Does this include creature healing, such as angels or purifies?
I know we have Miracle (card) and Miracle (FG) but I was a tad confused when I saw Dream Catcher in the CI&A section 
I was thinking about it, but I'm undecided on that, but I lean to negating that kind of healing too for thematic reasons. What I do know is that Vampire and AM healing are nullified for sure.
And IKR, brace yourselves, the False Gods are coming to the CIA.

... wait, this makes SoSac always heal the user?! Or did you mean it the other way around
No, when a SoSac player would be healed by for example a Sanctuary, it wouldn't do any damage inverted from healing, because healing is nada.
A very interesting interaction would be if this card prevented all hp changes for SoSac users.
I.e. damge becomes healing, but healing gets prevented
healing would become damage, but gets prevented before it can occur in the first place...
So not change of hp would be allowed whatsoever.
This also makes sense, tho it's a Paradox of some kind. SoSac would block some damage anyway, so this change would be balanced.