It's OK. Thanks for letting me know. So... does this mean I'm done for the war, or is it possible for kev to renumber us?
It's possible for me to renumber the team. For this reason it's especially important from this point on for everyone to give advance notice if you'll be unavailable for the duel phase of a round. I can replace you and we can get full salvage. Easy peasy.
It's also possible for our vault to rise above 270 cards again... ok, I'll call that unlikely.
For instance, I think that with my 2-4 record, I am way worse than you.
That's crap. War record is not an accurate measurement of skill. You're one hell of a player.

Also, we need each and every member's opinions in the strategy threads. You can contribute nearly as much as the actually playing members to our wins by helping there (since IMO deckbuilding is a more important factor in winning than playing itself).
Yeah, I can't overemphasize the importance of this. As I said elsewhere, our biggest strength comes from the combined input of everyone on the team. In addition to deckbuilding/strategizing you can help by testing. And everyone but brett has a job; I'm hopeful that the work will continue to get done regardless of whether you have a match to play.