So, as I stated in the Topic
SoIWinI tried to do a Shard Golem with the Scarab ability.
Here's what I came up with:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
77d 77d 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 786 786 786 786 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pl
Since I really don't need much time I decided to go with

Mark and some pends. This way SoR can be used with another SoI. Of course you can still used it to surpass the one turn delay to use the ability of scarabs immediately. The heavy armor's are there to use on scarab because it still takes a while for them to get strong. So heavy armor allows you to devour much earlier.
Some fine tuning is still possible. E.g. -1 Gemfinder + 1 Precog, or a turtle shield or hourglass might fit in somewhere. Anyway, with the amount of shard I got the Scarab Golem pretty fast.
If you think you got the combo out early enough you can change the precogs for rewind to have some more CC.
Another version could look like this:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
77d 77d 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 786 786 786 786 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pl

is produced so hourglasses can be used. Because of lots of PC I'm not too sure about the turtle shield. The rest is the same as before.
And last but not least here a deck that provides also some PC against pesky shields.