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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312058#msg312058
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2011, 01:36:59 am »
Nice going Acsabi!

Well then, let's take it apart:

Krakerlake vs :death xn0ize
A nice choice there. But I wonder about those Glorys. wouldn't it be a better choice to have them 1: unupped and 2: -1 Glory +1 FW.
Why unupped? To get space for more useful ups. The difference between a upped Glory kill and a unupped are 2 turns (neglectable in this deck). But having 5 Miracles and one FW upped increases the speed of the kill (also counters bonewall a little) and gives a higher chance to survive an early onslaught.
I'd really rather have an early useless FW in hand which clears the Glorys than 2 useless Glorys stuck forever.

Terroking vs :life Isei
Wrong mark :P should be Entropy
Personally I'd add one or two shields. Life has lots of low atk hitters which get really annoying with Adrenaline. BB doesn't help there at all, but the Shield does.
IMO, the best going here would be -1 Pillar, -1 BB, +2 Titan Shields
Or just -1 BB +1 Shield to ensure less Quanta problems.
But I am also not really sure whether life can bring enough hitters out with so much scrambling going on.

Spielkind vs :light Boingo
The dragons would have to be salvaged, but I don't see any problem there.
As I see it, this deck has much too low earth quanta.
-4 Pends +4 Pillars would fix that. You should still get enough darkness to play those pests fast enough.

Avenger vs :darkness Lt. Wizardcat
Möp, looks fine to me.

Acsabi44 vs :air truddy02
Air has wings and they will most likely use it, meaning arsenics are mostly useless here.
I'd go with another deck, but couldn't decide on which one.

TimerClock14 vs :water aznkid66
The only change I'd do here is -1 Lightning +1 Fog Shield.
Lightning is a awesome spell, but if they have just 2 or more creatures out, the Shield counters more damage, even a possible arsenic can be hold at bay.

$$$man vs :fire Lt. majofa
Interesting choice. I was never good at battling vs. fire, so I'll just leave it to you folks.

Kamietsu vs :aether EvaRia
What would aether expect us to do? Grabbow. What do they do? Lots and lots of Lightning, Shields and Immortals. What do we do? - Nothing =)
Aye, nothing to add here.

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312126#msg312126
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2011, 03:53:55 am »
Deck 1: (Death)
The Immortal seems like an ok choice, second would be Scrambled Shrieker's I'd say. I'd also agree with not upping the Glories, having 2 stars, 3 Imp. Miracles, 1 Animate, and 2 Diamonds would be best in my opinions (Titaniums are strong against Death, almost all of their good decks use Arsenic as major damage, it 100% nullifies it if out early. Also replace one Sanc for a 3rd Titanium I'd say.

Deck 2: (Life)
Hmmm... Hard to say... We've got a lot of options that beat 95% of their decks but get hard countered by one specific one. I'll think more on it after doing their intel thread, if they've lost enough with DIm SHield/are likely to use it elsewhere, we should go GotP/Graboid.

Deck 3: (Light)
This is a good solid deck to use provided they don't go Immolation, which I rather suspect they will. GotP/Graboid with RT is our best shot agsisnt them, they can't do much to it.

Deck 4: (Darkness)
I expect them to go Devtal, so this is a strong pick. What we'll probably end up using is Scrambled Shriekers as deny is powerful vs. Darkness.

Deck 5: (Air)
We beat them with The Immortal last round, so they'll be ready for a stall, but is there anything they can do to stop it? Need more intel. Earth/Grav, The Immortal, or Mono-Earth stall are best shots here I think.

Deck 6: (Water)
I'd like to send Dev/EQ denial up against them this round. I'll draft something up tomorrow after getting intel.

Deck 7: (Fire)
I anticipate Miracle/Bolt stall, but don't know how this deck does against it. (I'd assume poorly but only testing will tell, I'll run some experiments with this & other decks tomorrow).

Deck 8: (Aether)
Sure, looks fine to me, though I might add some PAs (Keeping Sancs alive vs. devtal or pillars vs. Graboids will be crucial)

I'll get some actual drafts done after the Intel threads & testing tomorrow.

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312196#msg312196
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2011, 10:59:47 am »
wow, thanks for the feedback! I kinda agree with all your recommendations.

As for fire, I'm sure they'll be expecting a RT/graboid, so my gut says majofa will be playing a boltstall. Well, the SS takes care of the :fire part of the deck, but you are right in that the posion won't be able to tackle the other half if it's Miracles.
One option would be to guess their deck size then add to our deck and outstalll them. The other option is to come up with another deck for this matchup.

About my match v :air : Well, the plan was to play an early Arsenic before their wings, which does a few points of posion damage.... Then the Posions are unaffected by wings.. Then they'll just... die, right? right? I expect a 8-10 posion counters on them before they can lock us down, mostly via the Posions. That means a ~10 turn clock.
One possibility is to leave the Arses out and add something which makes the deck stronger vs :air .
Other option is to do with another deck, tho our remaining choices are mostly graboid-based, and they tend to die easily to the quality CC arsenal of :air (OE, Shockwawe)
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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312204#msg312204
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2011, 11:16:16 am »
just pulverize their wings!!! but i think, to outstall them is much better, take shields instead of arses and stall him to hell  8)

edit: testing that denial deck round 1 hour, i will vote for the change with 4pillars instead of 4 pends, works realy nice against lvl3!
but the question is if they play immo, what do i? ;)
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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312232#msg312232
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2011, 01:26:51 pm »
Quote from: $$$man link=t+opic=24391.msg333929#msg333929 date=1302825032
I am so sorry guys, for some reason I could not access the forums until now. I really apologize. But I am back (well.. I was never gone...)
For my matchup, any solid immo rush could out do the Bbloods before I get enough for a good couple of SS's.
Use the bunny and official chat.

Acsabi44 vs :air truddy02

I would try to fight air with pulvy/direct damage to kill them before they manage an otk. Alternatively, if there is no pulvy, winged creatures? Do we have any besides stone dragon? Flying weapon+arsenic?

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312240#msg312240
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2011, 01:46:15 pm »
I am so sorry guys, for some reason I could not access the forums until now. I really apologize. But I am back (well.. I was never gone...)
No worries. The problem was, that the old forum url was broken and a temporary new link was set by SG so we could still acess it. If you had googled for the elements forum, you would have found it :P
Because of the forum downtime it was decided that the first round substitutes were free, so we didn't have a disadvantage.

Glad to have you back.

If anything ever breaks again, I'd suggest everyone keeps going to the private chat every once in a while.


// on topic:
Going with Pulverizers agains :air would be a possibility, using Dragons is another.
Something I threw together in a minute is this:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58r 58r 58r 58r 58r 58r 58s 58s 58u 58u 595 595 595 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 8pm

It's even mono earth =)
The Riders are just for the kicks of it in there. Can be replaced by pretty much anything (EQ, SS, Pillars)

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312243#msg312243
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2011, 01:50:51 pm »
Add 2 SS there for heals in the mono earth deck against :air.

I don't know where we get the black dragons in the deck against :light.
If they start with a sanctuary before you draw your steal, all your :darkness cards will be waste.

I take that back, pendulums and mark give enough :darkness for steals. And stealing sancts can mess up light.
Both of their stalls beats this deck consistently by deckout.
The neurotoxin deck can surprise it, but only with bad draws. You should steal the sanctuaries to maintain lockdown (and don't play dragons if they are prone to rewind).
The others are easily locked down.

Offline Terroking

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312434#msg312434
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2011, 09:17:46 pm »
Actually, I think we could out-maneuver Air by playing a Graboid deck. Obviously, because we went creatureless stall the first time against them, we're not going to send Grabis out against Wings/OE. So, essentially, they are dead cards. So they won't take them (Well, probably OE at least, so I'd like to take Scrambled SHriekers for PC & Deny). Foolproof.
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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312454#msg312454
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2011, 09:41:30 pm »
Actually, I think we could out-maneuver Air by playing a Graboid deck. Obviously, because we went creatureless stall the first time against them, we're not going to send Grabis out against Wings/OE. So, essentially, they are dead cards. So they won't take them (Well, probably OE at least, so I'd like to take Scrambled SHriekers for PC & Deny). Foolproof.
My gut tells me that they will, against all odds, go rainbow against us. Even when I asked RNG, she was quite certain that something rainbowy was there.

Apart from that, I don't think this is a good idea. Against Air, I'd seriously go with Dragons. Plenty of health, plenty CC, Wing immune and a TTW that is acceptable.
Shockwave is just too cheap to deny by scrambling and a single wing can already spell the doom for that 1 PC deck.

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312463#msg312463
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2011, 10:00:07 pm »
Hmm... Do you have any Auburn Nymphs, Ascabi? They could be useful.

Also: Damn, we don't have an Otyugh deck, or, for that matter, any Gravity deck at all :/ That could hurt.
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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312484#msg312484
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2011, 10:29:14 pm »
Add one or two more cards to the deck going against air? Their firefly deck is a mild stall. Just poison will deck out.
In fact, plague would be extremely good here...

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Re: Round 2 Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24391.msg312509#msg312509
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2011, 11:15:59 pm »
Earth Intel shows, that we used very few Enachant Artifacts last round.
And as other Intels show, other teams like to use EQ pretty much randomly as well.

So I'd suggest to add a few EAs to our stall decks, as opposing intel might have the same idea that popped into my head when doing some Earth intel.


blarg: Kakerlake