theory, that maybe shock was Guardian Angel targeting Kaempfer on Night 0, drawing Kaempfer in towny shades, to attract a nightkill onto him. I also believed that MW might have been FFQ, and he saw Guardian Angel in the combo, which made him believe it was a town-town interaction.

Night 1: Linkcat's night plan (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297740/#msg1297740) involved Dragonflies targeting him, so I did.

> Linkcat targeted DoubleCapitals, MasterWalks targeted Linkcat.

Insert drama here about MW heavily wanting to know about 4 people's scumreads (, just because he saw one of them targeting someone, but this is in hindsight). By the time I caught up with the new posts, MW had already revealed he wanted my reads (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297947/#msg1297947). This development could have only been because of night actions, and I knew who MW targeted, and I quickly put it together that he must be Dragonfly, because that is the only role that gives specific player names.

At this point, it became clear to me that MW is very much in the dark about how to use his role. He was aggressive, so I assumed he believed I did something harmful to Linkcat and wanted to call me out on it. I was getting excited about finally knowing something after a long streak of confusion, and I was ready to deflect any crazy accusations MW might hurl at me, so I eagerly gave him my readlist.

My readlist at that point contained MW as v, because MW was so in the dark that it screamed town to me. He was similarly in the dark in Mafia 70, where he was town.

This is all fair and good, but where was this action breadcrumbed? In my analysis of MW:

11. MasterWalks: I would have said n- at first, because of some questions I had about him, but I get it now. The way he makes his plays, he's like a mirror of myself from my early days. Without revealing why, I think he leans v. I am very much looking forward to why he wanted my readlist so badly.
I wonder why nobody questioned why MW's playstyle is a mirror of my own. It is not true. Here I hinted that because of the plays MW made, I know he has the same role as I do. And this is not much a statement about MW's role as it is a statement about my own. This is a direct crumb that I am Dragonfly, and that I think MW is Dragonfly too.

After I have already placed my crumb, MW hardclaimed Dragonfly (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298016/#msg1298016).

Night 2: A plan was formulating about making kaempfer immaterial, by endowing TorB's ability. I wanted to make sure nobody tampers with the night plans, so I decided to check kae or TorB that night. I hoped MW would target kae, so I targeted TorB.

> TheonlyrealBeef targeted noone, he was targeted by kaempfer13.

This was the least useful night of all for me. But before the night, things were theorized about which roles should target who.

Also lol @ link's nightplan having Heal target the next day's lynch as if he's better NK than either dejas. Or maybe it was mindgames & Sub's silly enough to not realize. Sucker never saw it coming
Idea: sub & cal target kaempfer, kaempfer targets torb. DC can live another day
It was around this point that I realized serprex might believe I am Guardian Angel. Instead of blurting out that "HEy guys! I am not Guardian Angel", I tried to vaguely point serprex in the right direction.

Idea: sub & cal target kaempfer, kaempfer targets torb.
I don't think I have the role you think I have. If I can even use my role tonight, I try to pick someone that makes the most sense.

Yes, with one exception: I don't think kaempfer13 needs a second opinion on his health check.
I do believe kaempfer might need a second opinion on health check if the opportunity gives itself. I do not want anyone to rush to false conclusions about who has what role.

And after the night settled, I came out with my usual crumbing.~

with how things played out I think mafia lack disruptive skills & anubis was on cooldown
This is the only real solution I can think of too.
With this crumb, I not only confirm that I did not see any disruption during the night, but I also use the specific words "The only real" after each other, because I targeted TheonlyrealBeef.

Night 3: There was a disturbance in the Force, as all THREE Dragonflies felt drawnt towards shock that night.

> shockcannon targeted Ge0metry v1.2, rob77dp and MasterWalks targeted shockcannon.

Somewhere earlier, I remembered rob saying the word "SHOCKing (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1298853/#msg1298853)" weirdly, so I looked back his posts and asked him if his crumbed action went smoothly and what he learned from it. I was very excited that maybe rob found something relevant about shock (by Golden Nymph or Psion). I almost blurted out everything I saw at night in an MW fashion, but looking back, I managed to compose myself.

I think I have a minor revelation... [...] Sadly I think MW and I crossed streams last night.
I think you think the same thing as I am thinking. Third time's the charm, eh?
Here I wanted to crumb that I know MW targeted him. "Third time's the charm" was also a hint at three people targeting the same person.

A lot of stuff, eh? If this doesn't convince you that I am not an Anubis or a Guardian Angel, then I don't know what will.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 02:41:14 pm
Reading back early wagons, rob started Day 1 by voting on me.

How Sub would know we'd both be alive? TMI? I like that observation Link. Care to start a wagon as what develops? I do.

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
Then for some reason, he switched away, but after I got 2 other votes, he came back for me.

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
It would be quite reckless for two mafias to vote on each other right away. It does not give towncred, and it just allows the train to get going.

This is in case rob really is mafia, to clarify that we are not w/w.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 02:53:27 pm
Someone react to my posts please. I spent quite some time collecting the appropriate quotes and crumbs. I don't want it to go to waste.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 03:26:03 pm
either rob or I have to be mafia. So if you're still convinced rob is town, then lynch me and then come back to this post and read again for the answers to this game.
That's a difficult fight to pick. If you are so sure that kaempfer and I are also mafia, you would be picking one of us instead of rob. Shock's train of thought feels like he bases our alignments on his read on rob. So I have to ask,

@shock: In case rob is actually town, do you still hold strongly to your other two mafia picks? If so, then why are you not pushing us instead of rob? We have so much more dirt than rob, you could easily get away with it. (Quick note: I would hate to protect rob if he was actually mafia here, but in case he is town, I would rather sacrifice myself to prove shock wrong, because I deem myself less useful for town's cause than rob.)

There is mafia Anubis in this game (could be fate egg Anubis). That's a fact. Mechanically I've narrowed it down to rob. So the only way rob can be town is if I'm lying about one of my night actions that led me to realize that rob has to be the Anubis. Which is why I state that either rob is mafia, or I lied because I'm mafia. Like I said, I'm not doing any bluffing anymore. I did it once for kaempf to get the info I needed and that's it.

Additionally, I said you're the one mafia who could be replaced by Ge0. I'm pushing rob because he's the one I know to be mafia for sure. Why would I push you or kaempf when I mechanically solved rob. Why do you keep trying to undermine my perfectly fine logic? It's as if you want others to see non-existent loopholes in my plan by pretending there are loopholes. Kind of sus.

Is my kaempf read based largely on rob being mafia? Yes. Is that unreasonable when I MECHANICALLY SOLVED ROB AS MAFIA? No. If you look at day 2 interactions like I pointed out, rob made a pretty obvious yet subtle move to try and save kaempf from lynch.

Also, to respond to a later post, you are correct. I didn't always know kaempf was mafia and for a time he played well enough to make me think he's town. The reason I chose to save him and lynch Linkcat was because Linkcat played this game quite poorly and there was a lot to gain by lynching him instead of kaempf. First off, Linkcat was a much bigger mafia read for me. Second, for some odd reason, submachine, torb, doublecapitals, and rob were all SO CONVINCED that Linkcat was town simply based of what his posts sound like. Do you know how suspicious that is especially when we've only had 1 night of actions so far and golden nymph being dead? Third, let's look at what Linkcat actually did:

- he put ian at the top of his town read list
- he randomly kills DC just because he hasn't contributed much
- he tunnels Annele who I have stated from day 1 is town due to voting patterns (without even knowing any mafia were, it was still obvious)
- he refuses to vote rob even to safe himself

Like how can I not choose to save kaempf, who I still think could be town, and choose to lynch Linkcat instead who has acted scummy the entire game and had 4 other players who have been overly defending him? I see nothing wrong with my actions as a town player who is in the dark after only two days. And now that roles have been revealed and rob is stuck as the only Anubis, everything became clear. That's why I needed info about you, andre, and Ge0 before I made my post. I needed to make sure Ge0 wasn't lying and I needed and least you and andre to claim something that I can check in a following night so I could go ahead with my reasoning for why rob is mafia Anubis with confidence.

I'm very very confident that rob is mafia, and kaempf is following close behind. Now for the last mafia, I'm fairly certain it's you but I can see a world where it's Ge0 instead and I am open to hearing ideas on that. However, if you refuse to accept that either myself or rob has to be mafia, I can't town read you and I'm going to assume my initial thoughts were spot on. If you're going to be methodical and logical in your posts you can't abandon that when looking at mine, otherwise you give yourself away as mafia. If you want any benefit of the doubt that you could be town, you need to start accepting that there is 1 mafia between me and rob.

Honestly though, I think you're just kind of checkmated here. I'm like 90% sure you're mafia which really gives you two lines of play here:

1.) Continue deflecting that fact that if I'm town, then from my respective rob is 100% mafia and keep asking me questions like "well what will you do if rob is town" do get other readers to believe there's a chance that rob and I are both town. In doing so, you will pretty much give away for certain to me that the mafia team does include you as well as rob, but your hopes are to convince enough other afk town to believe you.

2.) Bus rob and hope I can believe you're town and that Ge0 is mafia instead. In which case, we still have enough town left to afford one mislynch on Ge0. But we're saving that lynch for last. rob goes today, or we get back to scenario 1.

Oh and btw, if we don't lynch either rob or myself today, I'm going to consider you 100% mafia.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 03:33:23 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Btw, for any other town out there reading my posts, which I hope you are, kaempfer's vote on Ge0 and stating that Ge0 is his only mafia read, pretty much gives away Submachine as the 3rd mafia member alongside kaempf and rob. If we flip rob and he's turn mafia, we have our win. If he flips town, y
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 06, 2020, 03:34:51 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Btw, for any other town out there reading my posts, which I hope you are, kaempfer's vote on Ge0 and stating that Ge0 is his only mafia read, pretty much gives away Submachine as the 3rd mafia member alongside kaempf and rob. If we flip rob and he's turn mafia, we have our win. If he flips town, y

If he flips town, you know I'm mafia. I'm also more than welcome to do it reverse since I know most of you probably trust rob more than me for some crazy reason.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 04:11:53 pm
if you refuse to accept that either myself or rob has to be mafia, I can't town read you and I'm going to assume my initial thoughts were spot on.
That's a condition that has not been said. Admittedly, I targeted you last night, because I suspected you would be the Anubis, so I wanted to catch you doing something scummy. ;)

I am considering all options between you and rob. (Except w/w, because that would be stupid.) This just shows that I do read your posts, because I did not immediately vote on you. I admit you raised good points, but as even you pointed out, it is still possible you are the mafia.

I lean towards you being mafia over rob, but you confuse me with your townie traits of solving, making plans, and making 90% bad calls.

This is the last vote tally.

Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies

shock and kaempfer are vouching for each other (well, only kae was "cleared" by shock, but noone cleared shock), and serp is Vujatron, so my new top 3 scumreads are Calindu, TorB, and kdz.
Looking back at the final votes on Linkcat, my reads are now outdated. If only serprex and TorB are mech confirmed, and kdz is GN who helped find a mafia, then I think 1-2 mafia hides among shock, Calindu, and kaempfer.

I would really like if other people were talking too, not just us involved.

@MW: I gave you my role, and reasons behind my actions.
@andre: Any comment about your role?
@rob: You were also asking about my role.
@Annele: Anything.

Kdz said he will come later. Others can come too.~
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 06, 2020, 05:27:14 pm
oof, this is what it must have sounded like listening to me on day 2 for most people. Short of including kdz, mw or people not in the game he couldn't have picked a team that sounds more absurd to me. It is true however that the person that successfully targeted serp n1 must be within shock, rob and andre unless someone made a really daring fakeclaim.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 05:52:01 pm
I need a second to reread everything here (While i've been crippled in bed ive been reading up, but its hard to follow super well on a phone) but I'll say this. In our current world, our two least risky lynches are rob and Annele. They are the only two with the capacity to be offensive if I am correct. Again, we can make a mistake here.

However a few interesting points. I have been vocal af about my distrust of Rob, and I can't tell if shock is just playing off of that to get a town lynch in, or I was right all along. Shock creates a world that I don't really want to vote on, but DC fell through and my confidence in geo has been shaken a bit.

At the moment, the only person I have total confidence in is MW, but I dont think MW can offer a ton of insight, unless he has targeted rob/sub/shock sometime other than tonight. (Didn't MW target Kae on n0?)

We've seen sub with a nonoffensive role given by his target of shock last night, the only role without a use yet is Timpa. Further, no one else has claimed to be immaterial'd since n1 when serp got hit. So it has to be rob or shock or timpa.

So our offensive threats are in Rob (Potentially)/Annele/Shock (If they lied, and if fate egg roles is like it could for rob)

and our anubis threat is in Rob/Shock/Timpa

Also I admit I'm partial to believing shock, because I've done this in mafia games before. The grand design, hinting at it. Being a little shitposter all game. Its like someone read my mind of what I would do as town.

Now onto Timpa. We see Ian pick Timpa over Linkcat in

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Fine by me.

this post. This was with intent. We know ian is mafia, and we know link was town. I don't really believe we live in a world where ian tried to murder their own mafia mate, especially when there was such an easy town kill right there up for grabs. I'd love to know timpas roll, but I dont think its necessary right now.

So this is all previously known info. I'm going to sift over the new info and see what else I can build from these new materials. Sorry Ive been inactive over the last night and today, my mental health has been killing me lately, but i'll find some drive to get this day phase rolling from a perspective that isn't the accused or accusing.


Timpa has posted a bit, which will be invaluable, but cali and annele ya'll pls.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 05:53:16 pm
EBWOP I forgot to include shock in the first sentence of risky folk, theyre included when i circle back later, but there is a world where shock is lying and is fate egg, I didn't mean to dismiss that reality.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 06, 2020, 06:27:44 pm
I got nothing to say.
I played my part yesterday by forcing you to say you actually found a mafia. Weird of you to not just say it. We were down to no mafia kills and many town kills and you thought it was best to make ian admit it? What if you didnt roll GN and instead, threw iancu under the bus?

Really tho, i already announced my findings last night. I targetted shock and found rob and sub targetted him as well. This has been announced several times now.
My scum reads are really down to i think everyone is scum except me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 06:57:46 pm
This will definitely turn into a mess at EOD, and I already hate it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 07:05:46 pm
This will definitely turn into a mess at EOD, and I already hate it.

I'm writing up a post right now, but I agree. Except I kinda love it. This is much juicer then the linkcat one. We have actual accusations instead of "I guess lets just kill link" Links death was pointless, but this will have fallout.

Side note, I tinfoil the world where no one mentioned is mafia and they just skate on by. That would actually make me laugh. Like a world where cali/annele/geo are mafia. Oh my god that would be so funny. I'd hate myself

Now note, I'm willing to extend, but I dont think that'll be needed. The reason to extend would be for Annele and etc to post their input and have it processed but I dont think thatll happen tbh. Still I am sifting through all this (I'm actually just hitting your posts now sub.) so that opinion may change with your perspective ^^

As shit as this is I feel good. This revelation doesn't come at lynch or lose, so baring extraordinary circumstance only good can come from this
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 07:44:50 pm
@MW I just meant your take on the situation in general, and if you had caught any of their targets earlier then tonight, I know you posted your results from last night. I just dont recall your N1 stuff.

My plan was as it is today. We could afford a mistake, and we had a 100% bus in the back. Giving ian more time to interact, and apply pressure, allows us to extract all the info we can from them before we uhhh relieve them. I wanted to get an extra read in without claiming. It was like 4/12 or something, we were safe enough.

Some people think lying to the town is bad, and it /usually/ is. But telling the town is also telling the mafia. Gotta determine if the juice is worth the squeeze, and I maintain yesterday wasn't. I would have claimed ian at start of this day and killed him today. Hoping to have set the stage yesterday for a plausible bus. (this was when my working plan involved a dead geo, i'm unsure if it does any more)

Now onto the matter at hand
Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon

This is the vote count just before shock claimed GN and conf'd kae.

It was

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

before rob posted.

A competing town lynch was already starting before shock said anything, and I'm unsure if this was the best course of action. A lot of Shocks plays feel obtuse with hindsight, but so does mine. I understand the desire to follow a plan of action, and its likely this was forming early, just as my vulture PoA was.

1.) My role is Psion. I am not fate egg. I am not golden nymph. I am Psion. Here are my results:

N0 --> kaempfer13 (crusader - role had not been used yet since psion has lowest priority)
N1 --> moehrpi (deja vu - this was a wasted use but it only wastes 1 night and it's pretty much a guaranteed win if they ended up being mafia)
N2 --> Annele (Otyugh)
N3 --> Ge0 (Ghost of the Past)

Also REALLY REALLY convenient that your N2 target and N3 target have publicly made thread role claims. Oh wait so has your N0 claimed target. A pretty good cover story for either lyingtown!shock (that much lying town you surely doesn't believe is beneficial to town??) or a scum!shock trying to hide his real role or if you're actually FE but scum disguising your real night actions such as N1 immaterialing of serp, etc.
Shock mentioned this, but Shock did out annele. We already can reasonably assume shock and annele are on the same team, or at least, shock thinks they are. Further, linkcat asked for n1 psions to target moe/serp to make sure they weren't an unstoppable duo. The Mafia anubis could have used this to take a 50/50 to cast doubt on them. It would have been relatively easy, and forced out a psion claim. We have nearly everyone aside from Sub and Timpa roleclaiming right now, because shock outed annele
Annele is otyugh.
and annele confirmed it later
Yes, I'm oty. Not sure if shock got that from an ability or my lame attempts at breadcrumming. I've tried using my ability twice, two nights ago on kae and last night on cal.

Now it is true that Rob comes back and corrects himself on this, but I already wrote this and I think proof/evidence is important. Rob corrected with this
Annele - like why would you not out this info the Day phase after you were blocked or flayed or otherwise had your ability stopped? I don't know why town (as I've said before on this about you claim here) wouldn't claim this being blocked in the thread at a point during the next Day phase??

shock - in my re-reading a few things from Annele I do see here where you pre-emptively out ANnele's role prior to her claiming it... so this is a point in your favor on my previous few text-walls refuting your case on me (namely that all your targets were outed in the thread before you claimed any role info Psion would give you if you're Psion). I'm still really curious about what the heck you were doing early game when you came out acting like you had some kind of evidence on kae that was alignment indicattve... whereas now you claim to have Psion'd him N0 and learned he was Crusade -- like htf does that lead to the way you came out about him in the thread like you knew alignment already on like Day 1, Day 2??!??

Yes, I'm oty. Not sure if shock got that from an ability or my lame attempts at breadcrumming. I've tried using my ability twice, two nights ago on kae and last night on cal.

I actually almost did eat Linkcat on n1 but the general feeling in the thread was against kae at that point, including by serp, so I went that way. I didn't say anything about being blocked from eating kae because I wasn't sure what stopped it and I didn't know if it was a good idea to claim or not. (I only got a PM saying "Your ability failed".) I tried to breadcrum what I'd planned and what had happened, but I don't know if that was useful at all.

The only suggestions for offensive roles I saw last night were directed at me, which wasn't particularly useful. I guessed that cal was the next most suspicious player since Linkcat called him out before dying, and went for him. I didn't mention anything in the thread that time because I was worried that mafia had a warden or something and that was why my kill didn't go through the first time, so I didn't want to advertise my target again. If it was just DC blocking me both nights, that makes a lot of sense.

A lot has happened since I've been able to read the thread in any detail, so I've got a lot of catching up to do. Sorry for being so absent, I'll try and contribute a bit more this time. If I don't get lynched this round I'm very happy to be directed by serp on who to try and eat, or if I should use my ability at all.

Annele already posted why they haven't been calling out their block targets, in that post actually. I understand their position, but I agree its... odd. Annele has been in a weird N zone for me all game, and none of their few posts have helped that. Especially given their last post was a whopping 4 days ago.

onto the Shock/Sub interactions

I'm not going to quote a specific passage, because this felt more like a conversation then an accusation, and I both dont have the desire, nor feel the need to, dissect it piece by piece, and i think doing so would be wrong.

Everything sub has said feels correct, I picked up on a few of the bread crumbs sub has been laying down, especially the dismissal of being doc. This dismissal of assumption put a solid town read in my book, but it was countered by the call for a roleclaim (which I feel is usually a bad idea.) and their GN plan. Subs plan of action beyond those two hiccups seems both town, and reasonable. Further, I agree Rob/shock is not W/W.

Further, everything shock has said also feels correct, however. I disagree on their opinion on sub, and I think their play with kae was a touch reckless.

Sub willing to die on Robs hill reads town of sub for me, but contributes nothing for my opinion of rob.

I'll end this little post with a call to action. We need our low post counts to start speaking more. I admit, I was a low poster for a while, and that actively hurt the town. I would like to beat my previous predictions of 2M/lose

I'm inclined to believe shock atm. They play exactly like me IRL, and they have a similar distrust of rob. (Hell, I've done the fake cop thing before myself.) This could just be a mafia member appealing to my distrust of rob though, to move forward on an unlikely lynch target.

Again though, this is good timing. We have room to make mistakes. I was planning on using that room myself, but I see this is a much better use for that wiggle room.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 08:04:17 pm
The vote count btw

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

I believe given the lack of votes and content from outside the main camps, an extension might be appropriate.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 06, 2020, 08:23:10 pm
I am for it, I could barely get away from my family today, so i couldnt get anything done yet
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 06, 2020, 08:25:57 pm
2 questions for shock:
Why did you target geo? His roleclaim was somewhat believable regardless of alignement while we still know nothing about timpa.
If I outed myself with my response (obv impossible due to my alignement alone, but it seems thats the story you want to tell now), why didnt you immediately take your claim back?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 09:27:05 pm
Extension (1)- KDZ

Just in case.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 06, 2020, 09:43:57 pm
Side note, I tinfoil the world where no one mentioned is mafia and they just skate on by. That would actually make me laugh. Like a world where cali/annele/geo are mafia. Oh my god that would be so funny. I'd hate myself
The funny thing is, that's where ian has been the whole game. I would not be surprised if that was the case, maybe replacing Annele with rob/shock.

I hope we can get this done without an extension, otherwise I would keep thinking about this on Monday and not be able to concentrate on work. (With 10 players alive, 5 votes are enough.) If the remaining people could talk on Sunday, that would be lovely. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 06, 2020, 09:45:40 pm
No extendo plz
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 06, 2020, 10:12:14 pm
Heres a question then. Do we believe Rob/shock are different alignments? If so, we have two pretty good options/outcomes

If shock is innocent, and we conclude rob in mafia, annele can eat rob. Should that fail, we can lynch rob ourselves. (Either because Annele gets nightkilled or rob gets protected somehow)

If rob is innocent, we don't really have an offensive cover, shock will almost certainly survive the night given how tied he is with annele.

I'm inclined to believe shock, I would rather lynch rob over shock, but it might be safer to hedge our bet.

This of course dismisses my earlier tinfoil, that neither are mafia, but I dont know if thats even possible tbh.

I'd like to hear thoughts on this, specifically from MW, who is the only Conf town in my book, Shock, who I believe more then rob, and Sub, who while I believe shock, still seems town to me.

And obvious annele if they log in.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on June 07, 2020, 12:30:57 am
Finally have time to catch up. Posting thoughts here as I read through the thread or I will forget everything.


1.) My role is Psion. I am not fate egg. I am not golden nymph. I am Psion. Here are my results:

N0 --> kaempfer13 (crusader - role had not been used yet since psion has lowest priority)
N1 --> moehrpi (deja vu - this was a wasted use but it only wastes 1 night and it's pretty much a guaranteed win if they ended up being mafia)
N2 --> Annele (Otyugh)
N3 --> Ge0 (Ghost of the Past)

Also REALLY REALLY convenient that your N2 target and N3 target have publicly made thread role claims. Oh wait so has your N0 claimed target. A pretty good cover story for either lyingtown!shock (that much lying town you surely doesn't believe is beneficial to town??) or a scum!shock trying to hide his real role or if you're actually FE but scum disguising your real night actions such as N1 immaterialing of serp, etc.

Shock stated I was oty before I claimed. Yes, he possibly could have guessed from my bad attempts at breadcrumming, but I didn't publicly claim until well after. It does seem suspicious that the rest of the information that shock claims was already claimed in thread. (Edit: this was pointed out several times afterwards)

Annele - who did you target last night with Devour? (Nobody else answer anything related to this please - just for Annele input here)

I didn't target anyone.

Annele - like why would you not out this info the Day phase after you were blocked or flayed or otherwise had your ability stopped? I don't know why town (as I've said before on this about you claim here) wouldn't claim this being blocked in the thread at a point during the next Day phase??

As I've explained before, I was worried about revealing too much to mafia too soon. I also wasn't sure if I was being blocked or just that kae had been protected and so I tried to vauge by saying I was more suspicious of kae after a night that gave less information than I hoped for.

This was where I breadcrummmed my n1 action - no idea if it was obvious enough for shock to confidently claim me as oty:

kae I think would be an interestig path to go down, since peple I have scum and town read in the past are both pushing him right now, which is certaimly making me reconsider things.

I don't make typos - the only misspelt words in that post were wrong by n o m. I also mentioned being disappointed by the lack of info after night 1 and being more suspicious of kae (since I thought his mafia buddies might have been protecting him.)

Heres a question then. Do we believe Rob/shock are different alignments?

I agree with you that I tend to believe both shock and sub. From everything they've posted I do think that either rob or shock is mafia, and we should lynch one of them this day. I'm inclined to think it's rob, since he's seemed more suspicious to me all game. I'm worried that I might be biased by their individual reads on me though.

If the one we lynch flips town, then I'll happily eat the other, but I'll probably get nked in that case, unless mafia have another way to protect themselves. I do understand the reasoning behind wanting to lynch the one that you think I'm less likely to eat, but I think it might be better to go for the one we think is more likely mafia, since if we choose wrong I'm not sure my ability will matter.


I know you're town. Since I'm pretty much the only one who has trusted you this entire time I would like you to trust me as well. Unless you or I come upon some revelation in the next day, make sure you devour Calindu the next night. Ignore what others say.

Shock, what changed between this and your phase 3 reveal post? Why cal then? I assume you don't want me to eat him anymore, since you've put him in your townreads. What was the point of this post?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 07, 2020, 03:26:07 am
Heres a question then. Do we believe Rob/shock are different alignments? If so, we have two pretty good options/outcomes

If shock is innocent, and we conclude rob in mafia, annele can eat rob. Should that fail, we can lynch rob ourselves. (Either because Annele gets nightkilled or rob gets protected somehow)

If rob is innocent, we don't really have an offensive cover, shock will almost certainly survive the night given how tied he is with annele.

I'm inclined to believe shock, I would rather lynch rob over shock, but it might be safer to hedge our bet.

This of course dismisses my earlier tinfoil, that neither are mafia, but I dont know if thats even possible tbh.

I'd like to hear thoughts on this, specifically from MW, who is the only Conf town in my book, Shock, who I believe more then rob, and Sub, who while I believe shock, still seems town to me.

And obvious annele if they log in.

im down to lynch rob.
If Rob flips town we lynch shock.
If shock flips town and we lose.

Ill believe shock due to no one else has a better plan.
What? lynch annele? if annele flips mafia then yay we got the inactive one and cue ridiculously paranoid vote pattern readings.
If she flips town, then we probably lynch rob see [1]

I say we skip the annele step, lynch rob and hope for mafia flip. (inb4 annele flip maf and people use this against me)

Im confirmed town on pretty much everyones radar. I will most likely be NK'd next. Probably wont be able to get another ability use. I say if town FE rolls dragonfly, target andre.

Annele, if your town and rob flips town, eat shock. dont let him spew anymore nonsense.

My scum reads so far




Everyone else

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:34:06 am
- rob has tried to lynch Annele, andre, and Calindu with intent to kill in positions where another target was very easily lynchable.
By the way shock, if I'm scum then pushing a wagon uphill with a rope like I've done on most all my cases this game is NOT how scum win a game when they are as visible and post-present as I am. Smart players will know this and if they're town take it into account as a TOWN activity. Of course, you'll do as you always do and simply choose to bury your head in your own world to play your own game, apparently. Cheers mate. By the way, I still think you're most likely town making terrible plays repeatedly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:40:30 am
shock's play / "phase 3" is ridiculous right now. His case is bad - I've already refuted or addressed every point - even though he is on record as both wanting me to respond and also stating he won't review any response I give. I just cannot believe that a scum!shock would push such an absurd case. As I said before, both Ge0, Annele, and Cal have had MUCH more heat than I have so if shock is scum AT LEAST one of those other players has to be town and an easier push for possible mislynch, I think shock is just making $#@!-y town play because as scum this seems just suicidal. If shock is town though this is freaking ludicrous. To state you somehow "know" another player is mafia short of anything but a red peek like Golden Nymph can do and then to decide you are ONLY voting them and not going to engage their rebuttal or discuss with them .... if you're town at the end of all this (day, game, etc.) I'm refusing to ever freaking play in a game with you ever again. I do not mince those words --- track record speaks all of it. I once decided I would never play here so long as private out of thread conversation was allowed and I didn't I vanished for months / years. If you're town this type of play simply horrible.

If you're scum then the game will take care of you I believe. If you're town, once more time in case people skipped the text block above --- your case is horrible and if you continue to refuse to even engage in conversation about your case that I have rebutted then I'm going to do my best to play this out for a town win but I'm never playing if you're in a game in the future. Simply ridiculous at this point.

Now back to solving and playing in a way that portends to advance my win-con...
Expanding on a bit of something I said before and stated above - if Ge0 / Annele / Cal are town then what could possibly be the reason NOBODY, outside of kae on Ge0 and myself on Annele (anyone still pushing Cal case??), is trying to seek lynch on them? If they are town, then they are RIPE for mislynch... I however have an on-going case on Annele and if she is town I"d expect the trio of scum remaining to be active enough to try to push there ... it makes spider-sense tingle that at least one of them is mafia.

shock - if you're somehow frickin' town this game, then play the game and flesh out why you think Annele is town eh? I read your ISO and it is so all over the place or filled with things so off-kilter as to be nearly unreadable that I would like to see your read on Annele put together all in one place.

timpa - what you up to there eh? I live in a world where a TOWN player than immaterial'd serp misreading the rules/roles would (_SHOULD_) have come clean by now... so seems pretty much a mafia dropped annointing on serp N1 and I know it wasn't me, and there are very compelling reasons to believe it wasn't most anyone else in the game except a possible egg!shock or myself (an egg -- I did not immaterial serp, but that is clearly WIFOM coming from me) or YOU. I think you've had enough time to get your claim set up and straight to be believable. Are you scumming again this game? I remember being scum with you in one of my last (or my last/previous?) games here prior and you were very keen to let the thread flow on its own so long as you arent' in the limelight etc... feels a lot like what you're doing here?? (Busy in life is fair I suppose... but what can you offer as a minimum to defend that you are NOT the one who acted as Anubis on serp back N1?).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:46:01 am
MW - wtf mate? Are you just simply "going with shock's ludicrous crap" approach and voting me? You really think I've been somehow power-wolf-ing out of my mind in some kind of god-like manner all this time???!? There is just no way you can actually believe shock's case? Town, which has me included, really really needs you to keep a level head about this becasue you are WIDELY town-read and will get lots of town to simply sheep your vote because they can't be arsed to play for real and gives GREAT/easy cover for scum to simply pile up and runaway train me here.

Please make sure you are very carefully considering. Your angle that if shock is town and rob is town then town loses feels pretty spot on if we let shock strongarm this day into being rob-shock thunderdome. I think he is most probably town this game... I know my alignment, and I'm simply not ready to just lie down and let $#@!-town (probably) toss my multi-week investment of time down the freaking tubes because they are self-blinded and not being realistic about all this.

Maybe this is a good time for me to make it known I am VERY likely to miss EOD for this phase due to family obligations and things like that... I do NOT want that to play much into how others vote but I say it to help clarify why I'm feeling a bit frantic about this now because I have a couple more hours maybe and possibly a few short things I can do tomorrow morning before I am incommunicado rest of day, in essence.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:48:35 am
I cannot believe Annele is simply just "off the table" despite nothing really going on there to warrant such untouchable status.

But, I cannot shout from the roof my scumread there while I get tanked by what I believe to be bad play by other town... so I'm forced into a world where I vote a scumread of mine that offers a fair counter-wagon chance _OR_ later in the phase if need be I'll self-pres onto ANYBODY. Mark that down. I will self-pres if necessary and the time comes for it.

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 07, 2020, 03:50:21 am
no offense to Annele but is she worth the resources to investigate?

We know everything we need to. Shes oty, DC flayed her all game, and she is never here. During War she only showed up to play her battles. Im willing to believe busy irl.

Now, im also willing to believe she is mafia. Im willing to vote her off but not yet. I think we need one more day/night with a different, more informative lynch today. If we lynch you or shock, we have a gameplan. We could literally leave the thread dead and win.

MW - wtf mate? Are you just simply "going with shock's ludicrous crap" approach and voting me? You really think I've been somehow power-wolf-ing out of my mind in some kind of god-like manner all this time???!? There is just no way you can actually believe shock's case? Town, which has me included, really really needs you to keep a level head about this becasue you are WIDELY town-read and will get lots of town to simply sheep your vote because they can't be arsed to play for real and gives GREAT/easy cover for scum to simply pile up and runaway train me here.

Please make sure you are very carefully considering. Your angle that if shock is town and rob is town then town loses feels pretty spot on if we let shock strongarm this day into being rob-shock thunderdome. I think he is most probably town this game... I know my alignment, and I'm simply not ready to just lie down and let $#@!-town (probably) toss my multi-week investment of time down the freaking tubes because they are self-blinded and not being realistic about all this.

Maybe this is a good time for me to make it known I am VERY likely to miss EOD for this phase due to family obligations and things like that... I do NOT want that to play much into how others vote but I say it to help clarify why I'm feeling a bit frantic about this now because I have a couple more hours maybe and possibly a few short things I can do tomorrow morning before I am incommunicado rest of day, in essence.

lmao i dont care if we lynch you or shock. ill hop to a shock train if you get it started and save a seat for me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 03:50:55 am
Heres a question then. Do we believe Rob/shock are different alignments? If so, we have two pretty good options/outcomes

If shock is innocent, and we conclude rob in mafia, annele can eat rob. Should that fail, we can lynch rob ourselves. (Either because Annele gets nightkilled or rob gets protected somehow)

If rob is innocent, we don't really have an offensive cover, shock will almost certainly survive the night given how tied he is with annele.

I'm inclined to believe shock, I would rather lynch rob over shock, but it might be safer to hedge our bet.

This of course dismisses my earlier tinfoil, that neither are mafia, but I dont know if thats even possible tbh.

I'd like to hear thoughts on this, specifically from MW, who is the only Conf town in my book, Shock, who I believe more then rob, and Sub, who while I believe shock, still seems town to me.

And obvious annele if they log in.

im down to lynch rob.
If Rob flips town we lynch shock.
If shock flips town and we lose.

Ill believe shock due to no one else has a better plan.
What? lynch annele? if annele flips mafia then yay we got the inactive one and cue ridiculously paranoid vote pattern readings.
If she flips town, then we probably lynch rob see [1]

I say we skip the annele step, lynch rob and hope for mafia flip. (inb4 annele flip maf and people use this against me)

Im confirmed town on pretty much everyones radar. I will most likely be NK'd next. Probably wont be able to get another ability use. I say if town FE rolls dragonfly, target andre.

Annele, if your town and rob flips town, eat shock. dont let him spew anymore nonsense.

My scum reads so far




Everyone else

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks
I was saying Shock has locked themselves in with annele, I'm willing to bet both either share an alignment or shock thinks they do, I wasn't suggesting an annele lynch, just that annele could eat someone as long as they aren't nightkilled or blocked.

If rob flips town though, its likely annele flips mafia with shock imo. or at least, its a spooky territory.

Math time

Worst case scenario for a rob flip town and annele is mafia
If we flip Rob, and they are town we go from 3 v 7 to 3 v 6. Then NK, putting us at 3v5, then annele eats a town. 3v4, and shock actually is fate egg manages to roll otyugh/Splatoon OR n2 shock rolled toadfish and poisoned someone, thus theyll die tonight leaving us 3v3.

Worst case we flip shock and shock is town
Similar pattern, NK puts us at 3v5. Annele should be pretty okay, they eat rob, and assuming shock and rob are V/W it goes to 2v5. If they aren't its 3v4 and were at a similar scenario for the above.

All lines of play I can see right now revolve around managing the risk annele innately presents by being otyugh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:52:38 am
MW - I don't want to vote a town-read of mine unless it is self-pres. I cannot at this time believe he would make such a wack-a-doodle play as scum with a team. I am somewhow able to at least get a bit of belief that a town-shock thinks this ridiculous play he's made is a good idea (it isn't). If he is town like I suspect, then voting / lynching EITHER of he or myself today / next day phase is a SURE LOSS for town. I don't want that world, so I'm not starting a shock train... I'll as stated before self-pres there if absolutely necessary.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 07, 2020, 03:54:14 am
All lines of play I can see right now revolve around managing the risk annele innately presents by being otyugh.

pretty much this. Im down to roll the dice on her not using it tho.

can we get someone to do a r/theydidthemath to make sure we can actually afford keeping a possible maf oty alive?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:57:40 am
If you think Annele is maf Oty then there is NO reason to keep her alive. kills - you're scenario is a bit generous on the "worst case" which is actually more likely flip shock-or-rob (I flip town... or shock probably flips town) down to 3v6. NK plus Oty-east a town --> 3-4. Lynch the other of rob/shock (I flip town, or shock probably flips town) ----- GAME IS OVER at 3v3. So as I see it right now, pursuing the flip both shock and rob is essentially auto-loss for town at this point... because I know my alignment and I suspect shock is town.

Put that on your plate (and eat it)!
-Sophie Lennon
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 03:59:06 am
This is still working off the idea that You and shock do not share an alignment. If you do, the game is probably close to over anyway IMO. I suppose you can add the qualifier Worst case (Assuming Shock/rob are not V/V)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 07, 2020, 03:59:48 am
MW - I don't want to vote a town-read of mine unless it is self-pres. I cannot at this time believe he would make such a wack-a-doodle play as scum with a team. I am somewhow able to at least get a bit of belief that a town-shock thinks this ridiculous play he's made is a good idea (it isn't). If he is town like I suspect, then voting / lynching EITHER of he or myself today / next day phase is a SURE LOSS for town. I don't want that world, so I'm not starting a shock train... I'll as stated before self-pres there if absolutely necessary.

if shock is mafia, the mafia team will probably just let him play himself. They might proof read his posts but anyone who knows shock would know him being just natural him is the least (but also most) sus way for him to play. I dont really believe everything he says and im probably being dumb by being down for a sketchy info lynch, but we need a gameplan if we want any hopes of winning and lynching annele will not get us a gamplan especially if she flips mafia (which is what we are hoping for right?)

give me step by step what we do until end of game if annele flips mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 04:01:12 am
kdz - what on earth would a scum!shock be doing with this choice of thunderdome and timing? There are enough players in most people's POE's that scum!shock _should_ have no reason for this ridiculous play/push. So from my perspective the fact he is making the push and I think that he is town doing it ---- well, you can understand my frantic nature of trying to get people to think elsewhere (that is, a rob-shock thunderdome portends almost certain disaster - town loss).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 04:03:25 am
If Annele flips scum, then we are ahead 7-2 and at most I think lose ONE town tonight and come out ahead 6-2 next day phase. I mean the world is our oyster at that point. In that world, either you or Sub survive the night and get to dragonfly a suspect or possible target for town info. I get a chance to probably find SOME kind of useful action for my role. I'm not sure what you want from me but is the best I can do off the cuff.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 04:04:50 am

if shock is mafia, the mafia team will probably just let him play himself. They might proof read his posts but anyone who knows shock would know him being just natural him is the least (but also most) sus way for him to play. I dont really believe everything he says and im probably being dumb by being down for a sketchy info lynch, but we need a gameplan if we want any hopes of winning and lynching annele will not get us a gamplan especially if she flips mafia (which is what we are hoping for right?)

give me step by step what we do until end of game if annele flips mafia.
If annele flips mafia we would probably flip shock anyway. Shock said he knew she was town, and has been defending her at every turn. Theyre locked together in my mind at this point.

Then we would probably flip some PoE people. Timpa Cali Geo all come to mind

kdz - what on earth would a scum!shock be doing with this choice of thunderdome and timing? There are enough players in most people's POE's that scum!shock _should_ have no reason for this ridiculous play/push. So from my perspective the fact he is making the push and I think that he is town doing it ---- well, you can understand my frantic nature of trying to get people to think elsewhere (that is, a rob-shock thunderdome portends almost certain disaster - town loss).
Thats why im inclined to believe shock. The scenario where shock is mafia would require his n2 role to be toadfish for him to be certain of the results of his play, but he could be rolling the dice and hope that your death fuels fire elsewhere after his death.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 04:10:22 am
Do we all agree though that the person who immaterialled serp has to be one of Timpa/Shock/Rob though?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 04:12:05 am
Oh just remembered, you're supposedly (and very believably so) Vulture-->Golden (kdz) ---- MW, you should realistically have almost NO FEAR of dying tonight. Either that or scum let's the Golden live and have a chance to ping another red peek.

Of course, the only way to be fairly sure that at least one of MW / kdz survives tonight is to NOT let a possibly scum!Oty get a chance to eat one of you... hmmm.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 04:14:04 am
Do we all agree though that the person who immaterialled serp has to be one of Timpa/Shock/Rob though?
kdz - for my input... if it ISN'T in that trio then there is someone in this game who is SUPERBLY faking their claim. From my perspective, I can view it even more finitely as between timpa/shock. Shock's N1 of moe that he never previously outted is quite sus... but timpa's TOTAL lack of claiming or informing the thread about ANYTHING is also very very sus. No idea why anyone wouuld think I"m the most likely in that trio given how I've honestly played and given out ALL my night actions as they were done.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 04:18:32 am
Ive come to terms with my shallow grave rob, I hope you have too.

Now, thats just it. If annele wasn't unknown i'd have voted on you no problem Rob, I just want us to be aware of our chips and where the lay. Its all about if Annele/Shock share a role. If theyre V a free gunshot is an invaluable tool, if they aren't well. Things stop looking so pretty.

Do we all agree though that the person who immaterialled serp has to be one of Timpa/Shock/Rob though?
kdz - for my input... if it ISN'T in that trio then there is someone in this game who is SUPERBLY faking their claim. From my perspective, I can view it even more finitely as between timpa/shock. Shock's N1 of moe that he never previously outted is quite sus... but timpa's TOTAL lack of claiming or informing the thread about ANYTHING is also very very sus. No idea why anyone wouuld think I"m the most likely in that trio given how I've honestly played and given out ALL my night actions as they were done.
Obviously you know your actions, but I'm just speaking strictly mechanically, these are the only suspects. Thats assuming either you or shock is lying

And linkcat did ask for psion to check on moe/serp "Just in case" to avoid two mafia becoming conf town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 04:23:03 am
Ive come to terms with my shallow grave rob, I hope you have too.

Now, thats just it. If annele wasn't unknown i'd have voted on you no problem Rob, I just want us to be aware of our chips and where the lay. Its all about if Annele/Shock share a role. If theyre V a free gunshot is an invaluable tool, if they aren't well. Things stop looking so pretty.

Do we all agree though that the person who immaterialled serp has to be one of Timpa/Shock/Rob though?
kdz - for my input... if it ISN'T in that trio then there is someone in this game who is SUPERBLY faking their claim. From my perspective, I can view it even more finitely as between timpa/shock. Shock's N1 of moe that he never previously outted is quite sus... but timpa's TOTAL lack of claiming or informing the thread about ANYTHING is also very very sus. No idea why anyone wouuld think I"m the most likely in that trio given how I've honestly played and given out ALL my night actions as they were done.
Obviously you know your actions, but I'm just speaking strictly mechanically, these are the only suspects. Thats assuming either you or shock is lying

And linkcat did ask for psion to check on moe/serp "Just in case" to avoid two mafia becoming conf town.
And as per my town-read on Link at the time, I did my duty in using my shite Egg draw of Psion that night to target serp. I clearly came forward the next day with that action. Shock seems to possibly have done likewise (that is, also targeted one of serp/moe with Psion on N1) but he lies about other things then several phases "comes clean" about having Psion'd the OTHER 'non-bad-publicity-drawing' piece of the deja vu pair... like how does that make it more likely I'm the liar? I don't get it (obviously I know my truth -but even trying to put myself in others' shoes I don't see how my side of things is less believable as truth???).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 07, 2020, 04:28:50 am
Rob making it seem so important to Kill Annele now because she could eat a second town. In reality, he just doesn’t want to deal with a scenario where town either gets GN off or devour off.

Also why do you think rob keeps talking about me being town? Every other town member in the past put me as mafia lean for my actions and would do the same here, yet rob writes it off as a bad town play because he knows if he gets in a pissing match with me, one of us is going to get lynched today. But he doesn’t want that to happen. He wants Annele to die today so mafia doesn’t have to deal with kdz and Annele.

Almost everyone else has come to terms that either rob or I is mafia, but rob keeeps trying to push the idea that we’re both town. He wants Annele dead now. Don’t give it to him. DONT FORGET THAT IAN VOTED ANNELE WITH INTENT TO KILL WHEN HE HAD THE OPTION OF GOING FOR ANDRE AND LINKCAT INSTEAD.


Yes, my opinion has changed. Don’t eat Calindu. I did originally think calindu was mafia but after I came to the realization that rob has to be the mafia Anubis, my entire read list changed and I realized that him and kaempf are actually the mafia, which then clears Calindu. Obviously you decide for yourself who to eat. You can even eat me, but keep in my mind I’m literally the only one who has tried to keep you alive this entire game. I would appreciate some help voting rob for today though and we can figure out food devour targets later.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 04:32:51 am

That would be because I'm trying to play with skill and keep solving and considering all possible variable that make sense. Unfortunately for me, that means a world where you are likely misguided town. So yeah, I'm preferring a world where we don't thunderdome because that  - as explained by both kdz and myself (and MW?) - is a scenario where town is auto-screwed and basically has lost. I will not lose that way. So I'm digging deep to find a way to keep my  head on straight and realize that PROBABLY the way you're playing is town!shock. REgrettably so, but hey I have to try to work with those that I think are aligned with me even when they refuse or just keep pushing a terrible situation.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 04:51:29 am
Rob making it seem so important to Kill Annele now because she could eat a second town. In reality, he just doesn’t want to deal with a scenario where town either gets GN off or devour off.

Also why do you think rob keeps talking about me being town? Every other town member in the past put me as mafia lean for my actions and would do the same here, yet rob writes it off as a bad town play because he knows if he gets in a pissing match with me, one of us is going to get lynched today. But he doesn’t want that to happen. He wants Annele to die today so mafia doesn’t have to deal with kdz and Annele.

The thing I dislike about shock, is they seem to post whatever I'm thinking about. Its like I'm living in the matrix and shock has a direct line to my brain.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 05:24:13 am
@MW, this is directly at you because I'm almost certain you're town.

I think our safest play is to flip shock. Not because I think shock is mafia, but because I think it hedges our bets against annele as much as we reasonably can without outright killing annele. I believe shock is town, if not purely because they are in my head and I can see myself making all of theirs plays so far as a town. But, if I'm drinking the koolaid and shock is mafia, then annele gets a free kill and we enter a risky zone.

I'm asking you, do we make the risky play that can outright win us the game and kill rob (or cause us to potentially outright lose to a wombo combo) or do we kill shock and take a safe bet to secure annele.

This assumes Shock/Annele are W/W or V/V ofc, and I strongly believe they share alignment.

I would also like to take a moment to point out this post.
Oh just remembered, you're supposedly (and very believably so) Vulture-->Golden (kdz) ---- MW, you should realistically have almost NO FEAR of dying tonight. Either that or scum let's the Golden live and have a chance to ping another red peek.

Of course, the only way to be fairly sure that at least one of MW / kdz survives tonight is to NOT let a possibly scum!Oty get a chance to eat one of you... hmmm.
This right here out of everything posted makes me the most nervous of rob. Its a threat, an ATE and a deflection all in one. Rob takes a shot at my credibility, tries to put the fear of dying into both of us (suggesting if we let annele live we will both die, which i admit is a real risk), and suggests we move onto annele instead.

It should be noted, he is right a little bit. Unless the mafia try to make a play and lynch me tomorrow, you are almost certainly safe tonight MW, aside from annele. But do we, and more importantly, do you, believe annele is mafia?

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Kaes lynch log offers us a lot, it shows ian busing the hell out of annele, but that could just be a seed sown for doubt later if ian gets caught or annele flips mafia. The same is true for timpa, but I doubt timpa has a kill role. I think its on us to push one way or another, as you are the conf town, and I'm a suspect conf town (Whatever, idk how to describe it. I know I'm town, but I understand if theres still lingering doubts about my alignment, despite the corpse under my belt.)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 07, 2020, 05:25:20 am

This is where I crumbed my role (note that I left N1 uncapitalized)


At last some activity in this thread. Sorry for just being over there, this has been very low on my priorities these last days. Here's a detail you forgot: since rob targeted serp in n1 he could also have been the anubis.

I didn't target serp because I can't target anyone, I'm a phoenix. Also note that this was made before shock's wall of text, so the only world where this was made preemptively is one where we are w/w, which I already argued against in my previous post.

The way I see it there is 1 mafia between you and shock (echoing everyone, but that's just POE)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 05:29:21 am
www3 told me to post chat under penalty of death, but I didnt think this was anything of value. I was just trying to idly converse with MW and Rob over the sheer fucking chaos of this game.
[01:00:50] ‹killsdazombies› What a fun mafia game this is
[01:01:55] ‹killsdazombies› I myself am not sure If i'm using fun ironically though lmao
[01:02:08] ‹killsdazombies› or i guess sarcastically
[01:21:51] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@killsdazombies› post in thread or by the power of deadpad I shall modkill you : :devil:
[01:24:33] ‹killsdazombies› Oh lmao I just did ww3
[01:24:40] ‹killsdazombies› I didn't even see your stuff I had been mulling things over
[01:25:01] ‹killsdazombies› God I wish I was a part of the deadpad
[01:25:29] ‹killsdazombies› Obv i don't envy your entire situation www3, being dead and all as the cop
[01:25:47] ‹killsdazombies› But I hate making choices in text mafia. I feel so naked.
[01:26:02] ‹killsdazombies› Maybe I should just be drinking for all of these posts...
[01:26:17] ‹worldwideweb3› (As in I meant post the mafia stuff u typed in chat in thread )
[01:26:34] ‹killsdazombies› Oh?
[01:26:44] ‹killsdazombies› Is that worth posting?
[01:26:46] ‹killsdazombies› Okay sure
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 07, 2020, 05:39:01 am

I'm down to lynch shock on principle alone.

No idea about annele. She should be lynched tomorrow night at the latest.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 05:47:55 am
Wait on principle of what?

And if shock flips town do you still support an annele lynch?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 06:36:26 am
I'm going to bed, I'll be back before eod. This is all a lot to sift though. I really believe shock is town, and my gut is screaming to kill rob, but I believe shock lynch may be the safest way to approach today. Given anneles existence.

Idk, i guess tomorrow I'll wake up and see if my brain or my gut has reached a decision and post either way. Hopefully will be up at least 4 hours before eod.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 07, 2020, 10:15:48 am
Ian was going to kill Annele. It’s not her. Stop acting like she’s a risk just because her role is otyugh. If I hadn’t revealed her role you guys wouldn’t be even factoring her in to the voting situation right now. She should be one of the highest town reads of everyone left in the game right now. Her role shouldn’t change. If just the fact that she is otyugh changes your opinion of her alignment, then you’re approaching the game the wrong way and it’s going to cost us.

What’s more valuable? Reading into her being mafia because she rolled otyugh as a role and isn’t as active as other players? Or looking at past voting and realizing that its highly unlikely her teammates were willing to just kill her off as the first lynch ever when there were plenty of other town players they could’ve gone after instead while still avoiding suspicion?

Lynching me off instead of rob because of the Annele situation is a safer play statistically. Except it’s not, because those odds change when there are very good reasons for Annele being town. So I highly suggest you simply look at if you trust me more or rob more and vote off that. If you think I’m more suspicious than vote me, but don’t vote me because you’re worried about Annele and want to play things as safe as possible. Play to win, don’t play to be scared.

Do you think fake claiming fate egg GN to save a potential mafia is a statistically good play? No, logically it sucks on extreme levels. But I took a gamble because I knew the mafia is much better at manipulating town when they go for the obvious play. I thought Linkcat was much more a threat than kaempf because he was a heavy player but one that was offering too much cover for players like rob and torb and sub to hide behind. In the same way, I’m worried about what’s going to happen if I get lynched. The remaining town players are not super active and don’t have a loud voice in this game. If rob is mafia, are you guys confident you can rally enough of the remaining town to take him out? Because he will without a doubt try to sway a couple of the weaker voters into believing that both me and rob could be town.

If We decide to lynch rob though and he flips town for some impossible reason, I won’t stop you guys from lynching me. Because I’ll just accept that I screwed up and take the hit. But you can already see rob trying to deflect things now and set up for his own safety even if I get lynched today and flip town. That should be a sign. Don’t believe his BS that both of us are town. ONE OF US HAS TO BE MAFIA BECAUSE ONE OF US IS THE ANUBIS.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 07, 2020, 10:21:47 am
Oh btw, if you’re worried Andre lied and is the Anubis, well guess what, I can check to him tonight since I’m psion. Oh? You’re worried I could be a fate egg Anubis and lie about checking Andre? WELL THEN ANDRE ISNT THE ANUBIS!!!!! Come on people, stop ditching the logic for the feelings. Rob tries to mask emotional appeal as logic. Don’t be fooled.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 07, 2020, 11:20:24 am
Will try to go through posts and give my thoughts over the next hour or so, but first, I need an 1-hour extension to have a good chance to be here at EoD.

1-hour extension(1) - Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 07, 2020, 12:22:12 pm
Are we certain there is an Anubis?

No, I haven't heard of any other blocked abilities as far as I remember, so I'm pretty sure it was Fate Egg Anubis.

From this post, I think that ian seemed to buddy rob? Not sure.

The list of possible Anubises is not very long.
If I count that Annele cannot be Anubis and if I believe rob's reports, then only the following people can be it:

1. iancudorinmarian
12. andretimpa
14. shockcannon (Fate Egg)
15. killsdazombies
18. Ge0metry v1.2

@MasterWalks: If you have seen one of these people target someone, please help to narrow the list.

AFAIK, shock has not said anything about his N1 action, so it is possible that he got Anubis from Fate Egg.
Found it. And the list is now even smaller.

12. andretimpa
14. shockcannon (Fate Egg)
18. Ge0metry v1.2

@shock: If I am correct about what you have in mind, I see no reason why you would not reveal what you found.

Add rob to that list and remove Ge0. Unless Ge0 and shock are both mafia, then he can't be Anubis.

1.) My role is Psion. I am not fate egg. I am not golden nymph. I am Psion. Here are my results:

N0 --> kaempfer13 (crusader - role had not been used yet since psion has lowest priority)
N1 --> moehrpi (deja vu - this was a wasted use but it only wastes 1 night and it's pretty much a guaranteed win if they ended up being mafia)
N2 --> Annele (Otyugh)
N3 --> Ge0 (Ghost of the Past)

This seems convenient as hell, I tell you that, the only role which you claimed to have seen before they were actually claimed was Annele's one. Also seems convenient that you targeted moe and not serp N1. You are either Egg or Psion based on you finding out Annele's role, but don't believe your finds can confirm you as Psion.

Remember when I said rob was mafia back in day 1? Remember when I said rob was mafia back in day 2? Well serprex also thought he was mafia but somehow he just slips through the cracks. Anyways, this is the third, last, and most likely mafia Anubis in the game. He even said he would target serprex. Great excuse to justify his visit just in case there was a firefly or something on serprex. Conveniently uses the psion as a perfect scapegoat to justify visiting serprex only to give him immortality. We lost our most afk town N0 who no one would care if they died. Then our confirmed town gets immortality the same night our fate egg visits him? Like this isn't a coincidence folks. We have our mafia right here.

Stop using emotional reads when there are mechanical reads available. I'm sick of this "if rob is mafia then I deserve to lose. He has to be town." Rob is a good player. He knows how to trick you. But they slipped up. It can literally only be rob or Submachine as andretimpa is basically confirmed town due to ian's voting.

I said multiple times that I scumread rob, so I believe your points here are true, it's convenient that he visited serprex N1 as Psion and was serprex received Immortality the very same night.

(HINT: this is pro town activity, I'm trying to help town win here)

This is one of the funniest posts of the entire game, you don't need to tell us what is pro town activity this directly, everyone needs to decide for themselves based on everyone's posts.

4. You think I saved kae on day 2? He was dead meat on Day 2 as runaway lead wagon. Then _YOU_ came in with a claim of having GN'd him prior and that you KNOW he is town -- that is what saved kae ---- I did not save him, YOU did. You are quite literally 'blaming' me as the one who did what actually YOU did.

I agree with rob here, you saved kae, not anyone else.

In a world where rob used Anubis on serprex during N1 and claimed Psion, rob would most likely be mafia. But it is a world I am not quite ready to accept yet, so that is also why I went with the assumption that rob was truthful about his reports. I concede that my ATE influenced my mechanical PoE, but even though it is possible, I still think rob is the least likely to be the Anubis.


Why did you focus so much this game on Link and rob?

By the way shock, if I'm scum then pushing a wagon uphill with a rope like I've done on most all my cases this game is NOT how scum win a game when they are as visible and post-present as I am. Smart players will know this and if they're town take it into account as a TOWN activity. Of course, you'll do as you always do and simply choose to bury your head in your own world to play your own game, apparently. Cheers mate. By the way, I still think you're most likely town making terrible plays repeatedly.

Again with this type of post, telling us what is town activity and taking credit for doing it.

Then we would probably flip some PoE people. Timpa Cali Geo all come to mind

Why are you trivialising this end game so much? How the hell going by PoE randomly a good strategy at this point in the game? I believe you are town, I don't think a kdz/ian w/w thunderdome happened, but this seems like such a bad plan.

This is the last vote tally.

Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies

shock and kaempfer are vouching for each other (well, only kae was "cleared" by shock, but noone cleared shock), and serp is Vujatron, so my new top 3 scumreads are Calindu, TorB, and kdz.
Looking back at the final votes on Linkcat, my reads are now outdated. If only serprex and TorB are mech confirmed, and kdz is GN who helped find a mafia, then I think 1-2 mafia hides among shock, Calindu, and kaempfer.

If you keep thinking that mafia was on Link and the other wagon was mafia, then why not go hard after me? It's the only way your whole theory about mafia pushing the Linkcat lynch makes sense.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 07, 2020, 12:24:44 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (3) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu

Voting rob for now, I semi-believe andre's claim and that means that one of rob/shock made serprex Immortal. Not sure why rob keeps trying to push for an Annele lynch, it literally makes no sense since there's almost no chance both him and shock are town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on June 07, 2020, 12:58:54 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Voting before I go to bed. I still think rob's the more likely mafia of the two (shock and rob).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 02:41:39 pm
Then we would probably flip some PoE people. Timpa Cali Geo all come to mind

Why are you trivialising this end game so much? How the hell going by PoE randomly a good strategy at this point in the game? I believe you are town, I don't think a kdz/ian w/w thunderdome happened, but this seems like such a bad plan.

You misunderstood the point of the post, this was meant to highlight that I wouldn't really know where to start with a Shock/Annele team aside from digging into the that group.

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (3) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu

Voting rob for now, I semi-believe andre's claim and that means that one of rob/shock made serprex Immortal. Not sure why rob keeps trying to push for an Annele lynch, it literally makes no sense since there's almost no chance both him and shock are town.

So this is actually a strat I use all the time in person. It looks like its a line directed at the attacker, but its really for everyone else. You assure everyone you think your attacker is town, it makes you look like a peaceful dude and makes your attacker appear doubly aggressive. Then, later on you casually deflect onto someone else. I do something like that all the time as both mafia and town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 02:42:54 pm
anyway I woke up and my gut felt right

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies

If this is a ruse you got me shock, plain and simple. Thats all I can really say.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:25:10 pm
\flip the tables

I have way better things to do with my life than futz with this much bad play. I couldn't tolerate it before so I quit for a while. The more things change the more they stay the same - the one day I cannot play hard at end of day is the one 8 get screwed. Get rekt town, we (town) lose. I'm town I'm town I'm town. Oh have I mentioned I'm town. I can say it all I want. Did I mention how I know I'm town? They're this ought to give even scum the free pass to hop on me and mass wagon my mislynch. Also, I'll be honest I don't even care if town wins anyone. You've sucked. Get. R. E. K. T.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 03:29:32 pm
Forgot one thing - put my vote on rob77dp. I'm that dead serious how bad this is. Good night and a cool adieu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 07, 2020, 03:44:40 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (6) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp

However you want it man, but you can't come and blame everyone else for playing poorly, let's be serious about it. Miss me with this bullshit elitism, it doesn't help and it never will. You can't just expect everyone to follow you and agree with your stuff, and you can't tell us we suck if we don't agree.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 07, 2020, 03:53:36 pm
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (8) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

I agree with everyone saying we need to lynch one of rob/shock. Rob seems like the most viable train, but I have no problem switching to shock. This game has just been pure chaos.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 07, 2020, 03:54:45 pm
Fucked up correcting the counts

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 04:06:43 pm
Well, I've been townreading rob all game and I havent seen enough to change that on an emotional level. Even at this stage the only nontowny thing I see from him is acknowledging, but completely dismissing that the Anubis has to be in shock/timpa from his point of view, while scum!shock pretty much ensured he (shock himself) dies within 2 days and didnt even consider timpa as a possible alternative. Only way I see the latter happening is if shock and timpa are scum together or shock lacks foresight, both of which seem plausible to me.
Darn, there are so many things I couldnt do yet since I couldnt focus on this game in the last few days, but with people so deadset to lynch rob I suppose they are not interested in an extension anymore (kinda reminds me of day2 though, so that doesnt mean you guys are all right)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 07, 2020, 05:39:57 pm
My vote seems miniscule compared to the other wagon, but sharing thoughts is good, so here I go.~

Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Looking back at the final votes on Linkcat, my reads are now outdated. If only serprex and TorB are mech confirmed, and kdz is GN who helped find a mafia, then I think 1-2 mafia hides among shock, Calindu, and kaempfer.
One of my PoE contains shock, Calindu, and kaempfer, because I suspect 1-2 mafia was pushing Linkcat's train. And today's Poe (rob, shock, or timpa) also contains shock.

I saw andretimpa shared his role, and he also showed crumbs. Rob was also crumbing his actions, plus he gave constant reports of them. Shock was the only one without supporting crumbs, so I'm less convinced about his case. During role bluffing, it would have been especially useful to hint at the truth. (If there are crumbs shock forgot to share and he points them out, my vote will change to rob.)

Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate
At the beginning of the game, I decided to give higher town lean to those who solve more, and before his grand plan, there weren't many of shock's. This mentality also proved to be true between ian and kdz, so I'm sticking with it.

So to me, the lines converge here. I analyzed each scenario where rob and shock are v/w and w/v, and while both worlds seem plausible, voting shock made more sense to me.

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 05:43:22 pm
Here is all the relevant spew I could find from ian; just dumping it here for now, will work through it in time. I left out the obv parts that point to kdz town, it goes without saying.

1) My vote switches weren't random.
2) rob is currently my strongest town read after the deja vu pair
This looks like Calin and ian are not aligned.

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

Fine by me.
Seems reluctant, I'll have to find the conversation that led up to this. Yh, still gotta do this

Iancu are you okay with lynching andre? If so then we can end this charade. Annele is being voted as a viable counterwagon because shock, MW, and serp are being dumb by voting me, Annele and kaempfer's votes are legit.
I don't even know anymore. Way too much stuff going on. I could be persuaded to lynch you, even. I'll try the Annele lynch, I'll see where trusting rob takes me.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

Here he favors voting annele over andre or Link for an arbitrary reason; doesnt look like a busattempt in the slightest (and makes me a little sus of andre)
TorB, I'm not going to do a read on everyone. I simply lack the motivation to go through so many posts. If there are a few people I've omitted that you want an opinion on, feel free to ask.
andre and Sub currently have the most lynch votes. You put Sub as n, so let's look at andre. Are you okay with him being lynched, or is there someone else you would prefer getting lynched?
I wouldn't be opposed to a timpa lynch tbh. He didn't really contribute much except for a small poke at rob. Although I don't necessarily scumread him (timpa), I'm still against no-lynch as a concept. So unless timpa comes up with something, I would probably place him at "n-".

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
ok this post does sound like timpa, ian not w/w

Albeit late, here's my updated readlist.

serprex - you know why

rob - Still my strongest town read. Make of that what you wish.

TorB - I can see where kae is coming from, but it feels way too conspiracy theory to me. TorB is still a town-lean for me.
MW - Not sure what to think of him. He's asking for the reads of some very specific people. Town behaviour, I'd say.

shock - I don't even read his posts. I'm too low IQ to understand, so I just ignore.
Calin - I haven't seen anything unusual from him yet.
Sub - I don't know. I don't like reading walls of texts, so I kinda ignore those. People with more patience can feel free to analyze them better.
kdz, DC, Ge0 - No clue whatsoever.

Linkcat - U N L Y N C H A B L E
andre - Still one of the people I suspect. To be honest, I don't like how easy it was to forget about him entirely.

Annele - I really don't like how hard she was to lynch D1.
kae - As said, his theories feel way too conspiracy-oriented.


pretty obvious that he doesnt put his buddies in scumreads with reasons like that; theres much more to take from his readlists, but I dont have the time for it

This is about the point in the game(s?) I recall town you revealing juicy tidbits of info you've collected while flying mostly under the radar. Remind me, are you just sheeping my Annele read or are you on an independent scumread of her??
Unfortunately, my role is not an information role at all, and that's all I'll say about it.

My Annele scumread started with sheeping yours, but while you seem to have mostly let that be in the past, I'm still clinging on to it. That's about all I have, even at this late stage of the game. I don't really have a plan tbh, too many fate eggs, too many unknowns still.

Imo this still reads like not w/w, at the risk of proving myself an idiot within the next hour once again. Blindly sheeping a scumpartner is pretty much unheard of as it serves little purpose; it doesnt deepen the case and you are already on the same team, no reason to buddy up like that. Obv Annele still not teamed with ian either.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 06:14:26 pm
Woah, woah, woah. Why are we lynching Annele now? How is Link almost dead? How come rob has literally no votes on him anymore after being suspected by almost everyone? Placeholder vote until I get some answers.

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian
There is also this bit. Sounds almost dissappointed robs not on the table anymore. It feels like I've made the wrong call every occasion possible in this game, but i just cant see rob as scum.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 07, 2020, 06:17:08 pm
The only rob is town is if Andre is the mafia Anubis. And that just seems highly unlikely to me given that Ian was ready to kill him. The only way I see Andre as mafia is if kaempf is also mafia and the reason he started the extension vote is to give Andre more time since he was a leading vote before the extension. And kaempf being mafia makes rob seem more mafia also.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 06:22:44 pm
Oh well, i suppose nothing will change about this voteresult. If rob is scum, just always do the opposite of what i say and you should be on a great path. And if rob is town after all, then timpa should pretty much always be scum regardless of shocks alignement, as v!shock either wrongly cleared him or s!shock didnt want him involved in the thunderdome.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 07, 2020, 07:00:31 pm
Night 4

The race is getting tight. Here's the fourth night.

rob77dp was lynched. He was an Elemental and a Fate Egg [Dragonfly].

Night 4 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 07:10:05 pm
Paradoxically this gives me a grim sense of satisfaction.

... but i know if made bad calls throughout this game, so I don't really deserve to.

Mechanically there is at least 1 scum in andre, shock, i argue it's both and now that I've finally been right about sth I'm gonna push my views again. if Annele eats someone not out of those 2 we lanch her.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 07, 2020, 07:27:29 pm
Currently 6 town vs 3 mafia. After Nightkill, it will be 5 town vs 3 mafia. If Annele eats Town, regardless of her alignment, we are down to 4 town vs 3 mafia.

If Annele eats Mafia, we will be down to 5 town vs 2 mafia, with Annele being welcomed among the strong town leans.

Shock and andre should duke it out between themselves tonight. If they are not w/w, the Town between them should make a case for himself and against the other.

If he flips town, you know I'm mafia.
He flipped town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 07:36:59 pm
Well, we flew a little close to the flame there and got burned. I guess our course is set. Fingers crossed the ship doesn't go down tonight anyway.

Our big unknowns (secondary wise) are in Shock Timpa and kae imo. We haven't confirmed anything in kae, besides that cali confirmed they could be targeted. But then again, do we trust cali?

I'm just going to call it a night and focus on getting something to eat.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: rob77dp on June 07, 2020, 07:41:34 pm
Death post? Dead thread dead town. Get rekt. \hasta pasta didn't miss it won't miss it  :-*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 07, 2020, 07:42:06 pm
I had to go out of town urgently, no service no wifi, somehow got a bar of service just now, don't know how long it will last. Not caught up at all (last I read page 153?) sorry for absence
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 08:24:58 pm
Well, we flew a little close to the flame there and got burned. I guess our course is set. Fingers crossed the ship doesn't go down tonight anyway.

Our big unknowns (secondary wise) are in Shock Timpa and kae imo. We haven't confirmed anything in kae, besides that cali confirmed they could be targeted. But then again, do we trust cali?

I'm just going to call it a night and focus on getting something to eat.
My secondary has been confirmed by both shock(although I'm pretty sure this one was fake atp) and cali (both being able and unable to target respectively at the expected times); id argue it has been confirmed moreso than anyone elses. there is also mw confirming i didnt use it n1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 08:37:31 pm
Before it was two lines of conf, shock has obviously fallen through, and cali was/is a little shaky in my eyes still. Two unreliable lines of conf is still two lines, but its just something we should be aware of.

not using an ability =/= conf imo, so while I take MWs word as gold, it doesn't really prove anything here.

I'm just trying to narrow down our anubis here, and especially if shock flips mafia, you should be examined. What better cover for an anubis then an adren'd shrieker ya know?

This line of thinking leaves us with a Shock/Kae/Cali team, which while I'm not confident in, is a line I think has merit. I'm going to take some time to think on this, but it would make sense for a mafia shock to throw in a teammate into his kill list for when he inevitably gets caught.

It could all just be tinfoil, but I'd rather bring it up now and discuss it with the town then dump it before I get nk'd
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 08:44:34 pm
either of cali or shocks claim proves it though, so you are assuming exactly us 3 as scumteam; either way you shouldnt go after me until at least shock has flipped and that shock and i do not make a scumteam should be obvious for different reasons as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 07, 2020, 08:46:10 pm
based on secondary obv; since shock dropped his gn claim obv i am not confirmed town anymore
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 07, 2020, 09:27:06 pm
Look this is just thinking outloud.

Shocks claim aint worth nothing anymore, so the conf of crusader is out the window. We can agree on that much at least.

So were left with calis claim that you were targetable one night, and then untargetable the next, and further that target was adren. Assuming cali was telling the truth, that leaves us with you either as an adrened shrieker, or as an adrened anubis, but it in no way confirms your primary role. (Since you could have just anubis'd yourself n1 when you claimed to endow torb, given that endow and anubis are right next to each other on the priority list, this would have been relatively safe)

A moment of reflect leads me to doubt myself on cali though. Theyre in a weird territory for me still. I dont think a mafia Green nymph would have a reason to target torb n1. My tinfoil blinded me to the realities of the past night, thus a revision.


??? being one of Timpa, Annele, and geo IMO.

MW - Forced my hand, but I doubt a mafia would do that so publicly to their own, and so eagerly jump on.

Sub - I need to review my opinion of sub. All previous reads/examinations have been with a view that is tainted by shock.

Geo - Still sus of them, nothing has changed. Theyre skirting by only to conveniently come back right at EoD and make a post? Idk. Everything geo does, aside from their claim, seems to rub me the wrong way.

Timpa & Annele - More review required. Annele has a chance to "prove" themselves, or condemn themselves. So that'll solve itself really. Timpa is flying under the radar for me. I'll need to redouble and examine their posts again

Shock - :/

Kae - As discussed above. This is just in the tinfoil stage, but i think it has merit for discussion.

Cali - As stated above, I dont see a reason for scum cali to target torb n1. That just feels like a silly move no matter how you dice it, they couldn't have known how n2 would play out UNLESS they were all on the same team. Thus, unless both kae/shock are mafia, they're probably fine. If kae and shock do both flip mafia though, examination of cali could be beneficial. Its hard to tell now though, Cali is by far the person Im having the toughest time with. I am compelled in both directions on them. Still, for now it feels reasonable to read them as towny.

KDZ - Me

To clarify the Shock/Kae/Cali tinfoil we had a torb claim and we had a kae claim, and we had cali target torb on N1. N2 The idea to make a second invincible town came about, and thus the plan was the leave torb open so Kae could nab it, and to adren kae. This left both kae and torb open to attack. Torb tried to WiFoM but it failed, and kae claims to have gotten adrend and shrieker. I am not the first to mention that this process went a little clean for there to have been no mafia involved.  Really, aside from Kae claiming to have gotten the shriker, and Cali claiming to have targeted kae, we dont have confirmation. Hell, cali could even be a towny and going along with the plan and not know it, because an anubis attempt by kae on n2 could have slipped in after the adren, only to be blocked n3.

This is why I was confused about serps plan on n3, I thought the plan was to prove kae WAS still targetable, so we could determine if they were able to toggle their immortality.

Were in a rush to find some stability after robs death, but I strongly believe we wont find it in kae.

Again I'm not even sure if this is anything beyond tinfoil, but its my working theory of whats going on. Beyond this, I dont really see a shock team anywhere, even if we do flip shock and theyre mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 07, 2020, 10:14:10 pm
I'm all for Annele eating me or shock tonight. If she eats town or doesn't use her ability, mafia is one ML from winning anyway. If she eats mafia, we get a bit more comfortable (I'll also be around even if I'm eaten). By pure POE, one of us has to be the one that targeted serp (I think we did rule out all other possibilities).

I'll take a closer look at shock's posts and make my case.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 08, 2020, 06:10:49 pm
I was away for almost a full day and barely any activity. >_>

Dead thread dead town.
No joke.

We know almost everyone's roles now, so we can try to formulate a plan.

It is better to get over with using Otyugh. If we misuse it now, we still have room to wiggle. If we misuse it tomorrow, (or let it be misused tomorrow,) it's game over. But if Annele eats a mafia tonight, we pretty much confirm her. So it's a wiggle-or-win scenario tonight.

Annele: Shock and timpa contains 1 or 2 mafia. Pick someone who you scumread more.

Ge0metry v1.2 [Ghost of the Past]: Geo should target shock, because shock's ability is either useless (Psion) or he is mafia (Fate Egg).

shockcannon [Psion / Fate Egg]: If shock really is Psion, his only unchecked target is andretimpa.

Calindu [Green Nymph]: It has zero effect on anything, but you can give green to kdz or MW. As a token gift.

killsdazombies [Vulture]: It's better if you don't tell us who you target, just in case your target would decide to become immaterial.

kaempfer13 [Shrieker]: Kae should unburrow tonight.

andretimpa [Phoenix / Anubis]: You should not be able to target anyone.

Submachine / MasterWalks [Dragonfly]: And the Dragonflies can check both kaempfer and andretimpa. We would finally get a second opinion of kaempfer's immortality (in case it is still a question whether he is Anubis or not), and we would also make sure a Phoenix doesn't suddenly use an ability. MW, if you agree, who do you want to target from the two?

I'm just trying to narrow down our anubis here, and especially if shock flips mafia, you should be examined. What better cover for an anubis then an adren'd shrieker ya know?

This line of thinking leaves us with a Shock/Kae/Cali team, which while I'm not confident in, is a line I think has merit. I'm going to take some time to think on this, but it would make sense for a mafia shock to throw in a teammate into his kill list for when he inevitably gets caught.

To assume that kaempfer is an Anubis, the following conditions must be true:

It is a possibility, but only if things went exactly like I listed above. If any of the three is town, Kae cannot be Anubis. There are much simpler worlds where timpa or shock is the Anubis.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 08, 2020, 06:45:54 pm
As promissed, here is my case:

Given what happened, I think the only way shock could still be town (stating from the point of view that I'm town) is this

I forgot to mention, that it is possible that some of the players with revealed roles are fate egg also and could be anubis as much as rob. I really don't think that's the case though, but I can always use my psion role to check if someone's role has changed.

I'll come back later to this, but I believe we have already cleared up all the possibilities here (correct me if I'm wrong). If we go purely by logic, there must be at least one mafia between me and shock.

Why a w/w world makes no sense

First, what would be the motivation for a w/w crazy plan like that? I can only think of one (sane) possibility: The idea that if one of us flips wolf, this automatically clears the other. Now I think that town is smarter than that, but to anyone that is skeptical, Annele can solve this for us tonight. If she eats one of us and the eaten one flips wolf, we can afford one more ML. So if you really want, you guys can satisfy your paranoia lynching the other one, without losing the game.

I also argued to rob that the timing (and content) of my crumbing would have been really bad in a w/w scenario


About the D3 voting, that's what just popping in sporadically in the thread looks like.

About the tidbit, note that shock's post was 7 hours after mine, are you seriously suggesting mafia would make a plan this loud, on such short notice, while forgetting these details? (I know, WIFOM).

Also, look closer at that paragraph, the bit about you wasn't the main purpose of it. (I can spell it out tomorrow if you want)


This is where I crumbed my role (note that I left N1 uncapitalized)


At last some activity in this thread. Sorry for just being over there, this has been very low on my priorities these last days. Here's a detail you forgot: since rob targeted serp in n1 he could also have been the anubis.

I didn't target serp because I can't target anyone, I'm a phoenix. Also note that this was made before shock's wall of text, so the only world where this was made preemptively is one where we are w/w, which I already argued against in my previous post.

The way I see it there is 1 mafia between you and shock (echoing everyone, but that's just POE)

Also note that shock was hinting at his phase 3 since D3

Is it time to unleash phase 3 of my master plan?

It's getting awfully close to phase 3 of shock's master plan. Stay tuned.

If we were mafia buddies there would have been talk about this in chat and I would have at least changed the content of the crumbs (instead of something that can be read as shade at rob). My point here is that this is not what coordinated action looks like (specially if you believe the motivation I presented for this play existing in a w/w scenario).

Why the way Anubis has been used points to a Fate Egg

Put yourselves on the shoes of a mafia Anubis, what is your optimal strategy? I'll let torb answer this one

I also just noticed something seriously messed up about serprex getting targeted by a mafia Anubis (if this is indeed the case), but I'd rather not inform mafia about that for now. Seems like whomever planned this out isn't as insightful as me.

Anubis takes priority over Guardian Angel, so using it at the same night and target as the nightkill would have rendered the target unable to reveal being targeted by Anubis, while still being immune to healing.

I believe that if you were assigned to this role, you'd have figured that out rather quickly. Your optimal strategy would also involve using this as often as possible, so using it in NK at N0, N2, etc and we'd still be none the wiser (unless a GA came ahead about it)

Now put yourselves on the shoes of mafia FE that rolls Anubis in N1. In an ordinary situation I'd say the optimal play is to just combo it with the NK. However, we had just had our deja-vus revealed, so mafia suddenly has to deal with 2 soon to be confirmed townies. I think sending the NK against the less high-profile of the 2 vus while using Anubis to secure the NK in the second later on was the way mafia found to kill two birds with one stone.

Who could be a Fate Egg

Based entirely on what we have revealed to us

Annele - Regardless of whether or not she is FE, she couldn't have been the one to target serp unless DC lied to us

fuckit, sure. I'll claim.

Flayer N0 No one, N1/N2 Annele.

I told you it's worthless.

Only reason why I held back is because I know my role is better used in scum hands, and my paranoid ass don't want no mafia crusaders stealing that role.

kaempfer13 - The whole way the N2 plan worked out makes this impossible, barring Cal/kaemp/shock being the remaining mafia, which is next level tinfoil imo.

Calindu - He used adrenaline in torb in N1 iirc. Regardless, he used adrenaline twice, which is very unlikely for an egg.

Submachine - With the amount of crumbs he revealed about his actions in all nights, I'm fairly confident he's dragonfly.

MasterWalks - He was very public about the results of his role and was never challenged. 100% dragonfly.

andretimpa - You'll have to believe me that I would have made at least something else noticeable with my role if I were a FE (if you put the tinfoil and say I'm the egg Anubis).

shockcannon - The only part of his claim that is verifiable is the N2 psion, which is consistent with him being an egg.

killsdazombies - This would require some high quality theater with ian (MW could have just been a catalyst if you read the thread carefully). Still if this was the plan and kdz was FE in N1, the plan in D3 backfired (due to MW), since it would make more sense for kdz to have been lynched in D3 (lynching kdz would have rid mafia of the Anubis POE, while lynching ian would make kdz suspicious if he's not nightkilled this night) - I find this scenario too risky as a mafia play and highly unlikely. This should only be considered if kdz lives through the night.

Ge0metry v1.2 - He claimed GotP in D3. If you believe shock, he was still GotP in N3, which is unlikely for an egg. So if Ge0 is the egg we are looking for, he and shock are w/w.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 08, 2020, 06:48:30 pm
I disagree sub, Cali doesn't have to be mafia for things to work like that, he could just be going along with the town plan. However, you do point out something I overlooked, which unfoils my tin

Calindu is mafia, because Kaempfer used Anubis twice in a row.

I must have just had my blinders on, kae would have had to trust that he would get adren for it to work, and while the town was 100% on board with it it seems, (aside from torb) It could have easily went south. They did have some relative safety in that they would have had the psion on their mafia team, so its unlikely another one existed.

As for this "Submachine / MasterWalks [Dragonfly]: And the Dragonflies can check both kaempfer and andretimpa. We would finally get a second opinion of kaempfer's immortality (in case it is still a question whether he is Anubis or not), and we would also make sure a Phoenix doesn't suddenly use an ability. MW, if you agree, who do you want to target from the two?"

That doesn't check kaes immortality. Kae would have to unburrow for a target to be successful if he was a shrieker, proving hes untargetable only proves that he is anubis or shrieker, which is where were at right now.

And while I agree there are much simpler worlds where shock or timpa flips, I'm trying to prepare for the future that I am not a part of. I don't want Kae to get lumped into a town grouping because shock said they were scum. That would be the  easiest bait in the world.

Yes I agree, the thread is dying out. I was hoping to post more, but theres no back and forth and I haven't been feeling super great lately.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 08, 2020, 06:49:05 pm
 Ah Timpa, its good to see you posting. I was hoping to see something from you
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 08, 2020, 07:26:39 pm
As for this "Submachine / MasterWalks [Dragonfly]: And the Dragonflies can check both kaempfer and andretimpa. We would finally get a second opinion of kaempfer's immortality (in case it is still a question whether he is Anubis or not), and we would also make sure a Phoenix doesn't suddenly use an ability. MW, if you agree, who do you want to target from the two?"

That doesn't check kaes immortality. Kae would have to unburrow for a target to be successful if he was a shrieker, proving hes untargetable only proves that he is anubis or shrieker, which is where were at right now.
That's why I asked him to unburrow tonight. Then Dragonfly would not only succeed, but it would retrospectively see Unburrow happen.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 08, 2020, 07:42:06 pm
As for this "Submachine / MasterWalks [Dragonfly]: And the Dragonflies can check both kaempfer and andretimpa. We would finally get a second opinion of kaempfer's immortality (in case it is still a question whether he is Anubis or not), and we would also make sure a Phoenix doesn't suddenly use an ability. MW, if you agree, who do you want to target from the two?"

That doesn't check kaes immortality. Kae would have to unburrow for a target to be successful if he was a shrieker, proving hes untargetable only proves that he is anubis or shrieker, which is where were at right now.
That's why I asked him to unburrow tonight. Then Dragonfly would not only succeed, but it would retrospectively see Unburrow happen.

I guess if there was ever a night to check it would be tonight given there is a pretty conf town in MW and a maybe conf town in me (Pls GN). But there is still risk obviously.

Also, I didnt realize dragonfly could see the unburrow action. Its sorta a moot point here but, still interesting none the less.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 08, 2020, 07:58:19 pm
Alright the important things first:
The way shock presented his case and his absolute silence today outs both him and timpa. now was it a stupid plan? Absolutely. But, town shock would have no qualms pointing out that he likely must have been wrong about timpa after rob flip, same thing applies to scum!shock on a town timpa. the only reason he would hold back is if andre is in fact his scumbuddy and thus just keels over to die for andre to hopefully (for them) to slip through the cracks. there is no way that shock that hasnt completely given up still hasnt posted at this stage yet, he was online since and also around deadline.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 08, 2020, 08:00:50 pm
Yesterday i thought I was just seeing things, as I have been very unlucky with my scumreads this game and all of my townreads either went "lol, shock v" or"die rob", but now I know that i couldnt have been wrong.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 08, 2020, 08:07:59 pm
Quite frankly I'm not fond of sharing TorB's fate. I now know how he felt and I'm sorry i made it happen (indirectly). I just had vietnam flashbacks when he went "psych, i can vote after all", as my first game has left a lasting impression on me. Same reason i wrongly defended timpa Day1, I'm not used to the LHF to be chosen as the lynch on day1 to actually be scum and none of his teammates doing anything about it until its almost to late, so i assumed by sheer virtue of him leading the votes for so long that he was the wrong guy.

GIven sub already laid out for me just how convuluted me being Anubis would be under these circumstances, i would like to avoid unburrowing unless you guys really deem it necessary.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 08, 2020, 08:09:00 pm
Also, I didnt realize dragonfly could see the unburrow action. Its sorta a moot point here but, still interesting none the less.
Now that I read it again, I may be wrong. Unburrow has to be targeting for Dragonfly to see. But we would not get notified with ability failure if kae becomes corporeal.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 08, 2020, 08:13:14 pm
Quite frankly I'm not fond of sharing TorB's fate. I now know how he felt and I'm sorry i made it happen (indirectly). I just had vietnam flashbacks when he went "psych, i can vote after all", as my first game has left a lasting impression on me. Same reason i wrongly defended timpa Day1, I'm not used to the LHF to be chosen as the lynch on day1 to actually be scum and none of his teammates doing anything about it until its almost to late, so i assumed by sheer virtue of him leading the votes for so long that he was the wrong guy.

GIven sub already laid out for me just how convuluted me being Anubis would be under these circumstances, i would like to avoid unburrowing unless you guys really deem it necessary.
I agree checking you is barely worth the squeeze. But I would not be too worried about you getting nightkilled, partly because of how sus some people think you are. Mafia would do town a favor of narrowing the PoE.

Plus, imagine all the towncred you would get if you got nightkilled over a specific other role we have. :]
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 08, 2020, 08:36:10 pm

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

Well, this was just sad, but it vastly deepens my scumreads, which have been mere PoE the night before, but now shock outted himself and timpa.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 08, 2020, 08:39:56 pm
Naturally, my kaevision hasnt changed, just incresed in intensity. I townread everyone outside the scumteam, just too lazy to make them all limegreen. ask me about any read you want.

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 08, 2020, 08:45:53 pm
I forgot to mention in my night plan that the reason why I did not suggest following Annele with a Dragonfly, is because Otyugh is a role that publicly notifies everyone of a successful target.

Quite frankly I'm not fond of sharing TorB's fate. I now know how he felt and I'm sorry i made it happen (indirectly). I just had vietnam flashbacks when he went "psych, i can vote after all", as my first game has left a lasting impression on me. Same reason i wrongly defended timpa Day1, I'm not used to the LHF to be chosen as the lynch on day1 to actually be scum and none of his teammates doing anything about it until its almost to late, so i assumed by sheer virtue of him leading the votes for so long that he was the wrong guy.

GIven sub already laid out for me just how convuluted me being Anubis would be under these circumstances, i would like to avoid unburrowing unless you guys really deem it necessary.
I agree checking you is barely worth the squeeze. But I would not be too worried about you getting nightkilled, partly because of how sus some people think you are. Mafia would do town a favor of narrowing the PoE.

Plus, imagine all the towncred you would get if you got nightkilled over a specific other role we have. :]
Jokes aside, I don't see a reason why town!kae would not unburrow tonight, other than hiding his identity. You would only need to survive this night, then you can immediately burrow next night. And if you get nightkilled (which I understand would not be ideal for a town!kae) for the hopes of getting rid of an unkillable town, then we either confirm 1 town or 1 mafia. Plus, it would help a lot with the PoE. But the plan might not happen if MW has different ideas, because then I would need to target timpa if noone else does. (It not only watches suspicious activity, but I would also monitor if shock/Annele targets him.)

I tinfoil that you could also be mafia, in which case you should not worry about being nightkilled.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 08, 2020, 08:48:32 pm
Naturally, my kaevision hasnt changed, just incresed in intensity. I townread everyone outside the scumteam, just too lazy to make them all limegreen. ask me about any read you want.

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, Killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

But let it be said, I appreciate the effort put into this, as I was about to ask for a recolored version of where andre/shock are mafia.

@everyone: Do you agree with using Otyugh tonight? And who do you think should be the target between shock/andre?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 08, 2020, 08:51:44 pm
I've hadnt had enough time the last -well- week really to lay out my thoughts in detail, so it would kinda suck if I died now that I'm confident that i got the team, but havent convinced any of the important people yet, but i figure you're right, if scum is that afraid of me, you really ought to pay attention to my reads even if I havent been able to lay out all the evidence yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 04:00:16 am
IMO otyugh should eat shock, there is a near 100% chance we move to lynch them ANYWAY, and the silence has been deafening. It wouldn't offer annele much town cred, to be fair she would have to get someone other then shock to really convince me. Someone killing someone we all know is mafia isn't really a town move or a scum move, either side would and should probably do it. I'll try and post some more in few hours, and come by before EoN to clarify anything and say my final words.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 07:00:27 am
Anyway I think Annele should eat shock, it'll save us from lynching them oursevles, and let us move on to other things and lines of questions. A lot will evolve after the night is over. I'll save my closing thoughts for tomorrow, but I dont think we have a lot else going on.

I would prefer if someone checked on kae, but thats still an evolving plan, its sorta up to kae to decide if they want to unburrow to begin with, but oh well. From my perspective it would make sense to, given there is a reasonably conf town MW, and a sorta conf town KDZ, and frankly, killing kae would make things easier to PoE. I don't see them being the target to hit, but hey, who knows.

As for the other target, I don't really think it matters. Its not like dragonfly can pick up the nightkill anyway, so all that can really be done is check if people are lying. Namely, Timpa, Cali, and geo. Those people should also announce their targets if any, though were probably just playing a Vanilla mafia game at this point.

I am desperately tired and going to bed. I'll do a read list as the clock strikes midnight so to speak.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 07:02:25 am
Actually the other should check on annele. Just in case Shock roles a protection/blocking role and tries to bring annele down with them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 09, 2020, 08:28:10 am
Actually the other should check on annele. Just in case Shock roles a protection/blocking role and tries to bring annele down with them.
I'm slowly giving up on checking kaempfer, so I might check Annele then.

@Oa: If Annele's devour fails, what do I see?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 08:42:23 am
I believe Oa stated before you can see failed target attempts. So you would see annele target, but obvious we wouldn't see the death
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 09, 2020, 09:31:03 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 01:54:12 pm
I can unburrow if anyone wants to check me, otherwise I'll save myself the trouble of sending in night actions twice and rest assured that i can still do the things I've been wanting to do for basically ever now (analysing voting patterns, closer look at ian spew, organizing the evidence I've collected why shock/timpa w/w etc.) tomorrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 09, 2020, 03:01:33 pm
Just had to submit my exams today, so had no time to look hard over things. Direct me if you want me to look at something in particular.
I think Annele should eat shock today, but that's about it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 04:49:08 pm
Just had to submit my exams today, so had no time to look hard over things. Direct me if you want me to look at something in particular.
I think Annele should eat shock today, but that's about it.

Congrats mate! Its been a slow night, and I doubt there is much for you to look over here. Just rest and wait for EoD. Again, congrats ^^
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: shockcannon on June 09, 2020, 05:59:45 pm
It's gg. I got outplayed by ian. Turns out they were smarter at voting than I gave them credit for.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 06:59:33 pm
So obviously, first priority should be a dead shock. Not much to say here

After that gather the information we can, MW is the only conf town so they should be up to die next. Sorry mate, rip in peace

Our player list will probably look like this
 Ge0metry v1.2

and be 2v5 assuming annele eats shock. Should for some reason shock flip town it'll be 3v4 and its probably over. In that case I'd probably just let MW pick a name out of a hat and go with it. What else do we got really?

But, the rest of this post will deal with 2v5

Annele/Geo - Post more. If you are town you absolutely need to

Cali - I would like your opinion and reads, especially on kae who is now a central issue

MW - Is the conf town. Just listen to what they say, at least you can trust it is from town ground. If they are wolf well, gj mate you got me.

Sub - Seems to be making town plays, and talked me off a tinfoil ledge. Townish imo. If kae W flips though, it worth a revisit

Kae - Is tied together with shock. I don't see a reason for shock to do this aside to save a buddy, it was risky as hell. I'd still yield to Mws opinion tomorrow, but I think they are probably up to die.

Timpa - Made a case for Timpa/Shock to be not W/W. Unsure how to approach timpa at this point frankly.

I think it would be wise if everyone spoke openly about their suspicions. Were at the stage where being vocal will decide the game. Kaes lynch log (Though, not their kae vision posts) is an invaluable tool in looking at patterns. Use it, and try and draw some conclusions.

I think too much is going to change for me to give a mafia team that provides any value, but i'll say I'm highly suspicious of geo, who has been skating by pretty easy, however unlike annele shock didn't try to buddy buddy them. Also, Kae, again because of their link to shock at the very very start of the game. Shock could have made a gambit to bail out their buddy, or to get a town around that will back them up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 09, 2020, 07:04:18 pm
Day 5

The faces of kdz and shockcannon turned purple. What rhymes with purple?

killsdazombies was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Vulture [Golden Nymph].

shockcannon was devoured by Annele. He was an Elemental and a Psion.

Day 5 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 09, 2020, 07:06:16 pm
I was saving this for if the NK ever failed

Good night.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 07:08:14 pm
Oa, surely you must have made a mistake   ?_?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 07:10:46 pm
Oh, well doesnt exactly reduce timpas scumequity, but everything else I have to rework
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 09, 2020, 07:10:53 pm
gg wp
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 09, 2020, 07:11:37 pm
kaempfer (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 07:26:23 pm
Ugh, fortunately we dont have locked votes in Lylo. In case this is because you think im anubis remember that shock proves my role beyond a doubt.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 07:27:39 pm
I just didnt expect him to flip town and thus his word being worth anything
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 09, 2020, 09:17:00 pm
Submachine / MasterWalks [Dragonfly]: And the Dragonflies can check both kaempfer and andretimpa. We would finally get a second opinion of kaempfer's immortality (in case it is still a question whether he is Anubis or not), and we would also make sure a Phoenix doesn't suddenly use an ability. MW, if you agree, who do you want to target from the two?

why didnt you follow your own plan?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 09, 2020, 09:20:20 pm
you eating a town like instructed does not make you look more town fyi.

Im stuck in the past. when you are going to explain your crappy vulture plan?

your mafia

I havent paid any attention to you so i have nothing to say to you. probably scum

I havent paid any attention to you so i have nothing to say to you. probably scum

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 09:49:27 pm
Look man, literally any role but gn just looks for stuff that ultimately doesnt matter (you way overestimate your role), gn is the only role other than oty that gives town solid information about peoples alignement, using crusader for anything else is only worth if it equates to a peek, by (dis-)proving someones claims
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 09:51:33 pm
Not to mention that there were 2 fe claims floating around,  raising the likelihood of permanently becoming gn
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 09:55:48 pm
I think the most likely scum team at this stage is andre/cal/geo. Mw is pretty much undisputable, ian tried superhard to kill annele and sub i just tr, many reasons for which I have given out early.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 09, 2020, 09:57:48 pm
If andre is actual anubis, odds of calindu being mafia also skyrocket, as anubis was used on an offnight and cal claimed forgetting his ability n0
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 09, 2020, 10:40:50 pm
Oh, well doesnt exactly reduce timpas scumequity, but everything else I have to rework

your mafia

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 10, 2020, 07:25:55 am
killsdazombies was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Vulture [Golden Nymph].

shockcannon was devoured by Annele. He was an Elemental and a Psion.
This does not help my morning mood.

Submachine / MasterWalks [Dragonfly]: And the Dragonflies can check both kaempfer and andretimpa. We would finally get a second opinion of kaempfer's immortality (in case it is still a question whether he is Anubis or not), and we would also make sure a Phoenix doesn't suddenly use an ability. MW, if you agree, who do you want to target from the two?
why didnt you follow your own plan?
Actually the other should check on annele. Just in case Shock roles a protection/blocking role and tries to bring annele down with them.
I'm slowly giving up on checking kaempfer, so I might check Annele then.
I did not know who you would target, and I got this advice from kdz. It turns out, we targeted the same person again.

I will come back later today to analyze the situation.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 10, 2020, 08:58:01 pm
Are we lynch or lose?

Lets lynch annele. Best bet for hitting a mafia and it eliminates oty risk.

annele (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 11, 2020, 02:48:08 am
Alright I drove out to a location with wifi just so I can catch up and make a post. Unfortunately I can't stay out here for long, reading everything I missed has taken up the majority of my current free time. Still won't be active, my apologies.

Scum imo:

Are we lynch or lose?

Lets lynch annele. Best bet for hitting a mafia and it eliminates oty risk.

annele (1) - MasterWalks

Oty is a one time use I thought? Still, I'm ok with this lynch.

annele (2) - MasterWalks, Ge0metry v1.2

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Annele on June 11, 2020, 04:28:07 am
As far as I can tell, it was either shock or andre who was the anubis, and now that shock's out that leaves one option. I can't eat anyone anymore, so don't lynch me on that account

Annele (2) - MasterWalks, Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (1) - Annele
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 11, 2020, 06:12:23 am
Did not have the time to go through shock's posts. Blech

But here is the thing.

4. Annele: Cannot be the Anubis, because we saw Otyugh happening. Shock also confirmed she was Otyugh a previous time.
5. kaempfer13: If shock is town, Kae cannot be Anubis. I explained earlier why.
6. Calindu: Cannot be the Anubis, because he used Adrenaline two times in a row.
9. Submachine: I am Dragonfly.
11. MasterWalks: Cannot be the Anubis, because he reported accurate Dragonfly results on multiple days.
12. andretimpa:
18. Ge0metry v1.2: Cannot be the Anubis, because shock saw he was Ghost.

I go out on a limb to say that none of these people are Fate Eggs.

This leaves us with only one person who can be the Anubis.

Annele (2) - MasterWalks, Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (2) - Annele, Submachine

I know kdz said to follow MW's lead, but I believe we have a bigger fish on our hook now than kae or Annele.

Hypothetical mafia team: ian, andretimpa, and 2 of [kaempfer, Geo, Calindu].

I will try to check back before EOD.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 11, 2020, 06:53:43 am
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (3) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 07:23:31 am
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (4) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13

Interesting that noone wanted to bus according to my world. Probably because they just need one missvote and mw continued being stupid
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 10:37:17 am

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

seeing shock in green sure changes perspective
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 10:44:18 am
I'll extend Subs case on andre by pointing out who pretty much cant be fate egg:
Proven by shock:
myself: crusader who didnt use his ability; insanely stupid if fe
Annele: viewed as otyugh and used that ability in a different night
Ge0: claimed Gotp and was found to still be gotp on the following night

Calindu: used adrenaline twice in a row on shriekers (technically someone else could have done the adrenalining, but I'm sure they would have cced)
MW: I dont think i neeed to get into that.
Sub: fully aware of crossing streams with other dragonflies and breadcrumped his role; I havent looked into it deeply enough to fully disprove egg, but cmon people it was andre that used anubis on serp.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 10:46:42 am
Pretty much everyone should be seeing this at this stage:

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 11, 2020, 01:40:27 pm
Congrats mate! Its been a slow night, and I doubt there is much for you to look over here. Just rest and wait for EoD. Again, congrats ^^

Thank you, really appreciate it.

Cali - I would like your opinion and reads, especially on kae who is now a central issue

MW is technically the only person I trust, and andre is the only person I scumread because of mechanics, all others are 50/50 on being mafia/town in my eyes.

Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (5) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:00:11 pm

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

This is the relevant part about Annele on EoD1. The chances of Annele being selected as a bus when timpa was already in danger, and Linkcats wagon was completely pure unless annele was scum are astronomically low. 2+scum tried to kill her at EoD1 and the messages of timpa and ian at EoD imply "hey, another wagon we can cause a misslynch on, with rob giving us the perfect excuse to not look scummy while doing so" more so than "shit they got us, let's just bus as hard as possible".
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:01:31 pm
EBWOP: Linkcats wagon d1 was in fact completely pure unlesss annele was scum, so there is absolutely no reason to bus her this hard for timpa+ian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:03:05 pm
So fmpov its obvious that Annele is town, even if her posting isnt exactly stellar.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:04:14 pm
just gotta find one more town and I'd be surprised if it werent Sub that I'd find town based on votehistory as well
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:16:04 pm
So that leaves me with:

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

Technically I'm already convinced its cal+ge0, but I'll have a look at this with the information that I consider basically fact at this point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:24:44 pm
huh, calindu just sat on andre until EoD1, knowing full well that he might not be able to change his vote until EoD and voting andre when he wasnt quite in the lead yet. That does look kinda good for him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 02:27:27 pm
There was also no scum trying to save Calindu day 2 and in fact andre trying to kill him. maybe i was wrong?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 11, 2020, 04:19:08 pm
We already scrutinized ian's posts, so it's timpa's turn.

rob, torb, serp and Anelle are coming of a bit suspicious, but I'll see where things go a bit longer before casting a vote.
Here, all people he listed are known to be town except Annele. Ian wasn't the only one pushing her. This makes me feel stronger about Annele being town.

Does that mean you don't think Link is scum?
I'd rather lynch Anelle tbh
Same point as before.

In a vacuum these look either like kaemp is scum and is slipping in some parts or he's town and needs to learn to be a bit more discrete. (around n-). However together with the EOD it makes him my strongest scum lean.

I'll be doing Anelle tomorrow (should be quicker at least).
This post makes kae look better. Andre was apparently scumreading him, plus it was quite a lengthy wall he made of him. (I only copied his conclusion.)
And after this post, he proceeded to vote on kae, making his train 5v3, interestingly, in Annele's favor.

And here is his condensed readlist:

Okay, I'm caught up - here is my read list so far


I'm having an aneurism trying to understand how someone backed by a team would be making these types of mistakes. I was scumreading him before, but for now I'm more convinced that he's just an incompetent townie  :sillyspin: (can very easily change depending on how people flip)


I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt about being new, but I expect more content on the next days, or he'll be going down in the list. What he has post so far has been on the neutral side


Not enough content to get a read. This better change soon.


I really don't understand his style so far, but apparently that's his normal. Will have to try to get a read of him out of votes I guess

This is just an association read with torb. Apart from the Green Nymph stuff he hasn't posted much (which makes sense in retrospect as keeping low due to his role + IRL work)

After rereading her D1 stuff and the rest of the things she posted I think I might have been a bit hasty with my previous scum read. The most damning avidence against her is the way EOD1 developped (which I admit I don't know how to make a good read of). So I'm moving her from w to n- until more evidence shows up.


See my previous post

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

removing my vote for now - shaking between Cal and Nel
When the two leading wagons became Link and Calindu, Linkcat and rob yelled at him that kae is town. As a result, andre removed his vote from Kae, claiming to place it on Calindu or Annele (Annele was not even a top wagon??). Annele was not even on the plate, and one of the two people voting on her was his mafia buddy. Eventually, he put his vote on Calindu.

If Calindu and timpa are both mafia, this would be a weird parellel between ian wanting to lynch timpa on EOD1 and this. I find the sudden focus on Annele strange. And switching his vote off from his only "scumread" was weird too. I take it back that it makes kae look good, it could have been some verbal bussing. But it does make Annele look a lot better.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 04:54:32 pm
Was rereading shock's wall of text to try to understand what went wrong and I can't believe I missed this

If you are town Anubis and you mistakenly gave serprex immortality you need to speak up right now. Regardless you need to claim because if you're not Anubis we pretty much found our mafia in rob.

Is it too late for that?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Ge0metry v1.2 on June 11, 2020, 05:24:03 pm
I know this gives zero town cred but

andretimpa (6) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, Calindu, Ge0metry v1.2
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 05:36:51 pm
Shoot, almost forgot to vote.

andretimpa (7) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, Calindu, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa

this timpa guy looks kinda sus
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 06:19:29 pm
I know this gives zero town cred but

andretimpa (6) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, Calindu, Ge0metry v1.2
Well, on the offchance you're town it would be a huge mistake not to vote the outed scum, as scum can just outvote us if any of us is wrong and not around at deadline to correct their mistake.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 11, 2020, 06:25:02 pm
Care to post some memes like ian did?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 06:31:53 pm
I know what you guys are thinking. Indeed I'm thinking it too.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 06:38:01 pm
Care to post some memes like ian did?

No, have a bunchie instead

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 06:39:37 pm
I know this gives zero town cred but

andretimpa (6) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13, Calindu, Ge0metry v1.2
Well, on the offchance you're town it would be a huge mistake not to vote the outed scum, as scum can just outvote us if any of us is wrong and not around at deadline to correct their mistake.

Teaching the correct bus technique, atta-boy  ;D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 06:49:52 pm
Some final reads before I'm gone:

You guys are all scum, Oa is running a bastard.

don't @ me
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 11, 2020, 07:00:22 pm
Night 5

All the remaining faces were filled with fright, as they entered another goddamn night.

andretimpa was lynched. He was an False God and an Anubis.

Night 5 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2020, 07:01:18 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 07:07:24 pm
so he was anubis after all, using his ability on n1 of all times. You'd expect him to target himself on n0 to prevent himself from getting gned. if he did, then he could only have used his ability n1 if he had adrenaline (Calindu scum). It's too bad noone ever attempted to target him, so we have know way of knowing if he did.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 07:09:09 pm
our secondary roles are pretty much useless at this time, the people that can target can poke around if anyone other than myself is untargetable and didnt report it, but considering how much i screeched about anubis usage on day2 i dont actually expect him to have used his ability since.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 11, 2020, 07:19:25 pm
hot take: all living elementals voted for andretimpa
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 11, 2020, 07:30:29 pm
hot take: all living elementals voted for andretimpa
Ok, that one was funny.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 12, 2020, 04:45:03 pm

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
Shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

removing my vote for now - shaking between Cal and Nel
When the two leading wagons became Link and Calindu, Linkcat and rob yelled at him that kae is town. As a result, andre removed his vote from Kae, claiming to place it on Calindu or Annele (Annele was not even a top wagon??). Annele was not even on the plate, and one of the two people voting on her was his mafia buddy. Eventually, he put his vote on Calindu.

If Calindu and timpa are both mafia, this would be a weird parellel between ian wanting to lynch timpa on EOD1 and this. I find the sudden focus on Annele strange. And switching his vote off from his only "scumread" was weird too. I take it back that it makes kae look good, it could have been some verbal bussing. But it does make Annele look a lot better.
I could see that. Link was not an option for timpa due to Day1, i was off the table since shock "confirmed" me and thus if andre didnt want to vote offwagon he'd have to hope for annele to pick up steam as quickly as she did at EoD1 or vote calindu in order to not look sus himself.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 13, 2020, 06:55:58 pm
PlayerCould be TownCould be Mafia
AnneleShe has been pushed hard by both ian and andretimpa.
She was the first to point out that timpa should be lynched.
She has the least amount of posts, so it's hard to put a read on her.
She had the perfect excuse to devour Town if Town instructed her to do so.
kaempfer13He came up with bad plans mid-game, solves often, was confused multiple times. These are townie traits.He hid behind a bubble this entire game, preventing him from getting checked.
The one time he was about to be checked, he was reluctant to open up.
He no longer seems to be in panic, even though Town is on the ropes now more than ever.
Shock said Kae behaved exactly like scum!Kae would when he fake-confirmed him.
Well, looks like I'm going to be lynched, please go after rob and Link after. That Toadfish makes so much sense as mafia, since they need to end the game before people stop trusting them.
This is his towniest post. Mafia would not say to look more into two other towns (in hindsight we know), because if he really does flip mafia, those accusations will lose meaning.
Timpa broke a tie between him and Linkcat by voting on Calindu.
Linkcat's final scumread was Calindu and said he outted himself.
Anubis activating on Night 1 would make sense if Calindu gave Adrenaline to timpa.
He did not post his full set of night actions yet.
MasterWalksHe is very open about plans. Makes blind guesses, which is a townie trait.
He took part in the revelation of ian.
He sounds honest.
He randomly votes on people at times without giving much explanation.
He also seems to be more organized in this game than previously.
Ge0metry v1.2It is possible that he is just inactive town, but that's it.He has the second least amount of posts, so it's hard to put a read on him.
He randomly votes on people at times without giving much explanation, but implying he has a good feeling about it.
He did not post his full set of night actions yet.
He showed the least effort of solving so far.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 13, 2020, 07:02:59 pm
Day 6

I heard rumors night rhymes with smite.

Annele was nightkilled. She was an Elemental and an Otyugh.

Day 6 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 13, 2020, 07:08:22 pm
lol wut
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 13, 2020, 07:09:25 pm
kaempfer (1) - MasterWalks

BeCaUsE VuLtUrE PlAn
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 13, 2020, 07:27:44 pm
Ok why we should actually lynch Kaempf.

Im not going to quote anything because i simply dont wanna dig through the thread.

shock was claiming kae to be town. We know that shock did not 100% know this as he was not GN. Kae actually turned on shock before shock was lynched and he turned on me even after defending him early game.
This kinda shows where this starts
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all

ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
I hope this means you understand?

Nope. Dont understand. Dont know what im supposed to be trying to understand.
I thought the speed of my role was different. I double chekced, asked a question, and now i understand it. I falsely made a pretty hard claim earlier in my reads regarding you and shock. Now that i know my roles speed, i explained honestly and back peddled on my claims as shown here:
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.

Now im not GN obv so im not 100% sure you are town, and frankly, your short cryptic messages and role reading me are making me feel less confident about my read on you.
Ok, I give up trying to parse this. the reason I'm being so cryptic is because I don't want more roles to be revealed (you pretty much revealed what your role does, so no use trying to hide it now (I'm by no means encouraging a full claim)) and one of the following things happened:
- I missunderstood shock
- You missunderstood your role (tbf you pretty much admit to that)
- You missunderstood shocks role

He tried to get me to claim early.
Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.

I've reread the op 4 times and arrive at the conclusion that there is a grand total of 1 type of (not confirmed dead) town roles that would allow you to mechanically discern shocks alignement while simultaneously not knowing but believing serps claim to be true on n1 .

Ugh, this whole thing is a trainwreck again. Nvm me saying that this could turn out to be easy earlier.

Kaempfer is actually laying pretty low. He is smart enough to make the anubis plan
Little note on Andre lynch. Kae was active since first vote was placed. He did not hop on Andre train until the wagon really started gaining movement. Kaempfer is all about vote patterns and im sure hes making sure his look good. I will note he did say he scum read andre but thats not something unusual for mafia to do.
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (4) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13

Interesting that noone wanted to bus according to my world. Probably because they just need one missvote and mw continued being stupid

Last thing i want to bring up, i have voted on kaempfer first for the last 2 lynches. He blows me off as stupid. Thats fine. But i really think he is trying to illegitimate any argument i could make against him.

I could say more but he has over 200 posts on this thread and im not about to spend 4 hours on a post like sub
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 13, 2020, 07:33:59 pm
Well, at least now we know for sure she was town.

It is currently 3v2. Let's discuss this tomorrow.

I could say more but he has over 200 posts on this thread and im not about to spend 4 hours on a post like sub
It has merit to look into everything you can think of, so if you vaguely remember something but cannot find it, tell me when it happened and I will try to find it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 07:41:12 pm
Yh, this is probably why you are still alive. Extremely high chance you missvote, because you get hung up on the wrong things.
I only have time for a  gross oversimplifikation right now, but the fact that you say im laying low and at the same time that I have too many posts for you to evaluate them kinda says it all
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 13, 2020, 07:50:18 pm
Yh, this is probably why you are still alive. Extremely high chance you missvote, because you get hung up on the wrong things.
I only have time for a  gross oversimplifikation right now, but the fact that you say im laying low and at the same time that I have too many posts for you to evaluate them kinda says it all

Ah you can spam shitposts and still lay low. If you are only posting safe reads and lynchlogs then yea you are laying low.

But that part is pretty much the least important part.

Is that why you and your team let me live and decided to toy with us by NKing our highest probable lynch?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 07:51:20 pm
I'm 90% sure that the remaining team is Cal/Ge0. In fact if Ge0 was town no matter how unsubtly scum is just voting for him I'll just vote along not realizing my mistake, thats how sure I'm that he's scum. Plus with the effort he's shown there is like no chance that he votes correctly 2 phases in a row even if he was town, so we can kinda just accept defeat at that stage.

Ge0(1) kaempfer13
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 07:52:39 pm
Oh right, mw is misslynching me
Kaempfer13 (1) MasterWalks
Ge0(1) kaempfer13
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 08:01:04 pm
Yh, this is probably why you are still alive. Extremely high chance you missvote, because you get hung up on the wrong things.
I only have time for a  gross oversimplifikation right now, but the fact that you say im laying low and at the same time that I have too many posts for you to evaluate them kinda says it all

Ah you can spam shitposts and still lay low. If you are only posting safe reads and lynchlogs then yea you are laying low.

But that part is pretty much the least important part.

Is that why you and your team let me live and decided to toy with us by NKing our highest probable lynch?
Sub and i were tring annele, so the only way for scum to keep you alive without narrowing the poe of living town further was dor scum to kill Annele. Its not really surprising with how jumpy you've been
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 08:02:38 pm
Even if you wanted to vote Annele even moreso than myself
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 08:10:28 pm
Also Re: laying low. Its true I do that as scum. I avoid creating too many associations and am very eager to clear up any missunderstandings about myself, have a strong concern with how people see me and never whiteknight/harddefend someone. You can see that if you read my only scumgame. Regardless you should notice that i've done pretty much the opposite this game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 08:50:59 pm
Nvm, as annoying as phoneposting is I haveto address this now, as I have visitors the next 2 days and as much as I'd like to focus on solving, I already said most of the inportant thing about cal/ge0 anyway and am very sure that you're town and unfortunately we are in the situation, where absolutely all elementals have to vote for the same person (that also has to be scum), so I will adress all concerns I can asap.
kaempfer (1) - MasterWalks

BeCaUsE VuLtUrE PlAn
I will answer assuming this is not a joke.
Again gn is a far better role than any other (impossible to becone egg without becoming vulture first), to the point that  in mafia championships with random role distribution between scum and town, a single use cop(gn) that can use its ability only once on n3 is considered way better for town than the equivalent of your role useable every night.
Now considering i targeted TorB anyway the following night anyway, my plan was bad in hindsight, but I (wrongly) considered the probability TorB lying about  his targetability status the following night low and when it turns out he did, I was reminded of ginyus anubis play in mafia 71
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 08:59:35 pm
Re:shock claim  and "rolefishing":
When you said you have insight on shocks alignement there were 3 possibilities:
1. You were Fate egg and rolled gn
2. You were psion/ffq and saw fate egg shock roll an otherwise town only role like deja vu or gn.
3. Complete bogus that  needs to be cleared up, as you were clearing people based on false information.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 09:01:02 pm
At first I thought of only 1 and 3. When you turned around completely it obv couldnt ve 1 anymore
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 09:06:03 pm
But then serprex did his claim and posted weirdly about shock as if he were one of them. So I  thought shock had become deja vu (and thus didnt actually target me), which due to oa being confused about deja vu would indeed have cleared shock.
Now I learned later that serprex was just shock2.0 and wasnt actually connected via role to shock. At that point I had completely forgotten about option 3
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 09:12:10 pm
.So that in my mind only left shock becoming gn, checking me correctly as town and breadcrumbed it (unlike scum that would keep that to himself unless afraid of psion). So I was convinced that I was already cleared and didnt concern myself what people thought about me anymore whatsoever
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 09:15:52 pm
My opinion on shock only flipped once I wrongly towncleared too many people and thought my tr on him was less solid than the rest. Even then I was actually advocating lynching/eating timpa before shock, I just wasnt vocal enough about it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 13, 2020, 09:25:24 pm
My voting paterns actually dont look good tbh. They pretty much nothing and it would be better if I voted earlier. Its just not my style to vote people unless im pretty sure, or they had plenty of time to explain themselves.
Nothing much I can defend there.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 14, 2020, 09:57:35 am
This is the most important vote in the game. It is 3v2 now, and if we mislynch, we lose.

This is when everyone should reveal everything, right now. It is a suspicious coincidence that Geo and Calindu are the only ones who did not report their full list of night actions yet. Updated readlists from everyone alive would also be welcome. And since we are so low on players now, also guess who you think is the final mafia team.

If we discuss all this, we might get to a conclusion as a team, instead of following our bloodlusts, which I am very wary of right now. (In worlds where any one of Kae or MW is mafia, they would want to be over with this, and they would aggressively force a mislynch instead of giving room for discussions. Kinda like what's happening right now.)

Share everything that you did for Town's good, your motivations behind your actions, your suspicions, anything.~

List of alive players:

5. kaempfer13
6. Calindu
9. Submachine
11. MasterWalks
18. Ge0metry v1.2




Ge0metry v1.2

I would really like to hear more from Geo and Calindu before I get to who I think the mafia team is. They are both on the less active side of happenings, and if even one of them is Town, it would be very easy for mafia to push a mislynch on one of them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 14, 2020, 11:17:20 am
If you are still unsure about me (or even vote me), take a moment to get into the mind of scum!kae that somehow found himself in that situation on Day2.
Now the thoughtprocess until I realized shock cant be dejavu would remain largely the same (even if its a bit weird that i would be eager to tr shock whom people will always be suspicious of). Now we arrive at the point where shock was either gn targetting me or mw completely missunderstood his role. Scum!me would know that it wasnt the former.

In order to get where I am now as scum, I must not have cared that shockcannon couldn't have gned me and tr'd me for it (considering he's town) and instead relied on his fpssyndrome in order to clear me. Obv the first thing I do is make it super obvious that I am not w/w with TorB/link and Calindu and instead of defending myself i completely rely on shocks fpsing, even though i have no control over him whatsoever.
Somehow this works (I kinda hate fpsing and this succeeding would be sth i would tell my yet to be conceived children about, but I get thats wifom).
I decide to drop my townread on shockcannon, before he did viceversa, simply because i want to misslynch him (yet prioritize pushing Ge0 and timpa who are (very likely to actually be) scum), in the knowledge that his flip would remove my confirmed status (sure he retracted his claim after the fact, but point is i dropped him before i could know that he would turn on me).
I cannot even begin to tell you how absurd i find all of this.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 14, 2020, 11:46:15 am
I decide to drop my townread on shockcannon, before he did viceversa, [...] in the knowledge that his flip would remove my confirmed status
This is a good point. Can you point me to when this happened?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 14, 2020, 11:58:55 am
Earliest moment of doubt:
tinfoil hat: If my reads are absolutely abyssmal scum!shock might have wanted me alive
For reals now:

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, Killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - Killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - Killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

After some rethinking every other team just makes less sense. my cases on them arent particularly solid, but everyone else is townier or doesnt fit in with the remaining team.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 14, 2020, 12:13:25 pm
Ah, it was spoilered. I see now.

Yeah, that does give you some cred, though it was at Night 3, not long before shock revealed his master plan. If I lessen my tinfoil though, all I see is two townreads, and two mafia.

Kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Ge0 (1) - kaempfer13, Submachine

I cannot vote on both Geo and Calindu, but I would, just to pressure them into the discussion.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 14, 2020, 12:17:16 pm
This also lines up with my chosen game style, to believe those more who solved more, and currently Kae has the highest solve rate. If Kae is mafia, then he's either hard bussing Geo (why would he do that?), going for the sure kill with Calindu (but then why is Calindu not saying anything?), or he is throwing confetti and ribbons all over the place with MW (because if they are both mafia, they essentially won anyway...).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 14, 2020, 06:44:58 pm
I hope we will have more discussion next day. Do any of you need an extension?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 14, 2020, 07:21:02 pm
Well, unless I am wrong about a lot of things i absolutely require masterwalks to vote alongside me rather than on me, so yh need an extension until that happens.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 14, 2020, 07:41:10 pm
Move my vote to geo then. No extendo
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 14, 2020, 08:10:11 pm
Ge0 (3) - kaempfer13, Submachine, MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 14, 2020, 10:26:10 pm
looks good (although your reason is a bit questionable, but I'll take it)! Any word from the people I consider scum? Not like there would be much of a chance of winning if you were somehow town and played like this, but i want to be sure I'm making the right call.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 15, 2020, 12:50:22 pm
Sorry for not being active in the past few days, I had other commitments and couldn't devote much time to this except from reading.

Linkcat's final scumread was Calindu and said he outted himself.
Anubis activating on Night 1 would make sense if Calindu gave Adrenaline to timpa.
He did not post his full set of night actions yet.

Recap of the current state of the game and suggested Night actions:


These 5 players are always town, don't lynch them even in late game unless something truly revelatory happens. Likely the next 5 Nightkills.


These 2 players attempted to save me despite having a 100% free pass to see me lynched without suspicion. Very unlikely mafia, especially if Annele flips scum.

Ge0metry v1.2

These 3 players are 90% town, only consider them if sus people keep flipping town and you start running out of possible candidates, except Ge0 who can only be mafia if Annele flips town.


These 3 players contain 1-2 mafia.


The rest of the mafia are most likely hiding in here. If there's a deep wolf I'd say torb since he didn't actually have to commit to a vote.

This is Link's last readlist, why go off that so much this game, when it proved to not really be a good readlist? It makes no sense for you to keep bringing Link up so much, 90% of your attacks on me have been based on Link's stuff, especially that outing part.

Did anyone ever complain about their abilities getting blocked when they shouldn't be? I understand that if everyone uses their abilities starting N0, then Anubis shouldn't be available N1, but judging by the fact that ian was possible to be checked, maybe andre
only used Anubis on serp and serp only?

My actions are as follows:

N0: No action
N1: TorB
N2: Kae
N3: kdz
N4: No action (I honestly forgot here, I didn't believe it's that important to use an ability that would not do anything in our case really)

I'm not sure exactly who the mafia is, MW is the only one I kind of trust, if I were to rank players based on most towny - least towny, they would be like this

MW >>> Kae > Sub > Ge0

Something that's interesting though is that Ge0 got voted super early on, either mafia decided to bus him early on or mafia is forcing an early misslynch. I hope it's the first case, since we are losing anyway if he's town.

Ge0 (4) - kaempfer13, Submachine, MasterWalks, Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 15, 2020, 03:24:39 pm
If we discuss all this, we might get to a conclusion as a team, instead of following our bloodlusts, which I am very wary of right now.
Everyone except Geo was here to discuss it then, so I am less worried about bloodlust now.

Let's see what Geo flips, then continue from there. If he flips town, there is no point.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 15, 2020, 03:28:29 pm
I'm struggling to see a world where you (Calindu) are town and Ge0 is not based on people's behaviour today. MW is pretty much universally agreed upon to be town and could get away with voting on anyone as scum. it's also clear he wants to get this over with, he wouldn't bus here.
Submachine voted and cased Ge0 while MW was still voting me, so it would be weird for him to choose to bus there as well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 15, 2020, 07:00:11 pm
Night 6

As people were dying left and right, I was told it’s time for a new night.

Ge0metry v1.2 was lynched. He was a False God and a Ghost of the Past.

Night 6 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 15, 2020, 07:10:07 pm
Ok good! i think the game is solved now, but obv I'll have another look when I see who survives the night.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 15, 2020, 07:31:14 pm
Alright! This does make Kae look a lot better and Cal somewhat worse.

couldn't devote much time to this except from reading.
Something that's interesting though is that Ge0 got voted super early on, either mafia decided to bus him early on or mafia is forcing an early misslynch.

Ge0 (4) - kaempfer13, Submachine, MasterWalks, Calindu
It feels like late bussing, hoping that maybe things go better for Geo. Especially how he tries to poke suspicion at those who voted early.

I also saw Cal online a few times yesterday, as he confirms reading the topic, but he hasn't come in to place a vote.

@Calindu: I do concede that Link's final readlist was abysmal, so I remove that part from the available cases against you. But I still believe that one of you or Kae has to be mafia (because wagonomics), and Kae has been tunneling Geo hard for a long time now. Kae has also been solving more, so there's that too. Also, if it's not you and not Kae, then it's MW, in which case we should forget about winning anyway, because noone will vote on him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 15, 2020, 07:42:02 pm
God i wish i was mafia this game. I would be doing great as mafia, and pretty shitty as town.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 15, 2020, 08:49:43 pm
God i wish i was mafia this game. I would be doing great as mafia, and pretty shitty as town.
It would work out perfectly for you. You could vote up confirmed town, and we would call you towny for it. (Sort of.)

It reminds me one of serprex's posts:

No past experience, but...

It depends on the roles. For the sake of argument we'll say me & one of my allies both rolled Oty. Yeah, great scum roles, this is great, not to mention it gets better when we troll worldwideqq & he flips GN. So next I risk MK to fake claim deja with my fellow oty. What if there's real dejas you ask? YOLO. As confirmed town I'm free to play scummy under the guise of pressuring town. So I'd totally fluster one of the better players around to keep him annoyed that town is throwing the game. Meanwhile I'd ally with the craziest player in the group in order to make people have to risk brain damage from confirmed town telling them to play with this player. Also it'd mean I'd have a perfect reason to bandwagon on the towniest players, come D2 nobody has any clue what's going on. Everyone skipped checking me & my ally's deja claim because NK is supposed to prove it. We're both still alive. No problem, mafia obviously wanted to get fate egg of the table when they have the lead off the GN kill & no lynch. Next night we still don't go, but it makes sense, towny player was protected night before, this night the towny player we failed to bandwagon goes down. It isn't until D4 that people are getting suspicious. By now the roles are coming out though, who needs to kill vanilla players who keep trolling the rest of town?

Accept it sub, you've already lost if I'm scum. So you'll just have to townread me as your only hope. Only it's hopeless, because you've already lost
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 16, 2020, 04:46:11 am
What exactly is the point you're trying to make, Sub?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 16, 2020, 05:42:52 am
My point is that noone seems to be tinfoiling a world where MW is mafia. I told earlier that I still see a world where it is possible.

He randomly votes on people at times without giving much explanation.
He also seems to be more organized in this game than previously.
But I received no discussion on this part, and everyone seemed to dismiss the possibility instantly, so I went with a different idea (My idea was: even if MW is mafia, he has a partner who is easier to find).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 16, 2020, 06:27:50 am
This might bring more discussion, so I put on my tinfoil hat on to further explore that world.

Let's assume that MW has been mafia this whole game. He's putting people on the spot by calling them out for their ability use, accusing only town so far. He is voting people up without giving much explanation. Both actions may hope to get a wagon going in favor of mafia. Then later when he sees kdz target ian, he brings the suspicion on kdz. He is not the one to find ian, he was just a bystander. Then after it becomes a thunderdome between ian and kdz, MW becomes the kingmaker. He could have realized that if he pushed a lynch in favor of mafia, then he and ian would be counter-lynched next, so makes the safe play to vouch his night action against ian. Then when it's LyLo, he comes out the game with a tunnel vote, but then sheeps back on the main wagon when he sees the mislynch is not going to work out.

looks good (although your reason is a bit questionable, but I'll take it)!
I'm not sure exactly who the mafia is, MW is the only one I kind of trust,

MW >>> Kae > Sub > Ge0
And these are the kind of posts that make me feel you two would let MW do his thing without batting an eye. "Questionable action, but I take it." A three times wider gap between MW and everyone else, so if he does anything bad, the gap has room to narrow before MW changes place in the order.

That is why I made posts like this:

he is throwing confetti and ribbons all over the place (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwmfJzTqlh8&feature=youtu.be&t=1204) with MW (because if they are both mafia, they essentially won anyway...).
Noone disagreed me on that one, which proves my case.

Note: My case is not that MW is more likely to be mafia than you lot. My point is that everyone else ignores that possibility.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 16, 2020, 10:20:49 am
Mw did a lot of things that just dont make sense to do as scum. It's probably wrong that he would behave perfectly logical regardless of alignement, but in order to do some of the things he did while suffering from tmi kinda requires some kind of grand plan, which is way to sophisticated for how I know him to be. if Calindu doesnt give me anything to think about (I dont actually need a defense in that sense, mostly I need to know who you think could the last mafia be and why), i suppose I could busy myself tinfoiling you two.
As invinvible town that's tunneling Calindu i know its pretty much inevitable that one of you dies, which would save me some of the thinking on that front, but i suppose after i update the lynchlogs one last time I have nothing better to do in absence of input from Calindu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 16, 2020, 07:18:17 pm
Huh, while i am offended by Kaempfer literally calling me stupid all game; he is right. Im not mafia.

Do you really think of me as that stupid? I mean, i get that its mafia, but you are using your knowledge of "knowing me" presumably from our work together in league. I guess i dont really care, i will never meet any of you and probably not be talking to any of you in about a year, just kinda hurts seeing what a first impression of me looks like.

Anyways, emotions aside, i think Cal is the last mafia member. Look at the last mafia he played where he was scum. Playing pretty much similar to how he is now. I say we lynch him as our last lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 16, 2020, 07:31:58 pm
@MW: Besides his Vulture plan, what are your thoughts on Kaempfer?

And it wouldn't be fair if I didn't ask for your thoughts on me, so that too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 16, 2020, 07:33:13 pm
Nah, its not about league, it's mostly about how you play mafia (and played in it before). very questionable use of mechanics and not seeing some other things that seem obvious to me. sorry i offended you.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 16, 2020, 07:36:18 pm
Tbf, I drew all the wrong conclusions on day 1-3myself (just because scum was on timpas wagon didn't mean he wasn't scum, Links wagon being pure and not succeeding still didnt mean he was scum, TorB wasn't anubis, kdz was the town between ian and him etc.), so maybe I am stupid as well
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 16, 2020, 07:42:03 pm
Tbf, I drew all the wrong conclusions on day 1-3myself (just because scum was on timpas wagon didn't mean he wasn't scum, Links wagon being pure and not succeeding still didnt mean he was scum, TorB wasn't anubis, kdz was the town between ian and him etc.), so maybe I am stupid as well
And that's exactly why I was townreading you when you almost got lynched. Link even called me out for having the second most different reads than everyone else. I think the towny confusion is a big telling point in mafia.

This is endgame though, so I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything before I settle on Calindu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 16, 2020, 07:47:05 pm
@MW: Besides his Vulture plan, what are your thoughts on Kaempfer?

And it wouldn't be fair if I didn't ask for your thoughts on me, so that too.

My thoughts are he was unusually disorganized and seemed pretty confused around D1-D3 (i think that time). This is when he started getting some major attention from his shock response, his role fishing of me, and the general public just shifting focus to him. I would say his reaction was unusual enough that i got a small scum read. Since i had little for other scum reads, besides what everyone else was reading, i put focus onto him. Now that we are late game, and he has explained himself i would say he is on my town reads, albeit pretty low on it. To put it simply, i dont think he is mafia, but also wouldnt be all that surprised if he is.

Nah, its not about league, it's mostly about how you play mafia (and played in it before). very questionable use of mechanics and not seeing some other things that seem obvious to me. sorry i offended you.

Oh pfft, if its just the way i play mafia, i aint offended. No worries there.
i cant say i purposely play stupid, but i dont purposely play smart. Ill go in deeper on this after the game is over.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 16, 2020, 07:52:52 pm
probably not be talking to any of you in about a year
How so?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 16, 2020, 07:57:21 pm
probably not be talking to any of you in about a year
How so?

Didnt mean that as snide. Just that after flash death this year, the game is going to be carried on by the forums and there is only so much of that before we just kinda fade out.

I havent decided if im going to move to OEtG
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 16, 2020, 09:15:21 pm
you asked for my opinion on you as well. I think you are playing pretty normally and i would say you are my biggest townread.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 06:37:25 pm

rob77dp (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals

iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp

rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, serprex, Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (2) - Calindu, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
Annele (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
adrenatimpa (1) - Linkcat

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, MasterWalks, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (3) - Calindu, serprex, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
MasterWalks(1) - andretimpa
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Submachine (2) - Calindu, rob77dp
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (2) - MasterWalks, serprex

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Annele, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon, Annele
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
Submachine (1) - Calindu
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, rob77dp
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (2) - serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, shockcannon
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13,
Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (2) - Linkcat, Calindu
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, shockcannon
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (2) - Annele, kaempfer13
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
shockcannon (1) - MasterWalks

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (4) - Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, Linkcat
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

rob77dp (1) - serprex
andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (3) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, shockcannon, moehrpi
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, Linkcat
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, rob77dp
serprex (1) - iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (6) - Calindu, moehrpi, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, Linkcat, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, iancudorinmarian, MasterWalks
Linkcat (7) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (2) - Ge0metry, Linkcat

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (6) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi, andretimpa
Annele (3) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp,
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu
DC (1) - MasterWalks

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, rob77dp, MasterWalks
Linkcat (4) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, moehrpi
Annele (4) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancu

andretimpa (3) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

Sub honorary 6th vote on Annele

Annele (1) - rob7dp
Calindu (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (1) - serprex
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (3) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - serprex

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (9) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (1) - TheonlyrealBeef

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (2) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (7) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (3) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (6) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (5) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, killsdazombies, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (3) -  Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (1) - rob77dp

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, MasterWalks, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (6) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, MasterWalks
Calindu (2) - rob77dp, Linkcat
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
serpex(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, serprex, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (5) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (5) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (4) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, TheonlyrealBeef
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (3) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13
Calindu (6) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (5) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa
shockcannon(1) - killsdazombies

Annele (2) - DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (2) - Ge0metry v1.2, Annele
Linkcat (6) - shockcannon, Calindu, kaempfer13, serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, killsdazombies
Calindu (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, MasterWalks, andretimpa

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
shockcannon (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - serprex

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - serprex, rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (1) - Submachine,
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (4) - serprex, rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (1) - iancudorinmarian

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, MasterWalks
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
Annele (2) - iancudorinmarian, serprex

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (3) - rob77dp, killsdazombies, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - rob77dp, DoubleCapitals
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies

killsdazombies (3) - Submachine, MasterWalks, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (1) - killsdazombies
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (2) - Submachine, serprex
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks
Annele (1) - DoubleCapitals

killsdazombies (4) - Submachine, serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (3) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (4) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, Calindu

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13
Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - rob77dp
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (2) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks

killsdazombies (5) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (3) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp

killsdazombies (7) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, Calindu, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon

killsdazombies (6) - serprex, iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (4) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu

killsdazombies (5) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, kaempfer13, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (5) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex

killsdazombies (4) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele, andretimpa
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (7) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, shockcannon, rob77dp, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13

killsdazombies (3) - iancudorinmarian, DoubleCapitals, Annele
Calindu (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
iancudorinmarian (8) - killsdazombies, MasterWalks, rob77dp, shockcannon, Calindu, serprex, kaempfer13, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) kaempfer13

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (1) - shockcannon

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (2) - shockcannon, MasterWalks

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (4) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele

Ge0metry v1.2 (2) - kaempfer13, rob77dp
rob77dp (5) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa

Ge0metry v1.2 (1) - kaempfer13
rob77dp (7) - shockcannon, MasterWalks, Calindu, Annele, killsdazombies, rob77dp, andretimpa
shockcannon (1) - Submachine

kaempfer (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (1) - MasterWalks

Annele (2) - MasterWalks, Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (1) - Annele

Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (4) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13

Annele (1) - Ge0metry v1.2
andretimpa (4) - Annele, Submachine, MasterWalks, kaempfer13

Kaempfer13 (1) MasterWalks
Ge0(1) kaempfer13

Kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Ge0 (1) - kaempfer13, Submachine

Ge0 (4) - kaempfer13, Submachine, MasterWalks, Calindu
Ge0's vote on Annele Day5 seems very opportunistic, raising the likelihood of mw town further
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 06:46:11 pm
Starting to colorize readlists where its actually useful, the scumlists:
I know some have starting grouping players together and trying to deduce teams, voting blocks, etc. I personally could not understand the logic behind some of it, just a bit small-brained I guess. Didn't want to sheep them though. My readslist may not make logical sense to some people depending on how they have grouped people. Please read as more of a "Geo's attempt at sensing the vibe on people" kind of list, rather than a "Geo logically solves the game on N1".

As I'm writing this list, I realize most of it still feels somewhat weak. In order to compensate, I will not list anyone as a flat n, everyone is at least n+ or n- so that I'm providing some sort of opinion no matter how weak my read on them.

serp - with moe 200% confirmed deja, serp is 200% confirmed himself. this is obvious to most of you I know, but it was a conclusion I deduced with my own brain and I am proud of it

link - nothing about his posts feel scummy to me, I'm not sure how some are reading him as scum. having a train started on him late into D1 was seemingly random to me and felt like a mafia play
torb - could be wrong but feel like he is playing fairly "solo", not trying too hard to get on anyone's good side. in fact maybe doing the opposite, staying extremely wary of everyone until confirmed town. feels towny to me.

rob - some of his play confuses me still, but the constant vote switching and his seeming confusion/panic during EOD felt towny to me, I think mafia would be more certain of what they want?
kdz - gut feel still think he's towny, although at this point in the game I guess that's not good enough to have someone in v
sub - I said I wasn't going to sheep but someone mentioned that if sub was scum he would very likely be caught up during EOD and that just makes so much sense to me

andre - scum andre would have received a bit more defense, he has almost died twice and no one seemed to care. poor guy.

dc (n+)
mw (n-)
the two players I am most unsure about, but as promised have assigned them a not completely neutral read

ian - I feel like his posts have little to no substance, doesn't seem to care much about the game, "I'll post a readslist later, maybe" - not a good feel
annele - still gut feel scummy, but similar to how I don't think my gut feel on kdz warrants v, my read on annele doesn't warrant w. of all players, I wish the most to see more content from her.
shock - weirdest read for me, I really like how he presents his logic, but I don't at all agree with his reads if that makes sense. has me worried they are mafia orchestrated narratives, kinda "feels too good to be true" type solving. almost want to put him in w but idk.

calindu - low-ish activity and also a "don't really care about the game" vibe, similar to ian. also started the train on link (I could be wrong on this, too lazy to go back and check but I'm fairly certain he was the first or one of the first to vote on link)
kaemp - a lot of his reads contradict mine, this is maybe somewhat of a gut feel as well, but it's my strongest. as I'm writing this post it seems a wagon is forming on him and I'm content to hop on.

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 06:48:27 pm
Getting the impression he hates to be too wrong, scum is evidently closer to the bottom of his list. He also puts at most 1 teammate in the same category.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 06:51:20 pm
Albeit late, here's my updated readlist.

serprex - you know why

rob - Still my strongest town read. Make of that what you wish.

TorB - I can see where kae is coming from, but it feels way too conspiracy theory to me. TorB is still a town-lean for me.
MW - Not sure what to think of him. He's asking for the reads of some very specific people. Town behaviour, I'd say.

shock - I don't even read his posts. I'm too low IQ to understand, so I just ignore.
Calin - I haven't seen anything unusual from him yet.
Sub - I don't know. I don't like reading walls of texts, so I kinda ignore those. People with more patience can feel free to analyze them better.
kdz, DC, Ge0 - No clue whatsoever.

Linkcat - U N L Y N C H A B L E
andre - Still one of the people I suspect. To be honest, I don't like how easy it was to forget about him entirely.

Annele - I really don't like how hard she was to lynch D1.
kae - As said, his theories feel way too conspiracy-oriented.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 17, 2020, 07:00:57 pm
Day 7

In 48 hours, only two players will stay. It's the final day.

MasterWalks was nightkilled. He was an Elemental and a Dragonfly.

Day 7 has ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:01:11 pm
Okay, I'm caught up - here is my read list so far




I'm having an aneurism trying to understand how someone backed by a team would be making these types of mistakes. I was scumreading him before, but for now I'm more convinced that he's just an incompetent townie  :sillyspin: (can very easily change depending on how people flip)


I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt about being new, but I expect more content on the next days, or he'll be going down in the list. What he has post so far has been on the neutral side


I'm not ready to completely remove my tinfoil hat about rob just yet. This theory is the main reason:

Mafia has an anubis. That anubis has secured NK on me (to be refunded whenever) to prevent Heal blocking

Either rob is town fate egg psion who was blocked due to that immaterial, or rob's anubis scum & came up with a "I was actually psion" story to cover for his night action. If link/rob are w/w, link's plans would be created after he knows rob's anubis roll to setup that play

but then again I like that he's still second guessing himself about trusting Link (that's a very wise behaviour imo)



I don't think it's wise to put Link higher than n unless there is mechanical confirmation, this guy is just too hard to read.


Not enough content to get a read. This better change soon.


I really don't understand his style so far, but apparently that's his normal. Will have to try to get a read of him out of votes I guess

There's a bit of WIFOM about the way he'd have used Anubis, but I have to think a bit more about this and his possible connection with Cal. Personally I'm more inclined to believe he's town!shrieker. This could change if kaemp flips town, but for now just a light scum lean.

This is just an association read with torb. Apart from the Green Nymph stuff he hasn't posted much (which makes sense in retrospect as keeping low due to his role + IRL work)

  • Seems to be holding info that could help kaemp
  • Has "confirmed" kaemp yet is voting for him
  • Vouches for my biggest scumreads

Either he's insanely deep inside his tinfoil, or he's scum and miscalculated how much MW would be disruptive to his kaemp claim (after all, even kaemp's egg+GN theory and kaemp being town don't mechanicaly confirm shock, since mafia can be egg)

After rereading her D1 stuff and the rest of the things she posted I think I might have been a bit hasty with my previous scum read. The most damning avidence against her is the way EOD1 developped (which I admit I don't know how to make a good read of). So I'm moving her from w to n- until more evidence shows up.


See my previous post
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 17, 2020, 07:01:29 pm
Actions will also be sent out later today, will make a post here when done
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:02:51 pm
Aight, now I only need to sort Sub.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:05:05 pm
Kinda funny how all the confirmed scum basically ignored Sub, cuz too much text mostly
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:05:39 pm
getting a not w/w feel
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 17, 2020, 07:14:03 pm
Well, it's a 50-50 then.

Voting for Sub for now, but the next person on my list would be rob.

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu
One thing is for sure. Calindu and I are not w/w. :silly:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 17, 2020, 07:14:22 pm
getting a not w/w feel
You posted this before I could post my joke. I feel less original now. :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:17:31 pm
Haha, that was actually in reference to how dead scum treated you
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:20:33 pm

calindu - low-ish activity and also a "don't really care about the game" vibe, similar to ian. also started the train on link (I could be wrong on this, too lazy to go back and check but I'm fairly certain he was the first or one of the first to vote on link)

This is kinda odd, Calindu sat on timpa all day1.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:25:48 pm
(Except when he voted Sub)
I'm not quite sure what to make of it, normally I'd say being unaware of people's behaviour points to not w/w.
Maybe he got the names mixed up and was upset that Cal voted timpa earliish. that still kinda points to not w/w though  :-\
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 17, 2020, 07:28:46 pm
Haha, that was actually in reference to how dead scum treated you
Well, looking back at who has been scum so far, they have all been playing the low effort game, and I guess my posts need some effort to digest.

Kinda like how I feel when I'm about to dig through your posts. You have almost twice as many as I do. I'm trying to do full scan again, but I'm only on page 19. Will need to come back tomorrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 17, 2020, 07:46:19 pm
Calindu, do you want to watch us pat each other on the back repeatedly until we vote you or do you have any intention of contributing?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 17, 2020, 08:13:36 pm
Calindu, do you want to watch us pat each other on the back repeatedly until we vote you or do you have any intention of contributing?

I'll contribute tomorrow morning to the conversation, then can also contribute on Friday, haven't caught up with everything posted since start of day, so will do that before.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 17, 2020, 09:36:40 pm
Results from the last Night phase have now been sent.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 18, 2020, 12:38:35 pm
Anyways, emotions aside, i think Cal is the last mafia member. Look at the last mafia he played where he was scum. Playing pretty much similar to how he is now. I say we lynch him as our last lynch.

You brought this argument 3 times and every single time I responded to you and told you to look at mafia 71. What happens the next time you bring this argument? That's right, you ignore what I previously said and just say the exact same thing.

This is endgame though, so I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything before I settle on Calindu.

Put your vote on me if you want to settle.

I'll post some thoughts about both of you, '-' means I think that indicates mafia, '+' means I think that indicates town.

andretimpa (4) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry

- His votes have almost all been late into the day, especially the first few days, no votes days 2 and 3 from the lynchlog.
- Plays in a strange way, different from other times I played with him.
- He sheeped both Link and rob for a long time, normally not a bad thing, but in this instance, it makes sense for mafia to try to sheep a player when their reads are going the wrong direction


+ Seems to play normally, not getting much of a strange vibe from rereading his posts.
+ Pushed for a Ge0 lynch early on.

- Everyone dropped their suspicions of him after shock's claim, even though shock's flip proved nothing.
- Very late votes usually.

Atm, I'm more inclined to believe it's Sub.

Submachine(1) - Calindu
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 18, 2020, 01:17:36 pm
Ah, it was spoilered. I see now.

Yeah, that does give you some cred, though it was at Night 3, not long before shock revealed his master plan. If I lessen my tinfoil though, all I see is two townreads, and two mafia.

Kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Ge0 (1) - kaempfer13, Submachine

I cannot vote on both Geo and Calindu, but I would, just to pressure them into the discussion.
Cal, if Sub is the last mafia why do you think he would sheep me here, while MW was still misslynching me and i could also have been easily persuaded to vote you if he insisted?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 18, 2020, 08:12:39 pm
Not sure if it amounts to anything, but Calindu visited himself last night. NAI.

I am trying to put a progress behind Day 1 votes.

1. Calindu votes on me because he drew a possible connection of w/w between me and Linkcat, or perhaps because of a disagreement? It is unclear, but it seems he was unsure where to place his vote, and he liked my post the least.

Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
What? I agree that we should not punish activity, but in the same time, why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link? Are we really that useless without them that we are ok with losing on the spot if they are mafia? From this, all I get is that if you are mafia, they have a higher chance of being too, and same the other way around.

But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.
Again, activity good, inactivity bad, but this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?

Voting for Sub for now, but the next person on my list would be rob.

rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu

2. Geo votes on rob. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297095/#msg1297095)
Andretimpa votes on MW. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297193/#msg1297193)
Andre unvotes MW. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297224/#msg1297224)
Kaempfer votes on Linkcat. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297335/#msg1297335)
Geo votes on Annele. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297342/#msg1297342)

3. Then EOD1 begins. Calindu votes on andretimpa (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297356/#msg1297356), then goes to sleep.

4. I am just in time to save Linkcat.


andretimpa (5) - Linkcat, Calindu, rob77dp, moehrpi, Submachine
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, MasterWalks, serprex, shockcannon
Annele (1) - Ge0metry
This has a lot of moving parts, so let's analyze it while I'm here.

First of all, I haven't been voting so far, because I hoped to hide my role by pretending to be Graboid. I already explained earlier how I believed my role was useful enough to conceal.
However, I not only gave up on hiding my role, but in hindsight, to save Linkcat I voted on a top mafia wagon.

As mafia, this makes zero sense. If I don't vote here, Linkcat dies and andretimpa does not come closer to death. However, the timer was nearing zero when I swooped in for the save. I not only stopped a town dying, but I also pressured a mafia from a relatively safe place into a risky situation.

5. Linkcat calls out for ian to place a vote. Ian votes on Annele. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297553/#msg1297553)
Then after further pressuring from rob, he switches to andre, breaking a tie in Linkcat's favor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297588/#msg1297588).

6. But then timpa comes back to vote on Linkcat (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-73-by-playeroa/msg1297601/#msg1297601), creating a tie between them.

7. Rob comes out with the plan to vote out Annele instead of Link and timpa.
Ian votes on Annele.
Andretimpa votes on Annele.
I am still 4 minutes behind and can't see the latest developments.
Those were the last two votes, the day ends in a tie.

Shock was too late, real vote count.

andretimpa (4) - Calindu, Submachine, MasterWalks
Linkcat (5) - Annele, kaempfer13, serprex, shockcannon, moehrpi
Annele (5) - Ge0metry, Linkcat, andretimpa, iancudorinmarian, rob77dp

In summary, Geo's votes don't feel like they have substance behind them.
Timpa mainly voted to self-preserve. His early vote on MW was short-lived.
Kae voted on Linkcat and was unwavering about his vote throughout the day.
Calindu created a 3-3 tie by voting on timpa, then went to sleep. (More about this below.)
I saved Linkcat and created a 5-5 tie by voting on timpa, then kept my vote on the highest non-Link wagon.
Then Ian broke the 5-5 tie by bussing timpa. This was a strange vote, but it seems to me he was pressured into it.

The main difference between my vote and Calindu's is the timing. If Calindu was mafia and legit went to sleep, then he still had hope the votes will switch around in the following day.
When I placed my vote, it was at a very relevant time, minutes or even seconds before deadline.

Kae and I seemed to have a reason to place our votes where they were, but Calindu's is a bit vague, and it feels like he wanted to vote me, but Linkcat pressured him into voting timpa, just like rob pressured ian later to do the same thing. More about this below.

While I was going through Day 1, I also found these posts that might be relevant:

@Kaempf, is there a reason why you have not voted? Unless I missed it, you didn't state your intent to not vote like torb and ian. Moe is basically confirmed town, shock has declared wishes to no lynch, and kdz has his birthday as a reason for inactivity.
I would like to mention also that other players are specifically curious about your vote, from the list of players who have not voted.
I made an attempt (albeit, a weak one) last night to probe kaemp on his lack of vote which at the time of me falling asleep, he had not responded. Just woke up, saw that he has voted. Great.
kaemp - overly defensive as mentioned by others, also only person who's readlist i did not like at all
andre - posts weren't convincing imo but whoever mentioned he didn't try too hard to defend himself or start another train i think is quite interesting
A mafia openly interrogating Kae. It could be mafia banter, or legit laying suspicion on Kae, which would imply not w/w.
Though he did give andretimpa the same classification in his latter post, so banter is possible.

Sub isn't happening, give me your top 3 scumreads.
At this point, excluding Sub, it's rob, andre and you. However, kae's posts since last night give me a strange feeling to be honest.
I'll vote on andre for now, to not hammer the lynch on rob, but I find rob as a valid lynch today as well.

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele
In this post, Calindu claims suspecting rob, andre, Linkcat, and me, and also a poke at Kae. He decided to vote on andre.

If Calindu is town, he listed 5 players, out of which 2 are mafia, and placed his vote on a mafia.
If Calindu is mafia, he listed 5 players, out of which 1 is mafia, and placed his vote on the only mafia on his list.

I am not sure what to do with this yet, but this post encompasses all three of us, so it might be of relevance.

His reasoning against Kae was also this "strange feeling" argument that he is using to vote me now. (Partially. He listed two other things too.)

Why are your scumreads precisely any wagon that happened during the day?
They were on my read list, long before this post, I haven't changed my opinion too much on anyone other than you since then, since I didn't have the time to fully analyse everything.

As for why I voted specifically on andre, I thought rob was at 3 votes before, and I think hammering him when I'm not sure I can be active at end of day is bad. Moreover, if he flips mafia, this pretty much confirms rob and Link to me, and I see that as a big advantage for town.
The parts in yellow perk my curiosity. Now we know that andre was indeed mafia, but I find it strange to specifically pick 1 out of 5 people for this reason. When Link corrected him about who would be confirmed by andre flipping mafia, Cal has already went to sleep.

As I mentioned above, it feels like Calindu wanted to vote me, but he voted on timpa out of pressure. And it also feels like he knew something about timpa's alignment. That, or a very strong hunch. Either way, it's strange.

It doesnt compute, there is no logic

it reads like : andre is probably scum, better vote Annele
This was the part during EOD1 when rob suddenly switched his vote from andre to Annele. Here Kae is almost disappointed that rob's vote is not on andre. (Why would he be disappointed if he knew andre was mafia?) Kae also shows signs of towny confusion.

Why is it 10 PM again? Ugh...

I will only skim the rest of the game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 18, 2020, 08:26:21 pm
Short summary of my current feelings:

Calindu is still n-, but Kae is around n+ now. The part where Calindu calls out the benefits of specifically andre flipping mafia feels the most sus to me so far.

@Calindu: If you are Town, now is the time to realize that your vote is in the wrong place. You were quick to jump the gun instead of joining the discussion, which is sus, but you implied you only voted me because you townread kae more, and not because you scumread me.

Though if you are mafia, your vote makes sense. And judging by how early you voted now and how late you voted on Geo, it looks like this is the case.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 06:39:12 am
either rob or I have to be mafia. So if you're still convinced rob is town, then lynch me and then come back to this post and read again for the answers to this game.
That's a difficult fight to pick. If you are so sure that kaempfer and I are also mafia, you would be picking one of us instead of rob. Shock's train of thought feels like he bases our alignments on his read on rob. So I have to ask,

@shock: In case rob is actually town, do you still hold strongly to your other two mafia picks? If so, then why are you not pushing us instead of rob? We have so much more dirt than rob, you could easily get away with it. (Quick note: I would hate to protect rob if he was actually mafia here, but in case he is town, I would rather sacrifice myself to prove shock wrong, because I deem myself less useful for town's cause than rob.)
Is this what Calindu meant by sheeping rob? I don't remember sheeping his opinions, and I assumed the reason to keep him alive early has already been clarified [1]. This was the only mid-game rob defending I found from me. And it's also worth mentioning that this is not how I would play as mafia. I would not go ahead the curve to sacrifice myself if I had a team behind me.

Reference [1]:

Sub - I can actually confidently say that I consider Sub town now, his actions all seem to make sense, his ideas are clear and reason well into my head
This made me assume we got to an agreement about why I was trying to keep rob and Link alive early game.

- He sheeped both Link and rob for a long time, normally not a bad thing, but in this instance, it makes sense for mafia to try to sheep a player when their reads are going the wrong direction
Again, if the above example is what you meant by sheeping rob for a long time, it would not make sense to sheep them by throwing myself in front of rob as a shield. Knowing that I'm town, I realized that shock's "90% correct" mafia team was inaccurate, and I was willing to prove him wrong before it all went bad - as it eventually did. If I was mafia here, I would not be able to sheep them for going in the wrong direction. It would actually turn them off from their wrong courses, which would be double bad for mafia.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 10:35:09 am
I understand everyone is busy at this time, so I will wait until 3 hours before deadline. If no developments until then, I'm placing my vote on Calindu.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 10:37:01 am
I understand everyone is busy at this time, so I will wait until 3 hours before deadline. If no developments until then, I'm placing my vote on Calindu.
Or rather, I'm placing it now, and remove it later if I see a good reason for it.

Submachine(1) - Calindu
Calindu (1) - Submachine
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 19, 2020, 11:15:18 am
Ah, it was spoilered. I see now.

Yeah, that does give you some cred, though it was at Night 3, not long before shock revealed his master plan. If I lessen my tinfoil though, all I see is two townreads, and two mafia.

Kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Ge0 (1) - kaempfer13, Submachine

I cannot vote on both Geo and Calindu, but I would, just to pressure them into the discussion.
Cal, if Sub is the last mafia why do you think he would sheep me here, while MW was still misslynching me and i could also have been easily persuaded to vote you if he insisted?




Ge0metry v1.2

How can Sub ever try to misslynch you with this readlist posted not a long time before, with nothing significant to point towards you being scum? Sure, he can try to force by persuading MW further, but surely he outs himself on the spot if MW turns his vote around.

Sub isn't happening, give me your top 3 scumreads.
At this point, excluding Sub, it's rob, andre and you. However, kae's posts since last night give me a strange feeling to be honest.
I'll vote on andre for now, to not hammer the lynch on rob, but I find rob as a valid lynch today as well.

rob77dp (3) - Ge0metry v1.2, serprex, shockcannon
andretimpa (3) - Linkcat, rob77dp, Calindu
kaempfer13 (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (1) - Annele
In this post, Calindu claims suspecting rob, andre, Linkcat, and me, and also a poke at Kae. He decided to vote on andre.

If Calindu is town, he listed 5 players, out of which 2 are mafia, and placed his vote on a mafia.
If Calindu is mafia, he listed 5 players, out of which 1 is mafia, and placed his vote on the only mafia on his list.

I am not sure what to do with this yet, but this post encompasses all three of us, so it might be of relevance.

His reasoning against Kae was also this "strange feeling" argument that he is using to vote me now. (Partially. He listed two other things too.)

Why are your scumreads precisely any wagon that happened during the day?
They were on my read list, long before this post, I haven't changed my opinion too much on anyone other than you since then, since I didn't have the time to fully analyse everything.

As for why I voted specifically on andre, I thought rob was at 3 votes before, and I think hammering him when I'm not sure I can be active at end of day is bad. Moreover, if he flips mafia, this pretty much confirms rob and Link to me, and I see that as a big advantage for town.
The parts in yellow perk my curiosity. Now we know that andre was indeed mafia, but I find it strange to specifically pick 1 out of 5 people for this reason. When Link corrected him about who would be confirmed by andre flipping mafia, Cal has already went to sleep.

As I mentioned above, it feels like Calindu wanted to vote me, but he voted on timpa out of pressure. And it also feels like he knew something about timpa's alignment. That, or a very strong hunch. Either way, it's strange.

The only reason I voted for you previously is because I scumread you more than I scumread kae, I wasn't townreading any of you.

When you said I wanted to vote you, it's true I had my vote on you early on, but at that point I wanted to vote rob, but hammering him would not be good.

either rob or I have to be mafia. So if you're still convinced rob is town, then lynch me and then come back to this post and read again for the answers to this game.
That's a difficult fight to pick. If you are so sure that kaempfer and I are also mafia, you would be picking one of us instead of rob. Shock's train of thought feels like he bases our alignments on his read on rob. So I have to ask,

@shock: In case rob is actually town, do you still hold strongly to your other two mafia picks? If so, then why are you not pushing us instead of rob? We have so much more dirt than rob, you could easily get away with it. (Quick note: I would hate to protect rob if he was actually mafia here, but in case he is town, I would rather sacrifice myself to prove shock wrong, because I deem myself less useful for town's cause than rob.)
Is this what Calindu meant by sheeping rob? I don't remember sheeping his opinions, and I assumed the reason to keep him alive early has already been clarified [1]. This was the only mid-game rob defending I found from me. And it's also worth mentioning that this is not how I would play as mafia. I would not go ahead the curve to sacrifice myself if I had a team behind me.

Sub - I can actually confidently say that I consider Sub town now, his actions all seem to make sense, his ideas are clear and reason well into my head
This made me assume we got to an agreement about why I was trying to keep rob and Link alive early game.

That's not what I mean by sheeping, I consider sheeping when someone blatantly follows all of someone's plans and agrees with them, regardless with what's being said. I agree in your case you are not taking it to an extreme, but it does feel like you did it a lot this game.

I didn't reach an agreement with you about Link and rob, but your last few posts before my readlist resonated well and actually made a lot of sense.

I understand everyone is busy at this time, so I will wait until 3 hours before deadline. If no developments until then, I'm placing my vote on Calindu.
Or rather, I'm placing it now, and remove it later if I see a good reason for it.

Submachine(1) - Calindu
Calindu (1) - Submachine

That's what I actually wanted to see from you, now I'm decently sure you are not mafia.
Scum!Sub doesn't make this vote, because Scum!Sub want me lynched, because he ends up in a stalemate against kae.

kaempfer13(1) - Calindu
Calindu (1) - Submachine
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 19, 2020, 12:52:17 pm
EBWOP: because Scum!Sub doesn't want me lynched

Just noticed this mistake.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 12:54:19 pm
I argue he should have tried to misslynch you; mw was all over the place and i was ready to lynch both of you. Instead he allowed us to agree on ge0.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 01:00:38 pm
Honestly the timing of that vote was so good that it alone is enough to tr Sub imo. then there is a couple other reasons for me to tr sub and scumread you which I have mentioned earlier. I have nothing much new to say overall, but quite frankly I dont think I'll change my mind on this.
My tunnelvision is telling me that you are trying out all the options for a misslynch you can.
kaempfer13(1) - Calindu
Calindu (2) - Submachine, kaempfer13
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 02:41:56 pm
EBWOP: because Scum!Sub doesn't want me lynched

Just noticed this mistake.
Unfortunately thats not how it works. parity requires more town to be alive than scum, even if the remaining town is invincible and able to vote
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 04:36:45 pm
EBWOP: because Scum!Sub doesn't want me lynched

Just noticed this mistake.
Unfortunately thats not how it works. parity requires more town to be alive than scum, even if the remaining town is invincible and able to vote
I would like to see if this changes Calindu's vote.

Now that I have more free time, I want to look at a few things. Will both of you be here until EOD to further discuss things?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 04:42:54 pm
I will have dinner some time (before or after the news at 8 (1hour from deadline); depends on when the rest of the family wants to eat so cant really plan around it), so i dont have particularly much time left to discuss things.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 06:25:23 pm
I attempt to analyze Day 2 vote progression next.

1. Geo votes on Kaempfer.

Annele (1) - rob7dp
kaempfer13 (4) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

2. Andre votes on Kaempfer.

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (5) - serprex, TheonlyrealBeef, shockcannon, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks

3. Calindu votes on Kaempfer.

I'm sorry, but I can't town read you anymore after this.

Annele (3) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

There are far easier worlds I could have pushed, but alas I'm actually trying to solve the game and thus I will keep screaming this cassandra truth until I'm dead
Here Kae sounds genuinely desperate. He was going after the wrong lead, sure, but he was attempting to solve.

4. Iancu votes on Annele.

Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (4) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu
rob77dp (1) - MasterWalks
Linkcat (3) - serprex, shockcannon, Annele

I'm willing to change to kae if needed or if people can persuade me otherwise.
I find it interesting that all 3 mafia we know voted near each other with Calindu inbetween. And almost all of them on Kaempfer. Ian voted Annele, but took the chance to poke Kae.

I stop doing full scan, because I noticed only half an hour left until deadline.

But from what I have gathered, mafia was hard focusing on Kae on Day 2 just like they hard pushed Annele the whole game. My gut says that it's Calindu, so I'm keeping my vote where it is and hope for the best.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 06:28:46 pm
Day 7 has ended.
The timer for convenience.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 06:32:47 pm
Tbh, scum has had a pretty weird approach to this game. Normally you instinctively avoid voting together like that in order to dissassociate.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 06:37:30 pm
Tbh, scum has had a pretty weird approach to this game. Normally you instinctively avoid voting together like that in order to dissassociate.
Not only that, but some confusing bussing too. Votes were not good to determine reads in this game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 06:42:05 pm
It feels like ian was the mastermind of the team. He was the one who seemingly tried to dissociate his votes from the rest of the group, yet didn't miss the chance to put some verbal shade on people. I should have focused on this more during early days, I caught two instances of him doing this, but wasn't enough to put him below n-.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 06:53:51 pm
You said your vote on Cal is final and Cal is not here, so we're not extending, right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 06:56:15 pm
Don't expect any major development, so seems pointless
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 19, 2020, 06:57:06 pm
I'm on phone, so can't really do much, but I played the whole day with the idea that if Sub votes in me he's town, because of the stalemate.

Don't think I can convince any of you to not misslynch me, so w/e, with my activity lately I have no way to do that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Calindu on June 19, 2020, 06:58:14 pm
But just for the record, even with the rule misunderstanding, I still think it's kae and not Sub.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 07:00:36 pm
Tbh, yh. Submachine could easily have ended the game the day before if he dealt with mw doing whatever, cal being almost awol and me being sussed by mw, so if you're town we pretty much lost the game yesterday already
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: PlayerOa on June 19, 2020, 07:02:04 pm
Day 7 has ended.

The mafia won. Congratulations-a-ton.

Calindu was lynched. He was a Elemental and a Green Nymph.

The False Gods won Mafia 73, congratulations!

With the game ending, the dead players pad (http://sync.in/goodbye) slipped out of the hands of the host...


- rob eating Coffee N0 was a great kickstart of the game. He initially intended to vig kaempfer, though, which would have led to a completely different game.
- Mafia had no reason to believe w3 was Golden Nymph. He even targeted andretimpa, a member of the mafia. Stroke of luck right there.   
- EoD D1... yikes. Stricter rules on vote juggling would be very welcome.
- Mafia played smart N1 by obsessing TorB, but in the end it didn't matter as they hit the nightkill the following night anyway. I found immortalizing serprex to be a smart move, but with no town doc it was kinda unnecessary and let to an Anubis hunt.
- TorB should have burrowed N2, but a paranoid town didn't trust him and let to his death. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
- kdz targeted a mafia (Ge0metry) with GN N2 - then changed target for another mafia (iancu).
- DC blocked Annele from devouring both kaempfer and Calindu. kaempfer reeeeally wasn't going to die this game.
- Precoging andretimpa must be a curse - both nymphs died the same night they targeted him, as kdz did pick him out the night he died.

It was a blast hosting this game of Mafia for you guys, hopefully you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 07:06:12 pm
woah, sub. So much effort when the game could have long ended.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 07:06:37 pm
Errrrrrrrrrr, are you sure? Maybe I didn't check my primary role correctly.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 19, 2020, 07:10:15 pm
Well Sub gets my vote for best played.

This was a fun mafia. I actually kinda hoped i died when KDZ died. Things got busy irl (and pretty messy) and while i was able to keep up with posting, my attention span was about 2 pages.

kae- I was trying to be a swing voter. After like D4 i was too busy irl to make that much of an impact, so i wanted to rely on other information. Im sorry that this hurt town greatly end game. Yea i played stupidly, but i want to point out that i wanted to appear more stupid than i actually was (i was pretty stupid so this wasnt hard). I feel thats the safest way to stay alive. The thing about tunneling on the shock and yours interaction wasnt really a misinterpretation of the rules, but rather i wanted some more development between you two so i started as much conversation around that as possible. Looking at the spoiled list, that was a waste of my time.

Anywho, GGs! I need to talk to link i bit more but i MIGHT host the next one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 07:11:31 pm
Errrrrrrrrrr, are you sure? Maybe I didn't check my primary role correctly.
J/k though, but it would have been amazing if I have only checked my secondary role this whole time. ^^"

Here are some stuff from the mafia pad:

This was during EOD1.

23:07 iancu: Sub, wtf
23:07 iancu: That's some hardcore bus-ing
23:07 Ge0: ^
23:08 iancu: If andre dies because of you, I will lynch you myself

And during Day 2:

iancu (mobile): I'm calling it now, Sub is going to bus us all

I did not mean to, but he was totally right.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 19, 2020, 07:15:18 pm
So why did you bus Ge0 anyway? was it so much fun sinking hours into the game?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 19, 2020, 07:21:02 pm
Oa forgot about shock (honorary 5th mafia member)  :sillyspin:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 07:30:28 pm
So why did you bus Ge0 anyway? was it so much fun sinking hours into the game?
No, it was very stressful. I subtly asked around who suspects who, but you seemed to be tunneling Geo hard and Calindu's opinion was a mystery. I had to do the long game to be safe.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 19, 2020, 07:37:19 pm
... game is pretty much solved already ...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on June 19, 2020, 07:38:34 pm
... game is pretty much solved already ...

LOL that post
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 08:15:05 pm
#SolvedGame is best meme that has come from this game imo

By the way, as unlucky as I was, I planned to roll Town and play similarly to how I played in Mafia 70 (when I was mafia) to mix up my playstyles a bit. I did not check my role, so I did not know I was actually mafia again. And right in the game where I already started playing scummy. When I read my role, I had to switch playstyles super quickly.

After then, my aim was to play exactly like I would if I was town. For this, I barely consulted the others to somewhat keep me in the dark, and I even renamed our pad to Confirmed Civvy Pad. I also don't think I directly lied about anything. And with every choice I made in this game, I had in mind, how would this choice affect endgame? I am very surprised that I could cover my tracks so well, that the scummiest things against me were late votes and a slight feel of unease. I guess theater is my strong suit.

My point stands:

Just to clarify, Link does not think I am Mafia, he just knows you can never be too cautious with me. ;)

He watched the entirety of 60 as a host, and he got familiar with my train of thought. Though you can also never know with Link, and Link seems to believe you can also never know with rob. We are the trinity of indecipherables.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: iancudorinmarian on June 19, 2020, 08:36:33 pm
Too easy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on June 19, 2020, 08:45:05 pm
Solved game btw
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 19, 2020, 09:29:51 pm
Wish I could say I had fun but honestly this was really more draining in my life than anything. Thanks for hosting tho
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on June 19, 2020, 11:23:37 pm
First off I want to apologize to anyone who feels that I acted elitist or dismissive during this game. That was not my intention. I was really excited to be playing mafia again after a year, and especially with rob after a whole three years. I put all of my energy into this game and ended up going overboard as I sometimes do. I did find it funny when I died but I was still really salty and I don't actually think you're all terrible at mafia. Ultimately my goal as FGO is to make sure everyone has as good a time as possible, and I'm sorry if I failed at that this time around.

I've put up a series of polls to see where we go from here, make sure to vote in them. Should we choose to go for a different role madness setup, the one we have ready to go is a vig-heavy setup by Sky, so it will probably be a shorter game. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xcEITPw3fIXW2yCUPvY0WI48thIeas4uLvJus5RV-Ag/

I would also appreciate any feedback on the current setup. I feel it went pretty well but there are a few changes I am making.

I'll come back later with my thoughts on the game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 19, 2020, 11:37:50 pm
First off I want to apologize to anyone who feels that I acted elitist or dismissive during this game. That was not my intention. I was really excited to be playing mafia again after a year, and especially with rob after a whole three years. I put all of my energy into this game and ended up going overboard as I sometimes do. I did find it funny when I died but I was still really salty and I don't actually think you're all terrible at mafia. Ultimately my goal as FGO is to make sure everyone has as good a time as possible, and I'm sorry if I failed at that this time around.

I've put up a series of polls to see where we go from here, make sure to vote in them. Should we choose to go for a different role madness setup, the one we have ready to go is a vig-heavy setup by Sky, so it will probably be a shorter game. I know a lot of us try not to remember Mafia 63, but I have made sure that her new setup is actually balanced and has normal mechanics, so keep that in mind when voting.

I would also appreciate any feedback on the current setup. I feel it went pretty well but there are a few changes I am making.
  • Poison will kill you after 1 night instead of 2.
  • Fate Egg will not give you the same role twice.
  • Freeze will be changed to blocking your next ability use even if it's on a later night, but will let you vote, and Arctic Squid will be changed to ER.
  • The extension rule will be changed to: 7. The Day will not end until both the timer has ended and 8 minutes have passed since the last vote was cast or the last vote count was posted. This extension cannot be triggered by the same player twice in a row. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any trolling to extend the timer, or if they set a hard deadline which cannot be extended.

I'll come back later with my thoughts on the game.

Personally, i had a ton of fun. Seems like people dont have fun when they put wayyyy too much thought into the game. Just play stupid and have fun!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on June 19, 2020, 11:46:44 pm
First off I want to apologize to anyone who feels that I acted elitist or dismissive during this game. That was not my intention. I was really excited to be playing mafia again after a year, and especially with rob after a whole three years. I put all of my energy into this game and ended up going overboard as I sometimes do. I did find it funny when I died but I was still really salty and I don't actually think you're all terrible at mafia. Ultimately my goal as FGO is to make sure everyone has as good a time as possible, and I'm sorry if I failed at that this time around.

I've put up a series of polls to see where we go from here, make sure to vote in them. Should we choose to go for a different role madness setup, the one we have ready to go is a vig-heavy setup by Sky, so it will probably be a shorter game. I know a lot of us try not to remember Mafia 63, but I have made sure that her new setup is actually balanced and has normal mechanics, so keep that in mind when voting.

I would also appreciate any feedback on the current setup. I feel it went pretty well but there are a few changes I am making.
  • Poison will kill you after 1 night instead of 2.
  • Fate Egg will not give you the same role twice.
  • Freeze will be changed to blocking your next ability use even if it's on a later night, but will let you vote, and Arctic Squid will be changed to ER.
  • The extension rule will be changed to: 7. The Day will not end until both the timer has ended and 8 minutes have passed since the last vote was cast or the last vote count was posted. This extension cannot be triggered by the same player twice in a row. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any trolling to extend the timer, or if they set a hard deadline which cannot be extended.

I'll come back later with my thoughts on the game.

Personally, i had a ton of fun. Seems like people dont have fun when they put wayyyy too much thought into the game. Just play stupid and have fun!

You can tell kae how *bad* he is for mislynching
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 19, 2020, 11:56:47 pm
I've put up a series of polls to see where we go from here, make sure to vote in them. Should we choose to go for a different role madness setup, the one we have ready to go is a vig-heavy setup by Sky, so it will probably be a shorter game. I know a lot of us try not to remember Mafia 63, but I have made sure that her new setup is actually balanced and has normal mechanics, so keep that in mind when voting.

I would also appreciate any feedback on the current setup. I feel it went pretty well but there are a few changes I am making.
  • Poison will kill you after 1 night instead of 2.
  • Fate Egg will not give you the same role twice.
  • Freeze will be changed to blocking your next ability use even if it's on a later night, but will let you vote, and Arctic Squid will be changed to ER.
  • The extension rule will be changed to: 7. The Day will not end until both the timer has ended and 8 minutes have passed since the last vote was cast or the last vote count was posted. This extension cannot be triggered by the same player twice in a row. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any trolling to extend the timer, or if they set a hard deadline which cannot be extended.

I'll come back later with my thoughts on the game.

Agree with changes + I suggest the following changes:

I am looking forward to your thoughts about the game, and I didn't find anything upsetting about your play. Town!Sub would have been just legit confused about your readability, that's all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: serprex on June 20, 2020, 12:07:30 am
First off I want to apologize to anyone who feels that I acted elitist or dismissive during this game.

No worries. The "solved game" thing was also a red flag to me because I've seen good scum players entice bad town players into listening to them by offering "ignore how complicated this game is getting, just listen to me & everything is simple" which given a N0 cop kill seemed like a stretch

Also part of the dismissiveness is that when I said "Play with Annele or your scum to me" I wanted you to defend the decision either with much clearer explanation of what information you're seeking, or at least outline consideration of worlds where Annele is town. Instead you fell into arguing that Annele is an infolynch, which is a nice way to wash your hands of the mislynch before it even flips. Saying you needed to go after Annele to figure out what happened in EOD1 when I outlined that most of the train on you D1 were confirmed town, consider too that I pointed out timpa was actually harder to bandwagon than Annele since to save yourself you had to try switch vote to Annele thanks to that Ge0 vote. Ge0 was starting to fall apart ever since I told him he was coming off town, basically got complacent despite my encouraging him to keep rambling

Also that psion call, totally orchestrated with rob not seeing my immediate response etc. Was nice to get you out of the way so I got to orchestrate adrenakaempfer night plan, rip torb

  • The extension rule will be changed to: 7. The Day will not end until both the timer has ended and 8 minutes have passed since the last vote was cast or the last vote count was posted. This extension cannot be triggered by the same player twice in a row. If any sort of endless voting loop occurs that affects the lynch, there will be No Lynch. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any trolling to extend the timer, or if they set a hard deadline which cannot be extended.

Ew. Secret ballot, reveal votes at eod, I know it goes against your desire for silly final hours, but I feel it's much better for our more casual meta which has people with timezones all over the place
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 20, 2020, 05:36:54 pm
I just dont get people that go above and beyond like Sub when the game has long been sealed. He was dealing with an afk, someone that tunnels said afk (just his afk buddy even moreso), who in turn was voted by someone that everyone agreed was town. He decides preemptively to bundle up the town in order to bus his teammate just on the offchance that i somehow convinced both someone who is basically pulling his scumreads out of a hat and someone that was basically gone, just so he wouldnt end up in the situation that Calindu found himself in. Ok, whatever, I guess we are talking another 4 days and defying kdz's prediction.
Then he just kept ranting about stuff and what makes him town (dude, I'm tunneling Calindu and you won the game 4 days ago, just let me go about my day already) and then suggesting another extension (again game ended 4 days ago if you are scum, y u do dis?) and kept poking at people when there was nothing to talk about and calindu would need like 1 month extension to properly form a real scumread rather than a "this guy is slightly townier than that guy".
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 20, 2020, 05:39:01 pm
Moderator Comment Moderated for harsh language.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 20, 2020, 07:05:33 pm
Apologies for going over the top, Kae. In hindsight, I had a point where I should have gone afk instead of rounding up my 90% townreads to 100% for maximum safety. I was overly paranoid of last minute changes of opinions, which I had no ground for. I also went way oberboard to look solve-y. I will never play like this again. I tried it out once, but being deepwolf is not worth it.

Though the only defense I keep is that if I pushed Cal instead of Geo, my chances were high of getting the tides turned against me.

Again though, I apologize.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: kaempfer13 on June 20, 2020, 07:31:03 pm
The harsh language i used was actually "af" written out, it was not actually an angry rant
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: MasterWalks on June 20, 2020, 08:15:40 pm
sorry i offended you.

Apologies for going over the top
Again though, I apologize.

First off I want to apologize...

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: worldwideweb3 on June 20, 2020, 08:54:37 pm
Btw, Ian’s the best player this mafia. Had he not killed me, it was gg solved game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: killsdazombies on June 20, 2020, 09:55:23 pm
Good game guys, it was a lot more intense then I was prepared for early on, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. It was also wonderful to see so many old faces, and meet some new ones (to me). Good game :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on June 21, 2020, 06:09:16 am
Congrats, mafia.

I personally think Sub made the right play, and results prove it was at least one that worked. End of the last day was excessive, but everything leading up to that was fine. Town already agreed Geo and timpa were mafia so not bussing them, knowing full well they are perceived as mafia, could be taken as a way to save scum. You also cannot have Geo and timpa help you out with voting on Cal (too soon), since that just makes it even more suspicious. As a minor flipside, Sub still being alive that long should also have been perceived with more suspicion.

For me, I saw no reason for kaempfer to continue tunneling Calindu after N2. I flipped town, Cal had adrenalined two town Shriekers. It wasn't until andre and Geo voting patterns that I felt Calindu become suspicious again, which was apparently just inactivity that Sub successfully turned against Calindu. Because mafia only bussing mafia after 4/7 or 3/5 votes were already in place? That's the most logical (but obvious and transparent) play.

Not interested in a full discussion on this, just felt the need to throw in my thoughts instead of having Sub feel bad over a successful mafia play.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on June 21, 2020, 10:40:30 pm
At the moment it will be hard to determine a ranking for best player after the first place, remember that you guys can vote for multiple people.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Submachine on June 22, 2020, 06:59:25 am
Inbefore Coffeeditto best player. :silly:
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: andretimpa on June 22, 2020, 12:34:15 pm
Inbefore Coffeeditto best player. :silly:

10/10 best off-camera death
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: DoubleCapitals on June 22, 2020, 01:42:44 pm
Inbefore Coffeeditto best player. :silly:

He never voted off a town member.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 73 - by PlayerOa
Post by: Linkcat on June 26, 2020, 10:53:51 pm
The results are in.

Mafia 74 will begin signups in 3 days and will be a role madness setup hosted by Sky.

I have sent a PM to Ginyu asking for his ranking of Mafia 72.

There was only one vote for a post limit, so we will not be enacting any form of that. Surprisingly most people didn't have a problem with the volume, but I know there were several players this game that had difficulty staying caught up and still having time to contribute. I'll try to work with Sky to find a middle ground option.

Submachine won best player by a landslide, to nobody's surprise. Congratulations.

The best player poll will remain up, but the others will be taken down to make it easier to read though the thread. They are preserved here for posterity.

blarg: Elbirn,Linkcat,Coffeeditto,killsdazombies,iancudorinmarian,TheonlyrealBeef,worldwideweb3,Annele,kaempfer13,Calindu,moehrpi,Submachine,serprex,MasterWalks,andretimpa,rob77dp,shockcannon,DoubleCapitals,Ge0metry v1.2