We are definitely interested in testing unupped decks, and there are several in the OP.
If they're in the OP, they are confined to the Archive spoilers, which I did not check. At least 75% of the decks with visible titles are 100% upped, and all of the rest are damn close.
Call me foolish if you wish. I figure that if I have the cards to run a fully upped deck, I'm not wasting my time and energy chasing 11
per win in the Bronze League. Bronze is in desperate need of unupped or mostly-unupped decks, for obvious reasons.
The Bronze archive lists seven decks. Of these, two are 100% unupped. Of those, zero are rareless. Regen2k9's Unupped MonoDark contains one, and Unupped GravityBow contains FIVE. Of the decks that rob77dp listed, only two are rareless.
I've been playing Elements for almost five months, and I'm still considered a newbie here. Perhaps that's the reason I fight so much for newbie-oriented stuff. Whatever the reason, I find myself a rare champion of their cause. I perceive that a large portion of our vets use all upped all the time, have no interest in going back, and have even less interest in helping people who can't roll at the same level. Though few vets, if any, will admit to this thought pattern, "actions speak louder than words".
On a side note, I didn't notice "Bone Collector" the first time I looked at the OP. That's one of the decks I use on a semi-regular basis.
are confined to the Archive spoilers, as I mentioned. I think this is a problem, but it's the way it is right now.
I share your opinion that we need more details about newbie-friendly decks (which is why I personally tested all of the unupped silver decks, and also personally tested antabow in bronze (though I haven't published those tests yet as I mentioned)). FWIW, my personal definition of newbie-friendly is unupped, shardless, and near-rareless (which I usually define as 1-2 rare weapons). I don't find it unreasonable to have a newbie get a rare weapon or two (though I would find it unreasonable for them to need to get, say, four copies of the same rare weapon, which is why I haven't tested an unupped DBH or anything similar). When I point people at the thread who are asking for unupped decks, I always make sure to mention that monodark works just fine without stiletto (and offer options to replace it), and that antabow works just fine without arsenics (and mention replacing it with poison). However, I posted the decks as I tested them, which was including the rares. FWIW, the accounts I used to test them are "newbie" accounts (i.e. low score, low rare).
However, the reason you see most stuff as fully upped here is that that's basically what's required in order to farm arena effectively. There are a handful of things that can farm bronze (reasonably well) unupped, and exactly two things I've ever seen (antabow, monodark) that can farm silver acceptably unupped. Meanwhile, there's a million upped decks that can farm across all leagues. I would like to see a situation where
every deck that can farm arena unupped with acceptable levels of profit is included in this study, but even if we were at that point, there would still be vastly more upped decks than unupped decks.
With regards to upped decks in bronze, nobody else is chasing 11 electrum per win in the bronze league with upped decks either - they're chasing quick rares. An upped deck against bronze is the single fastest method of obtaining rares in the game.
Separating unupped lists from upped lists in the OP would help a lot for visibility/usability purposes.
edit: The other reason there's a lot more upped than unupped is that people who are interested in running stats are generally vets who have upped decks. People like you who are closer to the unupped end of the spectrum but still do a lot of arena grinding are
exactly what we need to get more unupped stats. Please participate!