Feels far to strong for me, after the SoSac+Singularity nerf.
Yes, it still has it's very small uses. But having it damage you via vamp/am means even stalling is nearly impossible (6 sundials doesn't seem like enough).
Complete remake idea: Enters immaterrial. Has -1/1 (-2/2 upped). Then gains -1/+1 (-2/+2) per attack.
Maybe start slightly higher.
Or just flat out immaterrial -10/10.
Signficantly slows down any rainbow deck that is willing to risk the 10 less damage for the earlier quanta boost, doesn't flat out spell your doom if you have no removal, and feels more... normal...
If anything, a singularity multiplying just feels wrong. Very very wrong. And with both infest and TU as options (maybe mitosis too, haven't checked)
On further thought, the smallest change that would make me happy enough would be removal of vampire. Then Singularity chimera stalls wouldn't have to be worried about killing themselves.
Fourth option would be a 0/1 quinted with nova/supernova as the ability. Every turn gives opponent 1/2 of every quanta. Still fits with the feel, still not detrimental.