Are you new? Here is how to play:Spoiler for Skip me if you already played Mafia games~:
The players in the Werewolf Game are separated into 2 groups: Humans and Wolves. The Humans are the main group: they heavily outnumber the Wolves in the beginning and they win if all the Wolves are dead. Every day they can discuss in the thread who is likely to be a Wolf and place a vote on whoever they think is suspicious. At the end of the day, the person with the most votes is killed (termed as "lynch" or "daykill"), and their identity is revealed. Then starts the Night Phase...
That’s when the Wolves get active. The Wolves know each other from the beginning and their ultimate goal is to eliminate all the Humans. They can speak and vote during the day, trying to look like a Human. But when night falls, they are able to secretly choose and kill a player (termed as "wolfbite" or "nightkill").
During the night, every player can use their skills which they get in the beginning of the game. Use them to your team's advantage whenever you can.
And that is all for now, good luck and have fun playing the Werewolf Game!

RULESSpoiler for You might want to read me at least once - or only the things in RED if you are in a hurry~:
- Players must post in this topic to sign up, just make it obvious that you want to sign up and not just following the thread. All roles will be randomly assigned when the signup ends.
- Players may not post, chat, or PM anything related to the Werewolf Game if they have been killed, removed, or withdrawn, with the exception of a minor 'death' post upon their death containing no game information. (Example: "Blergh! I'm killed~")
- Players must vote at least every second day phase, unless they have a viable reason not to do so (holidays, funerals, serious occasions, etc). If you wish to withdraw from the game, post in this thread, but do NOT reveal any game information. Players who do not vote for 2 consecutive days (and without viable reasons) will be removed from the game. However, considering War, players do not need to vote during the first day.
- You cannot show (quote, printscreen, pastebin, etc) private discussions and host messages to anyone not involved without the permission of all involved players and the host. However, wolves can show other wolves private discussions between them and other players or the host.
- Players are allowed to talk in chat about mafia, but should remember general chat and mafia rules.
- Players are not allowed to edit and/or remove posts. Instead of editing or deleting posts, players may post again with any necessary changes (this is called EBWOP, meaning "edit by way of post"). You can also request the host to change your post if you find it necessary.
- Any flaming, trolling or unnecessary cursing (apart from abbreviations containing curse words commonly used in either mafia or real-life slang) will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions will be taken if any of this occurs.
- The moderator and host have the final say in any dispute. Players should not argue with or impersonate the moderator or the host.
- When PMing the host for anything associated with the game, it is highly advised to include "Mafia" or "Game" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may accidentally be overlooked.
- Disputes and private questions should be handled via PMs to the host/moderator. If a player notices a simple mistake or if they have a general question, they may address them in the thread.
- All players' actions should be primarily motivated by winning the game. Therefore it is not allowed to actively work against your own team or side with the other team, just because you don't like the team you are in or you like the other team members better, etc.
- Players are allowed to claim their own roles or any fake roles as long as it follows the previous rule.
- The host reserves the right to change the rules mid-game, but only to prevent gamebreaking loopholes. It won't be used for insignificant changes.
- Breaking any rules, especially those in red, is subject to punishment at the discretion of the moderator and host, potentially including removal from this mafia, banning from future mafias, or banning from other forum games.
New Mechanics!Spoiler for Even veterans should read me at least once~:
- The game will start with a Night 0.
- Every player is able to send both evening and morning messages. These messages will be publicly announced when the respective phase ends. Nothing will be revealed of the sender, not even player name, primary, secondary or tertiary roles. However, to differentiate messages by sender, each player has to develop a secret "nickname" as a signature to all their messages. After sending the first message, the nickname cannot be changed, so choose carefully.
- If the vote is tied between a Human and a Werewolf, the Human gets lynched. If the vote is tied between multiple players with the same lynch priority, one of the those players will be lynched randomly.
- Players are allowed to post during the Night Phase.
- Players are allowed to send in their future votes and night actions AT ANY TIME. Players are also allowed to send in conditional votes and action uses to the host, but only if the conditions are valid. Note that only the last message counts, so you can change your intentions as long as you are still before deadline.
- All nightkills/wolfbites count as targeting. Therefore it can be interrupted and redirected.
- There is a "No Vote" voting option during the day phases, which technically count as not voting. However, if more people vote on "No Vote" than others and if only 2 or less people voted on anything else (even if one was a Bard), then a "No Kill" will occur, meaning that noone will be killed, but everyone's vote will be counted valid for that phase (thus avoiding modkill).
- If players vote on themselves intentionally, their vote will count as invalid, therefore it doesn't help delaying a modkill.
- All player roles, targeting, and actions will take effect during the Night Phase, unless stated otherwise.
Primary Roles / Factions:All players will get one primary role: Villager or Werewolf. The number of Werewolves will be revealed when the signup ends.
 | Human / Villager Humans have a strong willpower to survive. When their lives are at risk, they try to fight back with everything they have.
- Humans start the game without knowing any other player's role.
- They win if all werewolves are dead or none of the remaining werewolves are able to kill anyone.
 | Regular Werewolf Before they got bitten by the Moonwolf, regular werewolves were once human. They keep their human form during the day, but transform when the moon arises.
- Nightkill/Wolfbite: one wolf can be assigned each night to kill a player. (ER)
- Summon: another wolf can be assigned to summon the Shadow Wolf. (ER)
- Werewolves know who the other werewolves are from the beginning.
- They win if all humans are dead or the humans cannot do anything to fight back.
 | Shadow Wolf The result of a ritual summon. Immaterial, indestructible, immortal.
- the Shadow Wolf is not a playing character
- each night, one wolf can summon him to kill an extra human, but only if they know both the name and secondary role of said human. The summoning wolf cannot be the same wolf who does the nightkill. Furthermore, the wolf who does the summoning cannot use any of his other abilities.
- if the wolves fail to guess the role correctly, both the summoning and the Nightkill will fail.
- the Shadow wolf cannot be summoned when there are only 6 or less or 2*[number of wolves] or less humans and more than 1 werewolves alive
- summoning the Shadow Wolf cannot be interrupted by any means and the Shadow Wolf cannot be stopped
Secondary Roles / Skills:All players will have one Secondary Role in the beginning. A secondary role can belong to multiple people, even from the same faction.
Some roles might not be used, but it will be revealed when the game begins that how many of each role are actually in the game.
 | Pyromaniac Some people just want to watch the world burn. Or just a little village where everything is built of wood.
- you can choose which ability you want (you cannot change once you used one):
- Light person on fire: permanently disable target wolf's abilities including being able to wolfbite and summoning the Shadow Wolf. If you target a human, his skills are only disabled for 2 nights. Removes the Moonwolf's curse from target. (2U)
- Light houses on fire: disable all abilities for the night except wolfbites (2U). People who die that night won't have their roles revealed (neither primary nor secondary), only you will learn about them.
 | Herbalist "Bites are just infectious wounds, aye? We just need to cure them with the right herbs and you'll be all right for the night."
- Herbs: prevent target from being "bitten", AKA nightkilled (ER)
- you can even target yourself. (EoR)
 | Town Guard "Noone's gonna break the law. Not under MY watch."
- Imprison: prevent target from doing any night actions (ER)
- Held Item: Town Guard's badge (see below at Held Items)
 | Town Crier "Hear ye! Hear ye! ...I'm actually quite shy."
- Announcement: Each morning, publicly announces what abilities were used last night. (passive)
- Publicity: Reveal publicly your target's amount of abilities OR items during the next morning. (ER)
 | Witness The town child saw something horrible last night, but she was so terrified, she couldn't even move or scream. It's probably why the werewolf didn't notice her.
- you can choose which ability you want to use each night: (you can't use both during the same night)
- Hide: check who targeted your target this night (ER, conditional)
- Follow: check who your target targeted this night (ER, conditional)
 | Noble The noble manor is located on the far outskirts of the town. Whoever spends his nights there will be safe from any atrocity.
- Noble manor: you are immune to all abilities (even after death) except wolf attacks (passive).
- Invite: you can invite 1 person tonight to your manor, granting him ability immunity (EoR).
- your target cannot use his abilities (including wolfbites) during his stay.
 | Courtesan The charms of a courtesan are irresistible. Even if you're a child or a woman. Because that's how things work, right?
- Seduce: interrupt target player's active ability AND force it to be used on desired target (this active ability can redirect wolfbites) (ER)
- the Courtesan cannot be lynched in a tie
 | Tailor The tailor makes clever disguises which can confuse even the werewolves. These disguises take a day to make.
- Disguise: swap the names of 2 players for the night. Every effect targeting one will affect the other instead (EoR)
- you can target yourself
 | Bard The bard's song is so stirring, it can convince other people. However, people get bored of it after a time.
- Bard Song: Your voting power is 4. It is reduced by 0,5 after every day when you voted. (passive)
- Illusion: Cast a fake vote. This vote has 0 power and it doesn't count as voting. (EoR, day skill)
 | Trapmaker Your finest traps need time to make, but when they are ready, noone will ever avoid them.
- Engineering: set a trap in [Player_Name]'s house (EoR, 4U)
- the first person (excluding the trapmaker) who targets [Player_Name], gets trapped for that night.
- if noone targets [Player_Name] that night, but [Player_Name] intends to use an active ability, [Player_Name] gets trapped instead.
- a trapped person is interrupted to use any ability and will be exposed to the public
 | Undertaker It's a dirty business to dig all the dead bodies, but each body means benefit to you.
- Grave digging: You can only use the abilities of those people who died yesterday. (ER, passive)
- During a night, you can only use 1 role (but you can use all abilities of that role).
 | Witch Doctor Physics and other natural laws don't always apply to you. You ascended to a much higher level.
- Necromancy: You can target 1 dead player who will then be able to talk next day and night as an alive person (with specific limitations). (ER) It is not mentioned to your target who you are.
- Sleep talking: You are allowed to talk to the players through the host during night phases. (ER, multiple)
- Spirit haunt: After you die, you are allowed to post ONCE in every following phase as an alive person. (passive, OU/phase)
 | Merchant Your goods are limited in number, and you wouldn't benefit much of selling your wares only to yourself, aye?
- Sell: Give an extra, random role to target person. (1U on self + 2U on others, EoR) The given role can also be the Moonwolf's skill.
- During Night 0, you must use your skill on yourself.
- Income: For every successful sell you make after Night 0, you can choose to have either +1 voting power, -1 voting total or a Stash of Gold (see below at Held Items). (passive)
 | Shepherd "From day to day, i realized that someone... or something is preying on my sheeps..."
- Night sheeps: There is a 50% chance that the Shadow wolf and/or a nightkill kills one of your sheeps instead of you. [AKA you have 50% chance to survive death from each source] (passive)
- Day sheeps: There is also a 50% chance that one of your sheeps gets lynched instead of you. (passive)
Tertiary Roles:Tertiary Roles are extra roles that stack with primary and secondary ones.
 | Moonwolf The Moonwolf is the only creature who was born as a werewolf. At every century, he's able to transform people into his kind.
- One of the Regular Wolves will be the Moonwolf.
- Mind Control: redirect target player's voting effect to desired target next day (ER)
- The Moonwolf's Curse: when the moonwolf dies, he can choose one final victim to be permanently cursed (passive). A cursed player's vote will always affect someone else randomly, rather than the intended target.
 | Mayor In old democracies the townspeople elected their mayors, so it's no wonder that the mayor was trusted always without any doubt.
- Reputation: confirm yourself to target player by revealing all your roles. In exchange you learn their secondary role. (ER)
- the first mayor also learns the primary roles of his targets
- a new mayor is elected when dies
 | Roles given by the Merchant Also called as "merchantic roles" sometimes.
- Those roles that were given by the Merchant after Night 0 are overlooked by the Shadow Wolf.
Held Items: | Town Guard's badge
- High Society: the wielder of the badge is immune to interrupts (passive)
- the active ability of the badge depends on the wielder's secondary ability:
- Assist: your target becomes immune to interrupts for the night (ER) - only Town Guards can use this ability.
- Yield: give the badge to target player (ER) - Town Guards cannot use this ability. During the night when this ability is used, High Society is disabled.
- if the wielder of the badge dies, the badge goes to the person who dealt the first strike.
 | Stash of Gold
- Consumable: this item is discarded after it is used.
- Luxury: Buy yourself out of trouble for one night, leaving you immune to all abilities (except the Shadow Wolf) (OU/stash)
- if the owner of the stash dies, the stash disappears (it assumably gets stolen by stray leprechauns).
It is highly advised to only read the following Spoiler if you have questions about something specific. Attempting to read all might lead to confusion, so it's better to skip this entirely until you get your role.
Spoiler for Details, special cases and exceptions:
Spoiler for Courtesan:
- If 2 or more Courtesans target the same player, the player won't be affected. Both Courtesans will be notified if this happens (by a unique notification).
- Seduction activates the active secondary skills of the target, even if the target didn't intend to use them.
- Only those active abilities can be redirected which are not under cooldown.
- Triggering a role that was not intended to be used won't reduce limited-use abilities, however, it will activate an EoR cycle, making an EoR ability fall into cooldown the next round.
- You cannot trigger an ability that was exhausted to 0 uses.
- Courtesans fail to use their abilities on wolves who are assigned to summon the Shadow Wolf. They get the general failure message if this happens.
- If you use Seduce on a wolf who was not assigned to do a nightkill, only his active secondary abilities will be activated.
- If you use Seduce on a wolf who does the nightkill, all his secondary uses will be interrupted and only the nightkill will be redirected.
- You can only trigger the Pyromaniac's 'Light person on fire' skill.
- If you target a Witness, you can only trigger the skill which she was about to use the same night. If no skill is used, you trigger the one that was used last. If the Witness'es skill was not used yet, you fail.
- Courtesans are immune to other Courtesans. Targeting one with Seduce will result in failure.
- You can only Seduce Tailors who intend to use their abilities, and you can only redirect their first target.
- Werewolf Courtesans cannot target other Werewolves intentionally, unless the Humans intend to abuse this exception for investigation.
Spoiler for Ability Order Guidelines:
Instead of role priority, I use Ability Order Guidelines to decide who goes first:
- Skills not interrupted by nightkill: Merchant, Witch Doctor, Yield, protection, redirection, Trapmaker.
- Skills interrupted by nightkill: investigation, direct interruption, Town Crier, Grave Digging, Moonwolf.
- Protection always goes before Wolfbite.
- Summoning is unstoppable, but abilities that can interact with either the Shadow Wolf or the summoner come before it.
- Disguise comes before everything else, unless the Tailor gets interrupted or redirected.
- Grave digging is passive, it always activates.
- Sleep Talking, Spirit Haunt and Bard Song can only be blocked by Light person.
- Noble Manor protects from any targeting, even interruption.
- Wolfbites can be blocked by roles that were designed to block it.
- Hide/Follow works for the other Disguised person if they target the target of the Tailor.
- Noble Manor, Luxury and invited people can ignore Pyromaniac completely.
- Town Crier always activates last, so it posts up-to-date information every morning.
- Secret messages cannot be interrupted in any way.
Zawadx- worldwideweb3
dawn to dusk- Kuroaitou
skyironswordUTAlanqwerterJonathanCrazyJtheelkspeaksiancudorinmarianNaesalaMeowMeowCatEspithelGinyu- Discord
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To sign up, you have no time left.Spoiler for Change Log:
*Edit 1 [august 26]: changed how tied votes are decided.
*Edit 2 [august 26, 18 GMT]: added extra exception for Tailor and details for Town Crier in Details, special cases and exceptions. Rule 4 extended.
*Edit 3 [august 29, 12:50 GMT]: buffed the Light person on fire skill to be 2U, removed vertical formatting.
*Edit 4 [august 30, 13:50 GMT]: added extra exception for Courtesan.
*Edit 5 [august 30, 17:30 GMT]: more details for Noble.
*Edit 6 [august 31, 19:05 GMT]: enhanced the latest exception for Courtesan.
*Edit 7 [september 03, 20 GMT]: The werewolves won't know each other until Night 0 ends. This is because they could all vote on one person, making it easy for the Shadow Wolf to kill the first Mayor.
*Edit 8 [september 05, 10:40 GMT]: Extended Rule 3.
*Edit 9 [september 10, 17:10 GMT]: Clarified Bard and Undertaker in Secondary Roles, added new detail for Shadow Wolf, Mayor and Undertaker, and new special case for Town Crier in "Details, special cases and exceptions".
*Edit 10 [september 11, 0:40 GMT]: Added Ability Order Guidelines, AKA Role-Action Priority.
*Edit 11 [september 14, 10 GMT]: Added "Dead Players & Necromancy" to "Details, special cases and exceptions".
*Edit 12 [september 16, 15:20 GMT]: Clarification highlight added in Ability Order Guidelines.
*Edit 13 [september 16, 16:30 GMT]: Added extra special case for Town Crier, exception for Trapmaker and 2 details for Interruption messages.
*Edit 14 [september 17, 22 GMT]: Clarified intention in "Dead Players & Necromancy".
*Edit 15 [september 18, 14:15 GMT]: Merged "Dead Players & Necromancy" with "Witch Doctor" in DSc&E and reworked 2 list points.
*Edit 16 [september 30, 16:30 GMT]: Added Strikethrough to dead players in signups and put the Change Logs in a spoiler.