Es -SPY- thell*
You're not getting it. No one is... I'm gonna call it now: either you or me is going to die tonight, and probably for a crappy reason. This sucks balls.

Yes, I'm aware kuro's post is out of context, still kinda the same point.
Not Espithel's text: GUYS! The lime green text below is a ruse!
Would you like to elaborate on your stance on Demagog, Kuro?
Besides posting the list and making some terrible accusations on both you, me, and Linkcat? All of which I know are false?
Honestly, no. I don't have much. Demagog could be town for all I know, and you two (Linkcat/Espithel) are making some terrible judgements on him, just as Linkcat did on rob, or me on CleanOnion (potentially, not sure about him yet).
The truth is, my codebreaking was the only breakthrough I've had in a long while; do you know how
exciting it is? When you -ACTUALLY- piece together (every) piece of a puzzle before anyone else and realize what's going on? Especially given what happened the last time an anonymous board was used in mafia -
the fact that someone has given a crouton-sized bread crumb with seasoning is something that needs to be seized now. Not until later rounds when I get killed most likely because of the Kuro-effect [see the Linkcat effect for details].
To the codemaker;
I will eat myself if necessary.Hopefully the night kill will be prevented?