just a rough deck, but I present...the fractixbow. Let me know what you guys think. I would like to do a fractix deck this round or soon.
595 5f6 5f6 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5i7 5on 5rk 61p 61p 61p 61q 61q 61q 622 622 622 7ds 7ds 7ds
that looks... a bit fragile. You have to draw 1-1(a fractal and a phoenix) out of 3-3 cards each in a 30 card deck in order to make it work.
That has the following probabilities:
Both in the opening hand: 36,7% (meaning, out of 3 games, once they will be in your opening hand).
Passes 50% treshold: after 3 turns (50,37%)
Around turn 4-5, when you accumulate enough aether quanta to cast the fractal: ~57-63 %
passes 2/3 treshold (meaning, if U play best-of-3 games vs your opponent, you will have both cards in hand in two matches after:) turn6 (68,59%)
passes 75% treshold: after 8 turns (78,43%)
With 3 Minor Phoenix and 4 Fractals, however, the probabilities are the following:
Both in the opening hand: 43,75%
Passes 50% treshold: after 2 turns (51,11%)
Around turn 4-5, when you accumulate enough aether quanta to cast the fractal: ~65-70%
passes 2/3 treshold (meaning, if U play best-of-3 games vs your opponent, you will have both cards in hand in two matches after:) turn5 (70,3%)
passes 75% treshold: after 6 turns (75,52%)
So I advice adding another Fractal as it makes the deck generally 1-2 turn faster.