Hey everybody, sorry abouot the slight delay. I said 24hrs two days ago, butyesterday was so busy for me I had not the time to edit the decklists.
But now I did so, based on your replies in this topic.
The ones who did not post here were Hyroen, jmdt and brett. We were testing the
deck with Hyroen and I know that he wants to play it so I added it to his deck choice. And I know brett is away so we chose his deck for him. (I added suddenkiller)
jmdt, if you are reading this, I chose the ImmoPhoenix deck for you; please post or PM me about the 3 cards you want to play upped.
I cross-checked the current decks with the vault, and all of them seems legal.
(please someone else check it too, as my calculations may not be correct.TY)We have the following left in the vault:
Aether Pillar: 13
Spark: 9
Lightning: 1
Parralel Universe: 1
Dimshield: 2
Fractal: 4
Aether pend: 1
Fog Shield: 2
Wings: 4
Vampire Siletto: 1
Arsenic: 1
Basilisk Blood: 1
Burning Pillar: 24
Crimson Dragon: 10
Firebolt: 6
Firs Shield: 2
Deflagration: 7
Rain of Fire: 1
Immolation: 18
Lava Golem: 5
Rage Potion: 8
Phoenix: 16
Fire Pendulum: 9
Farenheit: 3
Mark: 2
Reflective Shield: 2
Photon: 9
Reverse Time: 3
Freeze: 2
Hammer: 1
So happy tweaking, everyone. I start and I take 2Phoenixes and swap them with 2Crimson Dragons
so that leaves us:
Crimson Dragon: 12
Phoenix: 14
in the vault. (please, if any of you tweak their deck, post the modifications here so we always know what's in exactly in the vault. Also, everytime you change something, I have to change the first post in this topic bc only what's in there is legal).
We have 1 day 5 hours 12 minutes left at the time of posting.I will lock the first post 4 hours before the deadline, so no deck modification will be possible beyond that. If somebody needs extra time, you can find me on chat.