The quanta issue is intended. Nymph's Tears is literally used on whatever stack of pillars gets put down first, and that's the key to the whole deck's pillar balance.
The idea is that most of the time, she'll end up NTing a Quantum Pillar, because most of the time, she'll get a QT out before her Water Towers hit the field. If she happens to play a Water Tower first and make a Nymph Queen out of it, that's OK too. But if there were more Water Towers, she'd be more likely to make more Nymph Queens, and that's actually bad for her long-term quanta production. This way, she has to rely mostly on the
quanta from her QTs to get her Tears on, and generally the large pile of QTs will protect the small amount of other
quanta she gets from being consumed by the Tears along the way.
This was very carefully planned and calculated on my part. 8)