Ok, I finally managed to listen to it.
Reading some of the previous comments, I was expecting something much worse. I liked the show, I liked it a lot. Actually, I think it was awesome.
I have a couple of comments.
I think that the content was awesome. I mean really awesome. Radio DJ's don't always know what they are talking about, but you clearly knew what you were talking about.
The length was perfect. With 10 minute shows, the pace is fast and it doesn't get boring.
I'm guessing the mic you are using is not professional quality?

The sound is not terrible, but it has a bit of that "amateur" feel to it with the echo etc.
There's a trick you can use to make it sound better: use background music. With a subtle low-volume background music, tiny flaws in sound recording can be masked. Background music also makes the show sound more "fun" and less like boring news. Try it out and you'll see the difference.
Once again, I'd like to apologize for totally forgetting this whole thing. We should have made your radio show happen a long time ago. But better late than never, right

What I'd like to do next is put your show in our chatroom.
See the audio files here (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,22560.0.html)? That's what I had in mind.
The process would go like this:
1. You record a show
2. You upload it to Kiwi6 (takes less than a minute)
3. You PM me the code
4. I'll add the code to chat room
5. Millions of chat people listen to your show and you become a celebrity
Naturally we cannot pay any money for doing this, but there are some cool perks like..
- Cool forum title
- A website for the show
I have tons of questions and suggestions that I will post later.
Once again, great work.