Are you actually testing these, or a program? Thinking it is you, but just in case, ai won't cremate pheonixes for immorushes (not sure if any of those decks have them)
EDIT: I would like to submit this for testing:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7du 7du 7du 7du 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 8po
Did a 26 game test vs this:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b 80e 80e 80g 80g 80g 80g 80g 80l 80l 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 8pu
Preliminary results: Had 7 whole losses, 4 4 turn, 1 5 turn, 1 6 turn, then a loss with horrid RNG (hand was 1 rol, 5 cremation, 1 sofree, drew no sobe or MP/seraph before I died, took it out of the TTW because I couldn't estimate when I would have won.
TTW: All of the losses except for the bad RNG one, I would have won the next turn (some were below 5 hp), so I counted that as a win for one higher turn. Excluding the bad rng one, I have a 25 game TTW of 4.32. I put that bad RNG loss at a 10 turn win, and it comes out to 4.53 turns. Slow wins were due to bad starts for ai (1/2 quanta starts). Also, electrocuter slightly trolls phoenix ability, but I don't think it changed anything.
TL:DR 25/26 game test with TTW of 4.32/4.53.
Spoiler for actual data:
4, 5, 3, 3, 5L, 5L, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5L, 5L, L bad RNG, 5, 5, 3, 4, 7L, 6L, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4