Magical list read time?
Linkcat - I never like to deduce that "he is acting town therefore he is town" as it has backfired on me more than once. This is the main reason I am reluctant to do list reads as it is either "Scum" or "Not scum yet." Thus, I still keep my eye on him, but nobody would ever be willing to vote for him due to the reasoning of "he could be town." So null.
Sera - No idea. I threw a rock at her night 1, other than that, nothing.
skyironsword - Lots of nothing, but there is stuff to analyse. The votes on Ryli and Kuro, more specifically. Switching from Ryli in one phase to Kuro in the next, can be seen as a throwaway vote brought on by uncertainty, and that is most likely the case. If she were mafia, she would have been more safe to jump on the train. However at the same time, the themed posting can be used to explain any action.
iancudorinmarian - I am honestly most open to voting for ian, as a few of his actions have been odd (as in I think he is leaning scum).
Demagog - See Linkcat's
I didn't realise it was late game, I suppose that means it is time to be active.