Anaphilidiliea is a combination of the names Anaideia and Apheleia, Greek Spirits of, receptively, 'ruthlessness, shamelessness and unforgivness', and 'ease, simplicity and primitivity'. If any one has any other names for this FG, I'd love to hear them.Focus from the Shard of Focuses, and Over from both Overdrive and Overuse of SoFs.
Now, about the deck. The Shards of Serendipity are obviously not supposed to be SoS, but Shards of Focus (there were none in the trainer).
This deck starts by playing one or two Shards, along with perhaps a Silence, and then destroying everything, Black Holing the Quanta, and then, for added insult, Fractaling a Shard, and then, for actual damage, Fractaling a Ball of Lightning for a one-turn hit of about 25-35 damage. Rinse, wash, and repeat, by continuing to Silence and Fractal BoLs.
My two concerns are that there might not be enough Quanta, or that the AI wouldn't recognize the strategy. What do you guys think?