So, I cracked the same code Kuro did, but I don't think it makes Espi confirmed in any way, shape, or form. So there's that.
UTAlan... :|
Rob, from I can gather, the most recent vote before yours was about 5.5hrs beforehand.
Funny that Hidden and Nojid were the only ones to message.
I think I've also cracked Nojid's code but agree with UTA that it doesn't confirm shit.
I can't make heads or tails of Hidden, I feel like it might be the kind of thing that looks like it has a deeper meaning but doesn't.
Anything before page ~35 I haven't read but might do at some point.
CleanOnion... >_<
If you two truly cracked the code you wouldn't be saying these statements; you'd understand why Espithel is confirmed! Come on guys...
It feels kind of bad to say it, but I don't think rob did a very good job of presenting himself as town. Not evaluating into your positions that you are one of the best players, when you are, is just bad play. I'm not scumreading iancu for his vote at all, because it doesn't make sense for him to do that as mafia since he would definitely come under fire for it. His vote fits into a town mindset. Kuro's vote just somehow doesn't feel as bad, which worries me. I think we should look at the people who opposed the rob lynch but never voted against it.
I'm lost about the yellow-ORANGE part. So you're worried that my vote IS bad? Or... what?
Anyway, the thing about Espithel is that, even with his clueless plays and obtuse accusations aside (rob and Linkcat being mafia both playing each other lulz), Espithel has correctly called out Demagog on his shenanigans during the previous rounds, which is something that you'd also agree with. And not just because you're scumreading Dema either. His deductions and logic sounds the same as previous mafia games, AND, given how the code I solved matches what Espithel is doing, I'm happy with this confirmation. Mafia will -probably- kill him to make me look bad, but they could also kill me in order to avoid any more public confirmations. Either way, town still has the advantage, because I get the feeling mafia don't know what they're doing (and if they do, they're leaving a trail).
In retrospect, I could have kept my vote on CleanOnion, but given that there was a weird time frame where no votes were being placed on an alternate player (or were there? Let me read those posts over in a bit), your logic regarding a 'lack of defense' for a mafia CleanOnion actually made more sense. The fact that CleanOnion used a Brick and Mortar on Night 0 is also noteworthy here.
I originally was voting on fabian771 because we can trim off some of the excess fat players that aren't contributing much, and given that Artemis -probably- isn't completely silent, I'd figure at a worst case scenario, we would be lynching a player with an item and was AFK/never read his personal messages, rather than voting off an actual town power role.