An idea hit me-- Why not run the Immortal against time?
With the current event card, the biggest possible deck they can build is 38 cards, so the Immortal is a free win there...
They will likely expect this and bring either a few copies of RT or Eternity. It's far too risky to try and deck out Time.
Aye^^ as Terroking already edited in your post, it's far too risky. (just in case you might've missed it)
Maybe hint on the chat something like this: "meh
can play only 38 cards, a sure win for immortal"
Misinformation ftw.
I'm clearly against doing this.
First of all, if it actually did work the way you inted it to, it would be IMO considered fould play which I won't approve of. What is much more likely is, that it will be ignored, but team earth will be seen as a fail team, either because we would have leaked curcial information, or for being so desperate to have to try and use a misinformation strategy against a low vault team.
Also, on a sidenote: doing this would reveal to other teams that we are able to field an Immortal. Might change someones opinion so they'll start building a little bigger decks against us.