Initial thoughts:kevkev60614 - General vs
ak65ala - General
They have two decks remaining. Pretty much anything we have would embarress their entropy/dark duo, I think. But the rainbow deck is extremely well made. I modded it assuming they would assume I'd play fractix and it's competitive with everything we can throw at them. Fractix still seems to be the best choice. If they don't mod it, and leave in EQs and devs, fractix is strong. If they mod it as I did I'll be a coinflip to win. I'll prolly add a tiny bit of rainbow to it a la jmdt's fractix now that I'm missing dimshields.
jmdt - Lieutenant vs
icecoldbro - General
I tested majofa's recommendation and the results were not encouraging. Too few pends meant perma was slow to get out. We had damage and poison built up and by the time we got out a phoenix or dragon he PUd it twice. I assumed upped arsenics and animates; if ICB ups something else we could be in luck. I'm not opposed to this idea; it just needs development.
Acsabi44 vs
implosion - Lieutenant
We tested immop against Light's novagrabby extensively last round and immop consistently came out on top. Light's other deck is RoL/Hope, which xdude alone has used to date. I'd like to add our fire shield to immop. It won't materially change results against novagrabby and could single-handedly win if they get tricky. A 31-card deck allows us to salvage the shield if the worst should happen and we're against light again next round.
majofa vs
xKelevra and Lava Golem vs
Last round they fielded two bonewall decks, figuring we would defend against one and go 1-1. 1-1 is a great outcome for them. That's why I think they won't use the bonewall deck this round. If we were to use a vomit and a rush and they use two rushes, we go 1-1. If they use bonewall, they might go 0-2 and they don't want that.
All of the above is super easy to say but our vault isn't broad enough to make sweeping statements.
I'm going to take a pass at specific decks to use tonight.