kevkev, here is some input:
dragon powa:
After some testing, I think dragon powa should be tweaked like so:
-4 aether pillar +2 lobotomizer +2 fire pendulum
The way it's built now is way too aether quanta heavy. I was ending most matches with 30+ aether quanta stockpiled, and would go entire matches losing because I never built up 10 fire. As you posted it, the total cost of its fire cards is 44 and the total cost of its aether cards is 42, but it has several more aether pillars than fire + an aether mark.
The lobotomizers are useful, but playing one probably does slow you down about 1 Parallel Universe. However, it's a 5 damage weapon for only 3 quanta (pretty powerful as unupped weapons go), can help control enemy creatures, and its ability is useless if stolen. I still didn't have a problem loading up on aether quanta, and could play 2 PUs pretty consistently around the time of the first dragon. Sometimes 1, sometimes 3 or 4, but 2 PUs was pretty typical, and pretty deadly. Against an opponent with high single creature CC, you should (edit: should *not*) have a problem saving up, still. And lobo can potentially really slow them down. For a deck with no defense other than deflags, that's pretty helpful.
Obviously from round to round those 2 lobotomizers could be swapped for either 2 fire pendulums or 1 fire pillar/1 aether pillar (we should bring an extra aether pillar to go that route), depending on the opponent.
I like the tweaked dragon powa better than otk as it is now, but I didn't try working pendulums into otk or anything like that. It would require only 7 extra cards (the 5 phase shields and 2 fractals) to include the parts to substitute it, though. I assume we'll be carrying a handful of extra dragons/deflags.
With just a bit of testing, 5 phase shields seems like a lot. I think 4 and another dragon might be better. With 2 dragons, it seems way too likely that in a 3 game set you'll lose one just because you didn't draw a dragon. Obviously we can't eliminate bad draws, but this deck as it is seems to be begging for one. If the Dim Shield stall worked, it wouldn't be a problem, but looking at the last war's decks, it looks like people really try to include Deflags/Steals/Pulvies/Momentums.
I haven't tested otk enough for me to give my definite opinion on it, though. I will try to work out some time for it tomorrow.
This one I worry about having no defense, as well as having 4 Fahrenheits. I understand that it keeps you from not having one in case of perm control, but if you're facing perm control, then they aren't as good as bolts anyway. I personally would be more comfortable if even just one Fahrenheit was swapped for another Phoenix or even just a single Fire Bolt.
Also, just a matter of updating the deck code: it needs a pillar/pendulum split.
Quinted Fire Spirits:
I would appreciate someone testing this one with me in PVP Duel. Obviously if you are including it, then it works, I am just not seeing how it is effective on paper. Maybe sometime soon someone could play me with it.