My thoughts on everyone (list based on sign up list):
Solaris: wrecked espi right at the start with no valid reason whatsoever. Nothing useful i could find in his posts, looks like he is just roleplaying.
Kuro: His ability reveal is a bad option. If he hadnt revealed, mafia would have nk'ed and it would be helpful to civvies if that happened (according to kuro's ability). Pushing hyro only for some reason. He has, though, tried to make conversations and get more info off people, which is good. Voted on sub.
JCJ: Again, tried to get some discussion going. Not roleplaying much, which is good.
onion: umm, he just roleplayed. I literally have nothing except from that. Voted on sub (more so cause self defence)
mathman: Pretty similar to onion Did put up the RQS though.
gino: afk
espithel: lost his ability, cant vote. Claimed Jester, so i guess we shouldnt lynch him, just to make him suffer. But, could be mafia fake claiming.
Fippe94: Would rather win than roleplay (yay), but didnt post much till now. Voted on sub.
UT: Took his vote off onion last minute to lynch sub (nothing much to go on atm, but just a thing for future). Voted on 1011.... at the start to put some pressure/get discussion.
Kills: nothing relevant posted. voted on sub.
Root: Has a posting restriction apprently that he has to shitpost (i really doubt this, but then again, linkcat is the host). Really hated sub for some reason. People need to play mafia with a neutral mind, as if they havent met anyone before :/. voted on sub.
fabian: nothing relevant. havent posted much.
DC: questioned a couple people, nothing much that stands out.
Calindu: He's even playing?! Must have missed his posts.
d2d: nothing relevant or much posted.
1011...: same ^, kinda new to it, so excusable a bit, i guess.
andre: Posted a bit, voted on sol after hearing sol's ability use on espi, then removed it after hearing sol's reason.
rob: posted a lot, as usual, trying to get discussions going. voted on sub.
Hyro: hasnt talked much
Sera: conf. town pretty much. Go go sera!
Warning: 40 pages read and commenting on each is difficult, so might have missed something. If so, do let me know!