Ginyu sits in his tent, surrounded by his herd, waiting for them to come. He has made his desperate gambit, and he can only pray that it will be enough.
Back in the village, in her bedroom, Discord is also praying. Praying with all her heart that Ginyu will survive the night. She has seen far too many of her friends die already. Too many to count.
The door opens.
She turns to look at the cloaked man standing before her. He lowers his hood and slowly steps forward, his intent clear. Overcome with emotion, she squeaks out a few words.
"I friend..."
The man lets out a soft chuckle. "Funny, Solaris said the same thing."
His task finished, he leaped out the window, his face covered once again. But before he could fade away into the night, he saw a solitary figure facing him. Damn, Zawadx was supposed to come with him tonight and keep a lookout, but that bitch Naesala stabbed him. No matter, he would deal with this particularly troublesome villager himself. It was too little, too late.
"Hello, Root. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you're a dead man walking, and so is everyone else in this pathetic village."
RootRanger's expression, full of defiance, did not waver.
"I know your name, JonathanCrazyJ!" He raised his hands, ready to strike his enemy down. "My time may have come, but before this ends, I will send you to Hell!"
Jonathan snarled back at him, "Don't underestimate me!" He tore off his cloak with a flourish, revealing a stunning visage with radiant blonde hair.
He sang out into the Night with greater fervor than he had ever sung before, his voice carrying throughout the town, even reaching Ginyu in his pasture.
RootRanger lowered his arms, sinking down onto his knees. It was the voice. The most beautiful voice he had ever heard. The voice he listened to every night. The voice he took comfort in. The voice of sanity. The voice of hope. The voice of the enemy. It was a lie.
It was all a lie.
Mathman101 has been Nightkilled.
He was Discord, and also Town.A Kind Heart (ER) - You can't bear to see any of your fellow forumers suffer, so you use your bottomless well of friendship to save target player from dying tonight. This ability cannot be used on yourself, or the same person twice in a row.
Friends with Literally Everyone (Passive) - Everybody likes you, so you are unaffected by all negative effects except those sent from the mafia.
Mafia WinsCongratulations to
DoubleCapitals, and
andretimpa for committing The Perfect Crime!
The MafiaDoubleCapitals is SubmachineMillenium Ring (ER) - Determine if target player has a powerful role.
rob77dp is JonathanCrazyJIncredibly Sexy Voice (ER) - Choose a song, and the entire town will hear you sing it at Night. Any player who tries to target you with a negative effect will be overcome by your beautiful voice and lose heart. This works on all negative effects.
The question is, what are you doing, standing in the way of Team Rocket? (Passive) - You're just a harmless gym leader. Prevent the effects of any investigative ability that targets you.
JonathanCrazyJ is ZawadxThunderdome (1U) - Target player and yourself are the only two people who can be lynched on the next day. If you thought I would never give a role like this to a mafia member, you thought wrong. But do you have the balls to use it?
THREE COPS (Passive) - Your past mistakes have come back to haunt you. Know that there are three roles that have the ability to determine your faction, each with heavy restrictions.
andretimpa is UTAlanBanhammer (EoR) - Target player is temporarily banned, and cannot use or be affected by any action except for the Nightkill.
Administrative Privilege (1U) - The Nightkill this Night can't be blocked or redirected.
worldwideweb3 is killsdazombiesBetrayal (1U) - As you have betrayed your town, so you have betrayed your true nature. You raise the player you Nightkilled on the previous Night as a zombie, and the zombie can use it's abilities as if it were another player. Ability usage is not reset when raised. It dies when you die or if your ability is removed, and its identity is revealed.
The TownFippe94 is Ginyu (Role received from godisnowonline)
Body Change (1U) - Switch roles with target player. The use is not refunded upon switching. The role you receive may tell you the player's faction.
German Shepherd (Passive) - The first time you would be killed during the night, you sacrifice one of your sheep instead. This only works once because all of your other sheep flee in horror after they witness this atrocity. You are notified when this ability is triggered.
UTAlan is NaesalaKnifework (ER) - You love knives maybe a little too much. Stab target player. They will be notified that they were stabbed. If you stab the same player three times, they will die from blood loss.
killsdazombies is RootRangerROOT (1U) - Target a player. You are RootRanger, they are not. (Target is killed, they never had a chance.) If this action fails, it is refunded.
Master of Fire (ER) - Set target player on fire. They live, but it amuses you to watch them flail about in agony. The target is notified that they were set on fire. (You can only use one ability per Night.)
Sera is DemagogHow To Win At Mafia (Passive) - As long as you have the most posts at the end of the Night Phase, you are immune to all negative effects other than the Nightkill.
Espithel is dawn to duskWish Granted (Passive) - You are the Jester. You win the game if you are lynched, otherwise you lose. If you are lynched, there will be no Nightkill that night to prevent people from complaining about bad mechanics. You are not allowed to vote on yourself, or state, hint, suggest, or imply in any way that you are the Jester or that you want to be lynched.
Passive (Passive) - You're not one to try very hard early on. You are restricted to a maximum of two posts that contain anything except a vote in each phase until the end of Day 2.
Dead Players For Reference
Poll and my thoughts on the game coming later.