Mjöllnir744 744 744 744 744 74c 74c 74c 74c 74c 74c 74h 74h 74h 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 80a 80a 80a 80a 80a 80a 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q
Mjöllnir (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir), is Thor's hammer, created by dwarves. This hammer was always as big as Thor wanted it to be and could strike as hard as Thor intended to and whenever it is thrown, it never missis its target and will always return.
It is also said that Mjöllnir is a hammer made of Lightning.
Mjöllnir will use its Titans to crush the opponent and whenever he has Quanta over, he'll throw one in your face. Lightning will strike any opposing creature or Mjöllnirs opponent if he feels like it.
His strengh is that he renders any shield useless and will keep clobbering you down no matter what you do.
His major weakness is, that he is controlled by the AI. So he won't try to kill you by throwing multiple Titans at the same time but throws them as he get's the chance to.
Continous healing (SoG, Bonds + Tough Creatures || Cells) will pretty much cause Mjöllnir to waste all his efforts.