About WoE Actions
I looked at making a form, this way the players can enter their action and it resolves in the order they come in. The actioneer takes and processes the actions as they arrive in the file and delete them once completed. In the summary they tick if the player has acted this turn and thus can't act again. This adds an initiative to the turns allowing those to jump in to have their action resolve first but not change it, and those that act later be in a responsive postition but may miss the boat.
To Enable this I set the form up with the following assumptions.
1. The first 3 if any actions the player takes will be non-interactive entries such as talking to NPC's, accepting quests, crafting etc. These will occur as long as they are in the valid hex and not been engaged.
2. The Middle section will be the option to Move, use a move ability, or Fortify. An action here will reduce the actions used in the first section.
3. The Last section is an interactive Question. Will you attack, will you trade to Player, will you attempt to capture. THis assumes that when you try to capture, you will attack anyone preventing your attempt rather than standing arund like a fool.
To process the, Mod cuts the entries within the current turn and pastes them into a second file. THis is the Summary for the turn and is also a log for people to track what has occured.
If a name appears more than once the second name is struck through. (one order per player per turn)
Starting at the top the Mod resolves the actions. The Basics will be simple since the player handles that. THen resolves the move if possible then resolves the Interaction if possible.
PS. There is a deck testing tool for reps at the end of the CharacterSheets. Using the rules I posted Earlier. Should be easy enough for those that need a calculator.