The nonkill last night could have been to draw players to lynch the afks. Its the only possible situation where the no kill could be held as mildly strategic. Beyond, i am uncertain. Ill have my computer up in a few hours (minor technical issues) and ill be able to scum hunt more effectively, but it seems to me either math or suncat is mafia. Personally, im leaning to suncat because sky is confident, and i already had a bad vibe throughout the game about him. Though, its difficult to push out bias in this game, and he did vote on me along with a mafia...
That raises another point though, when the vote was close to a tie (cal just placed his single vote and everyone else was at 2) math agreed with cal and set it to a four way tie cal was sure to come out clean on. Thats a heavy burden for math to have right now, and the fact he is also pushing heavy suspicion onto another person Ive already posted about my suspicions of. It could be a push to muddle up the day vote, and given his reemergence lately that doesn't seem to farfetched, however risky might be and however likely it would be to get him killed.
In short, im more inclined to believe suncat mafia than math, but i trust neither of them at this point.