Okay, I didn't intend for this to be complicated, but apparently I overlooked a few details.
Electrum (no EM) data column is a bit ambiguous. Does that mean dividing the game-displayed electrum-won amount in half to input what would be won had an EM not occurred or is it something else in meaning?
I borrowed this terminology from the STATMASTA. "Electrum (no EM) means that you should enter the amount of electrum you win on normal wins only. Do not enter the amount you win on EM wins, because the spreadsheet calculates this automatically.
Also the TESTING menu has options which seem possibly different but lack enough detail to distinguish when/if to use each one. Could you provide a bit more detail on when to use each choice?

"Update Data" is to be used after you're done entering data. This takes whatever you've entered in yellow and adds it to the pre-existing numbers to the left. Obviously, the first time you do this, it just moves everything. The idea is to allow one person multiple testing sessions, or even multiple people to use the same spreadsheet.
"I'm done!" is to be done after "Update Data". Maybe I should put that in quotes on the menu so it's more clear. This menu item removes the "IN USE" indicator on the spreadsheet so other users know it's available.
Also, the "Duplicate" tab option is unavailable to use and "Copy to" will not allow it to copy to the locked file you have created. Please advise. 

I thought I configured the settings so this wouldn't happen. I'll have to look at it and report back.
File -> Make a copy
^-- does not achieve what I perceived to be the goal of having the stats all in one file (with tabs being for separate decks). ??
rob is correct.