So you are saying that if there is more people using a deck, time later there will be less people using it?
No, that's not what I'm arguing. I'm arguing that if more people are using Firestall, then it is less overpowered. Power is only one of the multiple variables that determines a deck's frequency in the metagame.
The only problem is that facing the same classic 5 decks the 50% of the games makes EtG less funny. In my opinion, the deckbuilding and games against original decks is what mekes this game good.
If you face the same 5 decks 50% of the time, you could try creating decks that mostly work effectively against the 5 decks you often see. This will overall improve your chances of winning. While seeing many different decks is fun, your solution punishes those that follow your anti-firestall guidelines while rewarding those that do not follow your anti-firestall guidelines. If every player uses the same set of rules, the game will involve more skill instead of involving whether or not players choose to follow the suggestions of others.
And on the flipside, using overpowered decks may cause inexperienced newbies to ragequit and result in more people complaining to nerf cards in Firestall,
Well, Firestall should be nerfed. It is overpowered, and nerfing Firestall improves the metagame. More complaints results in a larger chance for Firestall to be nerfed.
not to mention people are less likely to make their own original decks in favor of being 'forced' to build counters to win, which overall results in a stiffer metagame.
As I said to Chapuz, his suggested solution is not the right answer.
While seeing many different decks is fun, your solution punishes those that follow your anti-firestall guidelines while rewarding those that do not follow your anti-firestall guidelines. If every player uses the same set of rules, the game will involve more skill instead of involving whether or not players choose to follow the suggestions of others.
Nerfing Firestall, however, will create an improved metagame while keeping as much skill in Elements as before.
How has Firestall been buffed, when there's now a quanta cap and more Fire cards are now less cost-efficient?
Also, I've seen very few (if any) recent nerfs to any non-fire cards, except for the Shards.
The quanta cap and the Deflag nerf have very small impacts on Firestall. Many of Firestall's counters, however, have been nerfed. Phoenix used to be one of the strongest answers to Firestall that was also effective against other decks, but now it is not as effective against Firestall as it was before. The quanta cap hurt other Firestall counters, such as Bone Bolt with Fractal Dragons and Mono Darkness/Fire/Water Rushes with Bolts.
Zanz's nerfs to Firestall then encourage people to find a new OP deck, and the cycle starts all over.
With the right nerfs to Firestall and other imbalanced cards/decks, nothing will be overpowered. There will still be strong decks, but nothing will
centralize the metagame as much anymore. There will also be no two-deck combos that can together defeat almost the entire game.
It works, but whatever happened to the wonderful method of communication that was the forums, or expanding/'completing' and buffing other elements?
Just my 2 cents.
I'm not sure what you mean here. People still communicate on the forums. As for "expanding/completing" weaker Elements, what else is there to be done? I've linked The Metagame (,30797.0.html) to zanz, and I believe he had already read it or at least looked at it previously.
Back then false god rainbows were good then sundial was nerfed.
Sundial was overpowered in PvP.
Then the Firestall was nerfed.
No, it wasn't, as I've already explained.
Now the OP deck is now Instosis because of a buff. I suspect that Mitosis\SoR will get nerfed.
Perhaps, but there are cards that are more OP. Keep in mind that PvP should be used for card balance.
After that, there will be no OP decks.
No. There are plenty of OP cards and decks currently. I would start by reading The Metagame. (,30797.0.html)
I am in favour of people who make original ragequit decks. Ususlly thay have inundation, alphatoxyn, antimatters and that stuff. There are SO MANY good cards and sinergies to make ragequit decks that the simple firestall is just... not original.
Games are won by deck advantages, not originality. Firestall is usually a better option than flooding/aflatoxin/antimatter stalls.