My current feeling on bot related things, in order of most dislike to least
People intentionally triggering a bot repeatedly>welcoming bots> general phrase triggering bots (dead chat, BL anyone, etc)>AveragePotato>Stuff like vrt wave
The only thing that really gets me are the first two, in that people join too much for a welcoming bot to not be stupid and that people that intentionally trigger a bot's activation repeatedly only serve to spam the chat when the bot normally would not be spamming chat. BL anyone is probably slightly higher than general phrase, though. Since so many people say it and the fact that if you play a person you can't play them again for 20hrs while it would still spam it.
The first is about as annoying as people who would get kicked from chat for doing what they are doing, the latter being people who don't get kicked for being annoying.
So honestly, I don't care about most bot use.