A history with either a search option or the ability to use Ctrl+F is the only big item on my wishlist.
As is if I want to search through history for "Trials" for instance I think the only way to do it is to copy the history to MS Word or something first.
Anybody have an easier way I just haven't seen yet?
Pressing control + F while in history brought me back to the chat, but in FF I could simply go back to history again and the search bar would still be there.
Pointless since it doesn't search in the history window; it searches in chat.
We really need to be able to search. We can access an all-time history now, and it would help immensely with finding important info for all kinds of staff work.
Separate window for history would indeed be optimal, since you could look at it while doing other stuff (such as, say, chat moderating), and it would be great if the pages in history were longer.