ddevans96 - 1 (ddevans96)
Filly678 - 27 (Malebolgia, Terroking, Maze_74D, TheForbiddenOracle, RootRanger, 7_Deadly_Sins, Legit, Onizuka, Nepycros, Jaymanfu, RavingRabbid, jippy99, calindu221, PlayerOa, 1chase1997, kirchj33, philipapw, Jocko, majofa, Filly678, Bonestorm, Iman00b8, DrunkDestroyer, vinvick3714, Zblader, 1world24, nilsieboy)
Failed to Vote: EvaRia
The band of thieves was reeling. The doctor was dead by their own hands. One of the gamblers was murdered in the street. All their possessions were burned to ashes in the fire. Only the hidden gems remained, waiting for a fence to sell them. Everything was in disarray and tensions were high. The thieves scattered, trying to gather information from around the town on their assailants. As expected nobody was talking. However, there was one interesting bit of news. Apparently a fence was meeting a supplier to take on a large quantity of gems to sell. Someone was trying to get it all for themselves. Tailing the fence, they watched and waited. Finally the seller appeared. It was
Filly678! The thieves rushed in, quickly trapping both fence and friend. Neither emerged from the all alive. Unfortunately in the scuffle, it seems the fence was able to fatally stab
vinvick3714. It did seem odd that the wound was in his back though, but without a doctor who can tell anything about that stuff anyways?
Filly678 (Comrade/Sniper)
vinvick3714 (Comrade/Thug)