Regarding Bots and Scripts:The Chat Moderators have been discussing this for some time, and, after seeing ongoing complaints of the abuse/annoyingness of bots, as well as seeing that for ourselves, we have come to a conclusion. We have decided that all forms of bots and scripts will be banned, unless it is an admin-created one (UTA's AveragePotato). Those who do not follow this rule will be kicked, and if this still does not change their choices, temporary bans will take place, increasing in time for each infraction. However, and I know this must be addressed to prevent this from happening, those who intentionally set off the bots (even if you're just testing a known script to see if it's still active) will receive the same penalty. If you are one who uses scripts and wants to make sure all are disabled, feel free to do so in your own private IRC channel, but remember that if it happens in chat, you will receive a kick.
- Use of bots/scripts is prohibited
- Using a bot or script will warrant a kick and then a ban of increasing time if it continues
- Intentionally triggering or "testing" bots or scripts is banned
- Intentionally triggering a bot may result in a kick or a ban of increasing time if it continues after warnings