I want to take a minute here to write a little guide on what I found useful playing FG. Some background: I have played over 3000 games of FG now at least, prehaps not much, but hopfully my views will make some sense
For deck refrence,
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,87.0.htmlBefore you start flying off going to kill FG, it is very very very very and I stress, very, useful to know your controls list
Under my signature, I have posted my prime FG deck, which has a list of FG control, just for quick refrence
Instead of writing a huge how to become rich guide again, I am just gonna quickly state things you need to rememeber. Also note, a full upped deck (apart from sundials in most case) are way better then un-upped~
Keep at least 800 electum and start farmingNo matter what deck you use, some god you face will just kill you. Even with a perfect hand, if he just decides you will die, you can do everything right and die.
Some gods are way more powerful then others, so getting your first wins of the day might cost you 100-200 electum before you have a chance
Know why you are farming FG1) For the money
If you are for the money, I would recommend using a RAINBOW deck or a ROL HOPE deck.
They pose the fastest and most effective deck to kill most FG while stanidng a high chance over other FG's
Do read thru the strategy and try to understand the deck, if you cant, use trainer and play a few games. The below are some good example of these decks.
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.0http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4212.0.htmlhttp://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,3993.0.html2) For the fun of the challenge
There are so many fun decks, but since they are called fun decks, they have a lower win rate, but it is much more fun and a break from the normal FG decks. Or of course, if you have the money, build your own and play around with it. I did that and made a few super fun non-orginal decks already
3) I have no idea, I am a newbie, but i know i need the money
If this is the case, no worry, everyone needs a start. I would recommend you doing some t50 with a speed deck and build either one of the 2 below
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1615.0.htmlhttp://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5656.0.htmlDont cry and whine too much when you looseIt is a good practice to learn from your mistake, and try to rememeber it. I am not shy to tell you, after so many FG play, i can loose simply but forgetting to rewind haha.
But dont cry about and think its impossible, if you know your deck well, you know what is really impossible and what is not
SpinsSimliar to the point above, there is NO guarantee you will win spin, last nite, a row of 20 FG gave me no card, while some day I get 2-3 cards off 1 kill. No biggie, just move on. But never never skip the wheel spin, unless you are super super rich hahahahaaha
Use your resources wiselySome people I found like to keep all the upped card they win. In the long term, this is much more cost efficent, but in the short term, it is not time efficent. 1100 electum now to up a card you need verses to one day in a blue moon you want to build a deck with that card, hmm.... you decide
Of coz this only goes to the extent that if you just start and not very rich, but even if you have a full upped deck, these extra electum can allow you to quickly adapat and customised the deck you playing to become better / more to your style
Know what to ditchIf you are farming the money, but then you are not rich, as long as you have the 800+ base electum in hand, ditch the hard ones, for god sake. Ditch them.
I have a new account, 25 hours or so play time, -5000 score (yes, negative) ~250 win, ~900 lost, but alrdy got a 35 card upped and 3000 spare electum
But dont ditch the wrong gods !!!!
Moving to another deckRather now you want to build a new FG deck after you got a full (what you need) cards upped FG deck, I always but the un-upped card and then up them 1 by 1. Going tower FIRST, because you will most unlikely to never win upped tower in spin anyway
Finally, rememeber to have fun, grinding in the start is boring, but as you go on, you will find the fun of the game much more.
P.S Feel free to comment and add things you want, I know I have more to say, just my brain is being real slow today 8)