So..... This ain't working anymore.
I just did some longterm testing and the time was over 8 hours - now it is showing asynch errors everywhere.
The spreadsheet works just fine when you follow the author's instructions. Asynch errors "everywhere" clearly indicate that you did not. I suspect that you made large entries for total time for wins, losses, and skips for each FG instead of individual entries for each duel. That's what the "asynch error" columns are designed to detect. (Actually, I suspect even more strongly that you made only one huge entry for total time spent.)
The good news is that asynch errors have no effect on the spreadsheet's calculations.
The bad news is that asynch errors prevent the spreadsheet from executing many of those calculations.
The other good news is that one tiny change will eliminate the bad news. Edit Input!N35, delete the formula there, and enter a 0. Voila!
just who thought it was a clever idea to hide the important cells (Q to T).
The spreadsheet's author thought it was a "clever idea" to hide the important cells because he had no control over who downloaded and used his spreadsheet. Spreadsheet geeks can unhide those cells and look around. Such people understand the risks involved in making changes, and usually can repair any damaging changes. Obviously, the author hid those cells to prevent people from inadvertently changing or deleting the things that make the spreadsheet work. This is particularly true for spreadsheet non-geeks.

Having said all that, I think you may find
this post interesting. You probably will want to read it before you spend much more time with STATMASTA. Just sayin'.