While in theory this could go exactly as you have put it,
with all due respect there are flaws that are immediately visible:
What you describe is the
maximum potential of the Themis centric stall deck.
However as with all stall decks they follow a common rule,
They all require time and luck to set up properly, if they cannot set it up on time and with the appropriate quantity/cards,
It obviously can bring about negative results to the user, resulting in their loss.
Your version of a Themis centric stall deck involves the need of several cards,
(At least the one you presented)
First of all,
- You need at least 4-5 pillars (assuming you have a mark other than

- PA for the pillars
- secondly Themis
- PA for Themis
- Then I need my source of healing Vs Weapons
- and along with that a third PA
- Morning Glory
- Reflective shield
- Potentially pendulums for Stone skin, needs a decent
Amount of

to be of use. :Earth mark alone isnt enough.
- And hey, why not, lets slap a Fourth PA for the pendulums
- Miracle, And as i said, as soon as you use Miracle, Themis is dead along with its PC immunity
Unless you want to transform it first... Except you need

to do so:
- Source of

for Protecting Themis from Miracle
Or - have 2 more PAs (6 in total now, max.) to replace the Themis that is destroyed
Everytime I use miracle.
That setup... Is massive and is gonna hit a lot of bumps making it extremely difficult to execute perfectly and reach the maximum potential you describe, especially if you're versing

(pest, steal)

( earthquake, Pulverizer)


(trident though also

, Chrysaora),


(Arsenic, Deadly poison) etc...
Secondly: You're assuming

couldn't already do this effectively
before Themis existence.
If anything, it is better NOT to use Themis in a

stall deck because of the heavy upkeep that places pressure on a certain type of stall deck that worked perfectly fine until a new center (or important) card with a (heavy) form of upkeep was introduced to over-complicate what was supposed to be simpler and easier.
Not to mention the card space that Themis and the extra PAs occupy, possibly throwing the whole deck off balance due to affecting the probability of drawing the cards necessary.
See where I'm going?
With all due respect I don't see this being even near as overly strong as you do
And Lets face it:
ANY deck including stall decks has a Maximum potential.
I could describe the maximum potential of having a centric Dim shields + PA deck
In a duo of

Does that make Dim shields op? Not really (Though the sight of one on my opponents side repulses me)
though historically many people considered both Dim and PA, OP.
[Not to mention new players using Mono-Aether alone is already a nuisance to even some experienced players]
(Yes I got that from the "thank you competition thread" and it made me laugh, but nevertheless its true in some aspects)
In the end they weren't OP, individually or together, Because?
Not easy to Set-up / too situational, again, That's right, it is very situational and it can be very difficult to set up such a stall to its maximum potential or alternatively, to its perfection.
From what I can see, this card is not an exception.