then is the FGei based on that average time?
Yes sort of ... each FGeis formula in the Statmasta is calculated as such:
FGei = Electrum won / time spent (total: wins + losses + skips)For the new edition of the Statmasta this means in detail:
FGei(e) = Electrum actually won / time actually spent
FGei(c) = Electrum you would have won if the gods had handed out cards according to their average droprates / time actually spent
FGei(cn) = Electrum you would have won if the gods had handed out cards according to their average droprates / time you would have spent if you had met every FG equally often
Now for the FGei(cn) the average time/game each god has is rather important because it is multiplied with the number of theoretical, normalized encounters with each god (which is of course the same for all gods). This way a new, theoretical "time total" is created for each god and consequentially for all games played which will in return shift your FGei(cn) away from the FGei(c) in almost all cases.
You could express all this briefly by saying:
Throughout all the games in a sample, a profile is created for each god.
To get an FGei(cn) all the gods profiles are resized to the same size and then merged.
"Win-rate", "EM-rate", "Elec won / regular win" and of course "time/game" god make up a gods profile and lead to:
A gods individual FGei(c) -> These individual FGei(c)s are actually the most interesting values since they express the sum of all above factors ... You could say they
are a decks and gods efficiency/performance profile.
And while we are at it:
The S T A T M A S T A™ r e a l t e c is out.It features the recently confirmed individual cardspin-rates for each god when it comes to calculating the FGei(c) and FGei(cn) as explained above.
This has significantly boosted (and sometimes shifted) our test-decks FGeis as you will see as soon as kirchj has updated the OP.
More information on it and the download can be found in the Statmasta-thread (see my sig).
Please use the realtec-edition one from now on, so that any statsheet-posts show comparable,
up to date results ... and so I don't have to copy-paste everything later