Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Other Topics => Forum Games => Off-Topic Discussions => Forum Game Archive => Topic started by: Kuroaitou on August 13, 2016, 06:29:16 am

Title: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Kuroaitou on August 13, 2016, 06:29:16 am
Winner of the poll here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-a-vote-for-mafia-60/msg1234852/#msg1234852), Solaris is now hosting Mafia 62!

*twiddles his thumbs in anticipation for Solaris to post his game*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 01:15:33 pm
Elements Mafia 62: Titan's Vengeance
Long before the Olympian Gods oversaw Greece, the Titans ruled the lands. Eventually, the Olympian Gods overthrew these Titans, cast away, to be forgotten.
The Titans want to be back in the throne.

How to Play Mafia:
Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls...

That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. And when night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their roles. The two most noteworthy roles that are usually included in some form are the cop, who investigates other players to find their allegiance, and the medic, who can protect a specific player from any nightkills for that night.

The Civilians win when whenever they manage to eliminate all the Mafia members. And Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia member, the civilian will be lynched.

Player Rules:
  • Players must post in this topic to sign up. Please make it obvious that you are signing up to the game, and not just following the thread.
  • Players may not post, chat, or PM anything related to the Mafia Game if they have been killed, removed, or withdrawn, with the exception of a minor 'death' post upon their death containing no game information. (Example: Murloc Death Noises (tm) )
  • Players must post every day phase, unless they have a viable reason not to do so (holidays, funerals, serious occasions, etc. Viability will be at the host's discretion.). Players who do not post (and without viable reasons) will be removed from the game. Players will receive 1 warning for not posting, prior to being modkilled at next offense.
  • You cannot display (quote, printscreen, pastebin, etc) private discussions and host messages to anyone.
  • Players are not permitted to talk about mafia outside the thread, unless it is within the host created Mafia titanpad, Mafia PMing Mafia, the host created Brick and Mortar titanpad or Brick and Mortar participants PMing eachother.
  • Players are not allowed to edit and/or remove posts.Instead of editing or deleting posts, players may post again with any necessary changes (this is called EBWOP, meaning "edit by way of post").
  • Any flaming, or trolling will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions, at the host and moderator's discretion, will be taken if any of this occurs.
  • When PMing the host for anything associated with the game, it is highly advised to include "Mafia" or "Game" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may accidentally be overlooked.
  • Disputes and private questions should be handled via PMs to the host/moderator. If a player notices a simple mistake or if they have a general question, they may address them in the thread.
  • All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Therefore, it is not allowed to actively work against your own team or side with the other team, just because you don't like the team you are in or you like the other team members better, etc.
  • Players' actions should be motivated by this game's events solely. You may look at past mafia's to determine behaviors for better reads, but keep personal affairs out of the game.
  • Players are allowed to claim their own roles or any fake roles as long as it follows the previous rule.
  • The host reserves the right to change the rules mid-game, but only to prevent gamebreaking loopholes. It won't be used for insignificant changes.
  • Breaking any rules, especially those in blue, is subject to punishment at the discretion of the moderator and host, potentially including removal from this mafia, banning from future mafias, or banning from other forum games.

Game Rules:
  • The game will start on Night 0, followed by Day 1.
  • This game has a "Anonymous Message Board" function. On Night 0, you should PM the host your (single; make the choice count!) chosen anonymous name, to be posted alongside the messages you send. Messages can be sent once during the day time, and once during the night time, to be posted at the beginning of the following phase.
  • If the vote is tied between any players, the result is a no lynch.
  • Players are permitted to post at night.
  • Phases will be 48 hours on average, sometimes lengthened/shortened by an hour or two to fit the host's schedule. Players will be given ample warning upon lengthening/shortening of a phase.
  • No Vote/No Lynch is NOT permitted.
  • Civilians win if they eliminate all of the Titans. Titans win if they reach a point where they can win all future lynches. A Titan win will be evaluated at the beginning of the day.
  • Phases will end 5 minutes after the most recent post that includes a vote, if the deadline has been reached. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any vote swapping trolling/juggling.
  • All non-vanilla roles will be present in the game, and there will be 2 of each item present in the game.
  • When a player dies, all their roles will be revealed at the end of the phase they were killed in.
[li]The number of mafia players will be 1:5 mafia:civilian.[/li]

Primary Roles

There are two Primary roles; Titan and Civilian.

The Titans wish to enact vengeance upon the Gods for stealing their divine right, and will stop at nothing to attain it back, even if it means leveling cities.
  • Titans start the game knowing who the other Titans (and their roles) are.
  • The Titans will be able to communicate with eachother via a host created Titanpad.
  • Once per night, the Titans will be able to enact a Nightkill, by sending the host a PM entitled "Night X Nightkill - Mafia 62". This kills the targeted player, assuming no external intervention.

Most mere mortals, but some of the most powerful Gods walk amongst them, unaware of the impending danger.
  • Civilians start the game only knowing their role.
  • Their tool to win the game is the Lynch. During the day, civilians (as well as Titans!) may vote on a player in the game, and change it as many times as they please. When a player has the most Voting Total at the end of the day, they are lynched, and killed.

Secondary Roles


Cronus, Titan of the Harvest
"A sickle is good for more than harvesting just grain... maybe some lives?"
  • Harvest (EoR): Cronus harvests the information of the target player, and learns their secondary role.

Theia, Mother of the Sun
A beacon of hope in an otherwise cruel world... that the Titans are causing.
  • Radiant Light (E3R): Theia flashes a beam of radiant light towards her target, and causes them to be unable to use abilities/items for that night.

Coeus, Titan of Intellect
Insanely smart. Insanely cunning.
  • Superior Intellect (ER): If Coeus correctly predicts the target of On the Hunt, On the Hunt fails.

Lesser Deity
Some deities have chose to band up with the Titans. They're dispensable for the ultimate goal, though.
  • Vanilla


Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
Titans can't hide from superior tracking abilities forever.
  • On the Hunt (ER): Target a player. You learn their roles.

Athena, Goddess of War
Behind her shield, you are safe.
  • Impenetrable Steel (EoR): Target a player. They are immune to the Titans nightkill for this night.

Hades, God of the Underworld
Temporarily let into the overworld, he quite enjoys all the death.
  • I See.. Dead People. (EoR): Use the secondary role of a dead Civilian.

Merchants, Miners, Moochers... all serve a purpose in life.
  • Vanilla

All items are one-use and destroyed upon use, barring A Rock With A Note, which is transferred to it's target.

Olive Branch
A sign of peace.
  • Target a player. They are safe from the nightkill tonight. Can self-target.

Brick and Mortar
Get it? Because Masonry? And Masons?
  • Target a player. The host creates a Titanpad for you and the target player to have communication in for the rest of the game.

Pocket Sand
"I hate sand. It's rough, it's coarse, and it gets everywhere."
  • Target a player. They are blinded, and unable to use their items/abilities this night.

A Rock With A Note
It's just a rock. With a note. With your name on it.
  • Hurl A Rock With A Note at target player. It beans them in the head, but they soon recover. That player receives A Rock With A Note, and is informed who the rock was thrown by.

Role/Item Priority
List goes from highest priority to lowest priority, eg: A Rock With A Note triggers before Pocket Sand.

A Rock With A Note
Radiant Light (Theia, Mother of the Sun)
Pocket Sand
Harvest (Cronus, Titan of the Harvest)
Superior Intellect (Coeus, Titan of Intellect)
Olive Branch
I See.. Dead People. (Hades, God of the Underworld)
Impenetrable Steel (Athena, Goddess of War)
On the Hunt (Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt)
Brick and Mortar

Quick Phase Links

Name of PhaseDead player(s)Roles of dead player(s)
Night 0 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1241761/#msg1241761)N/AN/A
Day 1 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242078/#msg1242078)RavingRabbid (N0 nightkill)Civilian Townsfolk
Night 1 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242401/#msg1242401)rob77dp (D1 lynch)Civilian Townsfolk
Day 2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242705/#msg1242705)killsdazombies (N1 Nightkill)Civilian Townsfolk
Day 2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242705/#msg1242705)DoubleCapitals (Modkill - request)Civilian Townsfolk, held Brick and Mortar
Day 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1243180/#msg1243180)UTAlan (N2 Nightkill)Civilian Townsfolk, held Olive Branch
Night 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1243407/#msg1243407)Ryli (D3 Lynch)Theia, Mother of the Sun (Titan)
Night 3 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1243407/#msg1243407)fabian711 (Modkill - request)Civilian Townsfolk
Day 4 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1243612/#msg1243612)1011686 (N3 Nightkill)Hades, God of the Underworld (Civilian)
Night 4 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1243974/#msg1243974)danil (D4 lynch)Civilian Townsfolk
Day 5 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1244194/#msg1244194)Espithel (N4 Nightkill)Civilian Townsfolk
Night 5 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1244304/#msg1244304)Sera (D5 lynch)Cronus, Titan of the Harvest (Titan)

NIGHT TWO, FOR LINKCAT'S UNDYING GRATITUDE (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242963/#msg1242963)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 01:18:59 pm

To sign up, there is no time remaining
Post in the thread to sign up. To sign up, please paste "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic." into your signup message.

1. 1011686
2. fabian771
3. CleanOnion
4. Ryli
5. Demagog
6. RavingRabbid
7. UTAlan
8. rob77dp
9. Espithel
10. danil
11. Kuroaitou
12. Sera
13. skyironsword
14. dawn to dusk
15. killsdazombies
16. DoubleCapitals
17. Linkcat
18. Ginyu
19. iancudorinmarian
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 13, 2016, 01:20:57 pm
I'm returning to my eternal slumber in mafia (that means not in). Still chomping them popcorn though.

Also I'm here to post relevant music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn7dCgtwX2c) Also, first.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: 1011686 on August 13, 2016, 01:23:06 pm
I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 13, 2016, 01:25:27 pm
I'm in! Btw:
I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: CleanOnion on August 13, 2016, 02:24:51 pm
In af

"I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic." into your signup message.

1. 1011686
2. fabian771
« Last Edit: Today at 01:26:54 PM by Solaris »
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Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Ryli on August 13, 2016, 02:57:28 pm
I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Demagog on August 13, 2016, 03:48:07 pm
I will participate.

"I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic."
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: RavingRabbid on August 13, 2016, 05:09:08 pm

I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, I also ackoweledge that this thing about adding/pasting messages in the sign-up post is kind of dumb, and also there's no rule against adding messages in the middle of the thing to paste so please enjoy this reading of italian futurist poet marinetti

 ogni  5  secondi   cannoni  da    assedio  sventrare

spazio  con  un  accordo  tam-tuuumb

ammutinamento  di   500    echi   per   azzannarlo

sminuzzarlo   sparpagliarlo   all´infinito

     nel  centro  di  quei  tam-tuuumb

spiaccicati  (ampiezza  50  chilometri  quadrati)

balzare    scoppi    tagli      pugni      batterie    tiro

rapido    violenza     ferocia     regolarita    questo

basso   grave    scandere    gli    strani   folli  agita-

tissimi     acuti    della     battaglia     furia    affanno

                    orecchie                  occhi

                 narici                       aperti           attenti

forza   che    gioia    vedere    udire   fiutare   tutto

tutto    taratatatata    delle   mitragliatrici   strillare

a   perdifiato   sotto   morsi    shiafffffi    traak-traak

frustate        pic-pac-pum-tumb      bizzzzarrie

salti      altezza       200     m.     della        fucileria 

Giù   giù   in    fondo   all'orchestra    stagni

            diguazzare                        buoi       buffali

pungoli    carri     pluff    plaff                     impen

narsi   di   cavalli  flic   flac   zing  zing sciaaack

ilari     nitriti     iiiiiii...   scalpiccii     tintinnii          3

battaglioni   bulgari   in   marcia   croooc-craaac

[ LENTO   DUE   TEMPI ]        Sciumi         Maritza

o    Karvavena    croooc-craaac   grida    delgli

ufficiali    sbataccccchiare  come   piatttti  d'otttttone

pan   di   qua    paack   di    là    cing   buuum

cing    ciak    [ PRESTO ]     ciaciaciaciaciaak

su    giù    là     là    intorno    in    alto   attenzione

sulla    testa     ciaack    bello                Vampe



vampe                                       vampe


                 vampe                                         vampe


                        vampe          ribalta   dei   forti   die-





tro  quel   fumo   Sciukri    Pascià    comunica   te-

lefonicamente   con   27   forti   in   turco   in    te-

desco     allò     Ibrahim    Rudolf    allò    allò

attori    ruoli                           echi       suggeritori

                                      scenari      di    fumo     foreste

applausi   odore   di   fieno   fango   sterco   non

sento   più   i   miei   piedi   gelati   odore   di   sal-

nitro   odore   di   marcio                      Timmmpani

flauti    clarini    dovunque    basso    alto    uccelli

cinguettare  beatitudine   ombrie   cip-cip-cip   brezza

verde  mandre   don-dan-don-din-bèèè  tam-tumb-

tumb tumb-tumb-tumb-tumb-tumb-

tumb        Orchestra                        pazzi   ba-

stonare   professori    d'orchestra   questi   bastona-

tissimi   suooooonare  suooooonare   Graaaaandi

fragori  non  cancellare   precisare    ritttttagliandoli

rumori     più     piccoli    minutisssssssimi   rottami

di   echi   nel   teatro   ampiezza   300    chilometri

  quadri                                         Fiumi      Maritza

Tungia    sdraiati                              Monti    Ròdopi

ritti                               alture    palchi     logione

2000       shrapnels        sbracciarsi     esplodere 

fazzoletti    bianchissimi    pieni    d'oro    Tumb-

tumb                     2000     granate  protese

strappare       con      schianti        capigliature

tenebre            zang-tumb-zang-tuuum

tuuumb    orchesta    dei   rumori    di   guerra

gonfiarsi    sotto   una   nota    di        silenzio

                    tenuta      nell'alto     cielo                   pal-

lone   sferico   dorato   sorvegliare     tiri     parco


 and unless permitted by a game mechanic.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: UTAlan on August 13, 2016, 05:16:01 pm
I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: rob77dp on August 13, 2016, 05:48:03 pm
I see in the rules about how a mafia-civilian lynch tied vote is handled (no lynch) but what about civilian-civilian ties (not so uncommon) or mafia-mafia ties (uncommon but very not-cool if it results in no lynch)?

Edit by way of editing: should Hades ability have SECONDARY role instead of primary role? I'm not sure "Titan" or "Civilian" have any ability tied to them...?

Edit 2: if olive branch is used but that player was not the target of the NK, is olive branch still used up and destroyed?

Does pocket sand cause items blocked to return any specific error message and aete any items blocked by it destroyed or still available?

Does the note on the Rock carry ALL past throwers' names?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 06:04:56 pm
I see in the rules about how a mafia-civilian lynch tied vote is handled (no lynch) but what about civilian-civilian ties (not so uncommon) or mafia-mafia ties (uncommon but very not-cool if it results in no lynch)?

Edit by way of editing: should Hades ability have SECONDARY role instead of primary role? I'm not sure "Titan" or "Civilian" have any ability tied to them...?

Edit 2: if olive branch is used but that player was not the target of the NK, is olive branch still used up and destroyed?

Does pocket sand cause items blocked to return any specific error message and aete any items blocked by it destroyed or still available?

Does the note on the Rock carry ALL past throwers' names?
Civ-Civ ties will be resolved by no-lynch. This is the only way a no-lynch will occur, aside from the following.

Mafia-mafia ties will be resolved the same way.



Pocket sand will return a generic (the same as Theia's ability) "role/item blocked" message. The items used are destroyed, and roles will go on cooldown.

Nope. The rock is a fickle mistress.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Submachine on August 13, 2016, 06:07:47 pm
Is the previous mafia over? I don't see anyone posting in it anymore.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 06:09:29 pm
Is the previous mafia over? I don't see anyone posting in it anymore.
Everyone had a collective heartattack, and nobody won.

(No, it's still going :P)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: rob77dp on August 13, 2016, 06:16:05 pm
I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.


Just to be clear, this means not even chat public convo about it if posted into thread afterwards?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
Post by: Linkcat on August 13, 2016, 06:16:42 pm
    Elements Mafia 62: Titan's Vengeance
    Long before the Olympian Gods oversaw Greece, the Titans ruled the lands. Eventually, the Olympian Gods overthrew these Titans, cast away, to be forgotten.
    The Titans want to be back in the throne.

    How to Play Mafia:
    Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls...

    That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. And when night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their roles. The two most noteworthy roles that are usually included in some form are the cop, who investigates other players to find their allegiance, and the medic, who can protect a specific player from any nightkills for that night.

    The Civilians win when whenever they manage to eliminate all the Mafia members. And Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia member, the civilian will be lynched.

    Player Rules:
    • Players must post in this topic to sign up. Please make it obvious that you are signing up to the game, and not just following the thread.
    • Players may not post, chat, or PM anything related to the Mafia Game if they have been killed, removed, or withdrawn, with the exception of a minor 'death' post upon their death containing no game information. (Example: Murloc Death Noises (tm) )
    • Players must post every day phase, unless they have a viable reason not to do so (holidays, funerals, serious occasions, etc. Viability will be at the host's discretion.). Players who do not post (and without viable reasons) will be removed from the game. Players will receive 1 warning for not posting, prior to being modkilled at next offense.
    • You cannot display (quote, printscreen, pastebin, etc) private discussions and host messages to anyone.
    • Players are not permitted to talk about mafia outside the thread, unless it is within the host created Mafia titanpad, Mafia PMing Mafia, the host created Brick and Mortar titanpad or Brick and Mortar participants PMing eachother.
    • Players are not allowed to edit and/or remove posts.Instead of editing or deleting posts, players may post again with any necessary changes (this is called EBWOP, meaning "edit by way of post").
    • Any flaming, or trolling will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions, at the host and moderator's discretion, will be taken if any of this occurs.
    • When PMing the host for anything associated with the game, it is highly advised to include "Mafia" or "Game" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may accidentally be overlooked.
    • Disputes and private questions should be handled via PMs to the host/moderator. If a player notices a simple mistake or if they have a general question, they may address them in the thread.
    • All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Therefore, it is not allowed to actively work against your own team or side with the other team, just because you don't like the team you are in or you like the other team members better, etc.
    • Players' actions should be motivated by this game's events solely. You may look at past mafia's to determine behaviors for better reads, but keep personal affairs out of the game.
    • Players are allowed to claim their own roles or any fake roles as long as it follows the previous rule.
    • The host reserves the right to change the rules mid-game, but only to prevent gamebreaking loopholes. It won't be used for insignificant changes.
    • Breaking any rules, especially those in blue, is subject to punishment at the discretion of the moderator and host, potentially including removal from this mafia, banning from future mafias, or banning from other forum games.

    Game Rules:
    • The game will start on Night 0, followed by Day 1.
    • This game has a "Anonymous Message Board" function. On Night 0, you should PM the host your (single; make the choice count!) chosen anonymous name, to be posted alongside the messages you send. Messages can be sent once during the day time, and once during the night time, to be posted at the beginning of the following phase.
    • If the vote is tied between a Mafia (Titan) and a Civilian, the lynch will result in a No Lynch.
    • Players are permitted to post at night.
    • Phases will be 48 hours on average, sometimes lengthened/shortened by an hour or two to fit the host's schedule. Players will be given ample warning upon lengthening/shortening of a phase.
    • No Vote/No Lynch is NOT permitted.
    • Civilians win if they eliminate all of the Titans. Titans win if they reach a point where they can win all future lynches. A Titan win will be evaluated at the beginning of the day.
    • Phases will end 5 minutes after the most recent post that includes a vote, if the deadline has been reached. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any vote swapping trolling/juggling.
    • All non-vanilla roles will be present in the game, and there will be 2 of each item present in the game.
    • When a player dies, all their roles will be revealed at the end of the phase they were killed in.
    [li]The number of mafia players will be 1:5 mafia:civilian.[/li]

    Primary Roles

    There are two Primary roles; Titan and Civilian.

    The Titans wish to enact vengeance upon the Gods for stealing their divine right, and will stop at nothing to attain it back, even if it means leveling cities.
    • Titans start the game knowing who the other Titans (and their roles) are.
    • The Titans will be able to communicate with eachother via a host created Titanpad.
    • Once per night, the Titans will be able to enact a Nightkill, by sending the host a PM entitled "Night X Nightkill - Mafia 62". This kills the targeted player, assuming no external intervention.

    Most mere mortals, but some of the most powerful Gods walk amongst them, unaware of the impending danger.
    • Civilians start the game only knowing their role.
    • Their tool to win the game is the Lynch. During the day, civilians (as well as Titans!) may vote on a player in the game, and change it as many times as they please. When a player has the most Voting Total at the end of the day, they are lynched, and killed.

    Secondary Roles


    Cronus, Titan of the Harvest
    "A sickle is good for more than harvesting just grain... maybe some lives?"
    • Harvest (EoR): Cronus harvests the information of the target player, and learns their secondary role.

    Theia, Mother of the Sun
    A beacon of hope in an otherwise cruel world... that the Titans are causing.
    • Radiant Light (E3R): Theia flashes a beam of radiant light towards her target, and causes them to be unable to use abilities/items for that night.

    Coeus, Titan of Intellect
    Insanely smart. Insanely cunning.
    • Superior Intellect (ER): If Coeus correctly predicts the target of On the Hunt, On the Hunt fails.

    Lesser Deity
    Some deities have chose to band up with the Titans. They're dispensable for the ultimate goal, though.
    • Vanilla


    Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
    Titans can't hide from superior tracking abilities forever.
    • On the Hunt (ER): Target a player. You learn their roles.

    Athena, Goddess of War
    Behind her shield, you are safe.
    • Impenetrable Steel (EoR): Target a player. They are immune to the Titans nightkill for this night.

    Hades, God of the Underworld
    Temporarily let into the overworld, he quite enjoys all the death.
    • I See.. Dead People. (EoR): Use the secondary role of a dead Civilian.

    Merchants, Miners, Moochers... all serve a purpose in life.
    • Vanilla

    All items are one-use and destroyed upon use, barring A Rock With A Note, which is transferred to it's target.

    Olive Branch
    A sign of peace.
    • Target a player. They are safe from the nightkill tonight. Can self-target.

    Brick and Mortar
    Get it? Because Masonry? And Masons?
    • Target a player. The host creates a Titanpad for you and the target player to have communication in for the rest of the game.

    Pocket Sand
    "I hate sand. It's rough, it's coarse, and it gets everywhere."
    • Target a player. They are blinded, and unable to use their items/abilities this night.

    A Rock With A Note
    It's just a rock. With a note. With your name on it.
    • Hurl A Rock With A Note at target player. It beans them in the head, but they soon recover. That player receives A Rock With A Note, and is informed who the rock was thrown by.

    Role/Item Priority
    List goes from highest priority to lowest priority, eg: A Rock With A Note triggers before Pocket Sand.

    A Rock With A Note
    Radiant Light (Theia, Mother of the Sun)
    Pocket Sand
    Harvest (Cronus, Titan of the Harvest)
    Superior Intellect (Coeus, Titan of Intellect)
    Olive Branch
    I See.. Dead People. (Hades, God of the Underworld)
    Impenetrable Steel (Athena, Goddess of War)
    On the Hunt (Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt)
    Brick and Mortar


    To sign up, there is no time remaining
    Post in the thread to sign up. To sign up, please paste "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic." into your signup message.

    1. 1011686
    2. fabian771
    3. CleanOnion
    4. Ryli
    5. Demagog
    6. RavingRabbid
    7. UTAlan
    8. rob77dp
    9. Espithel
    10. danil
    11. Kuroaitou
    12. Sera
    13. skyironsword
    14. dawn to dusk
    15. killsdazombies
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 06:19:01 pm
    I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.


    Just to be clear, this means not even chat public convo about it if posted into thread afterwards?


    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 06:58:23 pm
    I see in the rules about how a mafia-civilian lynch tied vote is handled (no lynch) but what about civilian-civilian ties (not so uncommon) or mafia-mafia ties (uncommon but very not-cool if it results in no lynch)?

    Edit by way of editing: should Hades ability have SECONDARY role instead of primary role? I'm not sure "Titan" or "Civilian" have any ability tied to them...?

    Edit 2: if olive branch is used but that player was not the target of the NK, is olive branch still used up and destroyed?

    Does pocket sand cause items blocked to return any specific error message and aete any items blocked by it destroyed or still available?

    Does the note on the Rock carry ALL past throwers' names?
    Civ-Civ ties will be resolved by no-lynch. This is the only way a no-lynch will occur.

    Mafia-mafia ties will be resolved the same way.



    Pocket sand will return a generic (the same as Theia's ability) "role/item blocked" message. The items used are destroyed, and roles will go on cooldown.

    Nope. The rock is a fickle mistress.
    Slightly updated, as Linkcat informed me that I am the silly.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: ddevans96 on August 13, 2016, 10:10:36 pm
    What's your reasoning for ties being resolved by no-lynch?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 10:14:33 pm
    What's your reasoning for ties being resolved by no-lynch?
    Force-ties would end up confirming people through game mechanics that shouldnt be intended for confirming, IMO
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 13, 2016, 10:18:22 pm
    But no-lynch is anti-mafia and anti-fun. Someone should die every round unless saved by the ability of another player (like nurse). It just unnecessarily prolongs the game and is a serious cop out.

    The best way to do it is extend the round and have a run-off. Second best way is RNG.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: ddevans96 on August 13, 2016, 10:23:16 pm
    The best way to do it is extend the round and have a run-off.

    This. Naturally prolonging the game is better than artificially prolonging it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 10:24:36 pm
    But no-lynch is anti-mafia and anti-fun. Someone should die every round unless saved by the ability of another player (like nurse). It just unnecessarily prolongs the game and is a serious cop out.

    The best way to do it is extend the round and have a run-off. Second best way is RNG.
    Is an extension really the best way? I see that as a bit unfair, as I'll be updating at a certain time, and those who have opposite/conflicting times to that time will be left out.

    No RNG.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 13, 2016, 10:27:08 pm
    I'd argue that forcing a death when town can't decide on the lynch is artificially shortening the game. I seriously doubt people will let a No Lynch happen anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: ddevans96 on August 13, 2016, 10:37:43 pm
    I'd argue that forcing a death when town can't decide on the lynch is artificially shortening the game.

    Extension ensures that the town does decide on a lynch, and also does not shorten the game - it is still one phase=one kill, and in fact adds time for discussion. It's by far the best solution, if the host is able to be extremely flexible with time. Solaris indicated that he's not, which is fine, so I'd argue in favor lynch priority instead, then RNG instead. Solaris is opposed to both of those, so I won't try to convince him, but for future mafias forcing no lynch is a very subpar option. It lacks both in both theme and balance.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 13, 2016, 11:15:03 pm
    Extending is for sure the best option. This is built into the rules with the day extending five minutes after each vote. A longer extension is also fine, but if it really comes down to a tie, No Lynch fits the best thematically. If you have a group of people arguing late into the night with a deadlocked vote, you don't decide who to kill based on information unknown to you, you don't flip a coin, you go home and try again tomorrow.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 13, 2016, 11:19:08 pm
    Why is lynching both bad, exactly?

    Yes i know it is

    Also in I guess

    "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic."

    Ha in without reading rules yet
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 13, 2016, 11:21:09 pm
    Why is lynching both bad, exactly?

    Yes i know it is

    Also in I guess
    Not until you read the rules, you aren't!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 13, 2016, 11:25:15 pm
    I'm interested in giving this a shot :D (in)

    I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 13, 2016, 11:58:42 pm
    Or in the event of a tie, you can extend the round until the tie is broken. As soon as one of those people has more votes than the other, the round ends. If you (Solaris) are not on when the tie is broken, the players will just have to acknowledge that the game was in "sudden death" mode and any vote posts made after the tie-breaker won't count.

    This has the added benefit of another layer of strategy. For instance, whoever breaks the tie will come under heavy scrutiny if the lynched person is innocent, but will be "town-like" if the lynched person is mafia. There are many different strategies a person could take with the ability to do this.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 14, 2016, 12:11:47 am
    Didnt read rules. Still in though
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 14, 2016, 12:20:30 am
    I'd like to participate. :)

    I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 14, 2016, 12:57:02 am
    Maybe if I quote the whole post, I'll get the required sentence somewhere. In. No chats or anything, etc.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 14, 2016, 06:26:35 am

    Your mafia is boring, by the way. Try making things entertaining instead of technical.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 14, 2016, 06:36:10 am
    "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic." into your signup message.

    Why did you put that in the sign up post? Wouldn't it be better off in the rules, where you actually want things to be read
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 14, 2016, 01:34:27 pm
    "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic." into your signup message.

    Why did you put that in the sign up post? Wouldn't it be better off in the rules, where you actually want things to be read
    You're assuming that Solaris thinks logically
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 14, 2016, 10:43:18 pm

    "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic." into your signup message.

    Copy pasta win
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 15, 2016, 07:25:30 pm
    Fixed a wording inconsistency regarding deaths, which was easy to interpret as "roles are revealed the day after the player dies" when the intended meaning was "roles will be revealed at the end of the phase the player died in."
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 16, 2016, 02:59:20 pm
    I acknowledge that there should be NO bitching about how the town sucks external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic.

    Fuck it, I'll do it again.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 18, 2016, 03:33:36 am
    Well, we just had this, but I'll give it a try anyway.

    "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic."
    Lets hope people will stick to this.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 18, 2016, 04:07:26 am
    Well, we just had this, but I'll give it a try anyway.

    "I acknowledge that there should be NO external conversation about Mafia 62, unless permitted by a game mechanic."
    Lets hope people will stick to this.

    What does this mean? I looked and did not see a Sol-mafia in the history books here...?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 18, 2016, 11:29:27 am
    I do not mean the host, but the ruleset (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-game-archive/elements-mafia-59-by-rootranger/msg1231784/#msg1231784).

    It is a bit modified, but overall the same idea.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 18, 2016, 01:32:16 pm
    I agree that it mostly seems like a copy of 59.

    Regardless, maybe I won't be super-vanilla for once! One can only hope. I will likely be gone for next weekend, just a heads up.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 18, 2016, 01:35:46 pm
    I agree that it mostly seems like a copy of 59.

    Regardless, maybe I won't be super-vanilla for once! One can only hope. I will likely be gone for next weekend, just a heads up.

    It is. I didn't want to go super outrageous and try to make something totally brand new yet totally unbalanced, when I could just take inspiration (and lessons learned) from a previous mafia, and mold it a bit to my own vision.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 18, 2016, 01:52:06 pm

    "I acknowledge that there should be external conversation about Mafia 62, especially when permitted by a game mechanic."
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 18, 2016, 03:22:28 pm
    I agree that it mostly seems like a copy of 59.

    Regardless, maybe I won't be super-vanilla for once! One can only hope. I will likely be gone for next weekend, just a heads up.

    It is. I didn't want to go super outrageous and try to make something totally brand new yet totally unbalanced, when I could just take inspiration (and lessons learned) from a previous mafia, and mold it a bit to my own vision.

    I don't mind copies. The version of mafia I created ages ago was copied into oblivion, I believe. I just couldn't remember which mafia this one reminded me of.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 18, 2016, 03:59:57 pm
    at least nilla mafias are easier to balance
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 18, 2016, 04:11:43 pm
    My favorite feature of this mafia game rules/setup? Well... I think most of you already could guess it but a certain rule that keeps one strong town player from going around and strong arm-ing all the roleclaims in N0 outside of the thread and "button-mashing" the flow and 'game' part of forum-games-mafia.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 02:05:31 pm
    Signups have ended! Please remain patient while I distribute roles/items. I will post again, with a timer, when Night 0 begins. Have fun, everyone! :)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 02:45:27 pm
    Night 0

    The sun has set.

    Dinner has been served.

    The wick on the oil lamp extinguished.

    Children put to bed.

    You're ready for bed. You gingerly climb in, sore from the days work. You close your eyes, yet, don't feel restful.

    Until Day 1, there is no time remaining

    There are 3 mafia in the game.

    Don't forget to PM me your singular choice of your noticeboard name, and additionally a message for the Day 1 post, if you wish to include one.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 20, 2016, 02:52:07 pm
    Hey there, people.

    Who's mafia?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 03:01:09 pm
    Hey there, people.

    Who's mafia?


    Ginyu (-5.82) - Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 20, 2016, 03:16:10 pm
    Wait, me as well? Oh, I did not know that! Screw me!

    Ginyu (3,1415) - Espithel, Ginyu
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 03:18:35 pm
    Ginyu (3,1416) - Espithel, Ginyu, CleanOnion

    I'm mafia because I'm joining a bandwagon. Might as well vote on myself as well.

    Ginyu (3,1416) - Espithel, Ginyu, CleanOnion (1) - CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 03:35:25 pm
    Ginyu (3,1416 and a half) - Espithel, Ginyu, CleanOnion (1) - CleanOnion

    You forgot to add your vote to ginyu's total, 0nion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 03:36:05 pm
    Hey there, people.

    Who's mafia?

    How very anxious of you to come in with a line like that within 7 minutes of the game starting... Rand'ing Mafia trends to be quite exciting from the outset...  Also, can you explain the goal of a quotation like "Who's mafia?"?

    Wait, me as well? Oh, I did not know that! Screw me!

    Ginyu (3,1415) - Espithel, Ginyu

    Truthfully, you and two or three others DO know your primary role, right?  ::)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 03:39:16 pm
    rob77dp, can you explain the goal of a quotation like "can you explain the goal of a quotation like "Who's mafia?"?"?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 03:41:15 pm
    rob77dp, can you explain the goal of a quotation like "can you explain the goal of a quotation like "Who's mafia?"?"?

    It's a very simple explanation - I'm scumhunting.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 20, 2016, 03:43:02 pm
    @Sol: Will we know the composition of roles in this game?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 20, 2016, 03:43:38 pm
    Never mind I reread the rules
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 03:44:22 pm
    Well, we'll start.

    I'm a vanilla, so hi.

    You guys do realise I'm instantly going to be outed as scum the next game when I'm actually a cop right thanks to me constantly telling you I'm instantly vanilla right
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 03:45:41 pm
    Never mind I reread the rules

    For those who didn't, every "special" (non vanilla) role is appearing ONCE in this game. Every item has two copies present on Night 0.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 20, 2016, 03:51:08 pm
    Espithel (1) - DoubleCapitals

    Really? Claiming D1?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 20, 2016, 03:51:29 pm
    N1* fuck I'm an idiot I shouldn't be voting yet
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 03:54:24 pm
    Yeah, night 0 right now, DC.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 20, 2016, 03:57:56 pm
    Anyone wants a nice cup of tea
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 03:58:53 pm
    Espithel (1) - DoubleCapitals

    Really? Claiming D1?

    I've done it for the past two games because my role was of more use outed than inside.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 03:59:14 pm
    Also, yes, I'd like a cup of tea. 1.5 sugars, extra milk, thank you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 20, 2016, 04:04:32 pm
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 20, 2016, 04:09:43 pm
    Hey there, people.

    Who's mafia?

    How very anxious of you to come in with a line like that within 7 minutes of the game starting... Rand'ing Mafia trends to be quite exciting from the outset...  Also, can you explain the goal of a quotation like "Who's mafia?"?

    Getting things starting. The more people talk, the more we can read into everyone's statements. Maybe someone already outed themselves unintentionally? Who knows.
    I do also take a cup of tea, neither sugar nor milk, thank you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 04:16:35 pm
    Throwing bullshit around and getting people to speak, even if it's just to question why you want people to speak, is a good early play when we know sweet fa about everything
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 04:32:53 pm
    Hey there, people.

    Who's mafia?

    How very anxious of you to come in with a line like that within 7 minutes of the game starting... Rand'ing Mafia trends to be quite exciting from the outset...  Also, can you explain the goal of a quotation like "Who's mafia?"?

    Getting things starting. The more people talk, the more we can read into everyone's statements. Maybe someone already outed themselves unintentionally? Who knows.
    I do also take a cup of tea, neither sugar nor milk, thank you.
    Ah I think "Who's mafia?" is likely to just draw sh1tposting in response or get astute observers questioning the motive of the one asking.

    Tea I am drinking right now:
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 20, 2016, 04:46:10 pm
    Ah, welcome to the party, everyone! I'm glad all of you could make it, and I hope you all have a wonderful time here in the mansion. The maid has already begun preparing the food, but dinner's not until later.

    Would any of you care for some tea in the garden while we wait for the rest of the guests to arrive? The flowers are beautiful this time of year. Be careful, though. We recently had some lily-of-the-valleys imported, and they're highly poisonous. Even beautiful roses have thorns.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 04:55:08 pm
    DC's tea is better you oligarchical cur
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 04:59:00 pm
    Solaris what happens if voting is tied between civilians?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 05:01:59 pm
    Ebwop: or if voting is tied between mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 20, 2016, 05:05:12 pm
    You'll have to forgive me for the subpar tea. I'm afraid it hasn't been the same ever since radiation leaked out from the underworld.

    The primary attraction is the view, though. The flowers are beautiful, as always.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 05:08:34 pm
    Ebwop: or if voting is tied between mafia.
    In both cases, a no lynch occurs. Despite this, there is the "5 minute before deadline voting" rule in the rules, so I don't think a tie will occur in this mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 05:16:08 pm
    Aww then I got nothing. Don't know that I can find us any OP strats this game.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 05:32:36 pm
    Aww then I got nothing. Don't know that I can find us any OP strats this game.
    That was the plan. ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 05:54:53 pm
    Seems like you lot are enjoying this so far. Makes me feel good.

    Wanna feel the feel that I'm feeling right now, y'feel? Apply for FGO. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-news-and-announcements/now-hiring-forum-games-organizer/)

    This advertisement was paid for by Hyroen Incorporated.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 20, 2016, 06:02:14 pm
    Ads everywhere ;-;
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 06:10:16 pm
    Actually it's pretty boring.

    If a mafia claims to be mafia, is that breaking the no sabotage rule? If so, I am roleclaiming mafia. I can't do that if I'm mafia, only civilian. Now I'm confirmed innocent. Get on my level.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 06:25:46 pm
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 06:27:05 pm
    Well we've all witnessed how wrong Link is all the time. Confirmed!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 20, 2016, 06:38:21 pm
    Hello everybody. How are you all doing this fine morning/afternoon/evening/night?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 06:38:31 pm
    Actually it's pretty boring.

    If a mafia claims to be mafia, is that breaking the no sabotage rule? If so, I am roleclaiming mafia. I can't do that if I'm mafia, only civilian. Now I'm confirmed innocent. Get on my level.
    It's not. Get out of here with trying to break the game; it's not happening.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 06:44:17 pm
    Host has confirmed I'm trying to break the game in favor of the civilians. I'm confirmed civilian, yaaay!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 06:46:04 pm
    I'm not even going to bother asking the mafia not to kill me. Athena, you know what you need to do.

    Also, rob is mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 06:49:38 pm
    If Rob isn't mafia we kill the cat. Seems fair.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 07:17:57 pm
    Alright, let's have one of those things that's named with an acronym, but I can't remember that acronym, so imma call it an RTQ.

    1. Do you like this mafia?

    2. Do the roles seem balanced?

    3. Which faction has the advantage?

    4. If this mafia were a cake, what kind of cake would it be?

    5. I'd like a cup of tea. Tell me what kind of tea it is and explain why it goes well with the cake from the previous question.

    6. Are you mafia?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 07:32:09 pm
    Sky should get investigated at some point since she's impossible to read and won't get Nightkilled.

    Don't use your Pocket Sand haphazardly.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 08:02:13 pm
    Here, I'll post a list. The higher someone is on the list, they more likely they are to be nightkilled in general. This also means that the longer the game goes on, the higher someone is on the list, the more likely they are to be mafia than someone that is lower on the list.

    1. Demagog
    2. Linkcat
    3. killsdazombies
    4. rob77dp
    5. Kuroaitou
    6. RavingRabbid
    7. UTAlan
    8. Sera
    9. skyironsword
    10. DoubleCapitals
    11. Ginyu
    12. dawn to dusk
    13. Espithel
    14. fabian771
    15. 1011686
    16. iancudorinmarian
    17. Ryli
    18. Danil
    19. CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 08:11:39 pm
    Nawwwhh thanks Dema
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 20, 2016, 08:12:37 pm
    Alright, let's have one of those things that's named with an acronym, but I can't remember that acronym, so imma call it an RTQ.

    1. Do you like this mafia? Yes

    2. Do the roles seem balanced? Yes

    3. Which faction has the advantage? No

    4. If this mafia were a cake, what kind of cake would it be? Yes

    5. I'd like a cup of tea. Tell me what kind of tea it is and explain why it goes well with the cake from the previous question. No

    6. Are you mafia? No
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 08:15:53 pm
    You going to take that, Onion?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 08:21:50 pm
    It's the most valid response so far
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 08:27:12 pm
    I wasn't talking about the RQS.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 20, 2016, 08:42:23 pm

    You'll have to forgive me for the subpar tea.
    It's still tea. *drinks and dies* This is the best way to go.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 08:46:55 pm
    Here, I'll post a list. The higher someone is on the list, they more likely they are to be nightkilled in general. This also means that the longer the game goes on, the higher someone is on the list, the more likely they are to be mafia than someone that is lower on the list.

    1. Demagog
    2. Linkcat
    3. killsdazombies
    4. rob77dp
    5. Kuroaitou
    6. RavingRabbid
    7. UTAlan
    8. Sera
    9. skyironsword
    10. DoubleCapitals
    11. Ginyu
    12. dawn to dusk
    13. Espithel
    14. fabian771
    15. 1011686
    16. iancudorinmarian
    17. Ryli
    18. Danil
    19. CleanOnion
    Well well, very interesting Dema. Here we have something we can hold onto for later analysis after a few nk's and lynches have revealed trusted information ( alignment of the deceased players).

    Or not, since if the list was even close to accurate, it is now public and the mafia could decide to tweak their plans to abuse such a list by skipping around a little and trying to shade rhe slipped players to attempt easier mis-lynches... Meh, guess I'll leave it alone then.  ?_?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 09:19:38 pm
    If Rob isn't mafia we kill the cat. Seems fair.
    From a well-biased perspective (mine, since I am the only non-mafia aware of my alignment), this feels fishy... A mafia/Dema would know which primary Lc and I both are and could be trying to set us up. Pairings like this early in the game, especially of the if-X-is-town-then-Y-is-mafia variety, are very unreliable and should be viewed as sketchy af where not presented alongside a reasoned case or argument.

    I'm not even going to bother asking the mafia not to kill me. Athena, you know what you need to do.

    Also, rob is mafia.
    We're not going through THIS again are we? I think you are just being playful here because we KNOW it isn't a suspicious PM from sky this game (rules, yay).  8) did you have any argument to put forward with the accusation? :P

    Eh, I'll avoid the triple post and go BIG post instead:
    1. Do you like this mafia? Yes. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1241663/#msg1241663)

    2. Do the roles seem balanced? So far, yeah.

    3. Which faction has the advantage? Mafia has the advantage early given the relative information gap between the two sides.

    4. If this mafia were a cake, what kind of cake would it be? A cake I would eat slower if I thought I was likely to survive longer... and faster if I was nervous of being killed early.

    5. I'd like a cup of tea. Tell me what kind of tea it is and explain why it goes well with the cake from the previous question. Earl grey. I prefer earl grey so everyone else does too? Does tea ever go well with cake?

    6. Are you mafia? None of us are - at least according to the answers you'll get to this question.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 09:41:09 pm
    Silly Rob, it's not fishy. Everyone and their mother thinks the same thing when one person says another person is mafia out of nowhere. Link seems certain you're mafia, going so far as to request a nightkill save on himself. That's much more serious than saying "I think rob is mafia." If you both turn out to be innocent, we can just call Link bad because he should know that this is the line we will likely take now based on his claim.

    If Link were saying he were suspicious of you, then maybe your argument would have some validity.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 09:44:18 pm
    The game started with two A Rock With A Note's... right? I recall from a recent game with a VERY similar mechanic that these CAN be used investigatively.

    Holders of the rocks should toss them to players not likely to be nk'ed and a town recipient of a rock should immediately toss it back to the thrower if the thrower is a town player (mafia have no reason to throw ANY rocks as far add I can discern). Also, receiving a rock and not tossing it back I think should be considered scummy until explained otherwise.

    Thoughts comments on this?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 09:46:53 pm
    Ebwop: <3 Onion. I actually just missed your name when looking through the list and was too lazy to move people down one slot. I'd put you somewhere in the middle.

    Anything past slot ~6 up through ~13 in that list are just players that I haven't placed yet but I believe have played in many mafias. Below that point point are players I don't know well enough to place. Really, it's more like 3 groups than 19 individual spots.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 09:49:33 pm
    The game started with two A Rock With A Note's... right? I recall from a recent game with a VERY similar mechanic that these CAN be used investigatively.

    Holders of the rocks should toss them to players not likely to be nk'ed and a town recipient of a rock should immediately toss it back to the thrower if the thrower is a town player (mafia have no reason to throw ANY rocks as far add I can discern). Also, receiving a rock and not tossing it back I think should be considered scummy until explained otherwise.

    Thoughts comments on this?

    Either Rob is mafia trying to make mafia members that throw rocks seem less like mafia, or he hasn't put much thought into rocks. Think of rocks as pokes. If I threw a rock at you, you'd know it was me, but you'd know nothing else. It's a completely useless item. We can't use it strategically in any way.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 09:53:50 pm
    Silly Rob, it's not fishy. Everyone and their mother thinks the same thing when one person says another person is mafia out of nowhere. Link seems certain you're mafia, going so far as to request a nightkill save on himself. That's much more serious than saying "I think rob is mafia." If you both turn out to be innocent, we can just call Link bad because he should know that this is the line we will likely take now based on his claim.

    If Link were saying he were suspicious of you, then maybe your argument would have some validity.

    Dema, you are sliding more and more mafia-lean here, to me... Are you seriously suggesting town lend weight to a hard-claim of X-is-mafia with no supporting argument? On night 0?!

    I trust Lc is good enough at this game to have a gambit up his sleeve making such a bold N0 claim (I just really hope is is a town-sides gambit!).

    Ebwop: <3 Onion. I actually just missed your name when looking through the list and was too lazy to move people down one slot. I'd put you somewhere in the middle.

    Anything past slot ~6 up through ~13 in that list are just players that I haven't placed yet but I believe have played in many mafias. Below that point point are players I don't know well enough to place. Really, it's more like 3 groups than 19 individual spots.

    For me, this further explanation increases my misgivings about how useful the list will be, beyond use in reading Dema, down the road.

    Dema is right on the Rock... I was incorrectly thinking it revealed name AND alignment of the thrower to the target... Or does not.

    The game started with two A Rock With A Note's... right? I recall from a recent game with a VERY similar mechanic that these CAN be used investigatively.

    Holders of the rocks should toss them to players not likely to be nk'ed and a town recipient of a rock should immediately toss it back to the thrower if the thrower is a town player (mafia have no reason to throw ANY rocks as far add I can discern). Also, receiving a rock and not tossing it back I think should be considered scummy until explained otherwise.

    Thoughts comments on this?

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 09:54:02 pm
    Ebwop: <3 Onion. I actually just missed your name when looking through the list and was too lazy to move people down one slot. I'd put you somewhere in the middle.
    Yeah you belong at the top of that list

    The game started with two A Rock With A Note's... right? I recall from a recent game with a VERY similar mechanic that these CAN be used investigatively.

    Holders of the rocks should toss them to players not likely to be nk'ed and a town recipient of a rock should immediately toss it back to the thrower if the thrower is a town player (mafia have no reason to throw ANY rocks as far add I can discern). Also, receiving a rock and not tossing it back I think should be considered scummy until explained otherwise.

    Thoughts comments on this?
    What's stopping mafia from just throwing the rock right back?

    If mafia has no reasons to throw a rock, then neither does town. If not throwing a rock is scummy, then if anything, mafia have even greater reason to throw a rock than town.

    That is, unless Rocks With Notes contains a list of all players by whom it was thrown. However, to my understanding, it doesn't do that.

    As Dema says, it's literally a poke. I'd need circumstances in which this would be useful explained to me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 09:55:45 pm
    A rock with a note only gives the name of the thrower.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 09:56:20 pm
    CleO, I goofed and thought the Rock revealed name AND alignment... You Ann's Dema are right, rock seems mostly useless given how our does work (name only).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 09:56:41 pm
    Toss the rocks around and hope they get to Artemis. She can then throw the rocks to the people she investigates, so that if she's Nightkilled we have some idea of who she targeted. That means don't give rocks to me, or any of the mafia like rob. Artemis should still breadcrumb her targets. Fake breadcrumbs from other players will also help.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2016, 09:59:32 pm
    Here, I'll post a list. The higher someone is on the list, they more likely they are to be nightkilled in general. This also means that the longer the game goes on, the higher someone is on the list, the more likely they are to be mafia than someone that is lower on the list.

    Do you want me to hound you?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 20, 2016, 10:05:15 pm
    Toss the rocks around and hope they get to Artemis. She can then throw the rocks to the people she investigates, so that if she's Nightkilled we have some idea of who she targeted. That means don't give rocks to me, or any of the mafia like rob. Artemis should still breadcrumb her targets. Fake breadcrumbs from other players will also help.
    Wouldn't Artemis need to be confirmed in order for the Rock recipients to have any clue of their significance?
    And if she's confirmed, or known to be Artemis, she may as well just post in the thread anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 10:05:20 pm
    Link, how will we know Artemis got the rocks?

    Only thing we can do is have whoever threw the rock and whoever got hit confirm in thread. We can keep a list of who's been involved in the rock chains. If Artemis dies and turns out that they are in the rock chains, and Artemis tossed rock(s) to people that have been confirmed civs by On the Hunt, we can get some confirmed civs.

    So the plan works I think; Artemis has to just only throw rocks to people that have been confirmed.

    On another note, if anyone uses Brick and Mortar on someone you aren't 100% sure is mafia and you two are able to keep it secret, the longer the two of you are both alive, the more likely the other person is mafia (if you are civilian).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 10:06:49 pm
    Toss the rocks around and hope they get to Artemis. She can then throw the rocks to the people she investigates, so that if she's Nightkilled we have some idea of who she targeted. That means don't give rocks to me, or any of the mafia like rob. Artemis should still breadcrumb her targets. Fake breadcrumbs from other players will also help.

    *sigh* we ARE going to have this again, Lc? If you are mafia, and town heeds Dema's advice regarding you and I, then you are playing very bad as mafia (we both know a town/rob will is not likely to live very ling). If you are town then I have no good idea why you would open with such a hard and unfounded claim against me?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 10:09:04 pm
    EBWOP:  "anyone uses Brick and Mortar on someone you aren't 100% sure is civilian "

    Meant to say civilian in that previous post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 10:14:11 pm
    Whoever throws rocks this round, don't reveal who you are throwing to until after the night phase is over.

    We may want to avoid lynching whoever has the rocks. They may be instrumental in victory after all. Due to the priority of actions, mafia can only get rid of rocks if they happen to kill the person that got hit by a rock that night phase. The other ways to lose rocks are by lynches and modkills.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 20, 2016, 10:20:40 pm
    Why do we even care about the rocks?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 20, 2016, 10:21:23 pm
    Here, I'll post a list. The higher someone is on the list, they more likely they are to be nightkilled in general. This also means that the longer the game goes on, the higher someone is on the list, the more likely they are to be mafia than someone that is lower on the list.

    1. Demagog
    2. Linkcat
    3. killsdazombies
    4. rob77dp
    5. Kuroaitou
    6. RavingRabbid
    7. UTAlan
    8. Sera
    9. skyironsword
    10. DoubleCapitals
    11. Ginyu
    12. dawn to dusk
    13. Espithel
    14. fabian771
    15. 1011686
    16. iancudorinmarian
    17. Ryli
    18. Danil
    19. CleanOnion

    I have no experience with Mafia, how did you decide upon this list?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 20, 2016, 10:27:03 pm
    We need to be careful about HOW information is revealed in the thread from role and item usage (note that revealing info is good I am simply advocating caution in the how).

    Wreckless posting of information might lead to mafia having an easier time hunting power roles and knowing who certain items are sitting with...

    Why do we even care about the rocks?
    Toss the rocks around and hope they get to Artemis. She can then throw the rocks to the people she investigates, so that if she's Nightkilled we have some idea of who she targeted. That means don't give rocks to me, or any of the mafia like rob. Artemis should still breadcrumb her targets. Fake breadcrumbs from other players will also help.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 10:27:56 pm
    I explained that in another post. People that I know have played a lot and I'm more familiar with are at the top. People that have played varying amounts and I'm less familiar with are in the middle. People that haven't played much and I know little to nothing about are at the bottom.

    It's all subjective.

    Why do we even care about the rocks?

    The rocks are like super-secret breadcrumbs for Artemis. Artemis (aka the detective) can throw them to people that have been confirmed as civilians by the use of On the Hunt. We will have a list of everyone that has had a rock. Once Artemis dies or steps forward to call out a mafia member, we can see if Artemis is on the list of Rock throwers. If Artemis is revealed by having died, we will see who they threw a rock to, and know that (if Artemis has been paying attention to this strategy) the person Artemis hit with a rock is innocent. If Artemis steps forward by calling out a mafia, we still get this information, but Artemis can also just say who all the civilians are.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 10:29:58 pm
    Yeah, we'd have to reveal how the rocks traveled after the Night Phase. Night 0 throws can of course be ignored.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 10:33:01 pm
    Artemis, if you have a rock this round, it's better to throw it than hold on to it. If you hold on to it and throw it next round after you've found a civilian, revealing in the thread who you threw to will make public that you didn't throw on the first night. Mafia would likely guess that you are Artemis if that occurred.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 20, 2016, 10:37:14 pm
    Using a rock also shows you weren't targeted by Theia or sand.
    Just a thought.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 10:46:31 pm
    Dema, I've been thinking about this problem too, and I found the solution. Artemis, don't throw your rock if you have one. Everyone else, don't say if you threw a rock, and if you received a rock, don't say whether you received a rock or started with it.

    1011686, go look at night action priority.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 20, 2016, 11:13:44 pm
    What happens if two people use sand on eachother?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 11:22:17 pm
    They're both roleblocked, I assume.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 20, 2016, 11:33:22 pm
    Alive. Looks like I missed the first wave of posts.

    So to summarize: If a rock gets thrown at you n2, check the breadcrumb of the person who threw a rock at you, and throw it there. If n3 onwards, check whoever breadcrumb-ed the person who threw a rock at you, and then throw the rock to whoever that person points on the day? Or are we supposed to send rocks back?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 20, 2016, 11:37:20 pm
    No, you just throw rocks at whoever you think is Artemis.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 20, 2016, 11:42:42 pm
    Oh right, that was assuming that Artemis already had the rock. She probably doesn't.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 20, 2016, 11:49:46 pm
    What happens if two people use sand on eachother?
    In the extremely unlikely circumstance this happens (statistics!), both players are like "wtf why'd you throw sand?" and are roleblocked on any further abilities/items.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 20, 2016, 11:56:57 pm
    Link you're going to have to explain why no one should reveal who they throw rocks at, and why no one should reveal who threw a rock at them. As I see it, that's subpar to making the information public. Making it public forces mafia members to throw the rock if they get it. It also means we don't have to rely on lazy players posting "breadcrumbs" or searching for them.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 12:00:56 am

    Link, I think I may understand what you're talking about, you're trying to make it so Artemis can secretly pass along the information if they happen to have the rock this round. That's suuuper unlikely, and following that method greatly decreases the overall power of the strategy. It's much safer to just have Artemis throw the rock this round.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 12:23:33 am
    That was only for Night 0. Since Night 0 throws don't matter, we can hide all the information on them to cover for Artemis if she happens to have a rock.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 12:25:13 am
    What happens if two people use sand on eachother?
    In the extremely unlikely circumstance this happens (statistics!), both players are like "wtf why'd you throw sand?" and are roleblocked on any further abilities/items for that night.

    FTFY, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 21, 2016, 12:26:32 am
    What happens if two people use sand on eachother?
    In the extremely unlikely circumstance this happens (statistics!), both players are like "wtf why'd you throw sand?" and are roleblocked on any further abilities/items for that night.

    FTFY, right?
    Yup. Half dead at the moment.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 12:29:07 am
    That was only for Night 0. Since Night 0 throws don't matter, we can hide all the information on them to cover for Artemis if she happens to have a rock.

    Ah, makes more sense then.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 02:14:41 am
    There's plenty of tea left, but not enough guests to drink it all. You wouldn't want to waste any of the perfectly good tea, would you?

    You can take it with you if you like. Don't spill, and stay out of the library.

    Have a wonderful time in the mansion, everyone.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 21, 2016, 02:33:08 am
    There's plenty of tea left, but not enough guests to drink it all. You wouldn't want to waste any of the perfectly good tea, would you?

    You can take it with you if you like. Don't spill, and stay out of the library.

    Have a wonderful time in the mansion, everyone.

    If you've got this much excess tea, you're going to have to do something about it. I don't see anyone else drinking, and if you're only taking a single sip every ten posts, you're going to consume about 4 drops before it all goes off. If I were you, I'd get it packaged up and sold. You'll have to cut the price really low, because nobody wants old tea, but it's worth a shot.

    How much tea do you actually have stored up?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 02:34:40 am
    I'd sit with you while you drink your tea, but I'll have coffee instead.

    And also bread. There should always be bread.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 21, 2016, 02:39:15 am

    I'd sit with you while you drink your tea, but I'll have coffee instead.

    And also bread. There should always be bread.
    No, not with tea. The bread would just absorb the tea. That doesn't make for very good bread.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 21, 2016, 02:40:55 am
    I dont know if I should be flattered or offended that I'm high up on the demagogs murder list. Either way Im a plain ol vanilla bean. (Or maybe I'm mafia. Both role claims are more or less the same at this point. Maybe if I draw enough attention i'll get nightkilled)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 02:45:57 am
    If you've got this much excess tea, you're going to have to do something about it. I don't see anyone else drinking, and if you're only taking a single sip every ten posts, you're going to consume about 4 drops before it all goes off. If I were you, I'd get it packaged up and sold. You'll have to cut the price really low, because nobody wants old tea, but it's worth a shot.

    How much tea do you actually have stored up?
    We always have more than we need. It'd be such a shame if the guests ran out of tea, wouldn't it?

    I can afford the loss.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 21, 2016, 02:55:52 am
    We always have more than we need. It'd be such a shame if the guests ran out of tea, wouldn't it?

    I can afford the loss.
    I suppose that's a fair argument. The opulence of your mansion does lend somewhat to an assumption of being able to afford a lot of tea.

    I can't help but feel that the delicate sipping is a façade (http://www.interactivestory.net/) for something more sinister.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 02:59:54 am
    Stop claiming vanilla.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 21, 2016, 03:00:35 am
    Dont tell me what to do
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 03:01:46 am
    Stop claiming vanilla.

    Not enough bold.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 21, 2016, 03:03:10 am





    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 03:03:35 am
    The first person to claim chocolate is getting Nightkilled.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 21, 2016, 03:04:10 am
    The first person to claim chocolate is getting Nightkilled.
    I'm chocolate
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 21, 2016, 03:04:50 am
    I was going to make a big post JUST FOR THAT JOKE linkcat. You ruined it
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 03:05:26 am
    You should all claim vanilla. I can't because I already claimed mafia in order to prove my innocence. I know how much you all hate someone that contradicts themselves.

    Chocolate and Onions. Yum.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 03:08:38 am
    can i be serious for once claiming vanilla is an idiotic act because it gives mafia more info and makes it easier to snipe down the power roles
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 03:09:45 am
    RIP Onion. Looks like your list was completely wrong, Dema.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 03:10:19 am

    I have vanilla tea, chocolate tea, and strawberry tea, if anyone would prefer that.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 21, 2016, 03:11:54 am
    I should have been at the top of the list. The throne is the only place I belong.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 03:19:19 am
    Don't be dumb. Claiming vanilla means nothing because everyone will claim vanilla. It doesn't pass along information or narrow down the field for mafia because power roles are going to lie and say they are vanilla. Anyone that outright believes a vanilla claim is gullible.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 03:25:18 am
    Alright, time for a list of who I find the most suspicious because I'll probably die tonight.

    First is the Rob-Link combo. Link came right out and hard-claimed Rob is mafia. Only a terrible town would accuse someone randomly like this, and Link doesn't seem to be a terrible town. Either one of them is mafia or Link has fooled us all into thinking he's competent. That being said, maybe this is the start of Link's opening strategy for every mafia game? Maybe he plans to hard-claim Rob as mafia every game. Maybe like 10% of the time one of them will be mafia? Eventually we would catch on and say "oh it's just Link being Link, ignore him." Who can say? Link can.

    Sky is next. Would you like a little spam with your tea? I don't care if Sky is mafia or not, get that spammer out. Make mafia great again.

    Next is danil. Played the "I'm new to mafia" card. HAHAHAHA oldest mafia play in the book.

    Finally, we've got Solaris. Need I say more?

    Oh and Onion, I was nightkilled first last game so obviously I belong at the top of the list. No one can argue with that. Only way to dethrone me is for mafia to never target me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 03:34:24 am
    I don't mean to be rude, but my tea is much sweeter than the taste of silence.

    I assure you that despite being a little older than I prefer, the taste is just fine.

    What's a party without something pleasant to drink?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 03:34:53 am
    I find it hilarious that you guys are getting so worked up about a simple read.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 03:40:39 am
    I'm going to keep pushing for it even though it's impossible for you to know whether rob is mafia or not at this point in the game!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 03:41:28 am
    Note that the last 5 times we lynched sometimes for claiming new, it totally worked.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 03:41:48 am
    *someone, not sometimes.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 03:44:05 am
    If everyone's finished with their tea, we should visit the library. There are a few antiquities I'd like to show you all before the night is over.

    In fact, if you don't find me too intrusive, I'd like to give you a tour of the entire mansion.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 03:48:53 am
    Alright, time for a list of who I find the most suspicious because I'll probably die tonight.

    First is the Rob-Link combo. Link came right out and hard-claimed Rob is mafia. Only a terrible town would accuse someone randomly like this, and Link doesn't seem to be a terrible town. Either one of them is mafia or Link has fooled us all into thinking he's competent. That being said, maybe this is the start of Link's opening strategy for every mafia game? Maybe he plans to hard-claim Rob as mafia every game. Maybe like 10% of the time one of them will be mafia? Eventually we would catch on and say "oh it's just Link being Link, ignore him." Who can say? Link can.

    Sky is next. Would you like a little spam with your tea? I don't care if Sky is mafia or not, get that spammer out. Make mafia great again.

    Next is danil. Played the "I'm new to mafia" card. HAHAHAHA oldest mafia play in the book.

    Finally, we've got Solaris. Need I say more?

    Oh and Onion, I was nightkilled first last game so obviously I belong at the top of the list. No one can argue with that. Only way to dethrone me is for mafia to never target me.

    Good grief, Lc is simply giving a read on me. I would be much more concerned were he supporting it with ANYTHING that made sense. I would be very unhappy if town decided to just go with random unfounded reads on N0 later in the game. >.<
    Also, please read the last few mafia games where Lc and I both played... ... ... ... :'(

    Do not, please do not lynch just based on post counts... in EITHER direction. That means pressuring for low post count is OK but don't just outright lynch a player for low post count only. Don't lynch a player simply because they have a high post count with little content. There can be a large number of reason a person might be posting a lot with perceived limited purpose. Let's instead lynch people based on information, reads with supporting reasoning, and roles-usage/investigations.

    Hmmmm, some pressure on a newer player on D1 for coming out with this opening "I'm new" is probably warranted.

    Ha, is this two games in a row with "lynch the host" being broached? ;D
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 03:54:05 am
    Rob, you forgot the part where Link can't know if you're mafia at this time or not. Obviously it's not a hard claim that you're mafia and we shouldn't take it seriously. Besides, it's Link and we shouldn't take anything he says seriously.

    No one said anything about post count. If all of your posts are going to be unrelated to the game, I'm going to push for your lynch. Maybe it'll force sky to actually play the game.

    I feel bad for going after a new player on day one... qq.

    Solaris is definitely mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 03:58:08 am
    Rob, if you think it's a good idea to pressure a new player for saying they're a new player, you might want to rethink your strategy. Inb4 someone calls us mafia partners.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 03:59:08 am
    Rest assured that without my tea, I'd simply sit in silence.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 04:00:19 am
    didn't dema also imply that he's pressuring danil as well
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 04:05:51 am
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 04:06:39 am
    #1. Rob, you forgot the part where Link can't know if you're mafia at this time or not. Obviously it's not a hard claim that you're mafia and we shouldn't take it seriously. Besides, it's Link and we shouldn't take anything he says seriously.

    #2. No one said anything about post count. If all of your posts are going to be unrelated to the game, I'm going to push for your lynch. Maybe it'll force sky to actually play the game.

    #3. I feel bad for going after a new player on day one... qq.

    Solaris is definitely mafia.

    1. No, I have already mentioned it is silly for a N0 hard-claim. I know he doesn't know... we all know only our own alignment right now - except for mafia who know ALL the player alignments.
    Silly Rob, it's not fishy. Everyone and their mother thinks the same thing when one person says another person is mafia out of nowhere. Link seems certain you're mafia, going so far as to request a nightkill save on himself. That's much more serious than saying "I think rob is mafia." If you both turn out to be innocent, we can just call Link bad because he should know that this is the line we will likely take now based on his claim.

    If Link were saying he were suspicious of you, then maybe your argument would have some validity.

    Dema, you are sliding more and more mafia-lean here, to me... Are you seriously suggesting town lend weight to a hard-claim of X-is-mafia with no supporting argument? On night 0?!

    I trust Lc is good enough at this game to have a gambit up his sleeve making such a bold N0 claim (I just really hope is is a town-sides gambit!).

    Ebwop: <3 Onion. I actually just missed your name when looking through the list and was too lazy to move people down one slot. I'd put you somewhere in the middle.

    Anything past slot ~6 up through ~13 in that list are just players that I haven't placed yet but I believe have played in many mafias. Below that point point are players I don't know well enough to place. Really, it's more like 3 groups than 19 individual spots.

    For me, this further explanation increases my misgivings about how useful the list will be, beyond use in reading Dema, down the road.

    Dema is right on the Rock... I was incorrectly thinking it revealed name AND alignment of the thrower to the target... Or does not.

    The game started with two A Rock With A Note's... right? I recall from a recent game with a VERY similar mechanic that these CAN be used investigatively.

    Holders of the rocks should toss them to players not likely to be nk'ed and a town recipient of a rock should immediately toss it back to the thrower if the thrower is a town player (mafia have no reason to throw ANY rocks as far add I can discern). Also, receiving a rock and not tossing it back I think should be considered scummy until explained otherwise.

    Thoughts comments on this?

    2. Good luck using in-game pressure to "force" sky to play the game... pressure away but in my past experience pressuring players like sky or CR (varying places on the skill spectrum, of course) I have noticed are very unfruitful and have rarely proven to outright help town when done ONLY because of post quality or post count.

    3. I don't have a problem with players being new to mafia games. Of course everyone of us at one point was new to it so I would never presume to pressure ONLY because someone is new. Rather, what is the need to post "I am new" as part of your opening post? We all playing know who hasn't played before so stating it makes a bell or two ring off in my head.
    (Lc - ninja-post/edit: I would have no issue pressuring Danil D1 but only related to the fact saying you are new is silly... we already know they are new. Refer to my response to Dema #3.)

    DC - not that I see in Dema's ISO...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 04:23:41 am
    Ok ok, looks like I have to spell things out for you since you're taking everything so seriously. The stuff with you and Link doesn't matter. I don't know why you're making such a big deal about it when it's obviously not going anywhere. I'm going to pressure sky because I want to until a better target comes up. Does that mean Sky will be lynched? No, of course not. But I've explained my reasoning and it's in character with how I've played since we started playing mafia on this forum. I'm not changing that just because you say to. Finally, no one else was pointing out danil's "I'm new" post, so I felt that I should.

    So move along now; no more beating a dead horse.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 04:28:01 am
    Everyone's enjoying the party, are they not? I'll accompany you to the library if you'd like to see a few artifacts of the past. All you need to do is ask.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 21, 2016, 04:31:18 am

    Unless you're civilian, in which case go nuts

    I wonder if Sera has a rock. Is Sera's name Dwayne? That would be a fun plot twist.

    I am only 12 on the list of targets? That's no fun. I should strive to be number 1 because that makes me a better player. Or maybe I can just be number 2. 2 is fine, right? You say I'm 14 now? This is just getting more and more fun then isn't it. I suppose 12+2=14 but that isn't any excuse.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 04:33:10 am
    What? If I was a wrestler my name should be Jean Sera instead.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 21, 2016, 04:37:30 am
    I never said anything about wrestlers. Wrestlers are strong, titans are also strong. Therefore you are a civilian.

    Dwayne is a better name than Jean anyway
    Jeans are terrible and uncomfortable.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 04:39:55 am
    Sky, I would be delighted if you showed me the library.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 04:43:06 am
    Sky, I would be delighted if you showed me the library.
    I didn't even invite you. How did you get in here? Did the gate guard fall asleep again?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 04:43:57 am
    anyway, I'd give chances of town winning... I'll peg it at 75%.

    Mafia also has items, yes?

    Power roles, don't be idiots.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 04:46:52 am
    Congratulations DC, you win the award for the worst statistic in any mafia game.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 04:49:36 am
    3 mafia only, a cop, an effectively second cop, and you tell me town isn't going to win?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 04:52:20 am
    I think this might be our first legitimate dumbtell. There's clearly 4 mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 04:54:46 am
    Sol please, why are there only 3 mafia in a 19 player game?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 21, 2016, 04:54:55 am
    I was about to say...
    19 people, 1:5 ratio, it would be stupid not to round up, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 04:55:29 am
    There are 3 mafia in the game.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 04:56:26 am
    I was about to say...
    19 people, 1:5 ratio, it would be stupid not to round up, right?
    considering how the town (read: DC) are making "dumbtells" left and right, Sol would have to tweak the ratio in town's favour to give them a chance, right? ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 04:57:15 am
    You know you're not supposed to ignore the red box that pops up telling you there's a new reply, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 04:59:30 am
    Yes, dad.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 21, 2016, 05:02:24 am
    [21:36:22] ‹Kuroaitou› ...wait.
    [21:36:30] ‹Kuroaitou› Who was the one that oversaw Solaris' mafia rules?
    [21:37:11] ‹Kuroaitou› I think I see an exploit sadly. :(
    [21:37:48] ‹DoubleCapitals› did CR hack your account
    [21:37:50] ‹Linkcat› I was.
    [21:38:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from dawn to dusk. Is this the beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning?
    [21:38:01] ‹Linkcat› Tell Sol the exploit.
    [21:38:07] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@DoubleCapitals› Who?
    [21:38:13] godisnowonline joined.
    [21:38:24] asdw152 joined.
    [21:38:28] ‹DoubleCapitals› Crockett
    [21:38:33] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Linkcat› Well, not so much an exploit rather just following game rule logic
    [21:38:41] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@DoubleCapitals› No, I mean, why would he hack me?
    [21:38:58] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@Kuroaitou› because afaik only he exploits shit
    [21:39:29] ‹Kuroaitou› Well butter my buscuits, this better not be an exploit
    [21:39:48] ‹Kuroaitou› Because I'm about to DROP a BOMB on this muhfia
    [21:39:51] ‹dawn_to_dusk› You know what biscuits go well with
    [21:39:59] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ANZAC day
    [21:40:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from Linkcat. Don't mention it.
    [21:40:04] ‹Kuroaitou› Not literally though, because of the tea
    [21:40:08] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ANZAC biscuits are great
    [21:40:11] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› I was gonna say tea or soda
    [21:40:48] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Kuroaitou› Why soda
    [21:41:01] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› sweet and salty?
    [21:41:14] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Soda is carbonated
    [21:41:35] ‹dawn_to_dusk› So is soda lemonade, coke or what
    [21:41:42] ‹skyironsword› Strawberry soda is fantastic with everything.
    [21:41:43] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Coca-Cola
    [21:41:50] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I am not talking about cocaine
    [21:42:13] Sera left.
    [21:42:18] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Fun fact, neither cocaine nor coca cola have a k in them, despite the abbreviation having one
    [21:42:31] Sera joined.
    [21:42:53] ‹rob77dp› Kuro - ask Sol. I know earlier today I saw some rules that had not been updated to reflect/include clarifications made in posts before N0 started
    [21:43:23] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I think I am not feeling well and it is reflected in my speech
    [21:43:23] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@rob77dp› which rules?
    [21:43:45] Viper32 joined.
    [21:44:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from DoubleCapitals. Better posts through research.
    [21:44:03] ‹rob77dp› Game Rules 3rd bullet-point
    [21:44:03] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Nobody answered my "what is soda" question
    [21:44:15] ‹Viper32› hi
    [21:44:21] ‹Viper32› i
    [21:44:37] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@rob77dp› nvm then
    [21:45:00] asdw152 left.
    [21:45:35] Basman-1453 left.
    [21:46:07] ‹rob77dp› soda is the generic word for beverages like Coca Cola, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Sprite, etc in the US, to me at least
    [21:46:29] ‹dawn_to_dusk› So just a carbonated beverage
    [21:46:42] ‹DoubleCapitals› except those who call it pop
    [21:46:43] ‹DoubleCapitals› or coke
    [21:47:04] ‹dawn_to_dusk› So if someone is having soda, they are actually being vague, instead of talking about something which makes no sense
    [21:48:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from Linkcat. This post is just the beginning.
    [21:49:04] ‹Kuroaitou› I feel like I need to copy paste this chat into mafia, can I?
    [21:49:27] ‹Linkcat› You're actually not allowed to talk in chat about mafia.
    [21:49:30] ‹DoubleCapitals› why
    [21:49:32] ‹DoubleCapitals› it's just soda
    [21:49:40] ‹Linkcat› For 62.
    [21:50:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from DoubleCapitals. I found Waldo.
    [21:52:34] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Linkcat› ............
    [21:52:52] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Linkcat› So, can I copy paste this in the topic then? :(
    [21:52:56] Basman-1453 joined.
    [21:53:03] ‹Linkcat› Yes.
    [21:53:09] ‹Kuroaitou› k

    A 1:5 ratio means that for EVERY 5 of a certain object, there is then one added to the secondary item. Thus, 1:5, which means 1/6, or one out of every six players/for every six players, 5 are civies, one is a mafia.

    Thus, in a group of 19:
    19/6 = ~3 approx. mafia (1 in every group of 6)

    Lovely tea aside, I want to make it clear that Solaris, you really need to update your rules.  ?_? I'm giving you the go ahead to update them to the correct ruleset, because otherwise, there would have been a very simple 'BST' way of detecting which players are mafia via lynch tying.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 05:08:44 am
    Kuro, I already took care of that a long time ago.

    Not sure how Sol got the ratio wrong considering we talked about it before the game. I have the solution though, just make me mafia to balance it out.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 05:12:04 am
    Dema - There is definitely history between Lc and myself playing in to my defending myself a bit. On this forum, town is swayed quite easily and Lc is very convincing no matter his alignment. Therefore, I do not allow attacks/claims from him, no matter how obviously unfounded or un-serious they are or should be, to go un-challenged.

    For a read on the history I refer to, an example is Mafia 52 by eljoemo (RIP?) replies #246, 263, 264, 273, [276 just for a chuckle I suppose], 299, 300, 324, 337, 382, 395, 400, and 401.

    /me buckles his seat belt for what might end up being another very high post-count mafia thread.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 05:13:42 am
    /me buckles his seat belt for what might end up being another very high post-count mafia thread.

    Expect this to be the norm and not the exception. Especially with people like you, Link, and Dema stepping up... yeah. Bloody hard to sift through.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 05:17:21 am
    Ooh, rob throwing shade on my reads by pointing back to stuff that had nothing to do with reads. It's not looking good for you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 21, 2016, 05:18:09 am
    /me buckles his seat belt for what might end up being another very high post-count mafia thread.

    Expect this to be the norm and not the exception. Especially with people like you, Link, and Dema stepping up... yeah. Bloody hard to sift through.

    I'm just surprised RootRanger isn't part of your list. But alas, since he forfeited his General of Fire title, I figure he's too busy to hang out with the new mafia pros. :P
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 05:20:02 am
    Ooh, rob throwing shade on my reads by pointing back to stuff that had nothing to do with reads. It's not looking good for you.

    Ha, I am simply showing why an early-game read from you, no matter how silly many good mafia players would see it, cannot go un-responded to. In no way do I want to be seen as trying or pretending to try to use it to shade your reads.

    Rather, I shade your read because it is founded on nothing at this point and supporting by an argument of nothing. :-|
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 05:26:21 am
    What you showed was not early game, nor was it a read. It's like you're not even trying to appear town.

    Just because you see nothing doesn't mean there is nothing.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 05:30:23 am
    What you showed was not early game, nor was it a read. It's like you're not even trying to appear town.

    Just because you see nothing doesn't mean there is nothing.

    Trying to appear town does not concern me - mafia "tries to appear town". Town just acts town because they are town. That is my basis.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 05:48:25 am
    But I'm town and I act like mafia... your logic fails. Good day, sir!

    Also, Link isn't capable of making good arguments. Just pretend he's not here.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 05:52:19 am
    Be quiet Dema, I'm trying to overtake you in post count.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 05:58:48 am
    Oh right, I guess this is the perfect opportunity to say that I hate you for making me need to overtake people in postcount last mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 06:02:20 am
    Blame Dema for having his ridiculous post count be his most defining characteristic.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 06:25:16 am
    Hmmmm, some pressure on a newer player on D1 for coming out with this opening "I'm new" is probably warranted.

    Let's look at all of danil's posts this game.

    Hello everybody. How are you all doing this fine morning/afternoon/evening/night?

    [Dema's Nightkill list]

    I have no experience with Mafia, how did you decide upon this list?

    Here we see that danil's not especially pointing out the fact that he's new, he's not trying to use it as an excuse, it's embedded in a question, which is good. He's even giving us information since we didn't know if he had played mafia outside of the forums. And then rob here tries to piggyback on an obviously joking accusation because he just loves throwing shade. You're digging this hole yourself.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 06:30:46 am
    Hmmmm, some pressure on a newer player on D1 for coming out with this opening "I'm new" is probably warranted.

    Let's look at all of danil's posts this game.

    Hello everybody. How are you all doing this fine morning/afternoon/evening/night?

    [Dema's Nightkill list]

    I have no experience with Mafia, how did you decide upon this list?

    Here we see that danil's not especially pointing out the fact that he's new, he's not trying to use it as an excuse, it's embedded in a question, which is good. He's even giving us information since we didn't know if he had played mafia outside of the forums. And then rob here tries to piggyback on an obviously joking accusation because he just loves throwing shade. You're digging this hole yourself.

    You are better than this Lc. We both know it. Given it is N0 I am ignoring this N0 attempt to tunnel me by pointing it out as tunneling and moving my efforts in-game elsewhere. I'm confident it will get beaten into the ground enough later anyways...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 06:37:09 am
    Now he's not even trying to defend himself. Rob, I need you to do me a favor. Tell me that you're town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 06:53:02 am
    Now he's not even trying to defend himself [false] Rebutting your advances as tunneling is a rock solid defense and not least because it is true. Rob, I need you to do me a favor. Tell me that you're town. You're not the boss of me! Also, this is requesting a useless endeavor...

    'A favor'? Claim town? What good does that do and why do I owe a favor? ?_?

    Claiming town is equal to claiming vanilla town which is equal to helping mafia (but not really because we all know every player pressed would claim vanilla town at N0) which is equal to not helping town. If you're mafia then i think you're barking up a poor choice for ML-target - going to have to NK me if you don't want me solving this thing (bravo to Sol for _NOT_ having a mafia ability that kills!).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 06:54:31 am
    I don't believe you, you're mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 06:55:22 am
    Oh wait, you didn't claim town. Well, you're still mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 06:55:52 am
    Woah now, my post count is only usually higher than everyone else's because I'm better than you. Yep, that's it. You should be honored to have gotten to roleplay as me.

    Or maybe blame Link for thinking that I'm only useful for a post count. Mafia I'll strike you a deal. Kill anyone that has more posts than me in this game and I won't vote on you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 07:04:38 am

    I can't Nightkill myself. Besides, I'm killing Onion anyways.

    Also, anyone who played in or read my last mafia should vote in the roleplaying poll. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-61-by-linkcat/)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 07:09:17 am
    Vote for me in 61 or Linkcat will nightkill you in this game.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 07:11:26 am
    I just said I can't Nightkill myself.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 07:13:09 am
    [02:11:51] ‹Linkcat› I love this mafia.
    [02:12:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris from Linkcat. All signs point to: yes.
    [02:12:08] ‹Demagog› why? it's only fun right now because people are posting
    [02:12:18] ‹Demagog› as soon as posters die it will be a ghoswt town
    [02:12:28] ‹DoubleCapitals› Day 1 is always fun
    [02:12:28] ‹Demagog› oh oops I'm tired and you tricked me
    [02:12:29] ‹DoubleCapitals› ^
    [02:12:37] ‹Demagog› we can't talk about this here
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 07:16:04 am

    tl;dr rob is mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: RavingRabbid on August 21, 2016, 08:43:06 am
    [10:35:51] ‹RavingRabbid› Why are there 18 pages already in mafia
    [10:35:59] ‹RavingRabbid› ahem nvm

    But seriously guys, I've read 14 pages of I have no idea what because half the posts were shitposts. Ily all, and I don't mind shitposting but can you keep it to a minimum so when people sleep 8 hours they don't have to read 200 posts of people trying to up their postcounter <3?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 21, 2016, 08:48:17 am
    My friend, you seem agitated. Tea?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 21, 2016, 08:59:03 am
    ...you guys are confusing me.
    im coming back in several hours.
    maybe you'll be making more sense then.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 21, 2016, 09:33:21 am
    TL;DR; pls, I am not going to read 8 pages.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 21, 2016, 09:36:52 am
    Tl;dr everyone throws rocks and Link thinks Rob is mafia
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 21, 2016, 12:52:33 pm
    Well, from what I've read so far, I'm pretty likely to get either lynched or nightkilled pretty early due to playing the "new" card. I don't expect that any amount of defense will save me, but I would like to point out that the gambler's argument for selection is a logical fallacy. If people who have played the "new" card before had all been mafia, but there is currently no logical basis to tell if I'm mafia, it's literally a coin flip to tell if I'm town or mafia, as previous cases have no implication on those happening right now. Gut feeling, intuition, and relying on past games might be valuable in cases where no logic presents itself, but shouldn't we try to find some logic before putting these three strategies into play?

    I might be completely wrong, but hey, it's my first mafia ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 12:55:33 pm
    No, you're new, so it is in mafia's favour to keep you alive. All the good players die early. And people like me survive despite playing more games than anyone *sip*

    Gimme dat tea sky
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 21, 2016, 01:38:32 pm
    Breadpost? Breadhost. :(

    Sorry I suck at this guys. Rules have been updated to reflect what was already stated in thread,
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 01:41:26 pm
    danil, to expand a little on what DC stated:

    you are not really anywhere near dying yet. Keep in mind that it is still night phase (no voting and no lynch occur at night), mafia still have a LOT of targets (frankly, most of them will be higher priority given the limited historical data and in-game evidence known about you ), and just being new is not a reason we lynch for around here, in my experience.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 21, 2016, 01:57:15 pm
    can i be serious for once claiming vanilla is an idiotic act because it gives mafia more info and makes it easier to snipe down the power roles

    It also speeds up the process by which artemis can investigate people.
    I'm so sorry that the tiny speed-up for this process - something that could actually win us the game - is somehow completely outweighed by the even tinier less than 0.01% chance boost a mafia has of murdering artemis now.

    And everything gives information to the mafia, including you saying it gives the mafia more info. It's an inevitability. What's your point, exactly?

    And whilst you're at it, you had 0 issues with me claiming paranoiac and jester in previous mafias, which I claimed early for the exact same reason I present here and there, yet now you throw a wobbly? Can you at least be consistent?

    Congratulations DC, you win the award for the worst statistic in any mafia game.

    To be fair, his tea makes up for it.

    Well, from what I've read so far, I'm pretty likely to get either lynched or nightkilled pretty early due to playing the "new" card. I don't expect that any amount of defense will save me, but I would like to point out that the gambler's argument for selection is a logical fallacy. If people who have played the "new" card before had all been mafia, but there is currently no logical basis to tell if I'm mafia, it's literally a coin flip to tell if I'm town or mafia, as previous cases have no implication on those happening right now. Gut feeling, intuition, and relying on past games might be valuable in cases where no logic presents itself, but shouldn't we try to find some logic before putting these three strategies into play?

    I might be completely wrong, but hey, it's my first mafia ;)

    I like you. You're going to fit into here very quickly, so welcome. :D
    ... But seriously, flaunting that you're new isn't a good idea.
    Especially when you start talking (rightfully so) about the gambler's fallacy whilst going on about how new you are.
    It's actually kinda creeeeepy.
    You're not in danger, however. We're all just too kind to lynch nubs. That and we have this stupid expectation that if link doesn't die within two days he's mafia.

    Also, ffs, I think you're both mafia, Link/Rob, by this extremely early point. The entire exchange just feels so fake and both of your arguments are fektarded. It's almost like what I tried against jonathanicansus last round (except I was probably right anyway.)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 21, 2016, 02:15:22 pm
    You're not in danger, however.

    I think that I should retain the mental philosophy of "everybody's in danger, at any time, anywhere," but thanks for your kind words :D
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 21, 2016, 03:21:40 pm
    I'm too lazy and don't want to read anything but I'm just posting for you people to know I'm alive.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 05:39:24 pm
    can i be serious for once claiming vanilla is an idiotic act because it gives mafia more info and makes it easier to snipe down the power roles

    It also speeds up the process by which artemis can investigate people.
    I'm so sorry that the tiny speed-up for this process - something that could actually win us the game - is somehow completely outweighed by the even tinier less than 0.01% chance boost a mafia has of murdering artemis now.

    And everything gives information to the mafia, including you saying it gives the mafia more info. It's an inevitability. What's your point, exactly?

    And whilst you're at it, you had 0 issues with me claiming paranoiac and jester in previous mafias, which I claimed early for the exact same reason I present here and there, yet now you throw a wobbly? Can you at least be consistent?

    Well, I'll concede that fat. Claiming vanilla is useless because everyone will do it. But claiming that it's a less than "0.01%" chance Atermis gets killed is ridiculous. But I get it. Every town member claims vanilla, we achieve nothing. Fine. I'll retract that point. It just irks me a little inside when people claim this early though. My fault.

    And yes, I didn't have an issue of you claiming jester prior. I'll only count the mafia game back then, because everything before then was so far back, and the state of mafia has far since improved then. Back then I didn't give two shits, I think. Anyway, this isn't a "one-size fits all" policy. Your claiming jester in a role-madness game means less than in such a game where most people here are nillas. Also, being effectively killed by Solaris back then meant that you were effectively useless except as an outsider to give opinions and shit (which, admittedly, sucks)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 05:41:44 pm
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 21, 2016, 06:01:02 pm
    I was originally going to say it was a 0.1% increased chance, but I didn't think the hyperbole was obvious enough, so I made it 0.01%.

    Otherwise, fair enough.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 21, 2016, 06:08:44 pm
    Right. My inability to detect hyperboles strikes again. It must look really dumb.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 06:37:43 pm
    Well we know mafia will kill Link this round since he has the most posts. Nice knowing you Link!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 21, 2016, 06:56:43 pm
    No computer yesterday and out of the house until now today. Sheesh, so much to read. So, I'm probably not going to be as talkative as last time b/c that strategy obv didn't work out very well for me. Feel free to try to change my mind. For now, I'm gonna observe and speak up when necessary. (Link's mafia made me jaded.)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 07:44:34 pm
    That's super scum of you UTA. Let's lynch him. All in favor?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 21, 2016, 07:51:41 pm
    That's super scum of you UTA. Let's lynch him. All in favor?

    Okay, seriously.

    Can you not.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 08:21:49 pm
    Found one of his partners. Add rob and we've got the whole mafia team. Good work, Dema. We managed to end the game before either of us died on Night 0. Can you guys just concede now so we can go to Mafia 63? Thanks.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 08:24:38 pm
    That's super scum of you UTA. Let's lynch him. All in favor?

    Okay, seriously.

    Can you not.

    I think you didn't finish your sentence. I'll be waiting for the rest of it.

    On a more serious note: LMAO what makes you think you have the right to tell people what they can and can't do?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 08:25:28 pm
    *High fives Linkcat*
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 21, 2016, 10:17:28 pm
    No computer yesterday and out of the house until now today. Sheesh, so much to read. So, I'm probably not going to be as talkative as last time b/c that strategy obv didn't work out very well for me. Feel free to try to change my mind. For now, I'm gonna observe and speak up when necessary. (Link's mafia made me jaded.)

    Do you think it was your being talkative that made it go poorly? I don't. If you want to improve yyour mafia skills you could try looking at what you could do differently to improve the end game result instead of just what you can do to spend less time on it...? Just my 2 :electrum - take it or leave it.  :)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 11:25:32 pm
    Okay here's the TL;DR thing I wanted to make:


    Plans for THE ROCK: We throw it randomly until it gets to Artemis.
    Artemis then throws this to people she investigates and then breadcrumbs their names.
    If Artemis throws you a rock, follow her breadcrumbs and throw rocks there.
    (Personal suggestion: if you're not Artemis, don't throw a rock and fake-breadcrumb the same name, or people will confuse you as Artemis?)


    Danil making a side-comment about being new.
    Dema and rob jumping on it.
    (Note that jumping on people for being new was very effective in the last few mafias ha ha)

    More bread

    kdz claiming vanilla (as build up for a chocolate joke)

    danil thing resolved

    Only more bread, how is this thing 236 posts.

    And some reads. But I'm too lazy to link them.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 11:43:47 pm
    Sera there's no need for breadcrumbing. Each phase after this one we will have everyone that passes the rock say who they threw it to and everyone that gets a rock say who threw it at them.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 21, 2016, 11:44:39 pm
    On another note, rock throwers, I suggest you not throw to people that you think may be nightkilled.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 21, 2016, 11:52:46 pm
    That kind of ruins the whole artemis-uses-rocks-to-poke-people plan. The entire purpose of the rock is to be used as a secret poke, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 21, 2016, 11:58:14 pm
    Actual plan for the rocks:

    Night 0
    Of you're Artemis, keep it and don't mention it.
    If you're not Artemis, throw it to whoever you think is Artemis and don't mention it.

    Day 1
    If you have a rock, say that you have it but not if you started with it or if it was thrown to you.
    Only say that you threw a rock if the person you threw it to doesn't claim.

    Every Other Night
    If you're Artemis, throw the rock to the person you investigate.
    If you're not Artemis, throw it to whoever you think is Artemis and don't mention it.

    Every Other Day
    Claim the person you threw the rock to.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 12:17:56 am
    By "every other day/night," Link means every day/night after Day 1 (or day 0, dunno how it will be numbered).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 05:02:22 am
    Sol - do you plan to include a "warning list" or count on each day phase conclusion post?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 22, 2016, 05:34:50 am
    Take a look around the library, if you'd like. The resident librarian has seen to it that the books remain neatly organized at all times.

    I'm giving you all permission to read them, but try to avoid damaging them. They're rather expensive.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 22, 2016, 01:13:29 pm
    Sol - do you plan to include a "warning list" or count on each day phase conclusion post?
    Yeah, there'll be a post warning list on each phase post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 22, 2016, 01:19:44 pm
    By "every other day/night," Link means every day/night after Day 1 (or day 0, dunno how it will be numbered).
    I think he means whenever Artemis is able to throw the rock. If Artemis throws it one night, the target throws it back the next night, and then Artemis throws it again the night after that.

    The result is that Artemis is able to throw the rock every other night.

    But if we're all throwing rocks around until they reach Artemis, how will the recipient of Artemis' rock know that they have to throw it back and not just keep chucking it?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 02:30:55 pm
    I will be away past the deadline... so here is my N0 list of reads (typed somewhat quickly and with a GRAND OVERALL CAVEAT that N0 only has so much information or perception available to us):

    none yet

    Demagog - plans of action so far have felt pro-town; has always been town in games I've played and this so far does match his town-game VERY well.
    Espithel - some quick hit posts, some wall posts, all containing responses and plans that come off town to me.

    DoubleCapitals - volume of posts is good but content/quality is lacking and nothing of note to me so far.
    CleanOnion - null... volume but nothing good enough to read.
    danil - responded 'OK' to the push about "new", so far.
    Sera - mid-level volume and nothing of note to read yet, from my view.

    UTAlan - from UTA, I find that "I won't post much this game because I didn't win/perform well last game" a tad furry for my taste.
    Linkcat - *sigh*, I pause to go to hard on this read yet... but for reasons about his pushes on my very basic pushes lean me this way.

    none yet

    / afk until after deadline of N0
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 22, 2016, 02:51:42 pm
    Night 0 has ended. Please give me 10-15 minutes to process the actions for this night/send pms, then I will post the day.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 02:55:51 pm
    Night 0 has ended. Please give me 10-15 minutes to process the actions for this night/send pms, then I will post the day.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 22, 2016, 02:56:30 pm
    Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 22, 2016, 03:23:10 pm
    Day 1

    There are many rocks in the city of ancient Greece. Some have tried to make a messaging system out of them. Even bolder, some have tried to make sense of the rocks.

    The rock is nothing.

    Many arise from their beds this morning, back to their usual schedule.

    One person didn't.

    The titans are here.

    RavingRabbid has been nightkilled. He was a Townsfolk (Vanilla Civilian).

    Until Night 1, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    Darkest night,
            night on which no     hope is to be found.
                    he rises from the depths. Dream not
               dreams, but rather toss,
       and there is mine.

    Share in my pain.

    No role, no item. :(
    Everyone on the mafia team is gunning for you, and that's to be expected. So if you decide to be aggressive, make it count. Please be careful otherwise, and if anything, know that I am going to be targeted tonight, and hopefully for good reason.
    I am the Walrus.
    *An image is posted on the board.*
    Hey guys hope you have a splendid time here :)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: RavingRabbid on August 22, 2016, 03:28:58 pm
    non sento più i miei piedi gelati

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 22, 2016, 03:39:17 pm
    wouldn't this rock plan fail completely if mafia gets as hold on it and fucks with our plans
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 22, 2016, 03:49:53 pm
    interesting N1 kill by the way; not sure what to make of it. speculation out of N1 kills has been too WiFoM-ish for my taste anyway. i'll try to give even more of a shit and not siesta and sip tea like the last mafia
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 22, 2016, 03:53:32 pm
    Number of people who used the message board for bullshit: everyone
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 22, 2016, 03:54:06 pm
    someone give me a tldr on the rob/link squabble but im kinda siding with link on this one tbh as far as i tried to read and comprehend
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 22, 2016, 03:55:01 pm
    Number of people who used the message board for bullshit: everyone
    did you expect anything less? it happened the last time, it'll happen again. when people actually get useful stuff they'll post there.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 22, 2016, 03:57:28 pm
    @Solaris: is the name of the first person on the messaging board literally "Hidden"?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: RavingRabbid on August 22, 2016, 03:58:03 pm
    Also, kill the dadaists-
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 22, 2016, 03:58:51 pm
    @Solaris: is the name of the first person on the messaging board literally "Hidden"?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 04:01:59 pm
    someone give me a tldr on the rob/link squabble but im kinda siding with link on this one tbh as far as i tried to read and comprehend

    From my understanding, Link just randomly said that Rob was mafia out of nowhere and Rob defended himself. It got to a very petty squabble, then they came to a resolution.

    As far as I care, it looks like they're both mafia, trying to distance themselves. Both arugments presented were just as weak as Demagog's shitspewing, and I can't fathom any reason why Linkcat would act thusly.

    I'll suppose we'll learn today, though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 04:51:27 pm
    Kuro, UTA -

    As somewhat experienced Elements-mafia players, may I request of you both a list of reads up to this point? We need players like the two of you to play well - or at least play actively - for several reasons:

    1. You are both VERY dangerous if left alone to be silent/inactive mafia.
    2. You are both VERY helpful as active town.
    3. The more posts players make that are game-related the better off town is moving forward.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 05:10:12 pm
    Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian


    Can we get some sort of supporting statements with this? A naked vote RIGHT OUT of the gate D1 shades as suspicious to me...

    (really, this belongs at the end of my previous post)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 22, 2016, 05:13:12 pm
    Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian


    Can we get some sort of supporting statements with this? A naked vote RIGHT OUT of the gate D1 shades as suspicious to me...

    (really, this belongs at the end of my previous post)
    That wasn't a true vote, you silly. I was just doing that because Espithel said "No" to the host :P
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 22, 2016, 05:15:24 pm
    Now for a more serious vote.

    Kuroaitou (1) - iancudorinmarian

    He seems awfully silent to me, maybe this will get him to talk, at the very least.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 05:35:04 pm
    See, RR was towards the top of my list and he got nixed. Sorry buddy :'(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 05:37:09 pm
    Oh and while I normally don't defend people, the whole rock throwing strategy started with Link. I merely expanded on it. For now he probably shouldn't be a lynch target. For everyone but him and me, don't know that I have seen anyone try to contribute towards town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 08:06:50 pm
    Dema / Lc -

    Separately, what do you two plan on doing with this unexpected (at least I was not really expecting to see it) turn of events where BOTH of you live into Day 1?

    Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian


    Can we get some sort of supporting statements with this? A naked vote RIGHT OUT of the gate D1 shades as suspicious to me...

    (really, this belongs at the end of my previous post)
    That wasn't a true vote, you silly. I was just doing that because Espithel said "No" to the host :P

    Thanks, noted.
    (A vote like this from you being a "serious vote" is far from unprecedented though, hence my asking/following-up.)

    * higher within a grouping generally indicates more town-y among that group
    * absent from the list means either I forgot to include them or (more likely) very few posts or "no read" (null) on them from me so far
    * vv = I consider them HIGHLY villager-y (i.e. - very likely town in my view); ww = I consider them HIGHLY wolf-y (i.e. - very likely scum / mafia in my view); the list is a scale from vv --> ww where 'n' = "neutral"

    none yet

    Espithel - some quick hit posts, some wall posts, all containing responses and plans that come off town to me.
    Demagog - plans of action so far have felt pro-town; has always been town in games I've played and this so far does match his town-game VERY well.

    DoubleCapitals - volume of posts is good but content/quality is lacking and nothing of note to me so far.
    iancu - beginning involvement here at start of D1 but not enough to read much yet (poking Kuro for activity bodes well though)
    CleanOnion - null... volume but nothing good enough to read.
    danil - responded 'OK' to the push about "new", so far.
    Sera - mid-level volume and nothing of note to read yet, from my view.

    UTAlan - from UTA, I find his "I won't post much this game because I didn't win/perform well last game" a tad ~furry for my taste.
    Kuro - The more I consider Kuro's activity level (very present on his other usual duties... absent this game) the more I am suspect of him. Silent/Kuro I view as tending towards the mafia/Kuro end of the spectrum.Linkcat - *sigh*, I pause to go to hard on this read yet... but for reasons about his pushes on my very basic pushes lean me this way.

    none yet

    Edit notes:
    ~ swapped Espi/Dema for purpose of more accurately reflecting my read/view (as I state in list note... it is a graded scale even within the groups)
    ~ added iancu and Kuro to the list
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 08:12:32 pm
    As far as I care, it looks like they're both mafia, trying to distance themselves. Both arugments presented were just as weak as Demagog's shitspewing, and I can't fathom any reason why Linkcat would act thusly.

    I'll suppose we'll learn today, though.

    I'm interested in a response to this, Rob.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 08:53:13 pm
    As far as I care, it looks like they're both mafia, trying to distance themselves. Both arugments presented were just as weak as Demagog's shitspewing, and I can't fathom any reason why Linkcat would act thusly.

    I'll suppose we'll learn today, though.

    I'm interested in a response to this, Rob.

    Only a response from me? Why not from Linkcat too? (Or, reaching further, why not Dema too?)

    TL;DR for the TL;DR - I don't know.

    TL;DR - I don't know. It could be benign (town reading purposes) or nefarious (mafia ML shading purposes). There is a history between us of similar early game interactions which end badly for town. I therefore have reason to have it end DIFFERENTLY than before (i.e. - good for town) so am taking a less DEFEND ANGRILY AND OMGUS BACK AT HIM approach in favor of subtle basic responses so as to not upset this apple cart on N0/D1.

    My response may best be summarized by my previously made statements on the subject (read below spoilers). However, I'll do my best to re-state a response here:

    I don't know why Lc began targeting me for heavy doses of scrutiny on N0 alongside out-and-out claims of his assumption of my alignment/Primary Role. I know he and I have a bit of a history of this in recent Elements mafia games (recent for us at least) usually ending very badly for town/civilians. If I had to hazard a guess (it is quite hazardous to guess about Linkcat's motivations here...) then I would guess his motivation was to sus me out for his own read of me OR, more nefariously, to shade my role in the game for future ML purposes/attempts. I would consider the former as a town/Linkcat purpose and the latter as mafia/Linkcat. If this is an elaborate by he and I to somehow publicly fabricate a rift between us so if one is caught as mafia then the other is free-and-clear then I assure you Hollywood has no better writers and scripters than us. This is not the case and what you see unfolding from my side is real response and real attempts to keep it from hampering my attempts and those of others to solve the game for a town win.

    If Rob isn't mafia we kill the cat. Seems fair.
    From a well-biased perspective (mine, since I am the only non-mafia aware of my alignment), this feels fishy... A mafia/Dema would know which primary Lc and I both are and could be trying to set us up. Pairings like this early in the game, especially of the if-X-is-town-then-Y-is-mafia variety, are very unreliable and should be viewed as sketchy af where not presented alongside a reasoned case or argument.

    I'm not even going to bother asking the mafia not to kill me. Athena, you know what you need to do.

    Also, rob is mafia.
    We're not going through THIS again are we? I think you are just being playful here because we KNOW it isn't a suspicious PM from sky this game (rules, yay).  8) did you have any argument to put forward with the accusation? :P


    Toss the rocks around and hope they get to Artemis. She can then throw the rocks to the people she investigates, so that if she's Nightkilled we have some idea of who she targeted. That means don't give rocks to me, or any of the mafia like rob. Artemis should still breadcrumb her targets. Fake breadcrumbs from other players will also help.

    *sigh* we ARE going to have this again, Lc? If you are mafia, and town heeds Dema's advice regarding you and I, then you are playing very bad as mafia (we both know a town/rob will is not likely to live very ling). If you are town then I have no good idea why you would open with such a hard and unfounded claim against me?

    Dema - There is definitely history between Lc and myself playing in to my defending myself a bit. On this forum, town is swayed quite easily and Lc is very convincing no matter his alignment. Therefore, I do not allow attacks/claims from him, no matter how obviously unfounded or un-serious they are or should be, to go un-challenged.

    For a read on the history I refer to, an example is Mafia 52 by eljoemo (RIP?) replies #246, 263, 264, 273, [276 just for a chuckle I suppose], 299, 300, 324, 337, 382, 395, 400, and 401.


    Ooh, rob throwing shade on my reads by pointing back to stuff that had nothing to do with reads. It's not looking good for you.

    Ha, I am simply showing why an early-game read from you, no matter how silly many good mafia players would see it, cannot go un-responded to. In no way do I want to be seen as trying or pretending to try to use it to shade your reads.

    Rather, I shade your read because it is founded on nothing at this point and supporting by an argument of nothing. :-|

    What you showed was not early game, nor was it a read. It's like you're not even trying to appear town.

    Just because you see nothing doesn't mean there is nothing.

    Trying to appear town does not concern me - mafia "tries to appear town". Town just acts town because they are town. That is my basis.

    Hmmmm, some pressure on a newer player on D1 for coming out with this opening "I'm new" is probably warranted.

    Let's look at all of danil's posts this game.

    Hello everybody. How are you all doing this fine morning/afternoon/evening/night?

    [Dema's Nightkill list]

    I have no experience with Mafia, how did you decide upon this list?

    Here we see that danil's not especially pointing out the fact that he's new, he's not trying to use it as an excuse, it's embedded in a question, which is good. He's even giving us information since we didn't know if he had played mafia outside of the forums. And then rob here tries to piggyback on an obviously joking accusation because he just loves throwing shade. You're digging this hole yourself.

    You are better than this Lc. We both know it. Given it is N0 I am ignoring this N0 attempt to tunnel me by pointing it out as tunneling and moving my efforts in-game elsewhere. I'm confident it will get beaten into the ground enough later anyways...

    Now he's not even trying to defend himself [false] Rebutting your advances as tunneling is a rock solid defense and not least because it is true. Rob, I need you to do me a favor. Tell me that you're town. You're not the boss of me! Also, this is requesting a useless endeavor...

    'A favor'? Claim town? What good does that do and why do I owe a favor? ?_?

    Claiming town is equal to claiming vanilla town which is equal to helping mafia (but not really because we all know every player pressed would claim vanilla town at N0) which is equal to not helping town. If you're mafia then i think you're barking up a poor choice for ML-target - going to have to NK me if you don't want me solving this thing (bravo to Sol for _NOT_ having a mafia ability that kills!).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 08:54:56 pm
    Dema / Lc -

    Separately, what do you two plan on doing with this unexpected (at least I was not really expecting to see it) turn of events where BOTH of you live into Day 1?

    Ah, rob's first slip. You can see that he doesn't even take into account that he was just as likely to be Nightkilled as either of us, because he can't be Nightkilled, because he's mafia.

    To answer your question rob, I'm going to lynch you, then I'm going to lynch Dema because this Nightkill screams Dema to me. It avoids Athena, the target was a really old mafia player from back in the day like Dema, and Dema's not the type to care that Raving hasn't played since Mafia 54.

    Now one of two things is going to happen. Either this mafia will go down in flames since I got all our best players killed early, or we're going to kill 1-2 of the 3 mafia and be off to a good start.

    Kuroaitou (1) - iancudorinmarian
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 08:57:38 pm
    Because link/dema aren't on. That and dema is ew.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 09:28:32 pm
    Dema / Lc -

    Separately, what do you two plan on doing with this unexpected (at least I was not really expecting to see it) turn of events where BOTH of you live into Day 1?

    Ah, rob's first slip. You can see that he doesn't even take into account that he was just as likely to be Nightkilled as either of us, because he can't be Nightkilled, because he's mafia.

    To answer your question rob, I'm going to lynch you, then I'm going to lynch Dema because this Nightkill screams Dema to me. It avoids Athena, the target was a really old mafia player from back in the day like Dema, and Dema's not the type to care that Raving hasn't played since Mafia 54.

    Now one of two things is going to happen. Either this mafia will go down in flames since I got all our best players killed early, or we're going to kill 1-2 of the 3 mafia and be off to a good start.

    Kuroaitou (1) - iancudorinmarian
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    My personality known among many here will speak for me: I would NEVER presume to rank myself among any perceived upper echelon of players that would "publicly expect early NK". Hence, my humble exclusion of myself from the small snippet you use here.

    My point was aimed at the fact BOTH of you survived and the NK was some other 'third party'. Your reasoning makes some sense as to why RR-instead-of-Dema-or-yourself but it is far from the only possible reason. If mafia expects Athena is actively playing and sending in a N0 target then it could easily explain the RR choice. You say it yourself here: RR is an old-guard player so a very unlikely target among today's players for a protection on N0.

    The town/Lc I know or would expect to see would probably have put out a reads list by now and be asking more than one player just one poor line of questions before subsequently voting on that "tunneled" player. Rest assured, lynching me now with this tunneled research you present is a bad town play. :(

    Non-Lc players (eh, Lc too!): I request you go read my past mafia games here and see for yourself... do an ISO on my posts so far this game. I. Am. Town.

    Also, your use of the singular first person strikes me as suspicious - "I'm going to lynch you, then...". Town goal is to collectively deduce likely mafia and lynch those players in a team manner rather than to allow a singular player to simply go around leading charges on one tunneled victim.
    (Refer back to the mislynches I led last game. Those really should have been questioned at SOME point as tunneling because behind the scenes that's exactly what I was doing -- tunneling on the target I believed I had the best chance of convincing a majority to vote on any particular day.)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 09:33:59 pm
    I have never made a reads list in any Elements mafia.

    The people with rocks need to come out now, and remember not to say where you got it from.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 09:46:03 pm
    Regarding the "history" between Lc and I to which I referred a few times this game:

    The way Mafia 52 went down between Lc and I was bad for town. Really bad. Seriously, that exchange/interaction ended with us both utterly convinced the other was mafia (both knowing and fervently claiming to be town, obviously). Lc had been straight lied to secretly in PM by another town about things I had never said leading him to overstate his conviction of my being mafia which, since I was town and I knew I was town, led me to assume that his persistence on my being mafia despite all the evidence to the contrary (in my opinion) meant he just HAD to be mafia himself.

    We were both town and mislynched - I'm sure much to the joyous amusement of the mafioso in the Mafia Pad.

    I have never made a reads list in any Elements mafia.

    The people with rocks need to come out now, and remember not to say where you got it from.

    So... ... you're just going from the cuff winging it on your amazing intuition which has never ever in the past ever had a ML of me occur at the hands of your poor judgement/read in the mafia game? I do not like the places this probably leads us...

    This is a good point, Lc. Have you any idea what the plan is if we don't get two players coming forward claiming to possess rocks?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 09:48:04 pm
    So Rob always seems to post a loooot when he is mafia and under fire, like walls of text. I'm not convinced yet though.

    As for Link saying he will lynch me, that's a bluff. Link knows I am the person most viewed as town right now, which is why he said he thinks I will be nightkilled. My duty this mafia is done though; I pushed for a strategy to give civs the advantage and it caught on for once because Linkcat didn't fight me on it for once haha. So kill me if you want, I'm only good in mafia if I have a power role, can manipulate people, or can bend the rules to my advantage. I can't do any of that in this setup, aside from what I've already done. That's why this mafia is boring for me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 09:56:07 pm
    I said that to counter this statement you just made.

    The town/Lc I know or would expect to see would probably have put out a reads list by now

    It also bothers me that as a defense of my read you keep bringing up an event in the past that I've already said had absolutely nothing to do with reads. Other than that I have never had you lynched as town, so this point that you keep pushing is entirely negated.

    The only way we won't find both rocks is if mafia started with a rock. Nothing we can do about that.

    And now we have Dema trying to say that he was part of the rock plan, when really that was all me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 10:14:58 pm
    Lmao Link, you're delusional. You posted the idea to use rocks and I expanded on it in to something we can use. You posted a loose idea and I turned it in to something concrete.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 22, 2016, 11:08:34 pm
    *stops munching popcorn and throws away the whole bag*

    Okay, let's get serious.

    So, here's something I find both hilarious and also concerning:

    Number of people who used the message board for bullshit: everyone
    did you expect anything less? it happened the last time, it'll happen again. when people actually get useful stuff they'll post there.

    Actually... not quite; you'd be surprised what you could find with a few little references here and there. People are already making moves with their messages [not that there's anything meaningful necessarily now], and if certain players play it right, I think you could get hints about who is who (although, that could also expose them to mafia, but unless mafia has really intelligent code crackers, it'll be a better play for townies, especially as the mafia doesn't get the ability to steal items).

    So with that out of the way, let me say this: I always let the first few rounds slip because I usually have some other game or thing to do elsewhere besides MUHFIA 100% of the time, and that my scumhunting is bad anyway. In addition, it's hard to 'ISO' anyone because a lot of sourdough and lemon has already been thrown around deliberately AND accidentally. Dodging the food fight is exasperating when you're trying to sit down and have a conversation.

    But to focus:
    1011686, Ryli (aka morningstar), fabian771, and UTAlan are the players with the fewest amount of posts besides me. Technically I have/had one less because my opening post counts as one too, so I have less than the first two users mentioned. That's still higher than UTAlan and fabian771 however. Quantity aside...

    Even though UTAlan may be experiencing some real life connectivity problems (or hell, just some day-to-day business), I'm curious as to what his position is on the whole rob/Linkcat debacle. fabian771 doesn't have the same excuse though, so my sights are on him more, especially as he's not as fresh as danil is.

    From my understanding, Link just randomly said that Rob was mafia out of nowhere and Rob defended himself. It got to a very petty squabble, then they came to a resolution.

    As far as I care, it looks like they're both mafia, trying to distance themselves. Both arugments presented were just as weak as Demagog's shitspewing, and I can't fathom any reason why Linkcat would act thusly.

    I'll suppose we'll learn today, though.

    I find this train of thought also fascinating, and I wouldn't put it above Linkcat's/rob's capabilities to manipulate the entire system if BOTH of them were mafia (rather than both being civilian). Not likely though, and a pretty absurd scenario in any case.

    See, RR was towards the top of my list and he got nixed. Sorry buddy :'(

    And this part right here makes me want to scold you Demagog. The fact that you gave the mafia a list of so-called 'priority targets' has more risks than benefits. For one; the mafia team now has an incentive to look at that list and create a narrative where certain 'top-skilled' players are spared for more randomized targets, making the top of your own list look like mafia... which, paradoxically enough, would mean that if you (the #1 on the list) are not killed throughout the majority of the game, will create a WIFOM situation where either you're a civy who is being framed by mafia, or a mafia who has created the frame on yourself because you weren't killed the entire time. This of course applies to everyone technically speaking, but the whole 'let's create a list of vv's and ww's' often skews the "more-inclined" analytical players into making terrible decisions in judgement.

    I have an idea, but it's probably not gonna happen. I'll type it out later.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 11:12:17 pm
    I said that to counter this statement you just made.

    The town/Lc I know or would expect to see would probably have put out a reads list by now

    It also bothers me that as a defense of my read you keep bringing up an event in the past that I've already said had absolutely nothing to do with reads. Other than that I have never had you lynched as town, so this point that you keep pushing is entirely negated.

    The only way we won't find both rocks is if mafia started with a rock. Nothing we can do about that.

    And now we have Dema trying to say that he was part of the rock plan, when really that was all me.

    You have not read me. You started with a conclusion that I am mafia and now twist the thread to that predetermined conclusion (incorrect conclusion, I might add).

    I'm not even going to bother asking the mafia not to kill me. Athena, you know what you need to do.

    Also, rob is mafia.

    Seriously, if enough players buy in to your predetermined desire to mislynch me followed by the mangling of my input to the game then that is how the cookie will have to crumble. As for my game time going forward, I will be ignoring additional attempts you make to press me on this poor angle you're taking and instead put it into solving/helping.

    ^-- This line represents my moving forward from Lc's awkward tunneled attack on me to widen my view to more of the players.

    Kuro - You have now been online a lot and viewed the mafia 62 thread SEVERAL times, one time even showing up as "Posting in", with nary a whisper or wimper about the game.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

    I'll reiterate the pressure I stated earlier (that was just in a read comment) here with a vote. Please speak up - quiet Kuro is either mafia/Kuro or a Kuro being less helpful than he can be as town/Kuro.

    Kuro, UTA -

    As somewhat experienced Elements-mafia players, may I request of you both a list of reads up to this point? We need players like the two of you to play well - or at least play actively - for several reasons:

    1. You are both VERY dangerous if left alone to be silent/inactive mafia.
    2. You are both VERY helpful as active town.
    3. The more posts players make that are game-related the better off town is moving forward.




    Kuro - The more I consider Kuro's activity level (very present on his other usual duties... absent this game) the more I am suspect of him. Silent/Kuro I view as tending towards the mafia/Kuro end of the spectrum.Linkcat - *sigh*, I pause to go to hard on this read yet... but for reasons about his pushes on my very basic pushes lean me this way.


    In the interest of sharing and being open, I'm still posting the stuff RE: Kuro even though I now see he ninja'd me with a post of his own.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:15:41 pm
    Toss the rocks around and hope they get to Artemis. She can then throw the rocks to the people she investigates, so that if she's Nightkilled we have some idea of who she targeted. That means don't give rocks to me, or any of the mafia like rob. Artemis should still breadcrumb her targets. Fake breadcrumbs from other players will also help.

    Note that the breadcrumbing I'm referring to is completely separate from the rocks.

    Link, how will we know Artemis got the rocks?

    Only thing we can do is have whoever threw the rock and whoever got hit confirm in thread. We can keep a list of who's been involved in the rock chains. If Artemis dies and turns out that they are in the rock chains, and Artemis tossed rock(s) to people that have been confirmed civs by On the Hunt, we can get some confirmed civs.

    So the plan works I think; Artemis has to just only throw rocks to people that have been confirmed.

    Whoever throws rocks this round, don't reveal who you are throwing to until after the night phase is over.

    We may want to avoid lynching whoever has the rocks. They may be instrumental in victory after all. Due to the priority of actions, mafia can only get rid of rocks if they happen to kill the person that got hit by a rock that night phase. The other ways to lose rocks are by lynches and modkills.

    The rocks are like super-secret breadcrumbs for Artemis. Artemis (aka the detective) can throw them to people that have been confirmed as civilians by the use of On the Hunt. We will have a list of everyone that has had a rock. Once Artemis dies or steps forward to call out a mafia member, we can see if Artemis is on the list of Rock throwers. If Artemis is revealed by having died, we will see who they threw a rock to, and know that (if Artemis has been paying attention to this strategy) the person Artemis hit with a rock is innocent. If Artemis steps forward by calling out a mafia, we still get this information, but Artemis can also just say who all the civilians are.

    I think I see your confusion, Dema. You think that it was your idea to claim rock throws in the thread, when really that was a given, as I said here.

    Yeah, we'd have to reveal how the rocks traveled after the Night Phase. Night 0 throws can of course be ignored.

    Here you bring up a problem and come up with a sub-par solution.

    Artemis, if you have a rock this round, it's better to throw it than hold on to it. If you hold on to it and throw it next round after you've found a civilian, revealing in the thread who you threw to will make public that you didn't throw on the first night. Mafia would likely guess that you are Artemis if that occurred.

    And then I share the better solution that I'd already been working on.

    Dema, I've been thinking about this problem too, and I found the solution. Artemis, don't throw your rock if you have one. Everyone else, don't say if you threw a rock, and if you received a rock, don't say whether you received a rock or started with it.

    Here you again try to push your sub-par solution and I clarify mine.


    Link, I think I may understand what you're talking about, you're trying to make it so Artemis can secretly pass along the information if they happen to have the rock this round. That's suuuper unlikely, and following that method greatly decreases the overall power of the strategy. It's much safer to just have Artemis throw the rock this round.

    That was only for Night 0. Since Night 0 throws don't matter, we can hide all the information on them to cover for Artemis if she happens to have a rock.

    Ah, makes more sense then.

    Finally I post a clear explanation of the plan a few pages later.

    Actual plan for the rocks:

    Night 0
    Of you're Artemis, keep it and don't mention it.
    If you're not Artemis, throw it to whoever you think is Artemis and don't mention it.

    Day 1
    If you have a rock, say that you have it but not if you started with it or if it was thrown to you.
    Only say that you threw a rock if the person you threw it to doesn't claim.

    Every Other Night
    If you're Artemis, throw the rock to the person you investigate.
    If you're not Artemis, throw it to whoever you think is Artemis and don't mention it.

    Every Other Day
    Claim the person you threw the rock to.

    Haven't read Kuro's or rob's posts yet, but Kuro coming out strong makes me want to lynch him.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 22, 2016, 11:18:47 pm
    Linkcat is mafia. Espithel is a town.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (1) - Kuroaitou

    Typing out a defense in a moment, I probably should have said this earlier but fudge it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:22:29 pm
    Rob, what you don't know is that the reason I first called you mafia was because I didn't like your move on Ginyu at the beginning of the game. Reading through that again, it doesn't look that scummy, but there were multiple things after that that did, which I have pointed out and were mostly not defended.

    After reading Kuro's post I want to lynch him less, but after his vote I want to lynch him more.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 11:25:39 pm
    For one; the mafia team now has an incentive to look at that list and create a narrative where certain 'top-skilled' players are spared for more randomized targets, making the top of your own list look like mafia... which, paradoxically enough, would mean that if you (the #1 on the list) are not killed throughout the majority of the game, will create a WIFOM situation where either you're a civy who is being framed by mafia, or a mafia who has created the frame on yourself because you weren't killed the entire time.

    Muahaha just as planned! No really though, anyone that takes that list seriously is a fool. You think I'm familiar enough with people here to place them in such a list yet? Link's not even good at this game, he just posts a lot. I'm not even good, I don't believe a word anyone says ever, so this "scumhunting" you guys do is something I can't do. You all look like scum to me all the time. I put UTA high on the list and haven't seen him play much... I don't think he's even been mafia in a game I've played in.

    As always, my goal in mafia is to tread the line between looks-like-mafia and looks-like-town. It's the best way to stay alive.

    And oooh a hard claim. I'll jump on that, as Linkcat is obviously still delusional and trying to take credit for all of this idea. Also, him posting something helpful for town while being mafia is something he would do. If Linkcat turns out to be innocent, we can look at Kuro and Espi. Kuro isn't dumb enough to hard claim someone is mafia without knowing for sure.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (2) - Kuroaitou, Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 11:27:13 pm
    Oh and before anyone says "you don't believe what people say, but you believe Kuro's accusation of Link," I like to support people that make hard claims through the mid-game because it will reveal a lot of information.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:30:55 pm
    I guarantee you that is not a hard claim that I'm mafia. Also Kuro and rob aren't mafia together.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 22, 2016, 11:31:28 pm
    Morning, everyone. I have unearthed a rock, from the deepest mines of Mount Sinai or Olympus or whatever, I'm bad at this.

    Can we use the anonymous messageboard for posting rock things instead? That way we have a direct message as to whether or not Athena was the source rock, and we can just throw it back or something.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 22, 2016, 11:33:41 pm
    Morning, everyone. I have unearthed a rock, from the deepest mines of Mount Sinai or Olympus or whatever, I'm bad at this.

    Can we use the anonymous messageboard for posting rock things instead? That way we have a direct message as to whether or not Athena was the source rock, and we can just throw it back or something.

    For now the plan simply requires you to state you were targeted with a N0 rock and that you now have the rock. I think - oh great and awesome plan makers Dema and Link - confirm?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 22, 2016, 11:36:49 pm
    Linkcat, I don't know what you're doing

    You claim rob as mafia after what, a single comment? And then go back on that when people start voting on you

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (3) - Kuroaitou, Demagog, CleanOnion

    Awaiting an explanation of Kuro's "Linkcat is mafia"
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:37:31 pm
    Sera, that wouldn't work.

    Rob, first off don't put Dema's name next to my name, and second please refer to the last quote in my rock post.

    Anyone want to bet that me, rob, Dema, and Kuro are all town? I'd put it at like 70%.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 11:40:26 pm
    No really though, anyone that takes that list seriously is a fool. You think I'm familiar enough with people here to place them in such a list yet?

    If you don't think it should be taken seriously, why post it in a manner that is indistinguishable from a joke?
    If you know it has no quality, what is the point of it being posted?

    "Oh, yeah, this list was embarrassing and a bit of a mistake. I guess I'll lay it off as a joke, yeah!"

    Can you not?

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (2) - Kuroaitou, Demagog
    Demagog (1) - Espithel

    Can you seriously just not?

    Waiting for Kuro's descriptor until I make judgement regarding the current situation. Above vote is serious.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:41:06 pm
    Onion, my first statement saying rob is mafia was obviously a read, and any reads at that point in the game obviously can't be very strong. If you'll read my recent post, you'll see that I do still think rob is mafia based on other stuff that I've talked about, which is why my vote is still on him.

    Can people that aren't mafia please get in on the conversation?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 11:41:13 pm
    EBWOP: Indistinguishable from an actual, relevant post*
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:41:30 pm
    Can people that aren't mafia please get in on the conversation?

    Thank you, Espithel.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 11:41:45 pm
    You're welcome
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 22, 2016, 11:45:15 pm
    Don't ignore my vote, Espithel.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (3) - Kuroaitou, Demagog, CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel

    Linkcat, you're coming off extremely irrational. What is it about Demagog's rock plan that you hate so much? Are you just looking to ride on the wave of implied-innocence?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 22, 2016, 11:45:50 pm
    Rob, what you don't know is that the reason I first called you mafia was because I didn't like your move on Ginyu at the beginning of the game. Reading through that again, it doesn't look that scummy, but there were multiple things after that that did, which I have pointed out and were mostly not defended.

    After reading Kuro's post I want to lynch him less, but after his vote I want to lynch him more.

    Which means your stance on me hasn't changed? :P In all honesty, I've cracked the code for one of the messages, and I'd like to say that my most recent post's FIRST statement is false, but the latter is true.

    Linkcat is mafia. Espithel is a town.

    Yellow is a confirmed statement from the code breaking I did, and as much as I want to verify it, it'll expose the messangers encryption, which I cannot afford to do at this point. Dodger blue is a lie, because I wanted to see how Linkcat would react. I can guarantee as a that what I did may have ruined the game in regards to confirmations, but my actions have purpose, and so do the deciphers.

    This is what I really wanted to do:

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    fabian771 (1) - Kuroaitou

    fabian, you're not off the hook just because you're on team :time. >:(

    Here's my stupid idea:
    Wouldn't it have been better if Artemis claimed early and attracted all of the rocks, Athena's Nurse-saving move, and bricks and mortars to create a focal network? The problem is, we can't do that since apparently Pocket Sand users/Theia the Twat can then continuously figure out how to block the focus from expanding a web network.

    Sera, that wouldn't work.

    Rob, first off don't put Dema's name next to my name, and second please refer to the last quote in my rock post.

    Anyone want to bet that me, rob, Dema, and Kuro are all town? I'd put it at like 70%.

    I'd put it at around 80% at this point, but then again, who knows what the hell is going on? :P

    Also, again, to the anon message that was very cleverly worded: you go gurl.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 22, 2016, 11:46:54 pm
    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (2) - Demagog, CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    fabian771 (1) - Kuroaitou

    EBWOP: Fixed the votes because what I did was probably bad, but again, I can guarantee that this might expose sides either way.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 11:48:05 pm
    Hate to break your bubble, Kuro, but I haven't been posting any secret codes, nor do I have a secret board name or any plans to use the secret board. I'm now extremely interested where this is going.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 22, 2016, 11:48:52 pm
    EBWOP: Someone else did, duh
    Derpottimus is go
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:49:50 pm
    What is it about Demagog's rock plan that you hate so much?

    I thin you need to reread.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 22, 2016, 11:50:47 pm
    Everyone, stop fighting! You're ruining the party...!

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (2) - Demagog, CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    fabian771 (1) - Kuroaitou
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 22, 2016, 11:51:31 pm
    Everyone, stop fighting! You're ruining the party...!

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (2) - Demagog, CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    fabian771 (1) - Kuroaitou
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword

    I didn't start shit, ian was the one who spilled tea on your floor. :(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 22, 2016, 11:51:40 pm
    Sera, that wouldn't work.

    Rob, first off don't put Dema's name next to my name, and second please refer to the last quote in my rock post.

    Anyone want to bet that me, rob, Dema, and Kuro are all town? I'd put it at like 70%.

    But Kuro saying you're mafia as a fact and that Espi is innocent as a fact is absurd. We get some good information by lynching you. Either Kuro is super bad or he knows something.

    No really though, anyone that takes that list seriously is a fool. You think I'm familiar enough with people here to place them in such a list yet?

    If you don't think it should be taken seriously, why post it in a manner that is indistinguishable from a joke?
    If you know it has no quality, what is the point of it being posted?

    "Oh, yeah, this list was embarrassing and a bit of a mistake. I guess I'll lay it off as a joke, yeah!"

    Can you not?

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (2) - Kuroaitou, Demagog
    Demagog (1) - Espithel

    Can you seriously just not?

    Waiting for Kuro's descriptor until I make judgement regarding the current situation. Above vote is serious.

    This isn't a hard concept. You guys take posts waaaay too seriously. The fact that I put CleanOnion at the end of my list should make it obvious that the list shouldn't be taken seriously.

    And I'm going to do whatever I want.

    And lynching me when we have an easy way to gain a lot of information by lynching Link is just dumb. If there is a round where we won't gain any information from who we lynch, go ahead and lynch me. At least I'll die knowing you didn't kill a power role.

    Edit before post: Damn it guys stop posting so I can post.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    fabian771 (1) - Kuroaitou
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword

    Kuro said his accusation on Link was a lie... now I don't know who to vote for as I have no leads.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:53:31 pm
    Kuro, I really don't see how revealing a confirmed town helps at all. Explain.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 22, 2016, 11:54:56 pm
    Kuro, which message board post did you mean? The only two I can see with enough content are Hidden and Nojid, and I'm not seeing anything hidden there.

    Dema, bottom of the list seems apt for me.

    Link, I did.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 22, 2016, 11:55:20 pm
    Sky, I don't trust the validity of your vote enough to even comment on it, excluding this comment.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 22, 2016, 11:56:27 pm
    Onion, I don't really know what to say to you. Explain exactly why you're voting on me and I'll counter it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 22, 2016, 11:57:54 pm
    It's just that... I thought everyone would have so much fun together! And now there are onions all over the floor.

    I don't know what to do anymore...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 12:03:08 am
    It's just that... I thought everyone would have so much fun together! And now there are onions all over the floor.

    I don't know what to do anymore...

    If you ask for help, someone might have some paper towels to pick it up for you and let the party resume as normal.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou

    But then again, if you don't have a butler to do your dirty work, then maybe hosting a party all by yourself was not well-planned.

    Kuro, which message board post did you mean? The only two I can see with enough content are Hidden and Nojid, and I'm not seeing anything hidden there.

    Dema, bottom of the list seems apt for me.

    Link, I did.

    It's not just the messages that have meaning CleanOnion, and I see this as an attempt by mafia trying to fish for information from two confirmed townies now, hencewhy I'm changing my vote.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 12:06:59 am
    Sky's vote is clearly based on a legitimate read, which I agree with, especially now that Kuro who is also probably town is voting on him.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, rob77dp
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 23, 2016, 12:07:15 am
    A-Ah... Thank you...

    I have a maid, but only the one, and the mansion's rather large, so I can't really blame her for not being able to help much today...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 23, 2016, 12:08:50 am
    God, so many posts, can't believe I am finally through them. At least the nonsense-posting stopped for now.

    Here's my stupid idea:
    Wouldn't it have been better if Artemis claimed early and attracted all of the rocks, Athena's Nurse-saving move, and bricks and mortars to create a focal network? The problem is, we can't do that since apparently Pocket Sand users/Theia the Twat can then continuously figure out how to block the focus from expanding a web network.
    Athena's ability is EoR, so Artemis would die very soon. Although there will be Hades to use that ability, I do not see the use of this strategy at all. Bricks and Mortars can just as well be thrown by members of the mafia (who have no other use for them anyway); as Artemis, you have no idea who to trust here.
    Even late game when Artemis becomes nervous and wants to share his information, he can just as well post in the topic (if he got enough infos to win this way). Problem stays that Rocks/Bricks don't reveal primary roles.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 23, 2016, 12:20:38 am
    What was the method of distribution of the items? I know you stated there are 2 of each of the 4 items: 2 * 4 = 8 total items in the game among 19 players, but were they distributed randomly among the 8 players that have one item?

    Items were distributed by first choosing the item that was to be distributed, then randomizing 1-19 via random.org. No rerolls occurred, meaning any player, regardless of faction/role may have an item, and a player might have 2 or more items.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 12:26:53 am
    God, so many posts, can't believe I am finally through them. At least the nonsense-posting stopped for now.

    Here's my stupid idea:
    Athena's ability is EoR, so Artemis would die very soon. Although there will be Hades to use that ability, I do not see the use of this strategy at all. Bricks and Mortars can just as well be thrown by members of the mafia (who have no other use for them anyway); as Artemis, you have no idea who to trust here.
    Even late game when Artemis becomes nervous and wants to share his information, he can just as well post in the topic (if he got enough infos to win this way). Problem stays that Rocks/Bricks don't reveal primary roles.

    Olive Branches could be used in order to prolong Artemis' life, but then the players who have those items would be exposed as well - okay yeah, that idea was hella stupid. :P

    That being said, this right here:

    What was the method of distribution of the items? I know you stated there are 2 of each of the 4 items: 2 * 4 = 8 total items in the game among 19 players, but were they distributed randomly among the 8 players that have one item?

    Items were distributed by first choosing the item that was to be distributed, then randomizing 1-19 via random.org. No rerolls occurred, meaning any player, regardless of faction/role may have an item, and a player might have 2 or more items.

    This is insanity. What could prevent a mafia power role (like Theia, for example) from having ALL of the pocket sands and Olive Branches then?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 23, 2016, 12:27:25 am
    Inb4 Kuro has every single item in the game :P
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 12:30:52 am
    A-Ah... Thank you...

    I have a maid, but only the one, and the mansion's rather large, so I can't really blame her for not being able to help much today...

    An understandable, if not slightly embarrassing, situation. Given the economy, it can be pretty difficult to find some hired help around these parts. That doesn't mean though you shouldn't ask for help from your guests. After all - this party has barely begun, and I believe it might get even bigger as time goes on.

    Inb4 Kuro has every single item in the game :P

    *shudders at Mafia 51 memories* X_x That was awful.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 12:31:11 am
    Kuro, I really don't see how revealing a confirmed town helps at all. Explain.

    Answer this.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 12:43:47 am
    Kuro, I really don't see how revealing a confirmed town helps at all. Explain.

    Answer this.

    Several things, actually:
    -1) It removes a player off the potential lynch list, which I know is what the code-maker wants.
    -2) Given that Espithel has been, for the most part, a pretty civy-acting town, it gives townfolk a sense of allignment towards who to trust and who NOT to fully put their words into yet. Me voting on CleanOnion can be pretty dangerous, but I'm starting to see how his actions are becoming more and more scummy, so that's why my vote is staying unless I get some -serious- verification on why our votes are wrong.
    -3) Given what's going on in this game in regards to scumhunting, being able to do the reverse, or "townspotting", can equally be beneficial for townies alike, to ensure that should something happen to a 'spotlit' target, we can go back on history to see who or what was against Espithel and create new conclusions there.
    -4) Allow Artemis to focus her sights on different targets and to avoid confirmation redundancy.

    Linkcat, help sky find some napkins or something to absorb the onion grease. I can't just pick all this shit up with my hands. T_T
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 23, 2016, 12:45:28 am
    Sir, I didn't even invite Linkcat. The gate guard must have fallen asleep again.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 12:52:18 am
    Well there's nothing to be gained from pursuing this so I'm probably just going to drop it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 01:03:23 am
    Sir, I didn't even invite Linkcat. The gate guard must have fallen asleep again.

    Well, it'd be poor hospitality to not treat him the same as our other guests for the time being. ;)

    ...do you have any sponges? Or rags that your maid keeps stashed somewhere? You don't seem to be the type to have a 'WET FLOOR SIGN' available for messes. Either way, if we can barely handle this spill, think of all the possible issues that could arise once a single guest gets drunk...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 01:13:02 am
    Hmm... does anyone know Onion's voting habits? Does he often try to finalize bandwagons? That's what his vote was. Kuro may be on to something, and this goes along with my "mafia try to make bandwagons happen" theory. If Onion's vote was out of character for his typical voting behavior, I would be more inclined to vote on him.

    We usually don't see an active Kuro so I'm not sure what to make of the current situation.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 01:23:47 am
    Kuroaitou (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat

    Removing my vote for now as Kuro addressed my questions/pressure with some input and activity.

    God, so many posts, can't believe I am finally through them. At least the nonsense-posting stopped for now.

    Here's my stupid idea:
    Wouldn't it have been better if Artemis claimed early and attracted all of the rocks, Athena's Nurse-saving move, and bricks and mortars to create a focal network? The problem is, we can't do that since apparently Pocket Sand users/Theia the Twat can then continuously figure out how to block the focus from expanding a web network.
    Athena's ability is EoR, so Artemis would die very soon. Although there will be Hades to use that ability, I do not see the use of this strategy at all. Bricks and Mortars can just as well be thrown by members of the mafia (who have no other use for them anyway); as Artemis, you have no idea who to trust here.
    Even late game when Artemis becomes nervous and wants to share his information, he can just as well post in the topic (if he got enough infos to win this way). Problem stays that Rocks/Bricks don't reveal primary roles.

    Now that you are active and have read up to this point in the thread, can you give some thoughts on the various players - specifically Kuro, Lc, Dema, CleO, Espi, DC, and myself? Your post above indicates you are caught up then delves only into mechanics and such without addressing a major task of town - solving the game to find and lynch mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 23, 2016, 01:28:17 am
    What was the method of distribution of the items? I know you stated there are 2 of each of the 4 items: 2 * 4 = 8 total items in the game among 19 players, but were they distributed randomly among the 8 players that have one item?

    Items were distributed by first choosing the item that was to be distributed, then randomizing 1-19 via random.org. No rerolls occurred, meaning any player, regardless of faction/role may have an item, and a player might have 2 or more items.

    This is insanity. What could prevent a mafia power role (like Theia, for example) from having ALL of the pocket sands and Olive Branches then?
    1/19 chance over 4 trials does. We know I'm terrible at mafia hosting anyways :-X
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 01:30:24 am
    Wait, you mean this mafia contains RNG?!?!?!? I think Linkcat just ragequit.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 01:31:55 am
    Wait, you mean this mafia contains RNG?!?!?!? I think Linkcat just ragequit.

    Dema, let's play a bit of the game... :D
    Which player do you currently consider most scummy?

    Which player do you currently view most-town (excluding yourself)?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 23, 2016, 01:46:06 am
    What was the method of distribution of the items? I know you stated there are 2 of each of the 4 items: 2 * 4 = 8 total items in the game among 19 players, but were they distributed randomly among the 8 players that have one item?

    Items were distributed by first choosing the item that was to be distributed, then randomizing 1-19 via random.org. No rerolls occurred, meaning any player, regardless of faction/role may have an item, and a player might have 2 or more items.

    This is insanity. What could prevent a mafia power role (like Theia, for example) from having ALL of the pocket sands and Olive Branches then?
    1/19 chance over 4 trials does. We know I'm terrible at mafia hosting anyways :-X
    Please note that this does not confirm whether Kuro's fears are true or not.

    Wait, you mean this mafia contains RNG?!?!?!? I think Linkcat just ragequit.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 02:19:44 am
    Wait, you mean this mafia contains RNG?!?!?!? I think Linkcat just ragequit.

    Dema, let's play a bit of the game... :D
    Which player do you currently consider most scummy?

    Which player do you currently view most-town (excluding yourself)?

    I already told you I'm terrible at discerning people as "scummy." But sure I'll play along. I do find it strange that you singled me out, but whatever.

    Most scummy right now? Perhaps Kuro. He's playing very differently than I've seen him do in the past, and admitted to lying about Link. I can see this happening if Kuro is town, sure. But at the same time he also declared Espi is innocent, but I don't see how he could know. I don't believe there is any way Kuro could know unless he is Artemis, but why reveal one innocent person immediately when it's not all that likely that you'll die? So I don't think Kuro is Artemis. I have a suspicion that Kuro is mafia and playing more aggressively because he thinks we'll catch on more quickly if he tries to stay in the background. If Espi is truly town, and Kuro is mafia, K calling E town is a safe play, as mafia can kill E and all of town will say "hey, Kuro was telling the truth!" If Kuro is town, I don't know why he'd claim Espi is innocent so quickly... doesn't make sense to me.

    As for the least likely to be mafia... probably Linkcat. I don't think he'd have initially proposed the rock idea if he were mafia. I will say that if it turns out that only 1, but especially 0 rocks start circulating, the chance that Linkcat is mafia will go up. Honestly, the chance that Artemis gets a rock is extremely slim. So while the strategy is helpful, I believe it is so slight an advantage that mafia-Linkcat would decide to propose it in thread. And Linkcat is the best choice for a mafia member to propose it since he seems to propose strategies often, so it's in his character. So for now I'm giving Linkcat the benefit of the doubt, but he's marginally more town to me than the rest of you.

    I'm more inclined to base my reads on logic and how your posts affect the game than what you say. Right now, all of you lean scum, Linkcat is neutral at best, and Kuro is scum at worst.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 03:22:45 am
    Well Dema's also town, so that gives rob a 30% chance of being mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 03:44:50 am
    Ok, the only reason I could see Kuro post that Espi is innocent when Kuro is Artemis is if Kuro thinks he will be lynched... but he did it when there were what, two votes on him only? Not enough that he should have been scared in to making that play.

    We could let Kuro live one or two rounds. If mafia thinks he's Artemis, they will have to target him. If he's mafia, he won't be nightkilled. If he's vanilla and they don't think he's mafia and let him live in order to get us to lynch him, well I don't see it as a big deal, as we'll probably end up lynching him in the first half the game regardless.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 03:45:51 am
    Ebwop: "If he's vanilla and they don't think he's Artemis"
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 04:40:34 am
    Wait, you mean this mafia contains RNG?!?!?!? I think Linkcat just ragequit.

    Dema, let's play a bit of the game... :D
    Which player do you currently consider most scummy?

    Which player do you currently view most-town (excluding yourself)?

    I already told you I'm terrible at discerning people as "scummy." But sure I'll play along. I do find it strange that you singled me out, but whatever.

    Most scummy right now? Perhaps Kuro. He's playing very differently than I've seen him do in the past, and admitted to lying about Link. I can see this happening if Kuro is town, sure. But at the same time he also declared Espi is innocent, but I don't see how he could know. I don't believe there is any way Kuro could know unless he is Artemis, but why reveal one innocent person immediately when it's not all that likely that you'll die? So I don't think Kuro is Artemis. I have a suspicion that Kuro is mafia and playing more aggressively because he thinks we'll catch on more quickly if he tries to stay in the background. If Espi is truly town, and Kuro is mafia, K calling E town is a safe play, as mafia can kill E and all of town will say "hey, Kuro was telling the truth!" If Kuro is town, I don't know why he'd claim Espi is innocent so quickly... doesn't make sense to me.

    As for the least likely to be mafia... probably Linkcat. I don't think he'd have initially proposed the rock idea if he were mafia. I will say that if it turns out that only 1, but especially 0 rocks start circulating, the chance that Linkcat is mafia will go up. Honestly, the chance that Artemis gets a rock is extremely slim. So while the strategy is helpful, I believe it is so slight an advantage that mafia-Linkcat would decide to propose it in thread. And Linkcat is the best choice for a mafia member to propose it since he seems to propose strategies often, so it's in his character. So for now I'm giving Linkcat the benefit of the doubt, but he's marginally more town to me than the rest of you.

    I'm more inclined to base my reads on logic and how your posts affect the game than what you say. Right now, all of you lean scum, Linkcat is neutral at best, and Kuro is scum at worst.

    Dema, I singled you out because you seemed to be having a "burst of activity" ;) (i.e. - you posted at the time I was looking at the thread to ask around to get conversation flowing again on solving). Thanks for the response - very nice.

    Decent size town-lean on Dema for his effort and thoughts conveyed.

    Ginyu, you're still up to the mic for me... why so silent after all the effort it had to take to catch up? Howcome no reads or stances on players? No vote yet either. Can you please take some time (small input compared to that of the task you claim to have already done - catch up reading the thread) to post some ideas/thoughts on players in the game? Thanks.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 23, 2016, 05:29:05 am
    Morning, everyone. I have unearthed a rock, from the deepest mines of Mount Sinai or Olympus or whatever, I'm bad at this.

    Can we use the anonymous messageboard for posting rock things instead? That way we have a direct message as to whether or not Athena was the source rock, and we can just throw it back or something.

    2nd rock is here
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 05:39:10 am
    Are you saying that you have the other rock, or did I miss a rock claim?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 23, 2016, 05:46:07 am
    I haz rock
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 23, 2016, 06:53:40 am

    Im starting to think linkcat is being confusing on purpose.
    I think Dema's convinced me on Kuro.

    Kuroaitou (2) - iancudorinmarian, 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat

    Also, remind me why Ian voted on Kuro.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 07:43:34 am


    Also, remind me why Ian voted on Kuro.

    To get me to talk. So I talked, and I probably made the game less fun with me speaking out regarding the code cipher breaking.

    That being said, 1011686, should I die, remember who persuaded you; you can't rely on other people's reads when you play mafia, regardless of whether or not you're allied on the same team as them in other games (RS3).

    And to further counter your so-called 'convincer':

    Ok, the only reason I could see Kuro post that Espi is innocent when Kuro is Artemis is if Kuro thinks he will be lynched... but he did it when there were what, two votes on him only? Not enough that he should have been scared in to making that play.

    We could let Kuro live one or two rounds. If mafia thinks he's Artemis, they will have to target him. If he's mafia, he won't be nightkilled. If he's vanilla and they don't think he's mafia and let him live in order to get us to lynch him, well I don't see it as a big deal, as we'll probably end up lynching him in the first half the game regardless.

    The problem with the red statement is that in mafia, bandwagons can happen very quickly for any player who doesn't speak up before the deadline, given how easily people can switch/apply their vote from a few pretty words. As someone who just so happened to figure out vital information at a time like this, I realized that the long-game always favors the mafia when you have very few investigative roles and anti-nightkill abilities, so the faster we get out information (ANY information, including information that is spelled out anonymously, rather than from the policeman themselves), the better it is for townies to win.

    To the yellow: You know what's very mafia like? Targeting players who have found clues from the public messages to confirm people and narrow down the pool of suspects. There's four mafia this game (I think), which means that the sooner a player can read a scum, the better it is to avoid having the game thrown.

    But the most hilarious of your statement comes in lime green: if it's the mafia, they will obviously know I'm not mafia if they assume I'm a vanilla town! :P

    Which then leads to the magenta statement: WIFOM conflicts aside, they're damned if they do target me because they obviously don't know who the real Artemis is, which in turn will allow me (and other more savy players) to crack the codes and find the network of confirmed townsfolk if they don't. What's interesting is the amount of spin you're trying to pull on me despite my more unorthodox strategy (and ACTUAL investigative capabilities outside of roles); Demagog, I don't want to say you're mafia, but you certainly are spelling out a lot of mistakes (not literal, thank you for your grammar) in your own analysis of me and what's going on.

    Keep at it with the rock throwing ideas; your scumhunting, as you said before, is bad, but that never stopped you from finding mafia in previous games with your exploits. Your excuses only make you look sloppy as another potential vanilla townie who is trying to avoid death - if you're mafia, well, you certainly made it a lot easier with your 'lists' and ridiculous statements that people have called you out on (Linkcat, Espithel, and now me).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 07:54:38 am
    Kuro, did you read the whole thread?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 23, 2016, 07:56:17 am
    I'd just like to say i think all day 1 reads are unreliable.
    I still think lynching somebody is better than nobody though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 23, 2016, 08:05:11 am
    Quote from: Kuroaitou
    [quote author=CleanOnion link=topic=62664.msg1242148#msg1242148 date=1471910096
    Kuro, which message board post did you mean? The only two I can see with enough content are Hidden and Nojid, and I'm not seeing anything hidden there.

    Dema, bottom of the list seems apt for me.

    Link, I did.

    It's not just the messages that have meaning CleanOnion, and I see this as an attempt by mafia trying to fish for information from two confirmed townies now, hencewhy I'm changing my vote.

    I... what? Seriously?
    You know what, go right ahead. If that makes me scummy then excuse me for being curious about your breadcrumbs. It's just as easy for you to be mafia leaving clues for other mafia.

    quote author=Demagog link=topic=62664.msg1242166#msg1242166 date=1471914782]
    Hmm... does anyone know Onion's voting habits? Does he often try to finalize bandwagons? That's what his vote was. Kuro may be on to something, and this goes along with my "mafia try to make bandwagons happen" theory. If Onion's vote was out of character for his typical voting behavior, I would be more inclined to vote on him.

    We usually don't see an active Kuro so I'm not sure what to make of the current situation.

    Probably not, seeing as I haven't played in many and the last one was rp-fuelled rubbish. But do try to guess

    Prolly won't be back until a good few hours into the night phase, sorry I can't comment more on stuff
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 23, 2016, 08:05:40 am
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 23, 2016, 09:54:02 am
    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian

    I still think fabian is way too silent though. Unsure about CleO yet.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 23, 2016, 09:55:26 am
    EBWOP: Kuro convinced me being mostly town btw. Demagog also looks town-y, Linkcat is on the edge atm, but mostly on the mafia side and rob, I don't know yet either.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 23, 2016, 12:02:06 pm
    Kuro did you even read we have 3 mafia, you goofball
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 12:22:01 pm
    Is this one of those pretend to not be mafia by not knowing a key fact about mafia strats?

    He also ignored my ebwop...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 23, 2016, 01:19:41 pm
    Apologies for my lateness, my tea must be cold by now, I hope it wouldn't be too much trouble for Sky to put another pot on.

     I feel reasonably confident on both Demagog and Espithel being town, so I'm confused about Espithel's vote against him.

    Linkcat and Rob are both playing rather aggressively. I'll be keeping a close eye on what they both have to say, as they can pull out valuable information, but I'm also wary of both, as I don't know which side they're trying to gather information for.

    I don't think any of the 4 above should be lynched for now.

    Kuro has responded well to the accusations against him, CleanOnion has not, so I might be inclined to throw my lynch vote there nearer the end of the day.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 23, 2016, 01:24:05 pm
    Is this one of those pretend to not be mafia by not knowing a key fact about mafia strats?

    He also ignored my ebwop...

    Link also made that error(?) like 10 pages back. I'm not sure... Kuro seems like he's trying too hard
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 02:28:31 pm
    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (1) - Espithel
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp

    Pressuring Ginyu...

    I'm looking back into posts so far this game from players in the bottom half of posting-activity and something is still unsettling to me about Ginyu's entrance to the game "Hey there, people. Who's mafia?" (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1241762/#msg1241762) as well as the deafening silence (one post every other calendar day is not that helpful to town early in the game) of a player I think can provide some insight/reads on the current point in the game.

    Ginyu - can you give a brief run-down of your stance towards players in the game (specifically the active players but not necessarily excluding the inactive players) and who you're thinking of voting for and why?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 23, 2016, 03:39:04 pm
    I think Ginyu would avoid being a quiet mafia two games in a row, which makes me think he's town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 23, 2016, 03:41:14 pm
    Curse you, rob. Making me actually interested in this mafia. I wanted to wallow in self-pity about the last game.

    On my to do list - re-read last mafia from start to finish to get a better read on how some players play as mafia.

    My reads so far (let me know if anyone wants me to give thoughts on someone I leave out of this list):

    Reason for town lean: Very active, not just bread-posting, but prodding other players
    Reason for mafia lean: Played the exact same way last game, no actual strategy stuff - only things that look like they help town without actually contributing much on their own
    Reason for town lean: I'd be surprised if he rolled mafia again and played the exact same way as he did last game
    Reason for mafia lean: Why not play the same way? It's just WIFOM anyway
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans town. But not by much.

    Reason for town lean: Rock throwing idea. I have a hard time believing he would come up with this as mafia.
    Reason for mafia lean: If mafia started with one or both rocks, it makes him look town without really helping that much. Very interested to see if we get any rock claims D1, since I haven't seen one yet...
    Reason for town lean: Most of his posts are, as usual, logical and seem to have a purpose. The scum read on rob seemed strange, but once he explained it, it made more sense.
    Reason for mafia lean: "70% chance we're all mafia" is scummy. No way of knowing this early, but might be useful to refer back to that list later on if any of them flip mafia, esp Link.
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans mafia. But not by much.

    Reason for town lean: Making reads from the board and sharing with town in a way that seems to make sense/be beneficial
    Reason for mafia lean: He could be making that up just to give fellow-mafia-Espi more time, avoid investigations, etc.
    Reason for town/mafia lean: Same as Link's strategy on rob, but on a short term. Claiming Link as for sure mafia just to get a read on him (and other players) is generally beneficial to town, esp when not dragged out too long (see: Link/rob)
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans town by a decent bit.

    Reason for town lean: ...I don't really have any. Except someone (I forget who) claimed he was the most town leaning player. Still, that doesn't give him any credit in this area if it isn't a confirmed town saying it.
    Reason for mafia lean: The "list". His excuses don't really give him much of a defense for this. Sure, I can tell that it's not an "expert" list, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't serve a purpose for mafia and 0 purpose for town.
    Reason for mafia lean: Jumping onto Link's rock throwing plan. As mafia, he gets a lot of benefit of being a "part" of the town plan, without having actually contributed much to the core idea.
    Reason for mafia lean: Jumped on Kuro's "hard claim" of Link being mafia without waiting for the evidence (ofc, there wasn't any). This kind of voting is detrimental to town (as we saw last game) whether he is mafia or not.
    Reason for mafia lean: "You can lynch me b/c I'm useless" is a safe play by mafia. It shows that you don't care if you are lynched, making you (subtly) seem town.
    Maybe more, but I read so much to get caught up I'm gonna stick with these for now. Also of note - if Dema flips mafia, we need to go back and look at everyone who said Dema seemed town and re-evaluate our reads on them. (True for anyone, but since I think he's most likely to be mafia, seemed worth saying.)
    Conclusion: Leaning mafia to me. Throwing my vote on him as a result.

    I think Ginyu would avoid being a quiet mafia two games in a row, which makes me think he's town.

    WIFOM, right? Like, ofc he'd avoid it if he's mafia. So he's probably town. But if he's mafia, he can safely play that way b/c it'll make him look town. (I pointed this out about rob, too.) I don't think it makes them look scummy, but it doesn't make them look town, either.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 23, 2016, 03:41:37 pm
    Derp. Vote.

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 23, 2016, 03:43:17 pm
    Triple post to say that while I am tempted to join sky and Kuro and Link b/c they are all good players and sky & Kuro seem to lean town and Link is on the fence so maybe he's town, too, I'm voting with my best instinct b/c if I learned anything from last game, it's to not join trains just b/c you think you trust those that are already on it. Or b/c you're lazy. Heck, even 100% confirmed players can be wrong.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 23, 2016, 04:40:16 pm
    A few people have said rocks are unclaimed. Sera and DoubleCapitals claimed them. Make sure you'read not skipping over things, otherwise we'll be mislynching and starting claims on incorrect evidence.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 05:04:52 pm
    Curse you, rob. Making me actually interested in this mafia. I wanted to wallow in self-pity about the last game.

    On my to do list - re-read last mafia from start to finish to get a better read on how some players play as mafia.

    My reads so far (let me know if anyone wants me to give thoughts on someone I leave out of this list):

    Reason for town lean: Very active, not just bread-posting, but prodding other players
    Reason for mafia lean: Played the exact same way last game, no actual strategy stuff - only things that look like they help town without actually contributing much on their own To paraphrase a favorite player of mine: "I plan to hang around gathering input/information and then late-game make sick reads and win for town."
    Reason for town lean: I'd be surprised if he rolled mafia again and played the exact same way as he did last game
    Reason for mafia lean: Why not play the same way? It's just WIFOM anyway
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans town. But not by much. I'm Ok with this...

    Reason for town lean: Rock throwing idea. I have a hard time believing he would come up with this as mafia.
    Reason for mafia lean: If mafia started with one or both rocks, it makes him look town without really helping that much. Very interested to see if we get any rock claims D1, since I haven't seen one yet... Sera  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242129/#msg1242129)and D (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242182/#msg1242182)C (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242184/#msg1242184) have claimed to have rocks during this Day 1.
    Reason for town lean: Most of his posts are, as usual, logical and seem to have a purpose. The scum read on rob seemed strange, but once he explained it, it made more sense.
    Reason for mafia lean: "70% chance we're all mafia" is scummy. No way of knowing this early, but might be useful to refer back to that list later on if any of them flip mafia, esp Link.
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans mafia. But not by much. I'm Ok with this too...

    Reason for town lean: Making reads from the board and sharing with town in a way that seems to make sense/be beneficial
    Reason for mafia lean: He could be making that up just to give fellow-mafia-Espi more time, avoid investigations, etc.
    Reason for town/mafia lean: Same as Link's strategy on rob, but on a short term. Claiming Link as for sure mafia just to get a read on him (and other players) is generally beneficial to town, esp when not dragged out too long (see: Link/rob)
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans town by a decent bit.

    Reason for town lean: ...I don't really have any. Except someone (I forget who) claimed he was the most town leaning player. Still, that doesn't give him any credit in this area if it isn't a confirmed town saying it.
    Reason for mafia lean: The "list". His excuses don't really give him much of a defense for this. Sure, I can tell that it's not an "expert" list, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't serve a purpose for mafia and 0 purpose for town.
    Reason for mafia lean: Jumping onto Link's rock throwing plan. As mafia, he gets a lot of benefit of being a "part" of the town plan, without having actually contributed much to the core idea.
    Reason for mafia lean: Jumped on Kuro's "hard claim" of Link being mafia without waiting for the evidence (ofc, there wasn't any). This kind of voting is detrimental to town (as we saw last game) whether he is mafia or not.
    Reason for mafia lean: "You can lynch me b/c I'm useless" is a safe play by mafia. It shows that you don't care if you are lynched, making you (subtly) seem town.
    Maybe more, but I read so much to get caught up I'm gonna stick with these for now. Also of note - if Dema flips mafia, we need to go back and look at everyone who said Dema seemed town and re-evaluate our reads on them. (True for anyone, but since I think he's most likely to be mafia, seemed worth saying.)
    Conclusion: Leaning mafia to me. Throwing my vote on him as a result.
    BANG on here, I had been leaning Dema town but couldn't put my finger on just why it was "feeling not quite right". The quick-jump onto the Kuro fake-claim of Link-as-mafia (at least Kuro is now saying it was fake claim) and the "I don't care" despite finally being able to live past Night 0? Those are the things I was hanging on about my read on Dema.

    I think Ginyu would avoid being a quiet mafia two games in a row, which makes me think he's town.

    WIFOM, right? Like, ofc he'd avoid it if he's mafia. So he's probably town. But if he's mafia, he can safely play that way b/c it'll make him look town. (I pointed this out about rob, too.) I don't think it makes them look scummy, but it doesn't make them look town, either.
    If Ginyu can come back in a manner that eases my misgivings on what I've outlined from my view on him then I expect my vote would, as things stand now, move onto Demagog.
    My comments are in the spoiler, do please expand and read at least once.

    Add-on comment just occurred to me:
    If those of us active right now and looking at each other with a scrutinizing eye (there are more than 3 of us I put in this category and we we KNOW at least N - 3 are town) and cannot pin a strong mafia-vibe or lean on -one- of us then what are the thoughts on the idea that ALL of us are town and _all three_ mafioso are in the quiet/newcomer bunch and a little intimidated about no "experienced" player being in their team of 3-out-of-19?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 23, 2016, 05:29:05 pm
    So you believe yhat the RavingRabbid night kill was a choice of inexperience, rather than to cause confusion and doubt?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 05:50:33 pm
    So you believe yhat the RavingRabbid night kill was a choice of inexperience, rather than to cause confusion and doubt?

    I would presume you mean me (most recent previous post) but I'm not sure how your question applies to me. Can you clarify the question and/or the target of the inquiry (by using 'quote' or typing a member name at the start of the question)?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 23, 2016, 08:55:03 pm
    Sorry about the rocks thing. I didn't catch that Sera's comment was him claiming to have a rock (looked like bread at a glance), and I wrote my stuff up before being fully caught up on the thread and forgot to updated it after I read DC's post. Oops.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 09:49:26 pm
    For those of you that received a rock, you may be able to reasonably assume that whoever threw it to you is not mafia. If mafia had the rocks, they likely would have held on to it the whole game. That being said, they could have also realized we might assume this of whoever threw rocks in the first round, and decided to take the slim risk that Artemis would ever get a rock. So don't believe they are completely innocent, but for now you probably should suspect them less than other people.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 10:02:13 pm
    Kuro did you even read we have 3 mafia, you goofball
    Kuro, did you read the whole thread?

    Yes now I did - I miscounted the total by one, so that was my fault. I've been reading the more bulky posts and arguments between players to get actual reads, rather than the Q&A issues (which, by the way, Solaris -STILL- hasn't updated his original post with). :|

    So you believe that the RavingRabbid night kill was a choice of inexperience, rather than to cause confusion and doubt?

    Hm... rob: I think Ryli wanted to know if you think RR's kill was more about inexperience rather than confusion/doubt in regards to 'kill priority' list that Demagog conjured on Night 0.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 10:05:44 pm
    EBWOP: Okay, clearly this mafia is taking a toll on me mentally, because I forgot about the 1:5 ratio discussion we talked about earlier. Wow.

    Side note - where you at fabian? danil? dawn to dusk?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 23, 2016, 10:06:38 pm
    Are you seriously asking where dawn is as if he ever exists ever
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 10:06:53 pm

    In doing a few more basic level ISO's, I was looking at the top of the player-post-count list and in your ISO I was left wanting some more from you so I could try to develop a better read.

    1. List the 3 most likely mafia players, in your view, from the current living player pool.

    2. Which 4 players do you think are most likely town, in your opinion?

    3. Pass on the above items #1 and #2 to at least one player among DC, Espi, or sky.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 23, 2016, 10:09:55 pm
    Why DC, Espithel, or Sky?

    Yeah, that essentially just narrows down the nightkill to three targets, especially given how one of them is CONFIRMEDtm.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 23, 2016, 10:19:47 pm
    Why DC, Espithel, or Sky?

    Yeah, that essentially just narrows down the nightkill to three targets, especially given how one of them is CONFIRMEDtm.


    Who is confirmed mechanically? nobody but myself for me...

    That trio describes the highest posters that have not given content at a level I feel comfortable "reading" or attempting to read excluding myself and the host.

    Lc - plenty of posts I feel Ok trying to read
    Dema - plenty of posts I feel Ok trying to read
    DC - on my list passed to CleO
    Espi - on my list passed to CleO
    CleO - is CleO
    sky - on my list passed to CleO
    Kuro - plenty of posts I feel Ok trying to read
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 10:23:40 pm
    Hey, if you guys need to kill me so that you can see I was being 100% truthful, go ahead. My only criteria is that in future games you never think I'm mafia for supporting someone else's hard claim (Kuro's post was a hard claim even if it was a lie) or for saying I don't care if I die. If I get a pure vanilla role, I am smart enough to understand that a lynch is better on me if we have nothing to go on. I think we do have this game to go on right now though. And I don't have to care about dying to call people idiots when they lynch me and all my actions have been super pro-town. I'm just saying that because that has always been something I've done. Any of you that are voting on me at this point in the game when there are better options than me are idiots.

    Kuro was the only reason I voted on Link, and now Link is the person I am most inclined to see as town.

    Also, I am really feeling DoubleC is mafia... just a hunch. If I do end up dead, check him out for me?

    I will look at who to vote on in a bit. Obviously it will have to be on someone to keep myself alive.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 10:24:51 pm
    Ebwop: phone failed a bit in that first paragraph but I think you can figure out what I was trying to say.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 23, 2016, 10:31:44 pm

    In doing a few more basic level ISO's, I was looking at the top of the player-post-count list and in your ISO I was left wanting some more from you so I could try to develop a better read.

    1. List the 3 most likely mafia players, in your view, from the current living player pool.

    2. Which 4 players do you think are most likely town, in your opinion?

    3. Pass on the above items #1 and #2 to at least one player among DC, Espi, or sky.
    Uh... who's confirmed?

    1. Um. I'm not good at this.
    I literally do not have any reads at the minute. I haven't thoroughly read through in a while and I don't know what's changed or who's said what.

    2. See 1.

    3. Uh, I'll take you, robby, and sky, just because I'm curious to see the answers.

    If it's any help to anyone, I used Brick and Mortar last night
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 10:43:12 pm
    Hey Kuro, any chance we could get some kind of spreadsheet with how often people have correct reads? It can be sectioned by rounds. It's easier to correctly call out a mafia later in the game so players that live longer would have a better % if it was just one percentage that we used.

    That way I can point to out how bad people are at their reads. You can probably put it on that mafia awards spreadsheet.

    And if anyone has significantly better reads it would make me more inclined to believe them. As often as I am falsely accused, I never believe reads people make here.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 23, 2016, 10:45:48 pm
    So you believe that the RavingRabbid night kill was a choice of inexperience, rather than to cause confusion and doubt?

    Hm... rob: I think Ryli wanted to know if you think RR's kill was more about inexperience rather than confusion/doubt in regards to 'kill priority' list that Demagog conjured on Night 0.

    I feel a mafia of 3 inexperienced players would have picked out a player higher on Demagog's list, feeling more threatened by them than a hardened mafia player.

    I'm sure someone had a reason for targeting RR, and it wasn't just a case of "no info let's dice roll it", what kind of suspicions were they trying to cause, and why?

    Maybe I'm just putting too much significance on this issue. Barking up the wrong tree, or even just barking mad.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 23, 2016, 10:49:39 pm
    Hey Kuro, any chance we could get some kind of spreadsheet with how often people have correct reads? It can be sectioned by rounds. It's easier to correctly call out a mafia later in the game so players that live longer would have a better % if it was just one percentage that we used.

    That way I can point to out how bad people are at their reads. You can probably put it on that mafia awards spreadsheet.

    And if anyone has significantly better reads it would make me more inclined to believe them. As often as I am falsely accused, I never believe reads people make here.

    That's way too complex; how does one define 'a read'? There's also no way I'm going to do that for the previous mafias given how long some of them are (...Linkcat X_x), but if you want to check it yourself and provide the statistics, then by all means, do so. You might get the FGO position if you're that dedicated. :P

    That being said, I suppose I was being way too harsh on you in regards to your professed scumhunting, and I'm sorry about that. But the yellow-blue statements that I made in my multi-colored fabulous post have a reason and merit. Even if you don't trust me, that's fine - if you watch the day's public anonymous board, you'll hopefully be able to see some new patterns instead of a board with just shitposting.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 23, 2016, 10:58:13 pm
    Still haven't decided who to vote on... can someone give me the reasoning for CO again? My current suspicions are DoubleC (he gives me a hesitant feel), Danil (posted the I'm new line and seems to have disappeared but I could be wrong), and Kuro for reasons I've already mentioned.

    Not sure who else to vote on because I don't expect anyone to agree based on so little... although you guys are listening to UTALAN and his reasoning is terrible too...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 24, 2016, 12:24:51 am
    I would also like to know the reasoning behind the 3(!) votes against CO
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 24, 2016, 03:04:21 am
    That's an easy one. He spilled onions all over the floor.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 03:37:33 am
    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
    danil (1) - Demagog

    If I'm in danger of dying I'll probably swap to whoever will keep me alive... going to bed in a few minutes and I may not have time to get on before the deadline to change the vote though... danil isn't my strongest hunch, but I believe most of you would be most willing to vote on danil over my other hunches at this time. DoubleC is probably my primary just for the feeling I got of his posting feeling very restrained.

    Onion, if someone ties you and me together, I'm going to have to vote on you... sorry bud <3. You can vote on danil with me and maybe some other people will join us and you'll get to live.

    Also, apologies UTA, I had to skim through the thread while at work all day and forgot it was Espi that initially voted on me, so I should have brought him up instead of you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 03:40:51 am
    My posting seems restrained only because of the bombardment of posts especially by high-skilled players, and i dont know, sifting through shit and coming up with useful reads, which I terribly suck at, is hard. Even in the MS forums where I tried my hand I got overwhelmed quickly
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 03:42:22 am
    Contrast with the previous mafia where a) I didn't give a shit at all and b) had next to no suspicion as mafia and could afford to do a)

    I'd admit I seem like an empty vessel sometimes. Maybe I am.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 03:47:37 am
    One of the reasons I'm voting on danil over you is that I don't know if this restrained behavior I'm picking up on is typical of you or not. You say it is, perhaps someone else can verify. I, myself, have spent the last several games establishing a pattern of behavior I can use every game. Except last game where I accurately roleplayed mathman101. At some point I'll get to act exactly like I have this game and no one will be able to make a read at all.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 24, 2016, 04:55:18 am
    I still stand by my opinion on Demagog being town, so I feel my best options are to help push a majority vote on CO. or side with Demagog against Danil. It's a tough decision with so little to go on, but here's my vote:

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 05:14:02 am
    If Onion is mafia then his partners are doing a really shitty job of keeping him not dead. It makes no sense to me. I really just want to lynch the scummiest player right now, even if it's rob. He was probably dying tonight anyway if he's town.

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

    Town circle so far is me, Dema, Kuro, Espi, Onion, and UTA. I want to note though that nobody should ever townread Dema, so act like he's not on that list.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 05:33:28 am
    Curse you, rob. Making me actually interested in this mafia. I wanted to wallow in self-pity about the last game.

    On my to do list - re-read last mafia from start to finish to get a better read on how some players play as mafia.

    My reads so far (let me know if anyone wants me to give thoughts on someone I leave out of this list):
    I want to see your thoughts on Sera and DC.

    Reason for town lean: Very active, not just bread-posting, but prodding other players
    Reason for mafia lean: Played the exact same way last game, no actual strategy stuff - only things that look like they help town without actually contributing much on their own
    Reason for town lean: I'd be surprised if he rolled mafia again and played the exact same way as he did last game
    Reason for mafia lean: Why not play the same way? It's just WIFOM anyway
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans town. But not by much.
    Townreading rob is also something you should never do.

    Reason for town lean: Rock throwing idea. I have a hard time believing he would come up with this as mafia.
    Reason for mafia lean: If mafia started with one or both rocks, it makes him look town without really helping that much. Very interested to see if we get any rock claims D1, since I haven't seen one yet...
    It's already been pointed out, but DC and Sera have the rocks. These being the same two players I asked for reads on is purely coincidental.
    Reason for town lean: Most of his posts are, as usual, logical and seem to have a purpose. The scum read on rob seemed strange, but once he explained it, it made more sense.
    Reason for mafia lean: "70% chance we're all mafia" is scummy. No way of knowing this early, but might be useful to refer back to that list later on if any of them flip mafia, esp Link.
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans mafia. But not by much.
    Pretty sure you meant to say "70% chance we're all town", which was a meta joke based on the trend that early squabbling tends to be among all town.

    Reason for town lean: Making reads from the board and sharing with town in a way that seems to make sense/be beneficial
    Reason for mafia lean: He could be making that up just to give fellow-mafia-Espi more time, avoid investigations, etc.
    Reason for town/mafia lean: Same as Link's strategy on rob, but on a short term. Claiming Link as for sure mafia just to get a read on him (and other players) is generally beneficial to town, esp when not dragged out too long (see: Link/rob)
    Conclusion: Right now, I think he leans town by a decent bit.

    Reason for town lean: ...I don't really have any. Except someone (I forget who) claimed he was the most town leaning player. Still, that doesn't give him any credit in this area if it isn't a confirmed town saying it.
    This might be the most hilarious thing I've read in this thread since it was Dema himself that said he was the most townread player.
    Reason for mafia lean: The "list". His excuses don't really give him much of a defense for this. Sure, I can tell that it's not an "expert" list, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't serve a purpose for mafia and 0 purpose for town.
    It didn't say anything to mafia or town that they didn't already know.
    Reason for mafia lean: Jumping onto Link's rock throwing plan. As mafia, he gets a lot of benefit of being a "part" of the town plan, without having actually contributed much to the core idea.
    If you're trying to pocket me by saying this, you're succeeding.
    Reason for mafia lean: Jumped on Kuro's "hard claim" of Link being mafia without waiting for the evidence (ofc, there wasn't any). This kind of voting is detrimental to town (as we saw last game) whether he is mafia or not.
    Reason for mafia lean: "You can lynch me b/c I'm useless" is a safe play by mafia. It shows that you don't care if you are lynched, making you (subtly) seem town.
    He said this before when he was town.
    Maybe more, but I read so much to get caught up I'm gonna stick with these for now. Also of note - if Dema flips mafia, we need to go back and look at everyone who said Dema seemed town and re-evaluate our reads on them. (True for anyone, but since I think he's most likely to be mafia, seemed worth saying.)
    Conclusion: Leaning mafia to me. Throwing my vote on him as a result.

    I think Ginyu would avoid being a quiet mafia two games in a row, which makes me think he's town.

    WIFOM, right? Like, ofc he'd avoid it if he's mafia. So he's probably town. But if he's mafia, he can safely play that way b/c it'll make him look town. (I pointed this out about rob, too.) I don't think it makes them look scummy, but it doesn't make them look town, either.
    There's no reason for him to do that based on a single postgame comment 3 mafias ago.

    We've never seen this UTA before, but I like it. It feels like he's trying to make up for what happened last mafia. Like he was planning on playing slowly but once prodded he started channeling his desire to win.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 24, 2016, 05:46:03 am


    If it's any help to anyone, I used Brick and Mortar last night

    ...on night 0.
    was that really the best idea.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 05:47:13 am
    Haha ya I when I read that one part I was like "wasn't it me that said I was most townlike? Maybe I missed a post..." forgot to hunt through for anyone else saying that after I got off work today.

    And I'm glad there is at least one person that pays attention to how I play, thanks Link!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 05:54:56 am
    If Onion is mafia then his partners are doing a really shitty job of keeping him not dead. It makes no sense to me. I really just want to lynch the scummiest player right now, even if it's rob. He was probably dying tonight anyway if he's town.

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

    Town circle so far is me, Dema, Kuro, Espi, Onion, and UTA. I want to note though that nobody should ever townread Dema, so act like he's not on that list.

    I have a hard time swallowing your line here. I would expect town/Lc to aim to lynch a scummy player believed to have a chance to flip mafia. If I am the scummiest player right now in your opinion how does that jive with you also stating here that you think mafia will NK me? Mafia would very very rarely choose to NK scummy-leaning players. Also, if you truly believed mafia will NK me tonight then you wouldn't be "saving them a NK" here by legitimately wanting me lynched.

    Good players that are town don't mislynch players they think are town. You are a good player; you are voting on me; you also claim I am a high-NK priority which should mean you consider me town. I look forward to you reviewing this and clarifying or adding to what you stated previously on your argument for voting on me (you consider me scummy/mafia) while also thinking I will be NK'd tonight (you consider mafia to know I am town).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 06:05:52 am
    If Onion is mafia then his partners are doing a really shitty job of keeping him not dead. It makes no sense to me. I really just want to lynch the scummiest player right now, even if it's rob. He was probably dying tonight anyway if he's town.

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - rob77dp
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

    Town circle so far is me, Dema, Kuro, Espi, Onion, and UTA. I want to note though that nobody should ever townread Dema, so act like he's not on that list.

    I have a hard time swallowing your line here. I would expect town/Lc to aim to lynch a scummy player believed to have a chance to flip mafia. If I am the scummiest player right now in your opinion how does that jive with you also stating here that you think mafia will NK me? Mafia would very very rarely choose to NK scummy-leaning players. Also, if you truly believed mafia will NK me tonight then you wouldn't be "saving them a NK" here by legitimately wanting me lynched.

    Good players that are town don't mislynch players they think are town. You are a good player; you are voting on me; you also claim I am a high-NK priority which should mean you consider me town. I look forward to you reviewing this and clarifying or adding to what you stated previously on your argument for voting on me (you consider me scummy/mafia) while also thinking I will be NK'd tonight (you consider mafia to know I am town).

    Rob, please try. This isn't even fun anymore.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 06:12:24 am
    I agree that voting on rob when you think he will be nightkilled is a bit off. On the other hand, saying someone is a high nightkill priority is not saying you think they are town. It's saying that if they are town, mafia is more likely to kill them, and that we should become increasingly suspect of players that are higher priority as they continue to live.

    Want to know what I think is the true strength of the pseudo-list I made? We can lynch players lower on the list, and mafia will be forced at some point to go after those higher on it. It doesn't matter if the list is accurate, we gain knowledge by how they use it. Will they leave up some higher listed players so that we will be suspicious and use late-game lynches on them? Of course. But by then, hopefully Artemis will have ID'd that person or people and we will know. And the fact that the list isn't very accuratemeans we don't lose all our valuable members. No plan is perfect, but I want to try this one. It may end up completely useless but at least it is making the game more interesting.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 06:27:18 am
    I can't tell if Dema understood it or not but I made this helpful flowchart anyway.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 24, 2016, 06:31:59 am
    ...I continue to be confused.

    Also i made the bottom post on the last page but AP missed it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 06:33:15 am
    Just vote on rob and you'll be fine.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 06:34:53 am
    That flowchart is not helpful.

    The more I re-read Night 0 and Day 1 up to this point the more I see Lc as playing less like his town/Linkcat style.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 06:39:50 am
    You don't have a very accurate idea of my town game. This is me overtowning my town game. The only thing that's different is the surprisingly low number of votes on me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 06:59:35 am
    You don't have a very accurate idea of my town game. This is me overtowning my town game. The only thing that's different is the surprisingly low number of votes on me.

    Thanks for leaving me to janitorial duty for the party. I should tell sky that even if though you broke in, you didn't even bother to act as voluntary hired help.

    I don't know where the rob accusations came from still (or what post caused him to get fired up on Ginyu even), but let's say that rob is a mafia. What do you think the odds are of CleanOnion and rob77dp being on the same mafia team? What are their tells?

    Their lack of interaction so far could be a clue into disassociating themselves away from each other so as to ensure that mafia don't get sniped one by one in succession, but it I'm not seeing that. I'm kind of tempted to take my vote off of CleanOnion, but then again, his defense post felt a bit... sloppy.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 07:02:49 am
    What defense post?

    If rob is mafia with Onion, then he's leaving him out to dry while he knows that he's getting lynched himself eventually. Rob wouldn't do that with only 1 other mafia partner.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:22:54 am
    Blame it on an inability to read accurately if you want to and I end up wrong but right now I lean Lc as mafia from these observations/reads/opinions:

    - I think mafia/Lc would tunnel town/rob in a manner like he is so far (N0 and D1).
    - I think town/Lc would spread around the interrogation more than this.
    - I believe mafia/Lc would be bold enough to suggest the mildly helpful rock strategy/plan (granted, so would town/Lc).
    - I believe mafia/Lc would be bold enough to suppose to not NK Dema or myself while planning to instead challenge himself to mis-lynch us (seems I might be the D1 target if so?).
    - I think town/Lc would not go after this aggressive line on me so early with the limited reason/argument given so far.

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, rob77dp
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

    While I still really want to see Ginyu get more involved, I hesitated to put this vote on Lc this long because I felt early-in-the-day it was OMGUS but now I feel substantiated enough (despite it only being somewhat thin reads like thoughts, ideas, and opinions of Linkcat's play so far rather than factual mistakes or highly-visible scum-tells from him -- he is way better a player than to make those sort of mistakes any way) to justify voting it.

    I'm sure many will read this vote as evidence that somehow CleO and I are connected (which this early in the game typically means a scum lean) but suffice it to say that with players already stating they _suspect_ CleO and I of being mates that I would not make this vote without clear purpose/drive behind it.

    You don't have a very accurate idea of my town game. This is me overtowning my town game. The only thing that's different is the surprisingly low number of votes on me.

    Thanks for leaving me to janitorial duty for the party. I should tell sky that even if though you broke in, you didn't even bother to act as voluntary hired help.

    I don't know where the rob accusations came from still (or what post caused him to get fired up on Ginyu even), but let's say that rob is a mafia. What do you think the odds are of CleanOnion and rob77dp being on the same mafia team? What are their tells?

    Their lack of interaction so far could be a clue into disassociating themselves away from each other so as to ensure that mafia don't get sniped one by one in succession, but it I'm not seeing that. I'm kind of tempted to take my vote off of CleanOnion, but then again, his defense post felt a bit... sloppy.

    This is a false assertion:

    In doing a few more basic level ISO's, I was looking at the top of the player-post-count list and in your ISO I was left wanting some more from you so I could try to develop a better read.

    1. List the 3 most likely mafia players, in your view, from the current living player pool.

    2. Which 4 players do you think are most likely town, in your opinion?

    3. Pass on the above items #1 and #2 to at least one player among DC, Espi, or sky.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 07:26:04 am
    The fact that rob can't see that I'm town is honestly what's bothering me the most right now.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:27:26 am
    The fact that rob can't see that I'm town is honestly what's bothering me the most right now.

    Same ol' song and dance is likely in play here -- I am vexed by your inability to see me as town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 07:29:08 am
    What defense post?

    If rob is mafia with Onion, then he's leaving him out to dry while he knows that he's getting lynched himself eventually. Rob wouldn't do that with only 1 other mafia partner.

    Quote from: Kuroaitou
    Kuro, which message board post did you mean? The only two I can see with enough content are Hidden and Nojid, and I'm not seeing anything hidden there.

    Dema, bottom of the list seems apt for me.

    Link, I did.

    It's not just the messages that have meaning CleanOnion, and I see this as an attempt by mafia trying to fish for information from two confirmed townies now, hencewhy I'm changing my vote.

    I... what? Seriously?
    You know what, go right ahead. If that makes me scummy then excuse me for being curious about your breadcrumbs. It's just as easy for you to be mafia leaving clues for other mafia.

    Hmm... does anyone know Onion's voting habits? Does he often try to finalize bandwagons? That's what his vote was. Kuro may be on to something, and this goes along with my "mafia try to make bandwagons happen" theory. If Onion's vote was out of character for his typical voting behavior, I would be more inclined to vote on him.

    We usually don't see an active Kuro so I'm not sure what to make of the current situation.

    Probably not, seeing as I haven't played in many and the last one was rp-fuelled rubbish. But do try to guess

    Prolly won't be back until a good few hours into the night phase, sorry I can't comment more on stuff

    The reason why I say it's a sloppy defense post is of one main reason: in the spoiler-

    For the orange: mafia players WOULD NOT use the anonymous board to leave clues for their partners. Since this isn't a mafia where all the mafia players are divided up and need to use a 'Search' function to figure out who else is a mafia/titan, all they would do is just talk to each other on their own host-provided pad and communicate with each other in private. They wouldn't have to resort to public encryption in the first place in order to try to help their faction; townies however would.

    This push on rob... ugh. I don't know if I should follow it or not, given that I'm not reading rob as a mafia?  >.<
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:29:19 am
    The fact that rob can't see that I'm town is honestly what's bothering me the most right now.

    Same ol' song and dance is likely in play here -- I am vexed by your inability to see me as town.

    If we both end up flipping and end up both town it would indicate to me that right now the mafia is VERY quiet -- mafia doesn't interrupt, interject, or correct town-town squabbles because they know it is town-town and that is win-win for mafia team... ... ...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 07:30:47 am
    Same ol' song and dance is likely in play here -- I am vexed by your inability to see me as town.

    Now that's just a straight up lie.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:33:35 am
    Same ol' song and dance is likely in play here -- I am vexed by your inability to see me as town.

    Now that's just a straight up lie.

    How is stating my opinion a lie? ?_?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 07:36:56 am
    That was really a nail in your coffin rob, you know way better than to think I would townread you of all people despite all your mistakes that I've pointed out. Kuro you need to get with me on this.

    First time lynching mafia day 1 based on reads, let's go.

    Feel free to lynch me if I'm wrong. I'm that confident now.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:43:59 am
    That was really a nail in your coffin rob, you know way better than to think I would townread you of all people [my mistake then for thinking you were good enough as town to properly read or underestimating your desire to mislynch me as mafia] despite all your mistakes that I've pointed out [you have yet to point out mistakes I have made - not true mistakes but rather either mis-reads if you are town or scummy shading if you mafia]. Kuro you need to get with me on this. Kuro - don't just hop into pockets. If you arrive at the conclusion I am the best lynch today then vote me - don't do it just because Lc is pressuring you.

    First time lynching mafia day 1 based on reads, let's go. Not if you mislynch me today.

    Feel free to lynch me if I'm wrong. I'm that confident now. OH come on, for the love of playing IF you are REALLY town don't offer yourself up like this to get yourself mislynched - if you are town - just because you're trying to mislynch now. We DON'T need to repeat our past mistakes of murdering each other as town-town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 07:45:53 am
    I love mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:50:10 am
    I love mafia.

    The nail in your coffin, as you would say. Right here - you're fatal mistake!

    It should be obvious, but I'll put the disclaimer here anyway -- of course this isn't serious - it is simply Lc giving a sentiment and not really a tell no matter what his primary role/alignment might be and me joining in a bit of fun in reply.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 07:54:01 am
    So I made this post before I went all-in on rob, but I'll leave it here anyways.

    Quote from: Linkcat
    I probably won't be awake until the Night phase.

    Players you aren't allowed to lynch:

    Newer players that you have no valid reason to lynch:

    Players you are allowed to lynch:

    Actual town circle hasn't changed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 07:56:10 am
    Why are you pressuring me, Linkcat?

    The conundrum of this situation is this; Linkcat, you originally were following sky and my lead onto CleanOnion being a mafia member, having stated that skyironsword had a legitimate read. Then, all of a sudden, you pull off stating that no one was trying to defend CleanOnion (or were there defenses for him that I didn't realize?), saying that rob was mafia, which, to me, making it seem like YOU could be defending CO as a soft-indirect move, to rally support on your original target [rob], but then if you were doing that, why even bother to bandwagon on CleanOnion anyway when so many other players [rob, Dema, UTAlan, me even] were also wary of you?

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, rob77dp
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Linkcat

    If I switch to rob, there won't be a lynch anyway, since votes are all tied. Consequently, if I change my vote to someone else, we could have a majority to lynch, but each of those targets have reasons not being mafia, so...  :-X
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 07:57:17 am
    So I made this post before I went all-in on rob, but I'll leave it here anyways.

    Quote from: Linkcat
    I probably won't be awake until the Night phase.

    Players you aren't allowed to lynch:

    Newer players that you have no valid reason to lynch:

    Players you are allowed to lynch:

    Actual town circle hasn't changed.

    I find your inclusion of Ginyu in a position that seems to imply he is in your possible circle of trust (movie reference anyone?) a bit odd. He has pretty much done NOTHING publicly that I can see as a reason why one could even _stretch_ to have him town-leaning...

    Lc - can you safely explain why you have Ginyu in the "not allowed to lynch" list?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 08:01:24 am
    If you read my post you would see that despite Ginyu being not lynchable, I said that my town circle was the same, so no, I am not townreading Ginyu other than what I said earlier. I put him there because I really want to hear more from him and it would be a shame to kill him Day 1.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 08:03:54 am
    I find your inclusion of Ginyu in a position that seems to imply he is in your possible circle of trust (movie reference anyone?) a bit odd. He has pretty much done NOTHING publicly that I can see as a reason why one could even _stretch_ to have him town-leaning...

    Lc - can you safely explain why you have Ginyu in the "not allowed to lynch" list?

    To be fair, Ginyu critiqued and prevented my terribad idea for a townie plan to come through, given how stupid it was.

    If you read my post you would see that despite Ginyu being not lynchable, I said that my town circle was the same, so no, I am not townreading Ginyu other than what I said earlier. I put him there because I really want to hear more from him and it would be a shame to kill him Day 1.

    My question is more prominent though - why is sky on the 'preference to lynch' list when you voted with her/me onto CleanOnion, the player that is your town read?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 08:05:48 am
    That's not a preference to lynch, that's just not banned from being lynched.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 08:06:02 am
    Lc - I really Really REALLY don't want to be misreading you if you're town (i.e. - a town-town interrogation here)... I'm going to be asleep/away for the next 6-ish hours. Are you capable of convincing me you're not a good D1 lynch? Am I capable of reading well enough to discern such a thing? Woof - gotta sleep and I see now the thread post count and it can only serve to dissuade low-count posters from becoming more involved :'(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 08:10:08 am
    Lc - I really Really REALLY don't want to be misreading you if you're town (i.e. - a town-town interrogation here)... I'm going to be asleep/away for the next 6-ish hours. Are you capable of convincing me you're not a good D1 lynch? Am I capable of reading well enough to discern such a thing? Woof - gotta sleep and I see now the thread post count and it can only serve to dissuade low-count posters from becoming more involved :'(

    You're slippin'
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 08:54:45 am
    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, rob77dp
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

    I know I said I consider rob town-y, but I'll go Linkcat's way this time just to see what happens. We have no other leads anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 10:16:04 am

    sky, I know that my cleaning capabilities could be better, but I'm afraid you'll have to ask your maid to mop the area. If you need help again, feel free to ask, but just remember you invited all of us for a party - I'm still a guest, after all. :-[

    Kuroaitou (1) - 1011686
    Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, rob77dp
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, Kuroaitou

    I know I said I consider rob town-y, but I'll go Linkcat's way this time just to see what happens. We have no other leads anyway.

    I'll remember your vote switch, and I hope others do the same of me as well, regardless of what happens in the new few hours.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 10:28:37 am
    It's not like voting on fabian actually does anything for me, since nobody seems to think he's suspicious, so might as well make my vote useful instead of wasting it.

    Just keep an eye on him, that's all I'm saying.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 24, 2016, 10:42:30 am
    If Link is wrong and rob is town, it looks really bad on Link, and would be a reckless move if he were mafia. The problem is, Link is a sufficient enough player to know and understand these boundaries. I kind of want to lynch rob, if only to see what happens, but at the same time, I don't really want to waste a lynch phase. And the last predicament is that I'm not sure of anything else we can go off.
    I think the most basic thing I can do here is a throwaway vote

    Kuroaitou (2) - 1011686, dawn to dusk
    Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, rob77dp
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, Kuroaitou

    This is for leaving FGO

    Either there is a 5 way tie, or rob get's lynched. Either way, my vote doesn't contribute to much which is what is intended at this stage
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 24, 2016, 11:27:59 am
    Ok theres only really one reason why i have my vote on Kuro now.
    In this post
    What defense post?

    If rob is mafia with Onion, then he's leaving him out to dry while he knows that he's getting lynched himself eventually. Rob wouldn't do that with only 1 other mafia partner.

    Quote from: Kuroaitou
    Kuro, which message board post did you mean? The only two I can see with enough content are Hidden and Nojid, and I'm not seeing anything hidden there.

    Dema, bottom of the list seems apt for me.

    Link, I did.

    It's not just the messages that have meaning CleanOnion, and I see this as an attempt by mafia trying to fish for information from two confirmed townies now, hencewhy I'm changing my vote.

    I... what? Seriously?
    You know what, go right ahead. If that makes me scummy then excuse me for being curious about your breadcrumbs. It's just as easy for you to be mafia leaving clues for other mafia.

    Hmm... does anyone know Onion's voting habits? Does he often try to finalize bandwagons? That's what his vote was. Kuro may be on to something, and this goes along with my "mafia try to make bandwagons happen" theory. If Onion's vote was out of character for his typical voting behavior, I would be more inclined to vote on him.

    We usually don't see an active Kuro so I'm not sure what to make of the current situation.

    Probably not, seeing as I haven't played in many and the last one was rp-fuelled rubbish. But do try to guess

    Prolly won't be back until a good few hours into the night phase, sorry I can't comment more on stuff

    The reason why I say it's a sloppy defense post is of one main reason: in the spoiler-

    For the orange: mafia players WOULD NOT use the anonymous board to leave clues for their partners. Since this isn't a mafia where all the mafia players are divided up and need to use a 'Search' function to figure out who else is a mafia/titan, all they would do is just talk to each other on their own host-provided pad and communicate with each other in private. They wouldn't have to resort to public encryption in the first place in order to try to help their faction; townies however would.

    This push on rob... ugh. I don't know if I should follow it or not, given that I'm not reading rob as a mafia?  >.<
    You don't address CleanOnion's actual concern. That is, that you think it was scummy to be curious about where you got your secret messages from.
    I don't think it was scummy. I was curious about that myself.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 12:45:00 pm
    Lc - glad that my non-slip could entertain you.  :) would you mind assembling your complete case against me in one post here so others can see it and I can assess it both to defend AND to use in further reading you?

    Ian - follOwing someone else's vote without knowing or at least agreeing even a little with their argument is bad form. "Just to see what happens": I can tell you right what happens if I am mislynched -- town loses one of its most active players and dare I say one of our better players.

    Kuro - I get a follow the leader vibe from your vote too. Please believe in your vote that you actually know and agree with the initiators reason our have some level of your own conviction it is the right voteor a good vote.

    dawn - your vote and accompanying verbiage feels strange to me. Please don't lynch Lc just because I flip town if he succeeds in mislynching me here.

    Be advised I have enough invested in the game already that a self-saving vote from me is incoming on someone as best as I can muster so don't act wreckless with your vote just because it is 3-2-2-2-2 right now.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 24, 2016, 12:47:53 pm
    arf :3
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 01:45:20 pm
    I basically have no idea what I'm doing, at least for now, so I might as well follow someone who seems to know what he's doing.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 01:46:10 pm
    EBWOP: As always, I also think No-Lynch is a bad idea. It lengthens the game for no reason and it's also more advantageous for mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 02:18:00 pm
    I basically have no idea what I'm doing, at least for now, so I might as well follow someone who seems to know what he's doing.

    Mafia know what they're doing, too >.<
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 02:20:31 pm
    EBWOP: As always, I also think No-Lynch is a bad idea. It lengthens the game for no reason and it's also more advantageous for mafia.
    FTR, no-lynch cant be directly voted on, but can occur via a tie.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 02:47:11 pm
    who thought a 5 way tie is good for town
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 02:50:13 pm
    I basically have no idea what I'm doing, at least for now, so I might as well follow someone who seems to know what he's doing.

    Mafia know what they're doing, too >.<
    Well, if Link is wrong about rob when he says he's so sure I won't be following him anymore.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 03:06:08 pm
    Not related to ian's most recent post, but something I realized this mafia is that about half of Link's posts that seem serious are actually jokes and not to be taken seriously. Reminds me of my father-in-law who loves to tell jokes by starting with a story that sounds serious but ends in a pun.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 03:12:12 pm
    who thought a 5 way tie is good for town
    Nobody that I saw/read -- it was mentioned a few times that ties are currently present and that a tie is NL and NL is not a good idea for town here. Were you going to jump out of the relative shadows / corner onto someone for mentioning ties in a way construable as "good for town"? :D

    Not related to ian's most recent post, but something I realized this mafia is that about half of Link's posts that seem serious are actually jokes and not to be taken seriously. Reminds me of my father-in-law who loves to tell jokes by starting with a story that sounds serious but ends in a pun.
    Cool story bro. -- -- -- was your father-in-law mafia or town in the end? ;D

    * higher within a grouping generally indicates more town-y among that group
    * absent from the list means either I forgot to include them or (more likely) very few posts or "no read" (null) on them from me so far
    * vv = I consider them HIGHLY villager-y (i.e. - very likely town in my view); ww = I consider them HIGHLY wolf-y (i.e. - very likely scum / mafia in my view); the list is a scale from vv --> ww where 'n' = "neutral"

    * WHITE text indicates new additions to the content

    none yet

    Espithel - some quick hit posts, some wall posts, all containing responses and plans that come off town to me. Volume trailing off but still same read at this time.
    Demagog - plans of action so far have felt pro-town; has always been town in games I've played and this so far does match his town-game VERY well. I envision a game state where Lc/Dema are unlikely to be w/w and about equally likely w/v or v/w or v/v. 2/3 of these are Dema as town = stays put right here.
    UTAlan - from UTA, I find his "I won't post much this game because I didn't win/perform well last game" a tad ~furry for my taste. Nice response from UTA on my push and appears to be analyzing thread contents best he can. Sizeable town bump from me!

    CleanOnion - null... volume but nothing good enough to read. He is responding to pokes in the thread and seemingly keeping up with most of the thread/content but that vote on Lc was a tad awkward.
    danil - responded 'OK' to the push about "new", so far.
    Sera - mid-level volume and nothing of note to read yet, from my view. More of the same...
    iancu - beginning involvement here at start of D1 but not enough to read much yet (poking Kuro for activity bodes well though) I consider blindly following someone else's vote, especially a player like Lc known for scummy-town and towny-scum tendencies (good players tend to have this trait?), this early in the game just because you have no idea to be a bit less-than-town.
    DoubleCapitals - volume of posts is good but content/quality is lacking and nothing of note to me so far. <-- This is still happening... DC, I experienced you playing that was last game as mafia - but also I recall you sometimes play this was as town. A bump in the scum direction for now...

    Kuro - The more I consider Kuro's activity level (very present on his other usual duties... absent this game) the more I am suspect of him. Silent/Kuro I view as tending towards the mafia/Kuro end of the spectrum. I see a few of Kuro's attempts to find dirt on other players as stretching posts or statements in the thread and painting-them-as-scummy beyond where town/Kuro would normally go. This I see as not a method or tactic Kuro used in prior games I have read either town or mafia alignment. Therefore, I
    Linkcat - *sigh*, I pause to go to hard on this read yet... but for reasons about his pushes on my very basic pushes lean me this way. His dogged persistence on hounding me, a player showing consistent in-thread desire to analyze and be present pressuring others for input (which is information - now or later) and giving my thoughts and input as well.

    none yet

    Edit notes:
    ~ UTA from w to v.
    ~ DC and ian downgrades within same grouping.
    ~ Other various comments added.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 03:20:32 pm
    Rob, about kuro... therefore I what?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 03:24:27 pm
    That was sarcasm..... anyway when I said that, I mean a 5-way tie, or anything close to that. I'm saying that such a split is easier to exploit than that other mafia I broke o Day 1.

    Suppose I'm a mafia. There are at least 2 non-town players there. I could just come up with whatever shitty reasoning of the day, pick one of the two to swing the lynch towards, sit back, and enjoy. But I'm not mafia, so I won't resort to such a decision. I'd rather not vote than vote with flimsy/no reasoning like, ian, of course.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 03:24:32 pm

    Linkcat - *sigh*, I pause to go to hard on this read yet... but for reasons about his pushes on my very basic pushes lean me this way. His dogged persistence on hounding me, a player showing consistent in-thread desire to analyze and be present pressuring others for input (which is information - now or later) and giving my thoughts and input as well, strikes me as scummy. Notoriously hard to read, I did hesitate for most of N0 and D1 before even allowing myself to fully try to read Lc. Here is my current stance: most w of the players I can look at up to this point.


    I forgot to finish my thought here - distracted by the ninja-posts. Orange above is rest of the thought(s).

    Kuro - The more I consider Kuro's activity level (very present on his other usual duties... absent this game) the more I am suspect of him. Silent/Kuro I view as tending towards the mafia/Kuro end of the spectrum. I see a few of Kuro's attempts to find dirt on other players as stretching posts or statements in the thread and painting-them-as-scummy beyond where town/Kuro would normally go. This I see as not a method or tactic Kuro used in prior games I have read either town or mafia alignment. Therefore, I either Kuro is trying new town game (trying harder?) or adapting his wolf-game (trying smarter?) - right now I lean towards the latter case.

    Forgot to finish thought RE: Kuro too.  Green above.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 03:41:13 pm
    While I have had mentioned in the past my disdain for erm... posts of little content here but let me play Devil's Advocate for a while. Compared to like the 4 or 5 who aren't posting at all, you have some information to work with compared to with nothing at all. Plus we're more fun to play with, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 03:53:35 pm
    All present - please advise me.

    I can let this Lc mislynch of me go through by not moving my vote to a tie.

    I disdain tie votes. I know I am town. I am willing to tie a vote to save myself as town IF others agree enough to not purely out-and-out see it as scummy move.

    I think I have value in the game as town. I am town. Therefore in this case _I_ know that tie vote saving my skin is a good thing for town in that I live.

    However, I also understand that almost ANY lynch gives town information. Even if it is an active, intelligent, and town player like myself.

    What say you players of Mafia 62 -- is town/rob worth saving for continuing at least into/through Night 1 _or_ is the information that can be gathered from my mislynch worth the thread presence and analytical skill lost by my being dead?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 03:55:54 pm
    Espithel - do you plan on releasing your post, that it at least seems you've been typing for over 30 minutes now, prior to the end of Day 1?

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 03:56:09 pm
    Bring me a compelling argument and I -may- vote with you to tiebreak. But that's a last resort. I dislike the current split of votes as-is.

    But I understand if you force a tie from your POV. It's not a town or mafia read because either way, you would do that for self-perservation.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 03:57:16 pm
    My opinion is that if you know you are town and you believe you are valuable to town, save yourself. We'll do what we can to avoid a no-lynch.

    (It's funny how in this setup, changing your vote at the last moment to avoid a tie isn't as scummy as in other setups, since a no-lynch is actually beneficial to mafia. [Same as last game when I did it as town.])
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 03:57:55 pm
    Espithel - do you plan on releasing your post, that it at least seems you've been typing for over 30 minutes now, prior to the end of Day 1?


    You people are a bunch of stalkers.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 03:58:31 pm
    My opinion is that if you know you are town and you believe you are valuable to town, save yourself. We'll do what we can to avoid a no-lynch.

    (It's funny how in this setup, changing your vote at the last moment to avoid a tie isn't as scummy as in other setups, since a no-lynch is actually beneficial to mafia. [Same as last game when I did it as town.])

    Good point - I was meaning that it can be taken as scummy when a player self-pres votes at the dearth, saves themselves, and ends up mislynching a DIFFERENT villager. >.<
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 03:58:42 pm
    What is the current vote status? Can we get a 5 minute extension for after its posted?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 03:58:52 pm
    Rob, you know better than to think lynching a townrob here is ever remotely good. Nice last ditch attempt though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 03:59:36 pm
    Linkcat doing his thing again.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 03:59:59 pm
    I'm tempted to think the Link v rob issue is a town v town debate, and mafia's just sitting down sipping their teas wait for us to fight each other and leave inactive/useless people alive. Like me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 04:00:15 pm
    Bring me a compelling argument and I -may- vote with you to tiebreak. But that's a last resort. I dislike the current split of votes as-is.

    But I understand if you force a tie from your POV. It's not a town or mafia read because either way, you would do that for self-perservation.

    DC - I already am voting on Lc so we would need another vote PLUS yours there. My next scum-lean, albeit less strong than on Lc, is Kuro. I am only willing to vote on Kuro or Lc at this point given my stances/reads in a self-pres manner. Your thoughts on trying to get yours PLUS another to vote on Lc vs. both switching to Kuro?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 04:00:57 pm
    Kuroaitou (3) - 1011686, dawn to dusk, rob77dp
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, Kuroaitou

    Moving to Kuro as self-pres from my top scum-lean onto my 2nd-most-scum lean... DC or UTA?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 04:01:28 pm
    Too late.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 04:01:57 pm
    rereading your argument against Kuro first
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 04:02:15 pm
    The deadline has been reached. Please sit tight (and do not post) while I compile messageboard PMs.

    Kuroaitou (3) - 1011686, dawn to dusk, rob77dp
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, Kuroaitou

    Moving to Kuro as self-pres from my top scum-lean onto my 2nd-most-scum lean... DC or UTA?
    Null, posted after deadline was reached.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 04:02:56 pm
    The deadline has been reached. Please sit tight (and do not post) while I compile messageboard PMs.

    Kuroaitou (3) - 1011686, dawn to dusk, rob77dp
    Linkcat (1) - CleanOnion
    Demagog (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    danil (2) - Demagog, Ryli
    rob77dp (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, Kuroaitou

    Moving to Kuro as self-pres from my top scum-lean onto my 2nd-most-scum lean... DC or UTA?
    Null, posted after deadline was reached.

    Come on - rules have allowances for extensions.  Just for this kind of case. B/S here Sol, B/S. I hate to call it or call you out, but really?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 04:03:29 pm
    It is the 8th bullet point in Game Rules on the second post in this topic.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 04:04:30 pm
    I don't know about the rules, but the day doesn't officially end until the host posts his message.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 04:04:41 pm
    imo, that is.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 04:05:44 pm
    Phases will end 5 minutes after the most recent post that includes a vote, if the deadline has been reached. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any vote swapping trolling/juggling.

    Apparently the host's discretion here was not this case. Sol - please for the integrity of the GAME and my sanity do not reverse this bad decision to end the round mid-conversation and vote juggling.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 04:06:53 pm
    It is the 8th bullet point in Game Rules on the second post in this topic.
    "Phases will end 5 minutes after the most recent post that includes a vote, if the deadline has been reached. The day will be ended at the host's discretion if there is any vote swapping trolling/juggling."

    Note that it says post >that includes a vote".

    There were no vote posts from 11:55 EDT to 12:00 EDT.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 04:07:33 pm
    I hate to see it, but rob, I think Solaris is right. My interpretation of the rule is that the day ends at deadline unless a vote post has been made within the last 5 minutes, which was not the case at the deadline :(

    Ninja'd by Solaris. So yeah, what he said.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 04:07:49 pm
    What the fuck.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: rob77dp on August 24, 2016, 04:09:56 pm
    Good bye cruel world. Pip pip pip -- dead town/rob.

    I will go quietly into the bad night that is Night 1 after a very unjust mislynching on Day 1. Consider this my death post but that I may decide - after some cool down time and seeing this game play out - to post in here AFTER the game concludes.

    /me steam-from-his-ears-rob-peacing-out-for-the-time-being
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 04:10:17 pm
    inb4 I get shade on for not saving rob earlier or some shit. Seriously though is intent to shift votes not enough?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 04:12:54 pm
    Actually you know what, fuck it. My activity in everything but this mafia is nearly gone, so erm... I guess this is my excuse to not give a crap about this game too. Throw shade at me if you want I admit it's selfish but my motivation for everything has been dropping plus exams and shit. This right here just made me regain my apathy. Feel free to use a free lynch on me tomorrow, and I'll toss the rock to someone useful.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 04:14:47 pm
    ...but nobody was giving you "shade" except yourself...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 24, 2016, 04:16:34 pm
    shhh, I critique myself so it's less painful/torturous when others do it to me
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 04:18:34 pm
    Night 1

    The townsfolk gather in the town square, bickering heavily about the death of their fallen comrade. Many hold rocks, some with pitchforks, and few with blades.

    rob77dp is cast forward from the crowd, and placed on his knees, believed to be the killer.

    "WAIT!", someone cries.

    "Oh, you should've spoke sooner."

    rob77dp has been lynched. He was a Townsfolk (Vanilla Civilian).

    Until Day 2, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    I try not to speak their language.
    Nights pass by and their satanic tongues flick and flex
    Never too soon, never too late
    Only silence can save me now.

    Can't breathe, can't sleep
    Endless roads lie before me.
    Never could I pick the correct path
    Callous eyes watch my nervous choice.

    Endless roads lie before me.
    I pick the path most traveled
    Safety of myself is utmost.
    But I feel the eyes judging my every footstep.

    Language curses and burns me from behind
    Innocence is bliss.
    So long as I ignore them, they cannot hurt me.
    So long as I don't choose, I'm free.

    Voting with me is probably your better bet, given that you don't know what you're doing. I understand, it's hard to play this game with no one to trust. Let me help you; the next time you feel like targeting a player of high priority, please don't - just don't. Learn from this round, and maybe you can survive another cycle, otherwise, you'll be sniped. Anyway, thanks for reading this.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 04:20:56 pm
    This is why you don't listen to my early scumreads. Sorry rob, I really thought you were mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 04:21:59 pm
    Sorry rob :(

    So, yeah, not listening to Linkcat anymore.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 04:31:54 pm
    Still a pretty big strike against you as town, ian. Just sayin'.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 04:35:34 pm
    "Artemis: Voting with me is probably your better bet, given that you don't know what you're doing."

    Even though it might seem like it, I'm not Artemis btw.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 04:36:01 pm
    If you posted a bit sooner Rob... I was posting to vote on Kuro with you but then I saw Solaris said your vote was too late.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 04:36:56 pm
    I think I know who "hidden" is, but I don't think it's a good idea to reveal their name. I have no idea what they're actually trying to say though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 04:42:00 pm
    I'm guessing Nojid is Espithel. Goes with his stupid "can you not" phrase.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 24, 2016, 04:44:48 pm
    So, I cracked the same code Kuro did, but I don't think it makes Espi confirmed in any way, shape, or form. So there's that.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 24, 2016, 06:51:10 pm
    Rob, from I can gather, the most recent vote before yours was about 5.5hrs beforehand.

    Funny that Hidden and Nojid were the only ones to message.

    I think I've also cracked Nojid's code but agree with UTA that it doesn't confirm shit.

    I can't make heads or tails of Hidden, I feel like it might be the kind of thing that looks like it has a deeper meaning but doesn't.

    Anything before page ~35 I haven't read but might do at some point.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 07:05:41 pm
    I'm guessing Nojid is Espithel. Goes with his stupid "can you not" phrase.

    I haven't been posting any secret codes, nor do I have a secret board name or any plans to use the secret board. I'm now extremely interested where this is going.

    Can you not
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 07:25:30 pm
    Rob, from I can gather, the most recent vote before yours was about 5.5hrs beforehand
    It's recent votes in general, not just from the afflicted party.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 07:35:30 pm
    Lol Espi I'm not gonna believe you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 07:37:29 pm
    Aren't night phases a bit too long? (even if we are allowed to discuss during it)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 08:00:34 pm
    Lol Espi I'm not gonna believe you.

    The distrust is mutual.

    The only difference is I'm right.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 08:52:46 pm
    Aren't night phases a bit too long? (even if we are allowed to discuss during it)
    I'll wait for others to weigh in. Presently, it's what is convenient for me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 24, 2016, 08:54:44 pm
    Aren't night phases a bit too long? (even if we are allowed to discuss during it)
    I'll wait for others to weigh in. Presently, it's what is convenient for me.
    Night phases are fine with even 24 hours. But yeah, let's see what others say.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 08:57:29 pm
    I don't mind two day long nights, but I also don't mind 24 hour long nights.

    Above 48, and you're pushing it, though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 09:03:19 pm
    The problem with 24 hrs is that it barely gives me any time to breathe between the beginning of the day phase, and the end, with everything else that I'm involved in. 36 would involve me updating at midnight, which as a student is a no, so I defaulted to 48.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:07:04 pm
    I've been mafia a bunch of times and I can tell you that 48 hour Night phases are necessary.

    Espithel, we need to know what was in that post that you never posted.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 09:10:06 pm
    I've been mafia a bunch of times and I can tell you that 48 hour Night phases are necessary.

    Espithel, we need to know what was in that post that you never posted.

    Nothing. Sometimes, I go to do something, something else comes up, completely forget, and just keep empty reply tabs open. The result is what Rob posted.

    However, of course, that isn't satisfactory, as I was opening it up to do something in the first place.
    I have not been keeping too much track of mafia since I voted on Demagog. I've been following along enough to know what's been going on, but nothing to actually read. The post I was going to make but didn't get around to, was a justification of my vote on Demagog.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:14:44 pm
    Okay, so you hit reply but never typed anything in and just left it there?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 09:18:15 pm
    Okay, so you hit reply but never typed anything in and just left it there?


    No...? Does the thing say I did? If I did, then it would be due to the fact I would've been gouging out quotes from Dema's posts, and would've hit a post by mistake.

    If you request (and you're going to request it), I can retrace my steps and get back to work, restoring the post, but sifting through demagog's new posts for more hideous errors is going to be annoying, it's two hours before I go to bed, and I still have a (highly flexible) job to do. Well, I signed up for mafia, this is what you do.
    Obviously, I'm supposed to apologise for being slow I suppose. ._.

    Points of contention I have against Demagog: Demagog's kill-priority list, demagog setting his posts up in a way he can backpedal on them, demagog a lot more defensive and vitriolic than usual, and how he reacted when Raving died.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 09:19:33 pm
    EBWOP: That was poorly explained.

    If I did hit an empty post, then it would be due to the fact I was cutting Demagog's posts into my own, emptying the quote-post, and hitting post by accident.

    Holy fek that sounds like more of a stretch than it should
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:23:34 pm
    You answered me saying there was nothing in the post, and now you're saying you made a post with a bunch of Dema quotes but never posted it?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 09:27:22 pm
    I said that was what I was going to do.
    Apparently I started doing it before I got distracted.

    Regardless, I never finished or got close to finishing the post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:29:22 pm
    Espithel, we need to know what was in that post that you never posted.
    Nothing. Sometimes, I go to do something, something else comes up, completely forget, and just keep empty reply tabs open. The result is what Rob posted.

    Explain this, then.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 09:33:34 pm
    Nothing. Sometimes, I go to do something, something else comes up, completely forget, and just keep empty reply tabs open. The result is what Rob posted.

    However, of course, that isn't satisfactory, as I was opening it up to do something in the first place.
    I have not been keeping too much track of mafia since I voted on Demagog. I've been following along enough to know what's been going on, but nothing to actually read. The post I was going to make but didn't get around to, was a justification of my vote on Demagog.

    What's unclear is how much of the post I actually did do before I got distracted.
    But at what stage I stopped making the post to do other things thanks to my short attention span is irrelevant; I did not get close to finishing that post, and I am currently going to make the post now that you're so interested in it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:40:47 pm
    Okay, I'm done with that post.

    Espithel, talk to me about Kuro.

    Kuro, talk to me about Espithel.

    Sera, talk to me about everyone.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:45:27 pm
    It feels kind of bad to say it, but I don't think rob did a very good job of presenting himself as town. Not evaluating into your positions that you are one of the best players, when you are, is just bad play. I'm not scumreading iancu for his vote at all, because it doesn't make sense for him to do that as mafia since he would definitely come under fire for it. His vote fits into a town mindset. Kuro's vote just somehow doesn't feel as bad, which worries me. I think we should look at the people who opposed the rob lynch but never voted against it.

    So UTAlan is basically confirmed now with both rob and me townreading him. DC is also pretty town for throwing a fit in chat and asking to be removed from the game over rob's lynch when there's only 3 mafia.

    The people I want to look at are Sera, who's been pretty much useless, and Dema who came in after the lynch saying he was going to save rob, and I kinda already wanted to lynch him before that.

    Artemis, don't waste your ability on me. If I'm mafia, I was getting lynched anyway, and if I'm town, you'd have to out yourself to save me, which is bad.

    Side note, I threw Pocket Sand at rob on Night 0.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 09:48:12 pm
    Espithel, talk to me about Kuro.

    Fortunately, I just remembered it's not Tuesday.


    K, on it. THEN I'll tell you why Demagog deserves rope.

    Watch me flake again just like I do with 99% of all the other posts I say I'm gonna make but don't I'm honestly surprised it took this long for someone to notice e.e
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 09:52:26 pm
    Not related to ian's most recent post, but something I realized this mafia is that about half of Link's posts that seem serious are actually jokes and not to be taken seriously. Reminds me of my father-in-law who loves to tell jokes by starting with a story that sounds serious but ends in a pun.

    This man knows what's up.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 10:07:07 pm
    Lmao Espi. Your tunnel vision on me is hilarious. You're so convinced that you aren't even analyzing anyone else. I can't wait to see how shitty you'll feel when it's revealed I'm town. Even if I manage to live the whole game. How will you make up for how wrong you are? A simple apology won't be enough.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 10:13:00 pm
    Lmao Espi. Your tunnel vision on me is hilarious. You're so convinced that you aren't even analyzing anyone else. I can't wait to see how shitty you'll feel when it's revealed I'm town. Even if I manage to live the whole game. How will you make up for how wrong you are? A simple apology won't be enough.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 10:15:18 pm
    Lol that's a cute pic. Is the dragon you or me?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 10:18:05 pm
    Mostly you. Teeny little bit of me.

    After all, what can someone who takes a full aeon to explain himself do to justify his opinion? :P
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 24, 2016, 10:18:52 pm
    I don't think I've ever seen you start a post with "lol" or "lmao", Dema
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 10:19:11 pm
    EBWOP: That person who takes forever to explain himself is me.

    Just making sure you get it so Link doesn't interrogate me when I've already answered myself e.e
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 10:23:12 pm
    So, I cracked the same code Kuro did, but I don't think it makes Espi confirmed in any way, shape, or form. So there's that.

    UTAlan... :|

    Rob, from I can gather, the most recent vote before yours was about 5.5hrs beforehand.

    Funny that Hidden and Nojid were the only ones to message.

    I think I've also cracked Nojid's code but agree with UTA that it doesn't confirm shit.

    I can't make heads or tails of Hidden, I feel like it might be the kind of thing that looks like it has a deeper meaning but doesn't.

    Anything before page ~35 I haven't read but might do at some point.

    CleanOnion... >_<

    If you two truly cracked the code you wouldn't be saying these statements; you'd understand why Espithel is confirmed! Come on guys...

    It feels kind of bad to say it, but I don't think rob did a very good job of presenting himself as town. Not evaluating into your positions that you are one of the best players, when you are, is just bad play. I'm not scumreading iancu for his vote at all, because it doesn't make sense for him to do that as mafia since he would definitely come under fire for it. His vote fits into a town mindset. Kuro's vote just somehow doesn't feel as bad, which worries me. I think we should look at the people who opposed the rob lynch but never voted against it.


    I'm lost about the yellow-ORANGE part. So you're worried that my vote IS bad? Or... what?

    Anyway, the thing about Espithel is that, even with his clueless plays and obtuse accusations aside (rob and Linkcat being mafia both playing each other lulz), Espithel has correctly called out Demagog on his shenanigans during the previous rounds, which is something that you'd also agree with. And not just because you're scumreading Dema either. His deductions and logic sounds the same as previous mafia games, AND, given how the code I solved matches what Espithel is doing, I'm happy with this confirmation. Mafia will -probably- kill him to make me look bad, but they could also kill me in order to avoid any more public confirmations. Either way, town still has the advantage, because I get the feeling mafia don't know what they're doing (and if they do, they're leaving a trail).

    In retrospect, I could have kept my vote on CleanOnion, but given that there was a weird time frame where no votes were being placed on an alternate player (or were there? Let me read those posts over in a bit), your logic regarding a 'lack of defense' for a mafia CleanOnion actually made more sense. The fact that CleanOnion used a Brick and Mortar on Night 0 is also noteworthy here.

    I originally was voting on fabian771 because we can trim off some of the excess fat players that aren't contributing much, and given that Artemis -probably- isn't completely silent, I'd figure at a worst case scenario, we would be lynching a player with an item and was AFK/never read his personal messages, rather than voting off an actual town power role.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 10:23:40 pm
    Ok but you didn't answer my question. I want to make a friendly wager. What would you like to wager? I say I'm not mafia, you say I am.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 10:28:16 pm
    Promises made in the context of a mafia game don't hold outside of the game.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 24, 2016, 10:33:13 pm
    Question: Sol, are items on a player revealed if that player dies? Or am I going to get paranoid again that someone is hoarding all the sands and olive branches?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 24, 2016, 10:34:15 pm
    Question: Sol, are items on a player revealed if that player dies? Or am I going to get paranoid again that someone is hoarding all the sands and olive branches?
    Yeah, they're revealed. Reasoning for this is that they're practically a role. Used items wont be revealed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 10:34:42 pm
    That being said, I would like to wager 5000 gold doubloons that you are mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 10:38:42 pm
    Ok but you didn't answer my question. I want to make a friendly wager. What would you like to wager? I say I'm not mafia, you say I am.

    If you're mafia, you have to use the Bueno Pony avatar for all of next mafia.
    If you're town, you get to set my avatar to something of your choice for all of next mafia.


    Kuropost about 65% done
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 24, 2016, 10:43:01 pm
    I see no problem in admitting that I used my Brick and Mortar on robby.

    The pad is almost entirely doubting each other's claims of being townie, robby educating me about various mafia terminology, and some debating on the Link77dp ship.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 10:44:18 pm
    I don't think I've ever seen you start a post with "lol" or "lmao", Dema

    Well you've also never seen me focused on this much. This is how I react because the situation is funny to me. I mean, pretend that you are a civilian and someone is completely convinced you are mafia. Their reasoning is terrible, as they are using what you've said to make their case, but your playstyle has been the exact same as your other games, and you were civilian in those too. That's pretty funny, right?

    Look at how I accuse others. It's never hard accusations. I list my suspicions and why I'm suspicious, but I'm always analyzing everyone and I only make a hard accusation if I'm 100% certain. Espi is doing the exact opposite and that is unfathomable to me. How can he be convinced when he didn't have the same feelings in previous games when I've acted the same way? I make sure that my hard accusations will be taken seriously. When Espi is shown to be wrong at some point about me, he'll lose all credibility on his hard accusations and not just in this game, but in future games as well. Every time he says, "I'm certain X is mafia," someone can point back to this instance and remind everyone that Espi has a history of making false hard accusations.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 10:46:58 pm
    Ok but you didn't answer my question. I want to make a friendly wager. What would you like to wager? I say I'm not mafia, you say I am.

    If you're mafia, you have to use the Bueno Pony avatar for all of next mafia.
    If you're town, you get to set my avatar to something of your choice for all of next mafia.


    Kuropost about 65% done

    I was hoping that if I'm civilian, you'll reveal your role and items... but that may be a bit unreasonable so I'll except your terms.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 10:47:18 pm
    Ebwop: accept*
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 11:06:38 pm
    When Espi is shown to be wrong at some point about me, he'll lose all credibility on his hard accusations and not just in this game, but in future games as well. Every time he says, "I'm certain X is mafia," someone can point back to this instance and remind everyone that Espi has a history of making false hard accusations.

    Ha, good thing you and I are smart enough to not make a mistake like that.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 11:16:09 pm
    It's just about knowing when to make hard accusations and when simply state who you are leaning towards. Not sure people here have realized the difference.

    You and I could make the mistake, sure. In my case it would be a failure of logic or a misunderstanding of the situation/rules, rather than someone's behavior. Don't think you'll ever see me hard accuse someone due to the way they behave.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 11:19:54 pm
    Did you not get the joke or...?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 11:20:36 pm
    Okay. Had a nice little scan through Kuro's posts.

    I lean kuro to neutral-mafia, but could be easily persuaded. I have a more jaded view of people than most do regarding mafia, however, so this isn't a proper damnation. View the translations for a more filtered, not-filled-with-Espithel

    Off the bat, my experience of Kuroscum is a little more knife-twisty, salt-rubby. Opportunism is probably the appropriate term, as opposed to current kuro's "YEP ESPITHEL'S TOTES CONFIRMED BECAUSE I MAAAAGICALLY SAID SO YUP YUP FONDLE MY INSIDES WITH A SURGICAL RAZOR COATED IN KY"-ness. This is a Kuro that is taking risks, presenting himself fully, and expecting us to listen and believe, which is certainly not what I expect from Kuroscum. I expect delicious black pudding in every bite of kuroscum.

    Translation: Kuro is playing atypical to what I expect from a mafia Kuro, but also atypical from what I expect from a town Kuro. I'd give this an overall town feel, if only for the sheer balls Kuro has to do what he's doing now.

    Kuro's codebreaking just baffles me, however.

    -Okay, let's assume I'm confirmed (Or as I like to call it, CONFIRMEDtm.)
    Well, on one end, why now? Why reveal me now? I'm not in danger of being lynched, I'm never in danger of being nightkilled... What is gained from revealing me now? Later, when my civvi-ness is being called into question, sure, but now?

    Except you didn't reveal me now. You just said "This codebreaking of mine makes Espithel mafia!"... Except that's basically the same as me saying "Demagog is mafia because I said so!"* If you're not going to reveal this codebreaking, it is foolish to even mention it. This is what I don't understand, and the issue is I can't complain about it, because a mafia would just kill me off and be done with it, or just not mention it.

    *See I can laugh at myself. Still doesn't mean I'm wrong though >:U

    Translation: The timing of the reveal of my confirmation is off, the content is "because I said so", and it's foolish to even mention the codebreaking beyond that. However, surely he'd just kill a confirmed civ if he was mafia and not raise the fact there's a code?

    What I really don't approve of, to what makes me edge onto a small Kuroscumlean, is this post here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242162/#msg1242162)
    I've already basically just defeated every single point Kuro's raised, just based on the timing alone.
    1) I'm never going to be lynched ever or nightkilled ever (early-game, anyway. You people just love me too much.)
    2) I've not raised anything of interest (yet. SOONtm)
    3) Waiting for when this is relevant would be much better, so why didn't you?
    4) There's only one artemis. This one needs more elaboration, actually.

    The shoddiness of the execution is one thing. The fact you claim the shoddy execution does something it simply doesn't is another.

    All confirming me at this time does is paint a big red X on someone who's pretty useless. Unless that's why you did it, which is just a dick move (but one I understand, I suppose)

    Translation: Kuro timed his reveal poorly, and has not given the reveal proper evidence. This would be fine, provided he didn't then go on to say that the benefits from the poorly-timed reveal exist when they don't. This feels like an attempt at redirection, something I don't like.

    Also, Demagog, I haven't even said anything substantial and I've gotten you into this ad-hominem frenzy.
    I think that speaks for itself, you beautiful little protesting lady you. Stop getting so defensive.
    Also, I'm Civ, Vanilla, no items owned or obtained. There. :D
    You could make windows out of my skin.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 11:24:50 pm
    Did you not get the joke or...?

    I got the joke, I just wanted to continue making my point :-p
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 24, 2016, 11:33:02 pm
    There's almost nothing I could understand from the way that the vote ended, but then again the last time I did that pretty much failed, so it probably doesn't matter.
    I'll just throw this rock somewhere and read more later.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 11:33:41 pm
    Also, Demagog, I haven't even said anything substantial and I've gotten you into this ad-hominem frenzy.
    I think that speaks for itself, you beautiful little protesting lady you. Stop getting so defensive.
    Also, I'm Civ, Vanilla, no items owned or obtained. There. :D
    You could make windows out of my skin.

    Eh, I wouldn't really say that I'm defending myself, as the only person suspicious of me is you and maaaybe UTA still (we'll see after the night phase). I'm just defending my playstyle and pointing out that you're wrong. Making a big deal about it is so that people will remember this in future games. I'm really not too concerned about being lynched right now. There were several other people with 2 votes on them last round.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 11:44:58 pm
    the only person suspicious of me is you and maaaybe UTA still (we'll see after the night phase)

    I'm pretty sure I linkcat and Kuro express a scum-read on you, which leads fluently onto another thing I want to raise before I go onto my second wordwall.

    Relevant posts:
    The people I want to look at are Sera, who's been pretty much useless, and Dema who came in after the lynch saying he was going to save rob, and I kinda already wanted to lynch him before that.

    if you're mafia, well, you certainly made it a lot easier with your 'lists' and ridiculous statements that people have called you out on (Linkcat, Espithel, and now me).

    One thing I do find worrying about Demagog is how me, link, Kuro, and UTA all agree he's scum somewhat naturally and without convincing. I don't like that one bit; smells a little bit like one of the scum trying to bandwagon onto this lynch, which of course would make demagoogliapootles town. The way we've kinda gone "Yep" before I/any of us do a proper hounding is something I am curious about.

    Who knows? Maybe it's just talk shit get hit in action. Would like some comforting here, though.

    Also do I >have< to type that hounding up today my fingers hurt and it's midnight aaaa
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 24, 2016, 11:45:43 pm
    Yes, I'm aware kuro's post is out of context, still kinda the same point.

    Would you like to elaborate on your stance on Demagog, Kuro?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 24, 2016, 11:48:58 pm
    We probably don't like him for different reasons.

    Sera, what's your take on Dema?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 24, 2016, 11:52:41 pm
    Oooh I missed those posts, thanks. That will make this all the more sweeter when it's eventually revealed that I'm town.

    And take Kuro's opinion with a grain of salt. He's currently seen as one of the more likely mafia candidates. If he's mafia, obviously he's going to say he thinks I'm mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 24, 2016, 11:54:08 pm
    The party isn't going as planned.

    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    Ryli (1) - skyironsword
    Linkcat (8.67) - skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyirons
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 25, 2016, 12:00:18 am
    Es -SPY- thell*

    You're not getting it. No one is... I'm gonna call it now: either you or me is going to die tonight, and probably for a crappy reason. This sucks balls. :'(


    Yes, I'm aware kuro's post is out of context, still kinda the same point.
    Not Espithel's text: GUYS! The lime green text below is a ruse!
    Would you like to elaborate on your stance on Demagog, Kuro?

    Besides posting the list and making some terrible accusations on both you, me, and Linkcat? All of which I know are false?

    Honestly, no. I don't have much. Demagog could be town for all I know, and you two (Linkcat/Espithel) are making some terrible judgements on him, just as Linkcat did on rob, or me on CleanOnion (potentially, not sure about him yet).

    The truth is, my codebreaking was the only breakthrough I've had in a long while; do you know how exciting it is? When you -ACTUALLY- piece together (every) piece of a puzzle before anyone else and realize what's going on? Especially given what happened the last time an anonymous board was used in mafia - the fact that someone has given a crouton-sized bread crumb with seasoning is something that needs to be seized now. Not until later rounds when I get killed most likely because of the Kuro-effect [see the Linkcat effect for details].

    To the codemaker; I will eat myself if necessary.Hopefully the night kill will be prevented?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 12:01:11 am
    Only thing I could see him being mafia is placing a vote on danil, which actually doesn't mean much as he said so himself. But then again with you, rob and Dema teasing (?) each other, it's hard to actually read anything afterwards and it just looks sort of funny instead.
    He looks very slightly mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 25, 2016, 12:06:18 am
    Something something I'm asking Sol to MK me tmr. I have a Brick and Mortar and a Rock which I'll toss to.... someone I guess.
    I'm not stable enough to continue this without grumbling
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 25, 2016, 12:06:59 am

    Besides posting the list and making some terrible accusations on both you, me, and Linkcat? All of which I know are false?

    Honestly, no. I don't have much. Demagog could be town for all I know, and you two (Linkcat/Espithel) are making some terrible judgements on him, just as Linkcat did on rob, or me on CleanOnion (potentially, not sure about him yet).

    The truth is, my codebreaking was the only breakthrough I've had in a long while; do you know how exciting it is? When you -ACTUALLY- piece together (every) piece of a puzzle before anyone else and realize what's going on? Especially given what happened the last time an anonymous board was used in mafia - the fact that someone has given a crouton-sized bread crumb with seasoning is something that needs to be seized now. Not until later rounds when I get killed most likely because of the Kuro-effect [see the Linkcat effect for details].

    To the codemaker; I will eat myself if necessary.Hopefully the night kill will be prevented?

    Uhh Kuro, I never accused Link or Espi... I followed you when you hard claimed Link, but removed my vote when you said it was a lie. I even said Link seems most townlike to me. And I've never once said that I'm even suspicious of Espi.

    Anyway, which post are you looking at for a code? The poem or the other one?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 25, 2016, 12:07:57 am
    The party isn't going as planned.

    CleanOnion (1) - skyironsword
    Ryli (1) - skyironsword
    Linkcat (8.67) - skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyironsword, skyirons

    Is this because I was late? Maybe if someone hadn't just decided to kill RR, I wouldn't have to spend my time elsewhere dealing with dead bodies.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 25, 2016, 12:09:06 am
    Also surprise motherfuckers I'm Artermis
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 25, 2016, 12:09:41 am
    (For the record I'm joking)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 25, 2016, 12:09:49 am
    Okay, so if you think you're going to horribly horribly die, why not reveal everything?

    You can't just half-ass the proof, Kuro, especially when 0nion and UTA disagree with you after doing their own codebreaking.

    This catch-22 is the issue here: You expose the codebreaker, potentially artemis if you do, you look like a baboon if you don't.

    I honestly don't know exactly what I'd do in your situation either, but ewwwwwww.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 25, 2016, 12:12:30 am
    I think he's just saying there is a code to make people think he has value and not lynch him.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 25, 2016, 12:14:35 am
    I think he's just saying there is a code to make people think he has value and not lynch him.

    That'd be far easier to do by just not saying anything though
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 12:21:46 am
    DoubleCapitals, can I have the rock? I'm starting a collection.

    I hope it's got a gem on the inside and it's not just a pebble you've picked up.

    Actually, tell me what kind of rock it is, I'll decide if I want it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 25, 2016, 12:22:43 am
    DoubleCapitals, can I have the rock? I'm starting a collection.

    I hope it's got a gem on the inside and it's not just a pebble you've picked up.

    Actually, tell me what kind of rock it is, I'll decide if I want it.
    It's a volcanic rock. Because volcanos.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 12:31:55 am
    DoubleCapitals, can I have the rock? I'm starting a collection.

    I hope it's got a gem on the inside and it's not just a pebble you've picked up.

    Actually, tell me what kind of rock it is, I'll decide if I want it.
    It's a volcanic rock. Because volcanos.
    I already have a lot of those.

    No stone for me, DC.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 25, 2016, 12:32:34 am
    I want it. I like rocks
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 25, 2016, 12:35:31 am
    Anyway, which post are you looking at for a code? The poem or the other one?

    If you can answer these questions Demagog (or hell, if anyone can), then your own question is answered: if you've eaten corn dogs, what condiment goes best with them? Is there a specific flavor of it? Can you say it back to me?

    Also surprise motherfuckers I'm ArtermisNot DC text; I know you're not Artemis, stop it DC!
    ...*facepalming intensifies*.

    Why would you even? :(

    Okay, so if you think you're going to horribly horribly die, why not reveal everything?

    You can't just half-ass the proof, Kuro, especially when 0nion and UTA disagree with you after doing their own codebreaking.

    This catch-22 is the issue here: You expose the codebreaker, potentially artemis if you do, you look like a baboon if you don't.

    I honestly don't know exactly what I'd do in your situation either, but ewwwwwww.

    Why are you making this so god-damn difficult? I'M NOT MAFIA. >.<

    It's not just about half-assing proof; it's about weaving a safeguard out of whatever stringy materials we have as of now, which MEANS that trying to reveal 'everything' about the code is going to shoot a bullet in all the theories that we have, ripping apart the safeguard. I should have kept my vote on Onion now more than ever, given that his bandwagon onto UTA's semi-solved code cracking is more of him trying to latch onto either a) his mafia teammate, unlikely, but useful to discredit me, or b) attach himself to town and then try to hide behind UTA as a safeguard until I'm killed and exposed as a town.

    Your catch is the exact statement I've been put in ever since I solved the code; unfortunately, there's multiple layers of catches that you're not realizing, and frankly I'm just frustrated that what I've been doing has been stalemating the game rather than progressing it, assuming of course, what you and everyone else is doing aren't ruses to throw people off track.

    Also, self-cannibalism is technically legal.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 12:36:30 am
    Kuro, what do you think about the n0 gigantic piece of bread? It seems to contradict with a certain claim.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 25, 2016, 12:39:59 am
    Kuro, what do you think about the n0 gigantic piece of bread? It seems to contradict with a certain claim.

    What bread flavor are you referring to? I was dodging the food fight at the very beginning.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 25, 2016, 12:40:59 am
    Kuro's back to town.

    Town circle is now Me, Kuro, DC, Onion, UTA, Espi

    Ginyu, dawn, fabian, and kdz, we need to hear from you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 12:41:19 am
    The n0 bread that appeared at n1. Some ArtemisClaim-flavored bread.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 12:42:16 am
    I'm stupid at writing things.

    The bread that was sent N0, which would appear on the D1 messageboard.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 25, 2016, 12:44:52 am
    Quick Phase Links added to the bottom of the Rules OP, because some squeaky clean vegetable asked me to make it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 25, 2016, 12:49:37 am
    Why are you making this so god-damn difficult? I'M NOT MAFIA. >.<

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 25, 2016, 12:55:10 am
    The n0 bread that appeared at n1. Some ArtemisClaim-flavored bread.

    I'm stupid at writing things.

    The bread that was sent N0, which would appear on the D1 messageboard.

    ...the only flavor I'm seeing here is... banana-flavored bread? O_o
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 12:57:16 am
    You pointed it before aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Let's lynch Kuro.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 12:59:17 am
    Quick Phase Links added to the bottom of the Rules OP, because some squeaky clean vegetable asked me to make it.

    I'm stupid at writing things.

    The bread that was sent N0, which would appear on the D1 messageboard.
    Are you claiming Hidden/Nojid? If so, are you also claiming that your respective post is breadpost?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 01:02:55 am
    Also ian, you said (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242408/#msg1242408) you thought you knew who Hidden is
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 01:07:20 am
    I am not either of them and I have not posted any anonymous message -yet-. I was referring to the first messageboard, the one sent N0 (which means it was posted D1).
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 25, 2016, 01:08:17 am
    You pointed it before aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Let's lynch Kuro.


    Okay, I think I understand which bread flavor was flung haphazardly onto the wall.

    I have no idea about -THAT- piece - clearly someone with a more exotic taste tried to create a code? But either that person is dead (RR), because they didn't post anything for the N1 message board, or their code hasn't been solved yet, which means that they're lurking and/or waiting for someone else to make the move.

    The other piece that you say is contradicting is not exactly a contradiction: the claim, which I'm going to assume is from me, is still true; it's the implication of the claim that matters more. There's nothing paradoxical about it, and frankly, can we not lynch me?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 25, 2016, 01:13:05 am
    I suppose that does kind of make sense. Okay then, let's lynch someone else instead.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 01:22:04 am
    Is there a difference between lime and olive?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 25, 2016, 01:26:02 am
    Is there a difference between lime and olive?

    Why do you keep doing this?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 25, 2016, 01:35:45 am
    People: I am going on forth with the fact that I am under pressure and might not be able to post on all rounds. I will try to come up with something, at least when I post.

    Nothing at the moment-still reading Mafia Log.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 25, 2016, 01:51:06 am
    People: I am going on forth with the fact that I am under pressure and might not be able to post on all rounds. I will try to come up with something, at least when I post.

    Nothing at the moment-still reading Mafia Log.
    That was disappointing, to say the least.

    I'm happy with 48 hours per round, I don't feel the game will run as well if we put too much unnecessary pressure on Solaris.

    In regards to the Rob lynch, "Just to see what happens" is possibly the worst bandwagon to jump on. Mislynches are bound to happen, but at least follow someone with a little more reasoning than that, assuming all voters for the lynch were town. You've either followed a very foolish town, or a mafia member. I'm not sure which to believe Link is right now.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 25, 2016, 01:52:03 am

    Limes taste better than olives.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 25, 2016, 02:50:06 am
    Frustrated Kuro is the funniest Kuro.

    (<3 Kuro)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 25, 2016, 03:06:46 am
    Kuro I said I was joking
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 25, 2016, 03:09:01 am
    Wait, one of the reasons you guys think I'm mafia is due to that list... that doesn't make sense to me. If I were mafia, I'd have no reason to post it in the thread. I can't even come up with a decent strat to use it with as mafia... kill people in the middle and hope everyone takes the list seriously enough that they'll think people higher on the list are more likely mafia? I dunno, that seems like such an unreliable strat.

    Someone convince me that it's a play mafia would make because I don't see it. Makes more sense to not reveal the list at all and just point out later on that all these "higher priority" targets are still alive.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 25, 2016, 03:42:31 am
    That list is irrelevant to everything, not sure why people are talking about it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 25, 2016, 06:58:31 am
    Quick Phase Links added to the bottom of the Rules OP, because some squeaky clean vegetable asked me to make it.

    I'm stupid at writing things.

    The bread that was sent N0, which would appear on the D1 messageboard.
    Are you claiming Hidden/Nojid? If so, are you also claiming that your respective post is breadpost?
    I think you can only have one secret name.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 25, 2016, 09:38:43 am
    Also ian, you said (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242408/#msg1242408) you thought you knew who Hidden is
    Yes, I did. I am not going to reveal their name though. Mostly because I might be wrong and if I do reveal their name and I'm right, it might get them killed. I'll interfere if I think that specific person is going to get lynched though.

    On another note, for the record, every time I try to do something someone else tells me to it ends up going wrong and I feel bad after it. This happened when I followed Link and this happens IRL every time as well. I should've known better.

    By the way, I'm still not letting fabian run free.

    One of Linkcat and Demagog seems to be mafia, though I'm not sure which. Link being wrong doesn't really prove that he's mafia.

    sky seems to be trying to tell us something even though it might seem like she's just messing around. Keep an eye on her posts.

    I don't know about Ryli nor CleO yet.

    Kuro seems to be trying too hard, as pointed before.

    UTA seems civvy, but by the way he quickly changed his "I'll be silent this mafia" to "Hey, let's post walls of text" is awfully suspicious to me. He might be mafia and was worried he might be lynched otherwise.

    Those are my thoughts. Enjoy.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 25, 2016, 09:48:39 am
    sky seems to be trying to tell us something even though it might seem like she's just messing around. Keep an eye on her posts.
    I have no idea what you're talking about.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 25, 2016, 02:14:30 pm
    Wait, one of the reasons you guys think I'm mafia is due to that list... that doesn't make sense to me. If I were mafia, I'd have no reason to post it in the thread.

    The issue is that it's useless, yet you posted it anyway, whilst knowing that it's useless, without declaring that it's a joke until much later, then expecting us to magically know it was a joke, when it looks the same as all your other serious posts.

    It's the shadiness that's the problem here, not the post itself.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 25, 2016, 03:12:15 pm
    The issue is that it's useless, yet you posted it anyway, whilst knowing that it's useless, without declaring that it's a joke until much later, then expecting us to magically know it was a joke, when it looks the same as all your other serious posts.

    In his defense, this describes half of Linkcat's posts.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 25, 2016, 04:05:02 pm
    Espi, there is nothing shady about it, and the only reason you shouldn't take the list seriously is that it is completely my own opinion and not 100% accurate. You're making a mountain out of a valley. There is some truth behind the list, but what you do with it is up to you. Believe it or don't, I don't care.

    It's not a useless list. It may have more weight if I am confirmed town, but until someone is confirmed town, you should never believe anything they say. With that mindset, I don't expect you to believe anything I say, just as much as I don't believe anything you or anyone else says.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 04:25:21 pm
    I have actually been compiling my own list. I know this isn't the best time to mention it, but y'know, I'm all for openness. So if anyone is interested to see what I've got, do open the spoiler.

    If not, and that's fine too, feel free to look away right now. But once you've seen what's inside, there's no going back.

    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 25, 2016, 04:27:39 pm
    I have actually been compiling my own list. I know this isn't the best time to mention it, but y'know, I'm all for openness. So if anyone is interested to see what I've got, do open the spoiler.

    If not, and that's fine too, feel free to look away right now. But once you've seen what's inside, there's no going back.

    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion
    • CleanOnion

    DoubleCapitals will be nightkilled upon the next phase beginning, unless I am otherwise notified.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 25, 2016, 04:42:37 pm
    Nightkill = modkill. Don't get smart with me ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 25, 2016, 04:43:05 pm
    The issue is that it's useless, yet you posted it anyway, whilst knowing that it's useless, without declaring that it's a joke until much later, then expecting us to magically know it was a joke, when it looks the same as all your other serious posts.

    In his defense, this describes half of Linkcat's posts.

    Fair enough.

    Espi, there is nothing shady about it, and the only reason you shouldn't take the list seriously is that it is completely my own opinion and not 100% accurate. You're making a mountain out of a valley. There is some truth behind the list, but what you do with it is up to you. Believe it or don't, I don't care.

    It's not a useless list. It may have more weight if I am confirmed town, but until someone is confirmed town, you should never believe anything they say. With that mindset, I don't expect you to believe anything I say, just as much as I don't believe anything you or anyone else says.

    Muahaha just as planned! No really though, anyone that takes that list seriously is a fool. You think I'm familiar enough with people here to place them in such a list yet?




    Even if you're not mafia (somehow), constantly harassing you like this is quite beneficial, as it helps sift through stuff and solidify what people think you think. I should do this to everyone, but it's just much easier to do it to you.
    But yeah, the list is a pretty dead line of reasoning, now. Much more likely to be a miscommunication error than actual malice.


    Danil, can you exist now? That'd be good. You had a pretty strong start to this mafia, yet you've kinda just phased out.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 25, 2016, 04:46:13 pm
    killsdazombies has been modkilled. He was a Solaris Oppositioner.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 25, 2016, 04:48:09 pm
    Solaris Oppositioner isn't a role in the game though

    Bastard mod confirmed
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 25, 2016, 04:48:20 pm
    ^ host modkilled me and took it back. This means I have an important role. Its up to you all to figure out what that means
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 25, 2016, 04:51:14 pm
    ^ host modkilled me and took it back. This means I have an important role. Its up to you all to figure out what that means

    It was a joke because KDZ was trolling me and told me to modkill him.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 25, 2016, 05:08:32 pm
    Nice cover solaris. They totally buy it
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 25, 2016, 05:29:35 pm
    That's great, kdz. Now try posting actual content.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 25, 2016, 05:38:19 pm
    The issue is that it's useless, yet you posted it anyway, whilst knowing that it's useless, without declaring that it's a joke until much later, then expecting us to magically know it was a joke, when it looks the same as all your other serious posts.

    In his defense, this describes half of Linkcat's posts.

    Fair enough.

    Espi, there is nothing shady about it, and the only reason you shouldn't take the list seriously is that it is completely my own opinion and not 100% accurate. You're making a mountain out of a valley. There is some truth behind the list, but what you do with it is up to you. Believe it or don't, I don't care.

    It's not a useless list. It may have more weight if I am confirmed town, but until someone is confirmed town, you should never believe anything they say. With that mindset, I don't expect you to believe anything I say, just as much as I don't believe anything you or anyone else says.

    Muahaha just as planned! No really though, anyone that takes that list seriously is a fool. You think I'm familiar enough with people here to place them in such a list yet?




    Even if you're not mafia (somehow), constantly harassing you like this is quite beneficial, as it helps sift through stuff and solidify what people think you think. I should do this to everyone, but it's just much easier to do it to you.
    But yeah, the list is a pretty dead line of reasoning, now. Much more likely to be a miscommunication error than actual malice.


    Danil, can you exist now? That'd be good. You had a pretty strong start to this mafia, yet you've kinda just phased out.

    Haha I meant place them I a list accurately.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 25, 2016, 07:14:56 pm
    Total hieght of content of Demagog's post at 75% zoom: 741px

    Total height of Espithel's quote: 692px

    Total height of actual content by Demagog: 17px

    741 - (692 + 17) = 32px space wasted, not including header and "report to moderator" strips

    17 / 741 = 0.022 = 2.2% of the post is Demagog's content

    692 / 17 = 40.7 i.e. Espithel's content takes up 41x more of Demagog's post than Demagog's content

    Therefore we can assume that Demagog is 2.2% valid

    Demagog has made 83 posts this mafia, so far

    83 x 2.2% = 1.8

    Demagog has made almost 2 valid posts
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 25, 2016, 07:25:38 pm
    LUL math in 2016 LUL
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 25, 2016, 10:18:15 pm
    Getting Trollaris the Mafia Mod to trick us into thinking that KDZ was killed and then his claim for an important role really doesn't seem too trusty to me. I am not completely sure, though, I still need more analyzing.

    Ian, I know I've been quiet. I already told my reasons for my silence, but I also said I'm going to try and get a read this time (unlike last mafia).

    I'm still busy.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 01:22:19 am
    Let's start talking, I'm bored.

    What should we talk about?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 01:28:52 am
    oo, does it have to be a subject related to this mafia?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 01:32:48 am
    Can we talk about how useless kdz is? Literally the only thing he's actually done or said is claim vanilla.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 01:35:28 am
    Well, what do you expect?

    Usually, kdz blooms a little bit more late-game. I'd wait a day before taking action.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 01:40:06 am
    I just noticed that posts alternate between two slightly different shades.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 01:43:03 am
    I just noticed that posts alternate between two slightly different shades.

    "kdz is useless"

    *posts this*
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 01:43:59 am
    I just noticed that posts alternate between two slightly different shades.

    "kdz is useless"

    *posts this*

    Linkcat's allowed to be useless, though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 01:45:31 am
    Hi Ryli, what are your opinions on Sera, Dema, and iancu?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 01:52:21 am
    Hi Ryli, what are your opinions on Sera, Dema, and iancu?

    Why iancu?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 01:55:35 am
    Why are you only questioning iancu?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 01:58:17 am
    Because I understand you wanting to question Sera's inactivity and Demagog's Demagogueing.

    But iancu? Is it also the inactivity? That's to be expected from iancu.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 01:58:39 am
    Linkcats just going to whine until he dies

    So I'll post a ton with no value whatsoever.

    Hey ya'll, how are ya doing? MTG has been going well for me. The new conspiracy set is coming out and I'm pretty hyped for that. I also bought an amazing Plum today.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 01:59:44 am
    Hey ya'll, how are ya doing? MTG has been going well for me. The new conspiracy set is coming out and I'm pretty hyped for that. I also bought an amazing Plum today.

    No damnation reprint 0/10
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:01:35 am
    Damnation wont get a reprint until they do another from the vault or eternal whatever. Its a bit annoying, but understandable.

    Speaking of, I'm sad I lost my playset during my fire a few years ago :/ I lost a lot of magic cards and its been... painful to see the prices now that Im back into magic.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:04:32 am
    Ian followed your vote on Rob, despite saying he thought he was town. That seems pretty odd to me. Why not defend Rob if he thought he was town, AND Rob was contributing a lot to town. It looks like Ian wanted Rob out of the game, and may have been using your initial vote on Rob to pass the blame over to you.

    Sera claimed to have a rock, and that wasn't countered by a 3rd person saying they had a rock, so I assume they do. If mafia had it, I think they might keep it quiet, and try get rid of whoever sent the rock to keep them from saying they threw the rock to Sera, and that they weren't passing it on in line with the plan.

    I'm not sure about Demagog, he posts information and opinions, then says they're not serious and not to listen to him. Maybe he does actually want us to listen to them, and he's not being serious about telling us to not take them seriously.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 02:11:19 am
    Noooo, my overall point is not to take anyone anyone else says seriously. Everyone is lying at all times, always.

    If someone threw the rock to Sera, she was forced to say she had a rock. If she didn't, that person would say "I threw a rock to Sera and she said nothing." Then we'd have reason to think she's mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 02:14:16 am
    Oh btw, I probably won't be active for the next phase. I may toss a vote on someone early tomorrow, but I may not get a chance to change my vote. Maybe if Solaris is feeling generous and there is something extremely important than needs my attention in the game, you guys can request Solaris to PM me a question and I'll get an e-mail and come answer your question or change my vote if it's to break a tie or something.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:15:33 am

    If someone threw the rock to Sera, she was forced to say she had a rock. If she didn't, that person would say "I threw a rock to Sera and she said nothing." Then we'd have reason to think she's mafia.
    Sera knows who the rock came from, no one else does, if Sera is mafia, all she'd have to do if have the thrower killed so they can't say anything, then the rock just vanishes.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:16:29 am
    She's claimed to have it, so now she has to pass it on.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:17:48 am
    I really don't know, I was asked for something on Sera, and I can't pull too much together from posts/other opinions at this point, so that's all I have to go on.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 02:18:14 am
    Great, we're lynching Dema tomorrow.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:19:01 am
    Interesting point linkcat. But lets try to stay on topic here. Do you play MTG? I'll even accept a move to a hearthstone conversation.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 02:19:11 am
    Hahaha I finally got one of your jokes, Link!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:19:50 am
    Don't worry demagog Im here for you <3
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 02:21:51 am
    I don't play Magic anymore since i lost my decks, but I was never super into it since it's an inferior game to Yugioh.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:23:22 am
    #YugiohMasterRace I love my Kaiju deck!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 02:23:48 am
    Change of plans, we're lynching Ryli.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:24:12 am
    Old yugioh yes, but as yugioh has advanced its gotten more and more complex to try and find innovation, and like magic, its struggled with that. I think yugiohs failings are more severe than magics, but then again, I dont even play real magic anymore. Perhaps an alternate mode to yugioh would pipe my interest.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:25:24 am
    Front row seats, this should make it a better view than the last one.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 02:26:10 am
    No one even plays real magic anymore what on earth are you talking about
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:26:40 am
    or maybe you were looking "Yay Blue Eyes White Dragon" instead
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:27:23 am
    Ive had a lot of success with modern recently when I can force myself to play :P Affinity is still going strong... Just... it burns to see a deck fall from grace
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 02:29:06 am
    I'm not sure what you think is so complex, besides rulings which have always been that way.

    Ryli, do you have any decks that aren't silly?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:30:40 am
    Ryli, do you have any decks that aren't silly?

    I have Kaiju, Crystal Beasts, Baby Raccoons, Fire Kings, Superheavy Samurai and Majespecters
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:32:01 am
    All antimeta decks from various formats besides Crystal Beasts.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 02:32:08 am
    or maybe you were looking "Yay Hyperactive Watching Wild Ancient Neo-Nazi Praetor Dragon of Steel Temper's One Hundredth Flash Nine Thousanth Perfect Assassination: Reckoning™" instead


    Ive had a lot of success with modern recently when I can force myself to play :P Affinity is still going strong... Just... it burns to see a deck fall from grace

    Modern isn't a real format.
    The only real format is vintage.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:33:40 am
    Complex isn't the right word I guess, I just find that after a certain set, things started seeming too ridiculous. Also, balance goes out the window every once in a while and it just makes the game dumb until they drop a strat more unbalanced.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 02:34:09 am
    Hush esp. vintage is garbage
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 02:37:13 am
    Pegasus OP. You have redeemed yourself. Back to lynching Dema.

    Honestly I just ignore all the unbalanced (and expensive) stuff and play fun decks like the ones Ryli mentioned, of which there are dozens and dozens near the same power level.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 02:42:35 am
    And you can do that and all, but my favourite part of magic is how I can show up with a 5 dollar deck, and smash some nub who spent upwards of a thousand on some overplayed, overused netdeck.

    4 Treasure Cruise, 1 Zombie Infestation, 55 land is best deck.

    ... Okay granted it's just that one deck but

    I dunno. I suppose similar things do exist in yugioh, but the garish border and utterly ridiculous names just put me off.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 02:44:52 am
    Is anyone in danger of being mod-killed?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 02:47:57 am
    Is anyone in danger of being mod-killed?


    There, now I am. :D

    I love the night phases.
    It allows us to unadulteratedly shitpost without any consequences.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 02:48:24 am
    I dunno. I suppose similar things do exist in yugioh

    I regularly place 1st in small tournaments, up to 64 players, with cheap Yugioh decks, there's good non meta decks if you know how to play them right, like I expect would be in most card games.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 02:51:41 am
    I dunno. I suppose similar things do exist in yugioh

    I regularly place 1st in small tournaments, up to 64 players, with cheap Yugioh decks, there's good non meta decks if you know how to play them right, like I expect would be in most card games.

    if you know how to play them right

    I hate that term. Passionately.
    The amount of times I've seen to justify bad opinions is just. Ergfgf.gfgfgfgtfr.

    Still, though, 1st place with 64 players consistently? I am assuming a good chunk of the 64 are running these "meta decks" as you call them, right? Not sure if impressed or scared.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 02:53:11 am
    What term? Did you mean phrase?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 26, 2016, 02:57:28 am
    The Rangers won 9-0 tonight so tomorrow I get half priced Papa Johns pizza.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 26, 2016, 03:01:40 am
    The Menagerie is now open.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 03:03:04 am
    God damn UTA, that was a quality shitpost.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 03:03:37 am
    Still, though, 1st place with 64 players consistently? I am assuming a good chunk of the 64 are running these "meta decks" as you call them, right? Not sure if impressed or scared.

    I generally main deck to counter the number 1 expected deck, plus play generic counters to soft counter meta and non meta. Sideboard to counter the 2nd and 3rd most expected.

    People playing anything below that more often than not aren't very skilled, or are playing antimeta too, so the match up is decided by who knows how to play the deck better.

    That's what's worked for me rather well for a number of years.

    Alan, get me pizza too please.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 03:05:10 am
    Every time a ban list hits, or a new meta deck comes out, you need to reanalyse the meta and how your antimeta deck fits in/whether your deck is still viable at all, and switch to something else if playing the best antimeta cards would hurt yourself.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 26, 2016, 03:05:44 am
    God damn UTA, that was a quality shitpost.

    That may be the greatest compliment I've received from anyone in this community. <3
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 03:06:35 am
    Yep, that's pretty much how magic, or any card game goes. I just didn't expect it to be that explicit.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 03:10:01 am
    The floodgates are real.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 03:13:27 am
    God damn UTA, that was a quality shitpost.

    That may be the greatest compliment I've received from anyone in this community. <3

    But I put you at #7 on my list...

    It took me 5 minutes to find my list again to remember where I put you lol.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 03:16:14 am
    The sad thing is that Dema knows I'm not going to lynch him while he's afk, because that would be bad sport.

    Maybe he's so scared that I'll lynch him that he's making this up to buy himself another day.

    Sounds pretty scummy, let's lynch him.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 03:20:33 am
    Pfft, like anyone would ever listen to you. I know I wouldn't.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 03:23:00 am
    If it means lynching you, I'd listen to Linkcat.

    Also that and if I needed advice on bowties. Link's is fabulous.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 03:24:39 am
    So after a quick review of the 100 posts I've made not including this one since the game started, 23 contained no value whatsoever. So 77% of my posts aren't shitposts. That's a higher percentage than I was expecting.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 03:26:22 am
    Espi you've just got a big crush on me. If everyone else in the game told you I was innocent and Artemis stepped forward and said I was innocent, you'd still try to lynch me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 03:27:47 am
    That's not a bowtie, just a shadow that could use some polish.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 03:29:56 am
    I like to imagine that Link's avatar is an actual photo of himself.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 03:30:14 am

    You have good taste in shadows then...?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 26, 2016, 07:10:00 am
    I've been busy with life again, so I can't post as much. Certainly not as much as the last mafia. Thankfully I'm not required to pad with more bread though. Thanks, Linkcat!

    With what was said earlier, I am unsure about the rock. It doesn't look like I received this from Artemis, I'll just hit whoever looks like Artemis.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 26, 2016, 07:21:58 am
    So is no one really going to go with the plan of putting the rock breadcrumbs in anonymous board messages?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 07:23:53 am
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 26, 2016, 07:25:45 am
    I'll probably do it anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 07:28:21 am
    You know you're supposed to just say it, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:32:35 am
    My current mafia are Linkypoo, Espimoo and iancutiewutiepie.

    Might explain later
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 07:35:33 am
    Now I want to lynch you again.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 07:38:12 am
    "Might"? Will.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 26, 2016, 07:39:29 am
    If only we started with just not saying it in public instead, so that mafia has no way to track where it stops.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:40:37 am
    Now I want to lynch you again.

    I love the night phases.
    It allows us to unadulteratedly shitpost without any consequences.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 07:56:30 am
    Now I want to lynch you again.

    I love the night phases.
    It allows us to unadulteratedly shitpost without any consequences.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 26, 2016, 08:02:29 am
    Wait where does it say that we are free to breadpost?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 08:09:53 am
    I don't know where you've got that list from, CleO.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 08:11:10 am
    Though there's not much for me to say to defend myself because there's no explanation to why, so I'll wait for that.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 12:45:12 pm
    Sera the strategy is way more effective if people publicly reveal.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 26, 2016, 02:18:36 pm
    Is anyone in danger of being mod-killed?
    Probably. I'll post the list in the Day 2 post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 26, 2016, 05:53:44 pm
    Night 1 has ended. Please remain patient, and do not post, while I compile info for Day 2.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 26, 2016, 06:18:25 pm
    Day 2

    killsdazombies was out for a stroll in the middle of the night, with a friend.

    The friend jokingly pretended to stab killsdazombies, and laughed as they returned to be at ease. "Just kidding", they uttered, smirking.

    They weren't kidding the next time.

    A brick falls off a building and hits DoubleCapitals. He dies tragically.

    killsdazombies has been nightkilled. He was a Townsfolk (Vanilla Civilian).
    DoubleCapitals has been modkilled. He was a Townsfolk (Vanilla Civilian).

    Until Night 2, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    Hunger sets in as midnight's bell tolls.
    Endless and barren, this land provides no shelter.

    Where can I find hope? I think to myself
    Always the darkest thoughts that come to my mind.
    Solutions so drastic and so final.

    Languish afflicted without remorse.
    Years seem to pass as I morph via blade.
    I carve.
    Not without a pang of regret I admire my new self
    Great swathes of my own body hang from me.

    "Gonna switch it up here because kuro has to go blabbing his mouth and revealing all of my codes; thanks a ton dumbass.
    Dawn to dusk = mafia.

    - Artemis
    CLEFT FOR THEE HIDE IN ME. The walls are wrong. The walls are wrong.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 06:24:24 pm
    Well, I guess we can try to see if this Artemis is the real deal.

    dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 06:26:51 pm
    I feel like Kuro is Nojid.

    Anyway, about my list earlier (Linkcat, Espithel and ian) - just made it up to see how you two would react, and I only added Linkcat to lend validity to it because you all know I'll accuse Linkcat of anything.

    You weren't given much to work with, so taking that into account, you both responded reasonably. I thought you both erred on the defensive side but that's to be expected. I didn't glean anything from this, overall.

    Linkcat always wants to lynch me so I'll ignore that.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 06:30:01 pm
    wikipedia: "Allium is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants that includes the cultivated onion"

    k, Nojid
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 26, 2016, 06:37:03 pm
    So, what's to keep mafia from posting on the message board saying someone is mafia and signing it "- Artemis"? That's potentially 3 free lynches, right? :/
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 06:46:03 pm
    Well, I guess we can try to see if this Artemis is the real deal.

    dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian

    I'm sorry, but what? 100% with Alan on this, anyone could sign an anonymous post with whatever they like. You lynched Rob with no good reason, you want to lynch dawn with no good reason. If dawn isn't mafia, you're going to look very stupid, or very mafia to everyone.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 26, 2016, 06:54:01 pm
    dawn to dusk (1) - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian  (1) - Ryli

    Even if you are town, I feel you are doing us a lot of harm with your decisions.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 06:58:24 pm
    Even if you are town, I feel you are doing us a lot of harm with your decisions.
    Uhh, you are not supposed to follow me or anything. And how am I doing any harm? Even if I vote for dawn and everyone else votes for someone else, how does that make any harm?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:00:45 pm
    We don't even have to lynch dawn now if anyone has any better leads. That information can be used later in the game.

    Of course, this could also be a trap to make the real Artemis reveal itself trying to save dawn.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:06:18 pm
    I feel like you're being unreasonably defensive

    dawn to dusk {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian  {2} - Ryli, CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:07:48 pm
    How is that "unreasonable"?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:08:43 pm
    I didn't say "unreasonable", I said "unreasonably"
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 26, 2016, 07:09:47 pm
    We don't even have to lynch dawn now if anyone has any better leads. That information can be used later in the game.

    Of course, this could also be a trap to make the real Artemis reveal itself trying to save dawn.

    Was just about to say the same thing. Artemis, if you didn't post that, don't say so in the thread. Mafia may be baiting you.

    Personally I am now most suspicious of Ryli. I painted a big target on my back to make me a forerunner to be lynched and Ryli still supported me. A mafia might support someone that is likely to be lynched so that the mafia member can look more innocent.

    Put my vote on Ryli for now. I'm not opposed to lynching dawn, though.

    Can't post much this round, this may be my only one.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:11:44 pm
    dawn to dusk {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {2} - Ryli, CleanOnion
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:12:02 pm
    I didn't say "unreasonable", I said "unreasonably"
    That doesn't answer my question.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:17:38 pm
    The fact that you're still prodding it for a start.

    Accept it and move on. If you're a Townsfolk, your lynch will save a role from being lynched. If you're a role, you've only got 2 votes on you, deal with it. If you're mafia, you're doing a great job so far, keep it up.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 26, 2016, 07:19:22 pm
    Hey, someone threw a rock through my window in the middle of the night! Could I get someone to help me clean up the broken glass?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:19:31 pm
    On another note, for the record, every time I try to do something someone else tells me to it ends up going wrong and I feel bad after it. This happened when I followed Link and this happens IRL every time as well. I should've known better.

    Wtf am I am even doing again...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:20:50 pm
    If you're a Townsfolk, your lynch will save a role from being lynched. If you're a role, you've only got 2 votes on you, deal with it. If you're mafia, you're doing a great job so far, keep it up.
    The same can be said of dawn then.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:22:07 pm
    Except you voted on dawn based on an anonymous public tip from someone claiming to be Artemis, you have no evidence of anything that you've mentioned.

    My vote is at least based on something, albeit subjective
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:23:15 pm
    You know what, for once I'll vote for whom I want.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian (2) - Ryli, CleanOnion
    Ryli (1) - Demagog

    And stop using those brackets. You're ruining a really old tradition.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:25:07 pm
    Except you voted on dawn based on an anonymous public tip from someone claiming to be Artemis, you have no evidence of anything that you've mentioned.

    My vote is at least based on something, albeit subjective
    You have no evidence either. I am actually based of a statement that may or may not be true.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: batboy2002 on August 26, 2016, 07:25:52 pm
    what's going on  :P :'( :'( :o 8) :D ;D ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:26:27 pm
    what's going on  :P :'( :'( :o 8) :D ;D ;)
    Get out
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 07:29:04 pm
    Parentheses don't work with 8 votes, square brackets don't work with 0 votes, and curly braces don't seem to have an issue with any number.

    As there's not "0 vote" mechanic in this mafia, at least use brackets. If your only reason is "tradition" then there's something wrong.

    The statement may or may not be true, yeah. If there are 15 players in the mafia, one of whom is Artemis, then that's a 1/15 chance of it being true.

    My chances are 3/15, as there are 3 mafia.

    If you are Artemis, you'd keep your vote on d2d, not change to fabian.

    @batboy this is a mafia game in progress
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 07:32:16 pm
    I have already stated I'm not Artemis.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 08:12:27 pm
    So my first thought upon seeing the Nightkill is that Dema is basically confirmed. This was a poor attempt by mafia to frame Dema by killing another really old player. The mistake they made is that they killed a player who I pointed out several times as being useless, which made it really obvious that they killed him for a specific reason. The other option is that Dema is actually framing himself in a poor way hoping that I would make this exact post. That would be hilarious, but I'm not disregarding it. I could definitely see Ryli+dawn making those kills, so I want to lynch dawn to see if Ryli made the rookie mistake of defending her own partner.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian (2) - Ryli, CleanOnion
    Ryli (1) - Demagog
    dawn to dusk (1) - Linkcat

    If this was a fake Artemis, surely they would have gone for a better target than dawn? It feels like a really believable target to me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 26, 2016, 08:16:39 pm
    Parentheses don't work with 8 votes




    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 08:17:08 pm
    Parentheses don't work with 8 votes




    Get out
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 08:27:01 pm
    So my first thought upon seeing the Nightkill is that Dema is basically confirmed. This was a poor attempt by mafia to frame Dema by killing another really old player. The mistake they made is that they killed a player who I pointed out several times as being useless, which made it really obvious that they killed him for a specific reason. The other option is that Dema is actually framing himself in a poor way hoping that I would make this exact post. That would be hilarious, but I'm not disregarding it. I could definitely see Ryli+dawn making those kills, so I want to lynch dawn to see if Ryli made the rookie mistake of defending her own partner.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian (2) - Ryli, CleanOnion
    Ryli (1) - Demagog
    dawn to dusk (1) - Linkcat

    If this was a fake Artemis, surely they would have gone for a better target than dawn? It feels like a really believable target to me.

    If ryli/dawn is mafia, why would the mafia explicitly out one of their candidates?

    I smell a redirection trick, personally. I think something said in the previous night must've struck a nerve with one of the mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 08:30:34 pm
    Dawn's not going to be mafia if Yogurt is Artemis.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 26, 2016, 08:31:45 pm
    Dawn's not going to be mafia if Yogurt is Artemis.
    Don't you mean it the other way around?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 26, 2016, 08:32:44 pm
    ... Okay, I'll take the bait.

    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {2} - Ryli, CleanOnion
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {2} - Linkcat, Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 08:40:15 pm
    Yes, iancu.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on August 26, 2016, 09:12:57 pm
    <Finally decides that since link humored him, to start playing seriously.
    <Starts writing post for day 2. Time to rock and roll.
    <4 paragraphs in, gets to the night kill for night 1
    <fml. Ripme

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 09:52:17 pm
    If this was a fake Artemis, surely they would have gone for a better target than dawn? It feels like a really believable target to me.

    Wouldn't that be exactly why dawn was picked?

    Assuming the Artemis is fake, mafia would be trying to balance "picking off a valuable player" and "not picking a player valuable enough that it's not believable".

    Apply your logic to a genuine Artemis. Why pick d2d? Why not someone active?

    So my first thought upon seeing the Nightkill is that Dema is basically confirmed. This was a poor attempt by mafia to frame Dema by killing another really old player.

    That's a very specific rationale you have there. I think we all know that Dema would kill whoever he pleases. He may say he doesn't know us well, but I'm sure he's more than capable of killing people normally like a normal person.

    Your willingness to snuggle Dema under the blanket of confirmedness throws suspicion on both of you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 10:13:43 pm
    Claiming Artemis on the noticeboard is already risky, so on the chance people fall for it it's a lot better to kill a more active player. The extra reward outweighs the extra risk.

    What you said about Dema doesn't go against anything that I said.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 10:45:24 pm
    The nightkill targeting d2d in no way confirms Demagog, that's what I'm saying.

    I'm also saying that it throws sus on you for suggesting it.

    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {2} - Linkcat, Espithel
    Linkcat {1} - CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 10:46:13 pm
    Should either Linkcat or Demagog die for whatever reason, and rolls mafia, the other should be regarded with great suspicion.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 26, 2016, 10:53:31 pm
    I may like fish, but I don't like bait.

    I am not going for the d2d lynch, but...

    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {2} - Linkcat, Espithel
    Linkcat {2} - CleanOnion, fabian771

    I'll have to follow CO in this one.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 26, 2016, 11:01:18 pm
    The nightkill targeting d2d in no way confirms Demagog, that's what I'm saying.

    I'm also saying that it throws sus on you for suggesting it.

    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {2} - Linkcat, Espithel
    Linkcat {1} - CleanOnion

    You mean kdz, right? My logic is sound. How else would you possibly exlain the Nightkill? Even if Dema's mafia we'll know if he lives past Night 4-5.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 26, 2016, 11:21:30 pm
    Woops, I did mean kdz, yep. Had me a bit of a mix-up there.

    Who gives a damn if someone's trying to frame Dema? How do we know it's not Dema himself? How do we know it's not you?

    Why are you so keen on protecting him?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 26, 2016, 11:46:22 pm
    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {2} - Linkcat, Espithel
    Linkcat {3} - CleanOnion, fabian771, Kuroaitou

    Placeholder vote because current code depictions are bringing different insight.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 27, 2016, 12:00:47 am
    Linkcat says a fair point. Only way this would make sense is if dawn actually mafia. Like mafia would go for the more juicy targets like link or dema...
    Nojid probably targeted Onion for the last investigation.

    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {2} - Linkcat, Espithel
    Linkcat {4} - CleanOnion, fabian771, Kuroaitou, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 27, 2016, 12:02:32 am
    Protecting him from what?
    Woops, I did mean kdz, yep. Had me a bit of a mix-up there.

    Who gives a damn if someone's trying to frame Dema? Because that means he's town.

    How do we know it's not Dema himself? We'll know if he lives through the next few nights.

    How do we know it's not you? I'll die soon either way, then you'll know.

    Why are you so keen on protecting him? Protecting him from what? He wasn't getting lynched today. How can you honestly believe that we're mafia together?

    Onion, I want you to tell me exactly why you think the mafia made such an objectively terrible Nightkill. If you can't come up with a good explanation, then you have no right to criticize me over mine.

    Sera, why are you voting on me when you just agreed that dawn is probably mafia???
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 27, 2016, 12:34:37 am
    this sounds like WIFOM to me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 27, 2016, 01:03:46 am
    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {1} - Demagog
    dawn to dusk {3} - Linkcat, Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat {4} - CleanOnion, fabian771, Kuroaitou, Sera

    I'm wary of following Linkcat too much, but I agree that there would be much better targets if this is mafia. I'm also open to hearing what dawn has to say.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: batboy2002 on August 27, 2016, 01:06:20 am
    fill me in on what's going on and maybe I can help
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 27, 2016, 01:13:39 am
    fill me in on what's going on and maybe I can help

    Mafia has already started, you can't join a game in progress, but you can join the next one when this one finishes, if it interests you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: batboy2002 on August 27, 2016, 01:14:58 am
    can you tell me what the hell mafia is?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 27, 2016, 01:21:58 am
    can you tell me what the hell mafia is?

    Mafia is a forum game involving two teams, with the civilians' objective of trying to vote/lynch off all of the mafia remembers, while the mafia's objective is to kill enough civilians via nightkills and lynching in order to gain a majority vote. If you have any further questions, please read the original post for details.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 27, 2016, 01:38:29 am
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 27, 2016, 01:40:11 am
    can you tell me what the hell mafia is?

    ... Get out of here. Read the rules on the second post. You're here for something, no?
    If you don't know what mafia is, don't even bother joining until after you read the rules.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 27, 2016, 01:44:32 am
    EBWOP: You can't join to a game in progress.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 27, 2016, 01:46:09 am
    Btw, Ian, could you please tell me what's the reasoning behind voting on me? (I skipped a piece of mafia)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 27, 2016, 01:46:49 am
    Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all.

    Not a single person followed me to the library...

    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {2} - Demagog, skyironsword
    dawn to dusk {3} - Linkcat, Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat {4} - CleanOnion, fabian771, Kuroaitou, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 27, 2016, 01:58:13 am
    UTA, can you check if one of fabian's posts was somehow deleted?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 27, 2016, 02:21:04 am

    WPSIC: Btw, you can't join a game in progress.

    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 27, 2016, 02:23:19 am
    Huh? I don't recognise having written "WPSIC". Whut.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 27, 2016, 02:29:19 am
    BTW, a post I was missing:

    I might be HEAVILY inactive on mafia due to school pressure at it's peak, War, and some other stuff. You people are advised.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 27, 2016, 04:49:13 am
    Ok, I have time to make a post before I fall asleep. To Onion about Link and me not really accusing each other and Link saying I am confirmed:

    It is possible that one of us is mafia and the other not. However, it is extremely improbable based on our behavior so far in the game. Both he and I have said we don't think the other is mafia. That would mean that if either one of us dies ever, the other one gets lynched immediately. You have to remember that there are only 3 mafia members. They HAVE TO stay clear of each other this game because if they ever support each other they will fall like dominoes. Really we should be looking at people that are following civs in voting and the mafia members are probably voting apart from each other at least as often as they vote for the same person.

    So ya, it's beneath Link's and my level of play to support each other if we were both mafia. We know when to cut off a dying limb to save the body.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 27, 2016, 04:50:41 am
    Ebwop: sorry, meant to say that it is extremely improbably based on our behavior so far that we are both mafia. One of us being mafia is still possible.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 27, 2016, 05:02:52 am
    So /who showed UTA moderating a board at the time but he didn't mention deleting it, Kuro says he didn't delete it, fabian says he didn't delete it, and the post he says is missing is different from what UTA posted, and both posts are harmless? I'm really confused now.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 27, 2016, 05:15:05 am
    Hey can we talk about mafia again
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 27, 2016, 06:17:49 am
    Ok, I have time to make a post before I fall asleep. To Onion about Link and me not really accusing each other and Link saying I am confirmed:

    It is possible that one of us is mafia and the other not. However, it is extremely improbable based on our behavior so far in the game. Both he and I have said we don't think the other is mafia. That would mean that if either one of us dies ever, the other one gets lynched immediately. You have to remember that there are only 3 mafia members. They HAVE TO stay clear of each other this game because if they ever support each other they will fall like dominoes. Really we should be looking at people that are following civs in voting and the mafia members are probably voting apart from each other at least as often as they vote for the same person.

    So ya, it's beneath Link's and my level of play to support each other if we were both mafia. We know when to cut off a dying limb to save the body.

    If they haven't done so already, Atermis should really check one of you guys. Just to make sure.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 27, 2016, 08:36:58 am
    Btw, Ian, could you please tell me what's the reasoning behind voting on me? (I skipped a piece of mafia)
    You are inactive, so either useless town or sneaky mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 27, 2016, 09:40:19 am
    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian {1} - Ryli
    Ryli {3} - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    dawn to dusk {3} - Linkcat, Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat {3} - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera

    Re-calibrating. Something doesn't add up...

    Also, sorry Nojid for messing you up. :(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 27, 2016, 09:55:20 am
    fabian771 {1} - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli {3} - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    dawn to dusk {3} - Linkcat, Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat {3} - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 27, 2016, 10:13:19 am
    hOI!!!!! i'm aRTIE!!!!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 27, 2016, 10:19:35 am
    and dis is my friend... artie!!!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 27, 2016, 11:55:49 am
    Rest assured that the reference you just made is the reason you'll never get invited to my parties again.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 27, 2016, 12:18:11 pm
    Rest assured that the reference you just made is the reason you'll never get invited to my parties again.

    There was an antiquote in that quote. I do not approve.

    Was Ryli ever invited in the first place?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 27, 2016, 12:29:05 pm
    Everyone on the signup list was invited to the party, with the exception of Linkcat.

    It seems that many of you are not getting invited back.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 27, 2016, 12:37:43 pm
    Everyone on the signup list was invited to the party, with the exception of Linkcat.[desc]

    It seems that many of you are not getting invited back.

    Again with the antiquotes >:(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 27, 2016, 12:42:31 pm
    What is an antiquote?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 27, 2016, 12:51:49 pm
    Click Sky's most recent post on this mafia.

    You'll notice this: [desc=ANTIQUOTE]


    Currently going back Sky's other posts and seeing if this persists.
    Because, er, yeah, why would a civ do this if not to mess with us? Which Sky clearly would but >:(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 27, 2016, 12:54:38 pm
    Try quoting this post if you'd like to experience one yourself.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 27, 2016, 12:59:24 pm
    I don't get it, though. What's the purpose of it?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 27, 2016, 12:59:55 pm
    I don't get it, though. What's the purpose of it?
    Me neither.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 27, 2016, 01:01:18 pm
    It's to stop you from quoting it.
    Hense, antiquote.

    ... Does this constitute grounds for lynching someone?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 27, 2016, 01:08:15 pm
    It amuses me.

    It's not limited to mafia, though. For example, some of my RS3 posts also have antiquote.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 27, 2016, 01:11:05 pm
    But it doesn't stop you from quoting. It's just annoying.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 27, 2016, 01:14:51 pm
    Same thing, 0nion

    Don't be a pedant
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 27, 2016, 01:17:25 pm
    Also, I wanted to see if people would eventually stop quoting me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 27, 2016, 01:17:45 pm
    Also, I wanted to see if people would eventually stop quoting me.

    I'm gonna quote you more now e.e
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 27, 2016, 01:18:22 pm
    I should have been at the top of the list. The throne is the only place I belong.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 01:18:40 am
    You guys really don't do much without me, rob, or Dema, do you?

    Onion, you need to respond to my request.

    Sers, you need to answer my question.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 01:21:28 am
    We're also missing way too many votes.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 01:28:05 am
    You tell 'em, Link!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 01:37:21 am
    I'm switching my vote for two reasons. One, I've never liked Ryli this game and I like the people voting on her, and two, the combination of the potential for Nojid to be Artemis and it being bad play to not out dawn one phase earlier.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat (3) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 28, 2016, 02:11:06 am
    I'm switching my vote for two reasons. One, I've never liked Ryli this game and I like the people voting on her, and two, the combination of the potential for Nojid to be Artemis and it being bad play to not out dawn one phase earlier.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat (3) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera
    If you read my old message again, it said "LOL NO". I thought you would be better than following the dawn message. Thus I'm taking my vote off of you... for now. That was still very suspicious.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat (2) - CleanOnion, fabian771
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 02:32:21 am
    I know you're reading these, Onion. Talk to me about the Nightkill.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 28, 2016, 02:35:45 am
    Talk to me about the Nightkill.

    Wait. What.


    I'm not sure if I should trust you, but something is really fishy around here. Bait is near. I smell it.

    Or perhaps it's my imagination.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 28, 2016, 02:40:31 am
    I know you're reading these, Onion. Talk to me about the Nightkill.
    d2d died, amirite?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 28, 2016, 02:46:42 am
    Onion, I want you to tell me exactly why you think the mafia made such an objectively terrible Nightkill. If you can't come up with a good explanation, then you have no right to criticize me over mine.
    I'm not criticising the nightkill, I'm criticising your analysis of it. I don't give a damn if you saying "kdz being targeted confirms Dema as town" was a joke.

    Sure, you "explained" it, but you also said the same thing yesterday when RR was killed. So I don't understand where you're coming from, really
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 02:51:26 am
    The nightkill was bad.

    If you agree with this statement, tell me why you think it happened.

    If you cannot come up with an explanation, tell me why my explanation is bad.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 02:59:31 am
    I'm switching my vote for two reasons. One, I've never liked Ryli this game and I like the people voting on her, and two, the combination of the potential for Nojid to be Artemis and it being bad play to not out dawn one phase earlier.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat (3) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera

    In the alleged Artemis's defense, they may not have realized you can send a message during the day too. I know I completely forgot about it. That's why I am not saying the d2d claim is fishy.

    If this claim is true, my guess is that Artemis targeted d2d on night 1, found out d2d is mafia in day 1, didn't realize or remember that a message could be sent in, then sent it in during the night phase.

    I'm still leaving my vote where it is... neither d2d or Ryli have defended themselves yet I think, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 28, 2016, 03:09:21 am
    The nightkill was bad.

    If you agree with this statement, tell me why you think it happened.

    If you cannot come up with an explanation, tell me why my explanation is bad.
    Hold up. You're avoiding my point. Putting it down into simple sentences doesn't hide that.

    Last night, RR was killed. You immediately blamed Dema, lemme find that post real quick

    To answer your question rob, I'm going to lynch you, then I'm going to lynch Dema because this Nightkill screams Dema to me. It avoids Athena, the target was a really old mafia player from back in the day like Dema, and Dema's not the type to care that Raving hasn't played since Mafia 54.

    Demagog shrugged it off and nobody really cared because there was a lot of fuss about rob77dp and rocks. Wait - didn't you cause both of those distractions?

    Then the next night, kdz dies. You jump straight to the conclusion that someone is trying to frame Demagog and that therefore, he must be town. I suggest this, and Demagog nopes out.

    So ya, it's beneath Link's and my level of play to support each other if we were both mafia. We know when to cut off a dying limb to save the body.

    Yep, that's very true, you both do. A single flailing leg is no use to the body, but two legs working in tandem can run pretty far, no?

    Not supporting each other is exactly what you would do if you were mafia, and you know that. That's why you're supporting each other.

    Demagog being confirmed by two nightkills being old players is completely ridiculous.

    I'm leaving my vote on you for now. I'd expect the rest of y'all to join me

    Because I'm no hypocrite I'll answer your questions:

    The nightkill was good for town because it killed off a Townsfolk who had not contributed a lot to the game so far. It was good for mafia because it gave the opportunity for you to try to manipulate us into thinking that Demagog is confirmed.

    Your explanation is not bad either - it explains the kill very well. But your assumption that town would believe your lies is flawed, and your plan isn't working.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 28, 2016, 03:13:20 am
    The nightkill was good for town because it killed off a Townsfolk
    As opposed to one of the roles
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 28, 2016, 03:24:14 am
    In fact it almost looks like the nightkill was selected simply so Link could somehow say Dema is town. This is horribly WIFOM-y which only makes me want to decide on other factors more, i.e. Link jumping on dawn.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 03:25:07 am
    Demagog being confirmed by two nightkills being old players is completely ridiculous.

    Your explanation is not bad either - it explains the kill very well.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 03:56:38 am
    The issue is that since d2d was accused, Link wouldn't even need to defend me this round. The attention on me isn't even that much. There is a bunch of logical reasoning I would try to do with if Link is or isn't mafia, if Link and I are both mafia or not, and if the d2d claim is true or not. I'm too sleepy and doing it from my phone would be a huge pain. If anyone else wants to give it a shot, feel free. Thinking about it vaguely makes me think the idea that he and I are both mafia is silly, but I may be biased in knowing that I am not mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 28, 2016, 04:16:56 am
    I'm switching my vote for two reasons. One, I've never liked Ryli this game and I like the people voting on her, and two, the combination of the potential for Nojid to be Artemis and it being bad play to not out dawn one phase earlier.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (2) - Espithel, UTAlan
    Linkcat (3) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera
    Nojid isn't Artemis, Yoghurt is the one who posted the d2d claim.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 04:20:56 am
    There's no guarantee that Yogurt isn't mafia pretending to be Artemis.

    Nojid is doing some funky stuff according to Kuro and it's starting to bother me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 28, 2016, 08:49:01 am
    Demagog being confirmed by two nightkills being old players is completely ridiculous.

    Your explanation is not bad either - it explains the kill very well.

    In fact it almost looks like the nightkill was selected simply so Link could somehow say Dema is town. This is horribly WIFOM-y which only makes me want to decide on other factors more, i.e. Link jumping on dawn.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 10:38:44 am
    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (1) - UTAlan
    Linkcat (4) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Sera, Espithel

    Because Demagog is mafia and therefore Ryli is town yep yep obviously e.e okay fine

    Seriously, though, if you're not going to take the bait with Dawn, can you at least pick a target that has a shred of merit? Thank you. Whilst Ryli is vague and incapable of explaining themselves (And yes, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY LEARN TO DO THAT MORNINGSTAR (Praise the moon)),

    To use Demagog's favourite fallacy, Lynching Link just gives us so much more juicy information, although that's not why I'm lynching. Is Demagog mafia? How much has Linkcat redirected us, and how many times did one of us hit a nerve and shuffled the conversation? Because I'm starting to think that Link is abusing his status of root ranger 2.0 to redirect anything that gets uncomfortable.

    Also, I just like this side more. 0nion's a bit quirky, but he brings up good points time to time. I wish fabian could be active; my experience with him last brawl knows that whilst he does struggle with activity, he gets the job done when needed and makes salient points. And Sera is meh.

    Did you notice how I'm using the exact same arguments against Ryli against Link? Strange, isn't it? It's almost like your lynch is completely vapid and meaningless, which I would not expect from the second coming of grootboomerang and the black despair thing. I'd expect it from demagog, though. Obviously.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 10:40:38 am
    EBWOP: This is why you proofread things:

    Whilst Ryli is vague and incapable of explaining themselves (And yes, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY LEARN TO DO THAT MORNINGSTAR (Praise the moon)), this alone is something shared by Fabian to a stronger degree, to ginyu and numbers to a stronger degree, and by kdz to a stronger degree with the fact that that feels unusual. Ryli agreeing that demagog is town is a moot point unless demagog flips mafia, in which case, Demagog just tried to lynch him. Very unlikely, people. Very unlikely.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 28, 2016, 12:28:46 pm
    Personally I am now most suspicious of Ryli. I painted a big target on my back to make me a forerunner to be lynched and Ryli still supported me. A mafia might support someone that is likely to be lynched so that the mafia member can look more innocent.

    I felt you were town, and also that you had a lot to say where others didn't. Losing a lot of active towns early would cripple us, and I didn't want that. Maybe I've made bad and inexperienced calls though.

    The dawn is mafia claim feels like a strong Artemis bait, if that really is Artemis, that probably wasn't the best way to go about it, unless Artemis followed up with other hints in a public post and I've just being unable to pick up on them.

    I'm not sure what other reasons are being held against me, so I can't really put in much more defence than that, currently. Kuro just stated that something doesn't feel right, Link just said that he likes the people voting on me, I'm not sure how to counter that.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (1) - UTAlan
    Linkcat (4) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Espithel, Ryli

    I'll make a self preservation vote on Link until he can give me better reasoning on his vote, if he convinces me otherwise, I'll remove and take the fall.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 12:34:22 pm
    Oh, sera removed her vote.

    Oop, apologies for misleading
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 01:24:49 pm
    Personally I am now most suspicious of Ryli. I painted a big target on my back to make me a forerunner to be lynched and Ryli still supported me. A mafia might support someone that is likely to be lynched so that the mafia member can look more innocent.

    I felt you were town, and also that you had a lot to say where others didn't. Losing a lot of active towns early would cripple us, and I didn't want that. Maybe I've made bad and inexperienced calls though.

    The dawn is mafia claim feels like a strong Artemis bait, if that really is Artemis, that probably wasn't the best way to go about it, unless Artemis followed up with other hints in a public post and I've just being unable to pick up on them.

    I'm not sure what other reasons are being held against me, so I can't really put in much more defence than that, currently. Kuro just stated that something doesn't feel right, Link just said that he likes the people voting on me, I'm not sure how to counter that.

    fabian771 (1) - iancudorinmarian
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, skyironsword, Kuroaitou, Linkcat
    dawn to dusk (1) - UTAlan
    Linkcat (4) - CleanOnion, fabian771, Espithel, Ryli

    I'll make a self preservation vote on Link until he can give me better reasoning on his vote, if he convinces me otherwise, I'll remove and take the fall.

    My whole reasoning is that I try to think how I would vote if I were mafia..if I were, I wouldn't vote with other mafia members and I would vote with someone that I know has a higher chance to be lynched so that I can appear more town-aligned.

    If you end up getting lynched and you aren't mafia, sorry in advance.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 03:56:19 pm
    Ryli, I'm voting on you because of a general scumread,  so you won't be seeing any strong arguments from me. You also happened to be the only person I wanted to lynch that was feasible.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 03:58:08 pm
    Also Ryli, unless you actually want to lynch me, your best option is leaving a tie which will result in No Lynch.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 28, 2016, 04:00:41 pm
    Day has ended.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 28, 2016, 04:02:45 pm
    A tie would be preferred, of course I don't want to die, it was more several people felt me backing down to confirm my innocence through dying would be better.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 28, 2016, 04:06:10 pm
    Night 2

    For tonight, the town rests, instead of pointlessly killing eachother.

    The lynch resulted in a no-lynch.

    Until Day 3, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    "Shifting codes again.
    use the code: 17-21-"0"-20-5 for decipher:Allium

    I'm the Queen, treat me well tonight.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 28, 2016, 04:16:55 pm
    A tie would be preferred, of course I don't want to die, it was more several people felt me backing down to confirm my innocence through dying would be better.
    *it was more if.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 04:28:14 pm
    I thought rounds are 48 hours, not 47. No lynches are dumb and only favor mafia. I would change my vote so Linkcat would be lynched if this round were 48 hours instead of 47.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 28, 2016, 04:31:02 pm
    I thought rounds are 48 hours, not 47. No lynches are dumb and only favor mafia. I would change my vote so Linkcat would be lynched if this round were 48 hours instead of 47.
    It was 48. I have the timer set to 1200 my time. It's presently 1230 my time.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 04:36:17 pm
    But last time you didn't end the round until after 12 my time and it's 1135 my time. Just post the timestamps of your last two round end posts, I can't atm.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 28, 2016, 04:38:51 pm
    But last time you didn't end the round until after 12 my time and it's 1135 my time. Just post the timestamps of your last two round end posts, I can't atm.
    That's because I overslept. Generally I try to be punctual about deadlines.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 28, 2016, 04:42:39 pm
    EBWOP: Oh, I see, yeah this phase was an hour short. It still ended at the same time as everything except Night 2 though. You were given ample warning, if you had looked at the timer in the Night 2 post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 28, 2016, 04:42:56 pm
    Double EBWOP: Day 2, not night 2.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 04:45:48 pm
    Don't make excuses. If you say rounds will be 48 hours then make them 48 hours at least from your days end post. You can just give this day a little more time and make the night phase shorter if you want to get back on schedule.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 04:47:36 pm
    Timers aren't as reliable as adding 48 hours to a timestamp.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 05:35:05 pm
    Solaris (1) - Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 05:35:52 pm
    It's standard practice for phases to end at the normal time when the previous phase goes long. It also says in the OP that phases may be shortened. Always check the timers.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 28, 2016, 05:48:42 pm
    Solaris (2) - Espithel, iancudorinmarian
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 06:10:55 pm
    Solaris (1) - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Espithel

    AHA! You were just bandwagoning on the lynch I started to try and look normal! I've got you now, scumz0r!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 28, 2016, 06:15:56 pm
    Espithel (1) - iancudorinmarian
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Espithel

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on August 28, 2016, 06:22:40 pm
    If you're going to throw lynches about with no good reason, do it properly please

    1011686 (1) - Ryli
    fabian771 (1) - Ryli
    CleanOnion (1) - Ryli
    Ryli (1) - Ryli
    Demagog (1) - Ryli
    RavingRabbid (1) - Ryli
    UTAlan (1) - Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Ryli
    Espithel (2) - iancudorinmarian, Ryli
    danil (1) - Ryli
    Kuroaitou (1) - Ryli
    Sera (1) - Ryli
    skyironsword (1)  Ryli
    dawn to dusk (1) - Ryli
    killsdazombies (1) - Ryli
    DoubleCapitals (1) - Ryli
    Linkcat (1) - Ryli
    Ginyu (1) - Ryli
    iancudorinmarian (2) - Espithel, Ryli
    Submachine (1) - Ryli
    ddevans96 (1) - Ryli
    batboy2002 (1) - Ryli
    Solaris (1) - Ryli
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 06:49:28 pm
    1011686 (1) - Ryli
    fabian771 (1) - Ryli
    CleanOnion (1) - Ryli
    Ryli (1) - Ryli
    Demagog (1) - Ryli
    RavingRabbid (1) - Ryli
    UTAlan (1) - Ryli
    rob77dp (1) - Ryli
    Espithel (2) - iancudorinmarian, Ryli
    danil (1) - Ryli
    Kuroaitou (1) - Ryli
    Sera (1) - Ryli
    skyironsword (1)  Ryli
    dawn to dusk (1) - Ryli
    killsdazombies (1) - Ryli
    DoubleCapitals (1) - Ryli
    Linkcat (1) - Ryli
    Ginyu (1) - Ryli
    iancudorinmarian (3) - Espithel, Ryli, Ryli
    Submachine (1) - Ryli
    ddevans96 (1) - Ryli
    batboy2002 (1) - Ryli
    Solaris (1) - Ryli

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 09:10:14 pm
    So Dema, how do you feel about lynching Onion tomorrow?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 28, 2016, 09:32:54 pm
    So Dema, how do you feel about lynching Onion tomorrow?
    Wouldn't it be easier to kill me tonight?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 09:40:26 pm
    So Dema, how do you feel about lynching Onion tomorrow?

    Why 0nion?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 09:52:48 pm
    Because he's mafia.

    So Dema, how do you feel about lynching Onion tomorrow?
    Wouldn't it be easier to kill me tonight?

    That's just not quite as fun.

    Also we need to find out who has the other rock. Sera?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 09:54:46 pm
    Because he's mafia.

    No no no no no no no.

    Why is he mafia?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 10:04:19 pm
    His play during this game doesn't make sense as town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 10:09:48 pm
    His play during this game doesn't make sense as town.

    Can you quote examples?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 10:42:41 pm
    Because he's mafia.

    So Dema, how do you feel about lynching Onion tomorrow?
    Wouldn't it be easier to kill me tonight?

    That's just not quite as fun.

    Also we need to find out who has the other rock. Sera?

    IMO all of you are equally likely to be mafia. I have my suspicions, which I believe I've already made clear. Town is starting to throw the game with no lynches though, so w/e. Let's just lynch someone and play the game.

    You say his play doesn't make sense as town, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Give us some examples.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 10:44:42 pm
    IMO all of you are equally likely to be mafia. I have my suspicions, which I believe I've already made clear. Town is starting to throw the game with no lynches though, so w/e. Let's just lynch someone and play the game.

    You say his play doesn't make sense as town, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Give us some examples.

    This is the most town thing you have said thus far.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 10:45:04 pm
    And I wholeheartedly agree with it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 11:30:33 pm
    No Espi keep accusing me so mafia won't kill me! Everything I say is town-like because I am town :-p
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 28, 2016, 11:34:20 pm
    Shit Demagog has seen through my plans now he's gonna get nk'd [/s]
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 28, 2016, 11:37:36 pm
    Demagog being confirmed by two nightkills being old players is completely ridiculous.

    Your explanation is not bad either - it explains the kill very well.

    In fact it almost looks like the nightkill was selected simply so Link could somehow say Dema is town. This is horribly WIFOM-y which only makes me want to decide on other factors more, i.e. Link jumping on dawn.

    Let's start with this clear contradiction that he failed to address. In the same post he claims that my explanation is completely ridiculous and that it explains the kill very well. Of course he'll try to put a spin on it, but that doesn't change the fact that it happened.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 28, 2016, 11:46:01 pm
    Maybe he meant that your idea that either mafia killed KDZ to frame me or that I'm mafia and killed him to make it look like mafia is trying to frame me has merit. But that doesn't mean that I'm confirmed town. That's how I understood it and I don't see it as a contradiction.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 29, 2016, 12:17:21 am
    It's a complete turnaround from the idea to the logical conclusion of the idea. Onion, how would you feel about it if I die and flip town?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 29, 2016, 12:21:59 am
    Demagog being confirmed by two nightkills being old players is completely ridiculous.

    Your explanation is not bad either - it explains the kill very well.

    Explain how these statements contradict something?

    One is in regards to how Linkcat said that Demagog is confirmed by two nightkills.
    One is in regards as to why the nightkill happened.
    I fail to see the error here.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 29, 2016, 01:00:34 am
    Onion, how would you feel about it if I die and flip town?
    I'd feel a bit stupid, obviously, and would likely be lynched shortly.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 29, 2016, 01:06:09 am
    I mean about Dema.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 29, 2016, 07:35:50 am
    Okay here's the TL;DR thing I wanted to make:


    Plans for THE ROCK: We throw it randomly until it gets to Artemis.
    Artemis then throws this to people she investigates and then breadcrumbs their names.
    If Artemis throws you a rock, follow her breadcrumbs and throw rocks there.
    (Personal suggestion: if you're not Artemis, don't throw a rock and fake-breadcrumb the same name, or people will confuse you as Artemis?)


    Danil making a side-comment about being new.
    Dema and rob jumping on it.
    (Note that jumping on people for being new was very effective in the last few mafias ha ha)

    More bread

    kdz claiming vanilla (as build up for a chocolate joke)

    danil thing resolved

    Only more bread, how is this thing 236 posts.

    And some reads. But I'm too lazy to link them.
    I threw a rock night 0 based on this post

    Why are there 40 pages since then it makes no sense
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 29, 2016, 07:48:00 am
    Id just like to say, no-lynch isn't completely bad, as it gives more time for Artemis to find mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 29, 2016, 08:35:30 am
    Ok so it is fairly simple for me to say that Yoghurt is mafia, and I am kind of confused as to why people jumped on it as fast as they did. I mean sure, the first time it happens will be the last, but still

    Quote from: Linkcat
    If this was a fake Artemis, surely they would have gone for a better target than dawn? It feels like a really believable target to me.
    Because they would 100% try to kill someone like Demagog because it would be believable
    That being said, maybe if it was Demagog, it would be reversed, saying "it is believable because it is such a ridiculous claim" but you would never say that because bias.
    I am curious as to what would have happened if that situation did arise, though

    Also I take great offense to this post, and will actively seek to make the intentions of this post true by getting modkilled or some shit.
    Waking up to 10 new pages and thinking "I will get to it later, 10 pages is way too much to deal with now" then doubles in the next day, making me think "well shit, 20 pages. I might post and hope I don't miss something relevant like getting 3 votes because of an Artemis claim"
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 29, 2016, 08:52:45 am
    Also I forgot to say it earlier, but saying that "It would be strange to falsely claim me to be mafia, therefore I may be mafia" can also be said the other way. "It would be strange for me to be targeted by Artemis over other people, hence why it may be a false claim"
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 29, 2016, 09:31:08 pm
    Sera, danil, we need information on the rocks.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 29, 2016, 11:01:19 pm
    Sera, danil, we need information on the rocks.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 30, 2016, 12:15:22 am
    Sera, danil, we need information on the rocks.

    I was given my rock by DoubleCapitals, who has since been modkilled.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 30, 2016, 05:32:14 am
    Some leftover cake in the library.


    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 06:28:27 am
    It's pretty good, definitely worth trying.

    You need to get better guards, though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 07:06:09 am
    I don't think I'll die tonight but I'll list my important reads.

    Town circle is me, Dema, UTA.

    UTA, even though you're basically confirmed, you need to talk again and start helping us out.

    Leaning town are Espi, Kuro, iancu, dawn, Sky.

    Next lynch should be Ryli. I really don't see mafia letting a No Lynch go through on a tie between two civilians. It's way too likely that the other would be lynched the next day. That's why it was too dangerous to tip the lynch onto me, because there's a good chance of losing a second mafia. If Ryli flips mafia tomorrow that should mostly clear Sky and Kuro.

    I also want to lynch Onion, but it feels like one of those lynches where he could just be playing nonsensically as town.

    Sera needs to be looked at for not trying to be helpful this game.

    Ginyu needs to get multiple votes on him, since single votes and pokes aren't working. He could just be busy with War and things, but I will cry if he slips by as silent mafia two games in a row.

    fabian might just get modkilled, we'll see.

    1011686, danil, and dawn, I want full read lists from all of you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 30, 2016, 07:20:15 am
    Here are all my reads:
    -Yoghurt is slightly sketchy

    Thats it. I dont think strongly of anyone else, either way. All I can do is point out slightly questinable stuff in people's posts. The reasons behind a lot of your reads have just confused me, to be honest.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 30, 2016, 07:29:07 am
    Why do you want a list read from me, I just said I wasn't paying much attention. I don't even know who is alive. All I know is that DC died by modkill and there have been at least 1 no-lynches from tied votes, which may be due to mafia manipulation to get free kills. Even a dead town can give information
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 30, 2016, 07:41:36 am
    Ok thankfully Solaris decided to put deaths in the OP, and I am kind of intrigued to how the robxlink saga ended (and I presume it was rob dying). I suppose ian looks kind of scummy possibly, due to the D1 lynch on rob, and how fast he was to jump on me. The same could be said for Link, however, and we can never rule out anyone as a possibility. Unless they are 100% confirmed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 07:47:15 am
    1011686, we don't need strong reads, we just need your thoughts on every player. If there is anything in particular you want me to explain, point them out and I'll get to it tomorrow.

    Dawn, go read the thread and come back.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 30, 2016, 11:46:48 am
    I threw the rock to someone, and doesn't look like there's a claim. Should I out him?

    Also, it seems that me removing my vote from Link indirectly turned it into a no-lynch. Maybe I should have let it stay there.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 12:12:46 pm
    I threw the rock to someone, and doesn't look like there's a claim. Should I out him?

    It would be in our interests.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 12:33:25 pm
    You have to say who you threw to the day following your throw.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 30, 2016, 12:38:19 pm
    Kuro where's my rock
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 30, 2016, 02:29:26 pm
    Some quick thoughts:

    * Nojid's code is beyond me
    * Kuro posted a decent number of times without mentioning the rock. Why?
    * Ryli has defended Dema quite a bit, was skeptical of the fake(?) Artemis on the bulletin board, and has said ian & CO were suspicious. (Though kinda strangely, in the post about CO, Ryli  actually voted for danil.) - All worth noting for if we determine Ryli's alignment via NK or lynch or some other means.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 30, 2016, 02:48:17 pm
    Nojid says Onion is "Own".
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 30, 2016, 04:08:01 pm
    Nojid says Onion is "Own".
    How did you derive that?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 30, 2016, 04:09:57 pm
    Night 2 has ended. Please remain patient while I compile information for Day 3.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 04:15:03 pm
    *casts Shard of Patience*

    Nojid says Onion is "Own".
    How did you derive that?

    I'm curious myself. I feel like I'm very lost at what has happened so far.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 30, 2016, 04:27:16 pm
    Day 3

    The whole town is aware of the Titans presence, yet, can't seem to pin them down. Every time someone seems to be physically close to them, they strangely don't show up to work the next day.

    UTAlan is one of those people.

    UTAlan has been nightkilled. He was a Townsfolk (Vanilla Civilian). Additionally, he was holding an Olive Branch.

    Until Night 3, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    Now it's time for the next stage of the game.
    Over the course of about 20 of my posts, I've been breadcrumbing a secret.
    Jeopardy is what this game will be thrown into - if someone works it out.
    If. Big emphasis on if.
    Don't assume my clues are easy to decipher.
    Some will need to be qu0ted. Many aren't in the right order.
    Congratulations will be in order to the person who solves it.
    Of course, there's a chance that my secret won't be dug up.
    Disappointment is something I'm sure we're all keen to avoid.
    Enjoy hunting down my carefully-placed clues.
    Scrap any plans you had and go through each post in this thread.
    After all, don't you want to know who keeps killing you?
    Running is futile when the murders are host-enforced.
    Enjoy it. Savour every moment.
    Because I'm not going to tell you who I am.
    Understand me when I say this: my intentions for you are completely hostile.
    Laughing at you is what I'm doing.
    Laughing and laughing and laughing.
    Share in my pain.
    However, some times call for a more serious tone, and I bid thee farewell till my next message.
    I sort of regret setting this standard for myself.
    This is far too much effort for the sake of an acronym. Not even a good one.
    I've been blessed, and so shall my first.
    Have you figured out my LAST puzzle?
    If so, then let this statement complete the circle of my very first tell.
    It'll take more than highlighting it all or the cinco's/roku's like last time.Subtract an 'O'.
    Good game.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 04:41:58 pm
    Lmao, mafia thinks they can lynch me.

    I'n going to save you guys a lot of time and say that I am not Hidden.

    Danil, I'm pretty sure I said not to throw rocks to me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 04:44:33 pm
    "Nojid's codes are bullshit"

    This is what Hidden says.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 04:44:45 pm
    Lynch Linkcat immediately.
    Ryli can wait. Speculations of CleanOnion/Demagog can wait. fabian771 modkilling can even be delayed.
    Lynch. Linkcat. Now.

    Linkcat (1) - Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 04:47:17 pm
    I'm not messing around people. There's a reason why I stayed silent yesterday.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 04:47:26 pm
    Btw, you guys should quote Solaris' post to see something interesting.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 04:48:03 pm
    Linkcat (2) - Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian

    k den
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 04:48:25 pm
    Hmm why Kuro? But I agree, I think Link is a pretty good target. Put my vote on him.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 04:50:29 pm
    Linkcat (3) - Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 04:56:51 pm
    Kuro, I started being a little skeptical but now you're just spouting random bullshit. Give us full disclosure or I will bury you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 05:09:59 pm
    Kuro, I started being a little skeptical but now you're just spouting random bullshit. Give us full disclosure or I will bury you.

    Hmm why Kuro? But I agree, I think Link is a pretty good target. Put my vote on him.

    Got you. :)

    Linkcat (2) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog
    Demagog (1) - Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 05:11:56 pm
    Really Kuro? Twice in one game? That doesn't even make sense as a tell.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 05:13:40 pm
    Really Kuro? Twice in one game? That doesn't even make sense as a tell.

    You're right.

    Linkcat (3) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 05:14:33 pm
    wtf is going on
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 05:16:31 pm
    Lol I'm so confused. The fact that you changed your vote must mean you aren't even serious about Linkcat. Why are you getting my hopes up? :'(

    Also I made it very clear already that I support hard claims. Are you making one on Link or not?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 30, 2016, 05:20:06 pm
    Tournament Organizer Host Note

    I'm a tard, and on both accounts, forgot to announce that DoubleCapitals held a Brick and Mortar upon his death.

    Linkcat (3) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou
    Solaris (1) - Solaris


    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 05:21:28 pm
    Nobody cares. Kuro, start talking.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 05:22:01 pm
    Linkcat (2) - Demagog, Kuroaitou
    Solaris (2) - Solaris, iancudorinmarian
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ginyu on August 30, 2016, 05:24:10 pm
    Okay, so sorry for my inactivity. I will try to keep up more, but War is gonna have priority.
    I am not really motivated to read through all these pages, may someone please give me a TL;DR what happened since rob was lynched? I saw that kdz was night- and DC modkilled.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 05:26:29 pm
    Bad Solaris, bad! :P

    Nobody cares. Kuro, start talking.


    The mafia are either very inexperienced, or it's one of you. I'm placing my bets on you because of one, -very- minor little thing.

    I'm Artemis. The actual legit Artemis who knew that Yoghurt (on Day 1) was trying to false claim as me. And my ability was blocked for the first time last night.

    Can you guess who's name I investigated?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 30, 2016, 05:28:08 pm
    Bad Solaris, bad! :P

    Nobody cares. Kuro, start talking.


    The mafia are either very inexperienced, or it's one of you. I'm placing my bets on you because of one, -very- minor little thing.

    I'm Artemis. The actual legit Artemis who knew that Yoghurt (on Day 1) was trying to false claim as me. And my ability was blocked for the first time last night.

    Can you guess who's name I investigated?
    You really shouldn't have roleclaimed. Could've just said artemis contacted you or something. :-X
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 05:28:44 pm
    Finally a hard claim. Leaving my vote where it is, pending another post of Kuro admitting to lying.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 30, 2016, 05:29:49 pm
    Maybe he was.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 05:31:29 pm
    That is the worst cop claim I have ever seen.

    Afk for 80 monutes.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 05:35:13 pm
    It's ok Link. Being ID'd as mafia tends to happen when you post a lot and aren't nightkilled.

    If Link is mafia we can expect me to die soon.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 30, 2016, 05:42:33 pm
    It's ok Link. Being ID'd as mafia tends to happen when you post a lot and aren't nightkilled.

    If Link is mafia we can expect me to die soon.

    ...and why would you die so soon?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 05:50:22 pm
    Demagog's chances of being mafia increase exponentially if link is.

    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou, Espithel

    Unsure if ian's vote on solaris was an implied removal of vote.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 05:53:18 pm
    Also, Kuro threw a rock at me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 05:54:38 pm
    Also, FYI, my vote on Linkcat has nothing to do with Kuroaitou. I was planning on leading a lynch on him today anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 05:54:57 pm
    Also sorry for triple-quadposting, I need to artificially raise my post count >:(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 06:00:47 pm
    Also pentapost, but yes, kuro, explain why you threw a rock at me but ID'd Link. A little bit antithetical to the rock plan... The one Linkcat made.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 06:03:20 pm
    It's ok Link. Being ID'd as mafia tends to happen when you post a lot and aren't nightkilled.

    If Link is mafia we can expect me to die soon.

    ...and why would you die so soon?

    Because my support of Link has been very open. Now that I no longer support him, my usefulness to them is gone.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 30, 2016, 06:03:43 pm
    Also sorry for triple-quadposting, I need to artificially raise my post count >:(
    I don't recall making a role that requires a set amount of shitposts.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on August 30, 2016, 06:04:59 pm
    Also sorry for triple-quadposting, I need to artificially raise my post count >:(
    I don't recall making a role that requires a set amount of shitposts.

    Nope. It's just that shitposts are all you deserve.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 06:44:24 pm
    I find it hard to believe that Kuro thinks I would be dumb enough to protect myself from Artemis when I was probably getting lynched anyway.

    I also find it hard to believe that Dema thinks I would let him live this long. I would have killed him Night 0 for the second time in a row because I know he would just take it as a complement.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 06:59:29 pm
    Kuro, are you Nojid? If not, tell us about the codes. We really need to clear all that up.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 30, 2016, 07:14:49 pm
    Danil, I'm pretty sure I said not to throw rocks to me.

    I don't recall seeing that message. Can you find the post and semi-permalink it for me?

    My list of reads is Coming Soontm, I'm typing it up now
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: UTAlan on August 30, 2016, 07:30:27 pm
    Well that sucks. Good luck town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on August 30, 2016, 07:38:29 pm
    Linkcat: I trust the judgement of iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou, and Espithel, especially the eagerness and certainty in which they started the lynch.

    Linkcat (5) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou, Espithel, danil

    Kuro & other voters: In the same way, I trust that Kuro & those who are lynching Linkcat are town.
    I don't have an opinion on moderately inactive/quiet players (Sera, fabian, Ginyu). I don't have good intuition without much to go on.
    Skyironsword seems like town. I can't really decipher what she's doing, but it seems benign to me.
    I don't know about others. I just don't know. This is a lot for me to take in
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 08:32:41 pm
    First rule of mafia: Don't trust anyone.

    You threw me your rock last night, which means at the time you thought I was town. Aside from the fact that people are voting on me, what makes you suddenly think I am mafia?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 30, 2016, 11:00:16 pm
    Personally I think danil is also mafia and Link is just trying to help danil as a final act.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 30, 2016, 11:29:01 pm
    The previous Nojid code simply says "Quote".

    Linkcat (5) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou, Espithel, danil, Sera
    If this comes out wrong, we're totally lynching Kuro.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 30, 2016, 11:29:48 pm
    EBWOP Sera learns how to count.
    Linkcat (6) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou, Espithel, danil, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 30, 2016, 11:30:51 pm
    fabian711 will be modkilled, per request, at the end of this phase, unless I am notified otherwise.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Naii_the_Baf on August 30, 2016, 11:33:35 pm
    As for my last post on this mafia, I present you...

    Linkcat (7) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Kuroaitou, Espithel, danil, Sera, fabian771

    Doing my last move with all the other townies.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 30, 2016, 11:43:10 pm
    Kuro, get in here and talk.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 31, 2016, 12:16:35 am

    PART 1 (of... four? Jesus this is gonna be long):

    Here's the thing. I'm applying WIFOM logic in here and as such, am hoping that players understand the position I'm in, since this is the -FIRST- time that I've ever received a cop role, and given that the last time I had such an ability I was betrayed, it was quite exciting to try to sway the opinions of others towards the side of good.

    Last night, I targeted Demagog, not Linkcat. My ability 'did not commit successfully'.

    Which is why this will be my final vote switch:

    Linkcat (6) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Espithel, danil, Sera, fabian771
    Demagog (1) - Kuroaitou

    The reason why I was getting people to lynch mob you was because of (my) impulsive conjecture that Demagog was still being framed by the mafia and not getting night killed; he would be continuously spared by the mafia until Artemis (me) lands on him, finds out my ability is blocked, then given the amount of information that Demagog is a town, tries to defend him from another attack. Mafia could use either Theia to block my action now at a key point where detective work is needed, or they could use Coeus to try to shield a player from detection repeatedly (Demagog).

    But I realized how stupid it sounds, no?

    Demagog, you've always been the one to jump on the Linkcat bandwagon ever since Day 1 here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1242124/#msg1242124). You are far too easily swayed by people making accusations, but aside from that, I find it peculiar that for some reason, you always seem to be throwing your vote onto Linkcat regardless of the evidence. I know for a fact that only one of the people on the vote count is civilian confirmed; the other 5 are a grab-toss, and in a way, I kind of wish I targeted someone else, but oh well.

    So in that part, I should have just started the lynch wagon on you, but I wanted to see who out of the people would jump on my bandwagon one last time (since this was basically going to be my reveal, given that I've probably run out of time for this game via my own exposure), and from there, see who can be trusted and who is blindly following.

    Part 2 coming in 2 hours.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 31, 2016, 12:26:31 am
    But are you Nojid, Hidden or Yogurt?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 12:31:39 am
    Hidden is clearly Onion or Espithel, so just lynching them both starting with Onion is a good strategy. If you're actually town you should give yourself up now.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 31, 2016, 01:03:42 am
    If you guys didn't notice it yet, Kuro is Nojid, or is masons with Nojid. This could be seen in the anonymous post saying Kuro is a dumbass, which is highly unlikely for someone to say except for Kuro himself. I have been checking whether he is genuinely Artemis or fake-claiming, which is why I threw the rock at him. This is also why I keep on asking whether we should place rock throws in anon codes instead, because clearly if we always claim our rock throws, it would be too easy to track who Artemis is. I wanted to help, but I thought that the crafted rock plan was simply stupid.

    It would be outrageous for him to be mafia fake-claiming to be Artemis at this point, because that is basically just begging for an investigation.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 31, 2016, 01:05:39 am
    Hidden is clearly Onion or Espithel, so just lynching them both starting with Onion is a good strategy. If you're actually town you should give yourself up now.
    I fail to understand why information in the message board should be encrypted.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 31, 2016, 01:07:27 am
    I'll just go with our best clue right now:

    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 31, 2016, 01:09:17 am
    I'll just go with our best clue right now:

    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    You may have forgotten to place one or two folk's vote

    Linkcat (6) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Espithel, danil, Sera, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 31, 2016, 01:09:56 am
    Linkcat (5) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera

    And there's me being a smartass
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 31, 2016, 01:11:07 am
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 31, 2016, 01:28:53 am
    Ya if Kuro is being truthful, then mafia is framing me. I really hope that you are just in a Mason relationship with the real Artemis because the gambit by mafia to do this not only is going to get me killed but you as well.

    Is this like the opposite of that mafia where I tricked you? Now someone else is tricking you into thinking I'm mafia when I'm not. Pretty ironic haha.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 01:34:42 am
    If you guys didn't notice it yet, Kuro is Nojid, or is masons with Nojid. This could be seen in the anonymous post saying Kuro is a dumbass, which is highly unlikely for someone to say except for Kuro himself. I have been checking whether he is genuinely Artemis or fake-claiming, which is why I threw the rock at him. This is also why I keep on asking whether we should place rock throws in anon codes instead, because clearly if we always claim our rock throws, it would be too easy to track who Artemis is. I wanted to help, but I thought that the crafted rock plan was simply stupid.

    It would be outrageous for him to be mafia fake-claiming to be Artemis at this point, because that is basically just begging for an investigation.

    Finding Artemis with the rock throws was impossible because nobody knew who Artemis was. You've moved back to neutral though.

    Btw, Hidden had ASCII numbers that said Allium again.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 31, 2016, 01:48:07 am
    We could have silently thrown rocks until the anonymous board has a "you are confirmed town, (name)" claim in it, where it would be easier to form networks basing on the anonymous name of the one that posted. If mafia tries to mess with this with a rock of their own, it would be easy to track who it is later on, so it would be a bad idea for mafia to try and mess with it. But then again it's pointless to discuss this now.

    Let's just start looking for Hades instead. Hades, if you get the rock, please hold onto it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 31, 2016, 01:49:53 am
    PART 2:

    If you guys didn't notice it yet, Kuro is Nojid, or is masons with Nojid. This could be seen in the anonymous post saying Kuro is a dumbass, which is highly unlikely for someone to say except for Kuro himself. I have been checking whether he is genuinely Artemis or fake-claiming, which is why I threw the rock at him. This is also why I keep on asking whether we should place rock throws in anon codes instead, because clearly if we always claim our rock throws, it would be too easy to track who Artemis is. I wanted to help, but I thought that the crafted rock plan was simply stupid.

    It would be outrageous for him to be mafia fake-claiming to be Artemis at this point, because that is basically just begging for an investigation.

    Someone with the highest sense of ACTUAL codebreaking finally freaking prevails. \:D/

    In order, let me break down each of the codes:

    Everyone on the mafia team is gunning for you, and that's to be expected. So if you decide to be aggressive, make it count. Please be careful otherwise, and if anything, know that I am going to be targeted tonight, and hopefully for good reason."

    The capitals letters spell out 'Espi', short for Espithel, my first target. Why I chose Espithel instead of Linkcat was due to the assumption that, more likely than not, Linkcat or Demagog would die. Clearly I'm wrong in that aspect...

    Voting with me is probably your better bet, given that you don't know what you're doing. I understand, it's hard to play this game with no one to trust. Let me help you; the next time you feel like targeting a player of high priority, please don't - just don't. Learn from this round, and maybe you can survive another cycle, otherwise, you'll be sniped. Anyway, thanks for reading this."

    Again, the letters spell out 'VILLA', short for Villager. This was basically me confirming to you guys that Artemis knows that Espithel is a town, so don't try to lynch him or else my investigation is for naught.

    "Gonna switch it up here because kuro has to go blabbing his mouth and revealing all of my codes; thanks a ton dumbass.

    Again, ALLIUM is a genus of onions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion). I was throwing my investigation here, because again, I thought that Linkcat or Demagog would get nightkilled, because Night 0 no night kill could occur.

    "[desc=Yogurt is not Artemis. Do not trust them.][/desc]Shifting codes again.
    use the code: 17-21-"0"-20-5 for decipher:[color=yellow]Allium[/color]

    Ya'll didn't quote my posts eh? Well here you go.
    Q = 17th letter on the alphabet
    U = 21st letter on the alphabet
    "0" = O, for l33t 5p3@|< 3|2Z
    T = 20th letter on the alphabet
    E = 5th letter on the alphabet
    The yellow text was transparent if you highlighted the area.

    Combining the letter, 'T', with the image hidden in the description box, spells out 'TOWN', referring to CleanOnion. Yogurt isn't Artemis, I am, so I obviously can't trust them. WIFOM however, if dawn to dusk is a mafia member who has managed to put enough doubt to remove him from the innocence pool.

    "[desc=last letters][/desc]I've been blessed, and so shall my first.
    Have you figured out my LAST puzzle?
    If so, then let this statement complete the circle of my very first tell.
    It'll take more than highlighting it all or the cinco's/roku's like last time.Subtract an 'O'.
    Good game.


    Finally, if you quote this one, I give you the hint this time around. "thel" spells out the last few letters of 'Espithel', coupled with the Naruto image of rock skipping, implies me throwing a rock to a confirmed target. cincos = 5, rokus = 6, the answer to the last puzzle.

    Good game - subtract an o = God game; rearranged, demagoG, the target of tonight.

    So yes, I AM NOJID, which, if you spell backwards, is 'DIJON', a type of mustard that has a very distinct color as a condiment...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on August 31, 2016, 01:54:01 am

    Uh... I guess Kuro is confirmed. The codes could all be a really elaborate bread but I doubt a poser would go to that much effort.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 01:55:08 am
    So Espithel and Onion are both town? Then who the **** is Hidden? I guess it's Ryli, and I wanted to lynch her today anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 31, 2016, 01:55:57 am
    Hidden's SUPER HIDDEN code: itsallotreallyworthit - it's all ot really worth it?

    OT has to stand for something?


    Uh... I guess Kuro is confirmed. The codes could all be a really elaborate bread but I doubt a poser would go to that much effort.

    Yes. :X
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 31, 2016, 01:56:43 am
    Ok so Kuro, if you need to lynch me in order to learn how I play, go ahead. I've said it sooo many times, but I guess you won't believe me until you see that you've been duped and I'm actually a civ.


    Your accusations on Link were hard claims. You didn't say you were suspicious of Link, you said he was mafia. If you were just suspicious, I probably wouldn't vote on him unless I felt the same way. Since you said he was mafia, of course I would support it. Either he is mafia or you are or we discover that mafia is using their "foil artemis" ability on civilians. Most games only the first two can happen; it's not too often that abilities can cancel out Artemis's ability.

    Anyway, if you do end up lynching me, I don't think you guys should lynch Kuro right away. Waiting ~4 rounds should be fine, I think. If he's not nightkilled by then, he's probably mafia.

    Kuro, why not wait until the phase is over and just use the message board to accuse me so you can protect your identity? You weren't in any danger of dying to a lynch this phase.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 01:59:14 am
    Now I'm really excited for parts 3 and 4 since it looks to me like he covered everything.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 31, 2016, 02:03:07 am

    Uh... I guess Kuro is confirmed. The codes could all be a really elaborate bread but I doubt a poser would go to that much effort.
    Reuploading on a different site:
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 31, 2016, 02:04:27 am
    Now that I read Kuro's last post, I think it's highly unlikely that Kuro is mafia, so I doubt the situation where he'll live more than 2 more rounds will occur.

    Solaris, what is the message you give Artemis when Artemis and Coeus target the same person?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 31, 2016, 02:15:22 am
    [19:07:23] ‹Kuroaitou› Solaris
    [19:07:33] ‹Kuroaitou› Can Hades use the ITEMS of dead players?
    [19:07:35] ‹Kuroaitou› oh god damnit
    [19:08:29] ‹Mr_Muffin› hello
    [19:09:01] ‹Solaris› ‹@Kuroaitou› no
    [19:09:15] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Solaris› oh
    [19:09:37] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Solaris› Can Cronus see items?
    [19:11:52] ‹Solaris› ‹@Kuroaitou› no
    [19:12:02] ‹Mr_Muffin› I really need to suppress my hello reflex until after I check if the person has left
    [19:12:15] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@Solaris› oh

    Making this public from chat moments ago.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on August 31, 2016, 02:22:05 am
    Now that I read Kuro's last post, I think it's highly unlikely that Kuro is mafia, so I doubt the situation where he'll live more than 2 more rounds will occur.

    Solaris, what is the message you give Artemis when Artemis and Coeus target the same person?
    The same message I give when blocked by Theia or Pocket Sand.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 31, 2016, 02:34:15 am
    Ok, in that case, it is equally, if not more, possible that Kuro was targeted by one of the actions that block a role from happening. He'd have no way of knowing the difference.

    Your claim on me is becoming less credible, Kuro. Are you still confident that I'm mafia?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 03:13:55 am
    For him to be roleblocked, that would mean that Theia didn't use her ability the first two Nights, which doesn't make any sense. I also used one of our two Pocket Sands on rob Night 0. It's safe to assume he was blocked by Coeus.

    It should also be noted that both Brick & Mortars are gone, as well as an Olive Branch. This only leaves one Olive Branch and one Pocket Sand unaccounted for. The other Branch should be used on Kuro tonight so we can follow it up with Athena on the next Night.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 31, 2016, 03:28:13 am
    Well you guys do what you want. Kuro's getting played if he's being truthful about all of this.

    Kuro, want to make the same deal with me that I made with Espi? If I turn out to be civ, I can choose your avatar for next game. If I'm mafia, you can choose mine.

    "How can we both choose your avatar next game," you might ask. Well, I'm a civilian so I'm going to win the deal. Don't worry about it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 31, 2016, 03:34:36 am
    For him to be roleblocked, that would mean that Theia didn't use her ability the first two Nights, which doesn't make any sense. I also used one of our two Pocket Sands on rob Night 0. It's safe to assume he was blocked by Coeus.

    It should also be noted that both Brick & Mortars are gone, as well as an Olive Branch. This only leaves one Olive Branch and one Pocket Sand unaccounted for. The other Branch should be used on Kuro tonight so we can follow it up with Athena on the next Night.

    Remove your votes off of Linkcat please.

    Linkcat (5) - iancudorinmarian, Demagog, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on August 31, 2016, 03:40:20 am
    Then I'm going with who I think is mafia.

    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Ryli (1) - Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 06:18:40 am
    I still have a hard time believing Dema made those kills. Mafia could be trying to frame him again, they could just be mingating Artemis, and if that's the case they were obviously correct. Demagog could still be mafia. I don't know.

    What I do know is that I want to lynch Ryli today. There's no way mafia lets a vote tie between two civilians. There were most likely two or more mafia that weren't on me or Ryli. It would be so easy to kill one of us, and nobody would suspect you for just saying ties are bad. The other would probably have been lynched today, giving them a total of three free kills. That's a lot. On top of all that I already thought she was mafia, so my vote here is obvious.

    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Ryli (2) - Demagog, Linkcat
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 31, 2016, 07:22:55 am
    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Ryli (3) - Demagog, Linkcat, 1011686

    I wonder if im too easily swayed.
    Kuro, who will you be targeting tonight?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 07:28:59 am
    Coeus, Titan of Intellect
    Insanely smart. Insanely cunning.
    • Superior Intellect (ER): If Coeus correctly predicts the target of On the Hunt, On the Hunt fails.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on August 31, 2016, 07:35:26 am
    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (2) - Kuroaitou, Sera
    Ryli (4) - Demagog, Linkcat, 1011686, dawn to dusk

    Viable placeholder in case I don't vote later
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 31, 2016, 07:51:32 am
    Coeus, Titan of Intellect
    Insanely smart. Insanely cunning.
    • Superior Intellect (ER): If Coeus correctly predicts the target of On the Hunt, On the Hunt fails.
    What are you saying with this post? It has no meaning.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on August 31, 2016, 07:54:52 am
    Kuro, who will you be targeting tonight?

    Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
    Titans can't hide from superior tracking abilities forever.
    • On the Hunt (ER): Target a player. You learn their roles.

    Coeus, Titan of Intellect
    Insanely smart. Insanely cunning.
    • Superior Intellect (ER): If Coeus correctly predicts the target of On the Hunt, On the Hunt fails.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on August 31, 2016, 07:58:10 am
    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (1) - Sera
    Ryli (5) - Demagog, Linkcat, 1011686, dawn to dusk, Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on August 31, 2016, 08:23:11 am
    My maid thought it would be amusing if I did this.

    Kuroaitou (1) - skyironsword
    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Demagog (1) - Sera
    Ryli (5) - Demagog, Linkcat, 1011686, dawn to dusk, Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on August 31, 2016, 09:27:34 am
    Kuroaitou (1) - skyironsword
    Linkcat (4) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, danil, fabian771
    Ryli (6) - Demagog, Linkcat, 1011686, dawn to dusk, Kuroaitou, Sera

    Still staring suspiciously at Linkcat.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on August 31, 2016, 11:20:08 am
    wtf is going on
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on August 31, 2016, 12:01:56 pm
    Kuro, who will you be targeting tonight?

    Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
    Titans can't hide from superior tracking abilities forever.
    • On the Hunt (ER): Target a player. You learn their roles.

    Coeus, Titan of Intellect
    Insanely smart. Insanely cunning.
    • Superior Intellect (ER): If Coeus correctly predicts the target of On the Hunt, On the Hunt fails.
    If you're saying that revealing who he'd target will just get him blocked by Coeus, well, I'd still at least like to know what hes thinking, and he in no way has to stick to what he says.

    Also if mafia has the last olive branch we're screwed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on September 01, 2016, 12:27:02 am
    That's a lot of vote swapping for someone in the know, are you sure this is your final answer, Kuroaitou? If so, I will allow this.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on September 01, 2016, 12:29:57 am
    I have nothing to fear but I wasted vote today.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on September 01, 2016, 12:34:41 am
    *but a wasted.

    I suck
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on September 01, 2016, 12:51:53 am
    Kuroaitou (1) - skyironsword
    Linkcat (3) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel, fabian771
    Ryli (7) - Demagog, Linkcat, 1011686, dawn to dusk, Kuroaitou, Sera, danil
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 01, 2016, 05:30:32 am
    wtf is going on
    Kuro is Artemis or something and said that he wanted to do things to someone Night 0 but that person was blocked and turned out to be Linkcat so Kuro voted Linkcat to try to flush out who actually did it and Demagog said hi so we all voted for him but then we didn't and now we are voting for Ryli for some reason
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 05:37:21 am
    Did you read the thread yet? I want that read list.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 01, 2016, 05:52:19 am
    I gave a brief one at some stage discussing how it seemed strange for ian to jump on me after Yogurt claiming Artemis
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 01, 2016, 05:54:46 am
    Ok thankfully Solaris decided to put deaths in the OP, and I am kind of intrigued to how the robxlink saga ended (and I presume it was rob dying). I suppose ian looks kind of scummy possibly, due to the D1 lynch on rob, and how fast he was to jump on me. The same could be said for Link, however, and we can never rule out anyone as a possibility. Unless they are 100% confirmed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 06:02:06 am
    Whatever, you're town anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 01, 2016, 11:13:14 am
    I'm surrounded by idiots.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 01, 2016, 06:39:44 pm
    Night 3

    A light is extinguished from the world.

    The light was emanating from one person who was trying to end you all.

    The rocks are homicidal. fabian711 is another casualty.

    Ryli has been lynched. She was Theia, Mother of the Sun (Titan).
    fabian711 has been modkilled. He was a Civilian Townsfolk.

    Until Day 4, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    This whole time, we've been coming up with plans for Artemis, but what should the other power roles be doing?

    Phase has been "shortened" (aka posted 2 hrs and 30 minutes late because school is a higher priority than mafia). Plan accordingly.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 01, 2016, 06:42:09 pm
    Fixed timer. Pretty large difference from 32016 and 3, 2016.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 06:47:01 pm
    So, Demagog. What avatar do you want me to use, eh?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Ryli on September 01, 2016, 06:48:38 pm
    Actions have consequences.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 06:56:05 pm
    Can you guys get off my back now? Thanks.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 07:14:58 pm
    Can you guys get off my back now? Thanks.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 01, 2016, 07:19:51 pm
    10/10 lore
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 08:27:59 pm
    Whoever has the other Olive Branch, make sure you target Kuro.

    Kuro, please target an actual question mark.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 08:43:41 pm

    Well, I must concede. Who are we going to lynch yet? I'm going to assume it's 0nion.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 01, 2016, 08:47:46 pm
    I would still like to lynch Linkcat. Evidence would suggest that this is a bad idea.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 08:48:34 pm
    Great idea Espithel, let's lynch the other confirmed town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 08:57:47 pm
    Wait wat

    How is 0nion confirmed

    Did I miss a thing. I've missed a thing
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 01, 2016, 09:14:12 pm
    Kuro, who claims to be Artemis, claimed that I'm town. If I weren't me I wouldn't believe this.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 09:26:19 pm
    You're confirmed too, Espithel.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 09:44:26 pm
    You're going to have to make a list of everyone who's confirmed and how now. For convenience.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on September 01, 2016, 09:48:05 pm
    This makes Link and Dema heavily lean town I guess.

    Kuro claimed Artemis. He was also Nojid. All those bread codes simply meant that:
    Espithel is town.
    Onion is town.
    Investigation on Demagog was blocked.

    Demagog suggests that the action might have been blocked instead, or he was Coeus'ed to look suspicious.
    Demagog suggests lynching Ryli instead.
    Linkcat follows, also with suspicion on Ryli.
    Everyone and their moms start lynching Ryli.
    Ryli turns out to be mafia.

    100% confirmed town:

    Rock location:
    dawn -> me -> Kuro -> Espithel
    ??? -> DoubleCapitals -> danil -> Linkcat
    We're trying to look for Hades with the rocks now. Or are we still doing the rock thing? They're homicidal, apparently.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 01, 2016, 09:50:37 pm
    Ok I think our next targets are whoever voted on Ryli once it was clear Ryli would be lynched. Good chance that Sera or danil are mafia, I'm leaning danil.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 09:52:20 pm
    I think Danil is slightly more likely to be mafia than Sera.

    Chucking my rock back to Kuro this night. Is this considered optimal?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on September 01, 2016, 09:57:45 pm
    I am only slightly less likely to be mafia than Espithel. I don't think Kuro needs rocks now, he can openly claim who he targeted and what the results are.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 01, 2016, 10:00:54 pm
    Link is nowhere near confirmed town, but until he is cleared 100%, we can let him live until late game. If there are 2 mafia and 5-7 civs, then lynching him is a good idea unless he is 100% confirmed.

    As for me, it's safe to assume I am town. I pushed hard on Ryli and was the first to do so.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 10:03:46 pm
    I also want to lynch danil. Is this really going to be that easy?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 10:08:53 pm
    Well, of course, I still ask that you supply a good reason to lynch Danil. Groupthink is baaaad.

    I do find it curious how Link has taken a more backstage approach now, but criticising him for it would be utterly hypocritical and pathetic on my part.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 01, 2016, 10:14:40 pm
    My reasoning is vote behavior from this lynch and the "I'm new" post. I'm not saying danil is mafia, just that danil is more likely to be mafia in my opinion.

    You don't have to vote on danil, but unless Kuro says someone is mafia, that's who I'm going to push on. I bet I get nightkilled now that I got a mafia member killed and outlived my usefulness for them. That's why I want to make it known that I think it's very likely that another mafia member voted to lynch Ryli.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 01, 2016, 10:20:32 pm
    We also have numbers and Dawn to consider.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: danil on September 01, 2016, 10:30:12 pm
    Kuro, if you haven't already targeted someone, I wouldn't mind being confirmed, as the vocal majority seems to be leaning towards me being mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 01, 2016, 11:24:20 pm
    Although I personally think Dema is town, I want to point out that him pushing on Ryli doesn't make him town at all, since regardless of who was lynched, it looked really good for the other mafia member.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 02, 2016, 02:03:45 am
    Looking good has far less worth than having one of your members killed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 02, 2016, 02:06:16 am
    EBWOP: Does the fake artemmie confirm Dawn?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 02, 2016, 02:20:23 am
    No. Also having a member look good actually is more important because both of those players were being scumread.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 02, 2016, 02:20:58 am
    Oh I guess I should say. I'm Yogurt. Just posted that to get Espi off me for a round. Chose someone mostly inactive but not new to mafia, as I felt that would make it more believable. I have no idea if dawn is mafia or not.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on September 02, 2016, 05:50:48 am
    I dont think an "Im new" post should factor in at all when scumreading. A newb town would be just as likely to say that as a newb mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 02, 2016, 05:59:32 am
    I dont think an "Im new" post should factor in at all when scumreading. A newb town would be just as likely to say that as a newb mafia.

    Quite a few scumreads are like this, but they're scumreads because it's dangerous not to scumread it.

    "I'm new" is a justification for actions a person takes. In short, it's a defence. The defence is "Don't hurt me, I'm sorry for being inexperienced." The issue with this, is if we don't automatically assume people who say it lean scumzor, then mafia can use it to justify bad actions, and allows them to just slip through the cracks.

    More importantly, Danil is playing quite competently. If (s)he is new, I am very interested in what an experienced Danil can do.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 02, 2016, 06:03:27 am

    Although, to be fair, has Danil performed any bad actions? Slightly too hazy to remember.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 02, 2016, 06:03:55 am
    I went over this before, danil never even came close to trying to use that as a defense. I really don't know why people keep bringing up something this blatantly false.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 02, 2016, 06:36:25 am
    Danil did claim to be new without being prompted. Excuse enough for me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 02, 2016, 06:56:36 am
    It's really only Demagoogliapootles that's bringing it up. I'm just explaining it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 02, 2016, 07:06:12 am
    Oh and Espi, your avatar for next game has to say "I <3 Dema". You can make it in paint. I give you creative license.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 03, 2016, 04:50:38 pm
    Day 4

    Generally, the townsfolk have clever stories. Not tonight. The god of the underworld is no more.

    1011686 has been nightkilled. He was Hades, God of the Underworld (Civilian).

    Until Night 4, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    _$ ?_ ?_ ~@ £_ ?> ?~ _? _> £~ ~@ £# £@ _$ ?~ £~ _> <_ ~@ £< ?@ _> ~@ ?> ?_ _£ ~@ ?$ ?~ ?£ ?% ~@ ?~ £~ ~@ _£ _> _$ _£ <_ %~ %# _$ ~@ £~ £? ?~ ?£ ?% ~@ ?# £@ ?> ?? ~@ _$ ?£ ~@ _$ ££ _> ~@ _$ ?£ _£ ~@ ?> ?# ?# ~@ £? ?~ £< ?@ ~@ ?@ ?~ £~ ~@ ?@ _> _$ _£ <_ %~ %# _$ ?_ ?_ ~@ £_ ?> ?~ _? _> £~ ~@ ?@ _$ ?~ ?_ <_ ~@ £< ?@ _> ~@ ?> ?_ _£ ~@ ?$ ?~ ?£ ?% ~@ ?~ £~ ~@ ?% ?> ?£ _> <_ %~ %# ?~ £< ~@ £~ _> _> ?? £~ ~@ ?_ ?~ ?$ _> ~@ ?> £$ £@ ~@ £? ?@ ?> ?_ _> ~@ £? ?> £@ ?_ _£ ~> £~ ~@ __ _> _> ?£ ~@ ?? _$ _£ _> ~@ £? £@ ?> ?£ ?% <_ %~ %# %~ %# ?_ ?> ?> ?$ ~@ £$ £# ~@ £< ?> ~@ £< ?@ _> ~@ £~ ?$ £> ~@ _$ ?£ _£ ~@ £< _> ?_ ?_ ~@ ?? _> ~@ £? ?@ _$ £< ~@ £> ?> £$ ~@ £~ _> _> <_ %~ %# ?~ ~@ £~ _> _> ~@ £< ?@ £@ _> _> ~@ __ ?~ £@ _£ £~ ~@ _$ ?£ _£ ~@ _$ ~@ __ £$ ?? __ ?_ _> __ _> _> <_ %~ %# ?_ ?> ?> ?$ ~@ _£ ?> £? ?£ ~@ £< ?> ~@ £< ?@ _> ~@ ?% £@ ?> £$ ?£ _£ ~@ _$ ?£ _£ ~@ £< _> ?_ ?_ ~@ ?? _> ~@ £? ?@ _$ £< ~@ £> ?> £$ ~@ £~ _> _> <_ %~ %# ?~ ~@ £~ _> _> ~@ £< ?@ _> ~@ __ ?_ ?> ?> _£ ~@ ?> ?# ~@ ?? £> ~@ £~ ?_ _$ ?~ ?£ ~@ _> ?£ _> ?? £> <_ %~ %# %~ %# £@ _$ ?~ £~ _> ~@ £> ?> £$ £@ ~@ _$ £@ ?? £~ ~@ £< ?> ~@ £> ?> £$ £@ ~@ £~ ?~ _£ _> £~ ~@ _$ ?£ _£ ~@ ?% ?~ £_ _> ~@ ?? _> ~@ _$ ~@ £~ £# ?~ ?£ <_ %~ %# ?> £@ ~@ _£ ?> ?£ ~> £< ~@ £> ?> £$ ~@ £? _$ ?£ £< ~@ _£ ?~ ># ># ?~ ?£ _> £~ £~ ~@ £< ?> ~@ £~ _> £< ~@ ?~ ?£ _~ %~ %# £~ £# ?~ ?£ ?£ ?~ ?£ ?% << ~@ £~ £# ?~ ?£ ?£ ?~ ?£ ?% << ~@ _£ ?> ?£ ~> £< ~@ £> ?> £$ ~@ _£ _$ £@ _> ~@ £~ ?_ _$ _? ?$ <_ %~ %# ?> £@ ~@ £> ?> £$ ~> ?_ ?_ ~@ ?# _> _> ?_ ~@ £> ?> £$ £@ ~@ ?? _$ £< £< £@ _> £~ £~ ~@ £# £@ _> £~ £~ ?~ ?£ ?% ~@ ?> ?£ ~@ £> ?> £$ £@ ~@ __ _$ _? ?$ <_

    Targeted Ginyu. :(

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 03, 2016, 05:44:00 pm
    Kuro, gimme Ginyu's alignment

    danil {1} - CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 03, 2016, 06:04:47 pm
    That was a very strange nightkill target.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 03, 2016, 06:05:35 pm
    Oh and Espi, your avatar for next game has to say "I <3 Dema". You can make it in paint. I give you creative license.

    That's all?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 03, 2016, 06:16:47 pm
    Ya, but bonus respect points the better it looks.

    danil {2} - CleanOnion, Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 03, 2016, 06:18:42 pm
    Dema, I've not justified my choice, why are you voting with me?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 03, 2016, 06:19:35 pm
    danil {3} - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian

    I don't know what you guys are up to, but war is a bigger entertainment factor, so I'll just silently follow.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 03, 2016, 06:26:57 pm
    Dema, I've not justified my choice, why are you voting with me?

    Why danil is being lynched was explained in the last night.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 03, 2016, 06:27:57 pm
    Dema, I've not justified my choice, why are you voting with me?

    Why danil is being lynched was explained in the last night.
    Is your name Demagog?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on September 03, 2016, 06:29:08 pm
    I still don't understand why there's any suspicion on danil at all.

    I'm going back to sleep.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 03, 2016, 06:29:40 pm
    Dema, I've not justified my choice, why are you voting with me?

    Why danil is being lynched was explained in the last night.
    Is your name Demagog?

    Yes. I love myself dearly.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 03, 2016, 08:16:35 pm
    Ginyu is good.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 03, 2016, 09:18:44 pm
    Dema, I've not justified my choice, why are you voting with me?

    Why danil is being lynched was explained in the last night.
    Is your name Demagog?

    Go back and read if you want your answer. I'm not going to do your work for you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: 1011686 on September 03, 2016, 11:15:47 pm
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 12:20:54 am


    Oh. My. God.
    You're... How could I have been this blind!?
    This post. Numbers, you need to do more enlightening posts! If you keep this up, you could be the best mafia player the world's ever seen!

    I can't believe I was so blind! The middle section to your statement was truly fascinating regarding the several questions being used to redirect followed by evil accusations! We absolutely MUST lynch him now!

    danil {4} - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 04, 2016, 12:41:09 am
    Please don't post any more information as revealing as this now that you're dead T
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 04:22:07 am
    Out of interest, Kurolord, why Ginyu and not Danil?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 04, 2016, 05:51:04 am
    Out of interest, Kurolord, why Ginyu and not Danil?

    A magician cannot reveal his secrets until the act is completely over.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 04, 2016, 06:29:38 am
    So... Can anyone help rid me of this intruder?

    Linkcat {1} - skyironsword
    danil {4} - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 06:33:20 am
    But the act's over though
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 04, 2016, 06:37:17 am
    Remind me why we are using these insipid brackets that have no aesthetic quality to them?

    Linkcat [1] - skyironsword
    danil [4] - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 07:17:50 am
    Linkcat {1} - skyironsword
    danil {4} - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel

    Go take your a e s t h e t i c elsewhere.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 04, 2016, 07:21:36 am
    Let's have a vote

    Weird Curly Brackets [1] - Espithel
    Literally Anything Else [1] - dawn to dusk
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 07:27:37 am
    Weird Curly Brackets {1} - Espithel, Clean0nion
    Literally Anything Else [1] - dawn to dusk
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 04, 2016, 07:28:46 am
    Parentheses or riot.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 07:49:02 am
    Weird Curly Brackets {2} - Espithel, Clean0nion
    Literally Anything Else [1] - dawn to dusk
    Autism (1) - Linkcat

    Linkcat {1} - skyironsword
    danil {4} - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel

    Putting the normal vote here so people don't get into a tiff
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 04, 2016, 07:59:37 am
    Weird Curly Brackets {2} - Espithel, Clean0nion
    Literally Anything Else [1] - dawn to dusk
    Autism (2) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 04, 2016, 08:06:11 am
    I do believe that parenthesis lie under literally anything else

    Weird Curly Brackets {2} - Espithel, Clean0nion
    Autism (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk

    I prefer parenthesis to square, but I prefer square to whatever the flip {} are

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 04, 2016, 08:06:36 am
    Linkcat <1> - skyironsword
    danil <5> - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, Kuroaitou

    To vex everyone else. :P

    Weird Curly Brackets {2} - Espithel, Clean0nion
    Autism (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk
    The Anti-anti-anti-hipster <1> - Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 04, 2016, 08:12:34 am
    Get out.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 04, 2016, 12:01:20 pm
    Not changing my vote, just shitposting

    Linkcat 💩1💩 - skyironsword
    danil 💩5💩 - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, Kuroaitou

    Weird Curly Brackets {1} - Espithel
    Autism (3) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk
    The Anti-anti-anti-hipster <1> - Kuroaitou
    Pictures of Linkcat 💩1💩 - CleanOnion

    For those unable to see it, it's the shit emoji.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 04, 2016, 01:51:18 pm
    Autism (1) - Linkcat
    Can we not? There are quite a few people on the forums who either have autism or have someone in their lives with autism, myself included. Keep this shit out of my game, it's not funny.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 04, 2016, 02:18:13 pm
    Can we not? There are quite a few people on the forums who either have autism or have someone in their lives with autism, myself included. Keep this shit out of my game, it's not funny.

    Sir, with all due respect, it's pretty funny.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 04, 2016, 02:22:03 pm
    Can we not? There are quite a few people on the forums who either have autism or have someone in their lives with autism, myself included. Keep this shit out of my game, it's not funny.

    Sir, with all due respect, it's pretty funny.
    The host has spoken.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 04, 2016, 02:26:50 pm
    Sadly, his words fell upon deaf ears.

    Cake? Anyone?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 04, 2016, 04:39:46 pm
    Autism (1) - Linkcat
    Can we not? There are quite a few people on the forums who either have autism or have someone in their lives with autism, myself included. Keep this shit out of my game, it's not funny.

    Yep. I'm one of them. Hi.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 04, 2016, 04:41:00 pm
    Autism (1) - Linkcat
    Can we not? There are quite a few people on the forums who either have autism or have someone in their lives with autism, myself included. Keep this shit out of my game, it's not funny.

    Yep. I'm one of them. Hi.
    So's my brother. So let's stop :)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on September 05, 2016, 01:48:27 am
    Since the danil lynch is totally happening, let's do this instead.

    Linkcat 💩1💩 - skyironsword
    danil 💩5💩 - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, Kuroaitou
    Iancudorinmarian 💩1💩 - Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 05, 2016, 07:15:41 am
    I don't know why, but okay, Sera...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 05, 2016, 08:29:15 am
    Linkcat (1) - skyironsword
    danil (6) - CleanOnion, Demagog, iancudorinmarian, Espithel, Kuroaitou, dawn to dusk
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Sera

    If my vote is unneeded, I am happy
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 05, 2016, 08:04:20 pm
    Somebody get Ginyu to post, I think he's up for modkill.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 05, 2016, 08:16:21 pm
    Night 4

    darude sandstorm

    danil has been lynched. He was a Civilian Townsfolk.

    Until Day 5, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    I'll be a bit lenient on modkills because War.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 05, 2016, 08:42:14 pm
    I feel bad that War overrides basically everything
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 05, 2016, 10:53:51 pm
    Can someone explain to me why there is no suspicion on Sera?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 05, 2016, 11:31:24 pm
    Because you were waiting for a good time to try to mislynch her.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 12:46:40 am
    I don't get that one, Link.

    Someone said she's less likely to be mafia than danil was. Why is that?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 06, 2016, 01:13:11 am
    Seriously though, for me it was this post. Even though it's completely wrong, it looked like she was actually trying as town despite not contributing much.

    If you guys didn't notice it yet, Kuro is Nojid, or is masons with Nojid. This could be seen in the anonymous post saying Kuro is a dumbass, which is highly unlikely for someone to say except for Kuro himself. I have been checking whether he is genuinely Artemis or fake-claiming, which is why I threw the rock at him. This is also why I keep on asking whether we should place rock throws in anon codes instead, because clearly if we always claim our rock throws, it would be too easy to track who Artemis is. I wanted to help, but I thought that the crafted rock plan was simply stupid.

    It would be outrageous for him to be mafia fake-claiming to be Artemis at this point, because that is basically just begging for an investigation.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 02:52:42 am
    Thanks for answering my question.

    Anyone have some leads? There will be 9 people left after this night, and 2 of them will be mafia. Kuro will probably die this night phase. We have a list of confirmed towns.


    And one player that I think is unconfirmed but heavily leaning town, which is me. That leaves us with 5 people to choose from, 2 of which are mafia.

    dawn to dusk

    If we don't get one of them this round, it will be 5 vs 2 and we'll have a 50% chance to kill mafia. If we don't get someone the round after that, it will be 3 vs 2 and we'll have a 66% chance to kill mafia. For now, I'm leaning towards sky, dawn, and ian. And if it does come down to 3v2, kill Linkcat. Better to lose the game by mislynching him than allowing him to gain a clutch victory.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 06, 2016, 02:59:15 am
    First, Kuro is being protected by Athena tonight. Second, I find it hilarious that you think we'd consider letting you live to the end.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 03:08:26 am
    I mean, if Sera was less likely than danil to be mafia, I'm less likely to be mafia than Sera. I did cause our only mafia kill so far, after all.

    Is Kuro being protected? I thought Athena protected him last night. If you're right then I think we have a 100% chance to win.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 06, 2016, 03:26:07 am
    Demagog I know you're distracted and all but not including yourself in the "unconfirmed" list is the best way to put yourself in the "unconfirmed" list
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 06, 2016, 03:31:29 am
    Kuro was protected by the second Olive Branch last night since Athena's ability was on cooldown. Now it's available again for tonight.

    Trusting that either of us are town to the end would be a horrible mistake. I already covered why you pushing on Ryli doesn't help clear you whatsoever. And on that lynch, there you go again trying to take more credit than you deserve. Considering that the lynch was in the process of being swung onto you, your vote on Ryli wasn't going to do anything. I was the one who voted on her with solid reasoning, and the rest of town followed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 06, 2016, 03:53:39 am
    Very easy for Dema to do what he likes when there's only 2 people reading the thread, let's not let that happen
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 04:25:38 am
    Demagog I know you're distracted and all but not including yourself in the "unconfirmed" list is the best way to put yourself in the "unconfirmed" list

    I mean, only someone that can either be logically confirmed town or confirmed town via an investigative role can say they they are confirmed. I'm not 100% confirmed, but I think you can give me the benefit of the doubt.

    Kuro was protected by the second Olive Branch last night since Athena's ability was on cooldown. Now it's available again for tonight.

    Trusting that either of us are town to the end would be a horrible mistake. I already covered why you pushing on Ryli doesn't help clear you whatsoever. And on that lynch, there you go again trying to take more credit than you deserve. Considering that the lynch was in the process of being swung onto you, your vote on Ryli wasn't going to do anything. I was the one who voted on her with solid reasoning, and the rest of town followed.

    What I do know is that I want to lynch Ryli today. There's no way mafia lets a vote tie between two civilians. There were most likely two or more mafia that weren't on me or Ryli. It would be so easy to kill one of us, and nobody would suspect you for just saying ties are bad. The other would probably have been lynched today, giving them a total of three free kills. That's a lot. On top of all that I already thought she was mafia, so my vote here is obvious.

    Your logic was simply that mafia wouldn't allow a tie between civilians. That's fair, but at the time you were also under fire. Me calling out Ryli came before you twice. My reasoning, like yours, was based on how I would expect mafia to vote. For all we know, if I had never called out Ryli, you would have never done so.

    Anyway, what are your thoughts on sky, dawn, and ian, @Link and Onion?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 04:37:32 am
    Here's what I predict is going to happen:

    It will come down to 2v1. Linkcat, me, and one of the other 4 people that I said aren't confirmed. Link and I will vote on each other, but the other person will actually be mafia and mafia will win.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 06, 2016, 04:46:36 am
    Dawn has barely posted so we'll definitely need to lynch him. We also need to lynch you. I think Sky is town. Iancu has also been playing a bit towny but he could definitely still be mafia. I'd be okay with lynching him.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 05:04:41 am
    But why do you think sky is town? Sky has only posted those weird posts, right?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 05:07:12 am
    Actually, if we lynch dawn and dawn turns out to be mafia, does that make it more likely that I'm civ? I tried to get dawn lynched with my yogurt post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 06, 2016, 05:10:52 am

    She voted on Onion when he was being scummy. She voted on Ryli when she was being scummy. On the Ryli lynch she posted that she was surrounded by idiots, which looked like she thought Ryli was going to flip town. Also, I'm still alive so that's a big plus for her.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 06, 2016, 07:56:37 am
    Magical list read time?

    Linkcat - I never like to deduce that "he is acting town therefore he is town" as it has backfired on me more than once. This is the main reason I am reluctant to do list reads as it is either "Scum" or "Not scum yet." Thus, I still keep my eye on him, but nobody would ever be willing to vote for him due to the reasoning of "he could be town." So null.
    Sera - No idea. I threw a rock at her night 1, other than that, nothing.
    skyironsword - Lots of nothing, but there is stuff to analyse. The votes on Ryli and Kuro, more specifically. Switching from Ryli in one phase to Kuro in the next, can be seen as a throwaway vote brought on by uncertainty, and that is most likely the case. If she were mafia, she would have been more safe to jump on the train. However at the same time, the themed posting can be used to explain any action.
    iancudorinmarian - I am honestly most open to voting for ian, as a few of his actions have been odd (as in I think he is leaning scum).
    Demagog - See Linkcat's

    I didn't realise it was late game, I suppose that means it is time to be active.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 06, 2016, 12:16:57 pm
    I think sky is town - not through any evidence, just instinct. Having said that, I would be up for lynching her first in all future mafias to train her to make the occasional non-bread post sometimes.

    My next vote will be on Demagog unless his attitude surrounding his invincibility changes
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 12:41:13 pm
    I never said I was invincible... I said that my actions this game should make me lean heavily town, more than anyone else in the unconfirmed list except maybe Linkcat. If lynching me is what it will take to get it through your thick skulls that this is how I play as a civ, then go ahead. Just don't come crying to me when you lose. As long as Kuro's ability works this round it won't matter who we lynch.

    I will be voting on dawn unless Kuro says otherwise.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on September 06, 2016, 12:49:44 pm
    My only real read is ian's inactive-yet-somehow-paying-attention posting. Also, Dema, you're pretty close to confirmed town, but please get off of my neck.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 06, 2016, 12:55:51 pm
    I prefer war over mafia, and as you've seen, I'm involved in some stuff.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 06, 2016, 01:05:04 pm
    I think sky is town - not through any evidence, just instinct. Having said that, I would be up for lynching her first in all future mafias to train her to make the occasional non-bread post sometimes.
    I'm afraid that if I were to lose the formality, all you would hear from me is silence.

    Perhaps that is your intention, but I'm afraid I must reject your proposal.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 06, 2016, 10:01:52 pm
    My only real read is ian's inactive-yet-somehow-paying-attention posting. Also, Dema, you're pretty close to confirmed town, but please get off of my neck.

    I wasn't really accusing you of anything, I just wanted to know why people felt you lean town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 07, 2016, 03:04:44 pm
    Update main post Solaris~
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 07, 2016, 07:42:40 pm
    I'm feeling a Dema lynch tomorrow.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 07, 2016, 08:02:42 pm
    No you aren't. Although if Kuro's ability works we should have 100% chance to win so I won't care.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 07, 2016, 08:40:17 pm
    Day 5


    Espithel has been nightkilled. He was a Civilian Townsfolk.

    Until Night 5, there is no time remaining

    Message Board

    "Targeted  Puff"

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 07, 2016, 08:42:46 pm
    Demagog {1} - CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 07, 2016, 08:44:58 pm

    Demagog (2) - CleanOnion, Linkcat
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 07, 2016, 08:47:02 pm
    Haven't seen Hidden for a while

    Safe to assume that was UTA?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 07, 2016, 08:56:10 pm
    Nope, he sent a message on the Day 4 noticeboard. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/forum-games/elements-mafia-62-by-solaris/msg1243612/#msg1243612)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 07, 2016, 08:59:28 pm
    Oh yeah, fair enough

    I got confused for a moment :P
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 07, 2016, 09:03:47 pm
    Put my vote on Ian. Explanation later.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 07, 2016, 09:04:54 pm
    Not until you explain
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 07, 2016, 09:05:40 pm
    Demagog (2) - CleanOnion, Linkcat
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 07, 2016, 09:15:04 pm
    Rob77dp (1) - Espithel

    He came from the graaaave
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 07, 2016, 10:13:20 pm
    Voted on Ian because  I feel like he is trying hard to stay out of the spotlight, other than dawn, he's the only person no one has defended lately, I think, and I believe other people are suspicious of him too.

    Looking forward to Kuro telling us who he IDd.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 07, 2016, 10:17:38 pm
    Message board would imply he targeted Sera
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 07, 2016, 10:25:17 pm
    That doesn't tell us if Sera is mafia or not.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 07, 2016, 10:27:45 pm
    Aye, but you said "who"
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 07, 2016, 10:37:08 pm
    I had forgotten about the message board when I posted and even if I read it I wouldn't know who puff is lol.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 07, 2016, 10:39:04 pm
    As long as Kuro's ability worked and wasn't blocked, I think mathematically civs win unless people are inactive. That's why I'm looking forward to his post. Either we win now or we have to play out the rest of the game.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 08, 2016, 05:24:56 am
    Kill Sera immediately.

    She is the Cronus Titan.

    Demagog (2) - CleanOnion, Linkcat
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Sera (1) - Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 08, 2016, 05:32:19 am
    Demagog (2) - CleanOnion, Linkcat
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Sera (2) - Kuroaitou, dawn to dusk

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 08, 2016, 05:54:15 am
    After all this time, we still haven't gotten rid of Linkcat. Party is ruined.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 08, 2016, 06:26:05 am
    Some notes I have, do what you will with them

    Dema "claimed" that I was mafia, later admitting this.
    Oh I guess I should say. I'm Yogurt. Just posted that to get Espi off me for a round. Chose someone mostly inactive but not new to mafia, as I felt that would make it more believable. I have no idea if dawn is mafia or not.
    Potentially hurtful to town, but didn't lead to much after Kuro was basically confirmed. If I had died and flipped town, Dema wouldn't have been able to make this post.

    Link calls out Dema for giving himself too much credit after the Ryli kill, Dema responds by saying that the credit is warranted, and that Link is giving himself too much credit.
    Your logic was simply that mafia wouldn't allow a tie between civilians. That's fair, but at the time you were also under fire. Me calling out Ryli came before you twice. My reasoning, like yours, was based on how I would expect mafia to vote. For all we know, if I had never called out Ryli, you would have never done so.

    Link says I may be a potential lynch, doesn't speak of this after. Dema shitposts about him being confirmed if I flip mafia because of yogurt claim, but starts to get really on board with lynching me. Around this time, Link starts to want to lynch Dema.
    Dawn has barely posted so we'll definitely need to lynch him. We also need to lynch you. I think Sky is town. Iancu has also been playing a bit towny but he could definitely still be mafia. I'd be okay with lynching him.
    Actually, if we lynch dawn and dawn turns out to be mafia, does that make it more likely that I'm civ? I tried to get dawn lynched with my yogurt post.
    Quote from: Demagog
    I will be voting on dawn unless Kuro says otherwise.
    I'm feeling a Dema lynch tomorrow.
    No you aren't. Although if Kuro's ability works we should have 100% chance to win so I won't care.

    Day comes, Dema doesn't vote for me, but instead votes for ian, despite being so heavily set on voting for me. Chooses to vote for him without giving initial explanation, rather than voting when he is available to give his reasoning. Puts needless suspicion on him, as seen in Onion's post. Meanwhile, Onion and Link vote for Dema.
    Put my vote on Ian. Explanation later.
    Not until you explain

    Dema makes a badly worded post giving double meanings. Either he says I am not being defended, or he is saying that ian is contrary to me as he tries to stay out of the spotlight in contrast to his other potential vote, me. Means nothing, but is an interesting tidbit
    Voted on Ian because  I feel like he is trying hard to stay out of the spotlight, other than dawn, he's the only person no one has defended lately, I think, and I believe other people are suspicious of him too.

    Looking forward to Kuro telling us who he IDd.

    Conversation with Onion and Dema is strange. Dema claims to not have read the message board, which means nothing, but considering I remembered to check it, and quote it to find any information for that matter, and that I didn't make a wild claim on it, it just seems like a strange thing not to do. Not an indication of anything, just strange.

    Various Quotes
    Can someone explain to me why there is no suspicion on Sera?
    Because you were waiting for a good time to try to mislynch her.

    It's basically all on Dema. This is either because OMGUS or because there is more stuff to analyse from his recent posts. Only included the yogurt scenario because it directly related to me, and because recent gains in information may be able to shed more light on this. Link seems to have been a lot more casual potentially as a result of waiting for information. He doesn't die after opting to vote Dema. WIFOM that all you like.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 08, 2016, 06:46:52 am
    Pretty sure Dema's the other mafia but alright.

    Demagog (1) - CleanOnion
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Sera (3) - Kuroaitou, dawn to dusk, Linkcat

    With this post, I have broken the record for the most posts during any mafia game, taking it from Sub in Mafia 50.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Sera on September 08, 2016, 07:18:34 am
    Well at least I left a cute, fitting final board message.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Submachine on September 08, 2016, 07:41:11 am
    With this post, I have broken the record for the most posts during any mafia game, taking it from Sub in Mafia 50.

    *ghostly sounds because not playing*
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 08, 2016, 07:52:49 am
    Anyone up for Parcheesi?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 08, 2016, 08:58:12 am
    Demagog (1) - CleanOnion
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Sera (4) - Kuroaitou, dawn to dusk, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian

    I can tell you for sure I am not the person you are looking for, Dema.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 08, 2016, 09:37:25 am
    Anyone up for Parcheesi?

    I would be honored to have some; for what it's worth, it was a nice party sky. :)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 08, 2016, 11:03:29 am
    I would be honored to have some; for what it's worth, it was a nice party sky. :)
    It's unrelated to cheese.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 08, 2016, 11:52:57 am
    You can move my vote over to Sera. At this point the I don't care who you guys lynch, as long as we go after the people that aren't confirmed, town wins 100% mathematically.

    If we don't end the game now even though our victory is certain, when I flip town make sure you kill Linkcat.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 08, 2016, 12:46:25 pm
    I just double checked and I was wrong. Victory is not yet certain. If you guys lynch me it will be 4 on 1 the vote after then 2 on 1. We have 3 votes after this round at most.

    Once the ability to heal comes back up, Athena should role claim. That will give us the 1 more confirmed town we need to win, I think. I guess this can be done next vote phase.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 08, 2016, 12:49:51 pm
    It may be 5 on 1 then 3 on1... can't remember if I included Kuro. That's worse for us if true.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 08, 2016, 06:45:49 pm
    Oh and revealing Athena is pointless if Athena is already confirmed town. We just need one more person truly confirmed. Tried to get myself at least to lean so far town that you all can clearly see I'm town, but Onion seems to hate that and Link seems super paranoid about me despite all the signs indicating I'm town.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 12:03:55 am
    Demagog (1) - CleanOnion
    Sera (5) - Kuroaitou, dawn to dusk, Linkcat, iancudorinmarian, Demagog

    Since no one else moved my vote over.

    Dawn, to answer your stuff now that I have time.

    A lot of my posts are while at work when I have a bit of free time. They are very quick posts and I don't really read them over. In regards to voting on Ian over you, you've made posts like your last one. Ian basically just said "sorry guys, war." That's a big difference and why I decided Ian over you. My only reason to vote on you is that you are an unknown and I want to see if my guess all those rounds ago was right.

    That brings me to my next point: why reveal that I'm Yogurt if I'm mafia? Obviously whoever did that would be viewed negatively, but I revealed it anyway. No mafia that wants a chance of winning would reveal that info. I was under some pressure when I made the message board post, and chose your name because it seemed more believable and would get some pressure off of me.

    As for forgetting the message board, I haven't paid it any attention this game. No one has been posting anything of interest in it, and all we've gotten were codes from Kuro. We don't even need to check it because Kuro doesn't need to use it anymore. His board post of who he targetted was pointless since he couldn't die.

    And if you flip mafia, that does lower my chance to be mafia... since you'd be the last mafia :-p It wasn't a "shitpost," it's actually just common sense. If I were mafia, why would I anonymously try to get another mafia member killed when there was no pressure on them at all? I wouldn't even be able to claim "hey I got a mafia killed, I must be town!" It doesn't benefit me at all. Saying you were mafia would only be hurtful to town if you have a power role, which I doubt. I think you're either mafia or vanilla. A vanilla dying in place of me (a vanilla) is the same thing, and if you're mafia then great.

    I definitely deserve some, perhaps most, credit for Ryli's death. My very first vote on Ryli that led to the tie with Link was what caused the tie that Link used to make his accusation. His vote during the tie round was only because he wanted there to be a tie, since he'd have died otherwise.

    What do you mean it's basically all on me?

    Link hasn't died yet because he's either mafia or mafia knows that he'll likely be the one killed in the last round if he's not confirmed.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 09, 2016, 12:13:44 am
    I think I'm alive because Dema wanted to try to outplay me. Sorry to disappoint you, Dema.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 01:53:04 am
    Told you all he's just paranoid.

    Also, if someone accidentally messaged me something in chat that I think is related to mafia, do I have to post it here?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 02:04:06 am
    Never mind, multiple people confirmed it wasn't about mafia.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 02:37:09 am
    More defense stuff:

    I was the only one that didn't read Sera as town. Sera said she thought I was "basically confirmed" town. Doing that so late in the game between mafias is a big no-no. Much better to keep clear of each other to avoid falling like dominoes.

    Note that I'm bad at reading people, but I like to think I'm good at analyzing votes and knowing typical mafia-player psychology and strategies.

    My thoughts on Linkcat - The fact that he's lived this long is highly suspect. I already covered why I think he's still alive. I can't read Linkcat. All I have to go on is his forcing a tie on Ryli and his over the top paranoia about me. Obviously he really wants me dead but it's hard to say if it's just plain paranoia or if he's mafia going after an easy target when a confirmed player thinks I'm mafia for trying to prove my innocence constantly. His vote on Ryli is typical behavior of anyone that wants to keep playing (otherwise he'd have died). His vote wasn't the last vote though, I think his made it 4-2 Ryli/Link. Interestingly, Ryli posted this:

    I'll make a self preservation vote on Link until he can give me better reasoning on his vote, if he convinces me otherwise, I'll remove and take the fall.

    We all know a mafia player wouldn't really remove their vote and die. I think it's possible that Link is mafia with Ryli and they agreed to tie the vote. However, Link's hand was forced next round to vote on Ryli since he supported the lynch the previous round and gave a reason for his vote other than "save myself." Mafia may have known that civs wouldn't allow a tie twice in a row and that one of them would have to be lynched, and they may have agreed to let that be Ryli. Link acting on Ryli early that round would add to Link's credibility and help him last further in to the game. Link's reason for voting on Ryli that round was due to the tie, which seems like a highly logical thing to do. But if Link's mafia, that's something they would have planned for Link to use.

    Also, sky voted on Ryli the first time, but not the second. Sky voted on Kuro as a wasted vote the round that Ryli died. I was right about either Sera or danil being mafia as they voted on Ryli last. Dawn's vote tied the vote between Link and Ryli. If dawn were mafia, that vote would have gone elsewhere, probably on Linkcat. Which makes me think dawn is not mafia (I only just started going back and analyzing voting behavior, which is why I'm only bringing this up now). I also think that it's a bit less likely for sky to be mafia based on her vote on Ryli the round before Ryli died.

    So that leaves us with Linkcat and Ian as potential mafia players. Obviously I could be wrong, but I think that sky and dawn's voting history makes them less likely to be mafia than Link and Ian. If you guys decide to lynch me next round, I think you should take a look at them.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 09, 2016, 05:36:30 am
    It would have been quite interesting to see Link and Dema be the last 2 mafia, as if one dies, the other one leans super heavy town because of how much banter that has been going on between those two.

    What do you mean it's basically all on me?

    The notes I had were miscellaneous notes that I had on the recent days. When I said that most of the points were on you, I was referring to how it seemed like a potential target onto you, when it was instead me analysing situations. It just happened that what there was to analyse were points talking about you.

    Regardless, the last mafia is between me, ian, sky, Link and Dema. Time to get some fancy stuff going~

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 09, 2016, 05:47:11 am
    So Solaris told me he would put Night 2 in the phase links like 4 days ago but still hasn't done it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 09, 2016, 05:52:53 am
    So Solaris told me he would put Night 2 in the phase links like 4 days ago but still hasn't done it.
    Yeah, that's been quite troublesome, especially when looking for voting patterns
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 09, 2016, 08:52:27 pm
    Night 5

    The narrator appears to have fallen asleep. Just like Sera. Except Sera's dead.

    Sera has been lynched. She was Cronus, Titan of the Harvest (Titan).

    Until Day 6, there is no time remaining

    Message Board
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 09:23:51 pm
    Hey Kuro since Cronus is dead, if you think you might live tonight, target me please.

    The fact that now it's known that Sera is the one that blocked Kuro IDing me should also add to my credibility. I pointed out Sera's suspicious vote and then people jumped down my throat for it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 09:51:38 pm
    My mistake, it's that other one that starts with a C that blocks you.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 09, 2016, 10:09:42 pm
    That actually seems like an honest mistake to me
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 09, 2016, 10:11:24 pm
    You underestimate Demagog.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 10:26:16 pm
    Link, when I flip town I want you to change your account name to Paranoid.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 10:46:24 pm
    Hopefully Athena was smart last round and took a risk and saved her save for this round, since Link made it seem like Kuro would be saved last round. That's pretty WIFOM for mafia.

    Speaking of WIFOM, I have a theory. I think that the more WIFOM a player creates about themselves throughout the game, the more likely they are to be town. Agree or disagree? It's something you'd have to keep track of if you really want an answer though.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 09, 2016, 10:49:26 pm
    I think that the more WIFOM a player creates about themselves throughout the game, the more likely they are to be town
    My suspension of disbelief just crumbled
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 09, 2016, 11:10:50 pm
    What do you mean?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 09, 2016, 11:54:11 pm
    Quote from: Demagog
    I think that the more WIFOM a player creates about themselves throughout the game, the more likely they are to be town. Agree or disagree?

    Partially agree
    This would not apply to an experienced mafia player, as in one who is more willing to take risks, as they can openly have discussions about them being mafia, and let others explore that possibility, without actually putting themselves under any strife from people thinking they are mafia. I have done so in the past, and it has been mildly successful (until a cop outed me). But at the same time, they can do this from a town perspective.
    The problem is, doing this wrong, or too frequently/infrequently is a scumtell, and may result in them being lynched due to suspicion, hence why I specified experienced mafia players.
    An inexperienced mafia player is less likely to do this, as they want to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible in case something goes wrong and they make a mistake. More likely to try to divert attention away from themselves. However, it can also be seen as a post which has no relevance, but on the surface looks to have important information. In this case, it is very good to divert attention away from an individual.

    So I would say that it varies from case to case, but as a rule of thumb, I would want to think that an experienced player is more difficult to read, and WIFOM situations that have been brought up by them should be disregarded as a tell, but still used as information. While an inexperienced player is more likely to refer to themselves in a WIFOM situation if they are town. While referring to others can be considered a moderate tell depending on the relevance of the post.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 10:23:42 pm
    Round is over, Solaris is on... zzzzz.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 11, 2016, 10:32:24 pm
    Round is over, Solaris is on... zzzzz.

    I'm not home, where my mafia doc is.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 10:45:56 pm
    Just tell us who died so we can continue, you can come make the post pretty later lol.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 11, 2016, 10:47:39 pm
    nobody died

    Message board

    Targeted ian

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 10:50:46 pm
    Well maybe Athena can claim now? Say who you targeted and I think we'll have 2 confirmed people, you and that person? May want to wait for others to verify that's a good idea first.

    I've already made my case against Ian and Linkcat several posts ago. Putting my vote on Ian.

    Iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 11, 2016, 10:52:45 pm
    Iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (1) - CleanOnion
    Will Forget To Copy The Votes When He Votes (1) - Espithel
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 11, 2016, 10:54:13 pm
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (2) - CleanOnion, Linkcat
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 10:55:29 pm
    No reasons for voting on me? My defense has been excellent and you guys have just ignored it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 11, 2016, 11:01:16 pm
    My defense has been excellent and you guys have just ignored it.
    Eh. Not really.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 11, 2016, 11:01:46 pm
    Your defense has more holes than a swiss cheese factory.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 11:02:50 pm
    Point them out or GTFO.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 11, 2016, 11:06:21 pm
    Okay that's not really true, I just wanted to say that.

    My reasoning is that assuming either you or I are town is ridiculous and we should be lynched before the game ends. Since I don't want to be lynched, I'm going after you. Also I think you're the last mafia anyways.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 11, 2016, 11:09:08 pm
    Everything that you have done this game, you could easily have done as mafia. Nothing you say will change this fact.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 11:10:53 pm
    Well if Kuro's targetting of Ian worked, or if Athena can claim this round, since it seems Kuro was saved, then I believe the game is 100% won and it's just a matter of time, so I'll wait for Kuro to post before I start complaining.

    Also Link, you should know that if I were mafia, I'd have tried to kill Kuro the previous night phase considering you said he'd be saved. Obvious trick is obvious.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 11:11:37 pm
    Everything that you have done this game, you could easily have done as mafia. Nothing you say will change this fact.

    So basically your reason for voting on me is because you see me as the best player? Thanks <3
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 11, 2016, 11:14:31 pm
    Linkcat and Onion, what are your opinions on my analysis of how the players voted in previous rounds? Assume that, for a second, I'm actually town. Was my analysis likely accurate?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 11, 2016, 11:57:46 pm
    The only thing that will swing my vote is Kuro announcing that Ian is mafia
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 12:18:16 am
    I just want to discuss my reads now, in case Ian doesn't roll mafia. If you lynch me, I won't be here to push on Link.

    But let's be honest, if Ian is innocent, when he and I are both revealed town, Link will be the next target.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 12, 2016, 12:40:06 am
    If you were the best player then you would have convinced me you were town.  :)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 01:18:46 am
    You're the worst player so it's impossible.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 12, 2016, 04:13:58 am
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (3) - CleanOnion, Linkcat, Kuroaitou

    ian is a civy townsfolk.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 12, 2016, 05:54:12 am
    To be fair, while being active and posting a lot, Link hasn't done much beyond saying Dema is the worst person imaginable
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 12, 2016, 06:02:46 am
    To be fair, while being active and posting a lot, Link hasn't done much beyond saying Dema is the worst person imaginable

    In order of confirmation:


    In order of most likely mafia:
    dawn to dusk/skyironsword (?)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 12, 2016, 06:05:08 am
    To be fair, while being active and posting a lot, Link hasn't done much beyond saying Dema is the worst person imaginable

    In order of confirmation:


    In order of most likely mafia:
    dawn to dusk/skyironsword (?)
    I understand this, but surely he would have to have a backup in case Demagog isn't mafia
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 12, 2016, 06:39:26 am
    yay, finally confirmed.

    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (4) - CleanOnion, Linkcat, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 12, 2016, 06:59:10 am
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (4) - CleanOnion, Linkcat, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 12, 2016, 06:59:29 am
    iancudorinmarian (1) - Demagog
    Demagog (5) - CleanOnion, Linkcat, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 10:54:17 am
    Solaris, no amount of reasoning will get through to these idiots. Go ahead and move on to the night phase so we can win and move on to the next game, please. Or since it's mathematically impossible for the last mafia member to win, go ahead and end the game.

    I also want everyone to remember how certain Onion and Link are and use this knowledge in the future to not follow them like blind sheep. Onion's reasoning is that I have tried too hard to make myself seem town, and Link's is that I am still alive.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 10:55:51 am
    Oh you can move my vote to Link.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 12, 2016, 10:59:01 am
    Demagog (5) - CleanOnion, Linkcat, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk
    Linkcat (1) - Demagog

    Doesn't change much other than throw shade onto Link
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 11:28:29 am
    Well it's pointless to vote on Ian since he's confirmed.

    FGO's, remember that I was alive when civilians had technically won. Think there is a spot in the spreadsheet for making it to the end of the game.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 12, 2016, 12:06:05 pm
    Well it's pointless to vote on Ian since he's confirmed.

    FGO's, remember that I was alive when civilians had technically won. Think there is a spot in the spreadsheet for making it to the end of the game.
    That doesn't count for anything.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 12:33:21 pm
    I don't care, I want credit for my accomplishment! Don't know that I've ever been alive when one team had won. I think this is a first for me.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 12, 2016, 08:28:49 pm
    I don't care, I want credit for my accomplishment! Don't know that I've ever been alive when one team had won. I think this is a first for me.
    You can't have an achievement for something you didn't do
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 08:32:47 pm
    But I did do it. We win. Mafia can't win. When civs can't win, game ends. Mafia can't win, so game should be over.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 12, 2016, 08:34:54 pm
    Soooooooo explain why the game isn't over?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 08:49:44 pm
    Solaris hasn't gotten on yet.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 12, 2016, 08:50:38 pm
    Solaris hasn't gotten on yet.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 12, 2016, 08:56:33 pm
    Pretty sure the host knows what he's doing
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 12, 2016, 08:58:22 pm
    Pretty sure the host knows what he's doing
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 12, 2016, 08:59:07 pm
    The game is currently four confirmed against four unconfirmed. If we lynch the three unconfirmed town then mafia wins. We'd have guaranteed victory if Athena was in those 3 unconfirmed town, but since she hasn't claimed we can assume she's one of the confirmed. Even so, it would be bad practice for Sol to end the game when the reasons for a guaranteed win aren't confirmed, since Kuro could be lying about one of his targets. It's up to the mafia to concede.

    The only reason to be alive when you win is for mafia achievements, which don't actually get you anything.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 12, 2016, 08:59:38 pm
    Pretty sure the host knows what he's doing
    You'd lose that bet. I think I've proved this multiple times over that I have 0 clue what I'm doing. I've even been randomizing all the night actions out of confusion.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 10:29:24 pm
    Well at least Espi will have to use the avatar I described next game. I won't be making bets anymore after this game.

    Onion you can PM me an apology in chat when I flip town. Linkcat is either mafia or Athena, go ahead and kill him next.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 12, 2016, 10:31:39 pm
    Alright Dema, this lynch was way easier than I thought it would be so I'll humor you. The only reason I let the game go on was because I wanted to prove I could find and lynch the last mafia. Your lynch is already decided, and I wasn't going to continue to another day on the off-chance that you flipped town, so just for you I'll end the game now.

    I claim Athena.


    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 10:43:52 pm
    I was pretty sure you were when you said Kuro would be saved in the night phase but I didn't want to call you out on it in thread obviously. If I were mafia I would have called your bluff that round and gotten him.

    I really hope dawn is the last mafia so I can have been right on my early guess.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 12, 2016, 10:46:43 pm
    That had absolutely nothing to do with me being Athena, I only said it because someone, I think you, was acting like Kuro was dying that night.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 12, 2016, 10:59:27 pm
    Ya, I am not in the know this game so I had to try to figure everything out myself. I assumed that Kuro had been targeted by you the previous night, so I said that, then you said he would be saved by Athena (you apparently). I knew that would cause normal mafia players to not target Kuro, and I know that you would know that too. So knowing they wouldn't target him, you could save your ability for the next night. Maybe you had used it the previous night and it wasn't available, no idea. Regardless, I was leaning 80% Athena 20% mafia after that post on you, regardless of what caused you to post it.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 13, 2016, 05:35:56 am
    Dawn, that means you can concede now if you're the last mafia. Even without Ginyu, it's still four to three. That goes for Sky too but I think she would make us play it out anyway.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 06:08:58 am
    FGO's, remember that I was alive when civilians had technically won. Think there is a spot in the spreadsheet for making it to the end of the game.
    You win if you get to the end of the game as civ without people thinking you are mafia, and are consequently voted out as a result of said people thinking you were mafia. You failed that, therefore you should not receive credit.

    Dawn, that means you can concede now if you're the last mafia. Even without Ginyu, it's still four to three. That goes for Sky too but I think she would make us play it out anyway.
    I don't have the authority to concede on behalf of mafia
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 06:14:01 am
    Sidenote I had no idea how to answer that because saying "nah I can't end the game" or something indicates that I am mafia and want to play it out to the end

    Only defending myself so I can get some Master of Mafia points hopefully
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 13, 2016, 06:41:53 am
    Sidenote I had no idea how to answer that because saying "nah I can't end the game" or something indicates that I am mafia and want to play it out to the end

    Only defending myself so I can get some Master of Mafia points hopefully

    Master of Mafia points only awards points to the winning team (if there are any); your death is only relevant for Mafia Achievements. Just to let you know.

    So... where's that update? :X
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 06:47:56 am
    Then I'm doing it for the achievements
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 13, 2016, 07:14:14 am
    You already have the all the achievements you can possibly get in this scenario.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 08:21:05 am
    ...I'm doing it for fun
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 13, 2016, 11:43:40 am
    Sooo can we lynch dawn or do I still have to die? Can't see the votes easily from my phone, someone can move my vote over.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 11:45:04 am
    Demagog (5) - CleanOnion, Linkcat, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, dawn to dusk
    dawn to dusk (1) - Demagog

    Pretty sure you still have to die
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 13, 2016, 11:46:53 am
    I mean you basically admitted you're mafia... so if people change their votes...
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 11:49:41 am
    When did I admit that?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 13, 2016, 11:54:28 am
    If you flip town, people said they might vote me out after that. This is why I am defending myself
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 13, 2016, 02:28:13 pm
    Oh I think I just misread one of your posts while I was still half asleep.

    At this point game is essentially over so go ahead and lynch me. It's basically a farce now that we have won 100%. Drag it on all you want Solaris, game's over.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 13, 2016, 05:47:22 pm
    Oh I think I just misread one of your posts while I was still half asleep.

    At this point game is essentially over so go ahead and lynch me. It's basically a farce now that we have won 100%. Drag it on all you want Solaris, game's over.
    Timer extended by 5 days.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 13, 2016, 05:49:58 pm
    Oh I think I just misread one of your posts while I was still half asleep.

    At this point game is essentially over so go ahead and lynch me. It's basically a farce now that we have won 100%. Drag it on all you want Solaris, game's over.
    Timer extended by 5 days.

    I see what you're doing. ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 14, 2016, 04:37:09 am
    night 6 or something

    Demagog has been lynched. He was a Civilian Townsfolk.

    Until Day 7, you have no time remaining


    Told you noobs I'm not mafia. Think of me as a skyironsword that actually contributes. I will always act like this, and about 75 to 80% of the time I will be civilian. Saying I'm mafia for trying to prove that I'm not mafia is the same thing as saying you should lynch me because there is a 20% chance that I'm mafia. Retarded. But this is the first game you guys have let me live this long so I guess this has to happen for you to learn.

    My point is true but I don't actually think any less of anyone.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 14, 2016, 05:23:50 am
    So I'm going to talk about why it's a bad idea for Sol to end the game right now. Imagine that in the past, there have been several times where the host has ended the game once the cop achieved a majority, and Sol was one of the people asking for the game to be ended early. Then we come to this game, where Kuro targets iancu, but his ability was blocked by Coeus. Now Kuro believes, like I did, that iancu is the most likely to be town, but doesn't think the rest of town will follow his lynching order after he dies tonight. So he claims that his ability worked and iancu is confirmed town, believing that he has secured the game. But in reality, that devilish trickster iancu is the last mafia. If this had actually happened during this game, then iancu would win after Dema, Sky, and dawn were lynched. But back in fantasy land, people ask for the game to end, but Sol doesn't end it. Realizing something might be amiss, me and Dema pressure Kuro, and he admits that his ability was blocked. After we lynch Dema anyway, we lynch iancu the next day, and mafia's victory is stolen from them. Now this is a pretty unlikely example, but the general idea can be applied to different games with different roles. The point is that we can't make a habit of ending games early that aren't 100% proven, because it could negatively affect future games.

    It's much better to just have the mafia concede. Seriously Sky, it's over. Do you really want to kill me that badly?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Demagog on September 14, 2016, 12:24:17 pm
    That's a discussion for mafia balancing, not an on-going game.

    Death post: zzzzzz.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 14, 2016, 03:00:46 pm
    So... *thumb twiddling*.

    I guess I like limes? :X
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 14, 2016, 03:10:37 pm
    I'll end night phases early if I get all of Artemis's target, Athena's (when applicable), Coeus', and the nightkill. Thoughts?
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Espithel on September 14, 2016, 06:42:06 pm
    That's a discussion for mafia balancing, not an on-going game.

    Death post: zzzzzz.

    You're still mafia in my eyes
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Linkcat on September 14, 2016, 07:17:15 pm
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 16, 2016, 08:42:01 pm
    DAY 7

    Linkcat has been nightkilled. He was Athena, Goddess of War. (Civilian)

    Until Night 7, there is no time remaining


    Targeted d2d
    If sky is Athena, kill Linkcat, otherwise, kill d2d. I'm probz dead after this post

    Impersonating the host is strictly forbidden.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 16, 2016, 09:44:19 pm
    dawn to dusk came up as an ability fail... :(

    dawn to dusk (1) - Kuroaitou

    Sorry skyironsword.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 17, 2016, 01:59:06 am
    Ah... What are you apologizing to me for? Ruining the party? I don't want your apology.

    dawn to dusk (2) - Kuroaitou, skyironsword
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 17, 2016, 06:16:28 am
    dawn to dusk (2) - Kuroaitou, skyironsword
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk

    Sorry Dema, I'm still not mafia (but what does it matter anyway)

    Sidenote: It was obvious I would be targeted. Link gets Nightkilled and I had already thrown shade on myself on the previous day. Targeting sky would have been arguably better in this situation due to this reason.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 17, 2016, 10:19:50 pm
    All of you need to actually do something. This is really boring.

    dawn to dusk (1) - Kuroaitou
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk

    Here, you guys can place the deciding vote. You'll feel more involved this way.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 18, 2016, 07:30:38 am
    All of you need to actually do something. This is really boring.


    Here, you guys can place the deciding vote. You'll feel more involved this way.

    Are you serious?

    skyironsword (2) - dawn to dusk, Kuroaitou

    If sky is not mafia (I hope she isn't), then we lynch d2d tomorrow. Kind of ridiculous that we've gotten to this point, but whatever.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 18, 2016, 12:22:50 pm
    I'm just trying to encourage more activity. Fine, fine, I'll put my vote back.

    dawn to dusk (1) - skyironsword
    skyironsword (2) - dawn to dusk, Kuroaitou
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 18, 2016, 04:28:32 pm
    List of people I confirmed via my role:

    dawn to dusk (2) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk


    If I'm wrong on dawn to dusk - you (absolutely must) vote on skyironsword. Why are you guys not responding? :(
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 18, 2016, 05:23:23 pm

    dawn to dusk (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 18, 2016, 10:52:26 pm
    I can totally still vote

    dawn to dusk (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, CleanOnion
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 18, 2016, 10:55:09 pm
    I can totally still vote

    dawn to dusk (3) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, CleanOnion
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk

    dawn to dusk (4) - skyironsword, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, CleanOnion
    skyironsword (1) - dawn to dusk
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 18, 2016, 10:57:35 pm
    NIGHT 7

    dawn to dusk has been lynched. He was a Civilian Townsfolk.

    Until Day 8, there is no time
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Kuroaitou on September 18, 2016, 10:59:26 pm
    Well, time to kill skyironsword then.

    Good game sky/Ryli/Sera. Nice team to get Linkcat vs. Demagog throughout the entire mafia, but luckily Olive branches and Linkcat saved me from that fate. Sorry for ever doubting you LC.
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 19, 2016, 12:18:24 am
    [00:55:16] ‹Kuroaitou› also hey clean
    [00:55:21] ‹CleanOnion› ‹@Kuroaitou› <3
    [00:55:28] ‹Kuroaitou› sky is going to kill me this round, so I'ma need your help for muhfia
    [00:55:32] ‹Kuroaitou› That goes for you too Ginyu
    [00:55:51] Skotadi_Phobos joined.
    [00:56:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 63 - by skyironsword from Linkcat. It's cold and dark in here ;_;
    [00:56:45] Solaris left.
    [00:56:57] skyironsword left.
    [00:57:03] ‹Lunaris› Hey, can you guys explain to me how to do the win/loss thing for posting arena decks?
    [00:57:09] ‹CleanOnion› ‹@Kuroaitou› Are we allowed to discuss out of thread? Also which mafia is this
    [00:57:24] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@CleanOnion› 62
    [00:57:32] ‹Lunaris› Not the win loss thing that's not what I meant
    [00:57:55] ‹CleanOnion› ‹@Lunaris› The TTW stats and stuff?
    [00:57:55] ‹serprex› ‹@Lunaris› you mean the stats table?
    [00:57:56] ‹Linkcat› ‹@CleanOnion› You are not.
    [00:58:20] ‹Lunaris› ‹@serprex› ‹@CleanOnion› Yes
    [00:58:37] ‹killsdazombies› Aren't we linkcat?
    [00:58:42] ‹CleanOnion› Like as FGO sure thing but not as a player, and to my knowledge Ginyu is no FGO
    [00:58:46] ‹killsdazombies› Sky said we cant talk about it in chat, as long as its not private
    [00:58:55] ‹Lunaris› I don't know how to do the thumbs up/down
    [00:58:58] ‹killsdazombies› errr we can talk about it in chat*
    [00:59:10] ‹Linkcat› We can for 63, but not for 62.
    [00:59:24] ‹Kuroaitou› copy paste this please clean
    [00:59:32] ‹Ginyu› Why would sky's opinion count for that matter?
    [00:59:39] ‹killsdazombies› oh alright
    [00:59:41] ‹killsdazombies› Sorry
    [00:59:43] ‹CleanOnion› copy paste this please clean
    [01:00:00] Skotadi_Phobos left.
    [01:00:01] ‹Kuroaitou› ‹@CleanOnion› [16:55:28] ‹Kuroaitou› sky is going to kill me this round, so I'ma need your help for muhfia [16:55:32] ‹Kuroaitou› That goes for you too Ginyu
    [01:00:12] Solaris joined.
    [01:00:32] ‹CleanOnion› But why
    [01:00:38] ‹serprex› ‹@Lunaris› trying to find the thread.. thought anti had posted it
    [01:00:38] ‹CleanOnion› A wild Solaris appeared
    [01:00:44] ‹Solaris› ‹@Kuroaitou› no mafia discussion outside thread
    [01:00:49] Solaris left.
    [01:01:05] ‹Discord› Forum bork?
    [01:01:05] ‹CleanOnion› Solaris fled!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: dawn to dusk on September 19, 2016, 05:39:36 am
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 20, 2016, 10:07:50 pm
    DAY 8

    Kuroaitou has ben nightkilled. He was Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt.

    Until Night 8, there is no time remaining
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 21, 2016, 01:20:41 am
    Per the request of a spookyghost, the remaining players are as follows.


    This means that town is at a Lynch or Lose situation. Enjoy!
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 21, 2016, 05:19:31 am
    I guess it's actually Mislynch and Lose. Regardless, just win ;)
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: CleanOnion on September 21, 2016, 06:43:13 am
    Welp. 3 of the 4 remaining are 'confirmed' by Kuro.


    skyironsword (1) - CleanOnion
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 21, 2016, 06:45:48 am
    Amazing. Fun and interactive.

    skyironsword (1) - CleanOnion
    Ginyu (1) - skyironsword
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: iancudorinmarian on September 21, 2016, 09:32:25 am
    skyironsword (2) - CleanOnion, iancudorinmarian
    Ginyu (1) - skyironsword
    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: skyironsword on September 21, 2016, 10:52:33 am
    End of the party? So soon? Well, I enjoyed myself.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: Solaris on September 22, 2016, 11:55:04 pm
    skyironsword has been lynched. She was Coeus, Titan of Intellect.

    Town wins.

    Title: Re: Elements Mafia 62 - by Solaris
    Post by: killsdazombies on September 22, 2016, 11:56:07 pm
    Gg wp

    Who murdered me.
    blarg: RavingRabbid,rob77dp,killsdazombies,DoubleCapitals,UTAlan,Ryli,fabian711,1011686,danil,Espithel,Sera,fabian771,CleanOnion,Demagog,Kuroaitou,skyironsword,dawn to dusk,Linkcat,Ginyu,iancudorinmarian,rob,Link,Kuro,Dema