jippy99 - 3 (calindu221, Shantu, Bonestorm)
patchx94 - 2 (TheForbbidenOracle, Izaya)
Onizuka - 2 (kirchj33, RavingRabbid)
Izaya - 4 (jippy99, DrunkDestroyer, ShiningSword, patchx94)
1chase1997 - 2 (1chase1997)
Voting for yourself still counts twice, right?
jippy99 - 3 (calindu221, Shantu, Bonestorm)
patchx94 - 2 (TheForbbidenOracle, Izaya)
Onizuka - 2 (kirchj33, RavingRabbid)
Izaya - 3 (jippy99, DrunkDestroyer, ShiningSword)
1chase1997 - 2 (1chase1997)
Ew, no voting? Then why doesn't everyone just not vote? We have a higher chance of killing a comrade, thereby lowering our chances of winning, than of killing a traitor. This leads to rounds and rounds of no one voting while the traitors come up with a quick way to win what's left of the game, hoping to get lucky with their night-kills, and while the comrades make a huge alliance made up of people the seer targeted.
So I suggest that everyone "No vote"s, and if someone finds the identity of a traitor, then he accuses the traitor publicly and we bandwagon the traitor. However, if the traitor is indeed a comrade, bandwagon the accuser.