After so much death, you're starting to feel like
the nightly voice is the only thing keeping you sane.
RootRanger has been Nightkilled.
He was Solaris, and also Town.Quickdraw (ER) - Give target player the bangun'. They are temporarily banned, and cannot use or be affected by any action except for the Nightkill. This does not work on other chatmods. (Checks the player's role, not the player themselves)
*Breadposting Intensifies* (Passive) - A minimum of 20% of your posts must be shitposts at the start or end of the Night for you to use Quickdraw. Shitposts are defined as posts that contain no value whatsoever, or are written in a shitty way. I will be lenient when grading the shittiness of your posts.
Another of the first roles I created. Laughing so hard at the thought of a role requiring someone to breadpost was one of the reasons I decided to go with this setup.
Day 5 has ended.