this is an added note for all those mechanic questions. (also added on Opening Page notes):
Edit: Only Unnupped version, hunter: you play 2 hunters, and then you bless one of the hunters twice (+6, because 6 + 3 = 9 and its only for "
over 9 attack" on unnupped) and it has 12, suddenly the hunter next to it kills the one with 12 attack.
this is because it attacks "any" creature that has over 9 attack, a mutual balancing.
This does NOT apply for the upgraded version "Slayer" since its
"enemy" creatures.
If a sole Hunter in game (unnupped version) is blessed twice, having over 9 atk, it does NOT kill itself.
Another note: Immaterial Creatures should not be affected because of the same principle as "plague".
Plague does not require a target, it automatically poisons all creatures, yet immaterial creatures don't get poisoned.
I believe it should be the same for this card as it contains the same "non-target needed, auto" principle as plague.
This could be countered by the "fire Shield" principle where it also does not require a target, yet attacking creatures get damage, even immaterials.
In this case, with Slayer, It is the absolute reverse, basically being a Fire shield that damages creatures on its own, Slayer is as Fire shield is CC and doesn't need to target creatures individually, it's automatic.
But for the sake of not being OP and not being Anti -
, I think it is best that it does not affect Immaterial creatures
Now, for my opinion:
I think it is true that It needs an element change, why? as it is in mono
, Its too easy with "Blessing", it might as well be a damaging hope or a slightly weaker Maxwell's demon.
With blessing, this could be instant kill for creatures such as dragons.
What is the main issue with blessing? too easy mono
Or the same thing with any duo