Thanks for your appreciative and nicely thought of reply! Seeing well worded posts like these make me want to give my input more often.

I do have to admit one thing: For me, a good card fits the games thematical background in general and the specific elements thematical background in specific and is not OP - that's it. I never understood why a card had to "fill holes" or change the meta.
Correct. I agree with you in that a good card is balanced as well as thematic, (and sometimes doesn't have to bring anything new), but my main problem with this as it is is that it feels very forced with fractal. The idea of turning into pillars is nice, but having it turn instantly makes it essentially just a powerful spell that deals damage instead of what it is: a creature.
I can't say it's weak.
Neither do I. I didn't say it's weak, I just felt it was inefficient and contrived to be put together with fractal.
I personally see three rough usages for TT.
1) Fractal. This is unintended, but I can't avoid it. Not innovative, but not op either.
2) Mono Life. Less Pillars in Deck, more of these guys, same quanta. Would be a small buff for mono Life rushes, without being able tp bring them to T1 of this meta of course though.
3) Multi-coloured decks. Only a Life Mark can easily fuel 6 of these. Same for some novae even. Would make some very interesting combinations possible.
1. Yes, it's a shame that fractal makes building lots of card ideas difficult. Turning into a pillar is a nice idea, but instantly makes it hard to be flexible. Perhaps make it after a certain number of turns, when the creature dies, or randomly every turn.
2. Mmyes. It does change up the meta of mono life a bit, it's creative, but I feel that this innovation is mild enough that it's not useless but neither is it completely meta-shifting. That might have been your intention, but something that just is "there" and doesn't do too much just feels weird.
3. Good point about the nova. I forgot about that card, and you're right, nova does bring some interesting twists with this.
In conclusion, I find that its ability forces it to be a bit contrived. An instant damage+pillar card just feels sort of awkward. I still say that having it ossify, perhaps later, would be a better choice.