I do think Dragon Powa should be ok, but I think with gravity probably struggling to even field enough legal decks, taking out pendulums could really hurt. They can't afford to pack extra quanta in their decks. If EQs aren't being used elsewhere, it seems a waste to not use them here, with gravity hurting for cards. I doubt they can put together 5 decks with decent quanta situations. That was part of the reason for the 5 pends. It produces more earth quanta than necessary, but a first turn pendulum means 3rd turn earthquake, after which they would have trouble playing much of anything outside of immolating. I thought packing more creatures and being underpillared was a better idea, since it means the deck can take more CC. Being a little slower shouldn't, in theory, be a big issue against a gravity deck that has hopefully already been shut down, quanta-wise. The deck above I put together very quickly and I didn't really have time to tweak. Rage Pots could definitely be better. My idea behind bolts was that because it has only 7 creatures, bolts might be necessary for late game damage (especially if EQs stop creatures from coming out anyway). In the win I had in practice, I had 24 fire quanta and 2 bolts to finish him off a turn early (although I would have won anyway).
Ragepots can kill both chargers and gravitons, though. So you are right, I should probably switch to those (especially if one of the novagrabbys is removing some and freeing them up).
I might try to work on a more fine-tuned EQ deck when I get home. Anyone else is also welcome to, if they wanna help me out. We still have more important decks to test though, I imagine, so I understand if I'm mostly on my own to see if I can get one working.
Also, I just looked at the deck kevkev is using. Why does it need 6 novas and 6 immos? That's a lot of rainbow quanta you are going to be producing, but just 2 lycans and an arsenic to absorb quanta. I get that they will help grow the destroyers, but you don't think something like, -nova +lightning would work better? A maxwell's would give you serious trouble right now. Lightning could also take out a drag, or kill something antimattered if immo isn't an option. I'm sure it works, I am just surprised by how much quanta will go unused. Is that a Discord failsafe? To have a lot of quanta to shuffle around?
This is a version I would like to test. Switched to Rage Pots, and one Dragon to a Phoenix to slightly decrease fire quanta usage. I think the number of pillars is ok since the opponent should be slowed down by EQ.
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