Firstly, to start off, I'd like to point out the ever-pestering issue of 25 "Phoenix" which does indeed permit us to select
57 cards. 56 for the blank cards and 1 to replace Phoenix.
I do also back kev's support of opportunistic cards, though I'd rather they be selected as such:
mainly because if they are indeed powered off the mark, their effect, especially that of "Purify" is better made use of when there are many. With "Holy Light", 60 points of easy damage against Team Dark will be nice, and they if they avoid it, we can easily heal ourselves that much.
This leaves me with 45 cards to choose. I'll see what I do with these eventually..
And by the way, what of our nymphs? Will we not include them in the vault? It seems like such a waste to have them but ignore them. I see 32 nymphs.
Name | Marks | Nymphs |
kevkev60614 |  |  |
jmdt | |  |
Hyroen | |  |
majofa | |  |
Lava golem | | |
Acsabi44 | |  |
catalyzeme | |  |
stinnger | |  |
brettbstock | | |
EDIT: And why don't the nice element symbols appear?

Or that smiley, ohemgee.